cnr&PosrcioN. j ' REMARKABLE DIVERSION OF A 'LOAN. NEW COUNCIL'S LEGACY.' '■' (BASES SAME AS. UgT .YEAIt. ■■••,-'•; !Pho oonsideraiton of the city's .overdraft and of' rates -and estimates .for the -year- ' fprflicd an important part of the '.business tiransaoted ; at Jast .nigbt'.s mooting j»f -.Ijiho. ' #y ■Qopacfl. .His -Worship the 3\fayor .(i>r. Newman), for .the :bcnefit.of now councillors, ' a short resume df the : financi«l position r' .df tike.city. ■ [: ■ \ Rigid .Economy Neefled. !' .Sjfl-'Wojahip spoke istrongly., and went; 1 Ijboroiighly into tho matter in hand, stating ' tjhat, ;rj; being fine of Ms ispepiaj >duticp ps i ' ■tyfoyor to look after"the city's' finance, he .(,l|'ad prepared,a .brief statement .so thAt,mem- ': l}ers, before they vote*} on the estimates for ] ; -fio : year ,ai)d 'befdrp they preceded to .strike to Mtq, ,mjgbt ;jsimw< the ,es?e,t -wxiivion. ; The city's finances were not in a iappy i PflsiJ. ijiou, and councilors mpst.facp ,the fact that : ; 4'ioy, Wild only' ne put rjght ,by. their persistently parting a' policy, of real economy, ' %»Ufsh ,% .whole ycfir. T ; he .council -ha_d : n0 I fooney.-wnatoyer-.for luxuries! They must ■ jrsft tffl ne,xt year. They had to face-a fall-: ipg -revenue anil -nilfori^n-.and unusual osI pcr.ditiirc. The csancil' could japt .shut -its' ~ .eyes -.to iffteta, however ugly, but must work • I so that the finances were put on sound (bqsi|i ness lines. This -eouncil started with a very' . big handicap. On- Jla;rch -31 nearly. £46,fXX) .' fas the ,amount of .the .overdraft; mode .up ' as '.follpw.s:— ' ~ .General account ... ... ..£27,000 Electric light " ...;., .. .... a6,Q90 . ; • 1 Tramways ... ... ... 2,§00 •■ i Total ... ' ... , ... £45,800 ' H'b« general pyerclraft was .caused the '• purchase of street. properties for'.widening, ■ to-tho .extent of-£27,00Q. .TJio.cnty overdraft' j was tordayjn the neighbpuriiopd of £64;dd0, ■ ou which.wp were paying, pppr.oorit.' li'was. i' growing .perilously hear'the' council's 'legal ; Jiiriit, w'.ffich was about £?B;O00. ,'. '- '." In order ..to avoid exceeding this, 'it was : ..necessary to strike the"rates now. ,lf the ?qpncil'.would ypip the rates that night,' then 1 pc-y would,save a. jyxtuc-i ■' mg their .'overdraft atid' iptcrest "th'erebn. 1 V?y!\Gik>r£'Wo'tiltl sop'.how exMeolßgly .urgent' was tjheneed for economy.■'•The council hnijst be economical for ,tho jrfiole'?<?»'■' *'" Thfl Abattoirs. :His Worship jfound .that ;last year £,15,Qq0 . wasiraised by : w;ay of loan-to npild the abat- , Wirs, .whicji \yrojild .cost' that .amount, and t would shortly have -;tp ,be ,f or. . tJflfor-tu- , nately, d;hjs ;m,pn,ey_ was .diverted itoflt year' to ( another purpose, viz., topay.ojf .p,u,Qld;loan, ( ,tho-a,b.attqu;s niust'.pqm'o/put' > of.the di?tr,iot |vrnd—i.c vr out,]of',pvCT(lraft!(or. ' the ,ijie .estpnt -qf ,-iip, : ooo. .Cpn-'-WiwS) flis iWoiiship fates. ' on■;Marph ,§1 .ampunted 4o £10,(j00, .on ■ loasehfllds jstatp pf ,ii{t.a;!rs o;ltogether • pnsatiisfac.tiory,. ;',.'■ jtrf 0 = ■ ■ l • D ?^ lin ? **i>e«.«4«qtaip ilight ; ' ' (US Worfinip-poid,ho fopnd that branch of the council was in a most unsatisfactery ppsitipn. : Thoro was an overdraft of £16,000 on March ■ 81 last. At that date 'liabilities incurred to : be paid this ywir -(totalled jSeO.QfIO. -The late ' council ordered a turbo .machine arid accessories costing £,18,0P0, and othpr necjessfiry pxpenditure amouhted to 167000... 'It.was in-'' ■ tended to pay for these out of'leap,'bup the ratepayers' votootl the proposal,- und when : liabilities- were paid for -the x light' account—a;fter -allbwjng for -a profit this -year.' : r-would owe-the-general account arid'bo'in flobt -to tho extent d( £38,000. %o referred' to'the profits 'being out dpwn foy'-th© intro-: ; duotion" p.f-.the'Os'ram jlamps. ■'"■■The •profits ! 1 .would be much ■diminished ht ibo enid of the 1 1 present year. For 'two or three -years the! profits would' Shrink. ' , •■■ •' i iTho iTrßmHiays. • . | 'ITio ,t.ra.mwiiys the orfly.department the' Jinances .of tfhichorfore.in at-alla 1 (position, "but, .despite 'this, on dVlarch .'Bl -the; pvprdrttft 'Was in round 'figures US2SOO, 'which i iwoitld ibe filwrtlyropa-id out,of 'profit. The' jKilbirnie to Kiaranui line, to cost £4600,-' I jwpuld'liavo to bo df profits, as there iwos 'no iloan, .money. The item jfo'r 'carsheds | iat the Mahawatu Station, to • cost'-£5000,1 iwould Jiavo to' Wait.-.. ■. ..'.'.■■- - ! : -' ' '•': - i itian EKpsndlture. - I 'Tho 'loan espendi,turp '^or : the year—out of! liiriftspende'd ;hrfla.nces ,0f,,01d loans-P-.wottld 'be) jhijiivy. They 'had to complete the w,ater-i iwqrfcs at':Sdlomp,n's'Knojb ahd,eh-ic r rfhorf,.'and,' impn'ey.Jiad a,lso"to be' spe;it on ; scmerago' •woflts -at % Bjooklyn .an.d Kilbirnic. ".A 'grca't'' id.edl of tliis money ..wc.ulfl'hin'e to '&' paid: ,aw.ay ivt the end '.of t)io .fin&pcisjl. year, ! be-: iCßirao -the construction of thesp.-works' tv.is-' urgently ■ needed, -and .shotild be yigprbus'ly' prosecuted. :- ' '..-.'.'.'.,':! '„' gtroet WBcrrtrip. : \ .' ... ~.'-,! . ,Of ,thc "overdraf,t, was -.due jo ■ the' .street ac'epi(nti wliich had hitlionto;' been .charged ,to loaPj and there .uyre'jsnia.U: lniJliJities '.to ■ be .-met. _ It-was clear jovciv' .pquld oiot jwsib'ly ihe r,cd,ijicsd .except ; by .finding ,de|)t, aSprpcep3-;hp .wpjihl jire l pose la,teir. '■..";.'.', ;■..".;'' .•Bates ifor tho Yqae. '3?ho Knanco N Comniittcc pipposed - the ratqs Should bo-tflo sumo as las,t.,vear. 'TJicy could -not possibly 't(6'.' l lo'Ti , er. 'Tho over-bur-dened Tatepaj"er could not .stand "them 'higher and -he '.wished to waru-thsm most solemnly it depended'how they-yote]l .tfao estimates, in 'tliese eajiimates -t-bero 'was no room for substantial -reduction. ' When he first - took offico the engine.er showed ilim ostimatos for .over &lo,oop oh', roads', -etc; ■ iMe .thought ;tho amount large, and .cut them to exact!}; £40,000. 'Having now a.complete Iknctfledgo' of the city's affairs, ho would ask tho council -to fis tib'is' -at £35,000. If they j£36".000 out of revenue, ,and ( £2,QQo put o/'tbp jpan for roAds— aud-'probttnly they li'puld do more work for private L pwu.ers, a.nd' tlip. Harbour Boa-«l .was spending .£§ooo flu roads iand idrainnge .at t|ie : j:oo]t qf jt.he w,ould. totril ppwards .of this -jsiir. ;in ithe 'city. ..Out ,pf itliis .rnonpy -they. ;oould.imako •rpa.dp ,jn -the -oujlyiug dist-ricts, b\it .sjjph luxuries fls fpr wopdicemepit ke.rbin's; "tpnd'iphaiinelling', waitj »!p«ld l,i)ip -iiiomj #py [hap .only money fcjr ncces-sit-ies,"- -wps. itfep.jpthqr re/i«pp |for .reducing. r t)jia :item £6()QJ)-*-.tb ,bejp to .pay for the ; ( it* .loan' jnqiiey ,|iod -been .spent jto fXo.ish! ft. . .Samrfiarjr. 'They-now know -tho jjsact-ppsiliipn.-: That ,nignt.anll ev,ery : njg nt March 31 nest the council • wo\lld luwo ,to. prae.tlse ,tho ■ -most rigid economy. If t'hp council wpukl-hot agree to thesb prdposlils, bhey' vbrila' pr?spuily, when they camo to the (iiiestioli .of st'rikipg-tho rate>.'-have-to'faco.Wie fact tha,t must strik" hicher rates, U'hcre .was np out of |lie difficulty except the one « \\e had shown them. , .COWCJU.ORS' views. •.-'... Gouheillor Lu|te .thought it ; was time the wlio)ofirJaiicirtlpositio>nvi>|sTeyie.weil; 'Tliapld cpuncillors 'had to justify .tfrp ..administration ' bi the' past' few years, aiid hp, as 1 one, .could speak" for them. 'The elecbric ligiit inst-alla- ■ tton 4«jd (been, good ..-service to tho althougu tho introduction of tho Osram lajnp had led to a shrinkage, but the tfholo com- ' munity was', benefiting. The; old had I had to'order certain electrical and '.trjiniyttyJ plant, which was coming' to hand fOl j psc .wfrcn n,cpdpd. Pe,nsoß,a!fyj he .thought Wioj estimates might 'bo 'remodelled, and'-certain I works sJnuek .opt, and allowed ,to ;s.ta.rj,d oyer: 1 .for -the -future. He prqcpedod to point ,outj . that, for n proposed expcndi,tm:e'p[ ,£4260 1 nt Island ißny -frpm the fates, which 'totalled £3330.. iwould bp rptprnad." Pfl-w.otUd hplp '1 his WwaMp -jn. )i\# -ffljtfer ,<if .fi?»jjoo,..iMjd
hjo iwao .fUTe rouDdilkrr* WTjuld';soo that [R hjurdißn woul|i not be placed op'theoonnnanity. He .cppsrAtjilateii his Wflnsiip on the ifay he had faced tiie matter. • Interest on Overdraft £2000. ■ Gorqioillor Devino suggbStod tluit some of pkl.cofflicQlors Bhonld justify their position, as thoy were largely responsible fpr "tho position of the fiiance* at present. old conhcil appeared to haro phmgjbd. 4«is)g the past' three yearn, m 4 PW iP*d>-j-ljo wotks had to be- etornod. 'Tlmre 'wii6 * I liugp overdraft - to face, winch «»s gdinp to .; -press, dii the ,pjty'..'fpr eomp t»p,e'to poae. ( ;'9p 'Was' very; glad .to .see .his Worship ~did I not propose to increase'tfro.ratos.pny. farther. ' .This year wo wpuld be £J2QfX),jp jfffacj.qst- an > overdraft, which .appeared to ihim ' very'poor finance. ■ Councillor khirtcllifo, 'in ,6Upporl")g 'tho adopyon of .the eßtim'af.cs, reith'.h.j» Worship'B decision .in-favour .of strict ecpn- , omy during tho coming jcar, and.both did ',' and ,now councillors would,' ho was 1 , ; help.' Tho old connoil had not biKn -pj'uiig. I ing, mor had extravagant «x-nenditure-pnt I|ho,c,ity. in a bad state. The 1 old opun'cil . qousiated of prudop.t ,mm, and. tfurfhw, <io ( finances of the city wero not as bad as Councillor Devino 'would'load one to believe [■}l. there was fW 'Piopblp . it had 1 a/risen by the .ooiumitmonts of the city, am' . (|he fact tha,t (;ho. loans asked for had nobeen granted Jjy citizens. ' Personally, h ,' tho .oitisicns had made an error 0 .. judgment; There would 'have 'beph no oyeiS ...grafts if they jiad grahted ~tho ;!paps:as!ko'd .! for. .The tramwpys Acop; OT t ,w.o»ld,bo alirisfet , Kttho end of tho .present financial .year. -If . tjhp_electric,lu*ht was going to bo" eh.oapcr . 1* Wfliild Icadstp a ijfwtpr'consumption, and - t|he :pjty must benefit. ;Ho .was .also .glad to I W "there would bo a saying pf #2000 . or , per year oh tramways. The counpil , might perhaps -bo ,<i ji^Jp' ; niow modftratc, . however, than thp jengineor'.s -estimates > 1 $A™ , y °f ttl "? ,Jown % street worioi ,by tboOOO he thought -as -much'as could bo ; done was bejng dene. 'He did not s'ee wnere turtuor reductions cpuld ;be -made. .He was .glad to hear that over £5000 of outstanflins ' '^ '■"d been gdt'in,'and he ; hbpedlK ~ olhqers of tbp cotinciT'would not .jvllow -the '.. ?atos,.to acoumulato again!',:', : ' '■■ Ratepayers ..Blamed. .. Councillor Smith Said tho old oonncil was ,; bound to goon with .the .'works in 'hflnd, aiid . Ibo .present position -would bave obviated it the loans asked-for had 'beoii'grantefl. .1 W. thought,tho -city would uit'iin'atfily-" be proud that the works '.had, gone .oil. .I'emaps ; ' coiujpil should be'blamod, .however, /. f,or not .wqrks/jfind allowing ratepayers the ' pqsjtipn they .had : .plapci themselves m. On the .whok«, .he thou£lit Hie (founcil was m a ,v,cry .satlsfaotory position, and <!hat matters wopld .right -themselves before very long. •. " , : ' . ;Councillor •Uindmarsh .thought that the number of ratepayers who did not vote n't the loan polls wero satisfied With'the way tlie affaire ot-the .city were bfling .carried on, . otherwise tliey would have furned opi -anil recorded their votes against tthen'r.oposals'ol ' vRO conncil. The works haM to Jbb cvnod • out, and the council;ha.d 'beep. A blo }<,.. do'.the : KotJ l ? in spite pf a few ratepayetp .who icould not appreciate tho ipo'sitipp., Toe'.old coaiwvl well what it was.dping, and'tlio result was, ho considered, wy pa&factory. ' •■■ ipo.nncillornPrpst.tho.ufih.t.the.iongineorlsde. PMtmont was mot xpsponsiblevfor the over-- ' Praft. It was other departments,' tas the .engineer had been e very careful. '.hoar.') Perhaps the engineer could give ' a as to Vchat wprks pould be cutout.' he thpught praotichlly 'the ■Whole of this wprki . pn the estimates eoujd bo 'passed. Wot at.'.-all ,As)iatnofl.' ' \Qpnncillor us ia member .of the pld council,-was,not at mil ashamed df tho , position. Tin old .council iki(ew what thev , wero doing, and it -was/duo'to the apathy of the: ratepayers themselves that' the present ; position hod to 'bo iaeei' 'The rajtepayers knew tho, loans must bopasspd, i pr, that, the positiqu \vopl,d 'have to , bo, ,mot iiu . some. ' .pthpr. ,wiy. . The j Uiok. of voting was .an nhsplute-disgrace. ; lino .large amount for street widening should 1 W •■droit, with .by loan, .pujt..ffJwn .loans wore. I pentioned .ratopayers nut their backs to the i frail. Thoy wbnteU' tie -works to *bo done, , and the city to adtajjop, Jiiit they did /ot , jwant tr.l 'spend pipppy. - It was' just as well I |the . citizens ..should . understand this. , Ho , (thought it would ibe.n imistoko itb out 'out I ptttirtily the 'item .for .wopd.blocking: ,a' proiviPiis cpuncll 'having decided on a 'pdlioy to'dp . jeertain wopd-bloelnng 'oadh ye(jr,. , . j Councillor Trevor -was ■ glad there >was to' bo- ; no rise in .rates, but sorry "to see an increase ,of .£IB,OOO 'in expenditure liotWeeii March' '81 iand ,td-day. His Worship! Tno -money has all been |gomg.-out iflnjjjip rates oomihg in. Diversion of.tho Loan, iCoptinuing, .Councillor Trevor said he did inot agree with money bqirjg voted for ,opo jpurppse and ;frittcred 'nn-uy' : ih -other tliireoas had 'J)cen done'with the abattoir! Iloan: ■ • - Councillor Fletcher .said ,thp old cpnnoil Iliad carried on whjch ,'it ,w,QuJd jluive !been suicidal ?to have dropped "Vefp.ro ,tpoy jivore carried-;to a moppy-inaking pp.int. .'lf , ithe Joans had |beon.put-bef.'or,o rptopay.erS-.in--itolh'gently he thought, the .voting ran'itho. [proposals-wonld'have been different. . '• Councillor Bollinger .thought that 'if 'the iwohkers' cottagesi- and one ; or tw.b -other',' 'items, had boon left,out of tlio.'ipan ,'prp-' jposals tho Mhtingand' tramways .would 'jiave jgono througn. The:fact that rates nad not. come in, ,'in ,'h'is ppinipn, .accounted fpr-tho overdraft. A sum of £2000 set Bpwr for- .expenditure, by the reserves at Kxflbarnp had been spent at Anderson's Park, Thprhdon. He'.wwild like ito lyww ifrhy .-j^Jf' was. ; ' ' ;Councillor Cohon said ho did not know, nor did ,many others, ,til(at .the [abattoirs Jonr had •npt boon .spent ipr .that .purpose. Tbji ■ Eiiiaiipo Coimriivtcp sqoulrj Iwvo .feppr'.tod' fcv tlw A eourip,il. ■ 1 • His I lt off an .old loan. The outstanding rates, said Councillor Cohen, wore too -heavy, nnduthoy ought to bo in." His Worship: ft |Wpp''t\6pqurJ}iis year. A Flnanco Commlttoeman Wlio Did Not Know. I Councillor "Jlorrah, referring to tho loan for abattoirs, said that -as'-a- ihienihor pf #0 . Ji'.inance;, Cpnimitteo he Jcnevr notliine -rf-bout the money, and would like to 'know ;what -was do.no-.Ykitfi.jt... . ~. ...His 'Worship.:.'TJie.jnpnoy. was". paid to . clear.,off. .'a .Jpan pf £51,000. .about this ;timo la,st ;y,eflr. ■'■■:' 1 ' : '''.-"''' Ciwciller ftferjiaih, v continujng, ,said he did not see why tho (prcficpt ~yqa.r'ii exnenditflre ahmiltl' ic cut down ,hy'£ls(ooo.. Councillor ITitzgerald .congratulated the old councillors on the waj* they -had congrntiilatell themselves. Ho was surprised at tjio apathy -pf the -old couiiclllprs in not itivcß%awg the question of .tl)e •exiwhdituro of the -abattoirs ,ik>an. Ho'ihopet] the preson* council -would not..'find -itself, 'in the. snn* ppsi.tipfli.aji. the end of 'its term. He waj * | brpri,sp(l j to htjnr that fpi eoiMli Wipfks ijiad npt jicen. .spent on ,t ; hdpp jhut ■trasistorrpd vto .otiicr -psbs. ' « , ; Reduced bii £stipd. '' Councillor Luke, thought'-. the engineoi might go ttwugh the ■vetimates ps to roadr again, and revise them arid reduce thorn bj £5000, This was decided iipon. _ffis referring J;p rnoyed that the rates' bo -the same as last year, Avifcb the addition vof a two-fifths .of a peims in -tlie £ fpr iMdlioso ■soirorago and .drain, ■age. ■ .-'.-, ;Tlto nio v tion was agreed to.' / TWE "'•';" ".■ JJOiVN 'BXPENPITRItE, The. estimates :for tJio .financial voar com> moncod on April 1,: providing .for a rtolal .of £35M)-expenditure on roads, ri neductioi of £5000 oil the amounl origihaHv sot llo«'*i .wp.ro Bubqeouently ,6Kbmitted,"'The .f>ugu;(«teii general rate and ,tho 'hospital rate' are tr bo'tho samo. ns last- year. After ii'lenetli-' discuasien $ho .ostim-itpj .were .adopted,as \ whpjpj hftt & tii .be asked .
fti-ftft>to wp?rt:;toya»Fhiimee;:6omimtte6;B»rtc ft ft/'/ /.what reanotioSs,;can\be mad©iWith,test i» :; 4;;:; briment .to the city bo mto cut the wnoiml 00. ,ruoTm; bj■£5000. ft The'.estimates are^l- : ftift-ftft l'^ft>v r S G ?- N^Ak^CMUNT|: ',..'..;; ■ ;: /;ft ft'/ft'-::"'«•1;",■ ::"/■' -■'' -ft : '-'''! ■■'••■'•';'.' 1 '/ft/'//'/ ft.-;.,a/a,-./'/ i ■■;'•; ;:'•• . ft;/'Bdoeipta. "'mated ft /.;;:/. ;/,;,,'/ft' ; ft ;/;ft/ft;.;, -f ; \ ftft;/yA -Last/; .ft This ftftftftftftftAft-'i-ftAftftft 'ftft: a," Year, ./,;;;;///Rent*— "■'■. ft/ /'ft; ft' •■"• 'ft-,a-a /"a/ft'/" 'ft '-"' '; .'■A.-.■■: lnWd ': '■ ■ I 17,284 / ■'17,381 976 ,;.;./:, 92( ft ft-ft/ To Aro pv ••».»»..»...—:...... / 21 •'•''ft, oj /ft'/ft/ ft:;Pahiatua ■'.':' 373' ! ft' ; '6ffi properties.,.// 5,599 ft 5,65 i E/ftftft ; 751 'ft/ft/ A'','■'" Sundry/'rent5ft...™..,..:;.;.,..; Aft 468 ;■'. --'■•■_•" ij( '.":,•.',"/; ■'■ iicenses-rAuctioneers, ft' dogs, .;'•■.'.' 'ft ftft/■■:',.•■ :publioahs;Abtd..^;..^.™:;,.A-A6 J 'solV: i •■'G i 26( Yft./.' Building! fee6<ii;..;j.;.;......u.V... :-i~1,347:-:-'=; 1,S0( A;AA: A;Cemotory a;A '2,003/ :-•; 2,GK :;■,'..: fGoycrnment^.Bnb'sidyA. ,'..;.;,.„.,,;■;•. 460 ■■'..".■' /"""45( ;^v;>r-X-'ToTO^HaU^^iWs\™i.%;;i^; ; !:v : :'s6-l' ■''- : "'/''"5S iUyiv;'\Kira\-Hall7rlettij^\;.'iv.;.; , i;V;.'' : '''Zi797. ; -''\' : '2-50( Baths, ftW^^^ aaa Fire Brigade ;repayments ! .™„ ft . 175 a ;'.'': :'w AA-jA/. .Sundries.- 'ft.;:iftv.::;;ft;;,..;:;.ftft74gft "Aft,7s( ft ;ftft; a: 7 aa ■',;.. 'ft-/ ; <y /ft/ft-'ft: ln^ho^,wiUvprodnce^i..:.."~.'V''';": ,, ; ;.;..,• '/' /Debentures; dub vto", district .\ '" ;ft '/ " ih^^;'VV r^ fund '■v : ■™i»V«•.i;i™-~.^ : '>' 6,06 c :.;™„;...;,v:a''' 1 /ft ' ;'0,50C Iftftft;/ 'i&Bs.^ivi/ft/ftA ; Wi /ftftftEspen-.-; i: :y.-,ft' ; ■'■ ft/ft'; t $£jifi£- : Kio ■ ftl-ft ,',,' a,a .ft' •'■' ditae. Estimated /ft ft:ftA'SS'iM^ij^-jyif'■ft'.;,:.:< ft.'.,'/ last' A;' ■•;..' This '' /ft';^e n P?6Y,«tc./;/.;....;;..™.,,. ; .; C.338 ■-~ -A G,75( ;:.A:..;,i)estruotion'',ofAreraso!'!';.:.'.U.; '6,695 : "' J " 7 00C A//:;,y - .«;.&*!;« ;.-.;,/ ; ~. 6 ' s „ c ftftft/*!f«. Brl g a P 0 A:,.;.;._:.•..; 8,139 A.A:.. 7932 .;';,. a':City ; : reserves■:..;.....;:;.;..;;;;.;.i;'A 6,322 v:' 7 115 ; ;VAA7;^^?7- ' :f- ;.:A',|'^t^igntingA';:AA:.;.^A v 6/473:.; :,. c ; o3i Aft i v^S^^ i ir^" ; J.qwn,-±£all—Cnrrentj expenses A 1,684 .- 1 70t Vv: : .ft:Tpwn"Hallp-Eipenses;'of :re-'J iftrU'-'ftv'.A ''A ; 'ft' J^'^S '' : ' a"""''"^! ;■s; ■:& Tpim -fiall—lnterest; on Aain3'''s-,245' '■ 3 2-iE SvAt;/J'natingA;adTertising,: : eto;yi.ft" : l;3osA'''.AAi'B2( : ; cfi 701 1,225 AvA-ii'igf '• Salindicß : "t'6'."cUy'; bninds !;.::^ ; 250-.'''-':'V : j'2sT ;fe:^::^^AAOadeniy^of-KnecArts^^ft'^so,a- : -' i" r st Sft; JlisoeUatieons .-J'-: :-5;656 aa?'A'o- S nl Wi<» •■•i.»v'vv!"-.""»-»>t ; r 6,349 J?, a ;''c,M£ v.'. -aCrematorium.'. ..^;^^i;.*.;.;iii;;v — A a-A;A^^ c-ftytaAZooft"^^^ ft;. ft.'; •■'.'■' '-'!■■';' A ; A/" ' general :acc6untftV:?^ : A{' i;i ''. ; ,A-sr;r.;Ai.'.. : .ftSVvStreet',paving;A;6ss,oooVat^4•v;a;;a~,va ; ,^ : a,. ', AA,A ; A»A,Streetypayi n g,, i£3s7sA ; at ftft-.'a I ■ a:;a ■■ ,^ent.::i;.:..;:;v. ie3 ':*.£.£■{& :vA;:f :, Street, at.'ij • - ;«.■-:■•.■; "A VA;.-■, ;: 3 ;^ose^^;, ' : -v ; -'-S"" ;i ---""-" '■' : ' ; i50:: o - ! -A ; ?;'*5c 'ft.A:ft;BtreotAnidening,,ifil2o,ooo,'at- "■• ■'.■■"'■"•. ■' y. ' ft-'-aa\ S:;..'^;P*r;:ee'ht.''V:;;;;„;'.-i:. ; ;;;« "i^oo' : ' ; ; :'->'i g(j( %ft ; ft ..Wu'enjng'Willis;Street'and-aja ■.n,A...,.A:,- ; •/:A ■ ; ; 'Aphew's "at 4} ■■> ;'ft' '.*'.-;'.••/ ft'"ft..'ftper ■■ cent.->;;::.■ ;;V.; : . : .=L;V.S;.-:'-!''''9flO'.-S'- : •^ft:onr v.';•;. Consolidation A:ft'■■ ftaA( '«'• a ■Vi?.;-^'BWeraV.. ;.;:^..ftft2,Boov.ft ft:;-- AApverdraft loan, 1897, ;.£38,000a ; "■ : '" : "- ; V ">:. : i;'A : >,',,:A?y i Pßr;<^nt-::..Vj;^.i..^.^ , ;;'-l i sMft:!ft Ai ftft. •- -.ft ..ft ■-- ft;a ;ft'Destrnetor : i. and,'v lighting; : 'ft.ft;'■':'- ,' ■'.<■ '■> a;-,. ;/al6'Aroi. refllaraation; ; ;ja,sso a.vaa,,;-■;...., ' tT at ■■• p - r; '^ n t' a; 159 '/fft ftftft; : Eorse. : tramways,ftC2o,o()o •-,■. "'per.'"oent. : : ■ ~ '".V.: . , . ;'.:.'.V;„!.: ; ,: ; ; ' -'' f ßnn'' -'. ■'.-.■ ■■" unn ;^;W.^S::.^ks;■:■■^M■•W;^^™* , .: a ft; 8 ™ a;;; A:'; .: Accent, /(portion): <w /•AAA ;Hunter : . ? ftft ftl;#?s' 50 <l'atA4, j»r/cerit.ft;.'/ft(i6<);ft/'; '6Rf ft// ;,;.":/ ;-|'.°* -A.i' A>v't ?^ nt !Av"-v ; v"^--~»^;ft:^sffl''ft''' r 3;52f Sftft A;lnterest.onAOyerdraft>:--.;;.C.-K',/l,317;u;'>; ■;':;• 2,00( ;to' Ml i ftAftft :^"i ftA ; Aft.Goneral : ;AccOnnfc^AA v; ;,A',jy,/^.;''y'.:.|;;,.,...^ ft/AAftStreetft/i^idehing^/^'loanft^Ai/./fti'.AA:-.,,., S: :;t. ;,mt •■^^"' :/ va'ja.'A per/ /cent.;;.;:..:;.:;..;;.;/.'„,;/ ' : '-'^(j(jVft"y', A.ft;-A ; -;Destructor, lighting, oft: ft."ftA;' i; ; £45,000, at '-i;;Mr:.'cont:! ; ..v.v;°.-.-''. '450 '''a 1 ' A:'AftAi/StreetApavihg:&ATown;Hall,?'Aft /'/a. .'.". 'A/;/ : :'ft„^^' o P o ; :^AV%;^nt:r -'"/". i -l» ! .A : AA;A::ftStreetApaving&,'Tdwn'Hall;rA ftoftft..'.■■? jaa/aa at/;l)perAcent./:ii„.; ; A ; , 253 ■ ".'': : i~9st ;;/,«! ::a/StreetApaTJng&'V:To'Tni' : -Hall,^-:'!'.'.-,- ■■■. ',?jvj■/■; /' :: aa "/ft^ls.^fcatjlAper^cent/:..^./!ft 153ft;"-a ■-& ;,y,V- "■'. Consolidation,'. Loan ,;.,,.;;, :-;J.ft■ A''toAG6neralvA(^nnt i fti.V;!'ftii2Oo ! A : ' 1 aw 'i;ft; / ;Hnn(-er '//' './'.//a'aa cent;ft:LftS 165 A'"ft-/16! /;ft; Dtie/to .Abattoirs; Acdonnt'.;..'.. '—■'••:.'.' / a]o 184 iJ/A./)fetimatedAeXC^/ o f.:, r^jp^;,,^.,;A.;:A; ft j'jjj -ftMft^! al ife^^ Aft^- 1 ft,Aftftftvft.jftjft/ : ft /./.■; ..Rate';'.;ar./-23/,per ;•' -oontift'ori"///''/- .'■,'■ -, ■•-.-: '-:/' ■^""^^^'•••"•••••••^••^^W/i20,8«/'':A22]G4! '' - I"? 1 to./Eaibour..Board ;./;.- i.0i1v.A:.,-. som a/,:, 'Water;; to.,Governmeht r..:..._../;i,604 / :'l'67( A/Ay-Water/to ..public '.^^^.^iiM'-:6. /ft/-'^^^^AV-""-;v- ; -^-r-- l " i ■*»'ft' : "'/401 ai.a^-interest; deposits; ;..™.™. : /;2,Bls'ftft';A So; ]^\P'o^o!^ a; Aft'"ft.;; /ft'AA;A Hftft K;ftft/^ft : ;;//A',/.;/::,//A/ i AT;- /"//l/A'/itpr*/.,/, /mate* ft/ft//ftft^ftft-'A/^'ft^/ft:"///:''/ftvlast/'a;;;this //;'/' / '■*•' •.'' ■/'■■ i.; ?< ft' / /ft ft/ ••■■ ft '■' ■"• ■■: //year. A;.ft/year .ftAftftA.,;'/ A/A/v': nA /ftft;Mwns ; : and materialft;„;^ft/6J870 '■"'9 00( / i . : AftSalanes:,/^.,:»;...Ay:„/_£i^ft;/;3 i 37 6 A/:;/^ 3^7( " : .: / printing, office,;etc,' l ''2,427':--/• /'2401 fj;ft.lnterest. on/loans-ft/Afty /,;,::;;.;..; : .; i//' "■ fty; »': : //ftWainuift)//vra't*r'wor : K'sft a'/'a'a/- vft'/'/'; /ai:;a; ;,:Ja3o,ooo;,at A6 v 'per:ftctatft- •."■'.'/-';/:;/ fti ./K7,BBB'ft:':ft:7;Bßi '//ACon6ohdation-/,A(2-sths;-A/tdft' AAft/^ . ft 'ft.' acodunt) ft;ii;.vft^ ; i,B66-/''ft'iftl 8S( ..: -;ft-^aterworks./'M7;ft'4 ; /'per:A;''/ft/", / ft/ ; ft/ft :! '' c ? nt v Qn, JE5290; =..".'.i-;.-..iUiviiv///2SB- : ■ : !'-iv-23l ft':ftftWater;supply^improvetnent,//'/ '/" ft//;ftft;i: -'ft/A-ft^ISP.OOO/at/lAper/cent;' .a./ 5 7,600 a ;: ';-/76(1 /■;A:;:Sinbng:;Fnnd—/«;ft/y/// A.'/.ft/ftA.;/ //ft /vCjmsolidation;.lban?rtebsftft »■•'■ ; '''";ftft' : '' ; ft/ft ft; ;;of v.ieSOOO) ,";a ;;/- a«. ;.^ ; a , • ft" / : W •.'.'.': "ft -iv ■./;-;./ . Watery supply 'iimprovement-'.-..;;;■.'../.:'. v?.... A^/ftloan,/:^l9o,ooo;Aatftl /iper'"""''.//'///^//'//, -/'-ljftA-'fvft: : '- 7 .""' ft- : J "vft : '-fti : : ; ''"'"AV3s,o6! rA./j..Jbst)mated, i exces3 ; ;pi;;receiptß/- :—/ftftft.-ft 8* /Bfti/TheftKpspital and charitabie \aid:rata;re ft'.''™, i ' ns _t»o samo as for last.year '(2d. : in"-tlie ; i r ? nnual e3tima.tea':'to i proaiici :/■-= 1 " 1 * th,s estimated votes tota ; ft ; /*lQjl96, as against £9623'lasVyearft "■'''"'
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 531, 11 June 1909, Page 7
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3,068A HUGE OVERDRAFT. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 531, 11 June 1909, Page 7
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