- j rrepoßTiNc; "-: ■■~-- i —|'- JJANNEYIBKE,.:, J; RACING. _ , CLUB.: ■"■■l MEETING. ■• ""' WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, NOVEM- . ; ■' \ . BER If-and.lß. '.. >.\ ■■■■;"■"•'■ -■.'.,■ •■■;•.•:■■:V-fibst.;d ; ay.-'-:':.x ,-',: :••:>; 1. ratjmati hack : handicap hurdles,' of 80 sots., second horse" to receive' 10 sovs., and the third horse 5 soye. from the,stake. Over 7' flights ofjhur'dles 3ft; Gin., high. Nonjination . ; lQs., acceptance 30s, One mile ■ . and threMinarters. ' ■"' ""' ' •"''' " 2. UMUTAOROA HACK HANDICAP,. of 100 soys., second: horse'l to receive 15 sovs., and third horse 10. 6ovs. from the'!stake. Nom-tioii-10s'.; acceptanio''4os. ■ Six furlongs. . ; 3. DANNEyiRKE HANDICAP. (Open), of 300 soys., second horse , to receive 50. soys., and ' third horse 20 sovs.'-'from.the.-.stake.. ,Nomi-' : . nation .1 eov,, acceptance 4 sovs/-. One mil© and a Quarter.' ' i,i • , -.. ':'.- i. MAIDEN FLAT, of 65 soys., second horse : toreoeiye.W s6v"B.,,and third horso 5 sovs. frohi the stake. For two-year-olds and up-' wards.; Entry" 305 , . Weight Bet. Four furlongs and a half. , . . . . • . .■: 5. MATAMAU.FLYING, HANDICAP (Open), of'l2o sovs., Becbnd hoise. to'receive .20 : soys., and third'horse 10 eoys. from the stake. ; Nomination :'l sov., acceptance "2 .Eovs. Six furlongs. '■■ :.'-..- ... 6i OTANGA'HACK WELTER) of 70..60v5.,"6e--cond horse-to receive 10 soys.,, and; third horse ■ 5 soye. ■ from.- th'e .stake. '.'/' Minimum' • weight'■ 7et.'' 101b.-. "Nomination, 10?., acceptance 30s. ' One mile'...'-' ■: • ■;■''.''■..''..■.', : • 7. TIRATU DASH HACK HANDICAP, of. 70 sov6., second; hor6e',to.,receiye 10 soys., and, third liors3 '5 'sovs?' from' the".stak«r Minimum weight•''Tst.jii.:. Nomination-. 10si,. ac- . ce'ptanco 30s. ' Five" furlongs; ' " "• 8. WEBER. WELTER; HANDICAP (Open) : of. 110 sovs., second horse to receive 15 s'ove., and third horse .'lO sovs. -from, -tlie stake.- ; Minimum weight BsL:,' Nomination .1 soy., acceptance 2''sovs.•; Seven furlongs. " : i--- SECOND DAY: ';, ■ 1. WAIKOPIRO HANDICAP HACK; HURr DIES,.-.'of 70 second.horso;to receive, 10-eovsi, third horsa 5 sovs. froni: thestake. ; . Over six flights of hurdles 3ft;6in. ; high. Nomination 10s., acceptance 30s. ■ One mile. and a half., ' r ■ - ■■-■'• 2. NOVEMBER.;. HANDICAP- .(Open); of: 100 sovs., second horscj-to receive 15 sovs., and third-horse 10 soya; from the stake. l '^Nom!-; ■ . nation .1 soy.,' acceptance 2'.so,vs.; Six.fur- '■ ' longs. : •■ ; ' ! .' ■ '-V- ■ : ."•'-'■' ••-.' \ " 3. TELEGRAPH ;HACK' HANDICAP, of -65, soVs.,'second .horse; to■ receive; iO'.Boys., and third horse 5 "sovs.r from-tho stake. Nomi-. ', nation ;ios., acceptance 205. : Five : furlongs.* *. RUAHINE HACfc : ,WELTERy of 65 soys:. second 'horse. to "'receive! .10 -sovs., and third horse-5 sovs. from the stakt. -Minimum . weight; 7st.-71b.. Nomination Ms., aocept- . ance2os. Seven -furlongs.' '■ .'•'. ':•' '•'"•■■ 5. SPRING HANDICAP (Open), .of 150 sovs., i second-.horse'to receive '.25' sovs.: and third ,'■ horse 10 sovs; .front , ; the stake. : , Nomination , .■■ rsov.",r,acceptance; 3 sovs. . One mile and ■■ a .distance.... .;»"■ ; >./ ' '■:■•'.'; 6. THE SHORTS, of 65 sovs., second horse to rcoeivo ; 10 ,sovs., and.third iiorsc J 'soys.. from the stake...; For two-year-olds and upwards 1 that i have ■ not won ■a. race at time ' \ of- starting. Weight 7st. 71b.'.Entry 30s; ■Five furlongs.; '•;•■'.:■ '■ ■'■ ■ ,•.•'■',". 7. PIRI PIRI HACK HANDICAP,.of 70 sovs., second-horse to receive 10 sovs.i and third horse 5, sovs. from, the stoke; Nomination lOs., acceptance. 80s. Seven furlongs.'-' 8. ORINGr WELTER; HANDICAP- (Open), of 100 60V5., second horse to receive 15 sovs.,, and; 10-sovs.:'from tho etake. • Minimum 'weight Ist.. 71b. . Nomination' 1 ; . sov., acceptance-2-soys.. One.mile.i- ■;- .; FUBL PROGRAMp .IN'.'•REFEREE;" ' !. ACCEPTANCES-ITbi' the- First .Day/a. Races • also entries for the -Maiden Flat' and, The 1 Shorts-close- with -the..Secretary, Dannevirlce, on SATURDAY; November 6, at; 9 p.m. For the , tary at hjs Office, Dannevirke. on- the ]>?•• .'s of theiFirst Day's Races, at ;9.3Q o'clock. Telegraph Office closes"atjß p.m. .. .'■.....;■ ~''-. , . JAMES 'SPIERS -FREEMAN," Secretary, /■ 1051 ; ,";" /;. P.O..Boi.so,;Dannevirie; •. rpARATAHI-CAETERTdN .RACING' CLUB. A ; ';-> ANNUAL 4 'MEETING. ■•■■'.- ■.-.'..• ■ .' !cL^REVILLE : RACEC6URSIi,' ■'■ ':•- jTUESDAY/'AND-WEDNESDAY; ■■"-■■"••' ' : NO\T3MBEB 9'AND 10, 1909. ' : : r ' : I -;y .FIRST. DAY: / •:, I.TARARUA HACK HURDLE HANDICAP, of 170 sovs.; :Bocond horse 10 :.sovs;- ~;ttorn stake. ■ Nominatior)i.-.205.,' acceptance, 20s. , One mile and a..ltalf. •'■ -, ■.■■-. 2. BELVEDERE HACK' HANDICAP,',of 70 . soys., -Bcpond: horso .10-sovs. from 'stake'.' Nomination,' 20s.'; 'acceptance, 20s. 'Sixfuvlongs.?-. .•.'■■■...': ■■'';■■';"■•..■ • v; ■ ..,..'. 3. RAILWAY HANDICAP (open), of .JOp'.sovs.;, secblidjhorse; 10. sovs. from • state: Nomination, 205.; acceptance;'3os. Six furlongs.';' 4. WAIIiARAPA' HACK GUINEAS/' 1809,•: o 100; guineas, second horse 20 guineas; third 10 guineas from the stake; lor-3-year-olds , .that hiive not won-a-race of ovorlOO sqvs... 'at- liuib-of. starting. ..Colts.Bst, 101b., fillies, and geldings Bst. Mb. • The winner of aiiy--1 race/after. Ist August, 1908, .to carry a; . ,'alty of 716'., two oj , more races lOlb.; tobe run at .'■the.' Taratahi-Carterton ' Kacing Club's meeting in November,'-1909.: Nomination, ,103. e<l.; acceptance (215.)..0n night of goneral.acceptance,- ; .iWednesday, .Nov., 3rd.. Closed.' Sev^n' furlongs. 5. WAIRARAPA COUNTY 'CUP HANDICAP, open, of 200; soys.-, second' horse- 20: sovs.,.third horse 10 soys, from stake. Nomination '2fls'.r adceptanfo,. 60s. .One railo and ■■ a' quarter." ■■ ■'!-''■':■ * '■ ' ■.' '..■-: 'V.., 6. KING EDWARD'S} HACK HANDICAP, of 75 sovs«,6econd'horse' 10 soys, from stake. ■Nomination,; 205:,-! acceptance,.. '20s. One ' mile.' "• . •'.-■ '.-.!■'■■■• :, -. ; .'. '■ • ■•.. l 7. TRIAL iF.LATE.,'.oI--50'bovs:, .second , . , horse , 10 sovs. from stake. Weight-for-age. Open to ■3-ycar-olds"and' upwards that have; not ■;'.-. won a,)l»t race.e.'tpeeding' SO.soys. in valtio, :'" at: time 'of "starting:.,;, Entrance,: 205.: -Six8. GLADSTONE \HAGK''"'ivraLTE : R r ''.HAISDI.CAP, of"0 s'ove'.; Bccond"horse'lo'sovs. from stake. ">Minimum weight, Bs.t. Nomination,'20s:;;' acceptance, 20s.'. Seven furlongs.■•,,...•_: ' ■•■■-,' : .,\" ; .SECOND.DAY. ;V'...;'(..,,-.''.'■ i; PAKKVALE HANDtdAP', of 70 sbvs-, 2nd-horse. 10 sovs.-from stake.. Nomina'tion, 20s; y Acceptance,. 205.. ,One mile arid three-quarters. - : .;'■ - ;■■ •■'•' 2. DALEFIELD HACK HANDICAP, of 70 2nd howQ ,'i 10 'sovs. ' froin':sttike. Nomination,-.205. ..Acceptance, 205.; ;.■ Six 3. TELEGKAPH HANDICAP (open), '.-''of" 100 sqvs;, 2nd horse 10 sovs. from- , stake. Nomination; 20s.v acceptance 30s.' Six furlongs. 4. TAKATAHI VHACfc -HANDICAP, of 70' . soys., 2nd ;horse '10 soys., from, etake. Nomination.v 20s.;'acceptance; 20s. Five ' furlongs.- -^-:■■■-■•* ■•■•■■ . . .;-. : .- -. 5. CLAREVILLE, HANDICAP (open), of 150 6ovs;, 2nd : horse'2oi sovs., 3rd 10 sovs. from stake, i Nomination,. 20s;;. acceptance,'. 50s. ; One mile. '."■'■■■■ : v -1 ■■■■ ■'■'■■ ■ , '-. '■ 6. GRANDSTAND. .WELTER, of 70 '. ■ soys., 2nd horse lOjSovs;.from stake. Mini- : mum' weight,;',7st.!7lb'..- Nomination, -20s.'; acceptance, 20s. Ono milp." .'. . 50.,50v5., 2nd horse 10 soys, from; slake'. For.'horses 3 yehrs and upwards, ■■ that-have never .won '. a race the value'of .30 sovs., at time of starting. Weight.'JOst.;-Entrance, 20s. Five furlongs. ■•' : ' - '; . , ■■'"■ . ' 's ■' 8. CARTER.TON : WELTER (open), "of.-; 80 .sovij, 2nd. horse 10 sov?.; from stake. ..Minimum weight,'-. Bst.',' Nomination,. 205.; acceptance, 20s.'- Seven furlongs. , .-: •..■''■ • • N.B.—The Telegraph? Office closes at Carterton at 8 p.m; .-, . •■ v -. ■'.-; : \ .-■ ■: ; ;■;■ 'rehandic APs. \ ;';■"' The winner of. any race oftor the declaration of weights,'shall be.liable to be rcharidicapped. v . :: .:;•: -NQMINATIONS. -'.. . ''■" V;--' ■• For all Races, I'exccpt'Guineas,' Trial Plate and.Scurry olose on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1009,.at1'9 , p.m, :■ ■-■•' ■'..■'•■'.-■■ , ■■■'.■ ''•. ■■ '■■-..ij--,'. ■:■.; weights. ■;,■..•;: f ■■■ ■'.'■ For.'First Day's Race's will.be declared on or nbontrSATURDAY,; OCTOBER .30, r]9o9. For Second -D»». Races,- will. be declared- on -the night, of the first day's .races at; the Marquis of Ndrmanby Hotel, Carterton, at. about 8 p.m.■"-'•'■ '• ■■'■'-- , : '■•',.- ;, ■■.'■•: '■■'.-' ■ ■ ■ : •■'■'. .:'■ .■;: : r .?:;.^ACCEPpNCES; , . r . '' ; ' For, Firsl 'fia/e, races and entries" for Trial 'late aud Maiden Scurry, close on.' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER \ 3,. 1909, at 9 p.m;-' For Second, Day's. Races,- will dose .'. on- the night of the first day's races! with the Secretary, at his office, Carterton, at'9.Bo-p.m. : ■ ;, ;■ ■;. :;.; ■- ■ ' -. Secretary Submitted anil, Approved, .' : - " ■-, ■ .A, E. Whytoi Secretaw :Wellington Eac29*1' ; Uu; Club, Benutnber 7, 1804. s \' , t
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 627, 2 October 1909, Page 3
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1,110Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 627, 2 October 1909, Page 3
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