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« < A "RENAULT-iACKSON.^ 1 THE OBJCTS OP UNIVERSAL ADMIRATON AND INTEREST. YOU That will stand tha SEVERE TEST OF TIME. WANT THAT IS A CONSTANT PLEASURE To KEEP. . A ■ THAT mil surrive-ROUGH CONDITIONS. MOTOR THAT requires a MINIMUM OP ATTENTION. CAPr THAT suit? your pocket, IS require a thoroughly RoHablo C«r that uj tiw Embody moat of Perfection, AN INVESTMENT!!!!! YOU THINK IT DIFFICULT P IT IS DIFFICULT! 1111 We ore. howeror, 09 near the mark as it- is possible to attain, aa WE GUARANTEE COMPLETE SATISFACTION. WHY HESITATE? YOU KNOW what these Cars are 11 Ml OUR PRICES ARE BIGHT!!! They are carefully calculated to stead any compannons. WE, ARE out for BUSINESSUIII , A POST CARD brings you a Catalogue. W« can »ko CALL ON YOU , .with a'Car of THE MAKE, in which you are interested. These aro part of cur methods and carry no sense of obligation. AT YOUR SERVICE!!! WRITE US NOWM ' '.-P.-W. SAMPSON & COMPANY, ' COUNTY GARAGE AND MOTOR WOfjKS, WAIPUKURAU, H.B. Ale 3 sola Hawko'a Bay Agents for the wll.knawo, "Stuart" and "Enfield' 1 8 Cars. ' 'I Full stocks of Accessories—Rnshrnore ' Headlight?, Bparfcbt Inflators, 1 Motoring AppareL Qualified Motor Experts. C 933 1 * B i'-ii«i-fi.Hi iV- J - ■"'""'"■»- .'.'""■«uH.„ßv.Tflr;'"ie«i!i.. n..|.i. ■,|, H - rrTtlCE l[ , Special Designs to suit all styles Awarded: GQUD, SILVER, ano Of Architecture, BRONZE MEDALS ' Full or Restrained Colourings. At Chrlstchurch Exhibition, I Sen,d for Illustrations. ! SMITH t SMITH Ltd., mm ZSL mm 1 ' • "HANDS ACROSS THE SEA.",, IN Sending Greetings from "MOA LAND "Send a Souvenir Spoon of WELLINGTON, delightfully Embossed in Gold and Blue Enamel, 8/6 T0 15/- EACH - ' "" ' OR A GREENSTONE PENDANT, TIKI, OR PAPER KNIFE, We haye thq assortment in too daintiest designs. Come and sea for yourselves. 1 ',"' 'O lOIc';'! Til" •' r >"i \" E.P.N.S, BUCKLES, from qln Exquisite in 'Quality and Design. ALSO A HOST OF DAINTIES THAT CHARM THE EYE AND PLEASE THE POCKET, .G, T. WHITE, WATCHMAKER'AND JEWELLER, LAMBTON QUAY, AND AT CHRISTOHURCH. C 859 ' V • TKE MARVEL OF THE AGE! THE NATTRASS CHURN. BUTTER produced nnder Five Minutes la any climates no need to temper 'churn. Na' more weary churning days. Easy, Simple. Reliable, Clean, and Cheap. Churning ,»ade a pleasure instead of a drndge. Any 0 apaclty, from lib to 1 ton. Inspection invited. THE NATTRASS CHURN CO _. TELEPHONE 2093. S3 WEBB STREET. I ( , ' ' cssa ' FINANCIAL STRINGENCY. FTIHE Best Qualities are often the most economical. Study economy and insist on getting ■ ARCADIA TEA. -

til ,1 I 1 1 . II lIH.I l" , I .IUI VlJl A |'j|' I JHJ| J t , mm, j .I.Nll P H J • r"* -"i . ' v'.ki" ,"."i . .< ! A MARVELLOUS OFFER!,, - \ COVERED IN ' Suitable for th© Home, Of^o^brforTravelJers, How to Obtain Olobki- . |j 6EWO TO TOE BRITISH EMPIRE TRADING COMPANY, LTD.; 28 VICTORIA STREET, | ' WELLINGTON, POSTAGE 'PREPAID?' /_ '' j .' ".. 10 Old- Judge Cigarette'' Box * Fronts ! or 10 Cameo 99 ; ■_„'* „ I op 10 Vanity Fair „;, t labels (Pink) | or 10 Golden Poppy „ ), : .-u J \ 'Labels or 5 Golden Poppy T<ibaceo „ - '■ WITH YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS, ENCLOSING POSTAL NOTE FOR 2fG. AND YOU WILL RECEIVE POSTAGE PAID A ' I SEND AT ONCE AND OBTAIN THIS, SIjjITABtE PRESENT. j -J »J Nlii 111 1.l " »«- -*■ ft. ,_ ■ -■■ ■' m ■ -.1 ll'l '1 M v.- _-H!l' 'oi 0 .^"..1-

LANKSHEAR'S'" Amnuai Sale OF Stationery and '. Leather Goods its Mow in Full Swing, " ClO6l •" —————— i j A i | that must Impress Cyclists f Is that evsry Auslrallnn Trans. '; ; contlaentol Ride has been ' ; - accomplished on ; i' ! Tyres j ) Hiese - Hard - Wearing' and ] j Reliable Tyres were selected 5 | by Messrs. Birtles, Lcnnie and i , Warren In their recent'rides ) i across Australia, and In fact I \ are alwayo'Selected when ! : there's urgent demand ] 9 far RELIABILITY. I BEWARE Or IMITATIONS. Roadster Tyre* Guaranteed 13 iMoßths j DUNLOP RUBBER CO., 1 All Stataa »nd N.Z, ;

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 422, 3 February 1909, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 422, 3 February 1909, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 422, 3 February 1909, Page 11


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