S--V>v-- :; ;v,-. ; ; INVESTMENT SHAKES. \ : ;\ '.;:,. ■ 3? 10 !: o£: Taupiri Goal at : £I,' and /Gear, Meat, ;■/• 'r: , pmd up, at £2125., were recorded yesterday. I Bank ;■',.■;- vof New Zealand, buyers £9 45.6 d.; ' National Bank, .>.;;-\, buyers, £S 7s. '6d.,, eollera '£s 95.; National, Morti r -'. V..'■.■.■■■' gage, sellers £3; .Wellington Investment, sellers 5 ; ; v:" ;■: lls. 9d.; New Zealand and Kiver Plate, ■ buyers f;?h :. £1 '.'l4g.;:.FeUdlnK'aas,- buyers £1 03. 9d!; Palmt-> ~ .erstori .North, Gas, sellers £7 155.; National In- [•.,;■ jm Burance, buyers £1 83. 6d.; Now Zealand Insur-: rj:.\. -...-, 'ance, buyers £3 155.; South British Insurance, i:*"0:.\...,-.ybuyerß ±2 .125., sellors £-2 14a.; Ohristchurch !". ,:■ : Meat, buyers' £10 10s.; Gear Moat (£1 paid). j :■.,; -,;.:.. sellers- m.'isi; Now ■ Zealand Shipping, buyers f.'■■.:'■: /*'/; Union Steam, sellers £lU4s. 3d.; \Vestp6rt !;,.:... •,;■■ Coal, sellers- £6 145.; Westport-Stockton, sellers ,:..■-, ■■■-.•■-. vs. 3d.;' Doriaghy -Hope, > buyers £1; Leyland- !;. v O'Brien Timber, sellers £I'2s.; Ward and Co. pi ' : v brewery shares.-.sellors £4 10s.; Taranaki Fetro ; s:. , leum, buyers 83.; Sharland's. ordinary, sc-llers \-:\ :yv;£1..05..;9d.; preference,; sellers £1 Is.v .-■ I-,. "-;/'■ ,/KAIAFOI : WO.OLLEN COMPANY.'' ' : ;! J.'tV:,. ; ■■■'The report of tlio''directors, of tho Kaiapoi j. , ,'.; ■■Woollen Manufacturing Company recommends a v,. •:•'■ : ""dividend- of>7 per cent, on ordinary and 6i per. !.■.:■'.:: .cent.' on preference shares, '.'after making pro- :;:;■:/ vision 'for; depreciation;-.repairs,- and ''reserve. ';'■,;.■' yiie stringency of the money market limited the i :. . ■ applications for noV shares.- The directors hope .■■■"?.■■-;-..■■" ' to, receive. an inoreased number of applications i'.lr.*-- , during the present year..The sum of £2241 .has >■■'■'"'"■'■"'. been'expended in ropairs to. plant, and £4GCO ■',- : ' ./,;: provided for depreciation. The stock .has been ;.■ •-:■:'.-carefully'"taken, and though larger than usual, r-:'.;•;is good value. Provision has been-made for ?:;.;..,■ all bad, debts."-..After, providing for above, re- ■:,';, commendations as to dividend,;, and adding. !..:■•'■• £1500 .to reserve,., the profit "and loss 'account. i'?.-V- ; ■:■■■'shows .a"balance of • £S4l w 7s.- Id., which is to Kiv.,. bo carried;forward to hew- account. The profits "/'■■■; ■•'.''. for-'thei year,- including £1432. 75. , lid. 'brought Vo-;'J -.■-'■ forward, amounted to £11,722 Is. Id.. ; ; ," :,■■■ ffi : ;'■:■'/".:■. ■'•:■'.■■■' -'./NOTES.- -I ■.; ' ■ '•'■' '[. V': .-■■.■-, During; the first half/of; the current year the ,■■■: "imports oi gold ; into the -,- United , KingdomIs ■■?■■: ■:■': amounted .to■' £29,075,000, 'whilst the'.'oxporta': f ■:.■'.." 0n1y'£19,572,Cp0,''56 that very nearly.ten 1 ':'■' ■•..."■'., -millions have' been retained in' , the country, fp■■;.■ .:'■■-; whioh.jof course, accounts:very largely for .tfo f':V;, ;, . ease'in'.tue iabney ; mai'kst. .: ; ; " ; ;'. J/..--!- 'I.'. ■/ The .failures' in the' Uiiited;.Stato3 during' the r:■'■■■';■.'■.•■■'■■' firstvhalf- of the year numbered 6900,' as against cV-i.'..'.''.0700 -: lii the" corresponding period of 1908, the KV'. .total- -inabilities beinr £17,708,000, as 'compared ti ';,.- with £24,875,001).. In r addition'there werb 42-bank- [■'" ,-jng failures, da against. 120, with liabilities an-' }-,■'-.-;. Bi'ogatinff £3,?37,Wo;''as , against-£15,574,0C0. b. , ,-- The: total "number; of commercial failure. , ! in j'..-- England-.and Wales' during the first 27 '■ weeks :•■-.; of this year' was-. 4ZGO, as against'4399'in. the. ;'; •'■.''. corresponding period.of 1908. •-.,'; " .-. ' President;. Hare,', of;-., the'" United States'. Tire >,-'■,.', , TJnderirritors' Assooiation,'in his. annual report; ('-■'■' "states that orer £54,916 584 is the.average annual. .:;:.,, .firo.loss-in the.United State? for^thc■ last live' : '• ; ■■,;;. £274,584,420: l< This ••means -the.'.'.destruction', of' f; " ■ ;.v£150,457 for each day. of. .the Overyears: ' :. ■ I '■• -.. ••'•' i..VThii,Vproniises;to be',one' of the most, interestt:''--" ing"industries 'in connection with thevdeTOlop-s:".-'v '.-' ment,,'pf Ugajida is' that»associated . with the 1.-;', .production of,'. beeswat The fact that'the ei- ?••■',;.;:.-:' ports ; of ..this/commodity ■ from, German Essf i.'. '••■■■■ ■■■ Africa rVrcre' last' year .valued at over .£6O,CCO, !'.:'•.' .-' suggested tothe Qovernor;of the British colony V.', ' "the ipossibiilty of establishing a , new and,profit,r;: . industry; ■:. Considerable Quantities- 'of ei- !;'■;■ cellent wax are now. : being .sold to traders in i, ■■ ■':";.- variona districts at I .'good.'prices', and th'or.e is I'-!.'.'.;:'..• belisvo. that-'tlie.production-vill soon. t,..:;... assume--large, .'proportions. .Bees a.bound-..-''in ;.-. ■ Uganda,', and itho natives-, only require to be ! , ehov/n how tor turn thorn, to .profitable' account.i ■':•: ..The Commiasibher.of the Eastern 'Provinces, re- ;■'■ : V porta that already 10.COO Mves have'.been erected I-':;'-,'' , ..."-'.in one- ; districtJ'' .'■ ■■■:, : ■ •' ■■''■;- ji v . '. .'; i'.: ; .. •••;.' From, the , accounts ;of'the -jElder Dempsterc !,.; :r Shipping, Limited, for th'e, past year, U would- %: .eeemthat the unsatisfactory condition'of the ',':■:. ■ -. freight. ; market;has had a much, more serious. I'-' : effect:on \ earnings than in 4hb previous period.: ?... .-■'• A sum .of.)£llCO was froin/19D7-8 and i> , ■'.-.;•■■.'£4ooo ;has been • transferred from: reserve, and (.:.-■■ .after, allowing for debenture interest and "-de-' !■•..=.': preciation there remains £1200 to 'go forward. i'-.-'v;.'' In the previous year 5 per cent: was paid ha' f_:. '■■'; the ordinary shares', -'which 'get nothing this' !-■■.-■-,. -'.; time;.£3ooo 'was'.'placed to'rcjerve '- ! Snd £49.4U-' '- ■:.../ was.allbwed for depreciation. In the announce- .-.-.■•'-. i':'-. rnent. now. published is is not stated'what prpvi- *':..';':':. iidn, "if; .ariy,:is .this timo made for deprecia- ■;;. •-, ■-.." tion. •■. ..,;'■:■...'•. ; ; .-.-!■;•■■., ":■'■ ,■; ~'.-'■-' '.. .■'-.' - Customs , revenue' collected at 'Wellington-'TeE-' . .terday; amounted. to/£1791 35.4 d. .- ■■■■■■■;■ ;■■:■; ■' K' v . '~■ i. WELIjIN(3fON ; MABKET EEPOBTS.'?..• •■'.'■ ,'fhe New' Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Dis- ;.". :.'..■ tributing ■ "Company, .Limited,, report , , prices (■:.U> .-.-'.for the week ending yesterday as follow:-Maize, :.:•' . 4s, 6d. to 4s. 9d.; wheat, wholo fowl, ss. (Orm)j: 1 ..-:;.. '. barley, :Cape. seed, 2g. 9d.;; barley lead, 2s. Cd. ,■■-.. to 2i. 9d. per bushel; barley jmeai, best quality, •, .-;■ ;-.;■ £5- 10s. to £6 ner ton; gat3,''23. 3d. to 2s. 4d.; ::,- oaU, seed,- Sparrqwbills,- Qaiions, Dnns, Algcri- •", .-.-.. ans, 25.;6d. to 2a. 2s. 7d; per. : : "'-;.-'■-.:■• bushel; .horse beans, 4s. '6d. per' bushel; part-: :■;.:,-. ■■'- ridge' peas,; 4s. Sd.'fPrusaian Bine peas, 55." 6d:- .- ' ;. per. bushol; 1 haj',.'prime,-£3.. to , £4 15s. per-ton;' ;.•'•■■„ • Btraw, wheaten £2.55., oaten-£2 2s. 6d. por ton' f.: 'bran. £4 15s. to £5; pollard,,£s 15c. to £6; aucrb- ,. •'. .-. ■■tnne,'2oo , e-'£7. , .WO's:-J!7 55.. psrton;' linseed oil .-■ i,--. cake, genuine, £13 per ton.;; prime oaten sheaf. :-V : ■■">;.chaff,,£3. i ss. : to-:£J' lOs.i discoloured, £2 10s. 'to. ■ : ,: ;.' £2 15s.- per ton; potatoes, £4:10s.- to £4 15s.;.se-, '. .- lected Canterbury Up-to-Dato seeds £6 ss. Bri- [■■;,: - tish Queen .seeds. £7 10s., Dakota Eeds '£8:10s.; r !.-'.; .onions, £5 -to £5 10s.. per ton;, butter, separator r-:.; .; 9d., dairy BJd. to 9d. per lb.; eggs, fresh, is.'' '. -.' ■;.;.-; per doj.; fair demand; honey,.6O's,4Jd.,l4'» 43d;' :■>,: boesv;ai,.ls.,6d;; fungus.' walnuts, '41d. per -■.'-...' 1b..; cheese, 'best -factory, mediums,' SJd-; ;bacoii, ■'■■■■■■■-. factory,, sides Bd.; rolls 9d.,- hams. BJd- per- lb.-,. ■,'■.. porkers, 70's to 9O'fl, sd.:to sJd.,' 90'sto ICO's 5d.; :■.'■■,,' bsconers," 4Jd. to : 43d.;... heavy pigs, ■ 3d. to 3Jd. .-.;■■-.■ per lb., very • good demand; cabbage, - 2s, to ' v 4s.;'.parsnips, 2s.;;carrots, table, 2a.,- horse car'-' ~',-...; ...rots, 255. per, ton, marrows, Is.; cauliflower, 65.; ■,:-■■:_.. . pumpkins, 3s. per eack;,swedes. 20sT per- ton;' sip- -... •. pies,.desscrt,-;6s. 6d.. to-95.; apples,, cookers,'6s.; ; : ". .' Ppultry-Tablo: roosters, 4s. 6d:; cockerels,. ss. .;.. ■ 6d.; table hens, ,4a.;-ducks,-.65. to 75.; geese.'es. .•.:.--.,.- 6d...tq;7«.—a1l at per pair; turkey, goT)blers, 10d.; ;;;>./ hens,; 9Jd.-'.Vper-: lb. ' ':; ; -: : .'•' '■'-■ ■■■■■ '.: ,'V.-.' ~-; Messrs. Eaery -and Cbmpnriy, Ud., Wellington ■';• . report .wholesale rullnr on the -market— ■'■■■- Wheat,- fowl Is.'Jd. 'to 45. , led., shrivelled wheat •..:--. 45.; feed oats, 2s. sd.;Dun.oats, -2s. 3d ..,'■,.','"■ to 2b. 4d.; Feed oats. .2«.<d. to 2».'6d.; Algnrian- ■■■■'■•• feed oats,; 25.: 2d. toi2s. 6d.; maize, :4s. 4d to .;:■;-. ,4s,.7d.;.;crushed ,ma1t,;,73.; fowl barley. 25.. 6d.- •■■;>..-.' to 25.• 9d.; Cape barley seed, 3s.j: horse boans, ;' : 4s. ;6d. (all at per bushel);: riceineal, £4 65.. to ;;■ -.... '£s'; Hour, New Zealand, £11 IBs. to jSIK;' brtin : ; v ! '£4 10s. to'£s:-pearl barley, .£«; poas, partridte ; 4s. 9d., pruesiin blue 5e 3dMo 65.-6 d., fowl peaa ■ 4s.,isplit £17 10s.; bonedust: £6;-. isuperphbiphates :■' -. -~- £5. ■, £5, ,55.;-'-.poUard, .£5 . 10s. to '£6 : : ~/basic, slas,'. -£4 . '£10s.; . chaff, oaten- : -.'■. -.-;.■■■ Bheaf), : £3,,. ss. .-to. £3 . 15s'; oatmeal ' ■■■:.. .£lO :155.): to-,£11; -.'pi'ilatoes, ; £4' to'- £4 ■ 10n. . . eeed-potatoes, -£SHo £6 10s.; onions, £5 to £7-, Japanese.onions,'£ll; molasses fodder, £5; bacon ... .'; .(factory),'sides 75d.. bains !cl.', rolls SJrt.; butter.. !....■'; . ; bulk, .Bd; I'onltry: Ilene '3s. ducks 4s. '•:-. '"-' toiss.; turkeys,, sobblcrs 15a. 10 165., 9s. to Us ; [. •' :.'fresh■'■-..■ eres,, ..Is.; ■■ cheese, i 6d. ':■■•. to"■- \,: .per. lb.; loaf, 7d. to 7Jd. per. lb.; Almroa :■; .''. machine-dressed cocksfoot 73d.' to Dd., ■ farmers'. j. ■-,- dressed sd. to 6d. per lb.; ryegrass, 3s. 3d. l< ; ; : t0v.48. 6d; per bushel; -Italian ryegrass, 3s. 6d ;•-..- -.'■ ,to,'4s.'6d; per'bushel;-.white clover,' .703. to 755. ■ 7,: cwt.;: red clover, 655. cw't.;. cow erass. 655" cwt.; •'■• -. . alsiko;B2s 6d. cwt.; mustard, 40a.- cwt.; trefoil i; :. v 375. 6d.. cwt.; rapoeeod, 265.'. cwt.; timothy, • 32a.' |-, '' 6d. crrt.; swedo and turnip seed, 60s. cwta- '-■■ [.'■-.■;.■.■•'"..■■■■■"■. '■',}' : '.', wve'Stock sales; : ' .■-.•.-,■: :-' :-■,.' Messrs.' Dalioty' and Co., Ltd:; reporting'uuder L .'•-,- yesterday's date on their: Levin salo, state:—Wβ j;, ' yarded ; 24C0 ;shcep,, consisting. of somo of the .-:'•■■ . finest ewes, and ■. wethers ever yarded iu Levin ; . Sheep "generally showed, an casing in price, bid- [■' ■',■■■.' ditiK'not.being.:as keen as usual. -However, wo i-.:-' Quitted, the bulk of the entry at the following ■'■•■■■■ prico.i:-Prime.f«,t wethors, 175.," 17b. 4d..t0 17s -•. . -lid.; fat wethers, ]55..3d., 155.-lid., 165.,' 16s.' 6d. ; j- •■"•'.. good, hoggets,;lie. 6d.'.to- lls. Id.; others Bs'. 6d. I .-... 9|.-10a., 10s.'.'-'4d. 5 to lls. Id:; 2-tooth wothbrs, } '.... 135.;.cn1l ewes in ltinb, 10s. 2d. An .offer ef£l ! ; for a fine lino of ewes was not accepted. [•■■■':■■■' Springing,heifers;'.£2'l7s.';"empty 'cows,:£3. ■■■•'. \ : -' ■'. '_Ees»rdiDß'lheir Feildinß ; eald yesterday Messrs. .■;: .: Daleety and Co., Ltd.-, report :—A fair entry of sheep j •-.■... and cattlecame.forward.- Mixed hoggols, 9s. 4d._ ,--'■' '-■-. 105;..'5d.. to 10s: _7.d.; forward ewes,; Us.; store 1. ..'wethers,'lls.'3d.; : empty, e.wos, 9s.' 6d.; weanor i-....,-,, hoifers/30.i.; empty heifers, small, £2 Is.; 24-year , -empty, heifers, to-,£3'j stbro cows, 355. to £2; 13S-.-:. month;.stMrs, £i;6s.; 2J-year. steors, £3 16a.; fat i•. / cows,;.£ 4 5!.,'t0.' .C 4 145.; backward springing I ', heifers, ;£4'ss: to £4 8:.;: • : .•' - , ■■.: .. ' Kes'srs. Dalgety and C 0.,. Ltd., reporting on ['■ ~-'■ their .miles at Woodvillu on Monday, and. at V:' , ' Danncvirke yesterday, " t6 the 'latter:— i.- The entry,was chiefly ewes in'lamb, all of which f -... sold, , is now potting , late for moving ;■ .them. ■, Good 4-tooth* ewes, in .lamb, 18s.; 2-tboth ! -.-.'■■■■■ do:,. 145.;3d.;-4-tooth to s.m. do/, 12s.' 6d. to 13s. i 3d.; heavy fat'ewts,'l2s.; "empty, ewes, 7s. lid.; ]■ ■'.■'.- email" 2J-year-. steers; 765.; 3-year steers, 935.; f• • - springing-, heifers. -755. ...-'■; ~,..',. ~, i'-. ■>'■' The-New Zealand Loan and. Mercantile Agency !■ '; Co.; Ltd.,!report as follows:—At Fcilding on Frii:'.' ■ daythf entry, w»s; short of, advertised numbers, '■' -.■:■ . and few .buyers' were present. A (tood .entry of' ;;. -.-. cattle,'hbitevor, met with good coninetition. -Wo j- quote:r-Shee?: Forward .wethers,. 135.; ■ medium S ■'■:•.■' hoggets,' Js.. , Id.;;, -forward eire.i, <lls. ' Oattlo: r ,"..- Yearjins heifers, 34b.• 6d.; discoloured yoarlins ;"•'■.■'' steers, "345. .-6d.; store cows, £2; empty ' ' -. . ." 2-year.old heifers. ,£2 to £2 :Bs.; .forward.. cow.«. . r • £2. 153.; .cdws--in'-.'calf,-. £3 '35.;-. dairy cows, ! ;sprinsinjf, £5 Via.; fat heifers; £4 sa. and £4 {.'•-.■ . Cs.. 6(1.; flit cows,; £4 5s. v ,to £4 175.; bull, £2 7s. j. -'" '' Hi ', " ';'•'.■-; '■ , ■':'.■ ."■'.'..-■ T:' ■■ . Mensra. Abraham and Williams, Lβ., report :—At ■■■■■ Lovin yesterday an'entry of'SCO head: of cattle "•-.-. ,inet, ; with keen competition, and with the excopI: :.'. tion of a few.'odd dairy cows; all lines chanced 1..-., •'. bands at prices in.advance of recent quotations. i ■:■■;'■■ Sheep were yarded in small number*; several (■-.-;.,. lines of breeding ewes advertised boine'unablo ;. V to come forward, owlnit to the lambing having h' •. . started. QuotationsHFal- bullooks,-'£7 si/to '£? ('■•'.■■■' 65g.;;3-ycar ibullocks, £5:105...t0 £5.19».; 2-year .-. - Eteera, £3:18s.;'18-mdnth steero;£3 7s; to £3 13s:; '/'■:"'. yearling steers, £2 6s. to'£3.Us.'6d.; fat cows, '.'■: . '.•'■■ £4 7s. 6d 'to £5 18a.; one heavy.'.cow,' £8; for>'.v": ward cows, £3 to £3 55.; store cows,'34s.. to £2. '-'• Es.; springing heifers, £5 to £6 12s. 6d.j baoliward !'■■'- calyinß heifers, £3 ; 15a.-to £4 10s.; 2-year-heifers r.-.■/.' ~"- in calf, £?. ; IS3.;■ springing cows, £4" lls."to £8 ! . " 10s.; cons in milk. £4 to £6 15s.;'yearling hoi- ' !■■'■'-' fers,'2a. 6d. to 305.; m;ied yearlings. 275. M.; i- woaiiv'ni, "15b: to £2; fat wethers, 15a. 6d. to 17s. j - '■''"-.'.' - fat ewes,' 125.: Bd. to 145.; hoggots, 9s. w. \ .'-."•'.'. : 7d.-| '.ewes in lamb," 4s. 9d. . ' ' ~-..•' [-■''.":■: Jfessrs. : 'Dalgety .'arid' Company, Ltd., report : > having Jield a most successful sole on account i\ of Mr.'James M'Pherson, of 650 head of young I;';,;.. oteflrs,.ia..thß Paolatua'Farmers' Tatdo, on .Wad;, _
nosday. Although tho weather .was inclement, a largo, gathering of buyers wore present from all parts of the district, Wairarapa, ITawko's Bay, and West Coast being , well ropros;ntcd. The cattle offered were a eood lot, and had been carofully drafted.. Bidding from the commencemont of tho sale "'was''.brisk, and e'vory lot offered ohanged hands under, tho hammer, a great many of tho lines going to tho West Coast and Hawke's Bay. Prices wore as follow 2 to 21-year steera, £3'125.; 63 do., at £3 10s. 6d.j 50,d0., at £3 10s.; ICO do., at £3 95.; 19.d0.-at £3 Bs.; 61 do., at £3 125.; 50 do., at £3 15?.; 40 do., at £3 95.; 100 20-month steers, £2 175.; 69 d0,,-at £2 18a _■'.•) Mr. Newton King's weekly auction report, dnted August 19, is as follows:—At Urcnui on Monday thoro was a full yarding of cattle, with a big attiMidaiicu of buyers.. Bidding was brisk throughout, practically everything-, being sold at thi! hammer. "Wcaricrs made 165." to 255.; mixed yearlings, 295. to 345.; yearling eteers. 345. to -415.; yearling heifers, 335.. to 41b.; empty heifers, £2 14s: Id.'to £2 18s,; forward do., £3 lls.-to £4 Is.; store cows, £2 175.;, £4 15a., to £5 55.; 2-ycar-steers, £3 os. 6d.; 3-year, bullocko, £4 49. to £4 65.; 2. to 2J-year steers, £3 145.; springing heifer?. £4 7s.- 6d."to £5 55.; sprinffing cows, £4 to £6; -4-tooth wethers, forward, 13s. 6d.; 4, .6. and 4f.m. ewes,' 155.; f.m. ewes, «p. At Kaho'tu on Tuesday the yards wore ful!, and competition was keen for all classes, nearly everything being' sold .at tho hammer, at improved .prices. Calves mad* IBs. to 25f!.; mixed yearlings, 31s. to 355.; steer do., 355. to 315.-Cd.: heifers, 325. 6d. to 365.; 18-month steers, 465. to 475. 6d.; empty heifers, £2 55., £2105.; store. cow.t,'3S3, 6d. to £2 145.; fat Mo., £4 10s. to £5; springing heifers; £5 to £6 2s. 6d. At Stony Eiycr on Wtdnesday there ita? a goon yardiiiK, and good attendance, with good demand for all classes, prices for everything being In sollurs' fnvour. Calves made 14s. to 265. 6d.; mixed 1 ycnrlings, 3ls. to 335.; Steer do., 345. to 35?.'.' 6d.: hcifern, 345. to 425.; 15 to 16-month empty do.j £2 10s. 6d. to £2 12s. 6d.; store cows, £2 Bs. to £2 17s.- 6d.; fat do., £5 to £6; springing heifers.- £5; (springing cowsi £4 15s.>. to £6 1G3.; store pips, 265.. 6d to 275. '6d.;. wether hoggets, Bs. Id. At Waiwaltaiho on Thursday cattle cama forward in advertised numbers, and there was ft! good attendance and good demand. Weaners, 235. 6d. to 27s.;'.'mixed s'earlings, 275.,6 d. to 315.; yearling heifers, 31s. to 405.; empty heifers, £2ss.' to £2 175.'6 d.; 2-year steers, £2 18s. to £3 '6s ; store cows, £2 10s. to £2 155.; forward do., £3 to £3 7s. 6d.; fat d0.,-.-C3'l9s. to £4*65.: springing cows, £4 10s. to £7 10=.; late do., £3 10s. to £4 ss.;', grade Jorrey. bulls, £8; ordinary do., up to '-Si; lanibs, 7a.:tod.; wothor hoggets,' 10s. 2d.! laf wethers;,l3s. 7d. . •.. . . ' '-■ whOL, : HIDE*'ANB TALLOW SALES. % . Hogardins their Palmerston North, wool, skin, bide,' nnd tallow jiile, Messrs. Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report as follows:—We held our monthly'tale on. Friday, and submitted, a good catalogue 1 to a largo attendance '. of ' bnyers.' Prices 'realised for wool nnd skins were better than last, sole, owing chiefly to the presenco of several. , new buyers. Hides were keenly sought ■ after, : , and . prices compare favourably vrithlat* rates. The whole of the offering wan sold under'' the hammer.. We quote:—Wool crntchings,-4d., 4'd., 4?d. to sd.;.deaa and black, 4jd., s*d: to s?d.> crosibred. 53d., 6d. to 6*d.; locks and plfcee, ,Hd. to 3Jd.'. Skins: We offered ZCCO. Bkins, and. pelt.i, end the. comnelitioß for themas mentioned was very keen. .Prices:—Crossbred, inferior, :3'd.: to 5d.; crosrbred, medium, 43d., sid., 6d. to, 6>d.; crossbred,-fine, 6Sd., 7Jd. to 71di; lambs, 4i(1.',';5d., 5Jd. to «3d.j black, 43d.; dead, 4jd. to 5Jd:; dead hosgets, 4Jd.; inferior pelts, Ud. to 4d.; quarter to.hnif wools, 5d.; butchers' nkins, nt per piece, crossbred,, fine, <s. Ed., ss. lid., to Cs.Zd.; crossbred,'medium, 35.-.Sd.i'3s. td., 45.--3 p"., 4e. 3d., f sb. 5d., ss. 7d., 6s. 5d., to 63-6(i.i dead, 3s. 7di; salted, ls.Jto 2s. 6d.; lambs,'3s. 6d.; .green skinn. up to 65.-6 d.; calfskiD.q, "ound, 5Jd., 53d.. 6£d., .to- BJd.; calf, cut, 43d.; flippy, 3d.; yearlings, 4d. Hides: Oi, heavy, 6d., s£d.; medium, 5Jd., 6?r1., 5Zd.; light, s{d., 5Jd.; medium, 5Jd.. 53d., 53d.;..' cut,. Sid. to 5d.; bulls. 4id.i stags, 43d.; steers, 45d.; heifer, 3J.d. to 53d.; horse, ss. 3d. to ss. 6d. Sundries: Tallow, tins, 145.-to 19s. 6d. per cwt.: barrels, 19a. 9(i. 'per. cwt.; irought fat, ,15s. ?d.;"con'tails,' Iβ. per dozen.-. ' .'., • ■■'■ ", , ~ ;. . . ' •.:;'■.' LONDON; MABKETS,' ~ : - ■ Messrs'. Dalgety and' Company, Limited, report having received the following, cable messages from their .London - house,' under date August 19:—Tallow: Since onr last wire prices are 3d. to 6d. lower; There is more, disposition to do business , at"-the decline. -Froen- Meat.— Beef: Market firm, but prico3 'unchanged. ton:' Any chnnge in is' in favour of seU lers, but prices are not "likely to advance materially, in view of cheapness of lamb. Lamb: Prices are id.- to sd. lower. Market/dull, .with a doMmward tendency.. ).:."•■.<■■ \; ''• .■.. .'■• r' .■:. ! "SILVER.- ' '}. A, ;•'' v : : ..' ;(Dy Telcgraph.-Ptosa :ABsociallqn.-'-OoDyrleM.l'' - --' ;■' • : :.'■'■'■• ;■■";,'' 'London, 'August 19. '- Bar silver is quoted at 23 7-16 d. por ounce Stan-' dardj- -. ;• ,' ;.. .'_;■ ;.';.;• '■■■•'■•; ' '•■ : ■ ' ';- ;. ■■.■/ TAEANAKI OIL.: .' ' ":• ; (By Teleßraph.-I'rp'u Assnclstlon.) ■■''.■ "'New :.Plymeutli|. August-20, Splendid samples of oil .are being securcd-from both boren at the Taranaki Company's well 3, especially a. , , the new deep-Ujvel seam, and great interest is being evinced locally in the now developments. ;,' "' ''•'' ■■■' .-• 1-
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 592, 21 August 1909, Page 8
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2,788COMMERCIAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 592, 21 August 1909, Page 8
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