(SpicialliT Wbittbk fob Thb Dominion.] ' SATURDAY. Stewed Ox Tail. Mashed/Potatoes. Pumpkin. J " * ' Pineapple Fritters. PINEAPPLE FRITTERS. Peel a pineapple, out it into thin Blices, sprinkle a little sugar over them, dip thorn m batter, and fry them in deop boiling fat. Drain on paper, and servo at once, with sugar sifted over them. BATTER FOR FRITTERS. •Sib. flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful of butter, 1 , gill of tepid'water. • . * , Put the flour into a basin. Beat the yolk of the egg with the water. Make the flour into ( „ a smooth batter with the egg and water, and • ' the bnttor just melted. Then just before using, add lightly the white of egg beaten to . a stiff froth. ■ ( ' - ' SUNDAY. , . Tomato soup, hindquarter of lamb, frenoh J beans, potatoes, apple Charlotte, chocolate j ofeam. \ \■ " i FOR SUPPER. Cold lamb, boiled ohickon, mashed with . t 'Bechamel sauce, salad, honeycomb shape, ' ' ' eteived pears. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. f , ~ ] <JNotices of Engagements and Weddings.— i 4 , When reports iof weddings and announce-- r 1 * ments of ~ engagements ■ are sent to ] "Dominica" for publication, the name and j i address of the sender should be enclosed, i /'not for publication, but as an!evidenc6 of ' good faith. Otherwise the announcements , cannot be published.], } Woddlngs. ' t ~ " , /At the Kent Terrace Presbyterian Church t on Wednesday, April 14, a marnago was I celebrated by the Rev. J. K. Elliott, 8.A., t between Mr. Vincent Alison, M'Cardlo, sec- t 1 ond youngest son of the Hon. W. W. M'Car- 1 die, ML.C., 'and Mrs. M'Cardle, lato of ? ' ' 'Auckland, and now of Wellington, and Miss i . ' * Florence Eva Thompson, third daughter of t Mrs, F. Thompson, lato of Pahiatua. The o bride wore a frook of white chiffon' taf- v fcta,'with an overdress of white tullo, and I a coronet of orange blossoms; while her veil was _ embroidered with white flowers. She t carried a shower bouquet. The bridesmaids ' wore Miss J. M'Cardle (sister of the groom) o in pink silk; Miss L. Thompson (sister of a • , the bride), pale green silk; and Misses It. f Howe and M, Hughes (nieces of the bride u and groom respectively), in white silk t ( drosses. Mr. \V. Thompson acted as best a * - man. After the ceremony about fifty guests g were entertained at a wedding breakfast at t Godber's. '. r > At St. Mark's Church, Mangatainoka, * last Monday, Miss Minnie Brown, ( daughter J of tho lato Mr. L. Brown and Mrs. Brown, * "of Court Hill, Swanago, Dorsot, England, ? was married to Mr. Edward Thomas James, * eon of tho late Mr. James James, of Konini. j Pahiatua Wedding. "•' ' ' t At St. Peter's Church, Pahiatua, on Wed- ( nosday, April 14, Miss Lanra Wakeman, rj second daughter of Mr. W. Wakeman (an j 1 old pioneer), was married to Mr. W. Jeffery, t •" third son, of Mr. 6. Jeffery, of Lawrence, The service was fully,choral, the Rev. .Isaac- j son officiating. Tho r bndo, who was given q ( away by her father, wore a semi-empire gown of satin charmeuse. trimmed t, Jace .and, chiifpn. She wore oft orange'besoms, and carried, a t boautifuli ' Bhower bouquet. She was,attended by threo bridesmaids,' Miss Wakeman L(ber*> sister), h Miss Jeffery (sister of the bridegroom), ana 2 , • Miss Molhe Crewe (neico of the brido).' .The , , two elder maids wore dainty froclrs of palo 0 green and pale piiik silk eolienno, while the I , younger bridesmaid wore a* white chiffon -\ , taffeta Kate Greenaway frock and bonnet, g - , ' Mr. Thompson, of Gore, acted as best man, _ ( and Miss Hazel Jeffery was ,a flower girl. , ■> lAfter the ceremony a reception was" held at ° ' "Stonehengo," the residence of a 'parents. Among the guests was Lady Mount ,a \ Tho presents were numerous. T Mrs. Wakeman, received ..her guests in a a Jandsome black silk dross with, black hat. Mrs. G. Jeffery,"of Wellington, sistervin-law u ' of -the bridegroom, woro a cream silk with v pale green and large brown hat. Mrs. J. D. J C. Crewe, sister of tho bride, w.ore ,a beautiful lace dress over cream satin 'and' a black i "Merry Widow" hat. The bride's travelling j dress w?.s a green tailor-made costumo with large rose pink silk hat. J Auckland Wedding. At St. Luke's Presbyterian .Church, Re- \' Biuera,' Auckland, on Wednesday, Mr. A. C. ** ' iAlcock, of Dunedin, formerly of Aberdeen, f " Scotland, was married to Miss 11. 11. Monro, * eldest daughter of the RoV. G. B. and Mrs. ■* Monro. The bridesmaids were Misses A. .Monro and Maxfiold, while the bndegioonr v ,;, ; was supported by Messrs. (Audi- I land) and H Leo (Dunedin). The bride, who i was given away by her father, woro a charm- , ing gown of white chiffon taffeta, with veil ° and,orange blossoms, while the bridesmaids y ' wero dressed in palo bluo and pink messalino J respectively, Tho Rev. R-. Ferguson, of St. \ Peter's, 'Grey Lynn, officiated. After the t ceremony the guests were entertained at tho manso. i > '' \ Wedding at Ohahea. , °i 'On Monday, at the residence of Mr. Ft 6impson, -Ohakea, the Rev. E. Evans offi- 2 dating, Miss Jessie F. Richardson, daugh.- ,-', ter of'the lato Mr. T. F. Richardson, of t > ' Karaka Terrace, was married to Mr. George (, F -York, son of the late Captain York, cf Picton. Tho bride, who was given a\Vay by her brother-in-law, Mr. F. Simpson, wore , « r ,an Empire gown of cieam chiffon taffota, , ] i trimmfd with silk Jace, with hat to match. L . ' ,Tho bride was attended by her niece, Miss Sydney, Broughton, who woro an Empiro a '. gown of pale-green ninon d'soie, with hat i ,to match. Mr. Bernard Nolan, nephew of bride, was .best man. Aftornoon tea * was dispensed by Mri. F. Simpson, after _ .which' Mr. and Mrs. York left for Wellington, on route for their future home at " ' v Picton. % p Wedding Postponed. J Tho marriage of Mr. G. H. P. Fitzgerald ( , to Miss Calders has had to bo postponed ow- li ing to his severe illness. The wedding was a anangedtotako place at St. Kilda's Church, to Island Bay, on April 26, but Mr. Fitzgerald i' is at present ljmg at tho private hospital h in Davis Street yi a very cntical condition, c ' v b Presentation to Mrs. Hlslop. i Yesterday afternoon, a large number of f ladies attended the meeting of the commit- x ' tee appointed to arrange fOi a testimonial " • ' to 'Mrs. Hislop. It was decided to close ? , ' tho subscuption list next Wednesday, by " which, date hoped all collectors will L 1 have returned their lists to Miss Young, fi t , at tho Town Hall. Tho Executive Commit- ! v teo will then mako final arrangements. At * tho meeting there was a good deal of dis- fl cussion as to the form the presentation ,v should take, and general satisfaction was sxpressed at the decision arrived at. It was luggested, first of all, that'the committee ihould entertain Mrs. Hislop at aftertioon tea in the Mayor's room at the Town Hall nes.t Friday afternoon, at half-past p Ibrco, whon tho presentation woulcl be t made. waa pointed out, however', that n many of tho ('.onors who were not on the p committee would like to have tho opportunity l of mooting Mrs. Hislop officially, before Mr. e Hislop's tonn of offico oxpirefl, and that they A would especially like to bo present whon n tlieir gift was handed to hei. It was there- ti fore decided to invite all the subscribers to y, bo present The date and place aie to be b t notified, by advertisement. 6 , t Children's Bazaar. . „ 4, ', A vor\ successful littlo children's bazaar u *- was held in Mr. Herbert Seat^n's'house onlf<
Thursday evening, in aid of two worthy objects—St. Peter's Mission and the London Fresh Air Fund. The list of stallholders was as follows:—Miss Doris Soaton (fancy goods); Miss Eileen Macdonald (flower stall): Miss Kathleen Rout (produce stall); Miss Nellie Ballinger. (sweet stall); William .Seaton (bran tub);, Herbert-Seaton (magic lantorn show). Over £2 was taken as the result of the children's efforts. / A Children's Toa. A very enjoyable tea was given on Wednesday afternoon at "Waitohi," Broadway Terrace, to the children taking part in the maypole and oldo English© country dance by Miss, Millie Johnson (who trained the children) for tho Catholio carnival now being hold at tho Skating, Rink, Vivian Street. Miss Vera and, Miss Lottio Johnson assisted in waiting on tho ohildren. There were songs, games, and various amusements fo'r the,children, and a few selections on a gramophone. Pianoforte selections wero contributed by Miss Roso Scott, Misses NobleCampbell, Miss Jessie Ward, Miss Kathleen Mouldey, and a very pretty duet by tho little Misses Phyllis and Rita Jacka, entitled "Tho March Round the Maypole," which proved veryi approviato for tho occasion. Songs and recitations wore given by the Misse3 Johnson. i Danco at Kelburna. To celobrato tho coming of ago of Mr. James Richmond,' son of Professor and' Mrs. Richmond, an enjoyable littlo danco was given by,Mrs.,Richmond at their home at Kolburno last night. Among others present wore Mrs. TV. Fell and Misses Fell, Mrs. Tudor Atkinson, Misses Hursthouse, Shaw, Dean, Jameson, Richmond, and Baber, and Messrs.'Fell, Stacker, Hursthouse, Skinner, and Riddiford; The Kindergarten Fote. The mombers of the Free Kindergarten Council are hoping great things from the novel entertainment to bo given in aid of their funds next Wednesday afternoon, when Mr. and Mrs. ,TYinder are giving tho use of their largo flat roof for an open-air fete. If tho weather" continues as delightful as it has been during tho'past two or thrco days, tho fete should be a verytploasant one, and it is hoped that a great number of people will tako advaatago of this opportunity of looking at Wellington from an.entirely new point of view, and'at the same time helping tho Free Kindorgarten.' Children and Patriotism. Tho telegram sent to thd Premier from tho ohildren of > tho ,Halcombo State School is an unhappy and exaggerated instance of the false ideas of patriotism at present obtaining in the country; It does not much mattor, perhaps,-that-sovc-al small children in a country school should want to send' a telegram to Sir Joseph Ward concerning a matter 1 they know very little about, but it is not to be supposed that they went away by themselves to the post office, and secretly sent that, patriotic telegram. One feels suro that they, had . adult encouragement, and were, perhaps told they wero doing a fine thing, and one is almost If 1 aid that Sir Joseph Ward will have to send a telegram thanking them And yet, certain it is that the small children have not tho faintest idea of what is involved bj the action of tho 1 Government in sending the Dreadnought. They have only a crudo idea that New Zealand has helped to pull England out of a t'ght corner It is doing a wrong to children to allow them to pat their elders on' the back with words of kind approval for quito grown-up actions, and tho master would have done well to hold that telegram ' back. ' J v t i * -■,""•><. Mr and Mis S. J Beattio, of Levin, have been visiting Auckland, and returned by tho Main Trunk line. j On Thursdaj evening, at Levin (writes our Levin correspondent), Mr and Mrs J Phillips wero entertained by Mrs. A, L Wilson at a very enjoyable ovening party, gi\en m honour of their niarnage Mr and Mrs Theodore Harper, who have been visiting Mrs Hunter-Brown at Nelson, arrived in Wellington-on Thursday morning, and left for Sjdnoj, where thej will take ship to' Japan, on their way to Mr. Harper's home in Siberia Mrs. Nicholas Reid and Miss Reid went up to Palmerston vesterday.. Miss Reid's wedding will probably take place early in Juno. , ' Mrs Frank Leckie and her little daughters arc going to visit Mrs W. Kebbell at Masterton. Mrs O'Connor is visiting Mrs Martin, at Martmborough. « Mrs Neill and Miss Dolly Neill, of Fcildmg, have been staying at tho Grand Hotel, , Miss Neill left yesterday by tho Rivonna for Australia and *he Cape, where sho :s to stay with her sister, Mrs Gentleman ' Mrs. Neill returns to Feildmg to-day. . -. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Buchanan, of Ha- ■ wora, have been staying at tho Grand. Mr. Buchanan left for Sydney yesterday. -"r \ Mrs. W. Devine, 'wife of Mr. W. Devine! : of the Empire Hotel, Palmerston, who left : yesterday tor Engand. en route to Ireland; received several handsome farewell gifts '■ from tho members of St. Patrick's parish, \ tho boarders of tho 'hotel,' and the Burton:'.; Brewery Co. / ■ ,'..--,:■ ; ; The marriage of Miss" Bridge M'Manaway/ J of-Thorndon, and Mr. Will Holly, of Lees-'1 ton, Canterbury, brother of Rev. Father ■} Uolley, is to take place on Wednesday, \Apri' '< 28, at the Basilica, Hill, Street. ' r . '] ■ Mrs. D. Caselberg returns to Masterton ■! to-day, after having been present at the ; Christohurch races. ' Mr., Mrs., and Miss Beetham, of Master- j ton, havo been spending somo time .'in i Christchurch. They also visited Mount ■ Cook. • y-ry Miss Alcorn, from Christchurch, is staying at-the Grand Hotel.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 484, 17 April 1909, Page 10
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2,167TO-DAY'S DINNER. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 484, 17 April 1909, Page 10
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