v;:, «/SMORE:ANNOUNCEMENTS:BY;THE '■'■•" - :^^::^B: &MW^W m: '^ y-- ;: '- ': 'Wit' /Conference of..the .:.: '::-New.2ealand-;Farnien the.;rpQms';over-tthe. Wellington; Chamber 'of; ;.;;':;:Commerc'oV:yesterday;,. i mqraing. .; -Tlieypresi-,, ;: -\J 'dent;:;Mr. l "J;lG.;;'Wilson, J pccupied'the chair.: :/.;:-'' Anv-iitteresting/discussion on tho mortjgage ■ : ; .■ -. tax;-ivas'-introduced-'.;by,■ the ■moviiig' of tho fol- /:-;;; .1 /16\vihg5mcitipn-;by_i Mr; ■ j;'C/.Cboper :(Welling- '....■•/ .\!.'teri)fV-r:!'-'TKat 'tnfe.conforence'eiidorspstho'a-ei-. ;/;';.:. Bplvrlion i.,;byf: : tie;;:ic6hfefonco,' loi ;.-. .tlio ;/'-'; -united 'chambeTS'.'qf' ;odmmerce;,to■; the;, effect ;v: ,;-;;:to^ -::*> '^taxatipnvori:mortgages, ; be in:the,'fqrm.,of.;an: .-'.■..'■.•'•'' /income-tax; '-..:<- V';:; : >/Vv;,\-;'^.;-"; : ;f;;Mr';;; Cfcoper;/contended; that ,the/mortgage; "'.-■ tax 'Avhich .was' bo :.only/'a ;tax' on •;:.-:. .capitalists (the;:mo'neyJender3)','-,haa 'in.'.reality. -'.',/.become;;a';tax':'on'lfarmersv'(the'-boreqwers).vlt "Ihad ;alsb;.hielp'ed'' to; force slenders .to- divert; .;. '.'i.their 'capital ;to;'pther,;cpu'ntrics, ; 'ahd;farm,ei's : ::': : ::/'"MperiehcM;-difMi%anigetting";te , ;■'.:-.; Jleyen, ■■:inl- some 1 , cases;'; : at Jan; ... ; : ;s;!: ; /;.iax';fa!lmgyupon:;j6therVsh6uId /-":' :npt ~by,/means of ..a' :"; -be/dqne; ;::-'/ s.;> .';: ;f,.;.;Mr. ; \J. ;M.'Quee'n:.(Southland);' seconded, arid :' ; ;JV/ cphdemne"d*;.the^policy;,of, :taxing ~a- man's■ ,/-,^ : ''debts.-i-VHe'-was:-^ ; f riglitened'out': jpf;and^a; nephew' ;.'.- :;•- -"df.Kfsljin '.ti>''re'alise i ::: !/ /;.S ffi ; /M : ;nis ;; i /;S;'-froze.tfmeajv|^ <- faV-' ; v,. ;: ;■-. ;'me'ft money-; to ;put.j.t;on/thb; :/;.-:. ;'"total is ;;. : .'fought/not>:to/be; taxed] for,-doing/so;;./;;; : 1 ■.; : : : ;, '-. ask'ed;:hb>y .-thel^ V = ■ vjo li>& ?m'ade.v/up;;if;S;the;/Jmortgage«.tax, were 1 V,; ! ;V'/' ; ab^ished.';/: iff i;-';'';.;^Vf?:-?/ : ;S^ ; ;;i-Mr.-Cftbr*r v ,; ; -';;;;-;SMry^D; v /Jbnes;/(Cahterbury)'''said fa';sropi i e-: ';■,;;■;:'!;Sentative-)of-.a';leading r .Chris;tchurch firm'-;who ;>-.-;: - ■ r^nt-ly'; visited"; V. fe ! inq'ii'i'r'e '-'. k ; for > , v ; ;' 1 ; .Mr.,.Cpqper : iieces-! .•'/-//'sar.y.^p" "/V; I ;the/: impression KtHat/'!th'ey;Vwer : e'%bihg''' : to ; rb«i ■: . -; r^^uhdere'd;''*?;-;*;/;^ 1 ::-; : £< ;}:>': ■};■>}}''' -.' /''; :V/STI?*> -iiiotloji *-*-jviis Jcafriedfuhaiiinmusly;'/-;/,';:, :;':;';:;;.;;^r;B ; ;Math^n^v«^W ;■">-.' 1 .:; 'JThat;- logialatipn '.- be, tasked'; ;for,: givihgipower '.."■-; to.;:publish : !vvendbfs' i/names, 1 .; -together/with ■;,;.../analyses.; of. jand/manures, .where '..,,'-:;; samplea^tb:.^^be;analysedVa'r6;ptoperly ; takeh.'' ';;;;';-vHe ::-;;V; : ;.to v ;tn'e.prbpCTfautho ;.;.■;■ - ih":order''.t'o: :; prpteot';formerßVirom;;being'.sold ;/ r/v; infprior/'samples;; of.; pres'ehtv- the ;' v ;v/;l%;el''l&w;;made^ii; : fi[ ' ; ,."d6rs!-;-;nam"es.'.-in";-couheCTion':with-'.'analyses./,. •''; : :s!^-.i^'Q^?^( Sou tWan4)/ askeci;.who : was ; ;. T:/to.v. ha f/.,y;/;;to. | haye^the!'right;'; : ; ■■■% Agri- / v ' vCulturalr/DepaHmcntij./who would, 1 t'no-doubt," ;,;/ ; ,;!-,use:.'Spfqper.i;discre'tion'::'. ■>^!t"-;i v;',: "■}■,[. ; : .v'.-. ; ■-■•• y^i^i-^athespn-Abbtaihed //leave, tbssariiend z;* 1 •''■:'; ■ s£ e ?^ofeMd; th^i;nio'ti6ni'; J as -*:-■;'.; 'tlien/carried;^;/';//' *V;/^Cy; :^ :"/' ''.■ ■;■ .-:. '■:■ '•.':'. ', yV I Syf Parity ;of. -Spmi; ! ; ify,', ■":;/ : ':';:' : J; :«:;]^.i]L'eailey;:.(Ca^rbury)'s;moved ./ : f:;/:;the.Ppmk'ibii' :i reebmmehd--to" the ;//, .(.Governmbntr.ithat;\steps be : :taken':to/reihbdy > ;';;k!?e,.fnMy; : j ;,-'' /Afective;grading 'ofi; numerbu's farm-: seeds,"-by I i'; !l^smg' : ■■-'i;-:-.---p]a'iney. : :tli'a't; i ;tn'ev-jn'tentjon ■■::■',■- 1 .liable' i-.-vMP'jabtion' l ;fbr:;,dam.ages ,-!if.;-'f biind-i.' nbt;\ipc W V >^ ( ;.; '^Mr./Ctqthier;-(Canterbury) -seconded.:•'■"'■•'.'.-' \ \.;" liiColbnel.;, Chaytori,(Ma'Vlborough); said : far- 1 .£■:' -" : i?9 6 J s .f already;, had ;!that^bTOr,i^nde'r',the r (ex- : //•s'y 3^.ln S^'^^ m .■/;/,■' ~;S;v ,^d i ;te^ ! guarah'teevit i ,iTee.;frbm : ;imp^n "/': •';#%' Richardsj in/supporting the"; 1 - motipnV v.. yv'sind '^hatjif;.,the'.best..:seed/was' ; "tb/be ; \sold ■/S;..under: Warranty' it'"; would'-' 'realise - a'V higher ;/ ; ; -/pripeV/and the grower' of Sit; would::/''get , ';^'a ;;'.;s;lugher :.price;-:tqo:;'' : : : : '-- H/ /:■;/;//■'://"';-.-;,,'.-•'.■;'.', " /?"'.' is*; ! ;M;Queeii^-;(S6uthlaria)' /romarked'that '"■'■■■■'- /fl° : : s y s . fera / w 9^d-'' prevent^ /';■■ .weeds. thatsweeds/'didgrow' SC;;.,S.m ) prevented /::v.' ,^;^r^r?Pl^';sysfemi,:!bf>;farmirig , ; : './ .•liau's.tioiv's/o'f;the,soilvthrough-!continual-crbp- .;.;;■■ .;::/p]ngi;;withoucs:replehishment.'';;v ■«:;:#.>! v s;v ;-•;/: ; /; vsle : rmbtiori:;.was'; oarried ;!/<''.'r^iS;:/^/;/--; ; s'i-: ; V^Mr,.«Middlofon?(Sbu'thlano^:rnibved-:—"Tiat: ;; ; : ; the /Porairiion/SConference'^be/'fequested l to •;'- .prp'motd^avSßill^.'to^ ;.:-; session.- of ~,:■; ..chants'.should'gu'arantee 7 %e;'"p%ity.''a'nd'gerCy . minatingXpbwer^offeed's;-pf"all sdescriptibhs ; s.;s i fowAyS'ttem^WrHelstatedthatitswas'known ;, ~,,:.t hat .-.seeds^wero 1 ,'oftea;.'adulterated;".;';'a'nd■ it •;/.//. took- aniOxpert;.to.,.te^thei-differehc'e.'between ;-;-;, immature,Mok'sfoot.,,and ,-:hard:-(chewirig'.s) ,;,. icsciie,.or.- betweon'- [cheap-:: - I 'and v '■'-s.'■'■•, m ?i» dow ./ißscue./'-It'cost'2osi;per, acre to ; sow :;■;■.--.grass ,'in/Sputhlahd;: and. the purity, and good •'.'"'.v-VWl'ty-;: tf :^ed'vwore'/therefore: important -■'..■ ..matters.K;i;;;>: '. ';,;:'.>';.."/■./;.;;■;-;'■ :./"-;;■'/-,,:' ■"..-■: - -/' -!;.:'^ il , : - '-',-■■■•..J 10 . tt! of; .'impure seed-did : vharin '■ by:.causing ■■:\ farmers,liwhpi. dbsiredvto ..tests.varieties',: 'to. •' §?^^PSsiimprMsibnsvaboutftheisnitabilitv , /;. srffothosesyarieties'ntb.'lheir districts-' -.' ■'--; . ;/, I \rS'-:^J-ofQisen/'(SbutUand) , , : ..v^ampndment,:.;"That ; ,th'e.'Dominion,Executive '::*>' prbmbte"a'-Bill-Stb;-be'.moved'' .:.-; in,-the,next. sessibri,;of"Parliament',' requiring; '-,/.;■: -that. 'merchants.'should,; guarantee".'the -Vper- 1 jS S.;/^:tege ; .;;; ;-.B^ds^dld.'^.:-;^::;:?:;':;;^v;/s-'/S';S;v^ ; '^ ; /^ 'S : s.^.^*^i^^ ; . ; ;.:•'■ ■/ - Mackenzie,,•.said', ; -t!hat^^purity of seed ■wjw--'im-' : • '"-'W r : / :9 u^^:;^nsI >.equallyf;imporiarit.y;,This;. ; quM-: -;>'#; sy ni^ : , ■/ ;■ >: :; ; crqp;;or/fs^tisfactery : :resultsS!m' ; /;; 1 taken ; ffom ( -.-•-, selected; plants','and",tbis''"'wjs'iisrhecessary' .: ~; ■as^-m6re.vpurity;-ofcfieni'ise ; to ;,. siilts^attributed-'often'; tos'-ithe'--'weather^ .;-; would ;OCcurM> ; lt;..wasv^ : :.: frbnrSse-' ; : -';-'lMted-/-biri,bs;;;bd]Eiva'ted^m i »'t^ -■:' ... / ,Qt ] sew. s-;ln:,earherj,times; :muoh'-/:lo'ss' ,: ,fe-'' S/ : ; S Bll 'rorchase?;bfviriferiortseeds; undori '. '■ f r !' fJ n 'l'^ 3 } on :.; t fet-the .'non-warraaty; clause' .■■.•frccd.,finc!'v6'ndorV-frbm-'liability.-'': , f.Ho'. \Vasgladi ;-S. to'^:jthat>he;'had:?suceeede'd;-iri;,:knockiHg 1 . the sbottom out-bf;thdt;:clauses;-SH^ r tebk ac- : ".• '■'■:■ '^°n;:^ i n?t ! ;;a/^dors;vyio' , suppliddShirh with' ' ;turuip;/instead\ : bf/ 'rabe^seea^l'withi/'a-'noh-' ;warran.ty--bjaU's.oV i'6; : caM' was'':"heard' v - ; '' t^ 1 ; z^W/^vEnglMid;;S;: ;Finally ; >:.' i Judge. ; Wilhan)g; l ;at.^DuricdinV v tavo'(a ; 'iua g i' ... tuent'that,if; s a'-'diT-v :■/. ; .S Y$ :,', : ' 6 «. u sPO.-noD:Vilw '■ ■■;;■! ■'.. pose /could '■ free;; him'-from'SliabiutyS'/He'/be-' "' " f t-?"?-! - a tJ>as; the i 'fifst.-!time-''the" ■ :':. ; .- n , a d.;becin;iknboked;out';6f.''thoH ■/elause.-.-.ln-Tecen.tSvaribty trials'in^thesbUth,' --.. a;;vanety.of;seed;-bbtb;ihed frbmstwo'different" '-'»■•' 5r^ s .S 1 '? ,vri ; , - sia ?. oy'/:side>hbwed'such'm^^^^0y'/:side>hbwed'such'm^^^^ .-'-.,- difference:. .was''•cohviriced'that' iho r ■" ■■• : /'-^.;;m--:.w-hioh-tej--ha'd.vridfc:-'rt^ i ;i ~,md,T s UppUcd:-im'properlyi'grown-/'s'eed.' Mr ' 'iKirkZ-GoVerhment' -.Biologist^told':him : . : of- a)rS .-:,;.■ analysis of i .cowgrass.:;of^w.hich.: ; 9os.pcr; obnf/, - ■./,ated;/but;.6. percent,-of''this .was-imis ...:; punties;:;and.-30ipbr 1 "cerit.Sshrivolled; i / soc a,i V S. ..Only 72.9'ed'swas'Sbf'gp'bd'.germiiidt-'-' :/. .. ■ irig .qivality:.- • Spmething 'to 'protect the' 1 farm-' '..•.-.;.-ei-s, .while'; not-".lin'duly; harassing,'merchants,' .;;'• was-'Urgently; n;MessaryA ; V S.';//';'; 1 ; .'''.■'.■•;;'"-'.-: / V' X)f;opihibn;uiat, iii'view'; 'v/sof^-tlie-.'sfaOT'-tha^ -.. thoroughly;,aliye l .to"; of ''■ this'! . . matteT,;;it;,.wpuld;.be;.bctter;tb'!withd.raw;'the- ;■; motion; 'Ls';rf''-i l :s: ; S t vs;;> hv'-r-,:.;.'//--,' 1 . yj- ;' -Loave'to ,do this was -.granted; ■';/•';;. .^./.
' Manuro Analysis. Mr 'M'Queen (Southland) moved —"That tho analysis of manure offered for sale bo a complete one, showing in what proportions the fertiliser contained phosphoric acid in jts various forms of solubility, and also the > proportions of pure potash and available Litiogen."
'.The Government chemist, Mr. Aston, delivered some interesting remarks,■-." on the subject of analyses,- and ; the difficulty of stating tho ingredients of fertilisers in the simple terms s-i'jgcstod.. To state the amount of-phosphoric acid; .would- bo valueless, boo'ausp .it/mislit ho in the forms of phosphate of iron or oif aluriiina (which wore useless), or. phosphate of-calcium (which, was valuable). There v.was,; equal difference between the -.values -of, potash .splublo in .water and. of ■potasli.' insoluble in. water. . It. was best, for the'farmer'-'to:..'try to become familiar with tlie half-dozen points; of this natiiro which woro necessary. 'Knowledge of the speeds at which soluble phosphate reverted'when mixed with.boncdust r/- with guano,(in which'rever--•'sibn- proceeded for several days) was also (desirable:-, v ■ /. ~.;'-.....■-. :.' Mr. Dye (Auckland)' suggested. that the Department ; be asked to publish,,,a little pamphlet for the ;Union' to circulate, explain-, lhg; for'': farmer'sihe points- the" chemist had npV...'indicatcdj'-''..'.■'.:.',-.-, '';■/':; "-/,'"":'' -' Tho .president and ■:others; approved -of 'this sugiiestibhy; and:, apprcciatip'n was- expressed of, Mr.-Aston's recent report on ascertaining unit values. The president hoped that the' Minister would see his. way to. publish such a.:p3mphlet .as'now. suggested. . : ; The .Minister' .said ;that' he•' had ,already a'sljed for/an' estimate'from; tho Government Printer of /the .'cost ,-of issuing .'monthly por.tsjpf "the,. and if that, could .lie dono,';'and;; werq,...iVot ; 'topS'cxpensivc; (an. 'important'.consideration just 'now).' 1 the:,in-/ :fprniatiqh'';requirfl'd v could' be; published' in that.'way'S;;(Appl;iuse.)';.;.;'!/.'-,,.' .'.■■' ; .-''' : -~S| ;Mr. -Mathes'on '.(Welliiigton) /expressed. Hie' opinion/that'-it'.cas'y to'learn a teph-.j 'nical'-term as' a: popular : t-prm.'.;and'.sb long!;'.Mrs'AVtoivlwrote-aliout those.: technical, terms ih/as. siihple. a;'manner,'as hb : had done ; so".now, they;would become', familiar ; with them .au'dbe ablb; to' -understand', reports 'of pxp'eriments..;,!'"'other countries.- [■ s/Finally, in view' of, the statements of the Minister; and' the chemist; the.' motion', was withdrawn.:;/'"/!. - '.:.'"; ;.-■' •.-''..' v!-' 1 -: S;./ ■■'-~ ■ .':;.'';,!/'/ 'Eomdjicss/bj.,. Stud /Horses.;';-;!. .■:-..; ;;V,.Mr..'','W. C.'-Birch' : (Advisory,':, Committee) moyed/.rT/'ThatMthe'.Government appoint.-ih-whose/dutyiii' would-- be' to fixaininb stallions, ;.:-.voluntarily;;: submitted; ■;.. to Y./thcm, and/.givo'certificatcs' on. payment;of £I",if fromsheredi-, tary,-disease.,a.nd;defective conforinatipn;.the system; toSbe:.on,;,tho lilies' 'of; the; Victorian sch'eme ; ,'-;;,.wliich:-: lias - becii; .in.:.operation ; for I tho 'fast, two/years;";- MrS-Bir'eh; statedsthat it; was-- not Vail.'. Act. pf; Parliament.' that : AYas asked, .fbri./but'administrative -action.// ~...•, . ; ;,'-/fJie■'.'president... sccoridod the'-mptibh, '■'... . aiid'ptheif act that/the .''rejected/horses :of.y.fcfpri'a' were how ,'flcdding'.the 'neighbpurahgrStates.'V;?:;!.:;'; vv; /i'.V;;.'C/ ,'.-■ .'■•' • ..';'.f •:'','■' ; v sMf yy ßeakes,. '.'Gbyernment Vpteriiiariah, vMly:;"agr,ee^'withi^ m'atfcer. s.Th'e,' : tairied'/fcw.o very-.'seribus.faiiltS/';One vras_ tlie giving";of examined dhringthe first pr second years: ;' Some of these horses'mightsdevelop''d'eiects,Vyet they, could i'bo'";used; for:the rest of',th'eir lives under the certificate.,;', The' other 'wba'kuess was 'that .rev jected: /horses,.''.though refused ...''.certificates', Swere'not.debarred;'frpm:.bein2 still used for . service..;. ,He thoughbt-.thesbest way .w' havo, legislation, that, horse used ; : in 'seryieb;-muHt she'licensed under .periodic cx- • amination-for" soun'driess: till lie' had reached suchlan.aife.astp be'.freb from the-likelihopd oi/.doyeloping'jljeredit'ary defects.; ;Examina r: !tiori .pguhsl ■ be/voluntary lor; .stallions- .already ;iniiseryice,;;but , < :compulsory-' for', tb'ose;.newly -oomihg/ihto': u'se.'s 'This would Have better; ;sults'than'beginhihg;..asVsuggesto'd;':on;.vblun.taryyliriesV'.ahd 1 developing -compulsions;'' Now Zealand;', should s. thus : start' 'where VVictorih was'now" proposing tb'ileave'.pff.'./itVwasVnow usually; "proposed'to, omit broken wind'' -and ,cataract,'from; the' schedule' .of hereditary:-dis-" case/'.;:lf the-subsidisihspf. ; shows/with stipu■latioris 'that 'all Sentire'horses 1 oxhibite'dshould be' : s'ubmi'tted for.; official examination, '.were' io be:'introduced,'it;shbuld be.general all over .the -'country.. ;'At 'a .receiit 'slibw he visited, he'wouMi'have; rejected'2s :por; cent, sof the ;horses for^'hereditary./unsoundness. .Hb-be-lieved 'his!;staff/ .when..up., to full .strongth, could ~ perform the insp:ction ■'.-■ at ■.-'shows. Horses shb\yin2- defective conformation- (apart frbm'^'liK, soundness) i Pr-hprses that', we're, -'.should/ come'under' re--jcctip'ii, but not : without 'caroful„ consideration and .inspection'.,by; more ■tß^"o'ile t , .|exp6rt.'. 'They'^ust. :^3OO Horse, yaluelessi— -;'■';■''-.',■'" n 'C :r -"::,y / '■"■■>:''. ;V^lf.;;;L.eatlley.:.Becauso.he has.'gofca'cataract. VVvMr; sorbell-!'(ota2b) ~'mpved'.a'n's'anieiidraent, ■''tliat a law shoiiid be .passed! Ip tlie' /disuse; of rejected horses.,','. -~.'.; Vs.; .S..V;.';, ; 'ilr; ;M!Qu'eo'n considered it.i.would ; b'e, unwise ;to ''attempt to "zo the whole hog".'all ; at/'once./.-':-./'.j, -:•'-..-/-V " : -. ; .,'-. •;;■-.' :.-S.VS ~'/.,'■•■;...•■.■"; '•. Mr. Stewart .(Otago)-seconded,the,amend-ment; I !'Our.Scxppit trade in,to."Aus-• traliaswould- soon. bo lost. if we ,did : ,not .""go, the/SwhPle ; ho^."/' : ' i /'/;- v , ; ;;_;./;/';-;;,. '/;s;; S'/'Afrs-.Loadley '(Ashburton);.;.said; though :ho came fromithe;district-that-nroducedfthe.'.best draiighti,,,New' Zealand,- ho.;opposed; .'.'going,!thes'whole. hoc." V If.;the :a m :? l idment i were.passed,';;therejwould;be a,.big;.h'owl::in, I'Ashbui'tpn-.when ;ho : ,went down 'and reported. '■■.-.;A I --delegate: Among.-the.thirty-bpb.lqt.,;,: . ■i/Mr>;teadley ; : They-/arp: the best, horses'in New ,Zealands-: v You /North.lslanders/ bought' air your best stud draughts from Ashburtpn. I ■"•Another delegate ;.;Then,what .'have,they, to 'feaf?/?V '--v -.;;.•"''':■■■/ •'■--' ■''' :■/'/ :■',;,:•"!'.;:/ . V Mr; Leadley: They, will say it's an. unwarrantable interference ; with their liberties.; Be-. sides-,- 'when- the 'shows''come 'an,'■'.tlie' 'horses have /already -done -a' month's service." I ', s :'/'•;; /'Mr: -'J. W.; Jones (Taranaki)' 'said • j thero must be right of appeal. : ■".;' :.',,:" '; Mr! / D;' : Jones.:' (Canterbury) preferred a voluiitery''method. -; ,; . s'• :'■ ■'• ' ,-' i'-'Mr] Birch' ; mentioned. that, jears ago, :he favoured;.compulsion,, but -believed a; voluntary'scheme more, likely ;-of' acceptance.; v'A' 'compulsory system ;would be. stoutly .-'opposed specially -by-.q.wrieiss-bf":thoroughbreds.;. V ,'.-./ :Thoi!amendmeut for compulsion /was -re- j jectedi-'' l and'Mrs,:'Birch!s.';mption/for-'a',yol_unr taryS-'system?was'-carried -by-a/large-'majority.; ; ; f-;;sg|;.:^r|r!ißNob^^ '.'Mr-v Maxwell .-'(Taranaki) \; moved':—''That ;.this conference:strongly.urge 1; 'theiiaririaki,arid other provinces toparryput: i'experita'etits'jtb-fin'd^but'the/best -manure or. 'mariuresVfPr Vtop 7 dre'ssing grass pastures." ■ ; i'Mr;vj. 1 ;seconded. ; , s; ;.'MrV.;Baylis'-.(sup"rviser of experiineiits for ■ explained; :the .'nature of ! Gbvernm'eht'fsup'eryisipn;' '.CpmmitteesV were' 'fbrmedv'bySthe associations;? and theM'' : ;debidedS-';whaV'.'eijperiment"s should ;.be' conducted-ih each' district.'■.' The'farmer..'prb,videdotbovland/and -the' labour';and the Go:yernment!tb!e. seed; and manured' The!Gbverh'ment.aUp.'diew'.up;'the:reports'.. At'Maste'rtph''arid -Feildjng grain;arid turnip experiments -~were/ proceediiigS ; ■"■ Extensive experi-:mehte.,;were;,'rriM:. out elspwhoro, on. 'Austr'iilian. and;iiendh "wheats,,- aiid. it was hbped'Stb/expenmerit.also with Scandinavian; 'and/RussianvvarietiesS;/:-,;:i ./S'• ■/';' •; ■ -V- - ; -; -. •. VlnVthbpobrseybf'rdiscussioni Mr./,J. GlsWil'sbn: N (Buns)'''stated : ; that Marshall's white, had'revbliitionised: wheatigfowihg Sin iis- district, i yicldingVlo.'-pw';cent. fmbre graih' thaai any ;bthet ; ;y'y". '-.-'"''■'; "^;':/-;";■:::'''.;'' '. r|.^;■?. :! ;;'V;;fpiseasPd, Dairy vvMr'.'.„Dye; (Au<iklahdV.mpved':-^ , 'That this' .conferprico-tirge'tliat'dairy stock bo.'.inspoctcd - jericSdicallyS ;ori; the" farm: on which: they are" stock .'found to ;be' ( dis-. ;eased;to"',;be',destroybd, 'and."half value' paid to th'eSowrierS/ll''-bp; fully Squalified; yetermariajas.':'!'/ He -said; however, , that ho' 'found:,thai;the Department already, paid' half: yalubs:'.-:'. .'-/;..';r" i '"-.'-:'''s ■■''.'.'.-.'<: '■■'}'~' ; Mr;- Mathesbri;,(Eketahuna) : believed- the proposal .'pVacticablo. financially if .restricted at'nrs.t/to'dairy'r.herds; 1 .';•;. ..■'.:' V , - -/Mr.; Jones; .opposed'.tho:-proposal 'on .the: ground that it''wpuld police.tho country with inspectors'; andbo inconsistent with the policy, ;of retrenchment. 5'.,. ; ,/.-. '~'-:' ' ;, Mr. Maxwell ; (Taranaki) said 'tuberculosis /was very .prevalent-among, dairy .herds. ' -, ■ i?,Mr..,D..Jones,:,Let-thq.dairy factories deal; 'witn-ijiiC'Vi-'- '■!i;.'.-- : •-•'.':'•:- : .-.'- : •-■'' '•'•'.-".'..- , X Mr'.'.'Maxwell: =They varo not hwaro of. it. And there'lire-not'-enough thoroughly good; mfenswh'o 'know,''or/men "honest-enough to -riiake know, 'thelexistence'of disease,,-; in ; order, to'make'thb oitortsof .the Dbpartmerit.clfec-. tiveS.s'A .few diseased',animals infect'.'a .whole district'.'-. Half 'measures '> are, proving inpffootual. /It nousotokill ono'diseased cow pd-let iivo.dthers'go on existing.' : . Mri Leadley; (Ashburton)- regretted' to hear, the'..way ,', which.the North Islanders were 'advertising';.- the" ''rottenness of 'their, stock; They-\scem'ed'-';.'ii'over -tiired of;, claiming 'to pbssess'i every disease under the sun..
Mr. Maxwell protested against this un- • worthy aspersion upon men who were doing thoir best'honestly to remedy an'evil. Mr. Loadley remarked that this returns of stock condemned for disease at the abattoirs did not confirm' the statements made. A. delegate: That is not dairy stock. Mr. Lane (Hawke's Bay) claimed that the North Island had .nioro good stock than the South.' It was the South Island people who were- afraid to' havo their stallions tested. (Laughter.) , t .Mr. , C. J.. Rcakos, Government Veterinarian, said that tiso object of tlie motion—to get rid of. dangerously infectious animalswas good. Still,-there was a lot of sense in what' Mr. J). Jones said against policing the coiintr}' with inspectors! There were, however, inspectors : and . inspectors. Inspectors who .could give valuable advice to farmers as to prevention of disease would, no doubt, be very much welcomed. Something had been said about' "a wholesale slaughter that had taken place in the South Island. The .only; wholesale slaughter he knew of was. conducted by. himself, and was done' at the special request of tho owners themselves. It began with Mr. Buchanan, and tho craze took possession of almost the whole, of. the Banks Peninsula. It almost broke his hcart'to see'a lot of. valuable cows, only ■. slightly, diseased, going for slaughter., He would rather have seen then treated in tho rational method, and isolated. However, 'there was no. doubt the action i then, taken cleared aSvay much of the disease, and the; district 'was now,, healthier. , Replying to a question-as to whether tho north or'tho south, was' the. 'most diseased, Mr.. Reake's 'stated that some,;parts', of the south had considerable disease, ,but Mr. Leadley's particular' district happened to he more'freo from it. (Laughter, and' applause.) Tuberculosis, in some New .Zealand districts, was, unfortunately, steadily gaining: ground. Systematic inspection', as' indicated,.-.would, greatly'help: to check, its increase, combined with pasteurisation of' skimmed milk: and whey. .In regard" to elimination of contagious "mamciitis, much.iassistance,and advice ..could,.be given by the',,'inspectors'..''lt was'not a,question of going and. killing the cows, but'of preventing., infection.'.. At present the disease .was,-costing the .country much-money .annually,, hut tho', disease, could! be treated' and, masterbd. .. In'spcjctors .could tell the'.faimers," and show, them 'what steps should bo : "effect: the .'cure,' and' this .Was.- tho 'sort' of: inspection,'which', he" hopbd would soon bb •introduced.' '-'''((Applause'.) ■ ;' ;Mr, (Eketahuna),:'. Would' it help, if 'rnammitis were placed oii ,tho schedule .of:.notifiable, diseases?'.'- '."; ■','/;!' ~ .. ;. . ' •;''■ Mr.-Reakes: 'Yes, because it;'would enable the .Department' to, control the sale and j distribntion;of.''diseased.a:iiimals. : , At present.diseased-, ariinials sold" without re'.straint, and ur'tnis.way muchiof /tho-disease is how spread. ; Y ". ... ';.' ''..',."•■■ /■Replying to "another question;! Mr. Reakes said:that no doubt 'milking.machines, if not -kept.; thoroughly clean and- disinfected, spread mammitis considerably—more so than hand- milking,-' because it was admitted that milkers did; sometimes' wash -'their hands. (Laughter.) , : .;■' ../S ■' ~,•/ t The motion was seven, votes to six. :-',-,...:;-,■ - '.- v ;, .., ;,.■:' , /?';'..;■.'; 'Ragwort and TJhlstles. ; 'V '-'.'■■MrMaxwell' (Taranaki) moved.:—'.'Thatthe conference considers, it'urgently' -necessary that 'the Noxious Weeds Act should be car-ried-out .more' effectively,, as ..blackberries and ragwort in particular are spreading at an -alarming rate,. aiid,are becoming-a menace to •the prosperity of the /district;" ■. He 'said that ho'Selieved .the-best remedy'of all would bo -the.')'settlement of'-.waste lauds.' : (Hear, .hear.)- .. ', .'. ... . i'.". " .'•-■'- '■;. ■■'■'. •■Mr.- Lane was -of: opinion'noxious-weeds had now such -a.hold.upoh New Zealand that it- was futile, to attempt :to .'eradicate. tlicm. "The; birds," ho said, "visit my,'."oats' -and then go' to. roost in my. manuka,' and leave litfclo seeds ,'th'ere.-' Then.' 'when'! "'cut the majiuka; J 'up-coirios':'a crop.'of 'Californian thistle. '■.The flies carry San' 'Jose scale on theirlegs,-and in' Hawke's Bay,thov .'are proposing to spray vtho ■ flics'." (Laughter.) '. ■'•■Mr.,M'Queen said' in Southland- the ' rag-wort-question had been' sheep. .'lf there 'were -no ragwort-eating isheep'-'in'-' the North Island they .'.would bo very glad to sell them:, some,: and wished they :had .'sold some of:, those; now Sin, the c6!d'stores'-'.off : lidiidbn. (Laughter.) --A'fow-' sheep oh the dairy 'farm would exterminate' the-: ragwort 'and, enable more-grass- <to vgrow. for; the' cows, in' spite 'of 'what th'e-shiiep'ate. "■''.: \ ~'..'-,:;.' ':; vMr. 'Jones ; f(Tar'anala) '.'siui',' sheep'"suppressed ragwort,if they; wore" put,:' on just .after the'bufiiSSbut-;hot.after it once «o't established. ."'''. \ ;:'-'■'':; '" ; '■';','. '■'•-'--...-■' - -• -s'Tlie motion was defeated;by 7,votes';to 5.. 1 /Registered Brands and Ear Marks. \ •■:■■■ 'MivD. Jones (Canterbury) - :this . ask 'that Inspectors of 'Stock furrusll Road/ Boards -and 'saleyards with copies of registered, brandsand ear marks of sheep in..their respective districts.". -. ■ • '.'The motionWas'carried; ■■'■'.'• ; ;.;V Lands.; '■"'.Mr' l Jones '(Oantbrturyymoyed:—''Tha-t the Agriqiiltural Department be -approached with ,a view':,to\their.'sowing down, with'. good i grasses-, .or., 'cutting-up'.. any, recently-burned country 'throughout. the Dominion, as,. if. the weeds,,are,avowed; to,-tdko.possession,.a serious'loss Swill .the. State.". ■', _ 'Mr;. Jones said;,he r learne'd>from' the Min..ister 'that ,this\ was 'already'.. a., duty: of -the and would be.attended :to. : ■ ■■', , The s motion was -carried without,-discus-sion'.''-: ".".'■■ '■ ;;'i '';; " .. .■ , : ... ':>■; Standard Size jof piult Cases. ,;;'>'l .-.A remit from .Nelson' proposed :—"That this .conference approach' the- Government asking that the- Orchard and,- Garden Pests Act be so, amended Itbat ."a : standard-sized case'be; fixed' upon for' each kind of fruity and. that after one."year from 'the proposed amendment paying ; .been made, .it'.- shall be I 'illegal.; for any, but,,"of the/size fixed | upon to be used in the sale of fruit."- - '.;The' Minister. (Hon. T,'; Mackenzie)' said the Department already contemplated proposing the "same "tiling.; ;" '"-.■... . ./.',;;: ..'..The motion was carried without'discussion. "The were "adopted :— From. Wellington and.'- Nelson:.""That, with reference to an-' amendment' .in .the' last Appropriation l Bill, passed at, last session, whoroby the;subsidies of the Road Boards were'-.reduced.' considerably,- the Fanners' Union .utter a stern protest against, any ! .curtailment: of the .Road' Board' subsidies." [ ;,From. .Wellington; ."That subsidies', to local bodies • should, be. on; a' graoluated. .-• scale in proportion to.the<rate : .struck; as suggested by.the'RoyairLand.Commission.!'.,.'- -. , y: : > .Greetings; From Walpawa/; • V The, president read- v the following telegram: "WobMassing , students-of ,■ Woipawa send greetings to delegate's and ask: them, to consider the. advisability, of holding classes' in outlying districts.; for 'wool, .instruction;'' ; ; - -.'The-president! saidMt,was;very, gratifying to ..find these ; young, people remembering the conference, and ho. • was. sure the, delegates would .help .all they ;could-in : the, direction asked.-.;.*. - ( '" ~"..'.:.',; .. . '-. .'. .'.'was'resolved te'repiy.iaccordingly. ; r A',motion.from Wellingto4"Tha.tthe'system of voting 'ai': the 'electiori of'members • for local bodies bo altered,' so as -to compel electors'to. vote .'for the' full number of members'i'equired;'' .and-. "That the eleotprs of .local., bodies, should' be allowed the: same opportunity to vote when' absent from home or through illness as' provided fpr in the case of Parliamentary., election's',?'; was. rejected. .■■■•'"■•■:.: ; .V,,.'\v-''','.' A,.. Canterbury remit, moved by 'Mr. Clothier,., proposed ."That, in view : of tho ever-in9reasing hospital and charitable aid rates,. ..this > conference approve of each district maintaining their own poor." -.' ~Colonel Chaytor. suggested it should be left to the Charitable Aid Conferenco to deal ■with..' : : ' ■ ,_' ' : ; Mr. Richards said it was a move in tho wrong direction. Brought to its logical Conclusion,' it would propose, at least,-.that every man should maintain himself., Other . speakers referred to ; the "growing disease of poverty." - . : . . ■- Mr. M'Queen, Mr. Dye, and.Mr. Lane supported an amendment that charity should be, a. Government, work., . . , y ~ The president hoped tho amendment would not bo carried. It would bo a bad principle that those who: did not provide the money should have the spending of it. _ Tho charitable and hospital boards were doing valuable work, and doing it economically. Finally, the motion and amendment were 6oth withdrawn. Miscellaneous. ■Mrs Dye (Auckland) moved:'—"That tlii, franchise for tho election of momhau ' for
Harbour Boards be so amended that tbo farmers shall have more direct representation." Mr. Maxwell (Taranaki) said a Government Bill to provide for an alteration in the law was already contemplated. The motion was carried. .;■- ...... -. The president read, a cordial letter'from the Professorial Board, of the Victoria Collego inviting members of the conference to visit the college during their stay in Wei-' lington. They believed the members would be interested in some of the work at tho college, particularly on the. scientific Bide. Tho prc.sideut._was authorised to send a grateful reply to the letter. .'. Mr. Dye (Auckland) moved:—"That this conference strongly urges -upon the' Government ■ the necessity of immediately taking steps to have the proclamation gazetting the Ohinemu'ri and Waihou Kivers sludge channels rescinded, feeling sure that this is the only remedial measure that will save the farming lands of the Thames Valley and Eauraki Plains, and the Waihou and. Ohincmuri.Hivers from destruction by th\e mining tailings at present being deposited in thorn.. This was carried. Mr. Jones (Taranaki) moved-.—"That tho attention of local bodies bo drawn to tho fact that some action should bo taken to regulate the speed of motor-cars for the safety of.the travelling public, and suggests that an Act should be passed limiting the speed of ' motor-cars and motor-bicycles-throughout the Dominion."—Carried. Mr. Maxwell (Taranaki) moved:—"That it is desirable in the interests of the secrecy of the ballot that the : marking of. voting papers, by numbering or otherwise, be done away with,.so : as to .obtain, ah absolutely secret ballot, : and, that the. Electors' Rights System' of New South Wales, be introduced." Mr. Dye seconded. After discussion,.-tho motion was withdrawn from tho present conference... '" . ,-.' A Southland remit, "That the time has arrived when motor.!traffic' should pay its share towards tho'.up-keep of the country . roads,", was-defeated: The president "'moved':—"Tliat, all Land Boards consist of five members, two to bo .'elected by,.;tho . Grown tenants, tho Government'ta appoint two, and the Commissioner of - Crown- Lands, in each "district to be chairman." i ThV'mofcion was'passed. [. ■ - Mr, Orbilly. (%,go) V moved:—' 'That,- with . a viev,;.to : tfue|cofeve!iience, of applicants, Laiid . Board meWjiigi, be : held.fortnightly instead j of was- defeated. ' , Mr. <-MaX*| moved:—"That' ; the IV of the Drainage , Act be miffik^pplicabloto maintenance as • well' as construction, and provisibh bo made that through noglcct, or. oxtraorclinaryidamage, be assessed : against the . person -causing- tho,.same,-■ and I 'that a clause be added providing that all preliminary costs, including surveys, registration fees, witnesses and assessors .'be-allocated-by the Court." This was carried. '' :■ ' ':' : '. The following remit of. Wellington was'carried:—"That in all cases whore'a railway-has been taken across a public road, all culverts constructed across: such roads within ' tho railroad reserve be erected and maintained by the Railway, Department, no part of tho expenses being- borne, by'the local bodies." A motion from Wellington, "That at all stock sale's, when stock is submitted for sale, the auctioneer shall'be required to state tho \ namo of the vendor arid; the name of. tho purchaser,"- was lost. ,'A Canterbury motion' proposed :—"That .-it - would be in 1 the'interests'of wool-growers if the catalogue 'of wool to. be offered .'at a sale be issued at least three clear days before ' the date of'sale, in-'order that sufficient time 1 for inspection be''afforded to prospective buyers. Also, that no wool-be sold'after 9 p.m." - The motion was carried; ■■'-■' . ; Mr.'Mathcson (Wellington) tmoved:—"That ' steps should be taken as soon as 'the Houso meets to relieve the Dominion from responsibility of imdemnifyihs'• tho " liisuranco 1 Department against' possible losses arising out of the-issue! of policies to miners.'without medical examination." • The motion -.was carried. .;.-'..,•' . • ■ A Taranaki remit, "That the conferencu approves of the'resolution o.f tho-Employers' Federation on tho question "of preference to unionists," was i>asscd: .- ' ,A ;,,Taranaki -remit proposed—"That a clausa be added to'the Companies Act giving ' co-operative-dairy companies power' to bor-, rowimoney to lend to suppliers-for'the"pur-pose of increasing 'their herds, and improving : their -yards.'-'—Carried' unanimously.' J\lrl J./W. 'Jones .(Taranaki) "formally' moved—"That,' when the Dreadnought 1 offer is definitely 'accepted, the Government' open subscription' lists at : all post '.offices arid money-order offices throughout the Dominion; also that provision bo made, for.the" repayment of any loan for'this purpose in at least; ten years;"— Rejected. ' ' — Mr.-Maxwell (Tatariaki) moved—"That this conference respectfully requests that tho members of ■ Parliament representing ; farming constituencies unite with other members :of Parliament to resist '■' further' class taxation,' and that each Provincial Executive in. the Dominion .''be' invited to co-operate l with them." Mr.' Dye seconded; and tho motion was carried. ".'''■• ;' Mr. •W. D. /Harkness (Nelson) moved to record the_ conference's appreciation of tho valuable aid given te the farming industry by the. Department of Agriculture in its circulars, and-in the visits of inspectors;'but to express;its conviction that better means' of marketing'-.produce , were' needed,' including through booking by rail and ; sea.- The motion was-.referred to tho Executive'to take the necessary action; Mr. Stewart (Otago) moved—" That tho sale of hares .from unprotected districts bo allowed in protected -districts,- and 'that 'the same be railed at any time of the year."— Carried. .. >.'.:'• ■- .. " f Mr. Dye (Auckland) moved—"That, as the .excessive cost of getting -telephonic- communication in , the rural districts is a serious drawback to settlers, the Government be requested. to further, consider the question of granting cheaper facilities in : these., districts."—The motion,was .passed.,: Mr.. Lane; moved—" That this conference of "tfSfew,'Zealand farmers emphasise tho importance'to the Dominion of. farmers' education and-commercial' co-operation."—Carried.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 573, 30 July 1909, Page 5
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3,857FARMERS' UNION. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 573, 30 July 1909, Page 5
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