PROVINCIAL CONFERENCE. second' DAY. ' '■ ' (BY TELEGRAPH—SPECIAL REPOETEE.} ' The Provincial'Conference'of the Wellington Farmers' Union was continued yesteri day.;at Eketahuna, Mr. J. G. Wil?on prcsid- ' ing/ : ■ MAORI LANDS. ■ ■ Mr. J. Birch,-. Martonj. moved: — .>■■■. That tho timo has arrived whoa. all' Maori laud should be individualised, and • Maoris , placed in tho samo position as - : ..' regards or lease of their lands as Europeans, and be equally liable for 1 rates.' , -; The motion was carried, with tho addition of the words: "That sufficient'lands should be : set aside for each' Maori , whoso land is'individualised." . - ROAD BOARD SUBSIDIES. - A motion from Waverley was carried as follows: —: ' ' " ._ That with reference to an amendment' , in tho last Appropriation Bill passed at ■j last session whereby, the subsidies of the) road boards wero reduced considerably, ' the-Farmers' Union utter a stern pro- ' r) test against any curtailment of tho road . board subsidies. : ■'■''"•■ LOCAL BODIES' SUBSIDIES. ' A-motion from Makuri, aß' follows, was carried:— .' That subsidies to local bodies should be oil a'graduated scalo in proportion to the rate struck as; suggested Dy the Royal Land Commission. ■ - : . "PLUMPING" AT ELECTIONS. vi . Mr: Balsillio, Palmerston North, moved:— ■ That the system of voting at ' the : election of members for local, bodies be altered so as to; compel electors to vote for the full number of members required. . ~; Mr. Falconer advocated compulsory voting. . . . Several members, opposed .the motion on: the ground that it would totally disfranchise minority- districts'. . -. ;,i The motion was carried by 20 votes to 18. PLURAL VOTING. Mr. M'Leavey (Levin) moved:— .'. That tho .electors' of ' local. bodies should be allowed the. same opportunity v ,to voto when absent from, home, .or through illness as provided for in the ;, caso of Parliamentary' elections. -. Mr. D. Howie (Pohangina) seconded. ". In the speeches in: support, it was complained: that: tho' present, system . prevented a man owning .property in several .districts from voting in.each district. ' • '.- i . ' The motion was carried. • ' '. : GOVERNMENT MAIN ROADS. ■ | I Mr.; J. W. Jones,(Pahautanui) moved:— .That '.the Government ■ be asked to maintain all: the arterial roads in the Dominion. • ■•.' . ■ '. ' : ..- Mr. 0. P. Lynch (Paraparaumu) moved an amendment : .'/That the Government be asked to maintain and control hospital and;'charitable aid, thus relieving,local-bodies of these 1 , heavy burdens." ./This was ruled out of order.- "yr : v' v";": '" Opinions'wore considerably divided on tho motion.: Mr. TV. J. Mooro .(Makuri) considered . that, on the "deciding* which were main arterial roads, there would be "spoils , to'tho victors;". Others consid-, ered' weal bodies; , maihtaihed roads . more' economically. . . ... \ '■. Mr. Devonshire preferred subsidies.. . 1 . Tlio motion was-lost. '; •- •' >/ ;■ NOXIOUS WEEDS. , ' Mr. Balsillie (Palmerston North) moved:— ;.S Tha,t local^uthoijtiep;.and' the .Govern- ;-■' i: :.!ment; be "rcsjKjifsible''for '.the .'eradication. ■of aU;' noxious . weeds growing on.!; .the. : ?roads, reserves, or othor-lands,.sand--that;,... .." rthe law % be altered accordinglyi ;;■■ Mr. Esoott (Woodvillo)moved: an amendment: —"That inspectors be', granted power' to:' prosecute - owners for failing to '.eradicate noxious .weeds without waiting to get the consent'of the Minister." . 'v.'.:' 1 Mr. Mornson (Halcombo) considered it unfair to make owners of clean land liable for •weeds on roads duo to seeds brought on the . feet of sheep. '~; ;v ■ ;. '. ', - -. . Other speakors considered that on roads could bo most cheaply dono by adjoinin gowners as now provided for. v ..Mr.Guthriey M.P., . said , that there '..was ample power to deal . witli noxious :weeds,'except on Government': lands,' but 'it) w;as ;> he're'' that the chief improvement was desirable. He ' 'disapproved; of giving f inspectors / absoluto power to prosecute. •'.' ; :: Mr:; Escott's' amendment was defeated. •.. .■ Mr. "Moss moved as ~ a ' furtheramendment :. — .."That. . tho. ; Government < Be responsible for all noxions weedsfgrowing on reserves or other, lands." '■. '■' - Mr. Mayo (Feilding) seconded. : Th<i president said that it yrould cost £100.000 to keep down noxious weeds on Govern. i mcnt reserves. . -.1/ ; i . --. Mr. Moss's amendment .was carried. ~ ANALYSIS OF SEEDS. ' Mr. Bridge (Eketahuna)-moved:— . That, legislation bo asked for 'giving power to publish' analysis of seeds, chaff, , and,manures where samples ' to-be analysed. are properly, taken. . . V Mr. Moss seconded. ■ ■ . Mr. Lynch' (Paraparaumu) mentioned thai this system was in .operation in England. ; Tho motion was carried. , THE JONES-EVANS' BANQUET. Tho conference passed a resolution expressing appreciation of the valuable services ren dorocl last year in the Canterbury arbitration to all the farming industry by' Messrs. Jones ' and Evans, and wishing them long-continued : heilth and prosperity;': The resolution .trill'be' conveyed to Messrs. Jones and Evans by the union's delegate to tho banquet:. 'at. Christ- •' church, Mr. Birch'.. . ; ... ■ 1 - RAILAGE OF CEMENT. I Mr. Mavo (Feilding) moved :— ' That tho promise made by tlie Prime ; Minister to carry: cement . 'for dairying:;, purposes free oil the railways. be given . . effect toi ■ ' . " ' . !v '• . " Mr.'Grico : seconded the; motion. ■ ; ■ Mr.- Morrison, speaking' in. support of the. ■ motion,:, predicted, that in a few .years' time' , the.: dairying industry: would be. greater : than ■' that of wool. Soveral speakers also supported.' tie mo- : Hon',, but others, condemned 'it, maintaining that tho fanners should be'less'spoon-fed.- . Tho motion was lost. • FARES TO EXPERIMENT FARMS. ' A remit from Eketahuna and Makuri was ! as-follows:— -. 1 ■ That tho Railway Department be asked ■ .to issue tickets at excursion rates where ". -j .; six or, m' are travelling: to-, j gether to visit experiment farms. .'- r :;; ,
. i Mr. Moss (Eketahuna) said that the. Got- ' •eminent had been offered £6000 for ran ex-' i periment farm ■ for, Wairarapa, but : there < seemed no likelihood of: its: being . accepted, i The next best. thing. was for. '. railway faoili- 1 ties to visit the experiment farms at a'.dis- I Ltance. :■■■'! . ''. ■■'-' . Mr. Devonshire and Mr. M'Wvoy (Levin)', who said thoy lived alongside an experiment farm, declared - their belief that thtf farmers' ■ would learn just as. much .by staying at homo. .Other members deforided the farms. . Several :mombers opposed • any .• request for. ' I. railway concessions beyond those -alreadyob- ' jtainablo'by.parties. .. -.-:■" ' I ■ The; motion was defeated by 23 votes tb'2l. : ; v ; SOUND STUD HORSES. ■';. ; ' '< ; Mr. A. M'Leavby.,(Makomako) moved:—■ '-' . That owners of'stallions which- have \ not-been passed by a duly qualified vet- t : erinery'surgeon as freo from hereditary '■ : f :'.'. prohibited from using samo for- ( Y:stud purpose's.' . - -~ .- j ■ Mr. Halsillio (Palmerston North) seconded i the m0ti0n.•.,,■.-.■ ■;. '- . 1 The. motion-waa. carriod by 20to 18, (
CONTAGIOUS MAMMITIS. • , Mr. W." H. Bridge (Eketahnna) moved:- • , That contagious mammitis bo placed on : ,'•' the schedulo of diseases by the Government, and that.-an.experienced veterinary surgeon bo appointed as inspector. j}J r -A. C. Perry (Rongoteft) seconded. . Mr. F. Maulo' (Palniorston North) said, that ho had found tho patient uso of boracio acid and water to bo an effective cure. Other speakers declared this euro ineffec- .- .-.tttal. . .-■.- :';.';.:',, . •' ! r Mr. Falcouor (Kaituna) .'stated that hoifers , in tho first year or.two wore specially liable to mammitis, but .not afterwards.- :,•'.:'■ • Mr. : Mills (Cheltenham) said that there was . scarcely a"herd.ipfcany. size;in v New --Zealand •, freo.'from mammitis.- •-'-.-;•. ~': ' : '■'■'■'■'■■ I ■'' Mr. Dcvonshiro7(LevinV' urged tho-riecc's-' sity of prohibiting. the sale of infected, anir : mals'for dairy 'purposes 7.7 ; 7 '' 7 7 7-,,, , The motion• was.;lostl : .' - , ; ' . .'.' 7 ;'.;-''imcs-SALE3^yvV:'';;V.'.:--'':; ; Mr.- Booth '(Feilding); moved ■.— '.:'■ ;' That at'stock.sales'tho'.auctioneer shall:'; - ■'. be required '. ,to, stato'-the name" of. the, 7 vendor and;.the ; namo of the-purchaser., 7 This was carried.-7| h;7;'-'. ::,•- ■.':.:.'■ }•.-..■■':■■/'■ . 'AGRICTJLTURAL STATISTICS.; O v A Tenui motion, that' the Government be again-requested to collect tho agriculoural returns by post, and that a.penalty bo imposed if returns are not sent in to date, was. carried. '. ■ < ■■■:■ MOUMAHAKI STATE FARM. - . A Waverley remit, as follows, was defeated by one vote:— '■■'. ~' ,'■■ ''■'-' That the conference protests against the statement of tho Premier making tho , ' Moumahaki State farm a first-class pri- ,' , soners' home, and suggests instead, that . '7 it. be'mado an agricultural college when .it will bo self-supporting. • , .'. 7: ACCIDENT,INSURANCE.', -.; Mr. Whitta, Horoeka, moved:— ■'.-' :_That the conference consider the advisability of forming a farmers' accident' i'-/assurance. ; „.":,'■ . . > ;.; Mr. .Cooper.said that a'prominent insuranceofficer'had stated that'the nre insurance of his company was not paying, but tho accident assurance was paying so well that they, could pay a dividend of about ten per cent.- \ 7 _Thq' question .was referred/to the Mutual.' Fire Assurance, Committee to'investigate.'. >''.' ; WOOL SALE CHARGES. : ;Mr. : Whitta, Horoeka; moved:— , .. That ; the executive- endeavour to get .. . tho charges:on the sale,of wool re- i' 'ducod. .. ' .■' •''■•■ 7 - Mr. D. Howie, Pohangina, seconded tie motion. ~ ...-.■"' ■''■';.-. - Mr.., Lynch, Paraparanmn, advocated "the appointment of wood valuers by the union to watch their interests at tho selling centres. Ho hoped that tho union would add a commercial side to its work. ;■'■• Tho motion was carried. -7. ■;,. 7 '/'.'■'. 7 COW TAX. .:/■ ';, v 77 ';•' A Marton motion, as.follows, was strongly supported:— .. : . , That this meeting, while, approving. of ■ ;' the Dairy Regulations so far 'as the keeping of sheds and yards in proper con- '••' '',- dition are concerned- strongly protests 'against a cow tax being imposed on dairy . '.fanners.. -.■■-■■''■'.■ t .- -.:-. ■'■!',- References were mads by speakers to' the fact 'that forty, officials were employed , as dairy inspectors at-a 'cost of £7000 per an- ./■■ ,' .-'-; -7 ■'.:• .-.v: -, . ; 7'.... ...Tho motion was carried unanimously. :.,'. ~RAILWAY CROSSINGS AND TELE--7' PHONES.. :' . ■;'. 77:'7 ■', Tlio following motions; submitted by .tho Wanganui branch wore also carried:— . .',:'. (1) That in all cases where a.railway ' '.. has been taken.across a.public,road all /:• ";. culverts constructed across'such road,' ■ -within the railroad reserve bo erected ■' . ■ and maintained by the. Railway. Depart- 7 !ment,: no part;'of the ;expenses, • being 7:borne -by tho local".bodies. ; ..' ~'■'. '.-'..'.(2) llat the' Government bo urged to : give better facilities' to' settlers in tho -matter of telephone connection, the .pre-••. ; : sent charges being almost'prohibitive.. 7'.■ !! : . 7 MILITARY .TRAINING. .! ",'' ! •;. Mr. Booth, Feilding, moved :— -..That in the opinion of this conference' ■''. [■: some scheme of universal.military train- ;;: ing for homo defenco should bo 'brought ' • into immediate .and that a - ~ copy..'of'-this 1 resolution'-i)fl'''seht to the Primo Minister. /•','■:■■-. MnEscottj ,'Woodville, seconded the. motion and it .was carried. , '■+-. ..; ! ELECTION OF OFFICERS. 7 ■ 7' .... Warm = appreciation was expressed of the ; services rendered to the union and to tho farmers , --,by . tho president' ,(Mr. ;J., ,G. -: Wilson), ' and , was , re-oleeted by . acclamation. Other '- officers - were appointed ,; as . follow:—Vicepresident, Mr. J.-O. Cooper; treasurer,' Mr. ' (A. E; Russell; executive committee, Messrs 'W. J. Birch, J. O. Bidwill, E. Campbell, J. H. Escott, Captain Hewitt, F. Hockley W* B. .Matheson, T;- Moss, J. R. M'Lehnan, d! M'Gregor, H..A. Nivens, O. P. Lynch ,and-H.; Booth; delegates to ,tho Dominion Conference, Messrs. Ewan Campbell and W. B. Matheson.
■ .Considerable- discussion took place on'tho choice of town for the next conference. Invitations werejiut forward from: Marten and Woodville, and on a voto;Marton was 1 selected.'' -
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 518, 27 May 1909, Page 8
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1,695FARMERS' UNION. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 518, 27 May 1909, Page 8
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