.:' ■■ INVESTMENT , SHARE 3. '■''': . ■ A ealo of New Zealand and Elver Plate Land shares at ■£1 14s. 9d. was reported ypsterday. National Bank, bnyors £5 Us. 6d, Oyollington In; vestment, sellors Us. 9d.; Wellington Trust and Loan, Boilers £7 2a. 6d.; ■ National Mortgage, sellers £3: New Zealand and Rivor Plate, buyors £114s. 6d.; Feilding Gas, buyers £1 ■ Os. 9d.! Palmorston North Gas, sellers £7 155.: National Insurance, buyers £1 Bs. 6d.; ;N V Z. Insurance. ■ buyers'• £3 175.; South "British: Insurance, buyers £2' 12s.i Standard Insurance,' buyers £1 3s. 3d.; Now Zealand Shipping, -.buyers £7; Wellington Woollen, buyers £2 19s. 6d.;. .Tfestport-Stookton, sellers-7s: 3d.; Donaghy Hope and Twine, £10s. 6d.; Now Zealand Drugs, sellers £2,75. 3d.; Ward and.Co., sellers £4 lls.; Sharlandte, ordinary, sellers £1 Os. 9d.; preference, sellers £1 Is. 3d.; Tar&naki Petroleum, 20a. paid, sellers 'lls.;; 17s. 6d. paid, sellers 85.6 d.; Wellington Opera House, sellers £7 175., (d.; Mlramar, Ltd., 7,05. paid, sellers: 18a.... ..-: ■~ : . •...■■ :;;;■,;..,. ■,;■:' ■' : : )"• THE, WOOL MARKET.' : ;.' ■'■'. ; The next London wool sales: will begin on Tuesday, September. 21, an interval of nearly two months sinco -the close of the July Bales. Consumption has been on a fairly largo scale, \and tho indications-are that-values will, show some slight improvement. Tke Australian sales open at Adelaide in about' a. fortnight, when a , bettor undorstnading of the position obtained. The Leeds -correspondent of : tho "Economist, , . , London,-.'writing • on.. July 22, says:—"The' fact is. not generally known that yarn contracts hare-been fixed up on a basis of 27d.for 64V tops,, but asan actual faot this quality of combing has been-bought freely as low as 26Jd. and'263d. froin toptnakers. ■■ It is: certain that there is an. expanding.consumption of-.'flne worsted .yarns by. wooilen manufac-. turors. Then, again,- somergood -orders have been placed on Far Eastern account, and tho outlooks in the shipping.-, department' of tho trade is better." '.:..■.../. /.,.:.;,;:.. !'■::.
~;.;:.■'■■ wool, statistics; ;■•• '.■;■ Tho-following. flßuros show the quantities of colonial wool'received and sold in the London market up to> the end of .the.'fourtli series' , this .year and last:—.' ..." , ,' ' - . '.' ■-■.- -•' .:•.'"■• ~'■:■- ;: ' ./ ; -.{V ; /.^ : 1309.'.V 1908. '!'-'. '" . ■''.■ ;: ". .'•' -''■..-.."..'.'8a1e5. Bales. Held over from .provious.year.:.:.:. -11,000 14.C00 Net Imports, for first/four series..;..6M,CoO .691,000 ::%■,',;-- ;, . ';•■ \V '■'. '■: \-'A 'w 699,000':. 705,000 Home trado'purchases: ...........i....;.'351,000 -360,000 Continental -.purchases. ...:.../.......... 270,000. 241,000 American' purchases ';.....' .•..;..'..;... : 62,000 ' 26,000 Held .over 16,000 88,000 .'. Adding to the foregoing the -wools which have passed through' London in: transit, to their destination, and those forwarded direct from the colonies,'purchases,.to .date in the two 'years - and. for'.tho' U-elve , months of. 19CJ com-paro-as follow:—''•.- • " .: ■■'..•,-' " ■'■■■.■-■•■- ; •■-•;•■';■-,:';■. ,-. .. Months. .'" :.' : :" : .\y-,v:,';'.". „-. ~- .ura.-. ...isoe.. i9oe.■ -',»'• '■■- ■ ■;''■■ ■:■.• . \. Bales..' Bnles. Bales. Home .trado. purchases . 776.CC0 ■ 7C4.CCO 909.CC0 .Oontinental purchases .1.339,000 1,043,000 1,3«,P00 American ; purchases..-.. 155,000 ;: 70,000 ■■ 94.0C0 ;:;jTotals[W.;...;:.,v--".:2,270,000., 1,822,000 2,351,000 ■ Of "the increased.-Quantity purchased this year to date, viz:, 449,000 bales ,qnly. 72.CC0. bales have gone' , to the trade of this, country, whereas tho , Oontineht ef: Europe ha 3 secured 291.0C0 Dales and-America' , 85,000 bales mofo 'than in the corro3pondiuE period 6£:l?oß.iy, , V-'^' ; : GBEAT -BANKING AMALGAItATION..' j;' V' '. Ono'of the biggest amalgimntions which has ever taken place in-London-banking circles-wae announced on July' 23, ■ the amalgemation beins 'that of. the London' ind TiTeStminster Bank with thp Loidon- and County Banking: Corporation, 'Both, in eize and v standinß !each ranSs :iiirh among.the Loadon joint stock banks,iand' to-togetner-.they will form a combination which will ■'.:'. be : only, second :'. to'. Lloyd's Bflftk' in importance.;" Tho subscribed capital of the new concern; which is to bo called the , London County and Westminster Bank, Limited, will be £14,0C0,000, with £},sCO,ooo.paid-up; Its reserves will amount -to about 1 £4,250,000,■: and: tho combined curront and ; deposit acoount balancce will exceed £70,000,C00. -.'■ Lloyd's Bank, it may be noted, wblcn Is- tho onlj;, British .institution which exceeds these figures, has'a - -paid-up oanital pf £4,171,000,-reserves amounting to £3,0C0,CC0. and onrrent-and 'doposit accounts'totalling over £74,000,00q. ;;:'■;.:■■;■,:..: ■■.:.;■',■■•■.•",..-.,v.,.•■:.>-..,■■;,.,. ' Customs, revonno ■collected 'at'.Vfellington yesterday, amounted to . £1844'25.. 24;;- ; _ ' ' . • . ■■.-.;;. ',"/-.{;■.■■'■.:■"■■•,.■ .WHEAT;,',' •'■'■■•■'■■'. -:- : -■/;.■■ ■ : (By Telegraph.—Press Association.—Copyrieht.) ': '■ ■'■'!•. •. Louden,. September 2. ' .The .imorican visible supply o! wheat' is 16.762,000. bushels. ■ ... ■■~- : ; ■,; .. 'I ■'■': ;.;... V THE METAL;J£ARKETS; ■'Z • .'' ,','lßy. Tclecrapb.-'-l'roav AitMltUan.-OtiDrrlzUl.l .■ ]:.:SA -VivV: ■.'■.' ■.-■•. ■ .London, September 2.'"Copper, on thospot; £53 25;.6d. per ton; three, months, £60 ls.'3tt.; olcctroiytlc, £60 15s. Simplies, 42,11!5 tons; deliveries, 30,526; stocks,-83,218; afloat, ;J500.. ••:,'■ :; ■■-. : ; ■"; ■ : :-■■■ , \ .-.■• ... ■ ■ --' ; Tin.-iSpbt, £137 v 10s. per ton; three months, £138 10s. . Stocks, 19,668 tons; spot, 7958; afloat, '4727.'-■'•••'.-■ ■ : ; ; - - ■ '•■■.-■ ■■ . : •:■'■.-':.• '•'.•' :
•\;-\ : '::\: i ;::':'[ '/TALLOW. //. ; . -ryjy "■ ■"'; :>- ; /. ■Tallowy-Stocks,' 5276 casks'; '3322; ; deliveries, ■ ■...■.-"! ■;. .- . ;. ■~-.•! : ; V' '■■'. LONDON- MABKETS.'. ' .■. ;'. .Messrs. Dalgety.'and Co.. Ltd., report having received the'following cable messages, from their London houso, under date September 2:—Tallow—Mutton, unchanged; other descriptions, 3d. to. , 6d, . higher. Frozen mtetr-A better demand :exist3 for &U classes. Prices are, if anything, tending upwards. The market (or bee! and lamb is firm, and the mutton market is firmer. Quotations aro as follow:—New Zealand prime ox beef, fores, 2ld.j do.; hinds, 3Jd.; 'New Zealand prime crossbred'lamb, Canterbury,■• heavy, 2Sd.; do., do., light, 33d.j do.,': North' Island, .heavy, Bid.; do., -do., light, 3id.; New. Zealand primo crossbred mutton, Canterbury, -. heavy, 2Sd'.; do., do.-, light, 23d.; do., North Island; heavy, 21d.; do.'.'do.,.'liglit, ! 2jd. :. •..;■;:. .'• .. .
<'■;;■;. WELLINGTON JIAEKET EEPOET.; .\Tlie New Zealand.'! Farmers' Co-operative Distributing Co., Ltd., report as -follows:—Maiae, 4s.'6d. to 4s. Bd.;.wheat, whole fowl,<s.lCd.(firm); barley, Capo,seed, 2s. ,9d.;-barley..feed, '2s. 6d. to 2s. ?d. per bushel; barley meal, best quality, £5 10s. pe rton; oats, 2j. 3d. to 2b.' Ai.; oatß, seed Bparrowbills", Gartons, Duns, Algoriauo, 2s. 6d. to 23. Bd;; oats, crushed, 2«.'/d: per bushel; horeo beans, 4s. 6J. per bushel; partridge peas, 4s. 9d.; PruEsion blue peas, 6s. 6d.; per bushel; hay, prime, £3 to £4 15s; por ton; straw, wheaton, £2 55.; oaten,■ £2 Is. 6d. per' ton; bran, £4 10s. to £4 153.; pollard, £5 Us. to, £5 155.; sucrosino ■200's, £7 ICO's £7 6s. per ton; :linsecd oil cako, genuine, £13 <ierVton; prime oaten sheaf ohaff, £3 to £3 55.; /potatoes, £4 Ids. to £o;selootcd Canterbury Up-to-dato seeds £6, British Queen eeeds':£7 Us.,, Dakota reds'£7 10s.; onions, £5 to £5 Ills, per ton; butter, separator 9d.,- dairy. Bd. per lb.; eggs, fresh, Is. Id. per doz,,* coott demand; honey, 60's <d., 14's 41d.; beeswax, Is.. 6d.j fungua, sd.;wdlnutG, 4Jd. per lb.; cheeso, best'factory, mediums, 6sd.; bacon, faotory sides Sd.( rolls 9d., hams BJd. per lb.; porkers, 70's to 90's 6(1. to 5Jd., 90's to lOu'a 6d., baconers 4id. to 4Jd, heavy pigs 3d. to.'3jd. per lb., very, good demand; cabbage, 25.;. parsnips, 2s: 6d.; carrots, table 35.; Uorso carrots,. 255. per ton; marrows, Is - to Is. Od.; cauliflower, 2s. 6d.; pumpkins, 3s. per sack; swedes, 20a. per ton; apples, dessert, 7s. 6d. to 10fl.;.apples, cookers, 6s. to 7s. Poultry: Table roosters', 4s. 6d.; cockerels, ss. 6d, to 65.; table hens, 4b. to 4s. 6d.; ducks, 6s. 75.; geese, 6s. Oil. to 75., all at per pair; turkey gobDlerß, !»ld. to 10d.;,hens,.9d. per lb.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 604, 4 September 1909, Page 8
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1,104COMMERCIAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 604, 4 September 1909, Page 8
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