(FROM OHII SrECIAIi COnnESPONDENTS.) '■: : « PALMERSTON. , At a meeting of, the executive appointed in .connection with tho proposed Industries Week yesterday morning the proposal -was adopted with enthusiasm, and all ncccssary arrangements made. Tradesmen present at the. meeting announced: their intention of making very comprehensive displays, and-it was .also, decided to ask school teachers to take tieiri scholars round the shops and facjurlng tlle wcok - Priz€S will be awarded subsequently for tho best essay on the purposes of Industires Weds. It was stated during tho discussion that contingents ot . school children would be attending the Winter Show from as far away as Taranaki, so that this competition should bo particularly keen. Only primary school children are to bo allowed to compote.. ' Tho secretary of tlie Chamber of Commerce yesterday received intimation from the Minister for Railways that in compliance with tho request of tho chamber instructions had boon that the train leaving for Foston st 12 on Saturday during the summer should be delayed till 1 o'clock during the winter months.
At tho S.M. Ooirrt yesterday A. 11. Beckett, storekeeper, Linton,' was Oharged on the information'of Inspector Oulver with' aftor 1 °' clock 01 the statutory half-hohday. He was fined 10s. and costs 9s. 6d. lor a similar offence G. Ward, storekeeper, was fined a like amount, Two cases of breaches of tho Far- ' A° r^ w !!? a ™ P refe «ed against Joa. Urst ' easier failing mfS, apprentice (n-hom he had missed) emplopnen't for the, balance of the SP rentlco f».P' / fine of £2 was im-Wo-r sj lllo was also charged lk,g c t^ notlf y the inspector of S a Conf on° of a PPron.'ticeship, an a a fino of 205., was imposed. Mr. A. D S.M., presided. . . • - was occupied yesterdav ciS o g f'M^A nn !). a ThoSn "S M th °- d °" recently at Feilding, in which' the Feikllnff S? 8 ! Councll Wfl » E'«n judgment in an action to recover rates on sections belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. Mr C -A Loughnan (instructed by Mr. Onslm') a t f°r iie appcHants, and flfr. J. $. Innes for the Borough Council. Mr. LoughJ 1 ?" tliat there was really only one sec;l .i -!i an i - in , dl3 Pnte. the Magistrate having decided m favour ot tho appellants in tho 1™ * sections belonging to the Church. SandW n n r,?'v ri? 1 which a coni ' ont was standing, and it had been contended that it Wl |l™ tho exemption from the rating .clauses of the Act, because tho building on it was used by the nuns in which to w contended that, as no fewerthan thirty of fifty-eight of: the children attending the Catholic School wore infants, and .were, not taught in the school building but w the convent, it was to bo treated as a Bchool_and exempted. Further,- it was asked: Why was tho teaching of music to be disseyorablo from other branches of teaching m t-lio school p Tlio money obtained from tho teaching of music was all sent on to theMother Superior in ;Wan g anui, and was used exolnsiyely for tho purposes of the upkeep of the school. It was not sufficient for that purpose, and . bad to .bo. supplemented by bazaars and ill other ways. His Honour wanted to know whether: the matter had ever been_raised in.any of the cities. Ho understood that, in the convents in Wellington, such subjects - as 6inging were taught, and therefore they - were on all fours with' the Feilding Convent. -Mr. Loughnan pointed ont: that, as far as Palmcrston was concerned.' tho -convent ■ properties were exempted as a matter .or courtesy. Tho rates may have been recoverable, but they were never claimed, and, as far as counsel knew, the same conditions applied in , the cities. Mr. Innes, for the borough, contended that the section dealing with the,class of schools undor, discussion should bp very strictly interpreted, because -.any property' exempt from rating meant, an additional burden on the other ratepayors. . The carrying on of the music lessons was substantially dono for pecuniary gain. _ Further, the building' was not used; substantially-for'a school or the'purposes of a school, If it were held that a building so used'could bo classed as a school,- , the way would be opened for all sorts of erasjons, because the school' might be -spread ovor half a do?:en buildings on sections, with only one room in cach building used;for, school purposes,' and the reßt, for purposes of gam entirely. Counsel further contended that, in any", case, the water, rate was recoverable on the ground that exemptions from rating did nbt cover special supplies such as'water and sewerage. His Honour intimated that he would take time to consider the matter, and judgment was re- , served.. / .: \ •!., - '■ •"
At the . sitting of the Wairnrapa District Court yesterday, before Judge Haselden, Charles Gurote, cabman, proceeded against James Cairns, borough inspector at llasterton, for £100 damages for alleged libel.' The statemont of claim. alleged that defendant made a false and malicious report to the Borough Council in March last regarding tho qualifications of plaintiff to hold a cabman's license, and tne' condition of his cab and horses. ••In consequence of that report he was refused a liccnse. The defence alleged privilege and justification. Judgment was entered, for defendant,' with costs and witnesses' expenses. John .Yates, farmer, sued Harry Harris, settler, for £200-dam-ages for personal injuries, etc., alleged 'to haro been caused by defendant's motor-car knocking plaintiff down. Judgment was entered .for plaintiff for £20 and costs. The election for a school coiamittee. at Te Ore Ore School last evening resulted in the following boing returned:—-Messrs. J. Morris (chairman);-A. J. Percy, J. J. : Percy, G. Shaw, li. Donald, W. Cower, and E. Hunt. During the month of May six marriages, five deaths, and .25 births vero registered in this, district. . • Two bankruptcies were dealt with by tho Distriot Official Assignee during the month of May—-one iii Masterton and the other in Feathers ton. A total of 11 bankruptcies woro dealt with in Masterton since tho bo- ■ gilining of- tho year. -
The Rov'.. G. H. Cole' an evangelist, from Victoria, commenced a week's mission in folding on Sunday.
.: The l'etono Hookey Club' are sending a team to Feilding to play, the local club on Thursday next. Feilding will-be represented by Clark, Hill, Burgess, Hobday, Piorpomt,Tr'evena, Fraser,' K. Cobbe/ E! Cobbe, M'Lean, and C. Carter. . Reserves: Burnet and, Lleldte. ... A largely attended publio meeting was held atißaetihi on Sunday night, to 'protest against the granting of a wholosalo lieenso in that district. Mr. I'. Brass, chairman of the County Council, presided, arid the following motion was'carried: "That' this meeting of residents of Raetihi, in. tho licensing district of Taumaronui, do strongly protest! against the, granting of a wholesale' lieenso m Raetihi i or it 3 neighbourhood." The Rev. John Dawson (chairman of vthe executive of the Now Zealand Allianco) spoke in support of the motion, which was unanimously agreed to. The meeting was a quiet but enthusiastic _ one, and the protest ouf phatic. A. petition against the granting of a license, sighed by 190 Europeans and 80 Maoris, has been forwarded to the clerk of the Licensing Committee. 'Similar protests and ■: petitions have been forwarded from Ohalnmo, and Rangataua, and these will all bo supported by, counsel' when tho applications aro hoard at Waitara, on Friday, June.4.
Mossrs. James Bayliss, and C. Lorcnzen ileft here , on Monday on a month's holiday .visit to' Kotorua. .•■'./'; Mrs.' James Bayliss, of Rotorua, is' at presoilt staying with her mother, Mrs. Burj.uett,of Belvedere. ' .>. A tangi, at tho Black Br.idgo, is being held . by . tho' AVairarapa Natives, over tbo remains of tho. wife of: the late Kingi Ngatuere... ■ . ; . As the outcome, of the Swamp Road settlers' petition, to : tho Wairarapa 'South County Council, on Saturday, for financial holp in inserting groyaoa for protecting tie
Waiohine River's northorn bank, and thereby'the Swamp lioad, the council have visited tho locality. Members wero of opinion that this work would not bo of material benefit to them, and they therefore decline to assist tho settlers in tho present work, but any future work which they might undertake would bo discussed thoroughly at tho next council meeting, and would probably bo subsidised. It was pointed, out that tho jyeatcst caro was necessary in order-not to turn the river too much, there•by damaging tho southern bauk. - The Rot. H. T., Stealev, principal of tho Hilcuraugi College, Olareville, conducted tho Bcrvico in St. Mark's Church on Sunday evening. ,
Tho Woodlands Hunt Club met on Mr. S. Bolton's "Ocbb" property on Saturday, and had a. successful run, tho attendance being tho rccord to date. Tho drag was laid by Mr. Arrow, senior.-, over about four miles of splendid' country, which gave amplo test to both tho horses and their riders, among whom it was pleasing to note the number of ladies taking part. The. deputy master, Mr. Not-" man'Avery, on "Commodore," had charge o[ the field," Mr. W. Halliday, on "John Paul," being whip. Mr. S. V. Rodney (master), on "Miss Hippo," was also present, and tho huntsman, Mr.' H. E. Russell, rodo "Maringo." Somo twenty or more other gentlemen on" well-known horses followed the ■nounds, as also the following ladies : —Miss Bolton, on "Oebe"; Miss L. Bolton, "Lord TJllin";'Miss B. Bolton, "Mary"; Miss S. Bolton, /'Nancy" ; Miss T. Bolton, "Kato" ; Miss Macldc, "Knmarda"; Miss A. Ramsden, "Boomer": Miss Anthill, "Betty"; Miss M. Anthill, "Paddy"; Miss Ramsden, "Sandown" ; Miss Rnsscll, "Daisy Bell"; Miss Stewart, "Midnight"; Miss Kad," Bnrmsby"; Miss Jennings, "Avon." Also conspicuous in the proceedings were quite a number of motor-cars and vehicles of different descriptions, filled -with onlookers. Among these wore tho Conntoss of Mountcashell, Miss Girdwood, Mrs. Maddiver, Mr. and Mrs. Crewe, Mr. and-Mrs. J. Crawford, Mr., Mrs."; and Miss Halliday, Mrs. and Miss Arrow, Mr. F. P. and Miss Qwenith Lloyd. After the run both members and visitors were hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Bolton. Before breaking up and leaving for. home, the master returned thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bolton oil bobalf of tho cltib for the use of their property, and also for their kindly-hos-pitality. Ho also thanked the general public tor. the keen, interest which was apparently taken in the "club's runs. Thanks were also tendered to Mr; W. Owon, of the Commercial Hotel, for a generous offer to supply all members from a distance who wished to take part in tho runs with free luncheon. Three hearty cheers for tho hosts and their, family, and three for the lady riders brought a most enjoyable day to a close;
A public meeting is to be lield in Greytown on Wednesday, to consider whether residents are to have a coal-gas illuminant or'nof. The question does not seem to lie a "burning" one, as, outside tho council, it is not much discussed.
, A memorial soirico was held in the Presbyterian, Church on Sunday, in memory of the late, Mrs. ,'f. Mshor. The Rev. G. K. Stowell pccupied the..pulpit. The Gup Club match takes place here on Thursday. It is tho first important gathering of thtj kind . ever, held" in Greytown.
The championship football match played at Otaki on Saturday between tho Manakau and Otaki representatives, drew a large attendance. A- good game was affected somewhat by tho refereo's decisions, some of. which were open to question. In the first spell Geo. Cook scored a fine try for the local team, Henare converting by a verv fino kick. In the second spell E. Bevan kicked a pretty goal from a penalty, and the game 1 ended with the score in favour 1 of Otaki, 5 points to 3. At "Waikanao tho local team and Otaki juniors played a draw—-5 points each. During the.course of his sermon''on Sunday night, the Esv. C. Smith spoke strongly -against Sunday golfing, which' is much iu" vogue in this district,
In the notes appearing in Monday's! issuo it was stated that the Kebbell Shield had bean won by the Weraroa Training Farm cadets. This, it appears,. is incorrect. - r "ho Bhield was won by . the cadets of the Levin District High School. . The Lovin Wanderers senior football team travelled to ShaiUfioa on : Saturday and defeated the local clnb by 12 points to 3. Levin' •has an-unbroken-record this season so, far. The Levin Wanderers junior tcaon scored, a hollow victory over Hui Mai (ManakanV juniors at Levin on Saturday by 24 . points to 3. Lovin School second team met. Oh an on the latter's ground on Saturday, when the visitors won by 8 points to 6. 0. Walton soored twice for Lovin, and R. Broughton converted ono of the tries. Rawiri and M'Donald scored for Ohau. -
; Tho Levin Y.M.C.A. held the first of its ' series of social evenings on Saturday evening. Mr. F. E. Parker, general secretary, explained that tho object of these gatherings was to provide some.wholesome entertainment for Saturday evenings, as a largo number of yonng men felt the timo hanging heavily on their hands. An orohestra consisting of Messrs. Moon and Parker (violins), Lolly ('cello), and Arthur James (piano), played several selections, and songs were sung by Messrs.. F. .D. Haste, Mottershead, • J. Robertson, • and Herd. Recitations were given by Messrs. S. Goldsmith, Fry, Smillio, T. 6. Vincent, ~ and , Hottershead. Refreshments were provided, and a really entertaining timo was spent-. ;fllr.' W. E. Faulkner has withdrawn his candidature, for the . vacant seat' on the Borough Cimncil, as he expects to leave Levin to tako up an appointment in Coylon in the near future. -
1 Mr. E. .Law is at present on a visit 'to Rotorua..' Levin Wanderers ' defeated - Shannon on Saturday at Shannon by 12 points to 3. Tho game was what is usually described as "willing," degenerating into a fough-and-tumble at times. . •After many months' illness, Mr. William Walden, son of the' late Richard Walden, died at Moutoa on Wednesday afternoon. '
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 522, 1 June 1909, Page 9
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2,311PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 522, 1 June 1909, Page 9
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