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Dr.-Newmaiij oije of the candidates for the

.- city; Mayoralty, a meeting'of tho electors at ( Aro Street, last evening, Mr. Deslajides presiding. ■; Tho candidate; {11 tho courso of his address, touched mainly upon v, >• policy . questions of- municipal ■ government, /rVadvbcatingr.ecanbmy . in'administration,-. and \.: Eolfedcuial, with regard- to immediate future requirements. Referring ,to tho; city, tramways,..Jio reiterated what ho had previously . said concerning the allowance for deprcciatear'oil rolling ; stockj /permanent . way, etc.; tho tramways could:>not .be'.said, to.: pay unless..a liberal aJlowajioe for depreciation were provided for. The speaker .traversed.tho .main',points of : ; his, previous addresses, with particular reference to the health of the city and ".tho be-au- . tifying .of its surroundings.* AVh-ilo lie recog'had,"been rprogrwsive, ii was not to be thought Hiat they, led others | ■ in matters of municipal. advancement, for i > many, cities in-tho Old Country had made i ~-..','.:great;;st:ndes'.in..tbaf respect, and .there wore ; i: many lessons to be learnt from the results •i- achieved m thee©. places...ln ,conclusion, Dr. "• : , Newman reviewed- the training wfcch he had : received for the position ho r.ow. sought,'and,' : if - elected, ho said, was prepared- to devoto . .him- time and best ■"energies "towards -the : well-being of 'tho. oity,- ; "arid;wouldbo .proud ;to be- Mayor-.of a city in which ho had re- • sided for so many years."- Tho usual compliments to: the 'candidate jind tho chairman wero awjirded at tho close of tlio prooecdMR. FISHER AT BROOKLYN. Mr. F. M. B. Fisher. addressed a meeting -at Brooklyn last evening; Mr. A. Thompson r-tpcoupying'theTchairi'jXheVcandidate reviewed : : ■"1 at.t sonie rlength- the - platforms submitted -by "his . opponents, and ..drew attention to the criticism which appeared in one.of,tho local journals when rofemng to one of the can-:,-'-aidates 'for tho Mayoral ..election two years ■ . ago." ;The.newspaper in question' then urged . ... that - one -of i tho then- standing < ■ and nowioftering.'himself-again; must always./1. expeot to . bo v : a: runner-up-. unless he served ~ f his: apprenticeship ■in the council" 7 ; and that : lt.'-was : hardly fair to ask electors: to con- .; Bidor. candidates who only 'took; an interest -, in municipal threo weeks•before tho election.: This, said, Mr. .Fisher;-was a point that should-.inot bo lost sight of. by the citi- . . >zons." -..Continuing,-Mr. l Fisher pointed out , ..that.- thero. was a considerable' variety for. ;: i.citizens!"to.;'ch6ose from in what: ; 'thevarious, candidates, had put fonvard. One candidate outlined a programme which, if carried out ;;. :inV.its , eniifety, '-.would?costj tho'city- > a . quarter . of- a - million .-of .'.money;..' Another .thought, thair,-, tho mqst . essential - work.' at . . the .present.; time was ■ making the clean .streets.: a. little cleaner and planting the .. -Town Belt. Those wero tho most urgent, requirements of thooity. Still another wanted to negotiate with the Harbour Board in -con- , section., with, tho municipal milk -supply. So .. .tar as -ho (the' speaker) was concerned, <he urged that,, considering tho stringency ..of the. money market, the citizens would' bo well, advised?to rest, on their, oars ' for 12 months and expend the moneys already available, £150,000 and let that suffico. 1 The candidate was. accorded a vote of thanks and confidence.


_ Mr. ,T. M. \Yillord,. M.P;; addressed a 'well-attended .meeting at Northland ycstori - day. .-evening,- ;in- furtherance' of. his- Mayoral . campaign. ,Captain,':: Richardson - presided; ■ '•(•lie .greater, part -.ofrtthe candidate's address was .devoted-to the Jinances of the City Corporation. He' detailed the provision • matfo tor depreciation and sinking fund 3, • and contended:, that credit should be given to the council' for 'many' of. the Works per- . .formedduring the >.past ;,year, instancing i . / streot-:impr<Sveraonts, on. which 'over £50,C0U .'had .been $pent,;i and. particularising the perftraanpnfc/.wo'rks};;^^ . Jn question, . Mr. <;Wilford stated that he thought Northland ' would be better Vserved, for the present by a water-supply . than-by tree-planting. If elected, he would resign-his -present position on theHarbaur Board, : and-tako his' seat,'on that body' ex- .. ofhcio, as Mayor of- the city. ■ A vote of ...thanks and: confidence wag proposed-by Mr; •11. Arnold, seconded by' Mr. ii. George, and I . carried linanimously.. : /" ; - ; MR. BOLTON AT TAItANAKI STREET. . ilr. 11.I 1 . G. ;Bolton addressed about 150 electors at the Druids' Hall last evening. Mr. W; • ,; r Sladcloy occupied the chair. '• ,-;:/""/ x ,. '. . 'Mr. ;' Boliton, . Mvitli .^municipal -matters, - .said ' it seamed ' to' ihirri thai / tho site bestsuited was • -where ■ the ■ land was near a slum locality.: He referred .Haimng iStreot. "Surely," commented ■, Mr. ■Bolton, .."I new! not-.morahso upon-the - • character of-that; street. - It is a menace ,to ; tho nibrals' of tho community. (Hear, hear.) ,1 must say I am greatly sur- ';•- prised that. thb : 'authorities : haver not / wiped i, -this slum out of existence." (Hear, hear ) . Ho advocate J:. the purchase of tho street as a. -. good .financial operation, apart' from ; wiping" out, a slum... From opinions gained from two - . competent : valuers,: it - seemed to' him blear ■ .that the . street could be purchased for £15,000 or.less.;. A temporary' structure to;tcst -the . : ';.nM^ityvfor : markets -would cost about £1000, .-' » n d interest and-sinking fund would have to -.v.y?' ™^?$-''foft£l6,ooo.;;',amou year..' .Tho stalls > could bo. let at.los.. per weekj which would enable any white trader to ; coinpct-cj .with tho 'Chinese. ■ The return from , 41 would bo enough .to' prevent any ;: ;loss:v!This/would 1320 .feet '.of frontpage,': leaving.over lOOO.feet-available 1 for further extension, etc. If a failure, the cost would bo little, .tho building could- bo pulled ; .'.. down;', and tho street could bo altered to 40ft. • :: instead;:of., 30ft. : in ; width. :; This would havo - ;'':tho;sections=.frohtiug ono^sido/SJOffr/indepth; : ..ancL.fhese sections would readily sell for 'fac- :.. tpry sites-with that depth, as.hadbeen done Q"' n and Little Taranaki Streets. .With ' 660 ft. of frontage,; £16,500 would return to : the and as the total dost of ;tho. scheme' only be £10,000. there would be a clear profit in cash, plus a gain of; a,widened street ,-tor a distance of 220 yards.;. At the conclusion ,of the address Mr. Bolton answered a number; of questions,:-and was acconled a • of thbnks arid/confidc'rick on: the - motion of Mi. J. Dixon. LABOUR CANDIDATES AT WADESTOWN. Messrs. William C. Noot and E. J; Carey, -~ two .'of .the.Labour candidates for tho City Council, addressed the electors of Wadestown, .last night.. . .... ' - . . • Mr. • Noot outlined: tho policy of tho Labour candidato in municipal affairs. Ho stated that/ unliko other- candidates, hswas pledged to a dofinite policy, and the Labour party had the power to demand his resignation if, after his election, he departed in any w,ay frorti -tho principles laid clown in the manifesto of /, the Labour, party. Dealing "with tho rejecof the loan proposals by tho ratepayers, Mr., Noot- stated that, if the Labour candidates wpro. returned, one of their first duties would be to see that a full and'detailed re- /: ■ tho . schemes . laid./ down should bo printed and -freely circulated (imong the rat-o- .. payers- -He was .also -of tho - opinion that i'?, should bo extended to. at, least bone-fido householders. ■ *, .-J•.'Carey,- :who-.was well recoived, i appealed to the audience for undivided sup- ' '■■ P-l?ti .eighth :j He considered - it the "duty, of a retiring councillor, to give an • account of his stewardship and futuro mton'""ll3. 11l the past, it had apparently been sufficient for n. candidate for civic honours' y.meroly . to. announce his candidature by advertisemont, .and. to.rely on his business con- • '•: nection; to'gain-his'support' at election timo. , Mr,, Carey contended that tho candidates put forth, by tho Labour party wero just as able, . and would bo just as faithful to their duties, as wero the "business" candidates. ' - _ Votes of thanks' were accorded to Messrs. Noot and v Caroy at tho conclusion of their speeches.- ' • NOMINATIONS. • - The nomination or candidates for tho City Mayoralty and City. Council close. at noon to-day. Tho Mayoral candidates .havo to ■ put -up a deposit of £10, iind council candi- . . (Intos £3.:; tlic deposit,- will';".be. forfeited if ■ ' .tho:. • caii didato' fails to: secure one-eighth of

tho votes polled by the last successful candidate. ■ addition to the list published in yesterday's issue, the following have sent in their - papers: . . , Tho Mayoralty. Tho Hon. John Rigg, nominated by Messrs. David James Conclne and Andrew I'arlane. . ■ •Mr. Frederick Georgo Bolton, nominated by Messrs. Thomas - Young, R. .Mock, John Smith,' D. Robettson, James B. Hooper, and A. A. George. - ; ' Tho Council. ■■ ■Mr. A. R. Atkinson, nominated by Messrs. J. G. W. Aitken, Thomas Young, John M'Calluni, J. H; Smith, W. J. Helyer, and Ktlgar Wyhe. ■ Mr. James Trevor, nominated by tho Hon. Charles M. Luke, and Messrs. G.' T. London, and J.' A. Tripe. ■ >Mr. Elijah John Carey, nominated by Messrs. Francis O'Kecfe, and Frank Brown. 31r. Michael John Reardon, nominated by Messrs.. Charles \V. Nottleton and : John 'Uutcheson. , . M". William Henry Bennett, nominated by Messrs. "William Hopkirk, John Hutchcson, Francis Polity, and !?.■ Arnold. Mr. David M'Laren,-nominated by Messrs. G.. H. Jackson, Frank Brown, Thomas Shelly, and Thomas Smith. : . .: Mr. "Wilfred Higgmbotham, sen., nominated by the Hon. Charles M.Luke,. and Alessrs. J, G. W. Aitken, D. J. Nathan, and Harold lioauchamp. v Mr.. John Edward Fitzgerald, nominated •by .Mos?rs. John Fenton,. George MVmdcr, S.: J. Moran, Georgo Nash,. and' H. W. I Davies. ... ■ . ■■ " ! •Mr.' Georgo Shirtcliffe, nominated .by Messi.s.: J. G.-W.. Aitken, J. B." Harcourt, 1 R. M. Virtue, J. P. Luke, and John Uutcheson. ■": .V • v .". • Mr.. Charles Hanry Chapman, nominated by Mossrs. John W. :F. M'Dougall, ■ and S. Gordon; • r\\; , Mr. Robert Fletcher, nominated -by 'Messrs'. H. J. "Williams, Henry Baldwin, Arthur iKonnedy, William Nash, John O'Brien, "Wil- 1 ifiam Wiggins, J. J. Reich f Arthur 11. Duff, | and Wilham Hildreth. - ■ ~ I Mr. Thomas Carmichael, . nominated by I Mossrs.. Edward Kirkland, William Adams, I and T. C. . Jenkins. , . . .A.Mr. . James Dykesj, nominated hy Messrs; i. AV. Haybittlo, and A. E. Kernot. . ' RIVAL TENDERS. .. Messrs. : R. O. Clarko, Ltd.,-havo-written to tho City Council, replying; to tho statement, that a tender higher than'theirs was for. the : supply of sanitary, pipes; becauso.the■ pipes ot•tno successful tenderer were recommended by the City Engineer as more suitable tor his work. The .firm-desiro to know in what particular way the rival . pipes wero. suitablo, and state that in an .-interview which, their, general manager had ■ with tho -engineer; the. latter stated' that .his only, .objection -was 'tho'..'fact of the Tiriji's. nbt,having a'city depot; rind' that l ®,;! va 3 . 'Perfectly satisfied with' the quality. With regard to. tlio city depot," states tho letter;;:' wo consider vit altogether outside the ; . question. 'If. the fact .'of .a jteuderer riot having: a "city.depot would "iria&e 'his tender practically informal;.; then that clauso should have ; been - inserted - in. the conditions of tender." Tho'hrm have a depot at Petone, and if ; their had been. accepted, wbtild have had r a. temporary. city depot' -within 48 hours.. If tho accepted tenderer's "pipes aro most .suitable,-how is it that tho two largest sized! pipes''are ,to be of Auckland manutacturoy" ■ iv advertisement 'appears on .this;, page giving , the tests/of "'the Company's pipes by the Government Analyst. • ■■■ .Tho supplementary roll, in. connection with ■the municipal elections on. AVednesday,' next is now. available at the Town Hall. f-.M. B. Fisher .will speak at Jlaranui and, Newtown this evening,- and at Sydney. Street Schoolroom and Druids' Hall Taranakii, Street,.", on -Thursday : andv Fj-iday lespectively On Monday, at the Town Hail, ho will debate the question of Sundav .concorts with -tho Uov. J. J. North;' Or. A'ewmn.n will ..address the ; electors at' Roseneatii to-night; " Kilhirnie, to-ma'rrow .iught;. Kelbunie, on Friday evening; Berhampore, ,on Saturday; Nowtown,. on : Jlonday -and Druids! Hall,-on Tuesdays % r ".i ■■ ®,:,? 1 0^011 Wl '' speak at AVadestown to-night; Willis Street School, to-morrow mght ; . Northland on Friday ;-. Kelburne on 'Monday; and Sydney Street.on Tuesday.- ■. Colonel Hume statc3.that there is a doubt existing in somer quarters as to whetiier it is himsslt or his son, Major Hume, who 'is standing ,iar tho City Council. It, is Colonel .who,has just retired from the position • -; of . s Prisond, who • is : scckin < ' ,, municipal honours.' ' ° A 'deputation waited upon Air. Len MKenzie a few days ago to ask him to consent,to. .he nominated for. 'a . seat on - the' ; City Council.-.:. Mr.. .M'Keneie has decided to como forward. Ho. will be, nominated by Messrs. J. G. AV. Aitken, F. M'l'arland, L; A, George, and the Hon. C. AI. Luke.

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 9

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MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 9

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 487, 21 April 1909, Page 9


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