■"Yesterday sales of; South' British Insurance a< :■: SatVJSS: 7s. Od.j- New.' Zealand .Shipping at. £1 v-16s;V- : Bnd v -:'W«llJiigtpn'':Meat Export at £3 Is ';(three sales) -were", recorded. ■■-, The iniarket■: ap ■pears.'vabtiyei" Bank. of New; Zealand,. buyen .■ £%■ sellers £9' li; 6d;;' National Banks, buyer! . £s :7s.,"sellers ■'■£&> :Bs.';'.:■•''Equitable Building -\' sellers. £9 7s. 6d. j:". Wellington . Investment V buyers" ; 11s. -iSdiy Wellington Trust and Loan r< ee\lfsvs:£7ils.; Wellington :Deposit, filers 8s ■;.V6d; ; .;ex-dividend;' National-Mortgago, / buyers. '£?. ■i\ 179., \ sellers- \ £& ;.; .I'eilding ;■ i-.Qas, • buyers -£X ':■- .Napier Gas,;:.£lo .paid;■.sellers ■'£2s ;10s.i Wei .L.-lingtpni.Gas,- new. issue,; buyers :£1 2s. 6d. pre ■jlmiumj 'National'lnsuiance, sellers :£\- 9s. 3d. v. South 'Insurance,-buyers '.^62.7s v 6d. ■eellers j£2 Bs:; : Standard :Insurancei' buyers ■£'. ::: : ls; : ed.; Chiisfctaioh .Meat,.sellers. J6lO 5». :'Gear-Meat, : £i' paid, 1 buyers £10 '2s. 6d.; .£. . : paid-,'bnyers. - j;2l2s.:Gd.i:WeHington Meat Ex !■■■ ■'port; £5 paid, seller 9£G .55.; £2 12s. 6d. paid ;'::' biiyeTs £3, Os. 6d., ■. sellers. £3 Is. 6d:;' New- Zea Shipping,.buyers 155., .£6 17s '■:6d.; Union'.Steain," Gd.;,Kni»po >'■ Woollen,-preference,'. sellers ' : '.£&y". Wellinyfoi :Woollen, sellers'^£3: Is.'; ..JWestport Goal, seller; ■"• ■■>£& 9's.•;•:W.estport-Stockton'Coal.-EelUrs , Bs. Sd. = ■ D.1.C.,' preference, ; ,buyer3 £1 Is. "■ 6d., eellers' £ .-'■■2s. ';'■. Kauri .' Timber, j-.',sellers :155.; Leyland : i iO'Brien -.Timber; sellers 'M' 2s/ 3d.; Now; Zea ■;': ; 'buyers :'je2;'os.' 6d., sellers £Z -Is. :;.-.Taianaki Petroleum, buyers \ss., sellers ■ Bs. : ■ AVard and .Co. sharesi; sellers £Mss •■'Cdij.Sharknd's ordinary and.preference,,buyen ;;'l9s.,''sellers 20s. ex .dividend.': .: : ..' • /■■,.■:
-V ; A sharp rise in '.Grand.. Junctions Tvas : th< ■'.vfeatureoi the day,-. : ;arid threoisales ivere'madi ■ : -!'.on*'Change;yesterday. afternoon .at £2 ' 4s;■ A , ; the. morning;:oall three 'sales of .Talisniari a; : ;•! £2 7s. 3d. were made, and a;sale' of '-Big 'Bivci '.;: at' i3;ls.- 6d. waS:'.repprtcdv:-: The , ., quotationi Vr'-weretas ;nnder:— ;-,':■!■■ " 1 -~"-v|:- i \v^ : '^i' t --"" ; ■ : '' \i-':,k: ;v'FJr';V : ''J^~\Buyers. : -,.'Sellers; i: '.Saks : ;/¥-'VA..'%V '■■:£ £'■$:■'.''£'*.■■&:■£ s:d : ; !:Waihi G'd':Jnnotion :2 4 .0 ■ 2 4: '3.\ 2.- 4,i( V:Waihi ; ;9'1:6 ■9: 3-: o', .'—,'.- •'■■: ;TaHsman : !; .;....;u..:;.; 2: 7^6^2 : 8 -Ov 2 7 ; :! :;'"Waihi vEitended *—:V.'-,.. : ,0 ■' :—'.::. :-.Tairna' Broken,-Hills -:\o'hl'. 6:0-1 8:.-■;-.—■ , ■';. .:Waihi ; -:Consolidated 0 1 '9, 0■••2->8!./ , - — :■': : -.'■:Waitanji \ ..;...;::.;;„.;': o''4Ys ■ 0 , i ■'■ 6 v--; — ■■; ;-v.:S(abn'--,:-.. r ....;. : .v.;;.;.;.;./--OM-'-:8'". 0, MO.--. — ■■.'. '-■Karaneahake - U;....i. 0 1 : B■' 0 19. —/;-.- *:. ; Big.-Eiveri.v.'::::i:i;,; , .-i.-.- ; -:' — ; : :'■■•■ '. 3 ? 1 ; 6 V:3-,l •'I ,7v.Con.-.- Gpldfields;•.!..„:'o Iβ; ~, ,/'"C Iβ;-.I ■ : :i;.The>'WelUngton:.Stoci'vExohange' : .yesterdai ;■ "received ;telegrain~"Nβ^}?,Bi< i,y3iveT.'4ttelftb';'dividend "of, 2s.Aper.fshare,' de ':./clared seventh.";!;;':^'..■.•".-.■'v? : ;->..~- ":■■■'/;.' - : /v>U.The"CMtems"MTeiwe?coil«ctedn4t' l^ejliii, gtoi l>;yeßterday^amounted;t6 :^232s:3s.^2di: :/,i i .':?;';;Vi;
Hv.illerchants: continue , "steady'trade f. , :arid:thereis claimed little inore ease ii •~;ithe' ; mqney^m'arket,^yMcK- ; -There-.are .practically;'no'lchangei ;.. ';ini.the^.Twhblssale'.qii'btahqnsiV-', ..-■'"". ;'/ ■' .•'.•!■■■.• ,-,- ■:■■■ ■'•• - :• Arrowroot—Supplies' -are:■■ hard "-".to: y;'; there; in' , : centres ■!.' ;-Dqherty J 8 -j'sand-l's, 3}d. Jtb id.; Empire,- id =?. ; : : .pei;. : \lb.V' , - , v;. : VvK':v'. , '. ,, ".-'"y.-. '-'<%'-~\i-' : ' '■'.' '-./::■■'%:',' > : - v;J3hie—Keokitt's-.;bag ,Bid.,: square 17!d.';'■.'Col ■ -"'man's .and Keen's, ". square arid bag,' , . 7Jd:; Em .:::: ; : Vv;: Sj ; : ;>s..Candles7-The'/dem , andi'liaS improved consider '!. ably,butvaluesshowiiocKaiiges.: /. TheNew'Zea &f-.lahd product ?has:tb'face keen :competition'iii i ; /Eangoqri;;; candles, : 'vbut-sales''ore' 'not ■ af £.-\^feo.ted.i-:.''! ; .Th»;' ■ New :iZealand '. Candle Coin jv-'vjpany'e ? quotations;" issued i December v 19, are:■Vi'P.remier's stearine and: Britisl .' : . :;;Bperm,.':Frehca\ sperm, jtJriiversal.wai.iEicel .paraffine, r .6d/j:; Apollo; sperm'and '. Venu! l> 'parafino, '-6Jd.; : ■'Verius^.coloured.■:• fluted,,,6Jd. v^piano^:'bedroom;:and:carriage:;sorts,-packed ii ;, i cardboard-boxes, Jid.;■'less the usual trade. dis ■v"-counts, f Price's-London.sperm, 'le.oz'.-, 'ejdl' t v j:^-. , ■ :'..•.'. :■.,;,-Cornflour is:jDeoting':mth r fair,sale. V'B;: arid "i-.'-i P./s}d. tosid.;: Johnson's, -2Jd.;-Brown's,'3.d. ?','■.Chicßgo/'.'-ydi- 4 ':-.;^;'-..:.;-:;-.'::"-''fV-';.- v ; ;,; "■■■'. "■ ~'- r ; : . 'f-,*:Dried Pruits-rCurrants,':finest",.provincials,, oleaned"Amaliasi.3Jd.'; llb. ; cartons, v;K.Ss. : .6d.. : per ; .doi'::SnUanas,.selected 3Jd.,.oh6ic( ;;'rv4d.;;golden 4Jd.vto , sJd.?per!lb.;'■llbr.ioartdhSi':* ■;V) : 6d.iper:'doMn.v^Dates, , .,l3ulk ) i'; L' • ! .Vii : .tons,'3s."6d. per;dozcn.., Pigs,-12pz. glere boxes, t?j.'.Bs'.fSd.'-per■■dozen.v'rEigs, , "-lib. laTcrs,.;4Jd.; slb, !; ; :i,,';nal:urals,'sdi'-per , lb/ ;; Seeded raising are 6lightlj "<?'v'lower;;faw»y,iilb. v packets ,4s.,:.choice 35.';.6d. : jjpei *-';■" dozen: "jlluscstels,- : Calif ornian, ; s's'-boxes/6d;', 3:»wiP's-sjd; t :2o's:4id;; per;lb.; at : ipd, ■;;'.V : pernio. f-'.fj- v '; ."v.:. ':.'. : 'jS..:':^;»;-:-'-.":'-iv ■■•■'■■.■■ -^"■ ■K*. Canned fruit meets with:slow, sale at Bs.■'■fid, i to m; 6d:n,;i ■• ; ;:'» l >■_ :, : :.i>,-. : -.';,i-;- t o .'■; :■.;■.■ v xV-VV'.' Evaporated 'fruits, .-speh : as .apples,.'apricots, : ':aid.'peaches, :75d.-tb:Bd.:per i %l-':'■'--' -Cocoa—A steady/,;Tiand-to-mouth ,: Dusiness'" j ii • ' -'-yan,Houten's, l l's,:3s. 2d:;'4's, 35.,3 d. VA : ->!j's , ;-r3s/4d;-iiBtlb:;;-BeiisdorpV]'i - '2e.'--10d.i.ys X' ,-2s. Pry's, ■'-Xβ, wi4Jdv;:,(Bahii •'■'•V-2s;''lodi: ; i* ; l^'.-"V'-v: : ':•';:.v^';^ , !-•;".;':■:'; A': : y'.:■-:'■'-':<, >iii -ft:'; Condensed "'J MiUc;—Highland,er, 55.; -Cowslip ■■ ; SwfesjMilkiQaid;%:6d. ; :>; -^ilozen.- ■■-: '■ I v?- : S/'; '~;•;.';.-,'. -!v,:' f/;;C! '■.'■'~'-\'.'■'•:' ';■, .-.V- ; Coined:Meats.---Sheep. tongnes,;,los. : Gdi to lls ?''■!■tor, I'sVO3c;tongues,v2}'s,.3ls,"t6 3*s.; 3's, 345.' t< S"v36s. per dozen"; , Gear's ; assorted, ; potted, 45;,6d. , i :V'?-. ; ;Sl;r i Qe6rge'sV^ss'.;'v-■•;;■:■■*,■; xs-^i':-';^ ..'-. V-; ■■-■' ■?';. ■ -• .V Canned Fish.— in tomato.-.sauce yKrl's,;\7s.^to. ! '■■.lC':', ed.;: : i's■■Vis..'. 6d.- : to-:::5s. iV.i ! kippered "'•'.■>■ herringsi'i'is-.; -i'di"? -.7e.'-.-i'-".'6c1;.; : - ,ti :■';': 7s. 9d. ; ; l's,'4s.-6d.-. toiss.'; fresh' herrin(js,-:l's -V-. '6s.:.tq6sV.6diVlobster,-.'C.->nd-B.; lib.\tius, 14s !:!;: i 6d.i-to"i 15s. rsaliri6ri, ;: 6alad, : medium -reds, i'llb j.'"VJtalls;:'Bsi-':6d.''j;-.llb::-flats;;-'9s. : .;to 9s>.ed; '' &:i silver, ,41b; flats, ss.'; GoldenLinfc; Sodka'ye/llb '. ]'.: 'i tills, 10s, '6d.;.f1b.-.flats;': lls.; ■'■' Southern Cross .-1-41b.; 6s..6di; .herringletsi' in : oil,.Senatorbrand 1 t:«BsV.tOjßs." d(l. : ;:in. : ;tomatq,Bauce,-.Bs.- t0;85.,;6d. : ■l|'ii->eardiiiee,VSldpper;"^'}lb'f';'tiM;--'te;-. : -to:. : Ss;',ed;;v}'s ij ;"',95/:-9d/tolOs' l -Edward/',}'s, 45., ?d..t< ■'\ V: vss.'; I'd; ; Bs.' 6d; ;< ling;-Smethurst.-;brand, v-'-i ■Jj':.-. making : 555.: : to: ; , S6s.',-,per. cwt.; codfish,' ia'. 21b :if,'' : blocks and strips,'is,meettng.with:fair, inquiry ■;l":^V:Chemicalsi—Cream.-bf:\tartar,:K-per'.'cekti/.M 9Jd.,-99/per,:cenfcißid;':to,:lodj;-tartario:acid v.O^ : jiig>;3d.-per:fb; , ;''soda!«i^alßW ! £S' : los;';'.bicarb<m '•'" ■-' ate of ;, s6da. '£10 10s.;, calcium carbide, £15 ,ti : -:'-,: : -V-!'jei6;'-Wuestrine;:":i32 10s.;\Tfhiting, [£i 15s. W -■': ■>■'.'■;. Infants'-:Poods.—Neare's,-"9s. 9a.;:, All an an< ■ .?•/,■": Hanb'.ury's''lTbs: I:and:2,il7s.; No. ,105.6 d; : ■'■•' ü ßengert,:;;'l7s.V- : Eobinson's patent .groats am : ; ;,vft-;barley/ : 7s. ;6d.;;^;; t: ;vV--'^ 7: A:::;..;;:;. i;:;:.;;';: ..:">';■ : '.-■ •' ■/ ■ '' :'' - ':' -.-!■ ;^ s -«-:^Knife Polish.—JNixey , s,:-4s;-Gd;; Ok«yfs; ss: Gd ■: - ,;-:Mustard.—Pair, sales.:. ColmanVD.SJ?. ; , : i'S ':■ l ' "- Is. sid:-td is.- 6d.; i'e,ls: Sid.' tolls. 4d.; Dnr -■ -K-ham,: 71b. Ctins,• 7d./t6>7jd. -;' ";. ; ; ..,- :v ■Vv'k:,' 1 : Matches.-^-Plaidsii. 35. , Bd. '■• to.3s. 9d.-ft; gross '■iv'. , C'peniiy 8s; 9d.: to 9s..ed.i.eafeUfts; small :■■':"/. foreign; 3s.:to 35.53 d. - r Bryant, and.May's, 'email :••?'.::-.';-■& ■6d.;^large;-75:.'6d.-:.'.; , .'.-'-';]■"'■ :■:/'". ''o ".. i■■%■;-'' -^Ntttmegs,' , 9d.\to Is. per 1b.,. ;; '.\ "■ ■';■. ■-.':■ ...Vv; liPeel.-—ieni6n.peel ; .continues scarce, but sup v.A.'plies'are.cxpoqted;: to .- reach -this: port,' nex ;vM'v ..month. : Lemon; , ; , peel;'; 7.'s, 55d.; orange, .5Jd; ..>v : ;y citron, 1 10id^ ; : '■';'-' yy : }:[ , ; .-:"■'•: -..;'..' ■' •■': : f'\:i-Pickles.—Morton's.■ hexagon: 10s.■ Gd.-, rounV 'v.:'- '- 125.: 6(1.-per.''dozen; Captain White's, 235. 6d. :'■ ■'.- : ;!Garton's;H.P..'i-pints,''l2s.-6d:;-pints, 225. 6d. -pickles, 9s. 6d;. to : 105...'. ''•'.■'. '■: '■■:'■■ ''■'■ .■:■} ';'ifijri.^Eice.—N6.-.1, 10s.;:No.-2, 155. , per cwt. V- ■ , f,: ; -. ■■ ,71b; ''bags,'.&.-'fid.'-to Gs. Gd;; .cwt :.''.V.';:bagsi-33.'-.Gd.,.to'4s.;'coarse,- in cwt. bags,"3s. t< ■."■.;v-'-"i':Ss."v6d;'--per- ; ':j!wt; ■■'■'■''-'•'■. '■ ■ '■-'"■■■''■ ■ '::■ ' ':'■ ' -:<■„'.>: Sauces.—li. , and'.P., {-pints, 14s. to 14s;. Gd. ■;: ; : ;p'ints,.2ss.;tb 255. ; J-pints;j7s ;:-,, . 6d,; :pinte,"ips.;,gd.;;,to; 10s. :9d.'; .Gart'ori'si,-.'l- - ;-.•'-.: brand (N.Z.),;i-pints, 25."9 d. 'to 3s;'; , 'pints,'. 'ss, X-;ir,;l6d.''to:'Gs;--- r X',v'.-.-r-,-: ; ';. ; ;: ~-,:-,■>■;, yi'y .,-' ■>. .•.-■'■'":■"•; Starch.—iCplid'an's/.'-llbi'' boxes, s!d-'-"'to= ; sJd. 51b; packots;-5d.. to 5Jd.; .New/Zealand/./llb ;v".-.Vboxes,-:3Bs. to''39s. per cwt;;: 51bJ packets,i:S7s: ■--;-'--"-':-to.'Bßs.';per"cwl. ; .i'"-. ; -V.--v;-: - -:f.'^i:' : - ■■■- , : .■;:::;::.-Stove.Polish.rrNixoy's/:2s.^6d. ; ; Reckitt's; 3s ■ :•:";.: porjdozen; ;;;■:'. :■;. : -/.-, :;;'-| : , '^','■-, i "■:'i/'. ■.:.(■:■;:Sugar.—The market.:is steady, ■y-A:-:. demand.;■ IA and No.. 1, 56'e, £16 155.;1N0.- 2 ;;:;..:jei6:ss.;VNo. 3,:^15.55. per ton V:-.. h-,: : : : -.:\/..: yinegar;-Midland : l!cd :! Hoek, quarts,- Bs. :6d. ■ : .:>:-.; Champion,.quarts, -Ss. '6d.>,-- K«d Seal; qparts, ■ •:-,::45-; Midland^concentrated, Bpz. bottles, lls: 6d, ■•■■■ '■:..?. Per doz.;:concentratod,'s»al.' casks,- 9s.'6d. pet ..:■:. -gallon; pure malt, Mjal., casks, 2s. 9d. per- gal- •>■••;•• ■■V.-Idh. ■';■ .'■"'' '.'.■, , ' - \;--'. : 7.■';■'•' '-■^■' , : . .■ ; -:-/"-.- "■': x-.-\'::'' : . ; :',•■'■■;'.:-and Importers' .Jownal/ issue' datot ,-J ■':■:. .'.-.; New York, March >i 3, stated that :.the.' Unitei .V.','.'--..:;; States Steel-Trust had been-forced'by. outsid< ...,;>j. "cqinpetitton- to; open :market ■ levels on .mosi : -''.'■:'lines, and'thisi.drop- in quotations, of ■material! :i . , had been followe.dlby a'-lO'per'c'oht'; reductior :,':- in ■ wages by Co.,' .'whil< ■;:,/;'.some 60,000 iroawOrkersthad'also been cut 11 ; :■;: ,per cent., It: was- rumoured, that ,a cut irai ■■. ': ': .';.'.-pending in :tho'Steel Trust .employees, and thai ■--'■:.'■; : it would bo.-very radical,jn.;Bome,grades;- H .-■' J 'V was: probablo'that .reductions .had only jusl i :.,-begun in both'materials and'wages, , ' and' thai ';:-. .'■'. .>:th«,'market would bo .very unsettled ; for .eomi ;.}-..v. : -:time to; comoi'.:.Pricea irould. probably be prettj :":.'::--Vclose' to .bottom ,by;'the: noxtif»ll, »nd .by th< ;; : .'*. spring of 1910 there ehould be v ' . ment. .Eadicarcnte h*d be<in mail*, in price; ;...'.; .of'almost all iron and , steel.products, .excepi i. ::.. Tails and .wire: goods'., Tinplata' had btencai .' :' ; ; -6dols. per'.toni: steel plate Bdols':,-.:structnra :' ..' et*el jodols.,'i.b3T3.v4dols.,'' : sheets SdoK'.-vpipi ■'■■' "O lOdols., billets'and .eteel b&rs about sd»ls., am. '■ .' the' market .from', pit-iron 'np ;■:. ■■-•■■■■■ -'.'unsettled-'at the decline; 'Eails were 'hold, a V'■'■•■ 'I". '28d015.,. »nd wire products'•!'were-.\so_ far'un '//.-.•■'" changed, but a drop in botli in .the near futun ;'■ .•; was not,''unlikely.' Many, moderate orders hai '■'■■'•I" been, placed\at the lower levels,. but ,th» »g ;".:•' ■;'. gregate was. not. Targe. .In ironmongery gend ~'■ ?; . rally -dbmand ; »was light,;, and, tho market .weak . ■. but the cßßpges had been few tind unimportant ■;.... ; Nerertholess r a re'ductidn in prices should sooi ■■!.'■'': : -'--; bo realised in' , lines of iheavymaterial/followcK '; .'■ • laterby rednotionsm,lighter and more highly Vi'-V--: finifilieugpodsV;:; ; r .v /■;[:' : -.-■■':■ ■-' ■',:■'.'- "■■■ ;
: Mossrs; Laeryand Co., Ltd., Wellington, report wliolcsalo prices ruling on the market:—, Wheat, fowl, -is. bU to 4s. 10d.; feed oats, 2s. 2d. to 2s. 4d.,\Dun oats, 2s. .2d. to 2s.■ 4d.; seed oats, 2s 4d. to 2s. Bdj Algerian seod, 25;9d.; maize, 4s. 10d. to ss. 3d.j crashed malt, 85..9 d.; fowl barley, 25.. 9d. to 3s.;' horse beans, is. Sd. (all at per bnshel); ricemeal, £h to £h ,55.; flour, New Zealand, .£l2 10s.; bran, £5 to £o 55. , ; pearl barley, .£lsfpoas, Dd., Prussian-blue ss. to 55.,6 d.; fowl Peas 4s. 3d., split IDs.; bonednst, superphosphates, £S, to £&, 55.; pollard, 10s. to £S 155.; ■ guano,-'iM" 10s.; chaff (oatensheaf), £3 to £3 155.; b&tmenl>v£9 15s. to £10; potatoes, £2 10s. \to liCij'-'ohTons; £5 to .£7, pioklers 4s. tt) 6s. .cwt.; - moUsscs fodder, £5 ; bacon (factory) eides 7Jd.j; hams -Bd., rolls. BJd.; butter, bulk, 8d; Poultry: Hens 35., ducks 4s. to 55.; turkeys, gobblers ,11a. to 12s.,,hens 9s. to Us.; fresh eggs 2s. 2d. to -2s. 3d., preserved Is.- 6d. per dozen; cheestKGd. to GSd: per lb'.; loaf 7d. to 7t[d. per lb.; Alcsroa machine-dressed cocksfoot 7Jd. to 8d.,-farmers' dressed sd. to 6d; per lb.'; ryegrasses. 33. to is. Sd'. per bushel; Italiian ryegrass '-3s. Sd. ; to is 6d. bnshel; .white clover. 70s. to 755.: cwt.,- red clover Gss.! cwt.; cow grasa 655. cwt.; al&ke, 82s. 6d. owt.; mustard, iOs.'cwt.;. trefoil, 375. 6d. cwt; rape 6eed, 265. cwt.; Timothy; 825.. Gd. cwt.;-;Swede and .turnip seed,, Ms. cwt. .; .:• -.. ' ■ - : .
■-Messrs. Griffiths.and Co. report yesterdays fruit and produce < prices as follow:—Potatoes, 4s.'. cwt.; onions, 65., 6s. 6d. local; cabbages," Is. to 2s. 6d; sack; cauliflowers, best, 6s. Gd., 75;.6d. sack, inferior 35., 4s'. sack; beans, 55.; ■ 65.. part sacks; tomatoes, '2s. ,',6d.,.35. 6d. half cases, , .inferior- Is. 6d., 25.; lettuce,' 35., :3s. Gd. banana casee; pumpkins, 3s. 6d. to 4s. Gd. sack; <.carrots, .23.;. Gd:. to 3s. ,6d: .sack; '-'par-/ 'snips, 35.. to Is, sack; .marrows, Is. 6d.\to Is." 9d.Back; v celery; Is', to 2s. dozen; swedes, Is. Gd. to Is: 9d. part sack; apples, choice dessert, medium ; size 95.,. 105.,. prime . dessert, medium size. 75., Ss.; .inferior, and large 55.,, ss. Sd., choice cooking; ss. 6d., 65., -prime cooking 45.. '9d.,55. 3d.; pears,, winter Nelis and .W. Cole, 10s., 11s. case, other desserts Bs., 9s. 6d./ cooking 6s. to 75.; quinces,. 3s. 4s. 6d: case: ; ;Supplies of fruit have: fallen off during last week, which has-forced'prices up considerably. Apples and pears have value more so than.'other lines...: .. ;-. ■'.'..'■ .. , :
SOUTH CANTERBURY MARKET REPORT. ' Messrs. G. S. Meredithi and Co., Waimate, report ,'on ; .the 'South'.-. Canterbury .grain '.and- prodrico market for, the week ending May 5, as follows:— ::;■■■ ; : ,! ::■: •.'.-' ,N v /-' :; y:: ;/ .."'■.. ■ Wheat.—The market is quiet, but lines are .firmly, held.'"Holders-nre: asking 4s. to is.- Id.' per.bushel on trucks, and we bear of no sales being.recorded.under this price. We 'anticipate a better.-, inciuicy ehortlyr, ''' Good' whole..' f o\i\ ,'.ivh'eat_is;in good demand, 'and is selling/freely ' at, is. ,: f .b.b.s.i::.:; Good . clean...broken seconds are .worth..3s. 4d. to 3s. sd. per bushel on ■trucks,:equal"to,'3s. 8d; : to 35..9 d. f.o.b.s.i.v .;, Oats.—The market^is quiet, and few sales.are ' taking'place. :■ Quotations oio nominally:— Gartoris,.ls; id.; Danish, Is; 3d.'; Dunsj 15..'2) d.; all on trucks country■ stations; sacks,' 5Jd. ' •'..•". ChafF^The 1 ; niarkat is'- very' and only ,small -business, is;passing.-. Primey bright, oat«he»f chaff is sellingat 555. f.o.Ks.i. for prompt .shipment,, arid Slightly hijher' rates . for forward ideliTery.. :: There is a good deal of first- : class chafi;'Offering,', at "375. 6d. 'to £2 per 'ton ,on ; trucks : at. cotratry etatione (sacks; extra), .and, shoilld; there, be'any-demand shortly, l largo I'.bneiness.would'takeiplace at these Quotations.'■ . . Potatoes.—The.. market.for good.sound tubers is -firmer,, while'/inferior'lots are Hard-to quit at: any .price. -■: The blight has made great havoc; in;.the crops, and, where the yield in f other years has been ten to twelve tons to the acre, scarcely-five tons of marketable potatoes will be,dug:off the sato'efjifiid this -year. Good-!;sound;Up-to-Dates, and Derwonts are worth 6d. to equal per • ton: f.0.b.e.i. , : ■ ',;:t '..-'.,' ■ (■ Straw.—Baled wheaten'and. oaten, 255. per ton on';triicks,.at,country;.6tations'.:' ;;,,, ■-...-.•
'■.■ ;,.;(bT TEIEGBAPIME'KESS ASSOCIATION.); ' . ;.'■■'-■* -.-■'■>''■■;.■•!■'■■■ ;;\;'' ■, Dunedin, Hay 5. ■ .-.Oats—During >,the,-week the,demand has not been .so.viewi,yana',pris«e-.are somewhat, easier. Prira_e' ; gart6ni':ttte'stiH'rin. (leoianil, ,but 'spar--roirbilla-nrid.dther'isortsVnre. not ■ inqiiired for. Prime milling, Is. 6d. to ,1s; 7d.; good to best feed, Is- "ildi: to : ls. s}d.i>inferior to medium, ls.-Sd: , to 15..4 d.;. saoKs'.,cxtra.:. . . : JVheatr-No business, is. bping done,, owing, to jmllers' , ' indisposition, , to: boy. and the absence of speculators. Epwl < whea, , offering'.freely / at sligntly;:reduc(!d : .prices. '.-Prime milling, nominally, ,4s; Id. .to 4s. 2d;; medium, 3s. lid. to 45.; -rwlieatj : -/ #s.*nii. : to 3s. ;10d. 'medium, 3s,;'' 3s; 8d.;•;■,.;"•;'' ,'. .. : ■.:■/■'. ,'; '. '':-■:■'.'■?: '■■■pn'TiTnwH : -. :! . -■ ' : '"■■■' '-•■ '
:■' '■;! / fBT TILIOEAFE—PBK3 ASSOOTWION.) '•' ..•■.' /■(':■■:. .;•: "'■'■'■'-W;.^■'*'•'f.■■'■?•?:.. Oamaruj 1 May In consequence! of the unsatisfactory, nature .of ~t:lie..eliippinK.-.traiisa6tion6 this. season,. at a pieetirigof merchants held hereto-day the following agreement, was arriyed at:—That; all .quptatioiis, .he' ' f.a.q. table , ', potatoes i .o.b. Oamaru jHliat' -all .'shipments V-; be.' 'passed.' at Oainaru on'Mjehalf of bu/ersj , sellers'.risk to ,then coase;.'j;hat. in ..order, to insure .eatisfac: ,tion>-.being given,.; all. potatoes intended for shipment' mustjijajs ttodujh tt'ore'.. ' , : .
t :■;;§''; 'HililVE-STO6k v SAIES,; V-V;'/"
Messrs.' Dalgety , and Co., Ltd., report-_hav- - ing held their, fortnightly sale at their Masterton ; .'yards .on' Tuesday, when they offered £ very, good of 'sheep; and. cfttileX'-. Al: sheep..offered met with a ready sale.: Cattle also.vTveveAwell represented, coming' forwari much ■ in ' excess of advor tised numbore. ; : Quota ;tionsj—Two,'four, eight-tooth ewes irii lamb to Bomney-Lmcoln , .rams, lls. • 3d. to lls. 6d. j others, -Bs.' lOd.V 10s:, 'to 10a. 10d.; . f.m. .ewes, : 7s. : iGd. to Bs. sd.'. OattlerrFat cows,' '■jftltlis';;':'gopd '■forward ' cpws, : '^3■' is;■ '•' Pigs—' weaners/Ss: 6di;to r 9s. 3d. 1 .: •«.■•'. J '-.•'. ' ; : ....■■.:"■.■ .'/Messrs. , !Dalgety'and Co. report os follows:—: •At. our'Wangonni'. sale, yesterday 5000 sheep and .200 catllo were yarded.- The 'bulk of-the sheep consisted, of "wethers, dOOO.of this class being yarded; .-There . was-'a llarge- attendance, includin!; butsidb tmyers,' and .prices' showed a. de-, cided'improTement, Rood ' olosses, v . of store wethers .making fat prices. ..'Cattle also 6pld well, and we-made practically'a l total 'clearance. Quotations: wethers;' 125.; Cd.j fat owes, 10s.;.fat and:forward lambs, : 83.;. good.<-tooth wethers,. 11s.' to -11s. 3d.'; good;'2-tooth wethers, 10s., 9d.; J-bred 4-tootK wethers, 9s/ : 3d.; mixed age: Lincoln-ewes,,lls. -fid.; old' 9d.; !small.;lambs, is.. mixed culls, - is.; fat cows, £3 17s;'.to £1 ss. Gd.; store cows, X 2 is.; old 'cows, jlss. to: 255.'; , medium' 18-ntonthS Eteers,, £2 ' Sβ. to is. Gd.; 3-year . bush oteers, £i;. 2-year'. ditto; Is.; yearling ditto.;
/ ; ,-':■-:■ . ; .BURNSIDE,MARpT.;. ' i: -. ■" .. \'\
■..'.;'■■."! Cdt TELicairn—rnEss'.issoou.Tio?i.) v ■ v'.'.'. : : , : ''... ''■ .';■;'. 'Dunedin, May 5. ; ; /At Bornside : etock'market 215' fat .cattle w«ro yarded,: principally .prime 'Sorts. • Both, steers and heifers were in- good demand, and prices showed ariseof. from ss. to 10s. per head. Best bullocks, £8 10s. to £9 10s.; extra, to 10s.;' , ,modium to good/.£7 10i to .£8 55.; light, to '£6 ,105.; best cows and heifers/ '£5 to £5 ,175.; medium to good, £4 to':,iCs.-..' . . ■-,■:'.>■ . . ■~.Sheep—2ooo ■ yavdedi,. Prices for best wethers .Tvere better wtek,.:and for- medium quality were:much the 'same as'lato.rates. Best , wethers, i 55.".; 6d; to'.-. lGs. : 3d.;. extra; . to. ■ 19s;; m«dium and -goodi :145."6d. .to 155.; best ewes, 11s. Gd.■'.to>.-I3bl ; 'extra,.--to/'-lSs.i medirim,to good,-Bs..Gd. to 95..Gd..; inferior, 55.. to:6s. 6d; ■. Lambs—lloo yarded,' a medium ,: yarding - Of., good quality." Prices wero a shado.firmer. Best ■wethers, 125.. to'l3s.; extrajlds. 6d.; mediuni;tp go6d, 10s. Bd. to" 125.; inferior, 9s. 3d:.. ■"'." : Pigs—l3o yarded. For young piga prices were a shade.easier, owing to the extremely, large entry! . Porkers and-bacpnors-also suffered to •the extent of id. per pound. -Suckers, 9s. Cd. to, 125.; slips,. 13s. ■, to ■ 155.; stores, 18s.. to 235.;' porkers, :345. to' 38s.j light 'bacqners,'v43s.'-'to iOs.'i.'hea'vy, 48s, to 535. ■ .:■, - ; ". ■'-'.
;. ,v.\tßl TELEGUim—rUESS ASSOCIiTION,)-. J /..:■' ■ '■ ■ ■ ;. : .vtihristchurcK,''May s..'■',' !' At Addington live' , stock market;to-day,.there: was a large yatdiVig. :6f-:almbst, all classes of 6tock,' and d.good, attejidance..- Fat 'cattle were dull 'of''eale,' at/previous- week's .prices. Store eheep rwcre not'in quite such- good, demand, fat limbs'.wei'e;,:cosier,'and pigs.'were also'- wenkef -in =pnce. > •>;• l'»t' wethers,;. except heavy weights, showed.'-a /reduction 'in .■,values, ; but fatfwea b'ranftht laitiWeek's rates.'. Store cattle ■ mot, with ■';. poor : '. sale, '•■-. and good v dairy, oows wero irirbriet-demand. ■.'■■; ; - 'The entry of. 6torer sheep showed' a ■ further reduction in! numbers'.',! wore "several good lines of fftrward 'Avetti«rs,-eomß small (Consiznmeata of : lambs, and the .'balance : was' 'made up >of owes/-::pt-.'different- descriptions. were not manjv-bnyors ■ operating, and eiyes ehewed a faUing-off" in values, young sorts Bulking .14s. Id., to 165., and others 3s. Sd. to ■Bs.'-!7«.'i. Most : of the wethers changed, hands, very forward selling at lls. 6d, to 12s. 7d.; average lots, 9s/ 6d* to lls.; low-conditioned and inferiur, Bs. to 9s. ■ . .'. ■ ■'.'. .■ ■ Lambs were only modorate ,«orte, and made. -Bsilto-9s.'6d.'' Tho yarding of fat lambs aeatn a heavy one., It was made up chiefly of large liriev principally from Cheviot,- Waiau, Vahd'other nMthefn'districts. .There was less keenness in bidding among tho export buyers, .and'prices ehowed a- decline of about 6d.- per-
head on , last week's rates. Lighter weight lambs sold better in proportion thnn heavier weights.'.' Prices ranged from 10s. 9d. to 13s. lOd., and a few lines of extra heavy tegs to 14s. lOd., tho bulk going at 12s. Cd. to 13s. lOdv There was practically a clearance at, auction: There was a largo iyarding of fat sheep, of which wethers formed tho larger portion. Exporters were only operating at lower rates, and prices for wethers were consequently easier,' except for heavyweights,' which wero taken by .the butchers at late rates. Ewes about, maintained last week's prices. Extra prime wethers' ;sold -up to 18s. 9d.;, prime, 14s. to 16s. fid.;' lighter, 11s. to 13s: od.; prime ewes,; 11s. 6d. to 13s. .Id. j medium,. 9s. to 11s.; and aged and light, Gs. lid. to Bs. 6d: ' The yarding of fat cattle-totalled 365, and the quality was fair. Tho demand was slack, and the sale was a dragging one. Steers made .05-17s. 6d. to £9 25..6 d.i heifers, £5 to £6 17s. Gd.; and cows, £i 10s. to 10s., equal td 18s. 6d. to 20s. for prime, 16s. to 18s. for medium, and Us. to 15s. for cow and inferior per 1001b.
A email yarding of 6tore cattle of indifferent quality met with a dull 6ale. Yearlings sold up to 19s.;' 15 to 18-months, 375: Cd.; 2-year heifers, 355. to £2 10s.; 3-year, heifers, £3; and dry cows,. 19s. 6d. to .£3. A Hiio' of, 35. cows from the south passed in last-week changed hands at £2 Ss.. .
Good dairy coirs sold well, prices ranging -° from £3 to £9.' ~ ;■:, :.-:■:. '-, ;■• J , A medium entry of pigs met with rather '' weaker demand. Choppers sold up to ,£3 10s.; a heavy baconers, 58s. to 655. (equal to 4d/ per' a Ib.); lighter, 48s. to ; 535.. (equal to 41d. to. 4Jd. s per lb.); heavy porkers, 365. ■to 425..; and f smaller, 28s; to , 355. .(equal to 5Jd. per lb.); q medium stores, 30s. to 345. Gd.; smaller, 225. „ to 285.; and.weaners, 93. to 14s. ■ \
■-"'.' . STOCK EXCHANGE. .''•./ . \ (BT TEI.IQKAPH—PHSSa JIRRnnrATION.V ■ '■. i
VBI TELEQEAriI—JTBESS ASSOCIATION,; C >. Dunedin,;Mays.. ? Stock Exchange sales:—Waihi Grand June- I tioh, jel:l9s'.'. 6d. and £2 os. Cd. (two parcels); 1 closing quotations, buyers £2 is. Gd., sellers £2 l ss. 9d. Reported sales:—New Zealand Portland .1 Cement, £2 os. ,6d.; : £2 Is. ■■'■■■ . (
Idi iEr,EaßAr!t—riiEsa issoctAXioH—corsrnieirt.l i ~,'.: : ,".' Sydney, May 5.'- ' Wheat, ss. 3d. , Flour, £12-10s. Oats, Algerian 2s: 6d. to 2s. 7d., Tartarian 2s. 10d. Bar- , : ley, Cape, 3s. to 3s: 3d. Maize; yellow 4s. 7d., < whito 4s. 4d. Bran and pollard, £6. Potatoes, < Tasmanians, £o. Onions, Victorian £Q 10s., i New Zealand £5 15s. to £K, picklings £3. • Butter, 112s.- Bacon, Sid. ..; . i [The above quotations are .those ruling be- ; tween merchant and retailer, and do not re- i present the slightly lower values obtained by , recognised brokers.]' ■ ' ■'. .. ' • ... , ,; Melbourne, May 5. . :;'■ 'Wleat,. ss. 2d. -Hour, 10s. : Oats, Alger- ' las', heavy feeding, 2s. Id. Barley, Cape, 2s. 6d. Maize, is. 9d. : Bran and pollard, Is. 2d. IPotatoes, JE3 SS. .to £i: ■ Onions, £5 10s. to £6. '■ ■ •' ,:"".■ ;Adelaide,-May 5; ;'-Wheat,''ss.- Id. Flour, .£ll. Bran and pollard, I Is. 4d. . ■:■ ■.: ■■■■■■ ,'; \ .'.-;;.. ..■)■'■ •■:
..■'■■'■■.' ■'. 'THE METAL MARKETS. ■, : I
(BT TELEOEAPH—rBESS ASSOCIATION—COPTKIeIIT.) . .'" .v; ■ .. ■; ' ■'■. : ,y . London, May 1. '/Silver, 24 11-lGd. per ounce. : ' .' '• ' ' Copper, on the spot, .£57 16s.'3d', per ,ton; three months, .£SB ,11s. 3d.; supplies, .37,453 tons; deliveries, 37,889; stocks, '50,918; afloat, 3600. "■■..■■•■"■ • ~; ■.; .■ .., ■-.■: ■'■ '..- ■ ■■ Tin.—Spot, 10s. per ton; three months; £131 12s. Gd. : .■■■■ - . ■ .- .-. .■■;-. , ■•..- '.■ Lead, ;613 Is.. 3d, per ton. ' ■
(Bt TELEGIt ACE— FISESS'ASSOCIATION—COPTRIGHTi) . : ••' . ... -. London,. May. 4.. Talltfw.—Stock, 4127 tons; imp0rt3,.6308 casts; deliveries, 8568 casks. . ''r , -..: ■'■''. .'■" Australian wheat cargoes have, heen Bold at 425.- 9d. and 435. 3d. , ner quarter. :.''."-.■ r '.
aas.- yu. anu as. aix; per quarter. BANK SHARES AND DEBENTURES.
[!t TiLieftifn—ransa 'assooiation—coPTmaHT.l' •■■■:'■ ' ■ l .'■, ... ' ~.: London,, May i. .i The following are the latest quotations:— - . ; '. ;■ ''..■"'■' ■■~-.■'■ .Buyers.' Ban£s— .■-'■'■'' £ s.'d. '''£'B>''*d.'" '.'Australasia... ■"•.;.- -.•..107 10 0 108 10 ' 0 i'j. New South :Wales- ... 45 10 -0 . '16 10 ,0 ■Union...' ... , „; "... CI 10 ,0 -62 10-0 National : ... .... .... - s\s' 0. ,'. .5 10" 0 ;;,N«w- Zealand: .'..;.... 10 0 0; .10,10 .0 Bank of New. Zealand 4 per cent, guaranteed ■dphenhires, .i£lol. ' .•-.' ,> :.' . :.. ~, ■' ■■ -. ■ ■.. . ■.""""" -■ -.- \ ■:. ■■ < .:..
:,;, -~. '. BRISK BUSINESS. DONE. ,/ ; ( > - .. ": PRICES; ADVANCE: : :'' : \ : -:\ (BI TEUSOUAM— PBES3 ASSOOIATION^-rCorTltianT.) . :.'".:■ , . : .' .-' ... ;• ' Londori,' May 4. ■The May series sales opened to-day.-.-• . • A brisk- business' was done,. prices .ruling .'' 'from par to ton. per .cent, high'er'than at the ■close. o£. the. March sales. , . , ..;
. :.'■;:/-:■ itJRTHER details.. ; "■':; ';;
■"-:'■::-' V:; (R«o. May 5, 10.15 p.m.) :■.-, ..■ :; , . ; :'. ''.■■',•'' '.'■'■'■ : London; May, 5. _. . At. the wool sales,'.7B92'bales were offered,' inclnding 7000 crossbreds. There was a large /nttenrlance of buyers, including.,a.record number of-Americans, and there was strong .general ■ . competition.,. llediiim crossbreds.-were-.10 per . cent., above the closing, rates: of ■tlie March sales. .Pine and coarse c'rossbreds were 5 per cent. : higher. There, was' a poor selection. of i merinos,-which .were from'par to 5 per cent. I higher. , <y..-' ■■• I ■ ~ ----.■■,: .■.'.;• • . ,'' ■ V
; Messrs. Leyin and Co.'s cableiinessage states: —Merinos ! and fine crossbreds opened at an advance on last sales' closing rates of 10 per cent.; medium crossbreds opened at an advance of 7J per cent.,- ahd< crossbreds. at ah advance of. 5' per cent. Continental and; American Xbuyers are operating■ freely. ' , ' .-'.'' The New Zealand loan and Mercantile Agency Company,. Ltd., have received the following cablegram from their London house, nnder date May 4:—Wool Sales.—There, was; a full attendance at the. opening of. the sales, to-day, oom-potition-by'Home, Continental, and American ■bnyers being aetivja, and prices, as compared ■ with thp dose of preceding series, ruled about 7i to 10 per cent, higher for crossbred lambs, .line crossbred and medium crossbred, and about s:p'er cent, to 7J per cent, higher for coarso crossbred and- crossbred elipe. i'- Very' little merino wool was offered. •■ The.marketis.firm, with an' Upward tendency.. ■■;■.-• . ■ . ■ The United Farmers' Co-operative Association, Ltd., have received, the, following cable from their LondoiTagents, iinder date May 4:— .'■' The third series of wool 6ales opened to-day arid were well attended by Home, Continental, and American buyers. Competition was good. Fine crossbred advanced 10 per cent., -medium crossbred 5 per cent.;. to per cent., and coarso crossbred 5 percent, as compared with closing rates p£ previous sales." ■• Messrs. , Murray, Eoberts and. Co. , have received the following wool market cablegram from their London house, Messrs. Sanderson, and Co.', dated May 4:— ' .' "Sales have opened firm, with a good attendance of buyers, and brisk competition. Crossbred wools have advanced 5 per cent, to 7£, per cont., crossbred,medium toifino wools,'suitable for America,! show the greatest advance. Merino has advanced 5 per cent., but the selection offered is not sufficient to test the market. .
Abraham and Williams, Limited, have received the following cable from their London house:.—The sales have opened with strong competition' for. all descriptions of crossbreds, and prices for medium and- fine are Id. to ljd. higher, whilst, coarso crossbreds are par to 5 per cent, higher. Lambs' wool is in strong demand, and shows an advance of from 10 to 15 per cent. ~ '.. . , .: . . Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., report , having received the following cable message from their London-house, under date May I:— "Wool sales opened with a, large attendance of buyers. Competition was animated, but *r . poor selection offering. ■ Prices for medium •crossbreds are from 7J per cent, to 10 pel cent, higher, for coarse, crossbreds 5 per cent, higher, and for merinos and fine crossbreds 5 per cent. • higher. ■ So' far hardly'any merino' . wools have been offered." .
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 500, 6 May 1909, Page 8
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3,966COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 500, 6 May 1909, Page 8
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