A-Wellington.Weddtpg. , < at St. .' Paul's * pro- ■-/:./ Cithedral,-. Miss" 'Arline -Thackeray, w'ell- ..' known ' violinist,.' was: Mr.. Ernest Potter; of.;.the. Union' Bank, the Rot.' T." H. given away, wore.a charming costume i of chamiouso with tunic skirt, tho -.;/. ' being-of'cloth of the /same;,shade, /' .ahd,a'Vhite. hat'-tnmmoti. with gold galon,' arid paM-'blue',pliffiie&r'.!..,Slie "carried a, beautiful bouquet;of white flowers, and wore tho bridegroom's topaz and diamond; - ' ; "rjng..V' Mis9''ttuick; bridesniaid; ; wore a •;•• •; ; frock-of brown muslm. over creaui silk with panels of.hand-made gold and brown embroid- ' ' eries, : and.:ai brown. and l'cream' hat -trimmed -.'/with , a wreath'of tiny ,'roses and .'shaded- brown feathers:-Mr.'-Hull/was'best. man. .Alter the ■ '/- .wedding, a was held at .Mrs. Quick's . home on. Wellington 'Terrace, .where •.'.between ■' •;' : . thirty and forty 'guests ivore .present.;., \Quick/received in a'siiiart. gown of .black silk ' with' embroideries' of 'mauve, arid,'silver,' ; and a ■ ' jriauvo and.silver toque.., The rooms liad been . ;; charmingly , decoratcd. with spring flowers; the v : drawing-room with white flowers, palms,;-.ahd • . 6omo beautiful rose-plut azaleas and rhododen- ' ' drons, ' and tho; dining-room- with . daffodils. /The'-'tea-table^wa's i.very,.; artistically decorated "with white and smilax, And each/guest's ' place jWas marked by.a little white slipper con- ... taining a .tiny, nosegay/of -white .flowers .and. .• ,\ . -forget-me-nots.' During -the.-afternoon .'Miss / Lloyd Hassell/sang;; two songs /charmingly.; //.-'-/'■" Among other guests, present were Mrs. Fitchett, . wearing- a -black.6l lit frock; Miss ;Fitchett, in bine'linen :coat arid skirt.with' black facings,. - v and' hat to match; Mr. Mrs. .and .Miss -Ward, Mrs. Ward wearing dark'blue silk with touches . of black, and black hat swathed, wifh brown. " silki Miss Lloyd Hassell/'in mignonette greeii , ; silk frock with cream net andsleeves.aud ./ i , v. black girdle, and mole-coloured-hat .with, wide: ' ■ 'wings of tho same''shade; Miss-Hamilton, rose '. pink silk"; Miss-Tewsley, : Miss Lillian D'Oyley, ; : .•, :^ : ! •■^•.'.:.- : Mrs; , PpnMtlby,.■Mrs. l ßethune,;■Miss.Dldsbury, aiid .Mrs. Garlick. "/'. .: - / '~' s .. ' '- Tho St. John Ambulance-Fair..,....... ./, ' Judging .'from tho attendance at; - the- .' committee - meeting of - thft . St.. .'John., /■ :Ambiilancav Fair, which V was held yes-. . . v terday. afternoon: in tho Mayor's room at the />■-: r-'promise's - to'te :a-.very './ : /./ .'--.successful. one. It is notoriously difficult tp -. call 'committee 1 , meetings together, but yesteir- - V day .there...we'ro 'nearly, forty ladies/present to., 'i discuss arrangements for -the' bazaar... Mat. /. ../ ; Ehddes' presiae'd',/ arid - at ivero received from all' those *.in : charge i-of ' stalls. " It was.decided that though -most/of -the : . ' stallholders assistants,: aire to -w'«ar r ..; nursed Uniform. tlio inhabitants; of.,the..Gipsy Camp, where- fcytunes.aro to-be told, may w.,°ar ■' '' Ripsy costnine,-and so strike note of brilluint . ' : colour. .Tho. [air ' is. 'to be .opened at tli:ct> o'clock on the aftornoon of.Monday, November :.•}.<£i",' I,' and her .Excellencyiv.Lady Plunket, has/coil- . . .. /eent<& to open/it. ' Arrangements for'.thoi.en-teTtaifinients/'each-'-everiing ; 'are 'not -yet . conj- -- . r-/plete/,b^t/among others who. will; asjisfc' 'are ; 1; .' 'ihe Wellington Savage, .Club, which will givh tiro evenings' entertainment,' Miss 'Beere, 'and! her V", - pupils for ono night, :and: Mr...Tu'rner's oriihes-. 1 ha.-./The'next. meeting-of^-.the',committer,!will-j bo-rin'-October';26,- and ithis /will..,be. tho last /,. :' ; cokimitteei ; mMting : ;:befdre':the fair. ; . ' , Women Hymn-Writers. '.■■ : ' , • An Interesting : lectura 'wasgiven .lastj night; . . ; In the-Baptist-Church, ..Vivian Street, 'j>y :Mr. 3. Lonsdale, on "Women iHymn-Wrlteys \nd ~T their -Hymns.''-'.iMr/Lorisdale choso six famous . hymn-writrs—l' rances Eidley ' Ha'vergai Mrs. Alexander, Anrie Sleete, Mrs.. Olepli'anei Sarah . .Flower Adams; and : Charlotte ;Elliatt-Tfinil he gkye: a brief sketch of the lifo of o'ac.4, every ' sketch'beirig illustrated .by one or-rqor9;iiyirins, i . :., sung by' the. ;cpmbined : vßaptist. choißi ■or by ./. soloists./ Thereiwas a good attendance, and the lecturo. ; was'much'.appreciated, // ■/! .- Mrs. James llislop, wife of Mr. James Hisi lop, ■ private : secretary -to the Primo Minister, left by tho North Island main trunk .railway - - ' >yesterday to ;meet h'or::hn3band,ywho, will ar- :. • /*■ .rive.ywith Siri Josephs Ward'.on/Thursday in E.M.S. Challenger. . t • : Mrs/Bert. Cleland, and 'her little fdaughter, ' left.-on Tuesday-morning for'Wahganui. They, .i / intend .being away.-about a' month, j • Miss! Estelle Beere'. has- issued invitations. for' "a 'danci. to bo given in' the Sydney Street . Hall on Saturday, October' 9.'. /' . j /.. ;„. : -> - The official opening of : the Kelburiie Bowling; ; Club; takes' .place on'- Saturday;-, afternoon, at' i 2 p.m. • ' ' . Mrs. A; de Castro , leaves'next month for a .//, :: visit :to'fiiends in Hawke's.Bay and Auckland. / .; She will probably;;be away for. two or .three' "/ months./ _i ... v ':/.'./;/; :,///j.v ■, /:;.//- / ■ / Miss'CoraJLee, ; /who;has :been Home, for ■ Mveral-years,/is' returning '.by itho Tainui, which, is diie in.'Wellington on Monday.: She : i .: is aceompanicd by/her cousin, Miss G. Lee, , . wl\o. intends ;to^-'-travel;, in .'New Zdalaiid.i -.Onj-Satarday afternoon,'. Octotorl 30, Miss Es- //.-/ tella junior pupils will give a private ,- : . exhibition vof iclass - dancing in! the Sydney Street .Hall; '//: ?'/-■/-/:': ; ■'•'■/ ■ ' ; 1 ~Mr. and. Mrs. Eastlake.are going, to visit llr. ond' llrs. Barton at. Fentherstoa. ' . ; 'Mr. L. B. Griristone, of tho • Bank of Now /:, Zealand, -"Waitara, .'-ivith .Mrs.: iS .'.// .;making;a..6hort;4tay in Wellington. '.They are '- . .- / the quests ..of-Mrs.-. C. ; RibliSrdson, ■of Sehvyn Terrace/ and,: after leaving Wellington - they . . /; ' are going oil to liotbrua'. " '.Mr., and : Mrs.. Jack ,'Smith, Of, Turapo, Pae- ' , kakariki, /who... have : been oq a holiday to. ; - Eotorua,; are expected back b ythe'main trunk - --' /. y ekpress to-day./ -c....' ;.-;. ■ .. /- "Membersof tho Miramar Ladies' .Golf Club 1 : aj-e. going out to 'play . a match ,at Tr'entham . .on 'Thursday. - . Mrs: Carter ■ and • Miss - Hiybittla. woa the ladies' foursomes .at Miramar .yesterday with a score of 109 between theih. ' '// ■ v . / -Annouilceriio''made of )the engagement of, • ■ Miss. Muriel do Cpstro, of Nolson,' to Mr. A. <■ /•-. E. Jackson',.;also.of Nelson;',;-// * •- ' ' :The ladies 'of - St.' Peter's - Guild have' issued, //. invitations 'for' a 'Vgift/tjja"/in St. Peter's• schoolroom oil Thursday afternoon.;, Tho tea .://. is ill aid of thei jbaznar -to jbe;held. next week. . Miss Elsio Simpsofl. of-.Wollirigtori, and Miss /Elsio-Keiripthorne, 'of. Duuedin/ aro'staying, at : Glenalvon, Aucklnnd. ■ . iilrs. ; Stott 4s a-guest. of jMrs. Prendergast Knight at Waikanoe. ' - Mr." and Mrs. T. 11. J,ow4y, of Hawko's Boy, who have been for a trip to Sydney, have re-' turned, to Hastings. .• -.; -' ' ; 'v V ./Miss ;i!achorßichmdnd ! lias 'retnrned from a visit to hor. brother-at;Aiickland. .'./ At St. Paul's pro-Cathc(tral on Monday after- ' noon Miss Doris Ilaywcod, daughter of Mr. Arthur:Hayivood, of'l'orriand Crescent, -.Welling- ' ton, .was married to llenry Jaines Whytc- . ■ ,:head Lord,' sheop farmisj - , of the Wa'irarapa. .: 'Mr. and Mrs. S. C.;Benriott, of Hastings, are : risiting Auckland. ' i •. t . . •/. ,: : ". Mrs./Chaytor amL-Kar daughters, - with Lieu-tienant-Colonel Chaytoi; . are: returning to New. Zealand hy the.Ta.ifiui which is. due at Wellington on Monday.' ;
A Letter from Lady Stout. I\TVrifiji; it" ;a- friend in 'Wellington, *-lady 'Stont. gives! an "interesting account', of.' n«r ; stay at. Lerw! ck,- Shetland, .Sir Robert Stbut's"; .old home! TVio old town was 'bnilt -wiEhout-'Jany ■plan, the houses set down just w'her&yer ficemed ■best to th e'owners, and many of ,thein backed on to tho. 1 harbour, which constituted; thestrejet, and'was Jused-by the tradespeople .ris .-h irieana of. - their .goods, from ■ the;. : steamers .right'.to '-.the back doors. Now,, of>,cqurse,i-there are maiCK- improvements. - Lenrick.'-oari: boast of a gtv*ji .water supply, and though, water coming jfnijm tho >peat lands,' is i;cd;ln'own .in colour; :t is also very soft and cleansing. '..Gaa. lis laid pn to tho houses, but not electric'light, 1 'wiiich litems rather curious since electric light reached 'places liko Bulawayo l'naittyyears.ago. /Vegetalies and flowers grow in Una;, gardens,, 'but tresis can never raise their head?'above.the shelter Uif the wall without. oeing i.killed.' ■ jiy spray. '.Their visit ,tho,buuj*. time of the j-ear—herriug-lishing .tinio. ; There, rsere 500 steam trawlers fishing,, and . tho Tisli-ciiriug business was very brisk.:,-Jlaiiy.',.of ith'e • fisWurers are exceedingly wealthy, men,, jwho.hiive established very business connection!! all ovor'the world." The town was full of m£,i lyid .women, who were working .'at the fish-iviri lip, and would move on .to other places iwhen that'season was over. They seemed .makittS-'good wages,: and . wero ; comfortably ihousSft, .receiving (in addition' to. free:'noosing ifiring.i aitd as much fish as they, required), their passages'to and from the port.: ( Laci btout was charmed with .tho .beauty ,of 'Lefw'icv/, "The harbour is very beautiful in Itho'ti-ilight, which at present lasts, ti},l about jlO p.o>., she writes:" "Thero.:is'a.gjcy haze Iwhicbj reminds-ono' of those. lovely' misty 'grey, pictiias, On a; fine,, clear grey 'evening,-when the'sunset glow lasts.for hours, the ,'oarb'our is'glorious, and after.seMng theso suniots I can; quito-understand why tho Shetlaric'vora. think that there is no place so .jjeauti-; fnliaß their little town and harbour,. -In damp,, std'rmy. weather it' is not' beautifuU'-js. there is, notbipg' b'ut bleak, bare hills' all rdund,' arid .the water .'does not :look so'blue and', whit-o as, otfr «tia'.,in -a'.'storjn."'. . . > •T)ie 'municipality gave a reception to-'.bir Rob?rt."Stout and. 'Lady. Stout ,at the Town •Halli which 5 is a ; :fihi!, buildiAg" with: be'autifxui wiiniiws, the gifts of ..other.- States "and countr'Us. '.The Provost'introduced Sir/Robert, .and tho'nudienco .sang "For'He's'a Jolly Good Fellow." and then Sir Robert replied.' ' .■' Sjr Robert Stout had found very, few of his old finends in Lerwick, for : Shetlajiders aro rostlcss, . roving folk, and seek, their 'fortunes, 'out". beyond their little islands. During their 'star) in ; Shetland,however,. they met-: some .of i the distinguished people who made a_ practice; o£''.'spending part of tho summer in i.Shetland, among ithenv being Sir Watson Cheyne, ono of ■tbA! rtiost, distinguished surgeons in Xoiidon. CTiatiy-.Clheyne. gave a' dance, for Lady. ' Stout s Shetland 'Sir. Robert andvL'adr Stout.) '-were .going,,and, making,.that the centre, 'they, nieant to take various^ excursions '■in the district, and they were to.visit .tlie English Lakes on' their, way to London.tHreo weeks later. ' They : had not, fised. their date of de'•paft.ure for the Continent,, but hiid decided to fvisit 'Italy'and Egypt on their, way; homo to JNew Zealand. . !• A Euchre Party. '■• The! members' of Gregg's' Institute ...ladies' Aockey. team', which lately -won_the Ehnmpioniihip, were entertained last night by the'other ihieo hockey teams representing the, institute, ith'e ladies' "B" team; and the men's junior and third teams. • The entertainment, which .took; ('the form of a musical evening : euchre partv, was held at,'- s in X'uba Strectj- and; about, sixty guests/were pre-; «eiit." ' '• ■ '
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Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 624, 29 September 1909, Page 3
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1,587SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 624, 29 September 1909, Page 3
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