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' The above quotations are taken from *tha daily-official lists of the Wellington. Stock . ' Exeh&njs


THE'sHAEE JIAKKET. Fair •■Business .'was: done- yesterday .• in invest-; viA5 Nct Zealand' in demand' at bothfnttings.vat .6d v ;;,iNav tional.' Banks wero-'.warited'at .£5 .53.: in"! tha. A'-iv.'.-v morning, and id' the afternoon Jii Gs..3d..was V-paidj- ".^buyers'goffering ;.j:'^JsS,'6s".,. : - ! 6ellersy.;^s V. 7s. \ vestment, buyers lis. 3d', sellers lis.. 9d; Wei-: ', lington' Trust, and •L6ii6'.'idKrs.'47> 25.; .Fending* Gas, sellers j6l> lfi. 6d:; Gisborno' Gas, -/Buyers''. ■J; .'.v' £21 lOgi'.v AVellin'gtiinGas; -bpf ers, ,iCI7 lfe.ifiiw /" quittance. '/at 0£1'95.,6d. in the forenoon, B,iit.wakened' dur- : . - ing the dayi'if6r,'v"at i :thfl .-afternoon they vere to huyett at ill 3s. Gdar -Meat, M paid, buyers , j£l paid, hiiyers £i lis.; Meat Export, ,A's paid,' sellers 'JS6 7s. GQ.; . i! 2 12s 1 . Gd. paid, sellers ;,£3vls.: : Gd.'; Taupifi; . Coitf, -sellers 195., . cum dividend; V"Westport- ' Coal; Buyers.'J:6 75.,, sellers4J>6 10s.; rWestportStocktqn' CoaUTfellers .'6s." 9d.Wellington: "Woollen, 1 " sellers..£3 Is.; D.I.C. preference, "Buyers.,.£l Is; Gd.; I j3aid,. l . >•». buyers^lis; Bd., sellers 155.; ■ Jeyland-Q.'Brieu; Timber, buyers-.JBI Is, .Gd.j ,New, Zealand.Drugs, i ' 65.: Sd.;!:'New. Zealand- Portland 1 . - .Cement, buyers 'JGI-vlSs. Gd.,'■*.sellers. £2 Is.; I : - ; . * : ' ; /;'SWland's.'ordinary.and preference, Buyers :18s.' 6d., sellers 19s. Gd. ,

'THE MINING H4RKET. ■ , ' Sales of Waihi at; 49 2s. Gd. were reported, ' and.sales of Talisman, at 42 7s. ?d; and 42 Bs. . • . were mado on 'Change. The quotations were 03 under — , •' .-••V-i-.'.V:'; Buyers.-'. 'SeUMS. Sales. V 1 'i s J. „4 s d d Wailu Grand June- ' ' hon .. . 111 0 111 3 - ■\&uhi' .. . 930 940 9 2 G , Talisman ... 2 8 0 2 8 3 2 8 0 Waitangi ... 0. 4: ,3-.','. 0,-'.4- 4 ■ —.-'v. Tairua Broken Hills .015 017 - Tairui Golden Hills 0 5 3 — —' N Z Ciown . ..042 — — , Big Elver v.' . 213 0 — • — , Con Goldfieltls . — 014 3 —

The Customs revenue collected at Wellingto yesterday amounted to.->£'3oil" 12s.' . NEW'ZEALAND INVESTMENT COMPANY . The .'balance-sheet of thevNeV Zealand'lnveSi Limited ■ .: f or the' year ended March 31 last has -been >cu i■ culated. In the. report attached, tlio-director • state:—"Tho net. profit :on the- year's ,'i>tis: Bess.% 9s/-2d;; ?!to' whicH'imnst ,be' addci the sum of i£91;165.,f1d.,i. brought jforward .fror ■> last .^ar/' ; Bd:' ■interim dividend at l .the rato of 5 per cent, pe 7 annum, amountingvto - .£461 19s. Id.-,-was ' di clarecL andipaid half-year ended Septein . ber 30, 190?..-A further sum of .£2oo'has bee: Avntten off. prelimiiiitry expanses account, lea\ ■; ing a balance of J!GS6 6s. 2d. to be dealt witli . The directors .reconlpiend further, dividend- n - -tho rate - of : 5.. per;'.cent; • per annum,', wliic • will, absorb JJ4BI 18fj. Bd.; nnd tliat'the balanc ■ of JCl74.7ff.' Gd/be oarnfid forward." The paiii up-capital of the company is £19,761, the dc .- •posits and accrued total ,£32,030, an ' the amount duo. to -the Bank of New Zcr ;;; . j v land is :'.£'i9s4. advanced on morl .-.'.-J:'-'gage;vitKaccrued >£54,085. NEW YORKVLIFE INSURANCE. - ■77 Company,' for: 1908;.'4tate3' , that;Hho''new.'insui ances paid/ for. during tho year''amotmte(l-'t *028,641,673,- exclusive' of revivals and jncreas : iof old policies. amounting, to:. jS3 t GSI;-416. N - ■ policy or -.-sum of insurance 'as l included m4li V - company's '■< report \ as: pewjiasiies;: or'otKerwiSi - . - : except whero tho premium;, as provided m'.tli contract. -has been paid to' .tho company. Th total amount of t> .<■ ■:- close of'the. year-..was w5409,649;563. , 'tTh0 tot. .. ■ income from-all sourccs: during; thei-year wf »< - •:>. £21,019,213, showing. an : increasft'overStiio prov ous year's figures of X57,0C2. : --<',Tho total o*utg tho payments to policyholders and.theifcrepn <>•. sentatives- being --£231,746"m0re, and the : ei ■ r : . penses -.£123,978 lesav than ' the 1 disbursement under these- heads,inutile, preceding year. Tli total assets,- as admitted by the,' New Yor .- ■ j - - State Insurance ; Vamoimt'-' ;'l ,£114,514,881, increase'in the J-eu • , : -. of .£12,920,551., Tho laccumulftted'funds of tl . , company are made. >: up of the >follbwing : ;r : serves:—Policy reserves on insuraiico •'inv fore •77 ; and miscellaneousilidbilities, £96)H3;i6i/'sjf!i ing an increase overvthe previous je'ar'S figu'ri j-: - of .£5,773,298. The-additional reserve,' to' pi'i vide dividends or bonuses, payablo' " . holders : in.;1909 and''.in subsequent i lib" 7 amount to .£15,367.197, the incrcaso' -'for tl year being .£0,723,479/ The reserves for coi ; stand 'at- .£2,704,222, -shiying a , . increaso i of - £-123, * The sumsV'ftdva'iicedM policyholders, on tho sole security of the ■ . policies, totalled ,£5,810,440. :AUSTKAIASIAN GOLD OUTPUT. - - r :, Tho gold output o"f. AusMaSia is decreasii If the.,-figures,for the,'.first quarter of the co :,, y rent year , ire any. criterion., The total .'yield fi the past three inonths'is returned at 806,043 iii • > ounces, against 871i858 'fine ounces for - the co .-.7 responding period of last year, and 918,7 ; ounces in 1907. • The' figures of each State coi pare as under:— ; 1907. ' : IOOS. - 1909 ! 1 FinsOz. FmeOz. FinoC Victoria : ... :... '180,569 - . IC2.CSI 156,4 New South Wales... ' -72,431 :' ,-,17,4 . Queensland .'/109,455"-. 93,145 ' 92,7 : West Australia , ... ■-•425,156 410,6.";9 ' 352.S 'South Australia::... 4,637 ; 3,600' : 2,4 v Tasmania^ooo - 15,000 15,0 New Zealohd ... .111,381 12-1,251 109," M 8,732 - - 871,858- I 806,0 v Theifigures.for are estimated. .'' . a -WELLINGTON 'MARKET REPORT. - ■Laery and ■ Co.,- Ltd.,- -Wellington, repo -. >. ! ': v : whole;'aleprices: ruling, on IWjnarliet :?-Whec fowl Mi 6£ to 1b 9d..'feed oats 2s. W.-»a Sa.3a

dun oats, 2s. ld. 1 .t0i25i.'.3d.;-scfld!oats, 2s. 4d., to 2s, i'.sa.'; Algerianiseed - oatsi," : 2s. s inaize, k:jOdV to crushed'malt,vßs.^9d. ;> fowl barley; ''35.;. '.torse Beajis,, 4s.':6d;i,(all -at per' bushel); rieemea!, £5 -to .£5 55.; Jlour, Ncw;Zealand.£l2 '10s.j Australian .£l3; branlos; to jy;.lss.; pearl barley; ,£lo;;:.peas, ' partridge; 9di, Prussian 1 blue ss. to", ';fowl' p6as '4si ; '33;', : ;splitv ;10sV; >£6; superphosphates,: X' -£5 ,ss. ;-'gvifiTttit':'£i '.Ids.; ■ohaff (oate'nshfcaf),'-£3''to;"iS?.-. 15s;j;/oatmeal, '<69: ' 15sAt6- JBiO; potatoes, £2.105 : ... to ; .£4 ,';' onions,„' £5, •••.' 'jjitfelers,' • fodder,/'.;.bacori ' jsides TJd.,. hamsi:',Bd., . rolls BJd. j.i-tititteiy Minlfei'gd; Poultry—Hens, 3s;'; ducks, 45...t0\55.; turkeys, . gobblers lis, to 125., hens *9s. to ,10s.; fresli ieggs,": 2s.'.'2di|. to ,25.. 3d.;. preserved tggs, ls.v.Vd; jji^r"-:dozen; chcese,. 6d. to 6-Jd. ; per lb., --loaf 7d. to'7ld. per lb-! Akarqa;machlne-dressed .cocks-: (opt," 7JcL' ; ; tes Bd. ; farmers' .dressed,'-5d.. to-'Gd. ;;jy®raft,;3s...3iL, 6d. per.bushel; Italian'ryegrass, 3s. 6.d. to 4s.Gd.bushel; white -.olover.v 705.; to :;75s;per cwt.; red,, clover,6ss.' qfrt; ; ;OOW/; grass,; .655.' cwt.;. alsilcel 82s. sJj6d. cwt.,- inustardr'dOs.r'cwt.; trefoil,; '375. Gd. cwt.; ripe seed;f26s. i y;cWt.;-;i Timothy,;fl2s. -6d :c«t.; swede and turnip' seed; 60s.:cwt *> .' '■■>■■■. |

' Messrs. Griffiths .and Go'.,,.yester-. day's ;frnit,,aiid .'produce prices" at their. market as follows—Potatoes, 3s. bd. 4s:: cwt.; onions, ■ss. 0wt.,.. local grown ; cabbages,-25.-to 3s. sack; cauliflpwers, 4s. sack; / peas,: 55.,'-part-sacks; beans,. 3s. to 4s. part-sacks;. tomatoes, 3s.- to'4s.. Gd.. ; half-oasis; ..lettuce, 35... to 4s.;'achos, choice eating is. 9d. tOsSs. ,'-3d.v halficasos, cook-, ing 3s.:to : -3s. ,6d. ; lialf-cases; apples,' choics eat: ing:7s." t6;:Bs.j^^eafiii^.W.-to-Gs.,';-cooking-,4s.'to'ss,; 'pears;,choice,eating.'Bs;'to';9s., primo GslVto 75., : cooking 4s. -ta ss.eggs,. fresh,; 2s. 3d. dozen; fowlsi3s;;'{to"4s. r_ ;pair; .vditcliSi4s^ : ■ to' ss; psir ; carrotsj 2s.- to 3s. : sack; iparsnips, 2s. fid. to, 3s. 'Gd. : sack; pumpkins;: 3s. Gd. to 45.. sack; pie' inilons; ss. ,6d.,<.sack; -lsi-6d. to 2s. dozen; marrewS,2s. sack; horse raddish, Gd., to. D.d..-lb.j . . There, .was., a- better te-. fo.toiiagiim'ents ;bieing lighter .than usual. AH lines apparently went mfe immediate consumption. . "' ■."> . LIVE StfOCK SALES t '■ DalgVtyvimd .Company/:'Ltd,', : . report' as, .'ifolr ; lows:—At' Wnnganui bh-April .7 wp.yardsd 3000 sheep.'and l 23o -cattle.' Th'ero.'was, a ; good, at-' tendance. / Sheep consisted .-.mostly .of " . aged ewes, and •' we mado nearly • a.-.t'otal'- olearaucfe ■ under the 1 hammer at full rulmg.':rates.. : - Cattle, in- demand;, but: high reserves-:resulted ill orie.'orptwO ''pens being '..turned-. out 'unsold. 'A 'Une.,oPfa f .t and ..forward cows.i from' iLismere '-April' 8. 'we orily 'hadsfa -small"yarding; imost '.of hvhich sold under thovliammer, /, QuotationsAt ■Wanganui : Medium 4 and 5-year ewes, Bs. to Bs. 2d. ; old ewes, 3s. 3d;, 45.,' to, ss. ;.tpld .cull ewes, 4s.j^t6.f:is^',9d.;:: J good':forWard -lambs, '.Bs. Id;; Cull- mixed 2-tooths, 55.; good - fat, heifers, 44 "lOsVf medium fat cows,, M-.'lds.'; :{?OPd forwavd Cows, -'£& -IOSi to r43vUS.; -cows,' -42 :10s'.; mised wfianers, Bs. Gd.- Waverloy and 4-tootli bush wethers, Bs.-. 3d.; cull : mis, -Is./ lid. to 45.; cull - lanibs,'>3s.' ;4dsi' weaners'-'.(steers); -20s. ;■ heifers in calf, 42 7s. Gd.c ■ . IRfepprting.- on Hheir-. Marton'.-sale.; yesterdayi Dalgety and»Co;> state tjiat there . was ' a fair, entry of sheep. Quotations;v Cull lambs, to 35. 1 ; ito-4si 6d.) fairly'good wether lainbs, •to *7s.■'3d.''; store/ ewes, ,to 4s. •;7d. ; fat .and forward ewcs;'?to Bs.-7d.. Messrs. Abraham and, Williams,- Ltd., report on their Johnsohville, sale,' held yester-: vdayi-'as follows sheep inquiry v.:afelate.:rd'tes: Primo heavy''bullocks, 49; .good.'bullocks,'.-' 47' lOs.Vto 47t 15s.';- light., 4G 12s. Gd.. .to 47\25. Gd. s ;. 32s.vlOdi; extra;good - cwes;vl2s;;: -imediuin i ewesjlOs;. 6d; ; to. 10s. Sd^ilamli^il^!' p. '-*4!i.(of -TELEOItAI-n—I'IiK.IS,'ASSOCIATION.) • Christchurch, April 20. : 'Tie'local .wlieat .market, .as* the;-result of the ' high prices ruling in £iroat 3ritain; 'America, and the Commonwealth, lias considerably during the past week,-..and prices. have advanced Gd. to 3d; during the .Idee • ten days.. a Jino'.of 6000 bushels i'cha , nged.4aiids 'in -Sbutli '.Cant?'i'bu'ryJ on ai basis ;Timaru, ;.while being frPely} prices' 45.:4 d: on'trucks,'country; staticns: ■ \ V-;xn/, MINING NEWS. /'A SILVER "FIND" ' (l)STElEb£vril—PßESsVissodiATtoK)' 'J : ■ Palmerston North,.April 20- - Thompson: and party, prospectors in :■ the Mhnawatu Gorge, liave mi -lead -f' silver, .which assays at .£2 per ton. The party have pegged. out 150 acres, and aro ; fanning a company in Masterten. - : . STOCK EXCHANGE. . (nr TI > .I,EOItil*l!--l , IIiS» '.ASSOCIATION.) . Dunedinv'-'April 20. Stock' Exchange .sales: National' Insurance | (two,parcels), .£1 9s." 1 Sales are alkb reportediof Donaghy's Eppo and Tivine. JU;.. Natipnal •Bankj ps. 3d.; Bank of-Ne.W' Zealand; .£B, 15j. .''National Insui'ance, «Cl -95.: 3d.; New Zea-. land Drug/ (three', parcels), £2; -'Otagp Daily Tunes," XSO 15s.

K^sgfiral—--TTFST »»«■ •> Forward* jj :..,;. v .; , p : Buyer. . feller* £ a le. ' • '<• * i s. a. i'!'«.'-;a- 8 ;v fl : ;£ "• «• ... 'Row Zealand '• „.. ..'„ w .. w :,? 5 jj" 5 S 1 ? n'- Vt l IW11 National :„ .. .» j.. ~ , -bTs.OOO;: .*W®'. 2a -1? ;■.,- 5 b .0. 5 v u ,.o ° •> . ( ... fe.ihsuranqE./ ; c^^:^vf 'v/r " v ;.' ';,- ■.'■■. ,v ; :... • .'., £8'■ SS&3 -SS' -v ct :S :ii',S l» : { #' si5 i M f;5«i; jf; ;||| ■« 5s ' 3 ' t""s : #« ■ p 1 A'AV' : ' . ....'„. •«.'.. roOOO' ' nw'- -5 : 0- . 10 9 6 0 0 10 0 :010.0 .5 5.3 iifcteopolitan Building .••• ■'-' '-SiOtO ,■■'• it,wi - 10 '• Dl1 ; 7 • :-'. " ;: VJ '"• n 1 . . ,WeJlin«ton -In«3t. ... r ' : ... v... : ;Toouo '1 '6t60 , :, . J :• ,,-b 0)1 3 Oil 9 r 11.0 : ; 1 .'v.v- rWeUinirtoniTrust and Loan '"'"ft, ,io,iiis . •:? . 0.; b 7 . 0 0 1 H. I'M 5 V 8 : /'[National- Mortgage,;..; ; ... ' Iv Cuu*cxju - .1 s-:' 10 '215 0 2 17 e , '' „ ■ a , th\Z. and Kivdr Kiato . ... ... rfK. -Mi,txi4 £ nil "b. 113-6 1J4- 3- 4' 113-9 6.;M i'tqau and Mercautilo •":••• . •' HO.ito 5 u . I 0 2. 0 . u 3 6 !'•■■'<[ '■'■■?■-. Mvft'V £' W < / ■»■ ; "HuoifiaijdV£'. i : irt'SJO'* E5.632 ■ ■'* ■'■ nil. 17 14 5 0' '14 7. 0 ti"8 ' i : ' S17 10 . .. Uhristohurcli V.;.v.v i.5.». . ••• -im'non' 7I.-A1 •, ; nil, 10. } ",'6 010 o :'. Felldins ... ..„ ' m. ~. Wi .-1 nil ... 1 .c B 11 6 -11 0 ..Biaborno ... .... .- - -JrAn,. -. 1C,£65 • liU 16: 210 0 212 .6 r;>-V' Ilawora' ... „i ... ••• -.53 a j iu . , : • ,- ' •tiow njmoutb - ... i .« ••• . .'•fJJ • H-.4. ■<* nil iu ■■■■/. '■ ' l / .-. ... ... . ••• ... w • lu if. ! '-■ , . '•. . / ; 1'-1' ! '''I'" 1 K 5'' 91J 53,164 0 ' a ' ; i5 ; i ' .V ! >Alme«ton'SortV .... ~ ' s i 7£0 '' li,092 £ lu- 7 .7.0 710 0, £ v,e - - :: n»sSn' w.o o nio o. 5 i 4 3 ; -I3J.500 >1 ' IU ia-5. 0 lii 0 .0 12. 5 0. 4 .0 6 5v?\MEAT^'-ir;':viv ■ f; C;V-' r/''/■ .,; 'V ; .' -V ' • " • ~ :; " ' •• •''•• • ;; 737- • S3. 534 71 Ji : .'6 O'O 1 :' • '- I-'- . : i ' «.a' T ■ ■ '.". "-• : lesl'.a)■ !»< MJ , 1U . r-«. t> io jo o 10 5 o Vv .. i mi,., i . »u. us 211.0 ;• ■■ 210-o 5 0 0 ; .; >? 10; . u ; 0 d®' f ? 10 _° °. 5 6 1 105,765' >t.S50 .••» : y\y-- ■ t •. ; :< 6-o 0 "4"i7 & e 11 s E'ann-a'iin, Z ' nci- J = M H 3 1 1 ! f l 0 tlH waneanw . v . ••• 15.fcJ0 J 8 ' 648 J mi n ■ - . vf. - ■ - ' ' .§niou%ejS-•• •"••'• . 4TJ.EJ0 . 115.E0S.' g L nil Cj C14 .0 616.0 '0" 0 : 7- 210 • itu.ww -1 ■v-iiir- ;y 3 1 is 6 .115.6 - ns -o s 51 *->: -Mr v' V '" ' >sis j..iiw '? °, Sivf<v!vr-' y- ico.coo .-s ; fnii I" ■".Cv* rJ's.'.a-'s; H-i . , eiungton . M ( i t 2 13 0 3 1,11 3 0 0 8,0 0 . r , HISOELLAtJEQUS. ' ,': '■ V. : Donachy J • ' '' - ." . S3/X10 ' > 61 1 ' 010 c' .vV:^ . toylana nnd O'Brida" '■ " , 70,00 " ■ 7.ttb. ..1 , bU ,74 .1 i,,6 :. 1 2 .0 :i:,i'9 6 17 11 . -. Mauriceriilo Limo ...' ' _ 7.000 i>i» '• -i nil .6 '• 100 ti- ■'.... . .. ti.Z. Candio ,., . m „ ju,MI iu nil b , i010 0 . • -f : .. H.Z. I/tufcs • :... ... _. ... Jfid.ltt) ■ .£W|;(jv a , nil - -7 f 8 0 2 6 9 2 7 0 ' 519 2l ."/v-./ . N,A-fijipor..:'Milll' H ,' 94,775 ' ' ' - l , : nil. '1 11 e 1-3 0' ■ : : .. .N.Z.:Cement . - - 60.C00 1 • nil ... 119 6 2 1 0 2 0 0 •—■-■.■•- . , Manmnc and Co. ...:.. . J, U,tW I7.iiu 4 . 1 10 . , '■ 313 0 -'- :■■■..' JVard and Oo „ IWOO i ■ 1 ' 10 .410 0 410 0 411 0 815 10 : WEth. Opora-Honso^!'-u. n.tai i.iw 6 • r n ill : 712.6 ; .' ... Wgtn.-.-Frcsh'Food. '„ • „ 7.065 ■ 1- • c y ... . . • Vi'hitcombfl and .Tcnibs ..... 4E,i50' rC.133 !!l a 10 i t ' - M fcharlafld. Ltd. ... ' .„. •... vm™ ' ■, IB.013 11.721 1 ;y'nil 0 18 6 . 010. 6 I - 01S-.3 ' 8 4

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 10

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FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 10

FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 10


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