■ ; :^;MOKTORbVa^D:;THE:^ v FAKEE;.' .^;;; ' ; ;;;.' : A^'/^ ; |y(T,oiTHi!.EoTOß.);:''?: , 'v:.^f'j. , v::,,:' : Sir,—Eeferring to yonr ot'rather ■Mγ.' Ellison's'letter on the.;above subjeotiin to-day's : .DommoN, ; ,l ttnl 'Of opinion that Mr.'';Ellisoni r as'' ■"rop"resent'ativp ; 'of : th'e' National:.Dairying'.Asip-ciatioa:ih-.lipndon; .will needW^α'little more. . -ffioughtful^of-,tU'e.interesti of'i.thV'JDaminibn:'' •f .am-<Svritiiig this letter for /-what'; I conside?; asLtHe "-good Tof ■■the.'Dpminion ; in,'general. 1 -an'd' the;dai f rying industry in.particular, and would point ':o'ut''.resp«oWnlly'i -ttat; ; - ■' I,do';'ndt ■ agree" : with : th6"Views;expres9ed as they appear; to'.be lax. and'the direct antithesis of the.-, act" 'butter.:'-..-If:you Hark. :baclc:a.;littlo:yoU; .will prooeedings taken", against; : the., New. Zealand' /Dairying. Association\of Auckland; and'some' . other:Vt'actdries : iii;Taranaki for exporting Bitt-* oyer/.l6'.per, cent, 'of ■rabisture,' ; nud;t)iat:these' '.we're'against..the Dairying. Act',: and conclusively iprored. to .be; so.'. 1 JY,e s obtained good: prices' for'.'bur'butter' 'last ■ season, and: should, again; ; v if t! itfor tho many complaints of.' is'.welbknown .that -.we'"obtained 'of; ;tb« ■■Bntish;,market by.. guaranteeing; with of the Government graders,' , \fclie,:b,u'H3ri should bo absolutely pure a,nd cbiiiainrji.iVder'l6 ''per,' cent, 'of■ moisture,. and i that*Avth'ad ,au,Ac\ in lorbe. that would:force pbrfers to: ; ca'rry:. : but:. the tenets of .the-.'Aqt.'-' ; Am;->K:feJbonSidtr .'.thei.representationsj'ialSefi • Whe , ' littld' nffair: in'-jthe, Aucklaria:..caS9CUp'esinSt ; : Appear ■tpj:nip*to.!bs-qmte ; the./rignt'4hing ( !i'the''' ■ '• -e'StionV \Vhs\ ■ tqV-'foy -VtSjv-leSsSSst ' it,';";oviripus,,:'.nnd -one ;.chhiibt .think;" without ascribing; some ■' underhand reason for. it; ;"Is' • pur^cbramerce'on , the .samo,'pat; as; pur,. Gov'■erninen.t?;;..*.;fAre 'we to,:reap", profits. :by.the.cohfidencp trick? 1 (ako it thatTwe are,; : io.r:Mfe'Ellison.states C'aa'd.:be'.is'-aff■author-'' i ity'.').'.'iTh'ol-p:iß afteiufru'iiy (p incorporate .■ too"; mnoK' ;inoisturo:-in th* < bjitU-r'.'.by.,:nieanS;pf; ; the■ new.^ehurasyibut,'eyijn'Jit' this' is ■ dope,"it' - and.ialisOEive.tlie produebfthe proiil, instead of it.<going':to : others.'.: These iftoitinients nately only allow for; one'. interpretation; '■ and it -isf regrettable, emanate irom";-oursrepresen.tatiTo.:,.-,1n:..! these Critical times; adeafibf care'is required-Hot to'.'shock . the' ; matket,' -which is so unsteady;'. '.. If it is ': .really^true...that theijexcess'of-:u:oisture;is;pur- , <p'osely.',iillpwed;' I 'cannot at tho great ' outcry in iLondon'spme*;'few months ''.ago,' but ' 'regret th'at'ws.only/jaggtavate-'the, conditions. :' by.braggiag-that we, know, no .law.- '■.:.:■■"■■■'■■■'.. ■' •; The statement .opens, up: m*iy, questions, the : 'principals,-pf /-wxiibh ■. iS::>Arel':- our,.;;graders ; puzzled?[and so .pii. :-If the' Utter o'f.-pur rep'ro/ 'sentatire is':only,;'silly; I-thlnk\vn-.or«; cav« : '.'exorcised,< .becauso :'.Sp ' raojny might : bo'/made ; ''to'suffer..\Ve , -have'been furiously • fighting"against -the ! British'bnyers".tor .daring : to suggest arbitration. Personnlly,,;! l thiuk that: arbitration:.would ho . d'calamityiViin^factf;l am '.Vsure '■■ ot,;,- it,vj but: \ what..-:would "you? - It !,: 'is' 7, '-not -'.■ logical ; v to:Vassnnio 'i'-'that ; all-^;;■ British'' : 'ibuyers'•■>' ;aro ■'. "MmbecilcsV • and if they'buy filndej a -condition-, , they, will ■ haT"e,,that condi tion/. carried: put"'br- want to 'know, the reason".whyi '-.and" it is ; tne;.inn6cent ' prpducer , . that will'.bo called: upon' , to/pay'. the ■ " -piperV' , It iJias-be^n 'freely "stated that: weisufior : a j ':deal i .'frbm' , 'sweUcd'head, 'but" I^havo^stil!■ a rebinaht'. of' 'comnidn . sense, , snfficierit "at \ leust t'oVkno'W' .'thatl'we-icannpt' cbnunarid' bur.:,'.'o\vn price' .unlesS'We;are'prepared to give value for it." Tho.teridenoy of buyers; at the present" time ' i's'-'forlbyreri-priijes-both in'butter-and cheese. The is so . critical ! that our ' .'object ■ alienate,' : ;I am' amazed letter re'ferred;.to; andihayo ; to""-stigmatise:it fprits.'ineptitudo and .want of ; ■..-.....-; '~■■■} •■ ■ ivTneigreatquestionfie as to r whether .thb;Gov- ■ : ernnient:,are strong.enough to ebjfprce the;; Act ■ as; it /applies, to ,'<ripj6tur.e "•"in : -'Jbtitter' i for export ' ''Iβthe graders'are'aiotfihuzzled'.and'it penalty' inipb^e'd-:;upori:-tlienT'--lor any:'''lsxriess.tin,'duty. , Jhere -.iajistill- : regainingi our : ' ['lost- preStigej! ;liain.;'bf ; opinion that'when; pro- , to thie. due .' 'deob'rum-should be'bbserved'for; tho integrity 'of > the.jlaw". "";The>Auckland' oase has caused ■' .buyers -to ''lament '.betfauße. 'they;.d6 < not;krioiv- '; .'wherei.they, .are; , :> The' low , price.'offering;' for . :butter is undoubtedly caused .by. the excessive ; . moisture"6care', : ::lt'should be remembered that confideqee once%aijied,:jit,should b'e'retain'ed at \ ''all-costs, and'that 'only -"a: very few'occufrences. ■ of misuse .of this :.confidehce will .cause"endless. ':.' loss':-toVthe producer.' : Jt .\xas:'nPtvfroni the. !• Government.graders that publicity'Vwas given. .; to. the - fact, that; fre'-jvere not parryinß. put our ;■.' pontraot, .'it '.-Vae; ,through N the. continual' cbm- ■■ ! plaints "of »"£y 'BritisE' buyer, and^there.'sKonld ' be, sonio. inquiry made as to who is; responsible' ,-' 2fotthis~lasness of "duty.- :Faker faker, we'.:niust.c(jnfi6ientipuely do what:wehave''giten' ! 'ouriword' to , ;do. : ,.ionr, remedy idoes not he; in' - ;Carryjn'B.on":.the;Sarfp : game, ; us'two liaeks can- ') 'hot ['possiblyfmake.'ra '.white; excepting.' in the" '■', kink in their.morality. ;' ■ , t ; shall':.btiVgfatefplj : !to;learni.that our dairying' " inJustry'rjs, vfojjbe.'clean, -for by this process' ': dttlj\ca'ivWb eventually triuiriph, by:keeping'' ; : our'hold'o'n'the British.-market; ;What mat- ■_. ters.:il us, that .'big: 'profits' are made in Bri- , tain.aeUoDg as;wo'luake.ilecent:profits here by ," ' doing*a'olean'honest business?'.We may for,-a I short time" bpmp. up .the profits by'water4og-' ging,- bnt:'how long would it.last,, .think you?. ' ■Although!they'are sb ; old-fashioned in Britain' ■.: as'to-requirp what'tliey.;p.ay'fpr,- I am of opin- :' ioh';that".they '.had. better -be , !met- , .decently if ■ pnlyvfpf'future ; trade. ; What would be 'the I''"position-offa'grader'at Home.if,Mr.'jEllispn's " ideas w,ero carried out ? ,■' , v'i;--' , ,-!'.'■••;'.•.. :
- ..After'reading thV,foregoing, one of the quos-' tions 'that wilfoccur to readers will be,; what becomes.; of. the butter proved : -by Government graders'analysis to'.contain? m'ore : than" 16 per cent/ : .of''moisture.''''■'On'der: tlie "■ New ;Zealpd gutter Export 'Aot.yexport.of such butter 'is illegal and prohibited. ■Wβ are, then,'to! understand that : theMls containing "brer tne.ljmiti'df : 'moistiire,-; •the Dominion. : ';X am the-report 'samples of bntter'taken'.in New including Auckland and -Wellington, which: states 'that opt'of 177.,'cp'nsignmonts 115 .-urate found t) ■ contain over the' .limit' of jmoisturb.' If- these 115 c'pnsigrimente .'were, no.t exported, why was 'our' 6xport'B6'laige'at*th4t time?!.Qn July 13, 1309, ; Mr. -H. ; -C. '■ Cameron, -New' Zealand Produce : Commissioner, ■ London, writes , -.'to,- "The Grocer, , '' London, explaining "in -.answer to a question brought before the British Parliament," that, the 'NW Zealand Government, recognising ..■■.".:■'■'■•.■■ i.i.. , f4 , j.iv;.'.-:i tivf -.;■-. v> -!■•-'•• 'I-: ■•■'
the difficulties to be contended with does not prohibit the sale of such butter for local consumption; consequently, butter found on analysis to exceed the limit is not debarred from: 'sale within the Dominion. The system of| analysis introduced by the New Zealand.Gbv-« crnment is undertaken to ensure that tho English: standard 'is complied with, and is for piotectionof importers and consumers of NewZealand butter in. Great Britain. ' . •'' < ■'... j■The matter of excess moisture has already, been brought' before the British Parliament by Mr. Flynn, M.P., who'.• asked what steiis were being taken by the, Department,, in con-, junction' with the Customs or ; otherVrespofi'-, sible Government, ■ to protect; importers a,'c'd' consumers of butter in Great Britain. Ifr. Strachey, in reply, said itiis illegal to export; butter exceeding 16 per cerit.'of moisture from New Zealand, and that Customs, officers 'take samples of butter nt the Sorts at which lit arrives, and .proceedings wiH/be.. taken if; if is found to.contain more than'tho legal arooimt of moisture. What,: tlien.,..'can:ono.think of Hia notion of.the late manager'of the Canterb'tiry j Co-operative Society,, and-our London repre.,tentative, of the National Association,'' who is proceeding to London ona salary of f/vir , JCIOOO a year to promote trade and smooth a way cultics for the; dairying industry of the Dpi pin-: ion/,.who states that even if more moisture is incorporated in 'our'batter,- it will save /the butter faker at. Home the troubles and .'also give the producer the profit instead of it < wins? to others? What dees the Government tii hk of that, and do you think-that Mr.H.. C Ciariie-" ron, Mr. Strachey, will be," to eay\ the least-of ■ it, eorprised?— l am, :■&.,' ■■'■.■ ''-' ""'•'.''■•'•' '' :; '■■"' ' "''. BUTTER-ikiJ' - -.September. 18.V ■.■'•"'; ■',;,. '.• ''■ v; • "'■' 'THE!" MODERN" SEARING- MAdiINESFOE LAMBS.—In use throughout Ausbialasia.Orders should be placed at once to preveiotjdis--appointment. ; ]?iill particulars upon, f ipplicar tion. Murray Koberts, and Co., Agent},-Wel-lington.—Advt..; ; '. ■■ ..: i"- : -:.- '.■■-,■' ...-; ,CH6i. -i } .'. ' ... ■ ' .-■ ~ :—TT—..-■-■' i. '■ '■
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 620, 24 September 1909, Page 8
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1,136COMBINED BUTTER CHURN. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 620, 24 September 1909, Page 8
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