Tho Mayor has waited upon the Premier in'.reference to; the Waterworks loan of £10,000, with whioh it is proposed to replace the present 7in. mains with a 15in. service. His; Worship asked if the Government would grant tho. loan, ■ and, failing that, would they, in the, terms of tho Act, guarantee it if floated elsewhere. Sir Joseph promised to give tho matter every consideration, and forward a reply as soon'as possible.
So far as is, known, there are only two cases to come before the Arbitration Court, which'sits here on March 26. The drivers' 'award expires shortly,' and the Drivers' Union is .seekin's a fresh award to take its place.' The other application is for • an award by.the butter,and cheese factory employees. .This will be the first-award in this industry, and it is understood that tho employers intend to ask for an adjournment from the present sittings. Thw fact that all breaches of awards ore now dealt with by the :■' fc'tipendiary,_ Magistrate considerably lightens the business of the Arbitration Court; .-■-.' _ .■•>'. ',',■'.. •'■".■'. —: ~7~ ~' , ' 'l '{'>; ; MASTERTbN. The final cricket match for the Masterton 'Association championship was commenced yesterday in;dull weather. Carterton' won the toss, arid sent Carlton in on a sodden' wickot. The' latter occupied the wickets all tho afternoon, and made 165 runs (Styles 47, A. Hoar 25, Prow 18, L. Boyd 17, T. Hoar 12, Madsen 11, Moss 10). Fairbrother (three wickets^or 28 runs), and Maunscll.(three for 60) bowled best. r ' Dairy Factory, is having a •fairly'successful season, and it is expected that the number of suppliers will bo increased next season. is now about 400 gallons daily,, The directors find.that they, nave' sufficieht funds in hand to ensure the payment to suppliers of a substantial, bonus at the end of the season. A considerable; amount of work has been done during tho season'/towards improving the drainago of the factory.- '.- The statement of Archibald Alexander M'Laren,, contractor,. of Featherston, who. has'filed;his petition in bankruptcy,'-shows a deficiency of £79 3s. sd. The creditors (all unsecured) are as follow:—Peter Blatchford, Featherston, £11 12s. Id.; James Smith arid Sons,,£3 lis. 4d.: Pain and Kershaw, Mar-' tinborough, £5; R. Barton, Pirinoa, £6; Adam'Wright, Martinborough, £i; Chas. Harris,. Martinborough, £3; Toogood Trustees, Martinborough, £4. . '■ , ' '
The Navy League; movement is being taken' up enthusiastically by the boys and girls of the Master.ton District High School. At a meeting ■of the Masterton branch of tho league on Wednesday, Mr. W. H. Jackson, headmaster, 'reported that fifty-six boys and thirty girls or the secondary ' classes and standard six had joined the school branch. A; fire occurred in lioness's boardinghouse, in Chapel 'Street, about 10 p.m. on Wednesday. No' one was at homo ~at the time, and tho fire had a good hold when discovered. Considerable damage was done before the brigade put the fire out. , The bazaar in aid of the-uniform fund of the Masterton South Band; *as brought to a conclusion on Wednesday evening, after running for several nights. The function proved a decided success froth every point of view, and the financial position of the band should,be strengthened very considerably. The super-, visor, Mr. George Gray, is to be -congratulated on the complete arrangements which 'he made for carrying out the details of the affair. The secretary;' Mr. F.H. Harding, also ..worked, hard.
G6lf enthusiasts; are' looking forward keenly to tho opening of the season hero, which will take place in the course of a'few weeks. The links at Lansdowne are receiving the attention of an energetic committee, and, from present indications, there is every prospect of the turf being in far better condition this season that it has'over been. ..' Mr. R. 0. Jarrett has been appointed phyeicardirector to tho Y.M.C.A. "■" , ■ Tho annual report pf the Red.' Star ;Football Club shows, .that;the club .wereiujuieri-" up in the Wairarapa senior championship last year and .won the junior and third-class championships—a performance not previously equalled in the Wairarapa.' The club has a credit balance, of over £8. "" .';'.'' ■...■'■ FEILDING. The Kimbolton Flower Show, held on Tuesday night, was a successful event. The chief prize-winners were ■, as follow:—Cut flofrers and decorative class—Mrs. J. Richardson; fruit, J, Murray; vegetables, H. M. Brown; general; Mrs. G. Richardson; industrial, Miss Edney. ."'.'.• , Turnip blight is working ravages in the Kimbolton. district. . .■ PAHIATUA.'.-..;-. On Saturday a match was played at' Mangatainoka between teams representing the Kohinui :and ;. Mangatainoka cricket clubs. The match'resulted in a win for the latter by eleven runs. ' . For tho Visitors, Wanacott and Warwick .were the only batsmen to reach double figures, while Brockitt, with 16, was the only one to obtain similar distinction for the home team. On Saturday evening a meeting of the Library Committee was held in the Mangatainoka Library Hall,. when /£ls was voted for the purchase of ''books. A sum of £48 was also voted for widening the hall, conditionally that a further, -sum' of £40, was publicly subscribed within; a month. The Right Roy,- D'r, : Wallis, Anglican Bishop of Wellington, has .bferi on a visit to "this district, and, on; Sunday last, hold confirmation services at St. Peter's Church here, and at St. Mark's, Mangatainoka. Twelve and fourteen candidates respectively were presented. _ The Rev. W. A. Campton, who was tendered a valedictory social at Mangatainoka recently, was, on Saturday afternoon, 1 the recipient of a handsome clock from the members of the Pahiatua Tennis Club. The presentation .was made by the" Rev. Father M'Kcnna, who spoke of the-keen interest which Mr. Compton had evinced in out-door sports. ~'
Tho first quarterly meeting of'the Pahiatua Chamber of Commerco for this year was hold in Mr. Tosswill's office on Monday evening, when about a dozen gentlemen wore present. Messrs. G. Early, A. .East, H." Taylor, J. R. Chalmers, E. Ross, A. Pringle, A. Tester, A.-Donald; and ..'the Rev. C. 11. Isaacson, were elected memhors. The president (Mr. W. Tosswill) referred to the proposal to start" an Agricultural and Pastoral Association in the' ''town, and thought that, as the association-would be of, material advantage to business people, the. chamber might assist its formation by advancing a small sum 'towards the preliminary expenses. A resolution-.'to the effect that the chamber would .do all it could in furthering the establishment of tho association, was passed. The president, Messrs. Crewe, Sturton, arid Norrell, were appointed delegates to wuit on the Hon. A. W. Hogg, on-the Minister's visit to Pahiatua,'in connection with various road and bridge works in' the district. ' It was intimated that the Holidays Committee proposed asking shopkeepers to close from' Thursday, April-8, to Tuesday, April 13, for the Easter holidays. A.- suggestion was. fnade that Palirierston Show Day should be struck out of the list of holidays. -~.;■ ' ' . ■•' • CARTERTON. The Carterton Fire Brigade met on Wednesday evening, when Fireman Sadler's report of tho conference proceedings was received/It was decided to run off the medal competitions in a week's time.
Mrs. S., Hooker, widow of the late Robert Hooker, senr., of Carterton, died on Wednesday evening at the residence of. Mr. E. Beard. Deceased had resided hero for many years.
-The Hibernian concert and social held on Wednesday .'evening were well attended, and well carried out. . . • -
The- United Friendly Societies' Council met on.Tuesday evening,, Bro. P. Molloy presiding. Tho trustees to the sports fund reported a erodit of £62, and, with a view of utilising the money, it was decided that the delegates recommend to the various societies that they
(through tho council) approach the trustees of tho South Wairarapa Hospital with a view to securing a bed for Friendly Society members in that institution.. It was announced
that Dr. Smyth, an M'.D. of Edinburgh "University, had arrived in Carterton, and would shortly comrrienc'o practice A large congregation was present at tho confirmation scrvico held by Bishop Wallis in St. Mark's Church on Tuesday evening. Mr. C. J. Do Lacey left Carterton tins' morning on a week's holiday, which he purposes spending in the Manawatu district The contractor for metalling Brooklyn Road has made a start with tho work. LEVIN. A meeting of the parishioners of St. Marv's Anglican Church was held on Tuesday evening,' to consider tho best means of giving tho Rev. A. E. Worsley and family a fitting send-off, after two years' labour in Levin. It was decided to hold a social in the schoolroom next Monday. Tho lathes will mako a presentation of a purse of sovereigns during the ovening. Tho No-Liceiiso supporters will also mako a handsome farewell gift m recognition of his services to their cause. Much-needed "rain set in at an early hour yesterday morning, and will rolieve tho situation which the hot and sultry weather has i caused. Farmers who have been having an 1 anxious time lately, thinking of their stock and how to provide feed for them, will now have thoir worry lightened, and many of the townspeople, who have been entirely dependent upon the water-races for their water supply will also welcome tho rain. Itjis to be hoped that, beforo next summer, the council will bo able to instal their highpressuro water schonio, as, for the last two seasons, tho householders in the town who do not possess wells have had to draw their water from the races. As these are the sporting places for animals of all kinds, the wonder is that typhoid fever has not had a serious and extensive hold in Levin. In spite of the council's warnings in tho local press, ducks, geese, etc., are allowed to make uso of tho races, and pollute the water' which unfortunate residents lower down are 'using for household purposes. Had the unfortunate slump in the money market not upset tho council's programme, the water schemo would be nearer completion than it is, but many residents regret that tho water did not have
lie preference over the gas works, as the forler is more necessary' to the town than the ttter. It is hoped that the town has not to o through a third dry season similar to the tsf; two.. • , The gas-works will be in full working order y May next, as promised by the engineer in barge. Mr. Shaw, the manager, is pushing be installation into private houses, and leeting with Success throughout the town, 'he council's show-room is replete with many lodern and beautiful designs 'of chandeliers, o.that consumers may have their choice of uitablo varieties for. their rooms. Already omo weird structures (said *to bo lamp osts) have been erected in the side streets, 'hey are of railway iron, with the gaspipe i the flange. These may be durable, end heap, but they are by no means beautifl). l ho main street is .to be lighted with the osta down tho centre, each post carrying,two ights, and tho borough is also to have at !ast forty lamp posts distributed around. The balance-sheet of the' Presbyterian 1 azaar shows over £70 profit. This sum is to o devoted to the extinction of the debt on he church building. ■' . , _ The building which t Mr. Papworth ' is recting for his new daily paper is progresing rapidly, and a start will soon he mado o instal the machinery, which is already lere, awaiting tho building. 'A deputation from Levin is to wait upon ho Minister for Lands on .Friday, in. order p place .before him aqua'ntiity of local busiiess which . requires, settlement. ,wott)yiLLE..; '. ". As a fete day, St. Patrick's Day was spoilt by .the weather, and the sports held at Vlaharahara suffered. The; local residents attended very well, but visitors from other parts were not numerous.-'•''• Mr. W. Smart died at-the Dannovirke Hospital on Wednesday' evening., Much regret is expressed;<at;i.t,he, I )preniafiur6 ( ..decease, af such a promising- and' probably there will be an inquiry as to how the accident occurred. ~ "Mr. G. Loveday, of Hamilton, who at-one timo resided here, is spending a few days with friends. Mr. Loveday shot well at the Treritham. meeting, arid his eldest son is a promising rifleman also. - Tho combined sports meeting 'of tho Hawke's Bay school-children is to be held at Dannevirke next week. To-day the elder pupils ; aro to go to Dannevirke to rehearse drill events for the .meeting. , .:' '■ , SHANNON":. .' Mr. Aston,. of Gisborne, is "at present in this district, giving' demonstrations of his patent fibre-bleaching' process. The process consists in steeping the fibre, after it has been stripped and shaken, in a solution for a few minutes. The fibre is subsequently washed and dried, and- is then ready for scutching. There has been a noticeable increase in the number of iswagmen 'passing through ,the town within the last week or two. This is probably due. to the fact that a number of flaxmills have stopped stripping. recently. The A. and L. Seifert Company aro closing down three strippers, and Mr. Craw is said to bo closing down his Tokomarn mill. Business in general is ; .slack, and there is a'tendency among business houses to reduce their staffs. The meeting of tho Man'awatu Flax Employees' Union, which was called for March 13, at Tokomaru; did not take place. ' of representatives of Dalgety and Company and the Farmers' Dairy Union (acting for the local Co-operative Dairy Association) have been held recently, to arbitrate on the price to be paid for tho Foxton and Moutoa creameries, and the local butter factory. Mr. J. G.. Harkness.'who acted "as referee, has given hia decision'-'., this ,week. The price to be paid by the Co-operative Association to' Dalgety and Company is a little more than one-half of the association's original offer to the company.. ' ■ ; FEATHEItSTON. The attempt to open the lake on Wednesday was quite successful. Twenty-foui and six scoops were at work froir ■soven m the morning till half-past six in th< evening. The horses and scoops aro thost being used in the embanking scheme neai the Lower Lake. Easterly weather prevailed [I the Bay, which is exceptional for March but it enabled the opening 'to -take plac< without much difficulty. : ' _A meeting of tho Gun Club was held oi Wednesday evening, Mr. C. Burt being it the chair. It was resolved to hold a choo S? A P?i 3 ' ,/ the sta S' s head presented bi Mr. M Donald. The conditions are, that t T. C. Irving wins it again, ho and T. Skip page will shoot off for it. If any outside wins it, he and the two previous winners.wil shoot off. Arrangements for the Easter shoo are a.£lo clay bird match of 21 birds Nominations, which close on the ground, aro Single, 12s. 6d.; double, £1. Thohanji cappers aro Messrs. T. C. Irving, J. Lauren j son, and T. Skippage. The match will star at one o clock sharp. . It is intended to endeavour to start i D °ckey club hero at an-early'date. The young man-..- Fairbrother, who wa iS 1 , ! n , , tho head whilst working in blacksmith's shop last Wednesday, has « covered sufficiently to enable him to get abon again The horse's hoof struck him on th top of the forehead, abovo the left eye, an. leit a; nasty gash. v The shooting wharo belonging to Burt Bros at the lake was burnt down recently. Th mystery! "*"* pre3Cnt a M . PAEKAKARIKI. n«SS' Pa ? kak " ik ,' Anglican Clnirch has n Service -a present from Mr. and Mr „f a fei° f tha A.presentatk of two g ass cruets, tho gift of Mrs. Hadfioli of Lindale, Paraparaumu, has also been mad
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 460, 19 March 1909, Page 9
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2,561PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 460, 19 March 1909, Page 9
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