LAND NOTICE 9, WILLIAM H. TURNBULL & CO., ■ PANAMA STKEET, nn (1 No. 1 IUDDIFORD STREET. KILBIIINIE.-Land, 80ft. x 1.15 ft.. with piece 180 ACRES, MANAWATU.-120 acres in grass, nt back 30ft. x 80ft., 7 rooms, oiie lloor, hot balance bush, 5 miles from Elation, Pnoo anil cold water, verandah, buy windows; .£IO3O. ■ . splendid view, gas stove, gas throughout, 3220 ACHES, MOTUEKA.-950 acres in grass, and every convenience. Tnis property is 550 acres just felled, balanco mixed bush, being sacrificed as the ownur is under limestone country, curry two sheep to marching orders, and leaves the colony in acre. Price £2 per acre. , a few days. Handiest of Terms, Price 12-li ACRES, WAiPUKURAU.-Within J a 354s mile of P. 0., sale yards, and railway eta- \ T TCW r rmvM t i m „. - , ttnn iiractir.illv all nlouimaule unu about L\h\\ lUWN.—Land 31 x 90, new 7-roomed " u » * )rac « l r/ *;i|l;,v two shecu to acre. aMfS ~ HOffia&iiMx'uof,, 6 room, two ES. 'lor Cirf ffiX & bay windows, verandah, gas throughout, Stock'at valuation. ad all conveniences, croquet lawn, and IRENTHAIL-β splendid sections of 5 acres giounds planted with shrubs. Price JJIOSO. and over Theti) sections aro situated about YT-WTnwv ai- • • n. r, , ' im a quarter of a mile from the Trentham iMj»J.UWi\—Adjoining Town Belt, J-acrr. sec- railway station and racecourse, and about . tioii, Haying a irontage of 41ft. 3in s 264 ft., seven chains from the Slain lload. llio i-roomed house, two bay windows and all limd is practically all level, the soil is oxconveniences, well laid our garden, leauti- ceedingly fertile, and there-is an abundant lul view, room to build house. water supply Price JilOO pur acre. Ex-iTice-iUOoO, atiOl ceptionally easy terms. C 953 TWO SOLID INVESTMENTS. iro ACRES of the best DAIRY LAND, j mile from Creamery, 1} from Station, dfvided and *VI watered, all ploughable; carry 40 cows; houso o£ 5 rooms, cowshed, orchard, oto. Leased to December, 1921, at 16s. Gd. per aero. AGOO Goodwill. /?A ACHES, close to the above, divided, watered, and all in grass; 3-roomcd cottage, cow\iV shed, etc. Lease, 15 Years, at 15s. p.a. iiiOO Goodwill. HARRIS AND SUSSEX, • • • m LEVIN ____^_ SOME GOOD INVESTIVJENTS. Cflflfl Freehold, all well improved and laid down in English grasses, free from vKJUU noxious weeds. Well fenced and subdivided into convenient sheep-proof paddocks. Ueneral homestead and outbuildings, woohshed, and several tets of sheepyards. Good locality, guaranteed to winter ~ sheep, besides a largo proportion of cattle. Price, M 12s. (id. per aero. Terras, JJaOGO-oKiWiJ cash, and balance of purchate money can be arranged for at a reasonable raio. Can recouiuiend inspection, further particulars on application, pno 0.1 i. i ,. at 17s. lid. per acre. U\) acres in grass, 25 acres felled; 500 acrei 000 suitable for sawiniiling; 2) sheep land. Price only Jt2 10s. per acre. No. 31C4 ACifiS 0.U.P.—20U ocres in grass, balance good bush, i-room lioubo, orchard, cowuO i 6hed, and yards. Pncn £i per acre. \ No. 3161 QCi ACHES FUEEIiOLL).—AII in grass, li paddocks, 4-room Dwelling, 12-bail cowshed, and oj outbuildings, gcou orchard; 1J miles to factory, store, and echuol. Cheap at .£l3 per acre. 'No. 3159 Of&Cl ACKES FREEHOLD;—I3O acres in grass, balanco good shelter bush, 8-room Dwelling, A/KjO nearly new, all conveniences, 12-bail cowshed and outbuildings; convenient pad< docks; 1 mile to creamery, store, post office, and school; 5 miles to town. Price, ,£l7 10s. per aero. No. 3157 •j ijf\ ACRES L.1.P., at .£lO per annum, 5-room Houso, etc, i> good paddocks; i miles te 1i \J ftore, post office, etc. Price, £i 10s. per acre, or will Exchango for Town Property. No. 3143 I have on my bcoks soms of the finest Sheep and Cattle Runs in the District. Write ot call tor particulars. NEWTON KING, , LANi) AMJ i/STAI'K AIiEM, .NiiW PLi'MOUTH. C9IB
2 SPLENDID DAIRY FARMS. REMARKABLY EASY TEKMS. -i AA ACRES, nllin grass, 50 acres flat, 150 IUU gently undulating, well watered and subdivided; new 4-roomed house; cleso to thriving township, creamery, and school. Prico .£lB per acre. OAA ACRES, all in grass, well watered and (*UU subdivided; good 6-roomed house and conveniences, and all necessary outbuildings; 1200 acres flat, balance undulating; 2\ miles from thriving township, close to creamery and school. Price «£2O per acre. Terms for the above- 2 properties, 10 per cent, deposit., 5 per cent, in 12 months, balance 71 years at 5 per cent. 'fynn PER ACRE.- A bargain. A nico SJ/VO little Dairy Farm, about 123 acres, 6l'oomed house, cowshed, six miles from SquaiV, close to factory and school. Only .£SOO cash, balance- easy.
W, H. MORRAH & CO., T AND AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS, WILLIS STREET. fTPA ACRES, first-class grass land, ALL «H)U CLEARED AND ALL PLOUGH ABLE. 40 Acres under crop, 4-roomcd new House, stable, barn, etc. Plenty of water and river frontage. Lease to January, 1913, at £\U por year, wi:h purchase clause at £& acre. This ia the Cheapest Farm id Haivke's Bay. Price, only £i per acre for improvements and goodwill lease. Terms arranged, nnf ACRES, all ploughablo and nearly all M 4/0 level, 10 miles from Eltham, House, cowbails etc., in good condition. Price, £3 las. per acre; cheap. ' p()A ACRES, OTAKI.-100 Acres flat, balance hills, all grassed and fenced; llosidence and good buildings. Cheap at £1 per acre. C 961 WAIKATO FARM FOR SALE. 1 QKA ACRES, First-Class Sheep and Cattle XOO" Country, mostly improved, near Railway and Creamery. PricDi JE3 10s. per acre; £100 cash required, or exchange lor City Properly. w. chamberlain; C7OO Dominion Laud Agency, Woodville.
C, SNOW AND CO., PALMERSTON NORTH. ■ CHEAP FARMsTOR SALE. IAOO> ACRES, 0.r.p., at 10s. per acre; IU/V* yearly rental .€23. Good part river flat, balance low hills with light bush; 100 acres in best grasses. Well suited for sheep and dairying. Two miles river frontage, requires no fencing; 11' miles from P. 0., telephone, and store. Price, .£OOO. 509 Pfito ACRES, 1.i.p., renlal Is. 10d. per acre; OrVfJ l a'first-class property; 450 acres in grass and' crops; 40 acres turnips, GO acres ploughed after stubble; land has just grown 25 bushels of wheat to the npre. Will carry three sheep when fully improved. Permanent creek and springs. Divided into 12 paddocks, sheepproof fence. Six-roomed dwelling and 4-roonied cottage; school alongside; 31 miies to township by good roads. Very cheap at JT2500. *. 52G THOMSON' & WALKER. LAND, ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. DANNEVIRKE. HAWKE'S BAY LAND, GAHOtN OF NEW EALAND. Q/VQ ACRES, 10-rqiimed House, stables, shed, 010 barns; 2 miles from rail and school; divided into lt> paddocks; splendid cropping land; winters 3 eheep per acre. Price, JEIS. 1 onn ACRES, 12 miles from Hastings, low A/Sl/V hills aud Hats, wiutenng.2J ewes. Price, £10 per acre. O i O n ACKKS, Freehold, with 2982 Acres Leasehold, rent ,£75; wintering 5000 breeding ewes, summers 11,000; good bouso, shed, etc.; 2 miles from'school and post office. Prico, £5 per aero, for Freehold. O1 A ACRES, lU'rouined House, rich flats, G Oil) , miles from. Hastings; 12 paddocks; winters 4 ewes per "icre on grass, summers 10 6heop per acre. Price, £30 per acre. ' Hastings Fruit and Daily Farms, from 10 to 150 acres. Writo for particulars. Lines of Sheer and Cattle always for sale. J. A. ROLLER, LAND AiSjj LbTATE AGENT, HASTINGS. WAIKATO. RICH FLAT LAND. FOB SALE, in blocks, of 300 and 500 acres, being rich drained and partly drained swamp. Handy to railway station and school Price from £5 to £5 10s. per acre. Very easy terms arranged. Further details later. NOTE.—Blocks of 1500 and 1330 acres adver-' tised by me in former issue have both becu taken up by first clients iuspccling same. One client called at my office to say how delighted he was with his purchase, and that the ground vas underrated, if anything. He is strongly advising anyone in search uf land to inspect without delay other blocks in the near neighbourhood ottered for sale by me. Apply, without delay, to H. ERNEST LESGHTON, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, "ISO FEATHERSTON ST., WELLINGTON, And ai LOWER HCTT. • J. W. BRABTHWAITE, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND AGENT, JOHNSONVILLE. TOOULTRY FARM, G acres, House, fowlV houses, good sheltered garden ground. Stock all going concern; 2(1 minutes Johukouvifle Station; Jt4SO; £150 cash, balance atIa j U OHNSONVILLE.-Pretty Home, 5 rooms, all conveniences, largo corner section; £'i%. JOUNSONVILLE.-Another, on half acre; X JOHNSONVILLI;.-6-room Villa, all convenienj6V[Ns6 4 \VILIiE.-3 acres and Cottagjj £.fJQQ Ju'UNSONVILLE.-j;s nnd £\ per month will purchase Beautiful Residential bection, 3 minutes station. ... HAWKE'S HAY. -Dairy Farms, 5 minutts Creamery, £13 10s. UOS3 FLY AMD YOUNG, MASTERTUN. /GENERAL CAKKIERS and MAIL CONIx TKACTORS, Agents N.Z. Express Co., Masterton. Goods nnd Parcels forwarded to all parts of tho world; Commercial Samples a speciality; now nnd up-to-date Sample Rooms in Exchange Buildings; country trips arranged for; all trains met; Hospital Ambulance- on hire at shortest notice, day or night. Stables and Store Rooms, Bannister Street. 'Phone 126; P.O. Box 50, ilastertoD
LOVELY TOILET SETS. Our long and closo connection with the World's Leading Potteries-together with our large and frequent purchases;—enables us to obtain the rery choicest collections of all that is beautiful and novel in Chinaware. Our present display of Toilet Sets. is even more attractive, than usual—all the newest colourings and shapes are shown in profusion. The old wall ■paper patterns are again becoming fashionable; also plain shades in dark green. These, with pretty Uoral and other charming designs may be seen in oin , Willis Street Showrooms. Edward lodersoi i Cβ., Ltd. china'and glass merchants, willis street, wellington. ClOfflt ,lankshear;s Annual Sale CF ■ Stationery and Leather Goods FINISHES SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1909, CALENDARS AND HANDY TELEPHONE LISTS ON APPLICATION. OIOM To Tinsmiths and Plumbers, No tradesman can put his time to the best advantage unless he has good tools. They must be modern in design, of unsurpassed quality, and moderately priced. THE KIND A. AND T. BURT STOCK. Improved Cramp Folding Machines will bend' sheet iron or tin plate in any part, besides folding tin edges of sheet. Durring Machine, or Jenny, for edging bottoms and bodies. I'nniiig Down Machines, Turning and Wiring Machines, Duplex Punching Bears, Hammers ol all descriptions, l'unnel Stakes, Lottom, Pipe, and Hatchet Stakes, Creasing Irons, Uench and Hand Shears, Ueut aud Straight etc., etc. Rhodes Excelsior Foctshear, or Guillotine, with open cuds or brackets. The uneven edges of sheets—any length—can be trimmed, apart from (he ordinary run of squaring. AH particulars on application to— ill BURT. LTD. COURTfcNAY PLACE, WELLINGTON. CS3I
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 454, 12 March 1909, Page 10
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1,737Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 454, 12 March 1909, Page 10
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