RACING FIXTURES. Juno 23 and 24 -Napier P.irk R C Winter > July 8 and 9 —Gisborne R C. Steeplechase July 17, 21 apd 24-Wellington RC. Winter. July 22-Wellington Pony nnd uallonav R.C, 4«g. 10,12. m \ h-c.j,C Qwad NntionM-
TBt Gi.kncok.l
The Napier Stoeplechaee will be decidod at Greenmcadow s to-raorrow On Sunday next, tho Grand Prix de Pans will bo decided. Tho stakes attaching to this race are worth about £11,000. The Lower Viilkv Jockey Club has voted £900 for its noxt season's fixture, which ia to be held tan aids tho end of Sopteraber It is not'often that a handicap event worth over 100 sovs to the winner draws only thrco acceptois, but this is a.ll that have paidf up for the Ahurjn Hurdles, to tie decided at GreenmaadaiYs to-morrow. H. pjetclior'now hue sjs horsoa in work at Tauhermikau. Thej ara Silken Bern, Golden Bom, Purakau, Bill, Swallow, and Memo Qhimes. In tho N&pior Steeplechase, Capitol meets Speciosa on 151b. better terms than when ho was defeated in, the June Steeples at Hastings last week. At FJomington on Jnno f, tho New Zealand jockej, B. Cameron, rodo Monody to victory in the Birthday Handicap, one milo and a half. There was a field of fourteen far this event, and the manner in which Cameron handled his mount earned him fu,r<> thor praiso in Melbourne.
Mr. B. J. Mooro has decided to rc-enteT the ranks, of owners, and he has recent); leased from Mr T. OJN'ofl, of Fealding, a jiandsonie-lppking filly Finale. The yoiiugator ie by S?}via Park—Epilogue, and a s?ater to Eclogiw, It is said to pqssoas plenty of paw aud, if it stands training, should turn out* a useful stake* oarnorLast year's Tnrf Pvegiskr contains the names of a thrcso-yoar-old\bay gelding by San Fran —Waipurata, Wairiki, a four-year-old bay gelding by Waiukiv— Primula, and. etyled a four-year-old bay gelding, I>y Waiuku—Primula. In the Ladies' Bracelet at Qrco.ntnoad.ows tomorrow, th? telegraphed list' of acceptors in eludes a candidate Waioriki. How can he bq identified by tho every-day racegoer? The pony Btonia, and tho Soujt raaro Silent were to have been shipped to Sydney from Auckland by tho Kfckoia yostorday.
Colonel Hall- Walkor, who bred tho Derby winnor, Minoru, has 'had the misfortune to lose a half-brother to the King's colt. Mother Siegol, dam of Minoru. foalod a colt to Count Scbomberg on uie fame day that the King's colt triumphed,in tho Two Thousand Guineas, hut the , youngstor died a few days afterwards. Playmate hai not made a fast recovery froni tho ipjuries whioh ho sustained at the )Vnnf>anui meeting, and has, in consequence, 'not boon nominated for any'events at tho Trontbara Winter fixture, A notable absentee from the flat races is Gipsy Bolle, who won a, double, at tho Qtaki meeting, The Stepniak fijly is being treated to' a,s}>eH, .Tim total nominations received for the three days' events at the Wellington Bacrng Club's 'Wintpr meotipg fall ,'sh.ort of last year's figures, bqt, with »n average of tw,enty-sjy per racn, this'year's entries must be considered, satisfactory. Last year the open flat raoes filled much better than they bava'dono this year, and tho same remark applios to tho hack hurdle races. . On tho Otfier hand, the entries for tho stcepleohase thja year show an improvement, and all/of this season's winners are, included, so. that the prospects big field are good. It seems certain, too, that a hack ou'the fjrat cj»y Vould have, filled well. 'One of tho arguments adrancod against this class of event waa that the haols steeplochaao at Hastings had, spoiled the big race, but, at the Hawkes Day mooting, both steeplechases were on tho firat day, wbevoas, at Trentham, thora ia no cross-country event on the first day! however, with the nominations as they 3t«n,d, there is ample material'for first-class raoing.
.; NOMINATIONS ?OR • WINTER' MEETINff. ■TljiifDUowing nominations.nave been received for the Winter meeting of the Wellington Bab- ■■- ■■'■ :.'-:■:- ■■;.•'■. -.-. .■•?■''.-■■•■,;" ■\V ..•;- / ':N,-.V ■■'' : FIEST:DAT. y / ■■'■' ■ : ' : i'-'-'-'STEWARDS' HANDICAP.. ''Seven ;i-Stfeet Angelas, .Simplex,. King 'Post, Wimtuera, San Fernando, Martyrium, Diamond St«r, ! Waikaraka, Sir Antrim, Seaman/ Tea Tiihklranuj, K»h«oa, White Cockade, Sti" ißill,' Hydraulic, and• Mataari i . .••.■,' -MERAMAR "••■: HANDICAP.' .Sealer, KingPpst, Htlwian* Gold Bird, Marathon, , Miscast, • ilaswern, Splash. Passive,' •Buoyant, Vine*, King's Pri?o, Thetis; Rawera, ■and \yh(sthcr»tt. '..;■ ■■'. ■■■■:■. ~ " V- ; •■■'• PENJNSUU. HURDLE HANDICAP. One mile' and' threeyriqaTters.-r-Auratus, Kremlin; l{u Ku, New, Polyanthus, Pukenui, Rendrock .Flintffun,. forest, Waipne, .Black Squall, Yosami;,Diploinatio, Virtusj FioeSSeur; 'Coy, ..Waihukui : Baneihaetai ■''joiret, ± Aoteai Vmxij .Waikareao.Silsen Bein, Grand Poplar, Wirjalr Sylvia -Maid,' Somalii Mpecow, iEiplor .'ei*ft. : 'swewo,'.'and KelSo.;■■ ...•'• ' ; . . ■' .. ' PABHAMENT.ART.jSANDiqAP.■ One'mile: Frisco! Kurawak»i Pikopo, Pohqtu, Gaelio; Musketrv, Longuei, Oaton, Dawn, ■' Diamond Star, "Scotty, Waikaraka, Seaman, Iranui, Loijet, Coronetted, Chief Lophiel, First Mato; Sfeatogctßi Merne Zealand. ••. :'.'.'. WJNTBB'HUBDIJSS. Two miles.-Beifl Jpn80iu \Kiewlin, Gbld Shower, Tanira, Exmobr, Nero, Gold l Dnst, Bully, Pukenui," Stormont, .Grand-Stand,. Southern Cross, Forest, Commander, Gowzon, Kaironla; North Hea'd, Xivier, ' Stronghold, Sn;ip, Jack Pot, Tβ. Arai, Conipass, Paritutq, . Swagsman, ■. .Prospector, , Whalttknra, ScoUy,. Silken Rein,'.'lrish; Le Beau, Belnrip.- .; .' V:' ~■.', . ■;'. • Tij : 'Ajt6'■ HANDICAP- Five furlong's.Overrate, Pronw, T,e Kahnrangi, HUarJian, Metriletta, Inchbonny, Contendent, Prevail, Merry' Xihas, Ko.val ? Maid, Waioiiki-, Glenfield, Vincp.Waiata, Santa'Qlara, Cohort, Twinile, Lady Paul, .Pikiho, Tβ Bu, Axitoi Purakau, S,ky9,-The:Squatter, and, Timothy. ;, :,
' -': -.■.'.• ,';,"•• DAY. :'.: GLASGOW HANDICAP. Five ftrlongs.Sweet Angelas, Simplex, inohbonny, Wimmera,. longner, Oxton, Martyrium, Sir' Antrim, Silkweb, Penates, iKaMrpai'■ White"■ St. Bill, Hydrauiio, and Irish Eifle. : ' • ' , WELtINGTON STEKPtEGBASE. Three' milea and a quarter.—Speoiosa, Eldorado, Exmoor, Paws, : Waitarere; MoCcasin, Stonnent, Nadidor, ; Otus, Xaviar, : Enrua, Leonardo,' Coy, Assayer, Jack Pot, Te Arai, Haidi, Tilspo, Defeat, Wauganui,. Capitol, Cymri, Lull,'. Irish, Lingerer, Aorangi,. and Le Beau. : .'. j ,'WATEPLOO HANDICAP; Sevon Sir Frisco", Swcet'Angelns, Kurawaka, Pikepo, Qaejifci Gold Bird,. Wiramera, Mnskerry, San Fernaade, Xonjiiior, Qxton,'Dawn, Diamond Star;. Waikaraka, Seaman, Toa Tuii; Iranui, Corohette,d,Chiej Lochiel.'Kr'st Mate, St. Bill, Stratagem, Jlerne Zealand, Abe*taUon, Mitaari, «nd Irish. Bifle.. ' . , . '.. .. •.'•■■ ;; : KAEORI HANDICAP. > Six furiong3.-Eese Herald, First Consul, Piikewai, King Post, Hilarian, Gold Bird, ilarathoa, Miscis\ LJanworn, Splash, Buoyant, Vineo, Wajstay Twinkle, Eanjfikapna, •; Moiry Messenger," Thetis, Skye, Bawora, and Timothy. .. ... . ■■• .VICTORIA HURDLE HANDICAP.' One mile and a half.—Auratus, Krenilin, Tautfa, Ku Ktt, Nero, Polyanthus, Haurahgi, Pukenui, Grand Stand, Eendrook, Flihtoun, Forest, Waione, Black Squall, Eawhiti, Yosami, Diplomotior virtns, Finesseur, Waihoku, Kangihaflfa, ■:• Aotea,- Waikarcao, Silken Rein, Grand Poplar, Wirral, Syl-riu Maid, Somali, Nodirie, Explosive, Lebecoie, and Kelso. / . JUMPEHS' FLAT HANDICAP. One mile and a bau.—B?n Jonson,. Auratus, Memlin, Gold Shnw«r, Eimoor, Biu'y, Pukenui, Southern Cross, ; Eendrook, -'Cpmmnndor, Corazon, Waione, North Heoil, Yosami, Stronghold, Ship, Compass, Waihuku, Stayboy, Rangihaeta, Loit;et, Whatefcura, Scotty, Silken Kcin,-Somali, Mpscow, and Belhrip. i| : ~■; .. -. . ,-. '. ■- ' ■i THORNBON HANDiCAP. Five fiirlpngs.Overrate, Eose Herald/Promm.Te.KaWnngi, Hilarian, llcrrilotb,, InchbounT, Contendent, Prevail, Notorious,''Chnnvplln,. Merry"■ Xinas, Ebyal Maid,/tVaioriki, Glenh'eld, Lares, Vinco, Waiata. Santa Clara, Cohort, Twinkle, tadv Par, PikJho, Tft Eβ, AxiU, Purokae, Merrie Goac, «nd The Saaattei. .... ■
THIRD DAT. ONSLOW HANDICAP. Six furlongs.Sweot Angelas,- Simple*, Winimcra, Longoer, Oxton, Martyrinnw Waikarakn, Sir Antrim, Toa Tuhi, Siliweb, Penates. Iranui'. Kaharoa, Clem, Whito Cockade, St. Bill, Hydraulic, and Irish Bifle. ' ■ ■ %' CROPTON HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.OTOrrnt<yPnkewai, Sealer, King Post, Hilarian, Gold Bird, Marathon, Llanworn, Splash, Buoyant, Vinco, Waiata, Kangikamia, lung's Prize, T.hefts, lla\yera, and Merrjvale. - WINTER OATS HAMPICAP, One iniie.— BirPpsco, Kremlin, Sweet'Ango|us ( Kurawaka, Pikopo, Pohiitu, Gaelic, Kiog Post, AYimnjera, Mnskerry, Sah Fernando, Longher, Oiton, Payn,- Diamond • Star, Waikarake, Seaman, Scptty, Passive, Iranui, Loiret, Coronetted, Chief Loqliiel, A First. Mate, Merrie Zealand, Hydraulic, Mataari, Stratagem, and Irish Kifle. CQBUNNAHTODP HANDICAP. , Ona pile and a. half,— Aureus, Tauiw, Ku Ku, N«ro, Polyanthus, Huarangi, Pakenui, Bendrook, Flintgnn, Forest AVaione, Black Squall, Kawhiti, Yosami, Diplomatic, Finessenr, Waihuku, Kanffihaeta, Aotta, 'Waikareao, Silken Rein.Grand Poplar, Nacjine, Moscow, Lebcccio, end KelsD. ■ - .'" .-'■■.'.' JULY STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. Two miles and a.' hjlf,— SpeoioSAt Eldorado, Pawa, .Waitarere,. Moccasin; Bnarangi, Stormont, Nar dador, Ohis,\Xayier, Dserslayer, Enrus, Leo.nardo, Coy, AKayerj Jack Pot,■.Tβ Arai, Maidi, Tilson, Defeat, Capitol, Cymri, Lull,' Sylvia .Maid; Irish Lingerer, Aorangi, and Tefcohon. ' ■' . . KIA ORA H/VNDICAP. Six farloncs-Eose Herald,. First Consul; Pronuri,' Tβ Kahuwngi, Pukeirai, SncoessJon, Hilariaar Merriletta, Gold Bird, Incbbauny, Contendent, JJiscast, Notor(ous,'; ChivnYep; \Merrie Xmaf, Sp.val ■Maid,: Waioriki, Glenfield, Vinoo, W»iat»; Cohort, Twinkle,: PiWho, Te Bn, Merry Messenger, Aidfe, Purakan, Skye, The Squatter, ind Tvmothy.. . : .. ■■'■..■ :. ',';.. FU?A.Li HTJRDLi; HANDIGAP. , On«, mile and twee-quarters.—Ban Kremlin, Gold Shovror; T4nira,"Eimoor; J}«ro, q O .ld Dost, Bully, Pnkeriui, Grand Stand, Soeftem Cross, Kendroolc, Fdrest, Conwiander, Coraion, Jtaironia, worth Head, Xavier. Virtns, Finesseur, Str6n|hold, Snip/Te Arai. Compaq, "ffaihuku, Jlaiai, Swagsman, Stayboy,' Bwigihaeta, PrqspMtov Whataknra. Scotty, Wirral, jrish, gomali, Lobwsoio,, ancj Bdario,
•WEIGBTS O|'.'NEW. ZEALAND..HOESES, (By T9Wfrapli.r-PrU? ABsoclation,T-Oo ? yriEht.l: •■;■■ (E«p. June ?l. 5,5, p,m-)'••.■.' -.i'-''. '' ■■„■■■ ■•' :■ ■'■■'■"■ ■-':" '■'. i Sydney, June 21.,' For the Epsom Handicap Mooltan heads the weights, with. 10?t. 21b.. Some of the other weights 'Un,".^;'J2lb. : j AH fad., !Ht,;9lb,j JBpbrikoS, 9st.' rlbi; Aborigine, Sst. aibii-Mastep. Soult, M- alb,; Gravitation, Sst. 121b.; Marjwui, Bst, l?lb.i Armlet, Bst. 121b.; Artillerie, Bst. 41b.; Golden Slipper, 7st. 121b.; Achillsan, 7st. 9lb.i and Don Hannibal, 7st. 7ib. MoolUn ah? heads the list in the Metropolitan Handicap,' with. lOst. lib. Other weights' are:-All R*d, 9st.- 71b.;' Bobrikoff, Qst.' 51b.j MMter-.SouH, 'Bst, 131b.; Pint; 'tin, Bsfc. 121b,; PimnMl, ■ 85t:'H\b,r Aborigine,'. Bat:.". 111b.Maranui, Bst. K)lb.; Gravitation, Ist. 91b.; Artillerie, ' Bst. 21b.; Qolden Slipper' 7st. fflb.; Achillean^' 7st.'" Gib.; and Don ffiinnißal, ' 7st. KV r *■:■: '■ '[■: .':.■ v>:•■;■-..'■ r -c -/'k-''■'■■:, ■':
(By. iispciaUon.-CopyriirliU -•' ■■/•;"■ • ■■•- : r London, Jnno> 20. ■ i Frank -Woattpn, the Australian jockey, while (riding ArjAHtnofe in the Hi|V VfaighX Stakes .-at Asi)ot, was thrown, and another home kiotyxl ,hifn gp 1% ihe ;'•■'-.■■■■■■ .•..>:•,•.:■-..■..■■• [ \: . i -.•.' : ",Wpptton has wnsciqnpness,\and is progrewinj! ttyonriibly; :. . ." ■,•;■..;' :.[Wootion js wnwally credited with a fondOess {or the rails," and \yith taking unnsnal jmmwjr of risks./andha has been In accidents befor?, In a lepqntissno of-"aportihg Lif«" \t was , stated; that d^Totion. to the rails.jppuHqiiwa? mainly rembnjible'.'for- tho defeat pf Japan by the City Selling Plate at Chester, on May 5. VHe'was boxbd in ]&*m QSMM m ?r«i»'of 9wrJl until the latter dropped away' nearinjt the 'judge's hox, \mt tpo'jate for Japan"to catoh Galafleld, who held/ a head advantage pn. tlvs,post.-: Japan' iS'Ow'nod by R. Wootton. A few ,promin.ent Australian ridara hare a great fondness for the,-rails, (ipd hare lost no' <nd 91 races'thrpngh slavishly' sticking to tl»at position.!).. v.-.V■';■■"■''•..'■■'. .■":■■■■ : ■■■■. . ,:..'.. •
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 540, 22 June 1909, Page 7
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1,660THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 540, 22 June 1909, Page 7
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