: ■• . /■■ 'INVESTMENT SHAKES. '- ; - ■' "'; . ! A sale of New ■ Zealand ' Consolidated Dental Company's .shares at £1- 4a. 3d. was all tho businese. recorded yesterday. National Bank shares were firmer, buyers £6, sellers £6 2s.j Wellington Investment, buyers Uβ...sellers lls. 9d.; Wellington Trust'and Loan, sellers £7 2s. 6d.; New ; Zealand and.River Plate, buyere £1 15a., sellers £1.155; 6d.; >Feilding Gas, buyers 215., sellers 225. fW ™ lple D , Oas ' £5 pai,, ' bu y erß £u 1B 3- sellers &Li.° J Y. f ( ? lnier ? ton North Gas, sellers £7 155.: South, British Insurance, buyers £2 12s. 6d.; Ohristohurch Meat, buyers £10 lie.; New Zealand fti lpp wfi- b "J yerS nr £7 ,i ,I[Jn , ion -8108111, sellers £1 Ws.; Wellington Woollen, buyers £2.183.; Tanpiri Coal, buyers 19s. 9d.,-sellers 20s. 3d.; Westport■Stockton,, sollurs 63. '9d.; Taranaki Petroleum; sellers Bs.. 6d.; Sbarland's, ordinary. sellers Wa. '.--■ : INSHEANOE AND CONSUMPTION. '' The Question, as to whether insurance societies BhDuW fight disease,: and especially consumption, -is one that cannot bo answered off-hand. As.a general rule the societies do. not f col called' upon to do 80,'dcspite tho fact thatwero it pos-sible-to do anything in thoway of prolonging ,litc they _would be : great. gainers. In America some of the, offices" are taldne up the matter, tnough. not ma., broad way. -.In. February, at a: Meetingof-.-the- Association -. of'•'-Life : In-I anco,Presidents ;held ia : ..Now-York,-.Miv~Halev ■l-m.c. yicc,pre>!dentf 6f,:,tho, Metroi>6litan ~U!e Insurance , ' Oon)'pany:',said- thatV-Ws (Company , \v"s' re.i4y--_to-«pend. £20,000-a-year towards p'reyontion.- of tuberculosis, if it could be shown' 'by the " sfi,J^. O Vhi C;t ' .•?^nr 0, i real: ,? a vine - could be effectod;; ; w * T nth< ;, itotropolitan/Insurance Companyfe W a *v».PPli°atic>n to.the.Stato Insurance DC D ?i" m j nt r ,f t r Perniission -to . purchase: attract--01 land of threo thousand-acres or more, and to build _ thereon- a' sanatorium for treatment of po icyholders having tuberculosis.' ■ The 'Metropplit?n has now outstanding about 9 million policies., -AnapprooinMo reduction in mortality among these holdera,,,such-: as it is belioved can be\brou E ht abput~by such methods ■as actual w£ tm ™ t " a , ndr »- campaiffn : of, education, would briiiff about a .tremendous- savine.•■; Accordinc to -figarm compiled, itliis-estimated' 'thav-avrc-dnction; of pne-third in. mortality; worfld enable to bo lowered iby'.moro than 15-per ■fenf.-./Thß New York office is ;di E trihritinK amoh" '!^- :l^?'S^'!? Uc *^??»;?''Mmßh4 ? oaOTed: A. War upon Coiistimptipii," The .text hoa,boon , written in, a popular form./so as. to' make itattractive f and rqjdablo to ■'tho average polic" holder. . It;dcsoribos;the; nature and oxtenfof tho 'disease, and the methods wf prevention and euro. The company,believes that' this pamphlet will heln its polic.vholdera in S inir tubevcnlosis,.ahd.aid in ro.ducini:. the mortality troin ,tho ;diEeaEo. r .:...,.: •■••:..<,' • •■; .|-"/. : ; ' : ) ■-'.;■■■ !y notes?..V< : '-• /■-..'-.•-;". :: . -ThP total liabllitiea of the nobart-Savines Banlt ?i % i ns i«ToS ,v .amounted v to . £626,6«; of . ; which.H£sM,297,-r6prei.entod ■'aumssat-.theJ.dredit :«f::di!positorftt,£s7,soo» reserve-fund;.-and"'£ls,B46 :Uo,,sam at,the.c.redit L of'profit and loss:.--Assets ,co.mpnßo.il73.slflenCon..m6rtKaKe:: A £2l4.M-lent ??.?°*« r ™ ent fixed -Woilte: cash «3,367, and other items.- The number of dopositora, accounts b 17,563, of which 9670 are for ■Sm q ?«M ?■ £10 ' «W"for. snins between £10 and jM0,,1626 for sums between £50 nnd £100, and 2WI 'accounts between £1(10 and £2CO. ■iTheafconnts of-thb Australasian Unitcd'Stsam Navigation Co.. Ltd., for 1908. show.. that '™ earmntrs,-:- after dednctinic insurance, deprecia.lon; and au other charges, amount to £<0,5« 1 " 6 , d odnc.tea home charges, interest on debenture stock, innomortai, -etc £14 539 cavini;:a_net profit of £26,C03. Adding balance broimht forward. £1974. total available is £27,977. , A dividend of 7 per cent, for the voar inclndme,.3.per.cent, paid as an interim'dividon.l, absorbs-£24,053, and the balance,'£3924, is carr.edi forward. The company has. a paid-up S??'i a '^^' 620 -' /Wins 4 Per cent.debenture stock, £M6,e45, sundry: liabilities.. £296.376, and ?SrSlO >'J°"'f j'n l , d 1 9 alance ' she ? t totnl is '' tendera and lighters, ono /hulk, payments on juomint. of now steamer, freehold and Sold .wharves, properties in' the colonies, and he contract for thd new Rtearaer. Mallina and the-sale of the Ointra for breakini* up. ■. The Strong and Trowbridgo Company, wrltins from New }ork on Auguat 6, say ; -"We think it wise, owinp to the very general revival of business in this country; and the consequent placing of large orders with manufacturers which in many cases have been for-immediato delivery, to c t- .' ( yQU .I atten , tlon to -the fact that in all pro" ability the various manufacturers in this connSmr^r v " y W? b , e ' Ul » with orders, and .deliveries • (which for some months have been-very prompt) will again become retarded: and 1! the revival turns out as general ae i 3 confidently ejtpected tho probability is that it will bel very, difflcjlt to obtain anything like delivery from suppliers in the near According to a statement-made by tho United States Controller of Currency, during tho month of July last 39 applications to organise national banks were received. Of theso applications 33 were_ approved -and 1 6 rejected. In tho same month 261 banks, with a total capital of £259,000. wero n authonsed tp .begin business, of which , num. bcr 20,. with capital of £104,000. had individual "MVii- of i™ than £10,000, and s B, with capital of £55,000, individual capital of £10,000 01 over! Thfi total number of national banks organised is given an 9<94. of-which 2517 have discontinued businops. leaving in existence 6977 banks, with authorised; capital of £189,786,355, and circulation outstanding, secured by bonds, of £133.501,746. amount ornational bank circulation outstanding is £139,070,833, of which. £5,569,086 is covorod by_ lawful money of a liko amount dePo3ited with tho Treasurer of tho TJnited-.States on account of, liquidating and insolvent national banks and associations which have reduced their circulßition>i .. .' • ■ ■ ■ ■- # , . . Tho Geological Snrvcy statistics show that the production of petroleum in.the United.States of America in 1908 amounted to .179,572,479 barrels of a value of 129,706,258 dollars. The quantity produced was 8.11 more than that of 1907. Oklaloraa was the largest producini:-State, with a total of 45,798,765 barrels, an increaso of 6.23 per ionl., and California came next with 44,854,737 parrels, an increase,of 12.85 per cent. The production t of Illinois, however, increased 38 72 per a^sft,2^ i b ! ar^n 3 a: 106 barrdß ' aa te^Zio^BViS^^ 6111 "^^ 8 -' ;V .-. WKLLINGTON MARKET EBPOETS. ■ The New Zealand , Farmers' 00-operativo Distrlmting Conipaiiy, Ltd., roport as follows :-Malze 4s. Sd. to 4b. Bd.; wheat,;whole fowl, 4s. 10d. firmlarley, Capo seed, 2s. 9d.; barley, feed, 2s. 6d, to 23 9d. .per bushel; barley, meal, best quality £5 oa. per ton; oats, 2s. 3d. to 2s. 4d.'j S. se6d Sparroivhills, Gartons, Duns, 2s. 6d. to ■ 25.. 8d • Algerian seed oats, 2s. 4d. ; oats, crushed. 25".7d. per bus-hel; hqrss beans, 4s. 6d. per bushel?f r i.»W r? 9,^' ,8, 9d V Dru ß si nn bluo peas, sa. 6d. per bushel; hay, prime. £3 to £4 15s. per tonstraw, wheaten, £2 5 ? .; Oaten, £2 25.,6 d. per ton! Sf •J?* 0 "-' , " ollnrd - 5 M'-i Bucroslno. 200's £7 100s £7 Si.- per .ton; linseed oil calto, genuine £13 per ton; prime oalensheaf ohaff, £3 to £3 13. ; potatoes, £4 10s. to £5; selected Canterbury Up-to-Dato seeds, £6; , Dakota reds, £6 10bon one, £7 to £8 Ws. per ton; butter, eeparator', ?j ■»• u*is »?a "s BOod -demand; honey) 60's, 3Jd. to 4d., Ms 41d.; beeswax, Is. 6d.; fungus, sd° waluuLi, sd, to s}d. per lb.- cheese •beat factory, mediums, sJd.' to 6d.; bacon, factory sides 8W per , lb. j porkers, 70's to 90' a.. sd. to s&'s to JOO'S sd.i -baconera, 4id. to «d. i • heavy pigi, !d° to 3U. per lb.,vory good demand; moon ncas '-, -I - ; ' ■■ -.■'.-
carrots, table,-4s. to ss. per sack; horse carrots'. an. per ton; marrows, 2s. 6d.; caulillowor, Bs. to 10s. 6d.; pumpkins, ss. per sack; swedes, 255. per S9 a ', rhubarb, 6s. per dozen; apples, dessert, 7a. M. to 10?.; apples, cookers, 65.. to 7s. Poultry: Table roosters, 4s. 6d.; cockerels, Gs.'6d. to 65.: table hens. Is. to 4s. 6d. : duoks, 6s. 6d. to 75.: H 6s '.. 6d -, to 75., all at per pair; turkey gobblers 9d., hens lid. per lb. Mi'ssrs. Laery and Company, Ltd., Wellington, report wholesale prices rulinu on the market:Wheat, fowl 4s. Bd. to 4a. 10d., shrivelled wheat In'*. «l OatS '. 2S - t0 2S - sd - ; DUD Oalß ' ZS ' 3|l . »-i ; oc() onts - 2s - u - <■<> 2s. Bd.;-Algerian oats. 2s. Zd. to 2s. 6d. : nmlze, 4b. Id. to • T'i . cru s,hed malt, 75.; fowl barley, 2s. 6d. il Zi ,i; Oapo barle > r seti - 3s.:'horse'beam, « "•■'"'l nt-per bushel): rlcomeal, £4 6s. to M ! t.. '«» Zealand, £11 10s. to £12j' bran, £4 ss. to £4 10s., pearl barley 155.; peas, partridge 4s. 9d. .Prussian blue' ss. 3d. to ss. 6d., fowl peas 4 l', wUt #' Wβ-: bonedußt, £5 155.; superphosphates, £5 to £5 ■Sβ.,- pollard, £5 ss. to £5 10s.fV't 1a8, « £, « 103 - : <*<&•■ oatenshea £3 55.. to £3 155.; oatmeal, £10 15s. to £11; Potatoes, table, £4 10s. to £5; seed potatoes. £o,to £6 10s.; onions, £7 to £8 per ton; Japanese onions, £10 10s. to £11; molasses fodder £5; bacon (factory), sides 7Jd.. hams Bd., rolls Bjd.; hiittcr bulk, 7d.toßld. Poultry: Hens.4s.to4s;6d.;ducks ss. to 65.-. turkeys, gobblers, 18s. to 205., hens 10s. to 145.; fresh eggs,.ls. to 15.,1 d. doz.; cheese 6d to.6Jd. per lb.; loaf, 7d. to 7Jd. per lb.; Akaroa machine-dressed cocksfoot, 73d to Bd.; farmfr«. «S W k to . "-,P er lb -i ryegrass, 3a. 3d. to 48. 6d. per bushel; Italian i-yet-rass. 3s. 6d to. 4s. 6d. per bushel; white clover, 70s. to■ 75a.' alsike 82s 6d. cwt.; mustard, 40s. cwt.; trofoiL 37a. 6d. cwt.; rape seed, 265. cwt.; Timothy, 325. 6d. owt..; Swede and turnip seed; 60s. cwt. • .. LONDON MARKETS. ... . , ■. w* s ™ , D^Bety 'and Company, Ltd., .report hnr 1C 't l i? ndon ,, honse ' under date,of SeptemS?rin«r w°T : S ut { on - nnchanged; other deKft'ft te 6d - lower. Frozen' Meat: The beet market is weak, and prices are l-16d. lovfer. f^, m m is •» f° r ,™«tton is firm, and prices are from id. to Jd. higher. Arrivals are less than expected especially New Zealand, North Island bnt considerable advance unlikely, owing to lame »??™f ¥ amba J - Pr . ice ? for !ftmb are unchanged, except heavy descriptions whioh ore from Jd. ftj" Bd - h « her - ..Shepskina: Merino, fine, crossbred combing skins, are Id. higher; crossbred ooar/y and .medium combing skins, 3d. higher; clothing skins, Jd. to 3d. hicher. VTool: Dates ?? °«1 T a n"? if ale ? 22. September Z7, and October 1; market very firm. Wo expect a-Hse in prices at the next series for fine crossbreds and merinos or 5 per cent, to 10 per cent.. * f 2 r , coar3 e crossbreds, from par to 5 per cent, prices at Antwerp sales, as compared with p"- c7nt We u h ale ?/ for woole ..eenerally are 7i _The New Zealand Loan, and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., have received the following cablegram from their London house, under date of September 16 :-"Sheepskins: Since last sales coarse crossbreds, .combing merinos, short and shorn skins, and clothing descriptions, have advanced Jd., and fine crossbreds 3d. per lb.'< ; .Messrs.: Murray,' Roberts -and Co. have received the following wool market cablegram from their London houso, Messrs. Sanderson.. Murray and Co., n daW Soptembr 16 :-Morino. sheepskins'have advanced three farthines. .ncr.'lb. - ,crossbred sheepskins have advanced one-p'enny.'and other descriptions of skins a halfpenny! ° . WOOL,, HIDE, AND. TALLOTf SALES; ■ Messrs. Abraham and Williams,' reporting,on their-wool, v hide, and- tallow sales at Palmerston. North -yesterday, state :-We submitted a iSin bf? e 35 bags and bales of wool, 1500 sheepskins, 1350 calfskins, 350. large hides and the UEual quanties of bones, tallow, hair, and cowtails. Throughout the sale bidding was very spirited, and the whole offering realised prices-equal to late rates, come cases exceptionally good prices were obtained. Quo-taUons:-Wool-Crutohings, 3id., 4d., to 5d.; ww 7 m' ! , dea A 5! o d u. t0 6id ' : "osßbred, 6d. i?rt 5 ™ bkek. 5d.. Skins-Crossbred, medium, n ' lb 6 ?'' ''I?.--« 4 -.-to 7d. per lb.; crossbred flne. 7Jd to 7Jd.; crossbred, inferior, 4jd. to s}d. ; lambß, 5Jd., 6id., to 63d.; dead, 6}d. to 6d.' qnarter-woolß, 31d. ;i pelts, 3d to 33d.; dead and damaged, 4Jd. Butchers skins, st per pieceCrossbred fine, 4s. 10d. to 7e. 4d. ; - crosebredi medinm, 4s.i--4a.9d.feUd., ft., ss. 10d., 6s.'4d. s - !*• to > «.-, black, 3s. 6d. ; green, 4s. 4d, to 63. 3d.) salted; ss. Other linee: Crossbred, Sif? ? V - I ?i' i; n -to-5?. , M.:-acad..4s.-7d.i lambs pelts, Is. Id. Oalfskins-Tho competition was very keen, and prices realised , wore ahead of late-.ratos. Good sound calf sold at from 7d. t0.53d. per lb., this latter .price, being equal cut calf- 6jd. per lb.f-ycarlings. 6 «d.v-;Hidos-Prices. realised for-hides- were , beyond • Sydney, value in ;some 52d.tjto;:<SJd.j; medium,. 53d. to.-fCBd.; 4 Hgirt°slij crfw, J Jwtpsld..-to sSd.;:medium,c.4Bd.,,°s}d.,.-5)d.! •?j'-'Wii.i'Wttt, 5d., sSd.;'.cows,-,cut,-.5jd.; bulls, 48d.;,heifers j 5Jd. to 6 8 d:;.-stoefa,-sJd.j horse, 6s 6d. to 7s. 3d..-. Sundries-Tallowy tins; £22 5s per 'Wns. casks; £22 15b. to £23 15s/ per ton: horsehair,-Is. Id. per Ib.j cowtails, ■.■lβ. 5Jd. per dozen.: ■ . ; v, v. , . . .-..,.•- ■Reports, of-live stock sales will vie found" on pago i of.this issue.,' -~.. .'.-.■■. ..:-.■
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 615, 18 September 1909, Page 8
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2,145COMMERCIAL ITEMS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 615, 18 September 1909, Page 8
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