■.•••■ .. PHASES' OF , ; THE MOON. '". , :.,.; .: ' ■■'; . '.. FEBET/AEY. .; ,'_V '■ ' ;.;; ' ■ Day. Hr. m. '."' •';.; Full moon 5 755 p.m. Last quarter ... .„■ ■ ... 14 ■■ 017 a.m. New moon '...'„.: ~; 20 1022 p.m. ■First quarter ... ... .' ;.. 27 219 p.m.;.; \ . ;■''.- HIGH WATEE.. /:' ' : .\ ! To-day, 3.29-a.m.; 4.0 p.m. . .. . v To-morrow, 4.17; a.m.; 4.48 p.m. . , ; : : , "■■■■ .'.'. '■ . /;stjn.'" ;/■;,.-. ■ '■■ ' : :0 v Sun risosto-day, 4.59 a.m.; 7.10 p.m. . . ..:."'.■ ..;■■,■■■ ARRIVALS.; / , ■■ .' WEDNESDAY, FEBETJABY 3.- . .' ■■ KARAMEA, s.e. (1 a.m.. in stream), 5563 tons, Holmes,'from■■ Gisborhe..: . '.' . ':■■■■ ■' PATEENA, s.s. (2.35 a.m.l, 1212 tons,' Stewar.t,■". from Nelson. - Passengers: Saloon—Misses Orofts, Allpqrt, Gregory, Judson, Lewis, Moore, Perrin, Harris. East, WQodhouse, Me,sdames YouhE and 2 children, Tyson and infant, Evans, Baker, Clark, Crofts, Jacobs," Monteitb, Pratt, .Eaet,' Sutherland,: Rout, Chesnall. and child, Messrs. Brown,. Morrison, Clark; Bruge, Jacobs, Lewis, Oadigan, , M'Adam, "Fraser, Hardwicke,- Duncan, Layburn, Kout, Short, Manoy, Ohesnall, Langlahds; 8 steerage.. ■ . . ' '. EOTOITI, s.s. (3.5 Y a.m;) 1159 tons, Aldwell, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. . .•■■" '■_■:. '■■• KAHTJ, --a Jβ. (4.10 a.m.), 182 tons, Carlson from East Coast/., •■■■. ■•■'■ :■■■■'■■■': ■-.'';:..-' : .■ '■. '■" ■ :•'■'■■ ■ QUEEN OF; THE SOUTH, bls.: (4.25 a'.m.),-. 198 tons, Harvey, from;Foxton...■:.■■.,■■■;• ■ , : ":. ;OLYDE, schooner,' (4.25 a.m.)/-90 tons,' Smith, from, Lyttelton. .;.;.. . '■; ' ,■ .•■'■••;'fe; ■ ■'■ MAOEI, , s.s. (6.50 a.m.), "3399 tons, Hunter, from Lyttelton; 250 passengers. •...';■•: .;■•■• "•. .'■'} ' '■ COEINNA, s.s. (7.50 a.m.), : 1271; tons,'Cameron, from'Lyttelton. •■ . ..: . . ;• MELBOURNE, B.s. (4 p.m.),-3993 tons, from Newoaetlec .V■.••■■ ,■■■:•■■■..••.. :..,-, :-,,'•■-.. ■; ■ ..' " .-"• ■ ABAHURAi' b.s. (8.10 p.m.); 1596 tons, Lambert, from West Coast and Nelson.. ■. - : "\ CHA'ELES- F;- OEOKEB,' barquentine (9.55 p.m. in Btreani), 762 tons, Divars, from Timaru., .. ' PENGUIN, s.s. (10.10, p.m.);. 824 tons; Naylor, from ;picton. ; '-. .- . ■ . i ' WAKATU,' S.S. (10.30 pirn.), 157' ton's, Wills, from Kaikpura. ■-'■,;■■.■ : ;■•;.■■ /i, ' .-, ; . - ■ ,-".-■■•..■■ :;/ ; -- : :THUESDAY, FEBEUAEY 4./' V ; / ■'■■''MANAEOA,■'S-β. (1.15-ium.i, 122 tons,;Harti from' Havelbck. ■ ■; . .-■ .. ; ; ' , .. . ■ .:.■"'. r '.-\i :v. DEPARTURES.' .: y\[ ,^v- '-.,'■'•■■•'• ■,■.' WEDNESDAY,;OPEBEUAEY 3. .. •'. r:''''.: KIEIPAKA,. S.S. (11.35 a.m.), 133 tons, Diion, for.Patea. . • .;' :• :, . ■ • , '■' . ' ■ PATEENA"; s;B. (12.80 p.m.)', ;1212 tons, - Stewart, for,Picton and Nelson. 64 saloon passengers. ■;'■• CBfeINNA, B.s. (4.10 p.m.),-IZ7I tons, Cameron, for Picton. ■:•.■■: ..-. •••..•■ ■ • ".'■ ', ■.■'.'. KAHTJ, sis: {4.35 : 182 tons, Carlson, ,, for Oaetlepoint and East'Ooast. :■. :-:.'; • STOEMBIED, e.5.,(6.55 p.m.), 217 tone, M'lntyre, for;Wanganui. ■-.■'■' :■'■'■ '.:■'. .■■■-. . • ' EOB ■ EOY, s.s. (8.15 p.m.),; 95 tons,'. M'lntyre, for Picton. ■■',';:■ = :■.".'■':.'■..:■■ ■■■•■■. : --..■■/ . MAOEI, s.s. (BJS p.m.), V 3399 ton 3, -Hunter, for Lyttelton.'. 156 saloon passengers. .■ •;' '■■~ : -': ' ::'.:':.''■■. " .EXPECTEU ;/ / ; : ;;■", ;■■ liana,, Patea, February '4. .. ■>.--. ■■..-'•.. : ■ ' Kennedy, Foxton; February 4. : . ; Manaroa,: Motueka, February' j). .. • . . ;.'■ .■ ; , Mararoa, Lyttelton,.February 4.. ■; - '• •. Wairau, Nelson, Jlotiieka, February A,. .■ : . .Aorore; Patea, :February 4.''- / ! .: •■'■'.'- '■'■ Huia, Wanganui, February 4. ; ■■' .•-.'■' : -,--",v :Waverley, Fdxton, February ,•'4. .. .. . . - , . ■--'Atu&i "Auckland, February 4.,' -...:•. ■ . /Victoria. Dunodin. Lyttelton, February'. 4. . Maori, Lyttelton,'February's. •:•-," .Patcena. Nelson.: Picton.. February 5. ■•'.■■■■': ■ Stormbird, WanEanui, , .February 5. ' ■ ; ' . Kahu, :East-Coast,. February 5.: '■.;.,'■ ■..Wa'rrimop,' Sydney,'. Via Auckland, February 5; Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via south, February-5. ■.Mokoia, Sydney directs February 5. . ;■ ~v . ■' .Mappurika.-West Coast and.Nelson, Febrnary.s. ■'■Mpuowai,..Dunedin; Lyttelton,' February. 7. •' ■.. ~:.Xaka'pnna, .Onehunga, .New,. Tlyinonth, ...February 7. . :"■■'.. -.'.':•.'.. ■.:;■ • .-..■•. ■■ ' ■'.''■■■■■ '■:..■.■.: "■■■ ■'.Koonya,. southern .ports, February,: I.■', •'..,. ~ ' -Pakeba, Oamaru, February 8. : .'.' ' ; ."■■■ Corjnna, Onehunga; New Plymouth; February 9. Waikare, northern ports, February 9.-' ". !':. -,
.. - ■ PROJECTED DEPARTURES. , . ■. . Patea, .February '4. .' ."■, ' ~< ' Blenheim, Blenheim, February 4. ..'- : ; ■ Manaroa, Havelook;.February t.-■■'.'- .'-.'• . Queen of the South, Foxton, 'February 4. Kennedy, Nelson and West' Coast; , February 4, V Aorcre,, Patea, February 4. ,' • • W'airau, Nelson, Mptueka, February. 4. '• ' Mararoa, Lyttelton, February-,4. ■,-. ■■-■.• . ; : Venguin, Nelson, February. 4. : . ".■•' : , Waverley, Nelson and. West Ooaet, Febrnary-4. . Wakatu, Kailioura and'.Lyttelton, .February 4. . Victoria. Sydney, via 'Auckland, February :4. . 'Botolti,' Picton,. Nelson,... New Plymouth, :Onehuaga, February 4. . " 'rfvvffil"-, ;■'-'■ : i:-'-.«!■■■■: -Huia, 1 Wanganui, Febrnaryi^.^v^-■'•;.. ' J ' .Maori, Lyttelton, February' 5; •■';.:'.•>,.-, r •■-.■" "Pateona, Nelson, ..February,,, 5.' '-v .rt.-i: . : ;;. 'Opawa,; Blenheim;"'Febraa'ry;.s.v^ .'■JfyS - ; ' ': Stormbird, Wangahui./Fabruary S.' ;' .<:•; ■ lArapawa,: Wanganui, /February. 5.. :l\ •;•.■ ■.'■.. 'Eas.t Coast,', Febrii'ary,.'siv. ,':'; A '■;;.' ■...Warrimpo, Melbnurnej-,Yia''south',-,February 5. .'TJUmaroa, Sydney direct, '.-' ,' Mokoia,' Lyttelton, Dunedin; 'February. 5. Arahura. Nelson and West Coast, 'February 6. ■ Jtonowai,' Napidrc GiGborno, Auckland, February 8. ' .-■,' ."■ ■-.' ■ ■.•'...■ .' ■■■ :," ,-. ' ; ■■• v:■
Tak'apuna, New Plymouth, Onehungai February 8. . .. '-■■: " ■:.■■•' ■■,"•■"; ".-.'• s-,■■-.:■ '.:.:, Kobnya, Nelson, and Went, Coast, February 8. ' ;Pakeha, London,, via Napier, Gisborne;. Auckland, February 9 ■ ; . .:.,... ... . "■•■: " . .-. t. ■'Mapourika,-Nelson, West Coast, February 9. ■ Waikare, Lyttelton, Dunedin.,Febrjjary, '9.'.',.. j i^:!;:'. .''■■, ■' BY .TELEGEAPH.' , ; ' ; :' ■; - ; .- '■ !; -\' : :- r '\7'--' ;■■''.;■■,;■■;■:'' ; : •;;■•;' ".'•■ -feemantle.vV ■" ■:'■;-, ,:■, :-■, :..::..;::.::■' '.:;v..-'-.. ■■'.:.■.:• ; V~ '■"■'■■'■•'•> L.'-' 3.,' Arrived.yOhina, from London. • Passengers for New'Zealand—Messrs. Nelson, Harper and.wife; Siinmonds, Knight, Sir . James ■ Mills, Professor Haslam and wife, Dr. Wilson./'- , . : : ' •.,:;. ; ■'■>' ■:'''■■.■ ;-.'■: -SYDNEyV' , ' ■', '' •;\-'^'-':- ; ■ ■ ■■- i.. ■■.-:. ..-. ' :February ; .3. . Sailed.—Wimmera (2 p.m.). ■ ■■.'..:';■■" ■•: - .-;".■..' - ' '■;■:•■ ■NEWCASTLE/:.. \ .' : : . .'.'-." : ■ .' February 3. . Arrived—Waihora, from Auckland. ■■■■ •. Sailed.—Marora, for Wanganui. ' ': . - \ '-. :. .y .'-. MELBOUENE. , ' "'' - •:-..■ .-:-.'■:■ •'•-- Februarys. . Sailed.—Awahina, for' Auckland. ■ - Sailed— Moeraki. '.-; v. . ■■ ~.-■ ''': !^>':''.."-': '■ : /". -'iLONDON. -V'-.'''. : <\'■■■'.''■ -~-^- v ■■ '.-■-.:■ ■:■■'-.■-■.- .....'■.-■■.-■v -February 3. Arrived.—Euapehii, from Wellington, , ■.-. ;■,.;-.;. ;;, : : '■':■'■ -.-coastal;/'. ''■■■.■;.■■. ■■': ; > ■•• v^, ..WEDNESDAY;;FEBEUAEY 3./■'•"•:■; \- -., .:'-'■:; ; ;//' ';■ AtlOKfiAND. ; ', -' ';::•- ,'Arrived.—Alice; schooner, from < Maiden Island. 1 ■ Sailed.—Eangatira (5 a.m.), for London; Navua (6.45 p.m.),-for the South Sea Islands, Fiji, and Sydney;:.-Flora,: for . Qisborne andiNapier,. via ports.-- ■ ; ■' : -,"' ■': v, -•. ~',; •'- : - ■,::: -;■ ; ; •_. -:.• ■; ;'. ; v :'■ -.. '■■■.■... .--. :V ONEETJNGA. '■ ■.''.•.!•'■,, '':'. .' Arrived.—Takapuna (8.25 a.m.), from New Ply-' mqutlii";..'-.--;.-"."- , ■ ...■■•'".' : '- .-■'..: ■ .. .- Sailed.—Takapnua (4.50' p.m.), for 'New Plymouth. - Passengers^-Misses:. Smith, Coombridgo, Mesdames Simpson and 2 ■ ohildren, Ludbrook, Jones and infant,-' Marshall, Messrs. Jones. Eoper, Hogben,..o'Eorke (2), Oampbell,''.Ohamberlain- (2), Boss, Hemlett, Fahert, \Simpson,: Bayly; llartin, Spencer; Kindle, Bailey, Carpenter, Masters Lud-\brook-(3)i Napier, Mowbray, Kindor< Andrae, Mowbray..(2). ■.■'■':, ,'-.'.ft-'.' \ .';.:-.;,'-. ■ ":•:. ;j" ■■:■■ : •' ... :vVy '..ffAiiAEA.,/-:/;;-; ;':;". ,\ Arriyed.^Tainui [ (8 a.m.);; from Wellington.-, '■:■. : ;' : :'■;& . -'■ '. 'NEW PLYMOUTH; ';■ '■ ■'■ '.'■'. ;", ":■ 'Arrived.—-Earawa (4.30 a:m.), from Ohehunga Sailed.—Earawa , (9. plm.),. for-.Onehunga. ;.- : ■■•.' : ',' ' ;':■, : .'.■-/.•'.•WANGANtI.'-/"'"' , '''': '.-.' ; ' ' ■:''.' ■'■ Arrived—Huii. (7.50 a.mO, from Wellington. -. ■ ■["' y-r .'••■'■■. ■.' patea.- , '' ■ /. ; .-;::'■,■ "' '•.. Arrived—Aorere . (8.45 a.m.), from Wellington. ■ ; ,:,\ ■'.-'.;■ li-'FOXTON.-■■;•)-.'.''.• X V' '"' -■■ ; Sailed.-rKennedy (7.50 pim.)', '.for Wellington, ■-. ; . ;■■"-';': ; -:-..;; ;- EAST CAPE. :7 ; ".' ";■'; The Atna (10.55 a.m.), for Wellington, passed south... ; ■ '.:■•-. ,: ~-. -.■■•-' ■-...- - , - -«■■']■■ ; : .,- ! ; .- //.NAPIEE.-;: : ';..-■;•'.; ,'.■;.",■':?■' / Arrived.—Nerohana ((8.30 a.m.), from Gisborhe; Wakanui (2. p.m;), from Wellington. ; .Sailed.—Tomoana-:(1,p.m.),,f ■ ;.;'•}"■." : -'' ; ' '•■'■'■;.' ri PioTo.N;-: ;: :.: : ;;';'. •■ - -v^'-': .Arrived.-Pa'teena (4.40 p.m.),'from .Wellington.-. To—Pateena (9.30 p.m.), for. Nelson. '.;. /■';:';. ';'.:. nelson."-■■•','-'. ''■?:■■■'■<■{ :: '. • Arrived-Mapourikai (4 a.m.),. , .fr0m Picton; Wairau (6.20 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Wairau (3.30. p.m.), for Wellington. , , : -.'-' ' ■-'. MOTUEKA. <; ; "'- i .,V' : i'i | . '-.": Sailed—lfanaroa'( a.m.), for Wellington. , . '■" ■ ■ :; ! .; WESTPOET. , ■;;■■■ Arrived.—Petone (5.10 a.m.), from Wellington." Sailed. T Komata (8.45 a.m.), and Petone (6 p.m.), for Wellintgon. : i ,, .'..,- • .. ,' f , ■•"■■•;-■'■'- .-C , 'LYTTELTON; V ■:,. . : :-.. ■'Arrived.—Kaitaneata (WOvaimj, lonic (7.40 a.m.), and -Monowai (8.15 a.m.), from Wellingtoni'Mararoa (11.10 a.m.), from Wellington •• - : •'. •'■ ■•' : - Sailed—Monowai (12.30 , p.m.),'for' Dunedin;, Wootton, for .Croixelles; Eosamond for Westport; Whakatane, for Bluff; Mararoa (6.50' p.m.), for Wellington. . Passengers:-Saloon-Misses Has'sell, Alloway, Sicely, Morris (2), Hughes, •: Sharman, Eosendale. andrGledhill, Mesdames Hantin'and-2 children, Moore, ' Bullivan, ■ Symbns, • Meyers, Worsley, Hoar and 1 child, Pardy and 2 children, Nairn, ; Sharman/ Cook,. Squire, Eyan, Eiggers, Swallow, •■ Taylor, and' Young, Lleut.-Col. • Eov. Kennedy, Professor Bentram, Oapt. Bone, Messrs. Kumuiell. Pannell, Meyers. - Cross, i Speight, Eichnrdeon, Milne, ■ Worsley, Hooper, Emery, Coop, Eule, Bacyertz, Thompson, M.P., Jones. Gamble, Wilkinson, Youiiß,- Raymond, Baldwin, Hardy, Orbell,, Hyman, Walker, Wolff, ' Burcess. Wells, Simpson (2), Thompson, , ; Gilee,. Fowler, Orohard, Meld' (2)., Swallow, Taylor and Young," Masters , Archer;..(2), • Dunn, Hutchinson (2),' Swallow", (2), and.'2s steerage; Victoria (6.30 p.m.), for Sydney, via East Coast ports.■ Passengers—Saloon;' For Wellington—Misses -MacKellar, olichards/ Singletone Tumor, 'Mosdamosr-Watktas, Pope,- Turner, i Douglas, Lord, Messrs.' W. Ologgie, Dudley, Mao-
Kellar, Hamilton", Miller, Grey, Paul. For. Napier. , Misses Pinkner, Lane, M'Kenzie, Eyder, Mesdamee Wilson-and 2 children, H; Overton, Olliver and 3 children. Kγ. Gisborne—Misses Parker, Wei-, don, Joblin, Howaon, Lynhain, Mesdames Foster, Martin, Messrs. Foster, -Martin, .Donald, MasterJohnston. For Auckland-Misses Todd. Osborne; Warner,- Frostick, Dovereaux, Temple, Eovy, Mesdames Anderson and child, Kerwood and. 3 ohildren,'Martin and child, Osborne, Cole.JPavitt,. fiev. Kerwood,' Messrs. IV Anderson, B. N. .Martin, P. Pavitt, G. A. Cole, A. C. ]fotiuer, Hamilton, Watts, Tompkinson. For Sydney—Misses Boos (2), Mesdames Kussell,-Evans, Moeller,- Cjark;-Messrs.-Foster, Clark,.and; 46 steerage. •; ■. ■: ■■'*.;.■"• -.:: \'- : - r >- : ; DUNEDHC' ■ L\'' :^:-[i Arrived.—Storm,' from , northern ports; Mamari, from Bluff. : • '■ .' •■-■•.-. / - //^_,.: : Sailed.-Star of Australia,, for Bluff; .TJUmaroa, for Sydney, via Wellington. Passengers-Saloon: For. Lyttelton—Misses Beatman, Williams, Moffet,'Woodcock, Mrs. Shea..-Messrs. Shea, Outred, Dr.' Thomson. For Wellington—Misses Pearce,: Wyinks,- Laurenson, Ford, Farra. Irvine, -Keys, 'Blundell, Harrison, Mesdames Blundell, Campbell, Knott, O'Connor,. Messrs. Orosbie, 0. ■ W. Jones, Ritchie (2),' O'Connor, Campbell and boy, Edwards-(2). Marein. For Sydney-Miss Knox, Mesdames Knox, Way, Messrs. Lazarus, Schwert-, zer (2), Wright, Way. : ... -.• '■ '.-,.- ; ,:. ■:■ ■; BLUFF. ..'. '■ :''-.'.:'■ Arrived— Koonya, from Greymouth.. . /., , : :', AMERICAN TIMBER ARRIVES. : ■ Last night the' American barquentine Charles F. Croker, with part cargo of American timber, arrived in port from Timaru. .. ;. -": //../':', /:,':■;. " : .;. V '•:. THE ATTJA. /'/; '"■ ■;■';.'■.: ■■■ Laden vrith fruit/ex the Navua, .the. Atua is expected to arrive in port to-day, from. Auckland. " iHence- she proceeds-to Port 1 Chalmers, probably this, evening. . ; .. •■•-.• . ■ . . '. ■','; ■ '. ■■ MANA-.STILL:ON THE mBD///' ;1 / Efforts to refloat the Patea Shipping Company's Steamer Mana, which is ashore at Patea, .have, so far, proved fruitless. Yesterday her position was improved, and it is expected that she: Willi begot off before the; end of the -week-. -.-:, . ■;.,';■'..■': ,'AEApawa,'- foe: wangantji. - ■ : >It is the. intention, of the Patea Shipping'.Co.! to run their' new! steamer Arapawa,' which arrived from Home recently, in. the Wellington-" Wanganui trade; -The company notify by advertisement that'she.leavee Wellington to-morrow, for■ Wanganui.' ■■-;;. ■-•_■■:■; /■:-'-■:;.■//,.";".■:? '■■:/■ / :[!: BMART, : SAILING.;.; ; /:;' ; : u ] : :. ''j- ' .The-barque Rona, which" left Newcastle on Thursday last/ with- a cargo of• ■ coal f or: Lyttelton,, lost no time, after ■ leaving- New, -Zea-: land.■".: She. sailed from. Dunedin on January "10. and made the -run 1 to' Newcastl- in.nine.'.aays, arriving <off, the. 19th: -Nine-days.more;were spent in port;putting, out ballast and loading coal, and. the vessel, sailed 'from Newcastle,on her return'to .New Zealand in., less - than: three weeks-from the time of leaving' Dunedin. • ~r :, ;.-'' ■■] ■■■■;X'' *• .4ND ONLINE/'.' "'■'' ■?■'' :Ab English exchange reports that' the- new, P. and'O. liner'Malwa, built by.Messrs..Caird■ and Co., Greenqok, ran speed trials on the Clyde last week: with' highly satisfactory results,! and on .her .arrival ,in the Thames the. public: will doubtless be afforded an opportunity .of judging, for:' themselves. Whether 'she' comes .up to 'the high --.standard-- which-, Sir - Thos. ."Sutherland claimed, for. her at, the recent meeting of, the company. Sailing, as these splendid boats do, entirely at owners -risk; the results of-their .trad-ing-must necessarily contrast favourably with that of 'high-valued , steamers, which 'must; be. -kept--insured' up - to. the" hilt in order'.. to., protect builders' interests. N -. '..'■;• ;'.';.Ay. .!:';.' /1 >' ;the' 'falls of halladale ; iWeeok.';, % ■It is reportedVfrom Melbourrie'.that thousands; of cases of benzine are coming ashore from the wreck' ofthe Falls of Halladale at Peterborongh;: and also ; a-large quantity; of .-valuable-timber, 'bucK ae.mahogany and case wood. ■ 'Aβ soon- as the tins of ■ benzine are washed upon the sands' .they- are with; an axe by .the Customauthorities, and the contents allowed', t0,.. go to waste. This incomprehensibe proceedine ■: has completely puzzled .local-residents,, and the only -explanation vouchsafed is-thafno duty.has been paid on, the- oil. This reckless. destruction is considered'outrageouß, and it is understood that 'the; timber! referred' toVis'to' bo :destroyed- by : fire; whileHhe.- rolls of; printing - paper are going to' pulp .along the coast. ''Some of the cargoes: to. Dβ sent: to Port Campbell -for transhipment to; Melbourne;-.;. ..",...,;• •■..'•..-. •" ■■■■'■::\".-A"-:.--\ ' : 'i. '■■[::---/:,: '■ ..:w,;.r'; •• The accountsl.;of i the Houlder. 'Line-'litiU for 1907, publislied in/London a few weeks ago, show that losses -6nivos;aße3,'etc.,- amounted to- £5165,' and aftor for interest .aiid •■ other •items, the'net loss for the year wa5£17,765 (says an exchange)..' Deducting credit balance brought forward; £9388, a debit balance of £8376 /remains carried forward. -The 1 report.states .that thoreeult is; due to the /exceptional delays-in the disoharge'of,steamers experienced at.Buenos Ayres during the greater part' of the year,' and also to the. financial 1 crisis in America, 'which for a time.seriously• affected the wool-.shipments* from: Australia:.. -..':The" 'b.b.' Ovingdeaa; : Grange was soldjat a-;price'-'w'hTcn,?after l ?|lliiwtns.fbr. 5 ; per cent., depreciation.' on her .'.original coet'to the company, shows'>a,goodpr6fit.-..The.cost , price was- £31,203, -.and; the'amount,'-'debited' to depreciation : fund, • £11,750.' 'The- balance-sheet ■• shoes' that .-■ liabilities—including \ /ordinary V-shares,. £275)000; cumulative 51 per... cent. ,• preference' shares, £199,245: first 'mortgage debenture' stock,. £200,000;. depreciation' fSn'd and reserve, £158,249;. insurance, fund,'.. £5000; bills • payable and, debtsowing by the company, £212,004; ; and amount received on /forfeited shares, . £100—amount ,'to. £1,049,599..;:- Assets- include steamships,' £718,188; debts due.'to , the company,.including balances.'on' pending■ voyages, £219,719;: and other iteme.y- • -/■.;[;;; ZItANGATiEAi,FOE LONDON; I;' 'A -. Press'; Association.'.. message ; received from Auckland yesterday, says :—The Shaw, Savill and Albion-Oo:'s steamer Earigatira, which sailed-for-London this morning, is etated , to- have created a record for.'the port of Auckland by loadirig-.the whole of. , her cargo' with , :the* exception/of one lino; at this port.' ■. The- steamers ''.freighting is/ a' valuable .one,, the local agents,: Messrs.v A';-.S. Paterson.ahd Co.'./placo'a- conservative,estimate on-the total lines of ■ £250,000. 'There ie a/shipment bullion alone .worth £40,000;. the con-, signments. of kauri 'gum /totals. £80,000.rin -value; : the ;wool -. another,,£2o,ooo, .while the 1 copra-ia valued at another; : £14,000. ' The principal lines were bttllion'''va-lued'at'£4o,ooo,'wool,■ 1770...ba1e5, •kauri gum, 5223 cases, and 1034 sacks, , copra,~lso9 sacks,'timber 183,000 feet,'frozen lambsi 14,500 carcasses; ..The-'vessel hhs also .20,000 carcasses' of mutton shipped at Gisborne. ' ■-.- ': '' ; When eh route froiu Westpqrt to • 'Wellington the Government steamer Hinenioa will work Kahurangi Poiht. This is one of the most difficult landing stages on her tour; %ud on one occasion .she -was./delayed there •■ several days. Passengers 'from Ohehunga and New Plymouth by' the lEotoiti-, yesterday-were follow:—Miss Skeet, Mrs. Young, Messrs.- 'M'Bnrney, Wellings,' Mawsoh.Capt./Robertson, and Master Lucas. :
•:: :.;\"-.;-v->Eio:" loge oteedub/, ■'■■'■ .Nothing. further has been heard regarding the auxiliary barquentirie Bio Loge, which is now seriouely, '■ overdue'- at Dunedin, from.. Kaipara. The' vessel; wasHsighted in i Cook Strait "on January 13' and, 14 ; 'by the/schooners .'Waratah.:and' Isabella■ de' Frame, .which arrived at Dunedin over a fortnight ago, "and since tho-t-time she has not been, reported, says : Tuesday's. Christ-, church'--"Press," Captain H., Monro informed ft reporter yesterday that the Eio .Loge,' although forSy years old, was a very staunch vessel. He commanded 'her for four years between , 1885- and 1890, when she was engaged in the sugar trade between* Mauritius and Lyttelton. She, .was a fine, vessel;; when, "laying-to" in a heavy- gale or when running before 1 a gale. Captain Monro stated that while in 'charge of the Eio Lose lie safely rode; out the: heaviest gale' he ■ had .ever, experienced. Captain '■ Monfo ■ was hardly inclined to agree with those who think that .the Bio Loge came to grief in tne heavy southerly gale of January 15 and ,16.. He ventured the opinion that there 'might have 'been an ;eiplosion.of:benzine on board the vessel, which was fitted with oil. engines. The' Bio Loge ■ .which was built ; in 1869, was once regarded as a.very, 'smart -vessel, and was.originally; , rigged, asr a brig.. For some years, she was a familiar trader between.'Mauritius aiid. Lyttelton, in (company' with the Ocean Banger, Thurso. Jasper, Gazelle, Laira, Alccstis, and Alexa. On .one occasion,. Captain Monro stated, the Rio Loge made a record passage for- a sailing vessel from Mauritius ;to Lyttelton; . covering the distance" in 32 days, and averaging' 91- knots per hour throughout the-trip. She was;later on .purchased by Captain Spcnce, and for a good many years.was engaged in "black-birding" (transporting Kanakas) from the; South Sea Islands to Queensland' ports.- Finding her employment trono, Captain Spence brought her across to New. Zealand about two or three years ago, and she has since been engaged • in. the .timber : trade... Captain Spence, .who .was the' owner, of. the -vessel, was accompanied by his wife and two children. It is-.stated'that, Mr. Olive.-'formerly an officer in the TJnion . Steam' Ship Company's service, was mate'of the Bio. Loge.. .'\ ,■: • -.'•.,;.• : ,■.
; Messrs. Imvin ana Co. notify by advertisement that the Onawa is to leave, for Blenheim' tomorrow nigit; brit .cargo will be received to-day. The vessel is expected to complete her' overhaul to-day. ■I;";,: ':'- . : '"'. ■■■ '■'■■ '■ "■'■ '■■ '■■■ ,- -'■ Coal laden from Newcastle, the steamer Melbourne arrived here yesterday afternoon.' Pratique was .granted, and the. vessel, berthed. She had an uneventful run across the Tasman Sea/ ■ Oaritain-Sniitli, late of the Mokoia; is' bringing the Warrimoo to Dnnedin this trip from Sydney via Auckland, and Captain Livingstone will ronimand. the -Mokoia,. which is due ■ from Sydney direct to-morrow. •;;. '-. \ ../■-. V ',v The ' American' shipbuilders are fond- of' biir schooners.'and in December the' Edward B Winslow was launohed at Bath,. Maine. ■ Sho has bix masts,-and is the laroest wooden schooner"in the world, bcini; 318.5 ft. lorn; and- 60ft. beaiv with'a;gross.tonnage.of 3424., Sho';coet'about At ;,3 -p.m.-yesterday ■ thev'-trnipn- .Companv's steamer-Flora was to for Wellington, . via : East; Coast ; hays. Gisborno. : and Napier.,; Given- for working the respective ports she should; be here by. Sunday• next. - - '"■.!-■ ■ - "''.',■■ ■ ~; ■ . '*,-.-! ■';■ -J it is reported that; Admiralty.have placed the order for> the ;turbines of: 43,000 i.h.p for the armoured cruiser to be built at Devonport with Messrs. John Brown and. Co.,' Clydebank and the order .for; the engines of 25,01)0 i ; li.p.. for the battleship: buildinß at Portsmouth, with Messrs. Harland; and Wolff, Belfast.*'...:, . :- .' . - . On Monday.the Union Company's steamerMaitai' was~ to-Lyttelton from : Port Chalmers, where she has been undergoing a vorvthor-' ough and extensive renovation. She is to be docked at Lytt«lton, and will resume running. in the course of;a' v>eek'or two. The Maitai is practi-cally-'a new vessel,.as"£2o,ooo, is is reported, has been ; expended ;in refitting and extending her passenger accommodation. ■■■'■ :-'- v. .-..,. . .•'
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 423, 4 February 1909, Page 8
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2,644SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 423, 4 February 1909, Page 8
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