-,■ investment SHAKES. " "'- Testerday'B transactions consisted of-Now Zealand Shipping Oo.'s at £7 2s. 6d„ and LcylandOBnen at 225.; National Bank: buyers £5 19s. sellers £6 Is.;. Bank of New Zealand, buyers £9, : 45., isollors £9 65.; Wellington Investment,' buyers . Ho., sellers lis. 6d.; Wellington Trust and Loan, buyers £(, 19s:, Bellers £7 25.; Fcilding Gas, buyers 20s. 9i.; Napier Gas, £5 paid, sellers £12 ■ 10s.; Palmerston North Gas, sellers £7 155.; New Zealand Insurance, buyers £3 175.; South British Insurance, buyers £2 133.; Standard Insurance, buyers 235.; New Zealand Shipping:, buyers £7 25.-6 d.; Wellington Woollen, buyers £3; .'Taupirt Coal,'sellers. 205.;: Wcstport Coal,' sellers £6 ss.;.Westpon-Stockton, sellers 65.'9 d.; .0.10., preference,'-buyers 21s. 6d.; Miramar, Ltd., sellers 12s. 6d.; Paper-Mills, buyers '225. 6d.j Wellington/Opera House, sellers £7 17s. 6d.; ■ ■ -.. ■".■■':■ ' ' ' ■; -.- '■.^'.^;'-:;'''VhmcooE'-and'.co.',-ltd.---;'.-'. .-' Tho'third annual report of Messrs.-Hancock and Co., ,of New Zealand, presonted : at the annual meeting held' in London on' August 20, showed a "divisible balance of £19,947, tho dividend on ordinary, shares being six per cent., 'says a correspondent. Mr. A. -Marks, who presided,; explained .that tho company had, by reason of .tho recent.'. local option vote,', lost somo licenses, and, in. order to arrivo at tho capital valuo of the loss so sustained, tho company had employed thrco highly reputable valuers in Auckland to value, "as no-license; properties," tho properties affected... A mean had been takon■of tho thrco valuations,: and :if showed that tho capital .value -of 'thoso properties was, as compared with what they stood ht in their books, reduced by tho sum of £6079, : which amount had been : debited, to the capital reserve, explaining the absorption of tho.available* sum for'this'fund for the year under review, and tho reduction; of the balance by a sum of £13C0 aB compared with last year. l -'. The chairman paid a tribute to the manner in which Mr. Moss Davis (tho managing director): and his two sons had looked after tho interests of tho company during tho past year. • ' , ' ; ' . < .■■■■'■ MASTERTON BUILDING SOCIETY. - Tho balance-sheet of the Masterton Permanent I Investment and Building Society. Limited, for tho year ended-August 31. 1909, has: been circulated. The directors, In their report, say that under existing conditions it must be considered satisfactory, "The profit earned for the year is 7.17 per cent., and the financial position of • tho soctoty is stronger than it has over been before.; Durine th» year tho soolety'i peranntnt ■ capital has been lnorooioa by tho Istno of-160 i /■uly boU-ud shJwoß of 4U cash, at a jtcmliua <;
• of £1 per share. Tho shrinkage in both volume of business and percentage of profit is tho natu- ! ral consequenco of tho prevailing depression." Tho liabilities and assets for tho past thrco •■ s*cars ■ comparo as under :— • ,';" . '' 1907. 1908.' 1909. Liabilities— - £ £ £ Share capital 24,354 25,041 27,004 , -. Eoservo fund 1,727' 1,977 2,127 - * Deposits 23.336 22,418 23,113 Overdraft 2,641 4.3P.6 - Other liabilities - .122' 133 87 i SS Loans .: ..;.. 51,23) 53,024 48,(60 i Freehold ■ 870 870 870 ■ . Furniture.. : 60 £9 ' 60 . ;< Bank"-credit - - 2,721 t' During the past year the not profit appropriated '. to'tho several classes of shares waß £1784 ss. Bd., . as against £1924 19s. Bd., in 1908, and £1824. Is. 4d. j 'in 1907. This socioty is looked upon as a caro--1 fully managed concern, and-'tho shares find fav- : our .with investors ccncrally;'; ~ : j' ■ '. . - GEEMAN BANKING.! Quito a fcaturo in German banking daring I recent ■ years.-has been the energetic manner in i which-banks have been opened in foreign counj tries. .A vast amount of capital has been forthcoming for these enterprises, nearly all countries whero German merchants havo estab- [ lißhed connections there is now at least one re--1 ' prescntative of Teutonic banking. A list of " ,these oversea--institutions-haß • boon compiled s by a French' paper, from which we gather .that I from 1904 to .1906 no fewer than olovon banks i of this character were formed. Of theso tho , largest in point of • nominal, capital was - tho ' Bank fuer Handel und Industrie, whoso capital, was 'about-40 million"marks. Next in i size came the Ameriko Bank. 25 million marks: ■the German -South.' America Bank,' 20 million marks; tho Deutsche Orient Bank, 16 million ' •■ marks; ttie-Banquo d'Orient, 15 million francs; ! In addition, - several largo foreign bonks were i founded in earlier years .notably tho Corhmor- , cial Italian-Bank, with a capital of 105 million ; francs,, and the German .'Overseas Bank, with one' of 20 million marks. It will thns be'seen that' German banking, interests abroad are'now of an-important-character, but in one respect they possess a marked difference from British institutions working,-in foreign .countries-.-and the colonies. In tho latter case the banks aro almost, without exception independent organisa-'t-lons quite unaffiliated with any of the great English joint-stock hanks. But the German . fortiign'banks, on the Contrary.'are usually controlled by ono or ottier-nt th« Inr-o banks-in Germany, and it-is donbtlcss largely owin" this fact that they havo been ablo to commenco oncrations with such a largo capital instead ■ of steadily-, building ,up a- connection from comparatively 'small beginnings as : so many of our' English banks havo done. .... XA. ;l ■ ■■'• IMPOET'MAEKET. ' ;">- ',-':".' Thero is a decided improvement in the conditions of trade. Merchants'are receiving larger orders, and indent agents are being hotter cmployed. ' For tho past twelve months "merchants have boon restricting their imports,'and now find-that'they must increase their foreign pur- ' Chases to.copa with local demands.' Business in tho country shows a far greater improvement '~ .than that of the city,, but that 1b inevitable just now. Tho country. districts must beto get. in profits bofore: the'city can-feel tho 1 change: There will bo briskness in Wellington presently.'. - -• ■ ■ -..-■-. . Arrowroot-Queensland ' sorts do not pay to handle at the present prohibitive prices, Candles.—The demand. continues to, fall off. Prices ' aro unchanged. ■• Tho New Zealand Candle' Company's quotations Btand as follow: — Premier stearino ,v and • Ave medal, :5d.; British sperm, French sperm, universal wax, Excelsior paraffin, 53d.; < Apollo sperm'and Venus paraffin, 6d.; Vends, coloured fluted, 61d.: piano, bedroom,'and carriage sorts in cardboard boxes, 71d., less'the usual'tra'de discounts. . Price's London sperm, 16oz. 63d-. 14oi ; 6id.; Burma, 160z.,-6Jd. "' ; Cornflour—Steady business" passing. B. and P., 53d. to 51(1.; Johnson's, 2Jd.; Brown's, 3d.'; Chicago,- 2Jd.- v -..-.■' Cocoa.—A steady hand-to-mouth business Is jdoiair. Van Houtcn's, l's, 3b. 2d. ;■ J's, 3s. 3d..'Vs.- 3s. 4d. per lb.;' Bensdorp's,' l's, 2s. 10d.; J's, Is lid.'; l's, 35.; Fry's, l's. Is. 41d.;.Baliia'2s. lOd." Messrs. Cross and. Blackwell have placed .a lino of cocoa On.the market, and the getrup-of tho ting is remarkably attractive. . Oondenscd Milk'.—Highlander, 55.; Cowslip. 4s; frl.i Swiss' Milkmaid, 65.i6d.,t0..65.;'11d.- per^cfutod. ' Canned 'Meats—Sheep tongues. 10s.' 6d;- to' Us.' for l's; ox .tongue's. 2j's. 31s.ktO 345'.; 3's, 34a. to 365.. per dozen; Gear's assorted, potted, 4s. 6d.; . St.; GeorßO'B, -ss. ~ . - ■ .-,. N '■ -Canned a very moderate''-liu«|ncsi , is doing, iu canned ..lish.-Uorripgi in : toinat'u sauce, l's, '7s. ■ to li. 6d.;'j's,'4s. 6d.' to 'Ss'.;'klp»' ■ pored herrings, l's, 7s: 6d. to -7a.59d.; J's, 4s. 6d. to 55.; fresh herrings,.l's, 6s. 6d.; lobster O and B', Jib. tins, 14s. 6d to 155.; 6almon, salad medium reds, lib. tails, 83. 6d. to 95.; lib. fiats 9S to, 9s. 6d.; silver, Jib. Hats, 55.; Golden Link' Sockeye, lib. tails, 10s. 6d.; lib.; flats, lis.; Southern Oro?s, Jib., 6s. 6d. Herringlets, In oil, Seuutor brand, lis.- to Bs.. 6d.; in tomato'sauce, 8s to Bs. 6d.; sardines. Skipper, 31b'.:tins! ss. to 5h 6d"• J's, 9s. 9d. to 10s;"; "King Edward," l's, 4b. 9d! to 55.; J's, fls. 6d.; ling. Smcthurst brand is making 555. to 665. per cw,t.' The Pacific Coast ■ salmon pack for. tho list eight seasons may be summarised from tho statistics of _ the "Trado - Ecgiator Salmon Eeview, as fouows:— ;.;••■ , ;,'.;, ,; , j.' --.*.- • • .: ,- Alaska.- Other.-— -: Total.--- -'- ■~'■'■•■-" '.-Oases.--' -Casbs.':''Cases. 1901. . ... 2,022.704 3.034,285 5.056.959 1902 .—-. ;.;..._..:.. .2,635,578 . 1.675.5C4 ■ 4,311,142- . 1903 ..... „..; 2,219,104,.: 1,373,470 3,592,574 1904 ;. 1,951,581 '1,356.087 3.310.668 1905... 1,890,767:. 2,806,209 4.696,976 1905 ; 2,209,555- 1,595,656 3,805,211 1907- : ; ; 2,152.084- 1,719,242 . 3.911,336 1908.. ......_ 2,618.194 .1.251.092 ~.3,,869,23'6 In -' 1905:.th0; Pug'dt- So'uh'd : pack'-Amounle'd' 1 to .1,082,085 cases, British Columbia 1,167,460 cases, jand Columbia Elver;. 420,763 cases.. : -■ Canned fruitß are making from Bs. 6d, to 12s. 6d. ' ■ ' ' , - ■■. -. -Dried Fruits—The market ,is-"baro ;of good -grado fruits, and ' fresh "supplies will not . roach' this •market until - the middlo of November. Prices aro nominally unchanged. Currants, finest provincials,, 3d.; cleaned Amalias, 3jd.'per lb.;-lib. cartons', 'Js.: 9d.V-per • dozen; sultanas, selected SJd,, .choite- 4d., golden 4Jd„ lib'.-''cartons.' 4s.' 9d. v per* dozen; •dates,' in bulk 2Jd. -per lb„ cartons,. 3s. 6d. -per dozen;' figs, natural, in bags, 23d. to 3d.; seeded raisins, fancy.llbi-,packets. 45., chbice, l .:3B.\6d.:per''dozen'..Muscatels are slow of. salo, : and stocks aro comparatively large; '61b. boxes' 6d.; 101b." boxes, 5Jd.; 201b.. boxes, 4Jd, perlb.; Malaga,. sJ's, at 6d. per lb. ' V ' ■'. '- \ Evaporated Fruits.—The quotations' aro ' unchanged, apples, apricots, and .peaches making .from 7Jd: to Bd. per lb.. -.' - Infants', .9s. 9d.; Allan and :Haubury's Nos. l'and 2. ITS.; No. 3. 10s: 6d ■ Uouger's, 175.; Robinson's,patent,gronts and barley,'7s.'6d. Neave's milk' food. 13a, 6d.;Ncstlo's milk food, 17s. ,6d.- ' ■"..-■' . - Jute—According to Messrs. - John Miller • and Oo.'s market report dated Calcutta, August 24, a fair amount of business had been doho in gunnies, and tho result was that an unusually strong effort was being mado to prevent any' radical decline in values. Consuming centres wero responding to a moderate extent, but'not so much as to wnr.rnnt the current firmness. Cornsnck's. wero unchanged, and mills wero uncommonly stiff. . '. - •.-•-.. Knife Polish.—Nixey's, 4s. 6d.i,Okcy'e, ss. 3d. Maizeno.—Durye'a's, 5Jd. - ,'■ Mustard.—Fair sales. Coleman's.D.S.F., i's, Is. 5Jd. to Is. 6d.: J's, Is, 'lid.-'-to Is. 4d.; Durham, 71b; tins, 7d. to 7Jd. ' ■"....'- ; Matches.-Plalds, 3s. -Bd.-to -3s.- 9d. a gross;' ■ -icnny slides, Bs. 9d. to 9s. 6d.; safeties, small, foreign, 3s. to 3s. 6d.; Bryant and May's, small, 4s. 6d.; large', 7s. 6d. :-,,'.— ,-. . -.. ; Nutmegs, 9d. to Is. per"lb.- • : .--,: : '■'-'-: ■ Feel—Lemon peel. 7's, 5Jd.; orange, 6Jd.; citron, IOJd. per lb. Pickles.—Morton's hexagon -10s. Cd.',-.round* lis. 6d. per dozen;: Captain • White's.i:23s;'...6d.:.-Gat-, ton's H.P., ,J-pints,l2s. 6d.; pints, ,225.'6 d.; pure pickles, 9s. '6d. to 10s. Eice.-No. 1, 16s. 6d.; No. 2, 14s. 6d.; special - Japan, 16s. per owt. :, ■-• ": : - Salt—Fine, 71b., bags, ss. 6d. to 6s. 6d. per ■ c'wt.; bags. 3s. 6d. to 45.: coarse,,ln cTrt-'baga, 35.-to 3s. 6d. per-owt. . . :■ Sauces.—L. and- P., J-pints, 14s.'' to. 14s. 6d.; pints, 255. to 255. 6d.; Holbrook's, J-pints, 7s. 6d.; pints, 10s. 6d. to ,10s. 9d.; garton's, J-plntß. 7s. 6d.; pints, 10s. to 10s. 6d.; ,Eaglo..brand, (N.Z.), . J-pints, 2s. 9d. to;3s.; pints, ss. 6d. to 6s. ...■ Starch.—Colman's. lib. boxes, 5Jd. to 53d.; 51b, packets. sd. to 5Jd.; New Zealand, lib. boxes, 38s. to 395. per cwt.; 61b.-packets,'-375.-to 38s. per' Stove Polish.—Nixey's, 2s. V ' 6d.; 'Eackitt's,. 3s. per- dozen. . Sugar.—Tho market is steady, with a good: do. mand. 1A and No. 1, 56'5,;.£16 155.; No. 2, £16 55.; No. 3, £15 ss. per ton. ' Vinegar-Midland Ecd-Hock, quarts. Bs. 6d.; . Champion, quarts,'9s. 6d.; Bed Seal, quarts, 45.; Midland concentrated, Boz. bottles, lis. 6d. per dozen; concentrated, sgal. caskß, 9s. 6d. per gallon; pure malt, 28gal. casks, 2s. - 9d. ■ per gallon. -.-.'.' ... .1 , Customs revonue collected- at Wellington yesterday amounted-to £1758-12 a. 2d. .- .: /-,-. ( ■ WELLINGTON MAEKET EEPOET.;' . V.'..' Messrs. Laery and Company, Ltd.,' Wellington, I report wholesale prices ruling on.the market:— Wheat, fowl 4s. Ed. to 4s. 10d., shrivelled wheat , 45.; feed oats, 2s: to 25.-5 d.; Dun oals, 1 2s. 3d to Za. 4d.j seed oala. 2s. 4d. to 2s. Bd.; Algerian oats, 2s. 2d. to, 2s. 6d.; maize, 4s. ..Id. to 4s. 3d.; crushed- malt, 75.; fowl barley,-2s. 4d. to 2s. 6d.: Cape barley seed, 25.6 d. to.2s.9d.;flour, New Zealand, £11 10a. to £12: Australian, £12; bran, £4 ss. to'£4 • 10s.; pearl • bnrloy, 45b;; Prussian blue, ss. 3d. to ss. 6d.;- fowl peas, 4s, split £17 10s.; bonedust, £5 155.: supcrphosphntes, £5 to £5 55., pollard, £5 55., to - £5 10s.; basic slag, £4 10s.; chaff, oatenshcaf, £3 ,ss. to £3-155.; oatmeal, £10 '10s. to £11; potatoeß, table, £3 10s. to £4 10s.; seed potatoes, Up-to-Dates,£s to £5155.; onions, £7 to£8; Japanese onions, £11 to£l2; molnßses fodder, £5; bacon, (factory), sides 73d.,-hams BJd.', rolhv BJd.;butter, bulk, 7d. to Bid. Poultry: Hens 4s. 6d. to ss. 6d.; • ducks, 63. to 75.; turkeys, gobblers - 18s. to, 205.; hens 10s. to 145.; fresh eggs, 15..t0-Is. Id. doz.; I cheese, 6d. to 6Jd. per lb., loaf ,7d. to 7Jd. per lb.: Akaroa machine-dressed cocksfoot; ■. 73d. -to Bd.; 1 farmers' dressed,-sd, to 6d. perlb:;ryegrass3s.3d. to 4s. 6d. per bushel; Italian ryegrass, 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. per; bushel; whito clover, 70s. to 755. S owt.; red clover, 755. cwC; cow grass, 755.0wt.; . alslko, 82s 6d. ent.; mustard! 40s. cwt.; trefoil " 375. 6d. cwt.; rape seed, 265. cwt.; Timothy, 325! 6d. cwt.; swede and turnip seed, 60s. to 60s. cwt. . SODTH CANTEEBTJRY MAEKET EEPOET. Messrs. G. S. Meredith and Co., Walmate, report South Canterbury'grain and produce prices for the week ending September 28, ob follow;— Wlioit.-'rhore bus noon a littlo bctttr.inquiry during too Uot woski but holderi ue not prosusa t« uic.tlic srku.ttat miltas an oftes.
ing. Consequently business in the lino is practically at a standstill. Values are nominally:— Velvot,- 4s. 3d.; Tuscan, 4b. Id.; Hunters,.4s:-Id., on trucks, country stations;' sackß, 5Jd.: Oats.— The market is weak, thero being 'no , buyers either for exjort or for tho North Island. Values are:-uartons, Ib. 5Jd.; Danish, Is. W.j duns, Is. 4'd. on'trucks country-stations. Potatoes—The market, has deolined siu'co our last report, and freshly-picked.over lbtß of'Derwents are in good demand, Up-to-Datcs not being quired for. Values, are-.-Dorwcnts, £3, f.o.b.s.i. Chaff,-In sympathy with oats, tho fchaff market is still very depressed. Prime linos of good, bright chaff Belling, at £2 to £2 2s. 6d., on trucks country stations, sacks' extra. Very little chaff is- being shipped. Straw. —Baled wheaten, 225. 6d.; baled oaten, 275. Cd» on trucks country stations. ' GKAIN MAEKET.-. : ;,',"' (Ey Telegraph—Press Association.! ' ■ ■- Dunodln, September 29. There is very little business passing in oats owing to the,demand for'shipment.being' practically nil, and also owing to very faw lines being on offer. A grade gartons and sparrowbills havo most attention. ' Prime gartons, Is. 7Jd; to Is: Bd.j sparrowbills, Is. 7d. to Is. 7Jd.; good to best-feed; Is. 4rt. to Is. 7d.; inferior to medium, Is. 2d. to Is. .4d. • ' Wheat—Thero is.small demand for prime milling, but owing to the majority of millers hold-, ing fairly-largo stocks, and to the fact that sellers will not rcdiice prices,' vory little business is being done.; Good whole fowl wheat is in demand, but smutted and broken has little Inquiry. Prime milling, 4s. 4d. to 4s: 5d.; medium to good, 4s. to 4s. 5d.; best wholo fowl wheat, 3s. 96, to-3s. lid.; medium, to good, 3s. 3d. to 3s. Bd.: broken and damaged,'2s. 3d. to 3s. LONDON. WOOL SALES. ' BEISK BUSINESS AT;FULL KATES. (By yTolegraph.-I'ress Aesoclallon.-aopjrlßbt.l London, September 28. At the wool sales there was brisk business, tt full lata rates. ;'••., v THE 'MM.SALES., .'•'■■' " ' (Ecc. September 29, 10 p.m.) , - ■",■■' London, September 29. At the wool sales Gear clip, brought 9Jd., Kekerangu, lOgd. < - Tho first sale for' 1910 .is fixed, for' January 18. Entries aro unlimited. Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd.; report having received the following cable messago from their London house, under,. date: of September 28:— "Sales continue firm, and lately reported rates arc fully maintained. Tho first series of wool Sales for 1910. which havo been fixed to open On January 18, will bo-unlimited, - and all arrivals up to within eight days of the opening of. the sales will be admitted." BANK'' SHABES. , ..' (By Tolcgraph—Preßs .Association—Copyright.) • ', .London, September 28. Tho following ; are - tho latest quotations :— Buyers. Sellers. Bank— ..- £s. d. £s. d. Australasia :.-....'. ...111 0 0 112 0 0. ; New Sonth Wales ......... 47 00 48 10 0 - Union\.. I ........; 64-0: 0- 65 0 0 National of N.Z.-........:..:• 6 0 0 6 5 0. ■ New; Zealand ....' 915 0 10 5 0 PEIOES QF. METALS. (By Telegraph.—l'rosa 'Aaabelallon;—Copyright.) .(Ecc. September 29, 10 p.m.); London, September 29. Copper.—On the spot, £59 6s. 3d.; three months, £60 2s. 6d.; electrolytic, £60 17s. 6d. per ton. - Tin.—On tho. spot, £140 10s.; " three months, £t4l 15s; per ' ton. . . ' ' Lead,-£l3 Is. 3d.' per' ton;. ' '' '■' ".- .'-'BANK; OP AUSTEALABIA.' " ; '.... ',- (Ey j\*anclotlon,-ooDyflcht.l (Ecc. September 29, 10 p.m.)' London, ■ September 29. The balance-sheet .of the Bank of Australasia shows tho deposits to be £16,179,907,-cash and se-curities,'-£7,105,402.;-. bills., £15,808,991. ~: .. ;,/. -,-Mining News will be found on-page 9 of this issue. . ■ . ,■: ■■'■ : ; '- . - . '.■■ . ...
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 625, 30 September 1909, Page 10
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