TILE SHAKE MARKET. Business is not so brisk as it was last week; still brokers aro experiencing a fair turnover. Sales of Bank of Now Soiuh Wales at X4G 17s. Cel. and New Zealand and River I'lalo at XI lis. !ld. wero reported. Bank of New Zealand, buyers XS 10s.; National Banks, buyers <£5 35., sellers X 5 55.; Equitable Building, buyers .£9 55.; Wellington Investment, buyers lis.; Wellington Trust and Loan, buyers X 7, sellers .£7 35.; Wellington Deposit, sellers 9 s.; New Zealand and River Plate, buyers ,£1 13s. 6(1.; Auckland Gas, buyers Xll '2s. Gd.; Wellington Gas (XIII paid), buyers Xl 7 10s. (new issue), buyers XI, sellers XI 55.; National Insurance, buyers XI Bs. 3d.; Sout li British, buyers £2 Bs. (id.; (..'ear Meat (X 4 paid), buyers £111, (XI paid), buyers £2 lis.; .Meat Export (X 2 lis. fid. paid), sellers J;:i Is.; Wcstport Coal, buyers Xli Is., sellers .CO 55.; Westport-Stock-ton, buyers Bs. Gd., sellers Bs. od.; D.I.C. (preference), buyers .£1 Is. Gd.; Kauri Timber (15s. paid), buyers 14s. (id., sellers 155.; LeylnndO'Brien Timber, sellers .£1 2s. 9d.; New Zealand Portland Cement, buyers .£1 lis. Gd., sellers XI 155.; Taranaki Petroleum, sellers Bs. The course of sales during tlio month of March was as follows.— Bank of Neiv Zealand, X 8 95., .£3 95., XS 95., XS lis. National Bank, X 5 35., X 5 35., X 5 35.,' £5 33. 6d., £5 3s. Gd. Union Bank, X 62 ss. Bank of New South Wales, X4G 17s. Gd. Wellington Investment, lis. 3d., lis., lis. AVellington Trust and Loan, £7 2s. Gd. N.Z. and ltivcr Plate, XI 13s. 9(1., XI 13s. 3d. Wellington Gas (XlO paid), Xl 7. Wellington Gas (second issue), Xl 2. ss. Wellington Gas (new issue), 20s. premium. National Insurance, XI Bs. 3d. New Zealand Insurance, X 3 13s. Bd., X 3 17s. "Wellington Meat Export (X 4 paid), X 4 17s. Gd. Wellington Meat Export (X 2 12s. Gd. paid), X 3 Is., X 3 Is. Gd., £3 Is. Manawatu Hails, X 2 15s. Gd. N.Z. Shipping, X", X 7. Union Steam, XI 15s. Wcstport Coal, XG 2s. Gd., XG 2s. Gd., XG 25., XG 25., XG 45., XG 45., XG 45., XG 4s. Westport-Stockton, Ss. 9d., Bs. 9d., Ss. 9d., Bs. 6d.,'Bs. Gd., Bs. Gd., Bs. Gd., Ss. Gd., Bs. 9d., Bs. 9d., Ss. 9d. Leyland-O'Brien, XI 2s. Gd., XI 2s Gd., XI 2s. Gd., XI 2s. Gd., XI 2s. Gd., XI 2s. Gd. N.Z. Portland, XI 155., XI 14s. Gd. Sharland's (preference), 18s. Ward and Co. (brewery), X 4 lis., XI lis. TEE MINING MARKET. Sales of Big River at X 2 3s. and Waihi at £3 2s. were reported; Waihis also sold on 'Change at X 9 25., and Waihi Grand Junction at XI 7s. Tho quotations wero as under:— Buyjrs. Sellers. Sales. X s. d. X s. (I. X s. d. Waihi Grand Junction IG9 170 170 Waihi 9 1 G 9 2 G 9 2 0 Talisman 2 5 9 2 G 0 — Tairua Broken Hills _ 0 10 0 13 - Ivuranui — 0 0 9 — Big River 2 3 G 2 5 0 2 3 0 Tho course of sales during tho past month was as under:— Waitaugi) 3s. Old., 3s. Id., 3s. 2d., 3s. 3d., 3s. 4d. Saxons, Is. Gd., Is. 8(1., Is. 10d., Is. lid. Tairua Broken Ilills, Is. 7d., Is. 7(1. Komata Reefs, Sd., Bd., 7d., Bd., 7d., 7d. Tairua Golden Hills, sd. . Consolidated Goldfields, 15s. 9d. Big River, X 2 25., X 2 25., X 2 35., X 2 3s. Waihi Grand Junction, 265., 2Cs., 275. Talisman, 455., 455. 3d., 455. Gd., 455. Gd., 455. 9(1., 455. 9d„ 455. 9d.i 455. 9d., 4Gs., 4Gs., 4Gs., 4Gs., 455. 9d., 455. 9d„ 455. 9d., 455. Gd., 4Cs., 455. 9d., 455. 9(1., 465., 455. 465., 465., 455. 9d., 455. 9d., 445. fid., 435. 10.'.d., 4-ls., 445. 3d., 445. Gd., its. Gd, 41s. Gd Waihi, X 8 16s. Gd., X 8 lGs., X 8 lGs., X 8 16s. 3d., XS lGs. 9(1., XS 175.. X 8 175., XS 17s. 6(1., X 8 18s. Gd., X 8 195., X 8 195., X 9 Is. 3d., X 9 Is., X 9 Is., X 9 Is., X 9 Is. Gd., X 9 Is. 9d., X 9 Is. 9d., X 9 25., X 9 2s. THE IMPORT MARKETS. Merchants report trado quiet, but business is more settled. Both retailors and merchants are slowly "working olf exoess stocks, and, wherever possible, the consumer is getting tho benefit of cut prices. Commodity values between merchant and retailer have not changed, because of the fact that supplies in most lines are amplo for present requirements. Tea—Standard brands show 110 change in value, notwithstanding tlint lirst costs aro now somewhat higher than they were. With regard to Indian tea, Messrs. Davenport nnd Co., in their circular dated Calcutta, February 22, state that at tho two sales held during tho fortnight 28,000 packages were offered. As usual at the end of r. season a large proportion of tho teas offered were red and stalky, and
generally rough in leaf. AVitli tlio exception of a few invoices of Assnms and Dovars of fail' quality offered on .February 5, tlio two sales consisted of little else than final invoices from Cachar and Sylliet. Tlio Calcutta quickly responded to the improved demand and higher ])rices ruling in Loudon. On .February 5 com- !"• moii and low medium grades were about I) pie G dearer, and better qualities were taken at adit vanced rates.; and on .February 10 the market i- was again stronger, n further ailvanee of 1 to 's 2 jiio being registered for the grades offered. !. Shipments of Indian lea by the Itonus ■s amounted to C22,3301b., including .'100,2-1311). for i> Melbourne. 'l'otai shipments to Australia and ; New Zealand from .May 1 to .February 22 amounted to 8,832,4!)51b., against io,77o,ikJllb. I- for the corresponding period of tlio previous 'V year. '■ Arrowroot—Doherty's J's and l's, 3}d. io dd. '■ per lb. 3 Blue—Keckitt's bag BJd., square 7}d.; Colf man's and Keen's, squaro and bag, 7M.; Ein- '» pire, Gd. Candles—Tlio New Zealand Candlo Com- !' pnny's quotations, issued December 19, arc-.— ;■ Premier's slearine and five medal, sid.; British " sperm, French sperm, Universal wax, Excel- ■■ sior parailine, G(l.; Apollo sperm and Venus ' parailine, (ijd.; Venus coloured fiuted, GJd.; piano, bedroom, and carriago sorts, packed in f cardboard boxes, 7Jd.; less the usual trado discounts. Price's London sperm, IGoz., GJd. ; • lloz., G)d.; Burma, IGoz., GJd. Cornflour is meeting with fair sale. B. and L P., sjd. to 5' a d.; Johnson's, 2{d.; Browns, 3d.; Chicago, 2Jd. , Dried Fruits—Currants, finest provincials,, 3d. per lb.; cleaned Amalias, 3!d.; lib. cartons, 3s. Gd. per doz. .Sultanas, selected 3{d., choice id., golden 4Jd. to S.'.d. per lb.; lib. cartons, is. • Gd. per dozen. Dates, bulk, 2!d. per lb.; cartons, 3s. Gd. per dozen. Fitrs, 12oz. glovo boxes, 3s. 3d. per dozen. Figs, lib. layers, 4U1.; Sib. naturals, sd. per 11). Seeded raisins aro slightly lower, fancv lib. packets 45.. choice 3s. Gd. per dozen. Muscatels, Californian, s's boxes fid., ■ 10's s}d., 20's 4!(1. per lb.; Malaga, sJ's at 10a. > per lb. Canned fruit meets 'with slow salo at Bs. Gd. to 12s. Gd. , Evaporated fruits, such as apples, apricots, „ and peaches, make from 7Jd. to Bd. per lb. _ J Cocoa—A steady, hand-to-mouth business is doing. Van Houten's, l's, 3s. 2d.; J's, 3s. 3d.; » l's 3s 4d. per lb.; Bensdorp's, Is., 2s. 10(1.; is, ' 2s.' lid.; i\ 35.; Fry's, Is. 4\d.; 13ahia, • Milk.—Highlander, 55.; Cowslip, 4s. Gd.; Swiss Milkmaid, 6s. Gd. to Gs. lid. per dozen. Canned Heats—Sheep tongues, 10s. Gd. to lis. for l's; ox tongues, 2J's, 31s. to 345.; 3's, 31s. to 3Gs. per dozen; Gear's assorted, potted, 4s. Gd.; St. George's, ss. Canned Fish.—The Lenton demand continues, t and all classes of fish aro selling freely. Heri rings in tomato sauce, l's, 7s. to 7s. Gd.; }'s i 4s. Gd. to 55.; kippered herrings, l's, 7s. Gd. to 7s. 9d.; l's, 4s. Gd. to 55.; fresh herrings, Is, . Gs. to Gs. Gd.; lobster, C. and 8., Jib. tins, 14s. . Gd. to 155.;, salmon, 6alad, medium reds, lib. talis, Bs. Gd. to 95.; lib. flats, 9s. to 9s. Gil.; ) silver, ilb. flats, 55.; Golden Link, Sockaye, lib. I tails, 10s. fid.; lib. flats, lis.; Southern Cross, jib., Gs. Gd.; horringlots, in oil, Senator brand, Bs. to Bs. Gd.; in tomato sauce, Bs. to Bs. Gd.; sardines, Skipper, ilb. tins, ss. to ss. Gd.; is, 9s. 9d. to 10s.; "King Edward," is, 4s. 9d. to I 55.; J's, Bs. Gd.; ling, Smethurst - brand, is making 555. to 5Gs. per cwt.; codfish, in 211). blocks and strips, is meeting with fair inquiry. Salmon.— Writing on.the position of the market for tinned salmon at Home, the Produce MaTkets' Review" on January 30 stated that Alaska salmon was selling very, ireely, but great difficulty existed in supplying requirements, owing to the small available supplies, brought about by the irregular shipments and the small carry-over from the previous season. Buyers who had bought forward were pressing for deliveries against the contracts, especially as they bought below present rates. New season's Alaska had advanced smco the opening of the season. Still, it was at a very reasonable figure, and a further rise was expected. Fraser River, in lib* flat tins, was in a stronger position than for many years past, the 190S pack being praotically the smallest known, and cable advices had been received stating that about 3000 cases out of tho already small pack had been destroyed by fire in British Columbia, confirmation of which was awaited with interest. Chemicals.—Cream of tartar, 95 per cent., ?d. to 9!d., 99 per cent. 9Jd. to lOd.; tartaric acid, Is. 3d. per lb.; soda crystals, X 5 10s.; bicarbonate of soda, XlO 10s.; calcium carbide, Xl 5 to XIG; blue-stone, .1'32 10s.; whiting, 15s. Linseed Oil.—An official communication respecting linseed oil, dated Glasgow, February 10 states that tlio market had at that tnne been difficult for some time past to manipulate. Actual spot oil was worth a considerable premium owing to its scarcity, but practically the same price was ruling for month oil and up to tho end of August. The letter said that linseed oil was at a very iO\v figure indeed, and suggested that anyone placing indents for delivery over tho next few months might, expect to see a considerable rise over the present rilling price, when May-August arrives. 1
Linseed cake was said to bo nt d very high figure, and must necessarily be reduced very considerably in value to citable the fanner to purchase any rjmuitity. At the samo time, adds the letter, the linseed market is very linn, and it Hie pricc of linseed cake is reduced it must necessarily mean that linseed oil must advance. Mustard.—l'air sales. Colraanfi i Is. sjd. to Is. 6d.; i's, Is. 3Jd. to Is. 4<1.; Dmham, 71b. tins, 7d. to 7W. Matches.—l'laids, 3s. 8(1. to 3s. 9d. a gross; penny slides, Bs. 9d. to 9s. Gd.; safeties, small, foreign, 3s. to 3?. 3d. ; Bryant and May c, small, its. Gd.; large, 7s. Od. Nutmegs, Is. Gd. to Is. 9d. per 11). Peel.—Lemon peel is reported scarce, and further supplies from Messina will this market until June. For lemon ( s the quotation remains at s}d.; orange, Gd.; citron, Is. per 11). , Pinkies.—Morton's hexagon 10s. Gd., round 12s. Gd. per dozen; Captain White s, 235. Gd.; Garton's K.P., J-pints, 12s. Gd.; pints, 225. Gd.; pure pickles. Ds. Gd. to 10s. ]?iee.—No. 1, 165.; No. 2, 15s. per owt. Salt.—Fine, 71b. bags, ss. Gd. to Gs. Gd.; cwt. bags, 3s. Gd. to 45.; coarse, in cwt. bags, 3s. to 3s. Gd. per cwt. Sauces.—L. and P., J-pints, lis. to 14s. Gd.; pints,-255. to 255. Gd.; Ilolbrook's, J-pints, 7s. Gd.; pints, 10s. Gd. to 10s. 9d.; Gallon's,, ipints, 7s. Gd.; pints, 10s. to 10s. Gd.; Eagle brand (N.Z.), J-pints, 2s. 9d. to 35.; pints, ss. Gd. to Gs. Starch.—Colman's, lib. boxes, s}d. to 53d.; 51b. packets, sd. to 5Jd.; New Zealand, lib. boxes, 38s. to 395. per cwt.; 51b. packets, 375. to 38k. per cwt. Tapioca.—Seed, Us. Gd.; pearl, 15s. Gd. per cwt. Sugar.—Tho market is steady, with a good demand. 1A and No. 1, AG's, XIG 155.; No. 2, £IG 55.; No. 3, £15 ss. per ton. Vinegar.—Midland Red Hock, quarts, Bs. Gd.; Champion, quarts, 9s. Gd.; Red Seal, quarts, 45.; Midland concentrated, Boz. bottles, lis. Gd. per doz.; concentrated, sgal, casks, 9s. Gd. per gallon; pure malt, 28gal. casks, 2s. 9d. per gallon. FRUIT AND PRODUCE REPORT. Griffiths and Co., Ltd., report on yesterday's fruit and produco sales as follows:—Potatoes, £3 155., £4 55.; onions, 4s. locals; cabbages, Is., Is. Gd. sack; cauliflowers, 25., 3s. sack; peas, ■Is., ss. part sacks; beans, Is. Gd. to 2s. part' sacks; tomatoes, 25., 3s. half-cases; lettuce, 2s. banana cases; plums, 2s. Gd., 3s. half-cases; peaches, choice caiing 3s. Gd., 4s. half-eases; peaches, cooking, 2s. to 2s. Gd.; apples, choice oating, Ss., Bs. 6d.; apples, prime, Gs., 75.; apples, cookers, 4s. Gd., ss. Gd.; local grapes, 4d. to sd. lb.; local grapes, hothouse, Is., Is. Gd. lb.; pears, choice eating, Bs., Bs. Gd.; pears, prime, Gs., Gs. Gd.; pears, cooking, 45., ss. Gd.; eggs, fresh. Is. 7d. dozen; fowls, 3s. pair; duelts, 45., ss. pair; table carrots, 25., 2s. Gd. sack; parsnips, 2s. Gd., 3s. sack; celery, 7d. to Is. dozen. The market was more active yesterday, and all lines were cleared at an advance on yesterday's rates. The Maitai lias arrived with Fiji bananas, whicli will go to auction to-day. GRAIN MARKET. Messrs. G. S. Meredith and Co., Wairaale, report on the South Canterbury grain market as follows:—Wheat—Tho market remains fairly steady, in spite of largo offerings and smaLl demands. Farmers are asking 3s. lOd. at sidings for velvet in straight lines, and 3s. Bd. for mixed lines of tuscan, redchaff, and velvet, but there is a fair amount of only medium quality wheat still to come forward. This makes quotations slightly erratic. Oats—There is a good demand at following prices: Danish, Is. 2d. at country stations; gartons, Is. 3d., and Is. 3!d. for specially prime lines; duns, Is. 21d., and Is. 3d. for prime lines. Chaff—Quotations are about the snino, but in the absenco of buyers business is not very brisk. Quotations are: Prime bright oatsheaf chaff, £2 15s. f.0.b.5.i.; and slightly higher rates for forward delivery. PotatoesAll lines available are purchased for shipment north, as soon as ready. The market is firm and, if anything, prices are higher. Quotations are: Prime table up-to-dates, £2 15s. to ,£2 17s. Gd., f.0.b.5.i.; derwents are not ready yet. Straw—Baled wheaten and oaten, 30s. to *325. Gd. f.o.b. lilt TELEGRAm—ritESS ASSOCIATION.) Duncdin, March 31. Oats: There is very fair local demand for good feed lines at from Is. 4d. to Is. 4Jd., ex trucks, but little or lio inquiry for shipping. Wheat: Tho market has an improved tendency, and there is inquiry for prime milling lines, especially velvet, at from 4s. to 4s. Id., delivered at Dunedin. Fowl wheat is in better supply, at from 3s. Bd. to 3s. 9d. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE MARKETS. ' (BY TELEGIIAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION—COPTRIGnT.) Sydney, March 31. Wheat, 4s. lOd. Flour, .£ll. Oats—White 2s. 4d. to 2s. 5d., Algerian 2s. 2d. to 2s. 3d. Barley—Cape 2s. Bd. to 2s. lid.; Maize, 4s. 3d. Bran, £4 10s. Pollard, £5. Potatoes—Tas-
manians, £5. • Onions—Victorian £5 10s. to .£5 153., New Zealand £5 10s. Bultor, 925. Bacon, 8(1. Melbourne, March 31. Wheat, 4s. fld. to 4s. lOd. Flour, .£ll. Oats— Algerian Is. 7d. to Is. 111(1., Tartarian 2s. 2d. Barley—Capo 2a. sd. Maize, 4s. 4d. Brim, lljd. Pollard, Is. OJd. Potatoes, .£3 to £3 10s. Onions, £5. Adelaide, March 31. Wheat, 48. 7d. to 4s. Bd. Flour, £10 15s. Bran, lljd, Pollard, Is. 2d. STOCK EXCHANGES HEM. BOURSES STRONG. (ill TELEGRAFII —rBESS ASSOCIATION'' —COPYRIGHT.) London, March 30. Tho stock markets are firm owing to tho improvement in tho political situation. Tho Paris and Berlin Bourses aro strong. British Consols aro at £8-1 10s., an advanco of 15s. einco last report. , THE METAL MARKETS. (BY TELEGRAM—PRESS ASSOCIATION—COrYRIGIIT.| London, March 30. Copper.—On spot, £57 2s. Gd.j throe months', £57 17s. Gd.; electrolytic, .£SB. Tin—Oil spot, .£132; Ihroo months', £13< 2s. 6(1. Lead, £13 12s. fid. Silver, 2,'Slil. per ouncc standard. SHARES. ht nudum—runss association—corrnioiiTi .London, March 30. Tho following aro tho latest quotations for hank shares:— „ , Buyers. Sellers. . , Bank. £ s. d. £e. d. Australasia 10i 10 0 — Union CI 10 0 — National 417 G 5 2 G New Zealand 910 0 10 0 0 MINING NEWS WAIHI GRAND JUNCTION. (UY TELEGRAPH —SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.) , Auckland, March 31. J. ho Wniln Grand Junction treated 4411 tona for £5133, AUCKLAND GOLD RETURNS. (nr TELEGRAPH—I'HESS ASSOCIATION.) _ . ■ , Auckland, March 31. During March tho gold returns from tho mines ot tho Auckland district reached a total value of £105,021 19s. 4d. This is a considerablo incrcaso oil tho February yield (£74,217), and is also an inereaso on tho returns for (ho corresponding month of last year (£98,271). STOCK EXCHANGE. {DY TELEGIIAI'U—J'KESS ASSOCIATION.) Duncdin, March 31. Stock Exclmngo sales:—Rise and Shine (cum dividend), £110s.; Standard Insurance, £1 Is.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 471, 1 April 1909, Page 9
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2,870COMMERCIAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 471, 1 April 1909, Page 9
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