(BT H. N. H.) Tho recpnt Y.M.C.A, tournament'held at. ~.l Bister:-iii' Sydney proved thb^pleiidid 1 work 1 ;-' 1 )'' accomplished by Mr. J. F. Rogers (latb of tho 'Wellington ;Y.M.C.A.) sinco his'appoint- . ment as physical director of tho Hobart Association. Th'e Tasnuinian ; team, under his direction, canio olit ' sccond in aggregato marks, competing against Sydney, Melbourne, . . Adelaide, and ■ Brisbano'. ■■ The second annual meeting of the Milton (Otago) Association was celebrated last month, when Mr. James Allen, M.P., declared that every mail, ' woman, and child I should encourage and show their sympathy in Y.M.C.A. work./ "Iu the larger towns of New Zealand the peoplo had sliowii that they realised tho benefits to bo derived from tho' movement.' They had . put their hands in| their pockets and raised largo sums of money to help to. provide homes for , members of tho; associatiori. Why? It was because business''. realised that their business was Bafo in the hands of business men.". Tho citizens of Christehurch last night extended a welcome to Messrs. G. Stonning (general secretary) and Babcock work director), who have just arrived from America." ■ ■ .- Tho Wellington Y.M.O.A. in all probability, holds tho record for possessing'tho largest . British Association Football Club in tho Southern Hemisphere. This year no 'fowep . than ten are wearing the black, scarlet and gold jersey. ',/■ . The new regimo in Turkey has brought freedom of action to the Y.M.C.A., which in. its 28 years' past history could work only! .' through private •ineotings. Immediately after, ; the new regimo began, a night school was; started in connection with the Constantinoplo ■ Association, and even Mohammedan'students; were amongst thoso present—an 1 achievement! previously regarded as' entirely impossible. ■''. Under the old order, it was impossible to print a constitution; iioSv,however, arrange- ■ ments lire being made toVformulato one, and to establish tho work at various* centres oiu . firm footing. A building is to bo orected in Constantinoplo at tho cost of about £6000. Tho Rev. David'--Russell, of South Africa, who last year conducted missions throughout the Commonwealth' and Dominion under Y.M.C.A. auspices, has reached home, and in an interview said that "lie greatly admired tho life and development of'the associations in Australia and New Zealand.' 1 ' Tho Dublin Y.M.C.A. commenced its dia« mond jubilee with a thanksgiving day, on which occasion tho association received nearly : £88, as tliankolTorings.' JOTTINGS. In tho choico of a successor, to tho tail. Archbishop of Sydney, it is extremely im« probable : that any Australian bishop will b(> seriously considered in tho final choice (saya 1 tho Sydney "Daily Telegraph"). Thero is,. oven now, a strong disposition on tho part of leading clergymen and laymen to invite a prominent Englishman to tho vacant Seo, Two nqmes thai'aro frequently mentioned 1 aro Canon Alexander, of St. Paul's, and , Canon Hcnson,'of Westminster. The ..former, who has just been appointed to : Westminster, is a: gentleman of greal scholarly'attainments, whilst Canon Henson is an authority on Church law and prao tico, standing above most of his fellowclergyman. .Besides' this his public 1 utter- • ances command unusual respect and attention. ' _ . '. 'l'lio sound" condition of tho Australasian : Mothodist ministers', supernumerary fund is shown by, tho figures disclosed :in tho annual . report. It shows that the incomo, for the year was £32,928 2s. (id. Annuities paid to supernumeraries and widows amounted to £13,037 12s. 4d., furniture grants to £517 10s., working and other espouses woro also defrayed, and a sum of £592 13s. lid.! pre- > iriously in suspense was written off.' After providing for "all these- items the siim of : £16,823 19s. was. transferred to capital. Tho lapital now amounts t<J £381,016 2s. id. At ;ho end of 1903 tho' capital stood at £299,118 lis. lid. During the last fivo rears, therefore it has increased by £82,-197 10s. ,3d. . During tho shnio period tho num jcr of beneficiaries on tho' l'und at tho em )f tho year has increased from 75 superltimeranos and 92 widows to 92 ■ suporlumerarios and 118 widows. '
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 502, 8 May 1909, Page 9
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653Y.M.C.A. NOTES. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 502, 8 May 1909, Page 9
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