,;:'■•: ., )\V THE SHARE MARKETi : /Asale of.Feilding Gas shares at £1 os. 9d. Was all tho business done in investment shares yesterday.' The markot was very quiet.. Bank of' New Zealand, buyers '£9 Is. 6d.;; National Banks, buyers £5 8s: Gd.; Wellington.lnvest-ment,-buyers Us. 6d.; Wellington Trust'and Lean, buyara £7. Is.; National Mortgage, buyers £$'. 17s.'j. solUrs £3; New Zealand and River Platß, buyers .£1 15s;;'Loan.and,'.Mercantile, sellers;4s.i Feildihg Gas, buyers £1 Us. Gd.; Wellington G*a/ne»-;,issu», bnyers .81 12s. 6d. premium ;• New' Zealand Tisuranco,' buyors £3 17s.j Standard Insurance, buyers,£l 25.:.6 d., sellers :£l. 3a.; Wdlihnton Meat Export, .£2. 12s. 6d; paid, Betters £3 Is,; Wellington Woollen,- sellers; £3 os. 6d.; Westport Coal, sellers. £8' 9s.;.Kauri Timber, sellers 15s. ; Sharland's ordinary ;and. preference, buyers 19s.' 6d.; - .;;' ; '''•''•;:■}:. "the';'mining market. ; ",..; :..Maoriland; shares, received '. 'most attention yesterday,' and sales,'were reported at Is.. 7Jd., ls.'Bd., Is. 7Jd., and Is. Sid.", but in tho afternoon the.sales on 'Change were Is. sd. and lsl 4d.,:- showing -that the shares had eased. Other' sales reported ..'were: :Waihi - Extended 65.-Bd;j Talisman £2 125.,'.£2 12s. 3d'., £2 12s. 3d.; New Alpino,'9s.'3d. paid.Bs. lA., 10s. paid! Bs. : 9d.; and. Blackwater - Mines £1 65.. 9d..; The . the',last-recorded sales, were asiundor,:—. ~ -■■': ..!•.":'■, • ;,' -; ■.■•;'■'■'.'. , : ."v; Buyers. "Sellers. .Sales. Waihi Grand Juno- . '.■•■".■''■'• '■':; > : :■■-■■■ : tion"'.„ ■:'... ■; ~..2 "i.--9 :2!53 '- ' — ■:'■ Waihi v..: '■■•■'...'•■,- -....' 9 2. 0. ;.— v.'— - ■ Waihi- Extended ,:'...'.'*■ — . 0'G7.:.0 6 8 Waihi!.Consolidated- 0 4 8:.:0' 5" o.'■' ; .—- : ,Waitangi.";;'.....-'.:'..:'..:.' —'. •-.■'.'.o , 4 o ; .'.;'—' New Sylvia ;.. .„ 0 2 8 0 2 9 — ' Maoriland .; :.i; : ... 0-1 2- 0.1:4. 01 4 Talisman : '._■ V '„ .2 12 0,-2 12-6 -2 12 3 'Kurarini:: :...-. ~, 0 1:4 :;— v — ; N.Z;: Crown ... -...'. „0 5 10 '-.. ■— ".;.. - 'x— '■■ :. May .Queen .... ... 0: 3 2"0,3 '5 • — : Karangahake" '.:, •'... .0 1 1- 0.1 2.; : — Kuranui Caledonian": 0 1 3- .0) 1' 5 , — ' Saxon:-;.. : ..;. \-.\. 0.2 3 o'2 :4V,' —" New' Alpine, 10s. pd. 0- 8 : 6-: 0-9 3 0' 8 9 New.Alpine;9s.'3d.pd. 0-8 3-■' —J- - 0■ S-" 4 Blackwater" ...":,..;, ■■■' — ,'■-• :—. .' 1,6 9 Con,. Goldfields'---.;., 017-9 .. 018 9 --. - :*\- New' Big River .... •:,. —.:':; ■;:2Yl\-.o':r — ; ■ ;:.'l" -FIRE INSTmANCE:' : IN:.LpNpdN.: ; : ■ ; All, tho fire 'insurance l companies transacting, business .in. the; Administrative County: pi -'ijuii-: don i must towards . the", exjjense,-; of. maintaihihg 'the- Metropolitan'. Fire Brigade at the rate of, £3i' per ; ,millioh> sterling.of"insur-' ance. >:-Tho contributions for*. 1909; are based, on' the . amounts' insured on -December 31, 1907.The'total.amount.of insurance', is and : the. total '■■ amount of the contribution is '*835,'931-;113s; ~,lld. - -~Tha .-.largest.::individual amounts'aro as follow:— ..-., : .-. ,'iv '•:.,-"■■■, :;>;:'':-.-::■ ;.- ■'- :■ ..'■<■■■■■■■ ,-■. ■■':■■■£: ■■■■•;■•"'.' .:-;> Alliance ■'.'. ..L ;„;.; .'.'..;...: 180,OGO,702, ; ~*, r v Sun' ;;.::;.;:..:.»...._......—„_:;' ii3,9i«,970 •: .•'.'■'■■'" :.';..'....._."..'.: 50,503,C31 >;,:. t71,G80,i07 . i- ! ■.: '"■■ Phoehii'';:'.;.'.;„.;..;.^.-:.»„.....;.!:03,1516,151: .''■■'-, ': :'';Law:.;;;.;;;;i.v;';;.;;.;;.;..;..1;.U;;.: ; 67,859,122- ~' ■ British■''.;.*.;.";.;..;'.;..:; •:■ 43,783,703' . : : '■•: Liverpool; .'L.: and-Globe-'.,; 1 '40,813,000 '•■:■■'-:■ f- -VRcyaf:Exchange....'..;...v;;..u.i* •■ 38.085.t15 . - -'.' •/'.Npnvich--Union ..;.'......'..V..... V ' '36,003,972 . ■'; .ii. London and Lancashire-^.^. /; J35,656,137 .-. ::,-,. Union ......:..U^..f...,......;...™.;-,! 82,871,955 '■-. i'v.ltlas' :..:........;..:.-;;.'...;.-_....:; 32,571,697 :- ; :' Guardian' ...;..";....v.'..V....:.._... 28,948,1513 : '; ..;•':Law. Union,;and' Crown....:, .24,863.034 -'-..■;. *\&:?:}: .The'-accounts .of'the Atlas Assurance Company,' Limited;' for. the :'year .1903- show that net premiums received .were:,,81,023,005,'and the losses, ilafter- provision, for .::exceptional xlaimE,'; in: resipeet-to Valpnrniso earthquakes, ..£579,870,-. being 56.6 per':cent. ■'. of:. the. premiums.' -After, .'charging 40;.pei. cent,' of .the year's.premium.'as rcserTe for,unexpired risks,: .the:'underwriting profit, remains "/at;>C69,133.'.' 'The fire insurance land,., after carrying' ,&5,506 tpiprofitVand loss, has increased'.by jE39,'"50, 'raisings the,, total v.ln ..the ,em-ployei's'-'-liability branoh-a surplus.of shown vas the, result' of . the year's, operations;. and tui vthe ae'eideit,; burglary,-: fidelity,-: ■ and guaranteo 'department,' : a. sarplua of, ,j81723 : is .recorded. '..- .Q.W increase during , the.'; year. : in the; valuis .of-; the • shareholders'. al-. lowed -of'the.ropayment to profit and -loss- of 'the amount taken .from', that' account' last -year; .'and::l'sffe!; \ fund, - .at '.%6Ss,o92^fswiini'i more thah: ■; Bu(ncient'. , ' to ,• meet. the-.'depreciatioh ,aVDecembori3l,.l9oß.'. After .transfer. i -of"i£6Bp6;:fi'6m.' the fire: department,:, and .'crediting the account with interest, ;> trans-: - fer. fees"; *>percentage', on . business;! and' ;. from",-invostraent;". reserve: fund,:. the: profits and;Joss,Account ',gh6wß;,a'.,balan,co :,pf. : ;ATho. dividend for tho-.yearjis ss, - per shire: iTho : total funds.of the company'amount to -of .* which'. £735,905 is the fire 'in-', 's'oiah'ce'.'fttnd^ah'd'-£2,054,316 life 'funds.--': f - ' :'-v;:'^'::;/:- : spN.^ ..- The':rejport ; of fho;Suu Insurance Office, for ■the- year: ended' December. 31,,-1908, states' that in v the.;fire account-the received, less reinsrirarices, .'were £1;450,752;, beingra'. decrease .of: £26,890, .as;compared;with. those :of the '.jfte--ceding'year,; ".'Losses', .;.p'aid.v and "."outstanding,' $8797,598, - ','.' being. '.at* the. -rate ~bf.: 54.98.' per' ; cent: .oh;.the; 'received.; 'Expenses, of ] man: agenieht (including: commission, to 'agents arid; .Working'charges'' of,ill'.kinds),".£s3o,224,'beiu'g at ; ih.e;rat')"of .36.96 per; cent.'; interest,. £67,784, After.reserving an:uhearned.4o:per.ccnt.-of tho ! premiums ;'to' cover' liabilities:-under':current policies,"therei is..a-crcdit balance of. £195,470,.' which has been 'transferred:, to the profit, and. loss: account; : : ,:Ih : tho Employers'/liability ;ac■conht'ta'sum : of.' £50,000. is. :traiisf erred; .from accident,' oto'.,'reserve''' to .coristitnte' : . the,:-' employers' .liability 'fund: : ;Premiums": received, less;;feinsurariees,;.£62,4Bs; .claims oM9oß'paid and'outstanding, '£34,986; expenses, of'management,/ including commission, ,'£24i325; "interest, '£2970. --.' .After reserving' an "unearned :-'4O-'.-'per cent::of.".th'e': premiums,' therel'.is'Va'-fircdit'-bal-, an'co of -£4562, 'which' I '':is^transferred i to'.'profit "■itnd' loss;*acc6unt. ; . -In the: accident and ' general nccoimt.^after transfer of ,£50,000: to cmplbyeifs' . liability: account, tho. balance of ■ £10;000 - stands to .the. credit of this .fund. . Promiumß, received, less reinsurances,. £10,735; claimspaid, and -.outstanding, '£3196; expenses of > management,' including.commission,;' £4215; .interest, .'£427. After .'reserving an unearned 40 per cent, of the 'promiums,;thcre is a or.cdit_'balance of £1471. The profits- for the -year, with' the'balance.of- : £133,574 , - brought forward, "amounted .."to j£365,431:;;:):;;'. ..•':■'-.;;,-.. ■.■■■[■■■, ■■: ■"'... :^.>
Sv-vEbYAtEXCHANGE ASSURANCE. :■% \. .iv.The net .fire, premiums, of the Koyal;Exchange Assnrance. Company, for'.'.the year.l9oß amomited. t0'.:££754,655; r .and income., to £758,039. Losses,', after providing for till known' claims,-, to December,3l, j were "£430,753, 'or 57.08 per; cent; Commission;was .£133,373, and'expenses.of man-' agement <.£137,1i1, or,, togother,/35.84 per.;ccnt. pi ~tho:: premiums. .After - the"--transfer- of. £56,740- : to'profit and loss,, the 'fire fund-' stood at ,£301,200. -The total income; of tho marine.department was. .£187,611.... -.Lasses' paid, for 198S:nnd previous' years - were £156,217./'-..The. accounts-for'-'the.'year ISO - have been closed. During ■ the'/first half of tho year: a,, loss, of £24,103 was'.' made, but during the. second /half a .profit:6f .£23,511 was, .'earned. '.-. Tho, loss "of £591 was/transferred. to profit and; loss.:. The marine: fund; now £165,617.; .In the employers', liability, • department: business' was ourtailed, .'.'as the; board /was not satisfied -.that the rate of/premiums, was commensurate * with the' risks involved.- ' The' employers' liability fund amounts to £93,300. The -income of the accident, branch was £28,759; losses; £12,116;and expenses,'etc!, £5087. The company, closed the: year /with,.a ,:balance ; of '~£218,511 to , the credit/of .^profit, and loss. : .'.'/' ','■■/..-■,'
i EQUITABLE UNITED STATES. . ' :The accounts, for 1008: in. sterling of ..the Equitable Life.Assuraiic'o'Society,of the United States have been published; Revenue account shows that,,premiums amounted to .£10,039,583, consideration, for nncuities,. J!135,323;;. and in--torest, .dividend," and rents, '.64,252,915; - otler items .\ bringing- up the V total receipts .to ,£15,059,299.. .Expenditure includes .claims, i£5,224,142; debentures and' instalments,, .£44,930; surrenders, ~£2,740,0G3;: -annuities, ■ .£232,438; cas,h bonuses, cmiuissMn. expenses, taxes,"'and,', foreign 'exchange, .£2,139,748; mid iritorest 'on share capital, JJ1438; th.o total exponditura boing .£12,0(14,011. The excess of receipts,:over expenditure is ■£2,9G5,238, : which,' with the difference in- valuation of "securities, JJ3,933j075, raises tho- funds- from X87,71G,602,. at the beginning,'to je94,034,9fi5, at the end of' the year.. .The balance-sheet shows that liabilities,, including share capital, .£20,550;: -hssurance,' and annuity' fond, .£78,943,416;. surplus,' JJ15,G70,998; cash bonuses due and unpaid,'./ .£211,135; and other items, • .total, .£95,954,991. 'Assets include American■■• mortgages, ,£20,050,792; securities, ,£52,187,150; houso and landed property, ioara do. policies, J811.724,505; cash on deposit, in transit.' and on hand, ;£2,672,835, and minor, items. , The item, cash boniisos ditp and unpaid, now includes' liability for annual dividends duo' and unpaid, previously included in tie reserve Tho new business for the year amounted to' £18,754,362, and tho business in i force consists of insurance, .£272,591,340; immediate annultieu, .£240,380; and aimui'fya,'with' deferred pajmenta, ■ . •'",•■ ■■
Customs revenue collected at Wellington yesterday £1632 9s. Bd. . WELLINGTON MARKET REPORT. *; Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Distributing Company, Ltd., report as.follows:— Maize,;4s. 9d.; wheat, whole fowl, 4s. 9d:; barley, Capo , soed,' 3s. 3d.; barley, feed, 3s, per bushel; barley, meal, £6 per ton;" oats, 2s. 3d. to 2s. 4d.; oats, seed,. sparrowbills, gnrtons, duns, algerians, 2s, 3d.; oats, crushed,; 2s. '7d. per bushel; horse beans, 4s. 6d, per bushel, partridgo peas, if. 6d., - Prussian blue peas, ss.' 3d. por bushel; hay, prime, £3 10s. to M per ton; straw;.wheaten £2 55., oaten, £2 2s. 6d. per tan; brjn, £s;.pollard, £6 10s.; sucrosine,,2oo's £7, lOfl's £7 ss. per ton; linseed oil cafco (genuine), 14s. per cwt.; prihie oaten sheaf chaff, £3 ss. to £3 10s. per ton; potatoes, £4 15s. to, £5; selected Canterbury Up-to-date seeds, £6 10s. per ton; onions, £5 per ton; butter, -separator 9*, d. to 10d., dairy 9d.' : per lb;;;eggs, fresh Is. 6d.'par dozen (good demand), preserved Is. 3d. per dozen; honey, 60's 4Jd., 14's 5d.; beeswax, Is. 6d.; fungus, 4** d.; walnuts, ijd. to sd:, per lb.; cheese,,best factory mediums, SJd. to 6d.; bacon, factory, 6ides Bd., rolls od.; hams Bjd. per lb.; porkers, 70's to 90's 4|d. to 5d., 90's to 100's 4Sd.;: baconcrs, 4d. to 4Jd.; heavy pigs, 3d. to'3Jd.;per,' lb.; cabbage, Is. Gd.; parsnips, 25.; carrots,-table, 2s. 6d.; marrows, Is. 6d.; cauliflower,: 10s. .•pumpkins,, 3s. per sack; swedes, 20s. per'ton; apples, dessert, 6s. toS9s. per case; apples, cookers,.Is; : 6d.".t0 ss. per case; pears,.dessert, ,Bs. 6d. to Ills. 6d.; pears, cookers,, 6s. 6d. to Bs. od. per case, Poultry—Table ■ roosters, 4s. 6d.; cockerels, - 4s. 6d. to ■ ss. 6d.;; table. hens, : 45.; ducks,' 6s. to 7s.—all at per pair; turkey, gobblers 10d., hens OJd. per "lb. , ~-'■: :':,;'; LONDON MARKETS." '", :' ''■ Messrs. Dalgetyand Co., Ltd.,: report having received the following cable .messages from their London house, under date June 24 :— .Frozen'meat-rThe frozen;beef market is firm, arid since our last wire prices range from {id: to id. higher: .For mutton any change. in>'prices, is .in favour of buyers, the market being weak, whilst for lamb tho market is very weak, prices being Jd. lower. mutton tallow any ohange in prices is ,in favour 'of-sellers.' Quotations for mixed of good colour since our last wire are from 6d: to 9d...higher, and for the same description, but of. dull colour, are 3d..t0 6d. higher. ..-. '.'...v.;■:'.' LrrE.,STOCK sales:: > V .'': -Messrs. Dalgety. and Co., Ltd., report having held stock sales at Woodvillo on Monday, and at iDannevirko yesterday. A fair .entry of stock, came forward, and there were-also good' attendances'at. both sales, all lines ohanging hands,, with one exception. Quotations: Sound ewes; in iamb ,125., 3d;; culls,. Bs', 4d.■■ to Bs. Gd.; good woolly. lambs, .'9s.;.shorn"lambs,N 6s. 6d.; fat cows/lfe.; forward cowsj 675.'; springing, c0w5,..835. fld.; heifers in calf, GBs. 6d.; two-year steers, 615.; two-year heifors, ~375. 6d.; good :■ Hereford Shorthorn weancrs, 375. 6d. •Messrs. Abraham' and Williams,' Ltd., report ,as follows:—At Levin yesterday a full\yarding of-both sheep and"cattle was offci'ed, and nil lines, met with a ' ready, sale. ', Every line of sheep was keenly competed for,: and a. total olearnncp .was effected under the hammer. Bidding for good, breeding; ewes and forward wethers wa*s particularly brisk, and fat shoep also sold: well. A', good. inquiry, also existed for all; descriptions of cattle, and-very few lots went out unsold..Quotations: Fat wethers, 15s.;'fat\and. forward wethers, 145. ; 6d. to 14s. ,8d:; forward wethers, ;13s. Od.j. fat ewes, 12s. 3d., to 135,-4 d.; forward ,ewes, 10s. 5<L; good owes in lamb, 13s.| 13s. 4d., 13s:■ 8d;, and lis. 6d., - ■ two-tooth owes'in lamb'(small), lis. 3d.; medium lambs, 75.; fat bullocks, £7; prime fat "cows, £5 to £5 18s.; lighter sorts;' £4 ss.' to £i 12s. Gd;; fat heifers, £i 15s. to £5 lis.; forward cows, "£2 4s. ■■•to • £3 : 25.; ■ store cows; 255. .toV37s. 6d.; springing cows,: £4 15s. to. £7; springing £4 15s.': to;£6 -2s. .6d.; oighteon-monthsgrade; Jersey heifre,39s. to'.£2 2s.;' two-year heifers in •; calf, '£2 .125.; i good wteners,,:2ss.; small weancrs, 12s,'-to'.-.lis.; empty two-year heifers, £2 Us. 'A'nice line of ■ Jersey weaner heifers, sold on account- of Mr. John Saxo'n, made '£2. '■'-.-•: ';,, . !:.,.•:,"' ~'.■, ivMessrs.:,Abraham and Williams,- Ltd.,. report as' follows oil : their„.Otaki;' stock, sale of.-Juno 23!—We'had a fair' yarding .of ".both'.shcep: and cattle.,,:.' All stock : sold- well under .the:hamnier, a nice, line, of 200' fat :wcthdrs'making 155., and a nice pen of prime light bullocks making £7 4s. 6d. Wo' - quote:—Fat wethers: 155.; empty owes, Bs.; fat cows,.£4, £4 7s. to £53.;. forward COW 6,. £2.'6s*. to £3 16s: 7 springing cows, £3; springing heifers,;£ 3; fat bullocks, £7 4s. 6d.; ■store cows, £1 3s. 6d. '. : ...The .New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, Ltd., forward market. reports* for. tho .week ending''June'-25. as follow:—At.Apiti; on Tuesday,' we ■.had' a, fair. yarding: of. sheep, and a.';,small. entry-of cattle. / Sheep"were;in .demand, and'eold freely, ■'arid''wo.:havo' l to'-report a' total clearance,, with-: the .exception 'of one pen of heifers,- at the'following-'rates:—Mixed lambs,. 75., 85.,., to Bs. ~4d.;. wether lambs, 7s. "6d'.";'6wo lambs, :85.,8d.; ewes in.lamb, .12s. 3d., 12sl."'id;;.'t6 ■■ 13s: 3d:;", two-tooth "wethers,.;lis. 7d,j empty ewes, -7s. 5d,; cows in calf, £4 te £7; heifers in calf, £2 7s. ,6d:'j weaners, "225.; fifteen-month, cattle,<34s.' A-number of-mares and"sundrios made usual; rates. : -At-Feilding, oh Friday, we had-a good ■ entryi of sheep. Competition for all classes, was ■keen, and :all lines sold freely: under'/the hammer, "at prices in;.favour of vendors. We quote:—Sheep, medium hoggets,; 7s,'6d. to Bs. 9d.; good mixed hoggets,"los.; cull. ewes,. 2s. 2d.;-store ewes, 75..;t0':75..6d.; forward ewes,.9s. 7d.; fat ewes, -lis, 7d, to,lls. -lid.;.-aged ewes in :lamb, 9s. Od.'j; mix^dr'aged... ewes in. lamb, lis, lld.j.s.m, ewes in- ; lamb, 12K. 6d.'; two-tooth'"ewes in lamb,' 15s; 5d.; forward' tw.o^tooth'wethers;-lis. ;Bd.--'-. Cattle:' Weaners, 18s.; cows in. calf, .£2 12s. 6d.;" fat'heifers; £4 125.: 6d.: 1-, -
•:M«ssrs." and Company report:—At our'Teflding sale yesterday a medium entry, of sheep and :'cattlo canie forward. .Mixedage .ewes, .9s. v Gd.; two T tooth/: wethers, lis.; woolly ewe lambs, 12s. '3d.; fat .and forward cows,. A £3'155., to".£3 195.; fat cows, .£1 18s.; fqrwar'd heifers, ,£3.155. ,7: ■WOOL, HIDE, AND TALLOW SALES. : ' '/'Messrs. Abraham and; Williams,. Ltd., report on their wool,;.hide, : and tallow 6ales' held at Palnierston. as follows:—We held our sale:yestorday, and submitted.a good catalogue ,to ; l a .fair attendance', of .buyers.; 'Prices for wool-and skins were in'advanco of'last month's ratesV-but hides'were <dull. 'We quote:—WoolLambs, 8d;; seedy,.ljd. to Id.; crutohings, IJd., 5d., and s}d.; pieces; lid.; black, 53d.; dead, GJd.; crossbred, medium .to : fine,; 6Jd. : to GJd. Skins—Halfbred, Bd. per lb.; crossbred,medium to fine, .Gd.,' GJd., 7d., 7*d., 7|d., ,to 7?d.; crossbred, damaged, 3Jd. to 4Jd. and 5Jd. to 6d.; half-wools, sd. to Gd.; damaged, BJd. to-id.; quarter-wools, 3d. to GJd.; pelts,,id.; inferior, 2Jd.; lambs, 4Jd. and sd„ 53d., to GJd. Butchers' skins, at per' piece—Crossbred, medium to: fine,. 3s. 3d., is., is. 9d., ss. 5d., ss. Bd., ss. 10d., 6s. 3d., to 6s. id.; lambs, 2s. 9d., 2s 10d., 3s. 2d., is., to is. Bd.; black, to is. 3d;,- dead, 35.. lid;; green crossbred, Bs'." 5d., 4»," to 'is. 6d.; lambs,: green, lsi 2d. to. 3s.' Bd. Hides—Ox, heavy, at Gld. per lb.; ox, .medium weights, old., 1 Gd.y'io 6Jd.; cows, heavy, ' 5d.; ■ cows, medium; sd. to,sJd.; others, from 4|d. to 5d.; steers, U-d.; bulls, id.;, heifers. 5Jd.; horse hides, is., is"., id., to ss. 9d. each.''.., Sundries— tallow, four casks at £21. 10s. per. ton; one cask at £22 per'ton; three casks at £22 10s. per ton; tallow, in tins, 12s. t0,195. 6d. per cwt.;. sacks,' 16s. 3d. per ewt.; wine casks,"2os. per nwt.; cow tails, at per dozen, Is. 3d.; horsehair, Is. id. ■' '.. ■<. ...'--' i '•;.': v. ';'■.;'".' at, feuding.; .".:"■■'•'.•' (By Teloirraph.-Press Association.) .-,' c ; ••'; ■ ■- Feilding, Jiine 25i •" • At the monthly wool, skin, and hides sale at Feilding to-day,. very high prices ised, , and there.: was spirited bidding. A line of butchers' half-dry skins made 6s. 6d.—a record for New Zealand;'medium fleece, to 7d.; lamb,,to 7jd.;bost crutohings,' -SJd. Skins—Fine half to three-quarter : wool, ;7jd.- ;,, •• •■; '• . 'stock exchange. 1 .'" , (By, Telegraph.—Special OorrespoudonU y Auckland, Juno 25. , Waihis were sold 'at J2>' 4s. Od. to-day • Woihi Extendeds, 6s. Bd. down, to 6s. id.• Grand ' Junctions; 455. 9d.'i Tairua Broken Hills;: 2s. 2d.; Maorilands, Is. 9d., up to 2s. and down to Is. Sd.;, Crowns, at Gs.; Consolidated Goldfields, 18s.-; Waiotahis, 3s. 3d. Bs. 5d., and 3s. 4d.; May Queen, 3s. sd. and 3s. 3d.; Now Zealand Insurances, 78s.'; South British,; 50s. 6d.: ; : . (By. Tcleßraph:-Prcss Association.) -. Dunedin, June 25 Stock Exchange sales:—Waihi Extended, 6s. Gd.; .Waihi Grand Junction, .£2 ss. 3d.''(two parcels, £2 53. Sales roported:—Waihi Grand Junction, £2 ss. 9d.; National Bank, £5 10s • Bank of New Zealand, .£9 3s. Gd, 7 " .
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 544, 26 June 1909, Page 8
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2,648COMMERCIAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 544, 26 June 1909, Page 8
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