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, fNotlces of Engagements and Weddings.— ■Wlien? reports; ot weddings and: announce-', monts' of: engagements - arc. sent .to ."Dominicafor..publication;- the nni»9 and addies.v of-tho sender should bo enclosed, not,for publication, but as an indenco of - good .'.faith.-* Otherwise the announcements - lannot be published.] • *

A Wellington Wedding. A wedding that created a good deal of in- • terest took place in St. Paul s pro-Oathcdral ' . ; yesterday • -afternoon, when Miss - Elsie ; ' Beatrice Rawson, second daughter ot Mr. H. ■ P. Hawson; Wellington,--was married to Dr. . -Mathew Holmes, eon ok Mr: James Holmes, ,- of TwaunKa, tto llev', 'Mr. Robaiison oih- ■: . cntmg. 'l'ho bride wore a charming drcso, i ■..:' .very 'suuply. imade,'.-with a suggestion -ot ■■■". Grecian', design; .- It'',was, of white" corded 1 Liberty salk, trimmed with silver braid,- in' a .6reek i!key--pattern,'-and. it opened . over ,an , '. -n-v underskirt ot .orepo de chine, whikrthe tram • also of crepe, Was very picturesquely a-r----f . rimged, being slung from one shoulder, wheio .. it. was finished, with .a long tasselled. end. ' Sho,wore a myrtle wreatli. oi.. silver, and the ; ■! : i■.. embroidered iv'cil .was (that. which her mother • had worn at-'her owri.weddingV Her shower. --.btuqu& ' asparagus; and maidenhair fern/,was veiled '■•'iv ; with , white'''- tulle. Miss Alico Rawiwn,' siaier of tllo bride, was chief bridesmaid, and. the-ro' w<iro. thrco...olher3, : Miss Maggrb . Simpson, Miss Keitha Leatham'," ajid. Siiss ~'■ ■ Icabol AVilfard (cousin, of.■"the-, bridegroom). . : : : ...prttty . frocks of palo mauve "mess.ilino satm,' opehing-, over, 'ofvmauve .'.chiffon,, the; Jaridvfmisted ' with-large buttons, qnd- the bodices made : v;;i '■■■.: with';yokes, of/Bilk-embroidered .lace; swathed ~. wi,th-;ohiffon ; , 'and firiislied with wido girdles of -satin,. f'Wit-h.itheso. theywore,wide 'hats' ; of ■ mauve, cliillon; velvet,- ;)vith large chiffon rosettes and whito ostrich plumes, and they , vio-' ■ maids' jwbre 'lacy,- ;white-.' muHin'' frocks' and• : white ffi.ob ' t c3psY'.with rashes and ribbon's of pala mauve.,! Mr. Colm Holmes,-brother of ■the.; i -bHdc{pj!oim'yV>'wa3'Vb^'i i 'niMj'j , r'imd''? ; Mb.' groomsmen were-Dr/JrM.-Bell, Major Lascelles, and- Mr. 'J. . CampbelL . : After >the ceromony?a ,was .held at . tho ihomo' ' ; ;':■: of: tlio bride's parents on 'the Terrace. The . artistic haU'Where 'tho/bridQ ajid bridegroom, '.' . standing beneath'a-white floral bell, reocived, ,their', : friends|' ; . was ;veiy : : dccorated : with traifa -'of-iyctopdtliiim;- . of laoc-bark- flowers, which have almost tho appearance of "The. reception rooms, wero decorated with pink and white Msmeaa, t: -Md ! : :the'Hible : *'withVEito''fioTTCJ'3. i&omC'.T6ry<<beatttifal^pjeeento'..irei:«. , i«<»nrcd;' • Mrs. Rawson. wore: a handsomo frock. of vio- . ■. Ist'cliifJon 'taffe-tas, trimmed with/bands,of; ; velvet,-with yoke and-sleeves of cream lace,- ; embroidered- with gold;-tliread. and pale ,blue, • :; the; skirt ornamented, from> hem to - waist with a ; long spray of silk flowers. Sho wore . a . violet-.floral., -toque; , and carried: a ,shower,'bouquet : ofapncot-co-loured cactus dahhas.-and ferns. 1 Mrs. Jas. Holmes, .- : mother-of' tho ■ bridegroom; wore a - -of • : black satin.,charaeu&e, with 4 toque, and a. bouquet of mauvo delphmioums present , were Jlrs. Porritti wlioj.wore. airpek/pf lotus - chine, trimmed with dyed laco of tho Eams shad'a,' and -.a blaek hat; Mi-E3 : Sl'Kellaj.yflowered ninonj imth green',;hat: Mrs. K. Duncaw, pal© blue clotlrcostume, and black hat; Mrs. Wilford, pale blue voile,-and I -' purple 'hjit with white feathers ; Mrs. ; ,- .■ frockand black -hat lined with , pale Uuo silk; Miss Turner, dark cloth frock and mdo blaok ha& \vith plumes; Mrs. W. No.thaji,''green:. satin charineu&e, ;anci, iblack > ihat';' nattieribluo ~frqpk,'.,and -V •. ;.. hat .to. match;; 3li® G. Harcourt, rose-col-; ...oursd ,clot 4 and - picture 'hat with white "roses; < 'Miss Ewen, cornflowor bluo marquisette over ■ white, and:bluehatjjiliss'Elliott, pale blue ma-rquisette, and wllito hat ; Miss B. .Miles, palo .punk'.nmon,; and. floral, hat Miss H. . .Miles,.- t>ink and .white : st,riped frock, -and ha!t with shaded-roses; Mies V;, Kennedy, coloured, cloth dircctoirc- costume, and molei coloured, hat lined with, pale pink. The bride's travelling .costunwy. w\s\of.,-nav,y -. bluo - cloth,' . made.-m.directoire style.;,with;revers,i.'collar and; hat was. of dee-p ■■ blue ~od,tin, .wi-eatlied with" .- drenched featlie^,-. shading!-from-indigo 'to :.rblue;.,;.She-:wore-,a" h-andsome set of. stone , . marten furs. .The bouquets were,supplied by Miss . Murray, •-Vice-Regal ■ florist,; Wilhs . ■-■'.vßtr.eet.Vv-.-' :'i A : .i■

Morning Tea at Awarua. _ Lady Ward gave a tea yesterday morning at: Av/arua, in honour of :'Mrs. Tuson',who. leaves by the -- Connthio. to-morrow; Lady ;;Waid received in a graceful frock ■of champagne net;., and Miss Ward wore a white muslin- frock -wilh lace. • Mrs. Tuson's coat' and skirt were ;of wine-coloured cloth, arid ,with this sho wore a hat of the -same fchado with Qliills.. „■ During:-the morning songs were.-sung ; .by- Miss -.Ward; arid Miss Mary, Jones. .Among other- guests pre Cent were: Mrs. Findlay, Mrs. Brandon, Mrs. ■•Loqehnan, Miss: Coatea, Mrs; i and-. Miss Cecil Jones, the, Misses Beauchamp, -Mrs. Turnbull, Miss O'Couhor, . Mrs. Algar "Williams, .Mrs.. Cli'ford, Mrs. Larnach,"; ; Mrs. Knox and Mis.- Dvor.

, Tho Missis Favlells' Tea. / .On Monday, afternoon t. pleasant' little '! ' tea was given atKirkcaldieand Staras's tear ;_ rooms, by the MissCs Favieily of Sydney/ who, have : be«n : for ; romo :timo visiting" friends in i Wellington. . Mrs: F; Samuel) Mrs. 0. B. r -Russell, and Mrs. Watson woro present,'and, among other guests, were tho Misses' EileenWard, • Jones, Watson, Ewen, Simpson,-, and i Nathan. Miss'. Olive Faviell. woro' a) frock of vitux 'rosb'.shantung,;; : with' pretty, floral hat, and Miss Blanche Faviell wore-a coa- ; tumo'.of geadarmo bhurcloth.-• • A Girls' Te?. v A charming .little',afternoon ~tea v was., given at Kirkcaldie and Stains's tearooms yesterday afternoon .by Miss May Nowman, for •Miss:.Stock,.:,a.-visitor, -from Dunedm, ■ and Mrs. ißaeyertsi. ■ . Several tables had been • Rrreened JofF' tbe'room, • and. Mose were charmingly decorated with = pink and ■. white. cosmeas, maidenhair, and fern; ■ and ;lycopodium, vwhile. th 6; cakes wore all decorated, .with .pmk and white. icing to matoh.- The ..guests were- Misses'KPt'ousc,• Fell, : Hursthouse; : Webster: (2), ; Isaacs,. Manoy (Motueka), Henneh,.Gorchardt, Ham- • ilton, Hannah, .Harrison (Dunedm),' and Kirk. Fam;ell to Mlsa Higglnson.,, . v - Miss Phyllis Higginsonj iwho leaves by the ..■'.■■■ Corinthic for a visit of indefinite -length; to England) wns the guest of honour at'a very pleasant/little morning tea'which, was! given -yesterday at the D.1.0. : tearooms, by Mrs. •b.Pearco and MrsrAbbott.' Amongst those present wero Mrs/ K. DuDcaii,.Mrs. Maurice Denniston, and Misses .Miles (2), Haroourt, Brandon; •M'Kenziej D.yJohnston,. Bell -(2), . Tweei, Burns, and Head:: • .-•••.

Tho Kindergarten Fats. • Readere 'are 'reminded that tliero' is. to-bo !a -kindergarten -fete-oil' the wido flat, roof of Mi. Winder's new -building 111 Manners ■Sltieet,. ill aid of tho -Free Kindergarten, when there will bo various attractions. The • Free- Kindergarten, which, was- first' opened ■by Miss Richmond two. or three yeaTS ■ ago; has done.excellerat work in the city,' andnot thai least- of' its. inorit> is the fact .that its suooess lias led to the opemngof three ot-!ier Free :Kindergartens ;in 'conacetion with the ':Methodist Church. - It cannot,- howeverj l exist .withc-utfundsj and tho work of raising muney : rcstp rather: heavily' upon/the/, Shoulders of its promoters.; The fete to-day provides ail ;«xceßcni ; give .a little help to the Free Kindergarten i ■.Council, and it 'i? -to be. hoped that,-a ..very ;lirge number-will, respond; i-' A Surprise Party. ' On Mondav evening a-number of young friends paid a surpriso visit to Mrs.-Hugo at nor residonce in Cororrtaundol Street. Tho early part of tho ovoning was given to music and:, singing,. songs being; rendered by. tho .Misses I Walsh, Salisbury, and Hugo, and Messrs. Cloraents,. M'Wilhams, and Walsh,! and recitations by Miss Zelma Hugo and I Mr. M f Williams. Supper was served in tho I spacious diuingroom,. where tho table was .prettily decorated with leoreopsis and white .chrysanthemums.'. -. After - supper, .' several .games' ended a. verj ; '.pleasant evening.' Somo I of.those present, included the Misses Mooro, I Walsh, vMarley,; (2), Gaudtn, Noon,- and I.Salisbury i (2), ano 1 . Messrs,,. R. Marshall, I Hankins, Hogg, M'Wilhams,• Clements, and I Walsh. , L- v,'..::;V. v ->■ -4 jtLavln Ladles' Hocl;oy Club. ■ A .meeting of ' Lovm Ladies' Hockov Club | was' held on Monday nighty Mis 3 Stuckey i -presiding. .Tho. following olhce-bcarers woro elected: President,-Mrs. Gardener (Mayoress) ; vice-presidents, Mosdames (Dr.) Mac- : konzio, Hires, and Wallace; committee, Me3-domes-Burns, Thome, Marriott, and M'lntyro; captain, Miss- -Milly Stuckey; ■ vicecaptain, : Miss : Stansell; secretary and treasurer, Miss Craig; • selection-committee, Misses Cray,- Stansell, -Stuckey;- Ambler, ;Mrs. Thorrie, presented a hockey stick.'to'be; competed for. '■••-,/ ... '.' \.. A Talk About: Pictures. • With all tho fino reproductions* of .teautiful pictures Hi at -are to, bo seen- ra our shops; there far to many pictures of the pretty-pretty type, languishing girls'.with limpid ' eyes as i big 1 as their mouths, -Angels ■with.;: their 'done ,in ' the- -very. latest faahioa-^ that detestable picture, for, instance,of a. child guided by a dainty angel, whoso fair hair is don© quite : a la. mode, inane curly ladies posing .sentimentally; with, some (fancy,- but altogether inappropriate,:. name attached.;. f- These. ■ piotures/, truly v-grieve j-all. who love art,''and.-the.-more /because one

lives in: danger of being at any time -called upoa to admire them as they hang upon thewalls, of, somo .happy, bride's new home. In thfiM Vpaces' truth '■ is brutal,-' and'the' visitor ■ ,A't ; the- ■ Young Women's: Christian As«x;iation,. last AigM, , : MiM-.'Sybcl'Johneon,gave;'a little talk about tha truth in art, which was very greatly! appreciated by' her; audience. She' ■exhiibited some 'copies' of beautiful pictures by- modern' artists,(and'bne or two shocking examples,, to point her.-moral,,' Sho showed how these pretty pictures were untrue,' how itho lovely 'simpering maiden,' who was sup-_ poSed, to represent: .''Meditation,'; evidently' possessed neither bone 3 nor brains, and how inine. were tHo- faces in . another' very popular p : she V contra sted or'. Lor d Leighton, Millais)['an4,other .airtists,^telling in the'. stixryWhich; the 'picture- iUtjstrated.' .Tho' talk was listened to with v suc,h pleasure 'that : it'i's, probahlo 'Mim, Sybil 'Johnson' will' give a similar address.-on some other occasion, when more people can bo present. •:

, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marcbant, ■ of- tho Wairarapa, 'have come, to Wellington to attend the marriage of Miss Eitty Marchant, which takes pace to-day. - Miss Marchaut, principal of tho !,!, Duuedm Girls' High School, is'm •Wellington.; .•, : ,

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 3

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SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 3

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 3


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