• ' — o " .. ■ . .: ■ ■;■■• (Br Splash.) .■ . . ; ■■.■.,"■. ; CARNIVAL- DATES.- : Q"-'.\ February 6.—Y.M.C.A. Carnival, > ; February 11 and 12.—Now Zealand Championships at Timaru. ' . ' " . ; . •• , February 20.-rWelHngtonCarnival. ■"', ' -'■ : ; March 6.—Thorndon Carnival. •'■'."/.'" ". ■' ■ .Murch 20—Centre Carnival., "' ../■';....'•■. The weather, during the past, two weeks has had the effect of setting swimming fairly going,: and every man who could possibly get■ away has. been frequenting the/baths. The present week's attendances.must,,constitute something : like a record : for both ■ baths. The Wellington, Swifts;' and T.MiC.A; clubmen have .been igettihg in some good work at To Afo and reports from Thorndon' state that the-local blub members are now showing" more enthusiasm than, they have done ■for.a long time./ -Hoaly is the leading ■spirit, arid his texcellont example is being followed, .The event, of the.week has teen the three beats'of thoThorndou. Club's 100 Yards Handicap laces on Wednesday 'evening, The first heat, saw; "Happy" Smith ; go off. with a big handicap, and ho maintained.the lead , to wrthin. 20 yards _ from home, when Bruce, Stewart, and Wiggjns,. came at him and left him': standing, .'whilst they, fought out the finish,'touching irithe .order named/. Iα the second heat Roy Nelson showed the way over the: course, and won fairly easily, McLean and Pownall having a good set-to for second place. ._.The heat of the. evening was' No. 3, in whioh: the.: starters were:—Brice. Bsec., Bridge 6sec.,. Rqnayne'3sec;," Fred, Roberts 3sec.,: and R. Healy scr. Brice and.Bridge led over the first stretch, but soon 1 after they ■■had/, turned.;the moved -up,. Roberts leading,' with •* Rbnayne next, and Healy following. .Roberts was in the lead at 75 yards, with Ronayne apparently dropping .behind; and- Healy coming up/ . The. order was • maintained ; until, close to: the finishing •boaTd,' whpn Roriayno put in a.brillianti burst and almost overhauled'/Roberts, ' "who just won ; by. a\ touch.,' '■. Healy : was■'. about 4 feet behind,, Roberts'. ; /Roberts, whose time "wap ;64 2rssec., swam a fine race, andis in/great form over,loo yards at present; so good that it. is a pity' he is, noticompeting in this distance, at the. New Zealand championships, Ronayne'./did the : course in 65. l-ssec, but lost a,second or two turn through-hav- : ing to come into get a kick, off., Healy,-the scratch 1 man,: cut out the distance in' 62:2-5 sec,, a remarkably good performance, espe-: daily, when , he did not swim : straight. ;; ■/-. ■ 7 Polo'is receiving a good deal of attention this season' from' the Thorndon L,CM>,.and it is; predicted. at the '. north:' end bath' that Thorndon will ! be in rattling good form .this, and capable of doing something when the.busmess.end-is;reached, ;/•;; :. '"'■.';■•■:. ■'. •Reg.: Healy,: the Thorndon crack;'-put .up an excellent performance over 880 yards the other day,.cutting out.the distance in 12min.. 25sec.,' .which. ; is .considerably .ahead of the previous' best' , . New' Zealand : time—l3min! .26' :2tss6oV Healy had llmin. 52sec. to his creditwhen'.he was in, Sydney.:-.- Three timekeepers agreed on' the: time, at:, Thorndon, and;, the course: had, been, measured- previous to the attempt on the , record.' Healy did. the first hundred yards in'-71sec,,'.and: hardly varied ■ as the laps, behind.. ■ ; ; of. mixed ; : :bathing.'at : thei City Bath^ i"-wbuld--doubtlessv.alter; :thbir '.opinion after.VaVfew days , ' attendance. 'at'.v'Te V'Afo Bathsurider the:present conditions/".iVThilst .admitting that mixed, bathing .could' be al;lpw6d;,under;..certain'•■;conditions, no ablo -person' would;go so far'.as : 'to suggest thoadoptioh .of-', the', scheme at the .Wellington .baths, .:niore!;-:<3apepially. after .the .past ■weeks', experience. v>"; As things:,nbw stand, a pile-tlriving; pontoon ■' is:. tethered : outsidevtlio ■end A of.the.'ladies'bath,' and:this is the daily haunt' of dozens [of ;male persons, who- stray ■but ladies' 'bath- for.' hours. This is ,'pfo.bably.; .disconcerting-.enough for some: of :.tho;ladies, but'.when, more, or .less (frequently about'on theXporitoonirifcisr'time.fbr 6omeone;.to-inter-" •fere. :4ln,'addition,v"the.;more daring,'if. such .a , gPOS word 'may: be i'perm'ittedvinsuch.a.bad ,sense,^swim;right'inTO'.the;ladies' portion of ; thp bath. -.The, is hurried on : the better.fpr.iall concerned!'■',.-: When ■tlie wall'.is , .up. a "re'gu'lati6n' ; might possibly i.bo framed: that , , any .female;:-who ..-.desired could swim, in the 'larger sheet 'of ; \vater : devoted, to the men, but the ladies;bath'itself:should:be kept solely, for ladibs,; .The .class, of men who patronise thb baths;'iat'on-■ the',.whole.,exceptionally good,'; but there' is; : the tlarrikin ; element 1 to be contended with.and an'occasional visit'tOitho baths' by',:a>detective: might ;add a.few useful items, for, a note 'fori.futureijse. On Tuesday the limit'was reached-when some hoodlums, v who grew tired of talking■;at:the lady swimmers, dived into:the"water and.interfered : with .them- in .a manner; which': would only' be adequately•- punished : by: the birch'. '■;■' '.The rafts and!-. boards .which, are/allowed to drift about' the TeArp, Baths area 4 source of danger- to divers;:: One afternoon .during .the'-week. two: men;'who. dived from-.'a.high ■position; missed striking their, heads 'oh huge pieces'.bf: w00d,.: by a Few inches,' '~: ■.:':...' 1 vß.'VHealy, -who"; is'leaving, for :Timaru,;on : Monday,;,has;..entered'for , ,the ! .whole-of: the New Zealand championships, r 'with the ,ex-.cep'tion\of-'the Breast Stroke; TheThorndoi club is sending' Healy down, ..the WeUingtoii centre .contributing; £2;;'los.towards .'.the expenses. '. ■;.-''■.■'. '■'■■:■'• ■''•"'..'•)'-'•'. : v',;. '■'^• :^: -,: /The, 14th. annual carnival of the WeUingtoii club is to .be-hold, on rebruary:2o,' aid entries close on Eebruary'ls,.'Trie programme is'.as. under:—.-.. •■'.■ v.'.v'■'.'•:'-.>:■';'. v-"-.--'\ ■ '% : . "'".•,. .• >.'■ :-50; Yards' Maiden Handicap;' 50 : ..Yards' :School Boys' Handicap j;.. 50- ; Yards Ladies' Bracelet Handioap; '■■;,Neat .:Header -(liiterClub)'; ; 100. Yards' ; President's Handicap, points '(5 for ..Ist, 3 ;for-2nd, ,l;for 3rd)' tc count: fpr President's Cup; Comic Interlude; Best Comic -Dress; ..Balloon-Race, 50 .'Yards, (competitors are'.required to' blow. , a ; "pennj balloon" along' in front • of them, winner tc be the; owner' of the, first b'alloon , reaching winning: post); Life Saving; Handicap, 51 'Yards'; ;200 Yards'. Schools' Relay Championship, for Duthie Clip (teams of 4 representing primary schools up to and including th( sixth' Standard); 440 Yards' Handicap (Interclub); Wator Polo, Y.M.C.A. y.;Wellington.; - The bulky and , popular .custodian of the Thorndon- Baths, Mr. A. Firth, - has been incapacitated for some daysiowmg to having sprained: his ankle. Rumour'hath it that a wrestling bout with the lusty.captain of the ;blub;had:something to.do with the sad happening. :.;'. Report says :'that i;the custodiuii I makes an unruly -.patient. ■ ~':. :':-. v -■;;;.' .-''.. .■-. "'Appy" Smith had: more fame;-thrust on'' him ■ at i the. Govornmeut -Printing .Offlce pWnio on Tuesday. 'It appears that-a young ; lady,,pioknicker. was careless enough to fall into the harbour after - arriving /at ■ the Bay, and " 'Appy" .proved that: he; was one who ; could still dp and dare, by. jumping- in.and . effecting, a rescue. 'Some of the rescuer's fellow workers :hove. presented-him :with_: a medal of the best. linotypo metal,, bearing ar suitable;inscription 'as -a ihemento: of the .occasion.''- ; This-; is.,the ".eighth ,time',;;that Mr. Smith has pulled people outi of the watei ;when they were. in : difficulties—a good'recorci 'fpr,one -~■'..'-■'■ .f-'y-'.'- .'■■■ v.'.- ■'• '■■'..'■"■;'■'.■.:• : . ■ R: Ronaynej the young Thorndon clubman, has entered for the 100 Yards' New. Zealand Chanipionship to be decided noxt . week. ; He will also take part in-some-.oi the handicap' events/'■■■■■:-'' , , : : : ■ - The programme for the Nelspji Club's carnival tobe held 'at the.Port on ; .'February 13, is as'under:—so yards.maiden handioap'; 80 yards inter-club' handicap; 100 yards iriterclub handicap; spring board dive, flight, entry, and recovery; 200 yards relay race; all schools', championship, 1 50yds., 75yds., and 100 yds.' (opeii ; to 'all attending district schools);: .Custom -\ House stakes* ; 100 yards; breast ; stroko raco: .handicap;; lifesaving' race; polo, match. '.- :' ■ ' \ Referring to the 220yds./championship of Australia," tho ;. "Roferee''.'■:'•' says:—T\yenty yards on the journey Beaurepaire showed in front, only inches nhead of Hardwiok (swimming in .the centre), 'and Healy on the outside: At the conclusion of the first Jap (110 1 yards), accomplished in lmin.: 8 4-6 sec.,' O; Hoaly led, hotly pressed by Hardwiok, with Bcauropaire next, li yards'away from Healy. Rounding into the Jiome stretch, Beauropairo mado a splendid effort, and sustaining it well, with the rope marking the inside limit of the course to guido him, slowly but surely overhauled the two Now South Welshmen- in front, and amid tho greatest; excitement,, assumed the lead little bettor , 'than CO yards from tho touch board. Hero Healy mado n brave attempt to regain his position,
:•..•-.■••..-■■.■.■■••• ,\ ■■ . ■■■ ' . .-■'■ ■ ■ . ■', but was unequal to ! the task,' though he : battled away to the end.:.Beaurepaire won by : three yards from Healy, wljileßardwick and ; Hill almost dead-heated for' third position, the former beating his opponent by .the touch.' Mason was fifth, 'immediately.behind' : Hardwick and Hill. Beaurepairb" occupied' 2min. 30 3-ssec. over the course, which is 2 l-ssec.; slower-than the late Barney Kioran's world's record, and 2sec.,worse.than theEng- ' lish best,- standing' in- the name of the Aiisi tralianj Fred.' Lane. • All engaged finished ini side standard;figures—2min. 45sec. Beaurepaire's triumph was received with.. great cheering, especially as, bar... accidents,,-. it. placed the destination, ; this season,. 0f...' tho ■ Kicran Memorial Cup. almost' beyond .doubt, ! as .the .young.Viotoriaii's form, in, the! 220. ■■' yards championship madethe "quarter' , "on Saturday.-'appear°sure. for him.. Cecil Healy's ' time was 2niin:.-31 4-ssec. : .> "' .;L-. ': ' -The star attraction of the programme was ' the 440 yards championship of Australasia, ' for-which F. toaurepaire, T. W. Mason; and J. Gunn (Vic), Cecil Healy, H. Hardwick, * and A. D. Hill: (N.S.W.), 0. Graham (Q.); ' and H. Eaton (S.A.) ranged up on the startingrboard (says the "Reforee,", dealing with. 1 the..last.'day's Australian championship'rac--, ' ing).; It was expeoted r after his feats on the J 5 previous Wednesday night and Saturday af--3 ternoon, that Beaurepaire-would win, and' 1 3 perhaps easily; but many gave; Hardwick and J. C. Healy a fairly good chance, of downing the, ■ Victorian. It all depehaed, they argued,'; on i how the race was swum..: From- a fine start,-. .Hardwiok sped along the;course.at a-great: 3 gait, evidently bent upon, foroing :the.'-pace* 3 from end to end, as he , well might havedone, r for,.Hardwick has -plenty of endurance, and' i. is.a very plucky lad.;: On went Sydney CluVs 1 ohamnion, with. Beaurepaire and; Healy in* hot '. pursuit, ae. named, and : Hardwiok touched.at. • the nnish.of the first 110. yards., a-couple'of 3 : yards best. .Hardwick -still showed.the, way■ a well down.the next .stretch, andhe was yet.in ' ■ front .when, 220 yards: had been . negotiated; i and rounded'a/yard better ithan :. } paire, and three away, from;Healy. - : -Half-. J way-over tho.third lap Beaurepaire, whobad *>'■ been ,swimming..ih< good - ; form; •'and',:very I strongly, assumed.tho lead; and placed tlired »■ .yards, between himself .and. Hardwick ; era ? kicking; off the; last:-time. : .Still: C.'/iHealy: f .battled'; away grittily...in third position,: but c he new kept 'gradually 'falling to the' rear, as'■' ? each succesßivo, dozen:, yards .were; covered, ? thoughia sprint near.the end raised a'jhearty: cheer, for: him- and. lessened tho- gap; a bit. , '"■ Hardwick swamwe)l to the conclusion,'but '< Boaurepaire was : too good, and.he won by" ?. fully five yards, 5 , with.Hardwick secondhand: "' theilOO.yards champion.seven or eight]yards [! away third. ■■ Hill; and;. Mason-deserved .the 5 .hurst 'of applause -they;'received- for the fino: " struggle; the pair, engaged in. They" appeared : to -reach the touch-board, at.'tho samo. mo-. J men't, but the;.;■ ju'dßes'.-V,placed . them -Hill F fonrth and /Mason: fifth; ;was" ". "loudly.cheered, but'much loiider,;.were' ,the : s \ plaudits for;': Ha,rdwiok, i whoso "pluck , ''all } through tho; meeting had won ■ the^admiration of. everybody... Beaurepaire's. time.was smin. ' 335ec.. ; -14seo. slowerHthan , 'the late. "B.;B. a ' Kieran's >■ Australasian -'"'(wKich;:' : is -.also 'the •■ world's) hest.'r '■ :: i<MV'k-;-X^ : >'*~;:'^i- / j':~<
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 425, 6 February 1909, Page 12
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1,779SWIMMING. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 425, 6 February 1909, Page 12
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