[Bx Giencob.]
PRIM WINS THE HANDICAP. . IBT TILEOttAPB— PBISB ASSOCIATION)-" ' < s Chrlitchurch, February 4. Th«. Canterbury.: Jockoy Club's . summer mMting;p]Mnea:& tondance;r-howeverj was;notjlarge;:.nor were the.:';, fields .particularly: big. . /The ; totalis'ator investments; aniqunfed /to £4781,' in' addition ,bb wluch' boqkiii'akersVfees ;fealise:d':£22s.';Results.are as- ' V'v-v.-'s.'.-v •; TRIAL STAKES, of ,100 govs. . One mile. — Mr; --C. -MaclielFs' b.-.'g. Valdimaf, 'by Pil-grim'-B: Progress—Tsaritsa, ■ 3yrs., . 7st. 111b. (31'Glusky), I; i Mi. ;W.' Gardiner's Jessie Lowars, 7st. 21b. (Yarr), 2: Messrs. VI..G. and: i.Gf, '$ J-'fToMli" i7sfcVv, .(ll'Combe),-3. ,Also : started.:.- flelianthesy Bst. :;21bV.; Cav:atinai'::.;Bst'!': 211v';.;:,Ga£t&iy.&'t. 2Jb,v; -'Eaglestones?ijt^ ',EaElestoiie,:l^ ; for.rfovi^ and-won; ve.ry'.easily: by'' liewars'-'beating'. Nobel- by ; a neck;--' Time, lmin;'. 42 l-sst?.;.;i. ■%:■;/',
HORNBY WELTER HANDICAP) of 100 •sow. ■ Seven, 6:, Payne's ch. g. Golden. - Cairn) . by ■■ ■ ClanranalQ—>Golden Crest, .syrs'.,,. 9st. -41b..:(F..E:''Jones),l j Mr; ,\V; 'O; -Rutherford?s: Contender) 1 21b: (G. , A.^Pine),'42; 51b. -(E. Cotton),, 3.. Also .started:..- Stronghold, ;10si 31b.; Harvest: v-9st. ,111b.;. thlarity,^9sfc.?lolb:Alexis,.'9st r 61b.Prism,-:9st.;;-Athena,.. Bst- -41b;.;and-' Luperinv. Bst. Alexis ; was; quickeafc -to begin,, .but afe- thei end of ■ a the-.'distah're. :'f HereAGbiden-;.Ciifii '-pufc-.m;^^hfs alv ?X' -•linirii. l 29 '' ) :FILLY- ST'AEES; j of.-20D'Sovs,:Six5.£nr-. longs.—Sir G. -Clifford's, ch. fv. I<htaway,i:by ' GlatoTM^3^Bl^f Jones),, Mr G D. Greenwood's Aliss ■ MischieL-Bst.-41b: (H.iDonovan); ;2;.'Mt.;,.T. . ■ A3sq.-:^rted-;^-:>DabcKipk;;' Bst;'»:^6lbV.:ormtilu, r ! r 7stll[lfa^Liaiiy 1-lfb.:;-/IncH*: '•boELny,;7ifci.^Blb; ;..'and r - : Atema a ' ; .6st,' :71b. •' and'M';%iftoM : Kan<& : 'There.. sEe-lost'-ler •iplacej; '! gp*6§l'' i: lcingth', j:\vitji' .;,PaVsMrf : :''a' ; :.and: a -'-.Kalf 7awa^:-tiliirdi^rm^t:wM.'tourtli^;.Time, lrnijil.' 14 : V. . ; ' ,; v MIDSUMMER HANDICAP, of sovs. One mile and a half. Mr. C. D. Dalgety's b m. Trim, by Pil- : - 81b: . (R.. King) 1 , Bst. r.3lb. ........(Emmerson); -2 SirlGV-Clifford's b.h.'-'Glenculloeh; '4vrs.-, 7st 131b . .(F. E Jones) 3 : '.jAlso started: Probable, 9st. : Field Gun,' ; Bst. ;''Blo 4VGriiid ' Slam, C, Bs£ • 81b,;; -Ellerton, •* !8&ti;;ilS ,7st/r2lb; ; .v;\'V Monkey Puzzle and Probable led out of the the jront, ivhile. Glenc'ulloch improved Ins iposition..:; 'Roundiiig the .topi' .turri/ Monk'ey -Wzzle;'aft3 ; .EUeribn |we're.;'beaten, ''atidratxtlie: ,tqp.-ofvthe straiglit 'G]enc\illocli - was' leading,' :Tikitere; :;wh'o' -- finiMedVijasii,' • beating; .Gleneullooh by half •■ a head for seci ond place. Field Gun was fourthi Time,2min.'39seo. '' T
, LYTTELTON PLATEj ,of-lOOsovs-- For ! two-yearfolds. p^Ruther,ford's ch.-f. lngoda,-,by 7st. ,71b (H. Price), 1; Sir G. Clifford's Ploughshare, 7st 91b (A Chapman), 2: Mr. :A; .Macfarlane's:. Boutadc,-,Bsti 81b- (G.- J. Pine), 3. .- Also started■: !Cymbiform|-.Bst:>l3lb , •and Zemba,- .7st.: 7]b.;,. ilngcila Jednnto the straight, and won easily by a length and a quarter, Boutadc two and a. half, lengths away Time, lmin 16 2-ssec ■ CRAVEN PLATE, of 200 sovs.' Seven furlongs,—Mr. A. M'Aulay's b. m. Lady' Tke-Ofncerrr-Oriflammo,. 6yrs., Bsty 61b. (L. (6, ; . King), 1: Mr. R. Sutherland's Czar Eolohue, Bst. 91b. (P. Yarr) 2- Mr P.'H. Pyne's Rose Noblo, Bst. 21b.,(M'Clus■My) # :;3.,;.•■ Also- started :- Petrovna.' 9st. lib. • Sunglow, 7st. 131b. j De Witte, 7sfc. 131b. _7st.' 91b.;• and >Contender, fSt. 51b.. Czar ; Kolohol, was: first -into'" tho challenged him, and, finishing strongly, won b \V? n g.iieck. Rose Noblo was two and a halt lengthß away. Time, lmin. 28 2-osec.
HALSWELL "WELTER HANDICVP, of 100 sovs. One mile.-Mr. C. G. Dalgety's ch. g. Orsino, by Sant llano—Gipsy Maid 6yrs, 9st. 91b (R Mr. I? LS , Bst. ,91b. (Donqvan), 2; Mr O L. Hater's Ennius, 7st. 71b. (Holmes), 3! Also started: Tremulous, 9st. 21b.; Northern fiir slf 'sil 1 I1 T? '' Bst ' 131b -> aD(J Bounti2b. -. Ennius'.was 'first' away" , and ■'•!& uiitil $p'jftraigbiiwas reached,,Here..Orsino.had his.:measure,' and going on won easily by two lengths, Chiariman beating Ennius by a length for second place. Time, Iniin. 43 3-ssec. NOTES ON THE RACING.' .Nobel,was made a. hot favoutite, but ho was very sore, and could not gallop at all. Valdimar was second ravounte,;and/won.,very easily;./ The --fe ? telbig f ' the ;fie ' d fWt * Sprea<i ' out: for half . i principal- ■■ publio selection in the Hornby Welter, but she was neyOT. prpraipent.. Golden /CairnjVwhom'-Mf. :fejayne> the; r&'ent 1 ; Trentham : favoured by a good' on the rails, and won by a length from Contender, .who .tired .badly - at' the' fin'ish'.''The irentham horse, -Prism; finished fourth. •' r'to ligfit'the Enb. Ush-bred- -three-year-old filly - Ormulu for whom, the late Mr. G. G Stead gave' 1500 guineas as a yearling. She was well supbegan very badly ,and- ran green - t H oU 2 h o ut -the -race,,-.finishing-' fourth' rhtaway was,favourite, and led the field ior three telongs, .when;'she: lofSt'-her 'place. but ui : -thp'. loiig;'-,straight, she"put- in> ; some-solid work, and m a close finish won by a lone ;T*°.P l, r ' Itus-.-.Mißchief.; ■■ As-, she. returned .. .crowd, Recognising tho performance, cheered loudly. A" 6 •ftuttr.trained. Aema was m a cood iiosii .ti°mfpr-:th.e'-first; half-mils;,- but.'then losJlier position and'. finished!- Bisth." ' : i-';v Petrovna was the only withdrawal from the iilie: mfljliet 'which showed- that the public were unable to make a favourite, lhe.hrst'halj-mde- was-'rnb vefy/alowly; 'but after that t(iD pace warmed up a good deal Glenoulloch was ui the rear tifi the half-mile only galloping in patches, and when Jones drew tho stick to make him shake off Prim, he i. stopjped. badry: .andv;Tikitere. headed him for second plwe m the last few strides Irun won very easily. 'Grand Slam, who , burst, hiß . hoof -two mornings ago/ finished last.
t Cyrobiforra, was made favourite' in the Lmeltoii 2?latej .biit• at ..;thd.;.busiii©ss' nothing could lire with Ingoda, who gallops ip. . an* attractive -manner. »■ ■" . : v £ .The Craven; Rate ; provided; an . exciting finish.',; -At.-tho' turn, -Petrovna •atid'-'^Roio Noblevwere front; ;but then-Eady -Disdaiii : and;. Czar Kolo_ljo : lrchalleng€<l;.Itin'd:1 tin'd : tli6so two had; ths. finish,.t-0. themsolvosj' thei'-.inare-win-. mhg.'.-by' a. long necki -. Sunglow ran?-badly.-arid finished last.". ; , Nothing .. would go down with.'the 'public but. Orsujo. in : the concluding : event, and be won comfortably.: ■■■~. AVEIGHTS FOR SECOND DAY. .■ The -following are tho .handicaps for the second' day of the Canterbury Jockey ; .Club's summer meeting:— •' ■ RICHMOND 'PLATE, of. 100 savs... Five furlongs.—Fasnakyle, 9st. 21b;;. Applegarth, 9stj. 21b.Ingoda,. Bst. 111b.; Cfymbiform,' Bst. ;101b.'; Boiitade,; Bst.:.Blb!";'.P]6ughshare,"'.Bst;:;" Alma, ;7st. 81b.;'-Pedometer," 7st; 71b: j Scotdh Plaid, 71b.; Riston, -7st. ;51d. i ZembaV ißt., Aisy, Gat. 71k .
LINWOOD WELTER HANDICAP, of 100 sovs.:: One mile and a quarter.rr-Lady Disdain, lOst. 31b.; Stronghold,. Ost. 91b.; LosAngelos, 9st. 91b. ; Memo Zealand, 9st.-81b-; -Field Gun, _9st. 61b.-j Ellerton, 95t..31b.; Sunglow,,Bst. 91b.: Monkey. Puzzle, :-..75t. 131b..; Somjiroif, 7st. 131b.; Jessie Lewars: 7sfc. 131b..; Giovanni. 7st. 71b.:; Santita, 7st. ■ 71b.,j- Chiari-niajti,-'-7st.-71b. • -- 1 FLYING HANDICAP, of 106 sovs - Five furlongs.—Flitawav, lOst.; Gaunt -Witte] 9st. 111b.; ■ Glenullm, 9st.; Sweet ..Angelus; ,Bst. 131b; ;-All.Guns, Bst,l2lb. j Golden-Cairn.-.Sstr 101b. -'Mi ssMisch ief,- Bst .;51b.;: CliiefLochfol', Bst; 31b.; Lady - Onzom, Bst.-.Slbi'j-.Passion, Bst. lib.; ,Serepade.-.Bst. : -llb;.;-!.Yo]o5da,-8st.-; Cerisp •: and Blue,. ; :7st.:-71bBalaclava,7st;-7fb.'; i-Kilts, 7st^i Zetland',-'
ST ALBVNS HANDICAP, of 150 sovs Glenculloch,. . -:Bst.9lb/... .i.Gzar ...Kolohol, Bst.- 91b..f-.Petrovna,:Bsti-.71b;; Probable, ■ BsfcV'2ib.;;V'A3i';Gi^s, ,: Bst..: 21b> :-^iilflima"i I ,.'Bsfcr •21b: ; : Field Gun. .'7at.- 91b.-; Rose ; Noble, 7st, 91b.-;: Tikitere, 7st. -91b.; • Grand -Slam, -7st.. White- Cockade, -7st,-. -21b,; tSunglnw, ,-7st., 21b.; ; Nobel:':7st" 21b.: Hilarity; 6st-■ 131b. ;• Cfinten--der, 6st 91b , Prism, 6st 71b POST HANDICAP of 100 sovs One mile —Glsnqulloch. 9st:. Slb..;,.Jjos .. Anoelos, ; Bst. I islbv:. ■ i2Jbi'r'^l'fiTricß:^- 1 lilaiidi Bstr Gun,- : Bst. .31b. ;i R(ts<v Bst...>3!b- -^.Gmiid gst:;"''White - -;7^tv r r :>" i sTitr ; v¥s'fci 7nt 101b, HiHritv 7st 81b Alo-si®, 7st 81b;^Monkey^ ■6st: 71b.; Athena,'. 6«.t:-.71b, ;" Bountiful; 6st.' . 71b.Luperin, dstv;fl7lli;;iYji^'}?p I GISBORNE R.C. SUMMER MEETING. I [ FIRST DAY'S RESULTS ' . . (BY; . '.. Clsborne, Febrmrv 4 '■ The'tsumnier'.^^mwtmg?'' : 'pf':^^^^ Racing Club was. commenced,.tfvdav in. brilr iaii'cerJ :.//llhe /.sum th'isiugEFlß«sT HTRDLVS On© milp i,nd a half —To Arai Q st 111b , 1 Te Kamui, 9st ■i : 7l^;'v^8 k iV';^''Alß<> : Time, '2mm 49 3 ssec _ ' r MAIPEN JsCDRRY. ..J'ouri-- furlongs;— Tmo i®g&sißsfc.i.l;. Iney S'^Fort-JWlt--50;l-;5sec. ••?«'%{ 'j.'-wvV' H FJjHNG HANDICAP' Six furlongs--1 Pearl ißeef ,7sf 2lb ,'l, Pluck, 7st' 91b , 2, ;!Li^^lesV,;C7sti, Slbr-r'' 3 T ;.:';; -* J. 9-. lmin'..-15Jscc.; • i:.y'</V"•' I HACK FLAT HANDICAP Seven furI longs —Munga Motio, 7gt 131b , 1, "Martyr Kingf,Bstii 31b.-,,2; 'Prince Sassanj-'-ygtMOlb:,' l 3: ilAlso' ' Rex&r.,;,;Won.;:by. ~twoclengths. - Time, . lmm.j v.;SUMMER- .HANDIGAE.- iOne- mile':anda .'qurfdr; titataa,- Bst.:3lb.,\2;:i)ardanus,- 7st.-f121b:,"'3.-The.i-.0n1y.. lengths. Time, 2mm 9 1-Ssec. r COUNTY STAKES Six furlongs.— |;Stylish,:'9sti,i:l.; ; jGladsmuirj ,Bst. :*2lb., . and bplace.< iAIso.-:started: ;-Eiya;rNadino, -Lloyds; r Ortolan,. .and', Kaitakaro. Won by; three. | lengths; iSSec^E'p
WELTER HANDICAP. One mile-Prince Hassan;- • Bst.. 111b., I-;- Baldos, Bst., • 2.'; Motukehu,.Bst.,'3.-. . Also-started":' Sir. Benson- and Waiohika. Won by a length and a half. Time, lmin. 45} sec. PARK STAKES HANDICAP.' Seven farlongs.—Maiora, Bst. 21b., l;:Mnnga Motio, 6st. 121b., 2, The only starters. TVon by half a head., Timo, lmin. 28Jsec. , , rJ , t LA'^,9fSTO^CUP j; fUT TSLSGRIPH—PUESS ASSOCIATION—COPTftraHT J ' Launceston, February 4. : - : The following :is.;the result'.' p LAUNCESTON CUP. One mile and' a half. Mr. W. Brock's' Golden Gate, by I'istol • (imp.)— Rejected, 3yrs. .. .1 Flavel t 2 San Francisco ..... . ... 3 . Won-easily. . Time, 2min. 38Jsec.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 424, 5 February 1909, Page 6
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1,394THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 424, 5 February 1909, Page 6
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