PHASES OP TIIE MOON. MARCH. Day. Full moon ... . 7 2 26 p.m. Last qunrtor 15 3 12 p.m. New moon 22 • 7 41 a.m. First quarter 29 419 a.m. ' HIGH WATER. To-day, noon; 0.12 p.m. To-morrow, 0.38 a.m.; 1.2 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.48 a.m.; sets, 6.9 p.m. ARRIVALS, TUESDAY, MARCH 16. Te ANAU, s.s. (2 a.m.), 1652 tons, AMwell, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Webber, Healy, Hamilton, Bridginau (2), Ilooker, James, Hitrcins, Cowan, Chapman (2), Simpson, Bert, Handles', Rutherford, Mesdames Wilson, Kirby, Sigley, Dreyer, ninton, Eeilly, Koso, Markham and child, Lloyd, Horton, Lovell, Siinson, Maclaiue, Handley, Brewer, Rutherford, Rev Elliott. Captain Johnstone, Messrs. Wilson, Goldriclt, Harrold. Sigley, Ryan, Kirby, Scott, M'Cullough, Williclms, Mehrlens, Cainshaw, Burke, Monk. Blackburn, Goulb'.oom, Upya, Thompson, Chambers, Wilton, Duncan, Middlemiss, Walker, Tunnicliffe, Redmond, Gainshaw: 9 steerage. MARAROA, s.s. (6.30 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon-Misses Barnes, Richards, Eceleton, Williams, Duncan, Brenner, Thompson, Burt, Laughton, Berry, Cole, Smith, Robb, Brownlce, M'Phail, Nancarrow, Borcman, CoW), Adams, M'Carthy, Mefdamoa Withers, M'Govern, Cavolth. Goldsmith, Munro, Donn, M'Laren, M'Kinnon, Scott, Seotter and 2 children, Seed, dimming. Skerry, Berry, Bagshaw, Cole, Pateraon. Doyle, Evans. Nairn, Whitcombe, Harcourt, Blair, M'lntosU. Kingston, Ladv Fitzgerald, Revs.. Seotter, Milne, Father M'Dcrnott, Captains Jlunro. Basshaw. Drs. Hartz, Withers, Messrs. Roberts, Head, Wallace, Anderson, Watson, Charles, Edwards, Stewart, Jeattie, Humphries. Wilson, Chrichton, Berry, Telford, Lamont. Allan, Paterson, Symcs, Hogg, Evans, Dovle, Lewis, Smith. Davies, Dean, Brown Camp, bell, M'Lennan. Hewlett, D.ickson, M Intosli, Whitehead, Anderson, Lill, McCarthy, White, Bowles, Brown, Blair, Gee, Thompson, Scott, Glenie, nickinbottom; 62' steerage. WAIRATJ, s.s. (6.35 a.m.), 93 tons, Tendore, from Nelson and Motueka. OPAWA, s.s. (7.45 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. ' MONOWAI, s.s. (9.10 a.m.), .3433 tons, Robertson from Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Pasnonfer"' Saloon-Miss Herbert, jresdames Turnbull, Knisht a=d son, Baker.. Archdeacon Baker, Captain "Palmor, Messrs. Marshnll, Doleman, Bay, Cuddon; 7 steerage TONGA.MRO. a.a. (10.30 a.m.), .7600 tons, (Sutcliffe, from Picton. KAIAPOI, s.s. (4.30 p.m.),' 2003 tons, Dawson, from Newcastle. PATEENA, s.s. (10 p.m.). 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Boult, Dni, san, Barlthrop. Mesdames Davey, Clapshaw. Moore and 2 children. Fairbrother and infant, Pimmords, Henry, Ser.nis.ton,' Andrew. TTrcn, Wells, Fowler, Eaeer.' Messrs. Dayey, M'Callum, Simmonds, Stewart, Justice Denniston. Thomas, Tnspector Ellison, Tann. Dcarsley, Wilson (2), Henry. Laing, Rowley, Kerr, Dr. Andrew, Turner, Graham, Smith, Fowler; 11 etecrago . , DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, MARCH 16. NORA NIVEN, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 56 tons, Brown, for Cook Strait. MANAPOURI, s.s. (12.30 p.m.), 2C60 tons, Stevens, for Itarotonga and Papeete. MAPOUIIIKA, 5.9. (1 p.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy, for Picton, Nelson, Westnort, and Greymouth. Passenuors-Saloon: For Picton—Misses Cox (2). llesdanies Barraclough and 2 children, Williams, Lucas, Picot, Messrs. Barracloucli, Picot, it'Kcegan, Grant, Haynes, Cooko. For Nelson—Mesdames Baker and Clennell, Archdeacon Baker, Messrs. Manoy, Burgess, Foster. For Westport— Miss Malloy, Jlcsdamcc. Doherty, Gorman, Rev. Dohorty, Messrs. Sullivan, Evans, Leaver, Gorman. For Greymouth—Misses Richards, Newton, ■Raino, Mosdames Carvolth, Peck, Forrester, Messrs. Todd, Cox, M'Carthy, Rcece, Plummor, Courtney, and Walker. WAIRAtf, s.s. (4.15 p.m.), 93 tons, Yendore, for Nelson and Motueka. FIFESUIRE, s.s. (5110 p.m.), 5672 tons, Pilkinp,ton, for Timaru. . ■ IiIONOWAI, s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 3433 tons, Robertson, for Lytteltou and Dunedin. Passengers—Saloon: For Lyttelton —Mrs. • Smallbonc and children, Messrs. Alcorn, Davies, Evans, Smallbone. For Dunedin—Misses Eobcrtshaw, Hyndman (2), M'Gregor, Mcsdalnes Wilson, M'Jfullan, Ily.irtman, Burnie, Messrs. Wilson, Croll, Proctor, Marriott. MAKAROA, g.s. (8.10 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, for . Lyttelton. Passenserg: Saloon—Miss Itllligan, Jlcsdames Gibbs, P. Wood and child, Gardiner, Messrs. Brown, Soldi, Humphries, Scott, Fisher, Watt,'.Gardiner.. ;>/,>, v .;.«, . TE ANATJ, s'.s.' (midnight), 1652 tons; Lindsay, for Picton. Passengers: Saloon-Misses Clarlison, Mogridge, Griffiths. ' INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOERAKI, ss. left Melbourne March 10, for Wellington, via southern ports nnd Hobarts. Due Wellington Marcn 19. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney March 23. VICTORIA, b.s. leaves Sydney March 17, for Wellington, via Auckland Uisbornc, and Napier. Due Wellington Jlarch 26. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Duaedi i. , ■ MAHENO, s.s., leaves Melbourne March 17, for Wellington via Hobart and southern ports. Duo Wellington March 26. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due.Sydney March 30. MARAJIA, s.s., left. Sydney March 13, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington March 17. Leaves Jlarcli 18 for Lyttelton and Dunedin. WARRIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne March 24 for Wellington via Hobart and southern ports. Duo Wellington April 2. Leaves samo day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney April 6. MOKOIA, s.s. leaves Sydney March. 24 for Wellington, via Auckland. Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington April 2. Loaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunoiin. MANUKA, s.s., loft Sydney March 10, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington March 19. Leaves same day for Melbourne, via southern ports, and Hobart. Due Melbourne March '28. WIMMERA, s.s. left Dunedin March 16, for Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Gisborno, nnd Auckland. Arrives and leaves Wellington March 18. Due Sydney March 26. RIVERINA, s.s., leaves Sydney March 20, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington March 24. Loaves March 25 for Melbourne,' via southern ports and Hobart. Due Melbourne April 3. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London, ' WAIMATE (due Wellington about March 17), sailed on January 9, via Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Company, agents.) ; INDRALEMA (due Wellington about March 24), sailed on January 23, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Lino, agents.) CORINTHIO (duo Wellington about March 23),' sailed on February 4, Plymouth February 6, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) NIWARU (due Wellington about April 16), sailed on February 12, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) EUAPEHU (due Wellington about April 8), sailed on February 20, via Capetown and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) TOKOMARU (duo Wellington about April 10), sailed on February .12, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) . ARAWA (due Wellington about April 20), sailed on March 4, Plymouth March 6, via Capetown and Hobart. (Sliav., SaviH, agents.) I KAIPARA (due Wellington about' April 30), sailed on March. 6, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Cardiff. . • OPAWA (due Wellington about April 25), sailed on March 11. (New' Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool. • . DRAVTON GRANGE • (due Wellington about March 16), sailed on January 9, via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) HAWKE'S BAY (due Wellington about March 22), sailed on January 24, via Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) LANGTON GRANGE (due Wellington about April 13), sailed on February 6, via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S.'Line, agents.) KIA ; ORA (duo . Wellington about April 14), sailed on February 20, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) ! NAIRNSHIRE (due Wellington about May 15), sailed on March 7. via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) From Now York.' : MASHONA (due' Wellington about March 30), sailed on January; 1,- via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) WIIAKARUA (due Wellington about April 12), sailed on February 5, via Australia and Auckland, (Tyser Line, agents.) BTJCRAINA (duo Wollinßton about April 23), sailed on February U, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) . WIMBLEDON (duo Wellington about May 10), Bailed on February 21, via Australia and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, agents.) SAILING VESSELS EXPECTED. LADY WOLSLEY, barque, left Liverpool, November 11. (Johnston and Co., agents.) NOVO, ship, left Hull, January 20.' LAKEMBA, barque, left Liverpool February 22. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, March 17. Maori.'Lyttelton. March 17. Wavcrley, Picton, March 17. Ruru, Napier, March 17. Marama, Sydney, Marsh 17. Rotoiti, OnehunEa, New Plymouth. March 17. Corinna, southern ports. March 17. Ennerdale, Timaru, March 17. Storrabird, Wanganui. March 17. Kchu, East Coast, March 17. Blenheim, Blenheim, Jlarch 17. Manaroa, Motueka, March 17. Wakatu, Kaikoura, March-.17- - Queen of ths South, Foxton, Itaroh 17. liana, Patea, March 17,
Kiripaka, Patea, March 17. ' Kapiti, Wangamii, March 17. Aorere, Patea, .March 17. Komata, Westport, March 17. Kittawa, Westport, March .17. To Anau. Picton, March 17. I'etoiie, Greymouth, March 17. Opaiva, Blenheim, March 18. Mararoa, Lyttelton. March 18. ■ Wairau, Nelson,' Motueka, March 18. Petouo, Greymouth, March 18. Indradevi, Bluir, March 18. Poherua, Greymouth, March 18. Wimniera, Duuedin, Lyttolton. March 18. JJoeralii, Melbourne, via south, March 19. Manuka, Sydney, via Auckland, March 19. Athenic, Lyttelton, March 19. Kaituna. Greymouth, Lyttelton, March 19. Mapourika, West Coast, Kelson, March 20. Takapuna, Onehunga, New Plymouth, March 21. Koonya, southern ports, March 21. Monowai, southern ports. March 21. Waikare, Auckland, Gisbornc, Napier, March 23. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Defender, Greymouth, March 17. Jane Douglas, West Coast, March 17, . Hiiia, Wanganui, March 17." . Tongariro, Napier, March 17. . ; Aorere, Patea, March 17. Mana, Patea, March 17. Kiripaka, Patea, March 17. Stormbird, Wanganui, March 17. Kahu, East Coast, March 17. Blenheim, Blenheim, Mnrch 17. Manaroa, Havelock, March 17. Maori, Lytteltoii, March 17. Delphic, Lyttelton, March 17. Opa.wa, Blenheim, March 17. Wairau, Nelson, March 18. Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 18. Te Anau, Nelson, March 18. Tongariro, Napier, March 18. Eunerdale, Auckland, March 18. Wakatu, Kaikoura, March 18. Queen of the South, Foxton, March 18. ■■ Waverley, Neleon and West Coast, March 13. Arapawa, Wanganui, March 18. Wimmcra, Sydney, via Auckland. March 18. ' Marama, Lyttelton. Dunedin, March 18. Corinna, New Plymouth, March 18. Rotoiti, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth. March 18. Moeraki. Sydney direst. March 19. Drayton Grange, Lyttelton, March 19. Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, March 19. . Arahura. Nelson and West Coast, March 20. Koouya, West Coast, March 22. Takapuna, New Plymouth, Onehunga, March 22. Monowai, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland, March 22. Waikaro, Lyttelton, Duuedin, March 23. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, March 23. BY TELEGRAPH. SYDNEY. SYDNEY. , . March 16. Arrived.—Riverina (4.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Arnved.-'-Mary Isabel, from Whangapo. MELBOURNE. .March 16. Arrived.—Koromiko, from Westport. Arrived.—Whakarua, from New York; Laudcrdale and' Tuieri, from- New Zealand. Sailed.—Sehvyn Craig, for Auckland. , NEWCASTLE. March 16. Arrived.—Nal, from Auckland. PORT HUON. n •, „ „ M 3"h 16Sailed.—Kassa, for New Zealand. SUVA. , . , March 16. Arrived.—Arcona and Tofua. Sailed.—Moana. COASTAL. TUESDAY, MARCH 16. OAPB MARIA TAN DIEMEN. Jlokoia passed for Sydney at 9.30 a.m. AUCKLAND. Sailed—.flauroto (1 p.m.), for Rarotonga; Indravclli (3.45 p.m.), for Vancouver. Arrived.—Banksfleld (1 p.m.), from Newcnsle. Sfjilcd—Uauroto (12.30 p.m.), for the Eastern Pacific; Manuka (4.30 p.m.), for nobart and Melbourne, via East Coast and southern ports. ONEHUNGA. Arrived—Rarawa (8.50 a.m.), from New Plymouth. •Sailed—Earawa (4.10 p.m.), for New Plymouth. "NEW PLYMOUTH. .. . Arrived—Eotoiti (4 a.m.), from Onohunga; Takapuna (8.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Kotoiti (noon), for Wellington; Takapuna (8.45 p.m.), for Onohunga. PATEA. Arrived.—Aorore ,4.10 p.m.); Kiripaka (4.15 p.m.), and Mana (4.20 p.m.), from Wellington.- ~, : WANGANUI. . . . '■■■ '■'.:.'>'. Arrived.—.Stormbird (3.35 p.m.), and Kapiti (3.45 p.m.), from Wellington. FOXTON. Arrived.—Queen of the South (5.30 p.m.), from Wellington (stuck in river). 'GREYMOUTH.. " : \ Sailed.—Petono (5 p.m.), for Wellington. GISBORNE. Sailed.—Waimate (2 a.m.), for Wellington. ' NAPIER/ ' Arrived.—Waikare (11.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Waikare, for Gisborne; Ruru (4 p.m.), for Wellington; Marero (3.45 p.m.), for Wanganui. To sail.—Drayton Grange (midnight), for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Mapourika (6.20 p.m.), from Wellington. ; To sail.—Mapourika (8.10 p.m.), for Nelson. BLENHEIM. Arrived—Blenheim (1.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail—Blenheim (11 p.m.), for Wellington. . NELSON. To sail.-Arahura (4 a.m. Wednesday), for Weilington. MOTUEKA. . Arrived.—Manaroa (2.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail.—Manaroa (3 a.m. Wednesday), for Wellington. . . WESTPORT. Arrived.—Mangapapa (9 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrivcd.-Canopus (12.35 p.m.), from Wellington. KAIKOUEA. Arrived.—Wakatu (5.45 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. •■' Sailed.—Storm, lor Wanganui, via Waipapa. Arrived.—Maori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington; Corinna (6.15 a.m.), from Timaru; Wakatu, from Kiukoura. Sailed.—Corinna, for Wellington, New Plymouth, and Onohunga; Maori (C.15 p.m.), for Wellington, with 190 passengers. TIMAF.U. Sailed.-Ripplo (5 p.m.), for Chatham Islands; Eiinordalo W p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN. • Arrived.—Moeraki, from Melbourne, via Bluff. Sailed—Kotare, for Catlins River; luvercargill, for Invercargill; Wimniera, for Sydney, via Auckland. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington -Miss ]•'. Smith, Mrs. Jl'Nee and two children, Messrs. Denton, Bush, Widen, Bates, Winthrop. For Napier—Misses Dippie (2), Mrs. Blair and child. For Auckland—Misses Faiquhar, M'Cormack, Blair, Mesdame:! Gow and two ..children, M'Farlane and child, Farouhar, Royds and son Cul'.en, Gretn, Thomson, itiehards Messrs. Fow? ler, Hodge,. two steerage. For Sydney—Miesce Vickery, Iteardon, Messrs. Vickery, Thomson; one steerage; Indradovi (5.30 p.m.), for Wellington. BLUFF. Arrived.—Koonya, from Greymouth; Wanakn, from Lyttelton. Sailed.—Koonya, for Dunedin; Wanaka, for Oaniaru. ■ , SMART RUN BY THE RIVERINA. Advice has been ■ received that tho HuddartParker steamer Kiverina arrived at Sydney from W ellingtou at 4.30 yesterday morning;. covering the distance- in the smart time of ~l ' days llj houra. 'THE DRAYTON GRANGE. It was expected that the F.-H.-S. liner Drayton Grange, from Liverpool, via ports, would leave Napier last night for Wellington, and, after discharging here, would go on to Lyttelton, probably next .Saturday. Bad weather has been reeponsiblo for the vessel's delay in the north. TONGARIRO. The New Zealand Shipping- Company's Tongariro arrived yesterday morning from Pictor. She will take Homo cargo here, and will leave for Napier on Thursday. Thence she goes to Lyttelton for coaling purposes, and should finally leavo that port for London on March 26. THE NEW S.S. HELLENIC. The new b.s. Hellenic, which was built by Messrs. Hamilton, Leslie, and Co., to the order of Mr. W. R. Lundgrcn, of Gothenburg,. owner of the steamers Tasmanic, Indianic, Baltic, and others equally well known in the trade between' Scandinavian ports and Australia was launched in December, and as she left the ways was named Hellenic by Miss Eircne Rowcll, daughter of Mr. Herbert Kowell. She is 393 ft. in length overall, 62ft. breadth, and -28ft. 6in. depth moulded, and has been built under special survey to Lloyd's highest class. She is being designed to make her suitable for tho Swedish, South African, and Australian Line, and though primarily a cargo boat, has comfortable accommodation for a number, of first-class passengers, the accommodation for these and the officers being placed amidships, with a saloon handsomely panelled in polished hardwoods, and heated by a system of steam heating. The Hellenic, is also well equipped with cargo gear, and the load and discharge will be effected by 10 derricks and nine powerful winches, the derricks being capable of lifting weights up to 20 tons. The vessel is lighted throughout by electricity, and large of lights arc placed at the hatches to facilitate the working of cargo during the night. The propelling machinery is being constructed at Messrs. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co.'s St. Peter's Works, and will consist of ii set of triple-expansion engines, with cylinders 27Mn., 45in., and 76in. by 48in. stroke, the steam being supplied by two large boilers and one auxiliary boiler, all working at 1801b. pressure to the main boilers. It may be mentioned that the Hellenic is ,tho .seventh - steamer .built by Hawthorn, Loelio nnd Co. to tho order of Mr. Lundgren during the last four years.
THE ARAIfURA. The Arahura arrived at J.Vestport from Greymouth at 5 a.m. ycßterdajj, and was timed to sail at 3 p.m. for Nelson I She is expected to leave that port at 4 a'.ra. to-day for Wellington direct. THE UUAI'EnU. According to cahlcd ad'tice received by tho New Zealand Shipping Cbmpany, their liner Ituapchu, en route here from 'London, called at and left Cape Town on Friday, March 12. Bhu calls at Hobart before reaching Wellington, where she is due about A.pril 8. THE CRUISE OP THE AMOKURA. The_ secretary of the Marino Department (Mr. G. Allport) received advice; yesterday that the training ship Amokura hfd put into Wharehunga (Marlborongh Sound) for water. The vessel saw no signs of the reported wreckage, but leaves there this morniing in a continuation of her search. THE PAPA BOA. The Paparoa leaves this port for Lyttolton on Thursday, and leaves Lyttqlton for Timaru on March 25. At the latter ijort she will receive cargo,-and then returns to .Lyttelton for additional loading. Sho may be expected here on April 3, and, after loading and coaling, will probably leave this port "om April 8. '; •' .'. THE DELPHIC. The Shaw-Savill steamer pelphic is expected to leave here for Lyttelton to-day. From Lyttelton she proceeds to Port OJiahncrs, Bluff, and Timaru,. collecting cargo at each of these ports. She then returns to Wellington to complete beginn?n B aD o d f I3 Ap°rir U """"f frOm Uero at tUe . TYMEEIC AT AUCKLAND. , After of twenty-nine days, the cargo steamer Tymone arrived at Auckland from San Francisco, via 'Apia, at- le '-on Monday night. She left,San...Francisco at Pa.m. on February 14, and arrived at.Apia at 3.30 a.m. on March presuming the'voyage the', same evening at »i,» u J -. ode ™to weather ;was encountered throughout, the actual steaming time being 28 days 8 hours Mails from San Francisco were i fol ' ow ,; -10 ' base, for Auckland, 13 for Christwn- '. 12 for D «°<!din, and SO for Wellington. Wellington cargo will bo transhipped to tho Manuka, expected to arrive here on Friday. Messrs. Levm and Co. are the Jocal agents. THE WAIMATE. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Waimate, from London, via ports, is due this morning. She has a quantity of explosives to discharge, but it is espectcd that she will clear wnf C ln i VPS 10 berth to-night. The Waimate \vill probably leave for the BlufE about Saturday, being duo there on March 2H. On March 25 she proceeds to Port Chalmers, and is to leavo there on March. 27 for Napier. t A stay of two (lays will be made there, after which the Waimate proceeds to Lyttelton, wihere sho should arrive on April 1. Two days, later sho sails finally from Lyttelton for London. OTAKI'S ADDITIONAL CARGO. The following lines have been' shipped by the New Zealand Shipping Coinpanj-'s Otaki, in addition to those already mentioned.:—From Napitr —543. carcasses frozen tegs; 456 pieces mutton, 377 cases frozen sundries, 110 casks tallow, M casings, 1 drum sodium, 7 bale:! and 7 pockets skins. From Gisbornc—s2 pockola wool, 45 casks tallow. From AucUland-C6 casks tallow, 66 bales flax, 18 bales leather. From Wellington~4o bales ekins, 301 bales tow,- 265 casks tallow, 8 casks pelts, ICO sacks horns. From Dunedin-127 bales skins, 59 casks tallow, 35 casks pelts, 11 crates kidneys. DECLINE OF THE BRITISH SAILOR. . In the forecastle oi most British sailing ships nowadays is to be found the meet cosmopolitan band of men afloat. Generally a- ; few Britishers a f o . T to lc . found, and the remainder consist of Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Hollanders, and others. Rarely will one come across a ves«el whore tho British race predominates forward. The British Bailor, it is frequently said, is fast dying out, and there appears to ke a good deal of truth in the statement. The reason of it probably is to bo found in the conditions aboard snips, and there is little wonder that men preier life ashore when the sort of existence afloat is taken into consideration. There is in port at Newcastle now a British sailing vessel which holds a unique record in the composition of her crew.. It is,the ship Macdiarinid, and Captain 'Underwood is able to say that Jie carries on board an "all-British" crew. THE MANAPOURI. Yesterday the Manapouri, which 'left for liarotonga and Tahiti (Papeete), took ' tho following passengers :-Saloon: For Karotonjra (nil). For Tahiti—Mosdamcs Ben Fuller, Korean, Mitchell, Messrs. Ben Fuller Mitchell, Butt?-. Steerage • For Rarotonga (nil). For Tahiti-Messrs. A. Gabriel, M. Gabriel, Fernandos, A. Smith S' Hyslop, R .Wilson, D. R. Jones, J. Kite, 0. Arvidl son, J. Ijeilly, C. Petterson, Haddrell. She had ? n b m a , r - I . tl foll °wing exports :-Froni Sydney, for Tahiti—24 cases and 7 casks wine, 5 cases champagne, 10 cases cider, 16 cceea sugar 16 cases drapery, 21 cases beer, 36 caa>s tobacco 24 cases absinthe, 418 rails,. 120 tins mint, 34 cases galvanised iron, 62 drums oil, and a number of small lines of groceries, hardware, and sundries. From Wellington; for Rarotonga-17 canes alo 6 sacks grain, 125 bundles timbisr, and some small lines of sundries, making a total of 130 Early this morning the Komata and Kittawa were fixed to leave Wcstport for Wellington and tha Poherua to leavo Greymouth, also for lmgtou-To-morrow or Friday, the steairsr Countess, which has been converted from a harbour ferry boat to a trawler will be ready for sea. Sho will then leave for Napier. Mr. A. 0. M'Mastor, who has been 'acting chief engineer of tho Corinna (in place of Mr. Richmond, who has returned from holiday leave) has now joined tho Kaituna as chief. Mr. Charles .T Mmr. late of Blenheim, has joined the steamer .Capo Broton as fifth engineer. It is reported that Captain E. Harris, of tho Union Company's s.s. tfotuku. has, joined the Whansapo in place of Captain Drewette. Tho latter, takes command of the Rotoiti vice Captain Bell, who tool; charge of the Aiickiaid Harbour Board's new tug To Awkina yesterday. Yesterday afternoon the Union Company's cargo steamer kaiapoi arrived from Newcastle g k\ nte f d l> rati l u ". and berthed at the Rail: It is announced that the Hamburg Underwriters' Afsociat on have struck Norwegian ships out of their tariff, and, with two execpt, lon ,»-Vi S r cal 'E°M from Laguna and from Haiti-Hamburg underwriters will in future quote extra premiums for goods shipped on board Norwegian sailing ships. oul^u ou
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 458, 17 March 1909, Page 10
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3,456SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 458, 17 March 1909, Page 10
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