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NEWTOWN.—Land 31 x SO, new 7-roomed residence, well built, steel ceilings, large rooms, concreto paths aud yard, and every modern convenience, ono minute from tram. Owner selling on account of leaving for the country. Price, .£llsO. THORNDON—Land 53l't. x 110 ft., 7-roomed house, al! largo rooms, linen presses, wardrobes, gas cooker, electric light, hot and cold water and every modern convenience. This property commands a lovely view .if tho harbour and town. Price, ,£ISOO. 3G07 HATAITAI—Land 20ft. Gin. x 107, new 5-roomed house, scullery, bathroom, hot and cold water, gas throughout, and all conveuienc?s. Price, .EG7S, easy terms. 5593 FITZHERBERT TEEHACE-M rooms, and largo section, splendid situation. Suit admirably for private school or largo boardingliouso. To bo sold at a low liguvo during next few days. If not Bold by, say, . 17th, it may be leased. Key and ail particulars on application. TE AttO—A genuine bargain, land 41ft. 3in. x 152 ft 10in., 8-roomed house, one iloor, bathroom, linen presses, pantry, electric light,

QUEENSLAND LANDS. g~hUR MR. H. YEATES is now on an extended visit to tho Dominion, and will bo pleased to afford reliable information concerning the facilities offered to intending Settlers Ld Queensland. * YEATES BROS. AND CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, TOOWOOMBA, QUEENSLAND. (Appointments may be arranged with H. YEATES, caro of " Dominion" Olflcc, 'Wellington, N.Z.) Gils TWO SOLED UN VESTMENTS. ryp ACRES of the best DAIRY LAND, J mil e from Creamery, 1J from Station, divided and flO watered, all ploughable; carry 40 cows; house of 5 rooms, cowshed,'orchard, cto. Leased to December, 1921, at l(Js. Gd. per acrc. i;GOU Goodwill. , nn ACRES, close lo tho above, divided, watored, and all in grass; 3-roonied cottage, cow--01/ 6hed, etc. Lease, 15 Years, at 15s. p.u. =£'<300 Goodwill. HARRIS AND SUSSEX,. LEVIN DON'T WSISS THESE. ~l Pr ACRES, fivo miles from New Plymouth. New G-room house, with 1 acre orchard j JLOi) also -1-rooni cottage with good orchard, 8 paddocks, sheep-proof fences. Has all besa ploughed with tho exception of 35 acres now being got ready for tho plough. Good outbuiluings; half-mile to school, church, post office and factory. Price, «£l7 per acre. A'GOO cash, balance at 5J per cent. ! AAf ACRES (900 years' lease). About 200 acres felled and grassed. About, one-third 42:1/0 river flats. G-room house, dairy with concrete lioor, and outbuildings. Prico, ■£1100. .£3OO to JCiOO cash, balance at 5 per cent. 1A A ACRES, 8 minutes from Factory; 7-room house and outbuildings; 7 paddocks; 8 1"" acres in crops, 2 stacks hay, 1 stack rye, 1 stack wheat straw, and 1 stack oat straw. 15 cows. Price, only -£S 10s., as a going concern. Pl\ ACRES, within three miles of New Plymouth; all grass; G-roomcd house, fenced and OU subdivided. Suitablo for cutting up. -Price, £40 per acre. One-third cash,'balance for fivo years at per cent. BAKERY BUSINESS in rising town. Average cash takings, .£3O per week. Busin ) easily doubled. Price for property and goodwill, ,£I7OO. .£7OO cash, balance at o per co IF YOU WANT A' SHEEP RUN OR DAIRY FARM, WRITE OR <?ALL ON _ . ] NEWTON KING, LAND AND FINANCIAL AGENT, NEW PLYMOUTH. Established 1579. '

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 1 l\A K ACRES, 1 milo from Marlon, ono of Xli4i:o the best and most beautiful properties in fiangitikei, all level and ploughable, all virgin soil, and carrying iu present state upwards of MOO sheep, cattle, and horses; 13 paddocks, 13-roomed house, good outbuildings, lodgehouse, etc.; well watered by springs ana dams. It has three road frontages, and wouli cut up to good advantagefor dairying or general purposes, and is within miles of a cheese factory. The property is known as '/Warleigh," stands high and commands a magnificent view of the sea and surrounding country to ICapiti and-liana, distant towns, mountains, and ranges. Farms" farther from Marion in same direction have been cut up and sold in smaller areas for residential purposes at largo prices. The climate in and about Marton is very good and healthy, and the property itself is much like a Some Park. Native growth, interspersed with grass, etc. An ideal site for a Sanatorium or for a man of means. Pressure has* often been used to induce the owner to\cut the property up for residential i and other purposes, but he has refused all offers in that direction. It has been in the hands of tho original owner for about liity years, and he has exercised the greatest care in making and keening it in good repair, and at the same time laying it off in accordance i with his Homeland views. It practically joins the Borough of Marton, and contains some of the finest residential sites in the district, ilio selling price is <£23 per acre, on terms to be arranged, stock at valuation, or negotiations would ba entertained for an exchange at prices and terras to be arranged. # f Marton is tho County town of Kangitikei County, and one of the most progressive towns in tho North Island. It is also the Junction of tho North' Island Main Trunk Railway. It is 4GO feet above sea level, contains a large Preparatorv Boarding School for Boys and one for Girls, High and Technical Schools, and being so central will in time become the ♦largest manufacturing and distributing centre in tho Island. ' . . f 9 Our March Land Guide is now ready for issue* and will bo sent free to any address on application.

J. HARRIS AND SON, LAND AGENTS, MAItTON AND MARTON JUNCTION. WAIKATO FARM FOR SALE. 1 (irn ACRES, First-Class Sheep and Cattle 1850 Country, mostly improved, near Railway and Creamery. , Price, «£3 10s. per aero; XIOO cash required, or exchango for City Property, W. CHAMBERLAIN, C7OO Dominion Land Agency, Woodvillo. FOR SALE. POULTRY AND DAIRT FARM. mUE Farm consists of about 29 Acres, i JL milo from railway station ami 1J from town, G paddocks, ail watered by neverfailiui? streams, about 3 acres orchard, largo lesideuce all conveniences, lawn, gwuen, vinery, coachhouse, toolshed, cowshed, granary, loosebox engine-shed, brooder house, nll.concroto floors, 31 fowlhousis, separate runs, mcubatoi bouse, machinery, oil engine, circular taw, chall'cutter, grit mill, bone null, oOgal. sepaiator, two brooders, spring cart, harness, . cows, 3 incubators, about GOO laying hens, i chickens, 30 egg-boxes w.tli Packers . about AlO per mouth coining n lor eggs. Without doubt tko prettiest little form in tlie county; regular customers for sale of eggs. Any l lersol ' " iiig will be svi to buy Dreed ol fowls: \\ 1 ute Leghorns, Black Leghorns, .Silver W yandottes. For l'rice and Particulars apply VICTOR E. SMBTH, LAND AGENT. FIiILDING. CIOS4 CHEAP GRAZING PROPERTY FOR SALE. ON JIAIN TRUNK LINE. £3 PER ACRE. SPLENDID MILLING TIMBER. WE have a first-class GRAZING PROPERTY for sale within G miles of the M-iin Trunk Railway. The property comprises 3" : >0 Acres, level and undulating country, well w'ntered by running sti earns. 1350 Acres uro felled, about !)50 acres grassed with the bost English grasses, balance ready to burn and sow down • Tho buildings consist of good two-roontcd wliaro and storehouso. New sheep and cattle yards A considerable amount of wire, boundary and subdivisional fences. Splendid milling timber mostly Rimu and Matai, with soiue-Totara. There is a fortuno in tho timber alono to a practical man. Lease from Maori Land Board, 21 years, at n rental "f Is lUd. per aero. Right of renewal for a further period of 21 years, at a rental to be fixed by arbitration on tho unimproved value only. RIGHT OF FULT. COMPENSATION FOR IMPROVEMENTS. To effect an immediate sale owners will accept JS per acre, at which figure tho property is tho Cheapest Place :n tho market, and well worth inspection. We can arrange Easy Terms. Write or call at once and arrange to inspect this desirable property before it is disposed of. C. L. DUSGAN & CO., BOUSE AND LAND AGENTS, 75 Eidgway Street, WANGANUI. GO2?

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 459, 18 March 1909, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 459, 18 March 1909, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 459, 18 March 1909, Page 10


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