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The.postal authorities advise that the Victoria, which left Sydney for Auckland on Wednesday, has on boara an English and Australian mail, ■■■'which is due hero by tho Auckland express train on Monday afternoon next., :■•;. '•■ ■ "/ ■•■ ■■ ■ . ' ...'■■■'.

". A number of letters to the .Editor arc hi ;ypej ; and will appear, in to-morrow's issue.

Two, firemen belonging to • tho steamer Whakar'ua xer6 arrested yesterday by Detectives Cameron and Abbott on a charge of stealing articles of clothing valued at £2 16s. from- two members /of :■ the cr<6W of : tho ■steamer Indralema. . ..■ : . . ■ ■ j

, : The "Marlborough Herald" states that one of tho masts, of .the ill-fated Penguin has beoii found on the beach,; near the TJre River, south, of, Flaxbourlie, by Mr. Freo-bdrh-FarsoDs, owner of tho Benmoro station. The mast is broken'and is about 20 feet loiigi' : ■■■ ■;'•■•'.■.'■ .■•■■.' . •■,' ;

Out of a nominal strength, of il2 of all ranks, 75 members of the Wellington Narals attended tho coast defence matioeuvrds at Mahanga Bay during Easter; tlip Elccttio Light Corps: was represented by 23 out of its .45 members, while the Potone Navals, with 81 men on,their roll,'failed' altogether to nmterialise. ■ ':'■" ' ' ■!:'■•.' :■'■' :

A but representative deputation of horbalists was introduced to the Minister for liiternivl Affairs (Hon. D. Buddo)by Mr. T. M. Wilford, SLP., yesterday afternoon. Several matters affecting tho interests of tho herbalist profession, discussed at a conference which ■ has beott held in Wellington during tho woek,. wero laid before the Minister, who promised to epilsider the suggestions subimtted. :: ' ' ■ : ' ■ ■ ' •:

In the report of the presentation of the medals; certificates, and diplomas of the Trinity College bf Musio' ■to '■• the" successful candidates in tho recent examinations, at the Sydney Street Schoolroom on Wednesday evening, the Danlo of Mr. J. W.; Joyilt, who: is ■ officially' connected With ■ the Asso« elated Boards of: the Royal: Academy .'of Musie and tho Royal College of Music, was inadvertently mentioned as- being among those who were present.'. ; : ;■■■ ••■■■.

The triennial investigation into tho affairs of the Government Insurance Department, which has just concluded, disclosed a surplus of -£219,198; Of this amount £192)430 in cash has ;boeii distributed, representing bonus additions of £316,742 to the '■■ sums assured. Three years ago cash,distributions totalled . £178,094, representing- ".tonuses ;to the amount of £302,910. The amount carried, forward, £56,766,, augure ;\vell for the, next trienniuni., The certificates (tro to be posted to the , policyholders te-day. .-.- > ':'-

No fewer than four of- the central Govtonlnfcnt, Departments, arc preparing to : - i "flit" from .their present quarters, to their now offices in the Public Trust Building, which is rapidly approaching completion. Tho staff of tho Public: Trust Department will occupy the basement, , ground 'floor, , .and first floor of the building; >the second floor will bo tenanted by the Tourist ;Departmont; the third will bo the headquarters of tho Health; Department ] while tho Registrar-General's staff will bo "skied" on the ,top .floor. , t

A mild sort of timber war is at present in operation near Ohakune, ion the Main Trunk line. I'lie light seems to bq between the Timber Association, and somo, individual millftrs,' find timber now is cheaper thaii it lias been for years... Ordinary rimu is selling for ;7s. per 100 feet, rustic at. Os.j and there have been corresponding reductions in air the goods. It is considered that a truce botween tho contending parties will be oalled by tho ond: of the; month ( but) until then, timber is being sold at a ■ considerable loss to tho miller,. "■ ■.;■■>■: ; / ■ ■<■■■

The construction of the new gasometer at Miramaf is now practically completed. The huge: tank was ibuilt by :slcs3rs. Clayton, Son, 'arid Co., Ltd,, of Leeds. It is belieyod to. bo the in New Zealand) and measures 150 feot; : m diamoter by, 128:fcefe.G inches in height; .There are three lifts, which rise as tlio gas i pressuro incfenSos, aiid a large reservoir which is : filled with to avoid leakage. All that now,remains to bo done is the testing of.tlip tanks! with soaped water, in order. to discover leaks.. Though the gasometer will, bo ready in a few days, a considerable length 'of mains has yet to be laid between , Miraninr and the ; city. . .■■,'' .'■.'..• . ..-'" ■ ■■■ : .; .■ -

llcgarding tho enrolment of electors on tho municipal roll in Auckland, a noticeable feature has been (writes_ our correspondent) the number of applications from ; persons claiming.-, the privilege of voting , jon tho ground that they are paying 4s. : and; Ss. weekly ill relit.' Under ordinary, circiimstances. such claimants would be 1 stylud either lodgere or - "residing with parents," 1 but certain;claims that have,been inquired into hayo, divulged the fact that, the' lotting of rooms has suddenly . become tv common practice.- It is thought that this is only fof the'tmrposo of securing rotes to certain people. In sonio instances/oasis have cropped Up, for exaniplo,v ill'which!people fornierly ileßcribed by their landlords rir landladies as, "boarders,", have now developed into "sub-tenants. " . '. '> ■ ■ ■■'

A study in land values Was'placed boforo a Dominion ■ reporter, yesterday by Mr. P, .\V. Haybittle, as illustrating iiho fact thai land in certain parts of New Zealand lias nit advanced in value (is it has iii other parts. Mr. Haybittlo explained liis first transaction in land. It appears that in 1876, when'quite a youth, he attended a big sale of laiid at Woodville, which salo was held in /Wellington,, aiid purchased a flat quarter-acroj section in Tay Street, within threes minutes', walk of the, Woodyillo railway stataoiijiand oii the main thoroughfare from tho sWtion to tho town. The price paid for the section was ,£ls, and a Few days ago Mr. Haybittlo made an effort to sell it. Tho following is an extract from a communication ho lias just received from a Woodville land agent :-4-"I may say I have the, adjoining section of equal area in my hands for sale, at a reserve of £5, and if you are willing to accept that figure I will do my best to elFefit a sale." for the 33 years Mr. Haybittlo has been paying Gs, 2d. pe'r annum in rates on this vonfuroipf his youth. . / ~■;;,. . , j Teas grown in different localities have different characteristics, and oven.tho tea. from aiy particular garden is uot_ the eamo in~two suodossivo seasons. Olimatio changes, difforencts of soiU cxerciso: influences, and it is in thfe h\i of tho toh blender to bring together tho diflojent teas and by cotiibination to produce a. p.ittiotllar flavour. Crescent-Blend Tea is a choici combination of Ceylon and Indian Teas, and tho flavour novor varies. All storekeepers, 2s! per lbi: . . •...■ .. ■'■ ; ,' ■ . s

The appointment of Messrs. W. Udy, A. 0. 'Coiisidino, J.- Bromi) nnd A. Donald as members of tho. Wairarnpa Lieonsing Committee is gazetted. , .

/I'lio Miramar Borough Council decided last night to run special theatre cars to, Miratiltir North Bnd Beatouu on Wednesday evening next, tho fares to bo sixpence for tho trip- ' ' . : :, ' '

Their Honours Mr. Justice Edwards and Mr. Justice Cooper h.-tvo bceii appointed to try tho election petition lodged by Pcpcno Eketooio in regard to.the election of Heiiare Kaihau for tlw Woetovn Maori Electoral Dlbtriet. ... ...

lteports received hy the Marino Department from Hakfttarumea state that the quinnat s,almon have commenced te run up the Waitaki Iliver, and preparations are being made to collect ova for tho salmon hatchery. A line Sib.-'quinnat was secured In tho Waitaki recently.

Tho Offidol Assigneo (Mr. A,.Simpson) has prepared a return, which slloWa that there frcro ton bankruptcies in Wellington.during the first quarter tif this year, as compared with sovon for tho same period of last year. On January 1, 82 bankruptcies remained open in Wellington, and 103 111 other districts.

Tho. tender of-Messrs. Rowo and Sonha.B been accepted for tho supply of forago to tho Defence Department for 12 months. Their prices were:—Oats, crushed 7r., whole 6s. 3 3-5 d.; chaff, 3s. 3d. |, fo. Sd.j: beans, 6s. 1 3-5 d.: cart-ots, 2sl; hay, 4s. Gd. , ; straw, is. 3d.—all at per cwt.; green food, 2d. per bundle. ;' . ■ ■ ,■

of tho clothing trades eniployers and the clothing trades employees' federation, met yesterday under tho chairmanship of: Mr. 1 , . Hally, conciliation commissiono'ri to confer on the question of a now award in place of the old one, which has Ho« expired. An agreoinent Was arrived at and .will bfl submitted to tho ; Arbitration'. Coiitt declared an award.: .

The lire Which occurred on Tuesday night at Oriental Crescent, at the back of Oriental Bay, ; raises tho question of a surface fesorvoir for Hosenea_th. About four years ago, tho City. Council purchased two acres of land for a high ' level reservoir, i just t near tho house in question, with the intention of doing tho work when it Was found advisable. It wab not dono at the time, as.tbo population was so sparso, and it is not considered advisable to proceed with the construotibn of tho. reservoir just yet. ,; - ' :.

At last night's meeting of tho Miraniar Borough Council,'a lengthy rejwrt was. re ceived- on suitable areas for tree-plantiiig, and it was,decided to instruct tho clerk to re]wrt later on.tho matter and to proparo an esthnato of what was desirable to do this yoar., When dealing with tho subjeot, the Mayor remarked that for many years ho had known of school children planting trees, but, ho asked,;where were they now? Their Work seemed .utterly Alselesa, and they did not Seem to' Understand the infttteri -The trees chosen were not suitable, as a rule,: and it required an expert gardener, to dotuo work properly. jCounoillor 801 l said ho had,been a member;of, the SceneVy,Prosetvation Society for years, his exporienco was prooisoly tke.samo,:.: , . •: ■: . .■"'■. ■ ■••".•;■

Councillor W; ; "it. Morrah, , who has visited Pelorus Sound annually for about ttfentyflvo past, and hae just retuhied; from a lioliday visit '.there, believes that the locality is destined to be a favourite lioliday resort for Wellington people. Tho party ho was with had a very pleasant time indeed,'and caught no less than sWon htlndrfedweighfc of liapuTca, which : they distributed among the\ sehtle-f b and friends in ■Wellington. Mr. MorTan believes that if a good accommodation ~> house was ereot-bd near tho head of tho Sound,; and, !the "Union Co.'s steamers, , bound froin Pioton to Nelsoii.nndnce versa, could be induewl to call.' occasionally, that marty : hundreds of Wclliiigten people would, during tho eummer season, avail themselves of, the' opportunity of enjoying a rest cure, and making ft close acquaintance with tho scenic attractions that thq Pelorus and other adjacent sounds , offeri

Inquiries are being made by,the Railway Department into the natilro ,of • the coliiplaints as : to the arrangements for the transport of the troops .to the Easter encampment in the Canterbury ( military district, ' Much of tho trouble in cohiiootiOU, with suck arrangements is,, states ral,. MartagerJ dud to a lack 'of discipline." 'that: tho transport arrftiigcments for the jOringi encampment were so smoothly carried out was largely-dub: to tho .assistance' rendered ' to, the Department's officials by tho ollicers in charge of the men. Ho did not cohsidor that there whs much hardship in mei) havjhg to travel in trucks. The general public had also'to bo catered for, and, \Vith a heavy, pressure on tliq rolling stock,-,it,was reasonable to assumo :that men who wac understood to be training undel^ active vice conditions would put up with a'. Hit In incdUvenioiico. .' ' ■.• . ■■■).. ; - ;,. ,'-",'■'■

''For. tho purpose of. an 'orphanage, thfe Presbyterian Church .sees its way to rent a very suitable property in Brooklyn, and , negotiations tiro in progress With. Mrs. Milk who formerly had chargo of tho Tory Street Mission,; to become mntron of tho instittition. Mrs, Mills has had miloh experience of mission work and the management of ohiidren, nnd it is oxpectol that slio will b6 appointed matron, ; . The following : arc membera of- the'committee which has. the. general project in hand:—Rev, l3r,' Gibb (convener),' : Atr. \V. Hannay, secretary and treasurer; Dr. Elliott and Dr. Begg, hon.medical officers; Mr. Hi B. Chapman,■:lion, solicitor; the , Rev. J. Kennedy,Elliott, Rev. J. Gibson Smith, RoV. W. Sliirer, Mr. J. G. W. Aitkcii, .Mr. W. Allan,., and Mr. M'Donnld, Tho committee has add to its number, aiul lias' been; recommended to : ;mak6 its membership as fairly representative of the congtega''tions of tho Presbytery, as. possible. '. ■ ~V,

,i Tho Rev. Wt'B. Prico has arrived in; Wellington to make arrangements for tho visit of; the Rov.-., W; J. Mayor,' and his Cile baud of Barnardo boys, who aro makiiiß u tour of the world : in tho interests of Dr. Barnardo , b Homes for derelict phildrcn. In tlio course, of a short interview,' Mr, -Price stated that, wherever tlioy have been, \ti> te tho present, tho boys have been boarded by friende of the movement, Governments hhvo franked : tlieln bver the railways, the steamship companies have made concessions ill tho fares, and in-most cases the halls have been provided frto of,cost, so'that iiearlf tlio wholo of tho funds tealieed meetings are net profit. By these means between £8000 and £9000 'havo been' CoU lected during tho .tour, which commenced ih: Western Australia a year ago. Tho meetings iii Wellington, will ■ tako place on May 10, 11, and 12, and Mr, Prico states that the boys, v who are talented instrumental'' ists and singers, aro cnpable of pivihg a very attractive entertainment.. Incidentally, ho states that Mrs. Angas, of South Australia, '.presented the fund with '£500. -Mr. Mayer, who tells tho story of tho initiation of tho Darnftrdo Homes at each meeting, visited New Zealand in 1802. '. : -.-;. ■.■ :: ..—,j : .-.-■

For some. inexplainablD reason tho accounts of tho progress _of Arnold Trttwell, tho lington 'cellist, in England, hayo uot reiched Wellingfon- with any regularity. Miss P. Watson, of this city, recently received'- , 'a , lcttof stating that, ho played inYorkioli tho evening of Fcbrimry 10, hi placo of man. tho .eminent 'cellist, .and succeeded in ertntinp; a profound impression, Says tlm "Yorkshire Hisrald" -.—lt fell to Mr. Trowell's lot io opeji tlio concert with Boccherini's "Sonata in A Major," and tho first etrolto of tho bow proclainied tho. fact Hint lio tvas a musioian of .ix>wor and ability. If thcio is one feature in his playing which predominates it is his absolutely perfect tono production. It is .oharactorisod by tlio utmost dolicacy and refinement, yet at tho samo thno is beautifully full anil rich, and his harmonics aro a treat to listen to. In tJio fullest sense of;tho w6rd he is an interpretor of tho works of tho composers which! lio selects. Study alono does,not produco this;"jwwcr,. for Without tho soul : bf .tho. liuisiwan tho finest tcchniciaii boeomos "flat, stale, nnd. unniw-' iitable.'. , ,But■Mγ. Trowel! has that soul. His tcchiliqUo' is brilliant and faciloj-but ho dncs iiot iinmolato oxprcssioJion the'Altnf of in* skumental fireworks, and tho result is Uiat overy pieco ho plays \is ail oxquisitolycoloured tono picture. In addition to Bocchorini's Sonata. Mr. TrowcJl played "Andante Cantabile" (Catsnr Ouii, "Am Springbruiinen".(Davidoff), "llliapsodio Hongroiso" (Popper), "Peiiseo Amoreuso" (Victor Horbert), and a beautiful littlo composition with. muUsd strings, the latter two being onooros. /.,.':: . ; ■-. ■.•"

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 483, 16 April 1909, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 483, 16 April 1909, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 483, 16 April 1909, Page 4


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