VEGETABLE MASTTEB IN WOOL. "N----fraou ODD BTECIAL , . ■ ' Prpdford, 4pril 9, IpOO, This important subject has about readied its nnal stpge, and the oommittoe whichliaa boon dealing with this matter during til*® last 18 nionths met at Messrs. Dalgoty ■■ and Co.'a ofhccfl,. jrat befpro flip Mriftih juries .Ww- /. WJ? .Wsn 'wiw w wivapce proof pf tjirnr rpopmtnpt)dutipii?, and : It ia now for every grower apd iiamUpr of tho ran - material to T?j/d them carefully, and' t° put them into praouce jia far as thoy ca.n. I HtIVD seen at the rocei).t series of London sqifs every experiment whioTi Has boon tried, and pntiroly share tho viewb of the committee that tho eolption of the diffipulty is the'upo of lPoolna(±s whicV Irave b«n liftwl with corrpgatod .pappr, TJm only, thing. to bp careful about js to see tha(. tha". pgisk is pf Bnfiifjpqtweight and strength to stand the pressure entailed m baling, sayof. gfoasy. irepl, and this can easily be done. The following aro fho flf the copnnitteer- .(!;< In .tit® ypw maptjfaptnrers' and mor-. fining wo bopn prcqtly trnpbw vitl) thp in-! pfifing quantity of yegftftWe'patter jpr^V|!g in 'vorstsd ftfld "•wqpllen ; goods' affel' tl»qy W boon dyeij. Under tjip imppfsipn tliat, uefootivo sorting pf the yjool was t]io pause they havo blpni«l I tho wool merchant pnrt tho tppmakpr for not tnkipc - cKp:. "Those! lnttor people olaim that quite ns' ipuoh ' and possibly more oare ,than formerly is : be.ipg takflp. Investigation has ' proved tKat loose, flbros pf jutp from hogging pr string, have been vj l » QJ th® trptiblo, Whei> iliep® aro single or separated', \t is (pr the Keenest eyes to dctect them, and ovcji minute pwces of canvas or , small picoM p{ r'nyalled twino usjed in Rowing the bags might get overlooked oirina to the colour of these being very flimlw to that of tho" greasy -woo]; It 'has also been found where inferior bags havo beon used, anq the balo has beon carpfnlly stripped of its wrapper, 'tjiat' tho exterior of thp wool is covered with mrriads of looso'fibres if juto. (? : ) Tlio Tpgfltali(o . matter- horp plludod to must be understood to bp altogether distinct from bum. Those are quite dilforont in itppe[irat)oe, «pd. have to bo treated.by mnohin-, cr s% vrtHflp pfpopss has been improved of raceqt years, hut t)ie straight fibres pf wo speak can only.be taken put after tho pipce hM boon dyed, involving (etjioua and 'careful labour by hand. It must never bo im coined for rap momont tjiat thp flgititiqu about veeotablp. matter m has «nyth(pe to'do wftlv crying to cheapen the cost of sorting. "Actual figures show that as much, or moro, is"'now spent upon sorting wool as'ever beforo, while the cost of "burling," or taking the white fibres out of the. finished pieces, is ten times' what it was a few years ago. Not only is it costly to take these undypu "pbrpd out of tho' cloth, but when they arp takpn put naturally leave defects'in tlje clptji. ' i ' (3.) That' there has b»p ' a dpteripration in the quality of. tho paokll'S wnvas or woolpacks during recent years eeeips "to., be ad-/ mittcd on all hands/ but this lowering of quality, has beon so gradual that it has not been noticcd fropi year to year. It is only when comparing the bagging with f(iat in use, say,' ton years nijo, that tho difference is scon, llprcpro^'it ig noticed that'tho weaving ,is lflftTO open tjian formerly,' and - tho yarn is less' tightly tvintcc!.: Both tiicM. fpatures causo the BSBKiIiS tp ,f fray": moro easily, and thus' 'liberate loops fibres of jute. This is especially noticeablp .wherever a out is made in the bagdug, ijuclv as is done when wool is exhibited for sale. , (1.) tho remedies for this evil whioh haylj bqcn suggested to tho committee, and; caV6ful|y.,considered by them, are tho use of a gupejior (juality, of canvas and sowing string of:wool, lined bags of cotton and paper linings, of dyed bags and dyed string, or wool -serine string, of singeing the canvas bag, of using 1 sized or bagging, of using mot.il fastoners to'close thf! lid of the bag; of crossdycing the finishen'ploth. • (5.) Quito fipart frqm any of tlieeo remedies,: thero arp wjiys py which thoso who handle the' wool, before it reacljps its ultimate destination could (lq '(ionintlung to mitigate tho evils, jt YfQuld bo a.frpftt. advantage if every bag was carofully turned, infrfdo out and shakon to reinOTP.' casna) pjpees -of bagging and/string, sometimeV carelessly loft in by tho maker. 'Php bag should then bo turned back again. T|)o gieatest care should be taken in the' shearing, classing, and packing sheds, and in thf-■ sale WBfohgnseg that no jjoroign' fibres, straw,"' grass, hemp, etc., shonld come into ppntact wifh thq lyop], - (G,) With, regard to a superior quality of juto •oloth, , i -inuch'- coul(l be dope by' using, ' tighter/lipiin' yarn weave'into'tho bagging and also by producing a closer woven cloth. It is quite evident that both these features wo(ild"tPMj towards les? fraying- fl-hpro .thp bag ■is put,: and- that there ivould: bo less' lpo?o llliro on wool.asitho result of'tlio'friction bߣween, ; wool and tyag. A' lighter ploth so made would no doubt stand the same strain of handling, and the cost of the need not bo 'nnich more, as tho si\vipg of weight would influence' tI?P price. Thp epirae >yjll' ppplv to thp' string used for • sowing ' purposes,; ■vyfiich, liko tliP; tares, should bp -iindyed,- as thp colour (rctl or blue) often pravos fugitive and stains clean wool.' ..' 'f (r.) Cheap cotton lining to bags has also boen : suggosfod, and already adopted.' by jo'mo growers. There are !((i)lgprs connected with .this. AVhcn it 'bcopnie's stajned with grease it is of the colour pf woo!, " arid should e;y small, portion , get pvorlpoked it might-work great harm. Of course, in' thp taso of woolor cotton-lined bags, it possible to uso a cheap outside bap. Tlio' committee, however, after careful consideration,"! which has been confirmed by.many ,'ijtsid.j opinions and pro-' tests, aro compelled to (jeprocato the uso of. calico linings. 1 .. (8.) On the other liwp. exhaustive export-' ments havo been macjo ivith paper-lined bags. In the case of ordinary thin pqper whioh has been bpt loosely p.ttacned with glue, tho oxporime'nts havp not been £atjsfpotory, Speci-.-all.Vrprepared packs of a closr.lv.woyen toxture have, hqwtvfjf, been prpdniseo with a thick oorrugptod papor lining, jjpg the reports have 1 been 'sp iin(ipim'pus}y fnvpuraWe from jjuyers that the p'pmmiueo hasj no hositptipn in giving these a high recomuiphdfi'tipn. : - ! (9.) Singeing ttie' cloth' tq>rpmpye all loose or supprjliioiis fibres seoipg tq havo advantages. (lOJ.Sjaiii'j' t(ie cloth Ipaveg, tjio" impression that jt is an- expedient yhjeh has inorp appear-.| ancp than merit alioiit it. lfi thp rougji usage of transit, etc., tho'glaM apt" to jje rubbed oil or dissolved. Sijing a|ono 19 iusulßpiont rcipcdy. ajjd thp qpmjnittce . considers the Bpgjyfitjon \ inadpqpptp," (11.) Metal fasteners for closing tho mouth of the bag haye bepp suggested/ While this is : a stop in the rigjit dirootion, it does not get; over difficulty at issup, and docs not materially aasist in tho soluypn of tho quos tion, besides iiitroduping an -jloment of. dau-. ger in th»'handling," Jforeoifer, tbey render! tlio bale more eaijjly liafelo b pilfering during transit. ' ; ." '■
(12.) Dyed bags, dyed qtrjpes, and dyed striDK liavo on the surface something to recominond th'ent, Jf itJI goQfls piatle from wpol had eventually to bo dyed black or dark colours, but as some pf tho fault' arifce.s frm the rubbing of the ijpol in tho hapripg, these being singla fibres could npt m nicked off, it follows tljoE dyed fibre? goinc forward > into lightcplqurptl KPpds\wQi)|() ha » mneh ffreatev dangfsr thai) light Pftir? '!) gopqs, (ind tho ppmmittpe .cjiiipid&rs the suggestion qui to injpi'flptioable. Cplopred stripes on the bales are jilsp "constderqil' bbj'ectiqnablo. J"'- \ '03.) It 'is, of bourse, well knoivn tljat vpffotaulo fibre's wll "pot dyo with wool, and "tho (jTiastioH or' oross dyeiiifj, i.e., once tablo and pneq tnr animal fibre's, is also inim'iiQlifgble. , ' : ' . CONCLUSIONS. In conclpsipn, tho cpipmjtteio desirps td coi'd its eifrpn)e at tho. manner in whiph iargo ljumbßrs gf colppiargrpwers' have alrendy interosled themsolves'iu this question, 'l'he respp'nse in way of improved tares whioii hayp cofflf) op tp the msrlftt • durii'lg the present seasm) has beep as surprisinE as ij; bps HOCI) grrAMfyinfr- Many teres, jhcjudipg cottoplmcd, pnp.or-hueu, singed bags, ami tares of imnniypd apitljty jl»V? pomp \ui,jpr tbq notice of buyer?. 011(1 airpudy fliers N hp'pp a marked lniproyefllent m the' napkiqg of ninnv of t(ie b?St clips. I'ho inUfpst pf buyers' fc ns also been snipujotod, and it will'bp adyauijgebl's to'sejlei's who ilse apprbved tare? to have tht fact' stated iii thp catalogues. ' "i 'It is'obvioiis' tliat the .'advantages of packing H'Ofl! in ft satisfactory planner aporne to>'tho grpwer, JV3 a p|jp.wh ir h has the copfidepcp,of HS«ra-al»ny« |ins prefcreiifo oyqr pue 'iiot so wpll mvpijMl Therq may, bq a'minuto 'eV.rtt ppst of packing accprding to 'desires "of the user, but it' appears fo po piore tli'm eoiiipeilsnted for by tho advantages of: (toodwilj, and,' further, it is : most iinprohnblß that liit.voiie v.'ho takes a pride in his clip will se.iJ it to niark'et in anything but the nisst merchantable form., Ipdeed, it, cophl, scarcely bo iiiiagined that apy, tradp would selu) ionvjU'd (o lparket jts poniniptlitips. ju any hut i]ie nmst atlractiye fprjn to tljp buyer, Donbtless njany Imycrs of'gcpd wools wpnld not object to share Ip'the extra ctifjt, if.soipb e<juital)li; way.could bo found" fpr this, but sp far no feasiblo plan has' been • -suggested. MAny ' iiiaiiufactnr'ai'S f.pptipne tp Biyp pdditiopal testimoify to tho cnqrinons exf.ra eybon'sß' cpUileij by'the prose|i,ce of this vegetable fibre, and whatevpr'inny be the.difference of opinion as to t)ie'm'elho'ds bhd division of thp small oxtro ppst, thb'groiv.er iijh.v be. absolutely certain that in stlie ultimate reckoning this extra cost of trohtipoiit is alwnys'p t(is on thp' ynlue'of t|ie raw wool lyhioh falls iilli|i)ptely bp'tho grower, T(ip desires to prgp th»t all
powers will continuo, to assist/in' the effort* to - "IHain po very dpsiraWe aniond. iW «. 7' !'P\? V< T' opiphpisipo, onco'and for nil, 11 oottpp Jlninge i-mnstituto an equally serious element of danger ;'in fact, cotyon threads aro liublo to fray, itad oro ovoa mpro difficult to eliminate than isdoos of juto StMff, * . , , . ..:;x ;.- v , TJio question of wool linings for'tincta baa ■root yfitii on unexpected cbcok orrimjfa tho foot that 25 i«;r. cont. duty 'will x luj.vs fc? Ivj paid . in Australta, Tijip. Is. <d. ,eaoh landed, but of cows* tftuiclicapcfct >' nncks may thru bo used as outor"B6vcringß. X{ clipped* bevwor, that, the qonnirajmt of tho Commonwealth, may see its cmiod this, and nc:;oliatiops Rro ip that object in viow. Meanwhile, in th&uojtfirion at tho committee; a wool lining furnisW tho real remedy, provide thpt grqims can find an easy aqi) copvcnlont inothod of miuimilatuia theso linings in tho pro(jps§.of paoMrfg» Varipus efforts mado with paper-UuedpTiacks, It» previously stated, have proved emincfjHyii satis, factory. Tho essential tenures ore .-tijtvt cm, vas should bo sufficiently rtrnns .not toa thin, that' tho vapor should bo of JJdhk and corrugated typo, \y)iiph dpeanot fractcra, and that tlm puppr be thoronjjhljr (ttti\ohfd/tn th» pack. Packs of tip's oharaptor which jha-ro already been under the notice of thocamnittw are such as can be thoroughly rccomjKmdisd, and tho extra cost qf snplt a paper lhaixß is estimated not to exceed 1 Od. por bale. " MERINOS Sm,L PIPING UPWABDS. Tho t«bl- station in Prftdferd ifl ftSU rerj much alive, and business remains good in most departments. Practically' fowi Oamplaintoflonid bo legitimately made but. for, tlia wunparstiYO fjWPWS in all qwlilies from to.:#& »nd tuerq is np dwgqtos t<»> tijat W* mrfet-. M. tn« .«»»• W*? L f>'- TBOf' jtrody f«H B? obtoipa, fttthppjh Jt fa Hpally impossible to maWvttat'tempMttera (M »SRin|v, Qqqtat.iOM - )Ssd. Jm lieet standard s, by£ plenty. pjn ■> HM WR.°" W 1 gold ipokeq qt UJAf-ft prfop tfcpt tl« .reccpt Loniipn s»los dpos rait -vrarriml. It » very strange that. cnjßsbrpqa d? t>of pimtffest more r«spo3» than they do,' but erldentb fssjilons hro |« dpctoy? Uipt aro not bo , universally popnlaroa mrrinoa, Thoro is little concern manifoot over the futw by holdprs pf coarse doscrißtioijs, itig tho quietness whioh ; ia in evidenct tftockt of wool and tops are not in' any mmn I»ZR<V oj)d.«)olot|g]j .l?B?ijttop9 in aqtlpiK.lllfP fCi qotiv« •a? jt mi?M WptfU h fljlj wool. is boing M *?h■'M.W'Si'Wffli ty fe? BojPg.W.PiwJ> Jlftfsr titan prvparjng smrfe, «u» <?n.(telv fy a [wJotiowJ tm %• Coatißßrt,' Flwfcr »~a, t? fhaUf WOTW '«* finite their position and further affTappp, U Gjujnot bo long before they react upon and strong erossbrcds. Already tbere is : a bb? moremcnt in Hi's and ®"s, iwd if tl» W°P.l WM fprttier largo sycq eonlti ■ppsily bj elfcctedr fhpro, is a'particrpjßrly dopjand for sfl's p.nd 58*8, and' America is al«i freely of import 1 wools in theso qmJUkp. Wnon wq conio to mqnnoa th«re is f(ill in evidenoo nn, advancing Tnorfeot, mraryftiug )S in 'Splwdid form- I Perliap? how and thena supfir 60's tpp? WnJ|J 6tJl\ tjo 4 lint a niaro quotation is Id; more, and ?fid, W .lipen,'.ipajA, ' Wpjoss writer |i inaptly-nrirtakeri, somq firms lurre oversold, fc* tho same parties who are'aridnij £Bd. for ertp?? 60's aro actually pnofinr 27} d: for 04'b, nipd nobody )b a lcoert .6oU<w. The fact is tnpmakara ara nioro willinj? fo buy wool thin. pell tops, and the 'outlook;is:still- one qf thp .bjft, Ijopfc. ing airmund thp wool Situation is strppg, eajpbqrs arp tjs busy tw ever, and maw aye. bfjplnrimJ 'to thpir dpllreriw. Nnthms tetter;; pan. te WPertffl ?f «owlr. ypio.|i is still very qiiint, ajiil pnoes are more oj less noipipal at 11(1. to lljdj for' Capo firsts.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 514, 22 May 1909, Page 12
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2,280OUR YORKSHIRE LETTER. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 514, 22 May 1909, Page 12
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