... PHASES OP THE MOON. ' : . ' JANUARY. , : _,' 'Day. Hγ. m. . Fall moon ... 7 ,1 43 a .m. Last quarter ... 15 .5 41a.m. New moon :,-.. ... ... 22 11 42 a.m. . First Quarter ... ... ..29. 237 a.m. ■ ■'.' ■'■■■■■ HIGH WATEB.': To-day, 6.56 a.m.; 7.26 p.m. To-morrow, 7.55. a.m.; 8.22 p.m. •'■:' '. ■ - SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.46 a.m.; sets, 7.19 p.m. : ARRIVALS, .' •■ SATURDAY, JANUABY 23.': / .. S - B - (12 - 10 a - m ''' Oorb y- from Patea. BLENHEIM, s.s. (12.25 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Picton. r™™ K , A N v VBN - s - s - d-20 P.m.), 56 tons. Brown, from trawling cruise. . . ■ e.s.-(6.30 a.m.), 93 tons, Vendore, from MARAEOA, s.s. (6.45 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, rom liyttelton., Passengers: Saloon-Misses Wallace, Louis, Dempster, Anderson, Martin, Wright, Moore, George (2), Hanrahan, Nairn (2), Gleeson, i°"Pe- Wms. Mesdames Eudd and 3 children, SW Melthus, M'Donald, Lough (2), Clayton, Selbybtrahan.Eobson, Hooper and 3 children, Jutt, Bridges, Gough, Dimond, Messrs. Bonisch, J?F' Penrose, M'Donald, Gillies, Nicholson, Mdy, Pretyman, Spitz, Devoy, Sherwood, Bell, Cooper, Lockhead, H'Kinley, iiUCay, Oacken, Mer■S? r l barton, Vail, Scott, Eobson, Alpe, Rhodes (2), '£~&. Elm J wor . th . Easer, Johns Jones, Thomas, n?St '■■-.w? , '" Loughlan, Sargeant, JJuckworth, Strahan; Gilgour, Allington, Diamond ■ w); 60 steerage. . . ■ ~ ' TAINUI, s.s. (noon), 126 tons, Jensen, from Lyttenon. - .: .- ■ „„;!;..-■■; -; ■ 'pftea E& ?' *■*' iUO p,m - ) ' " tone, Liddiard/.froml ' f^^F* l ' 5.6. (5 2060 tons! :'ste Rom Earotonga. Passengers: Saloon-Misses Ful>od, Vaughan, Mesdames Poison and 2 children, nJn n , , r ° u . n e. Messrs. A. M. Trowden, Braham, Rpih Dep!a ? ter - Dr - '-I'- T. Wright, Young, Poison, Barbour, Lathrop and valet, Griflin, Capt. L«rtn n, Dr -_ Yea tes, Bradley, Fisher. Steeragert»J« w ? lazel[ . Messrs. Curry, Pfaff, Glotz, y 'n H^ Bon - Soulos, .Wood, White, Jeffries, Sims, Dashler,; Bond, Bienneke, James, Arnott. uMAPOUEIKA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 1203-tons, Kennedy, from West Ooaet and Nelson. Passengers: ? a !° 0 ?-J tlsse 3 Gent, .Lutz (2), Young, M'Gi,ngham, f , Gre ,Spr, Nurse M'Laren, Johnstone, BaunS, ''a ° M e s> Jcrdan ' Ryan, Keily, Lawson, ■M,-??r ■ y, J? esdame3 Cning, Allan, Mqrrish and 2 ™i,, 5' ; Tre & ur th a . - Lawson, "Jordan, Cox, KenIy,l y, 9 i CO o r '" '' Sta£E and 2 children, Williams a ?-w il■ ' Qal l 1 ?,- Watson, Ecay,: Morrison and child, Messrs. Ohing, Lutz (2), .Keynolds, Ourrie, , Dillon, Johnstone,. Allan, Mouat, Penoe, Dr. ? U ?ri' '■ L B °™ 1 ?. n , Byan.- Skinner; Staff. Williams. 1 Sao u' Galvln ' Bennetts, , Allan, Morrison,, i :cStSnt S; ;^ 50 P^-). ; :ia2 ; tons. , CarlßOii; from' fr P £ N P P F' *& (I(US - P-m.), 824 tonsi Baylor,: from Picton. 60 passengers. ..... ■:".■■ •• ' ■-"Y ■'. v- •: SUNDAY, JANUAEY, ':',; 'yy ■__MANAEOA,:,s.s.-.(7.30:a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, -from' Havolock.-, :■' : " : . . : ; v ■ ... . '. . MAOEI, b.5.'(8.20 a.m.); 3399 tons, Hunter,'from : Lyttelton.. 180 passengors. ' ■■■ . . TAKAPUNA, b.s.: (9.30 a.m.);-1036 tons, Crawford, from Onehunga New-Plymouth. . > - ' .MANGAPAPA, b.s. (12.50 p.m.), 164 tons, -Fletcheri from Karamea. ■•-■ '■■,■ ■■■ -..•;■. ■ ■pJtea rA ' S ' S ' ' 225 P ' m) " 134 to " B, ' Jaokson . from PATEENA, s.s. (2.35 p.m.),-1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson. .Passengers: Saloon—Misses Philpott, Evans, Gray, Pettit, Deal,. Boss, Beaton, Dodson, Lechler, Allen, Mesdames Hird, Ooburn and child, Grant and child, , Gowing, Blundell. ■ Messra.. Hird, ; Sandy,, Grant, Evans,. Harris, Evans, Gowing, Gray (2). phelpa Wakolin. Toms, Courtier, Walton, Clarke, .Greenfields M'Eldowney, Espie, Stace, :Seymour, lenton, Leaper, , Coloman, : AUcn, Mitchell, Preen; 7. steerage : .MONOWAI, .s.fl. (3 ; p.m.), 3433 ; tons, : Eolls, from :Dunedin . and.Lyttolton.' Passengers: -Saloon— i Misses Hishon, King, Poiston, , Attridge, M'Guffoß, Mineliead, Murray, Nichol, Irwin, Forrester, Taylor,.; White Eoberts, Gilfedder (2),•■ Bochmann. Spring, Colyer, Nelson, Cameron, Laurence, Hill, . Low, Mesdames Taylor, White, Paul and family, Simonsens; Armstrong, Currie,. Wilson and : child, . Inglia and child,. Powell,. Dr. Savage,. Dr: Ewart ■■ , Messrs. Brown,' Grange, Young, Jocobs, Parring-' ; ton, Pul in, -Knight, Hendry, 'Saddler, '■ Fuller, •' ; Jun- Pickering,: Ourrie, Simmonds, Sexton, ■■ Pol-: lock, Wylio. Crowley, Montague, Shearer,' Nelson, • Simonsens, bale, Hardcastlo, Hale, .-'Christe'nsenv Fox,.Powell, Crow, M,' Knee, Lippiatt, M'Kenzie Hero, Grier, Turner, Kinsswell, Armstrong , Houghton, Judge Gilfedder; 18 steerage.- ' ; : -.KIEffAKA; 1 s.s. (4.50 p.m.), 133 toils, Dixon,'; from.Patea. ' ■ '• [ ... .1, ■■■;•':■ ■. ■ ' .- •'.;■ '■' '. '.■.■". ■■' DEPARTURES." ''' 'i ~.;.;■"•■ SATUBDAY, JANUARY 23. : V , ' PETONE,'.6.B: ,(9.35'a.m.), 708 ;; tons, Dilner,''for Greymoutli.: ■•'.: . .■'•' ' ' ■■..■ '■ '.' - ■,-..",.,-..,•■ ~ "PENGUIN, , e.s. (12.10 p.m.), .824 tons; Nayior,' ;for.Picton... .Passengers: Saloon—Uisaee Innos,Ed- '>' win,. Slattery, Mesdames Harvey, Osgood, M'Lcari and child, Weber, Jones, Lord, Messrs. Young Dr ,';lnnes, Mills, -Jones, Lord... --.->•- - - .-•».- '■'■ - . j ' : t/WA'IHAtr./sjV (2.25 '93 tons, Vendore,- for Nelson, ." \.. ;■':.-'.•/;;;;■■ >v- ;• i': ■'■J^. ..-;.',. :■■:■'-. ' 'MAMAEI.'s.s. (4.25 p.m.), 6689 tons,-Moffati for .. Timaru. ~..., ):' J". .• ■ .', ~.: ■;. ■ ■' AEAHUEA, sis. (9.20, p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, ' for Nelson and West Coast. 98 saloon passengere.' . : MAeAEOA, s.s. (11.10- p.m.),- 2598 tons, Manning, ; for liyttelton;' S6 saloon passengers.' . ■':.-.. 1 : ; v ■;■'; . SUNDAY,, JANUAEY ; 24./ ; : '■ STOEMBIED, 5.5..(6:30 a.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyre,' . for, Wanganui.' ■■','--.. ■ - , ;.i. MOEAYSHIEE, b.b. (2 p.m.), 5576 tons;. M'iauoh--1 lan, for Avonmouth.' ..,:.-•■;-:.; I . WAKATU;'sis. (6 p.m,),:i57 tons, ; .Willfc ; for I Kaikoura.. • ::-'.l.' :,' , ■.■:■-%'.:•:■■': : r ■ ; I' J PENGUINi'-s.s. '(9.30 p.m.),: 824' tons;'-.Naylbr, : for. Neleon. Passengers: Saloon—Misses ; , Satchell, Alport (2), Mrs. Satchell, Messrs. .■ Rose.. ■ ■' ■ . ■■-■■- ■1• ■• ■ ''" r '■ ■■- .'BLENHEIM,: S.S. (midnight),, 120' tons,; Watson; "; for Picton. . ■' :'.- ■" :..;,\ ; : .",!'..•;'■'-.''. :. ;■ '■ ' -EXPECTED ARRIVALS. V '- ,-Defender, Hokitika, January 25.' '. -,' > Opawa, Blenheim, January ' • .-, .Wairuna, Newcastle, January-25. '■'■-. , -Kennedy, Nelson,'. January 25.. '. ■'■■;" Rosamond, Greymouth, January-25. '■■■■■■■ . .Terawhiti, Greymouth, January 25. .' Komata, Westport, January ! 26. ' ;■ ; . . ' Karori, Westport, January 26. • I- Talune, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, January 26. • Wairau, Nelson, Motueka, January.26. : ■'".-■.■'■ :- I Oorinna, Onehunga, Now Plymouth, January 26. ■ Stormbird, Wanganui, -January 26. >-' •• '■■ ■■' ..Blenheim,. Picton, January..26. ' .-.""•".: . . Koonya, southern ports, January 26. ■ : : Eotoiti, Onehunga, New Plymouth, January 27. ' - Mahono, Sydney, January. 27. ■ ' ' ' . ; Wakatu; Kaikoura, January' 27. ; : ; : ' ' '..Maori, Lyttelton, January 27. -.'■■■ Arahura,. West Coast, Nelson, January 27; :; Waverley, Picton, January. 28. ■;•-, ■-.-..- '•'■ ■ ; Manuka, Lyttulton, D.unedin, January, 28.';.:; :".'; ;■ '-Marama, Melbourne, via south, January 29. ° ~ -.Victoria, Sydney/via Auckland, January,29.'-'V- [': :' -.■ :. -' , ./■:' ■ '.■ ■' ; - ■:.- .'.' : -.'■ '.:• I -,'."' -' .-'■'-■•■ ; : ~' -~ ■ ' '■■' ■• ■•■ '.'■■:. 1 ' 'PROJECTED DEPARTURES; , 'Kiripaka, Patea, January" 25. ' - •-'.'-•.■':■; ■'. '■ Defender, Hokitika, January 25.' ...:. .. Kahu, East Coast, January 25. .. ■■ '■■ Kennedy, Nelson- and West Coast; January 25. r Orari, Lyttelton, January 25. .' '.- ■ .-. ; : . Mangapapa, Westport, January 25. . ; . s Y Aorere, , Patea, January 25.- : ■: ... , :'■ : •; Qneen of the South, Foxton, January 25. : '. i. Huia, Wanganui, January.2s. . ■''■..'■■.■",■'■■ ' Manaroa,. Motueka,. January .25. ' Monowai, northern ports, January-25. . • Alexander, Nelson and West Coast, January 25. Maori, Lyttelton, January 25. ■"'•' > Mana, Patea, January 25. ': '.•■■ I ' Pateena, Picton, Nelson, January 25. ' ' a Takapuna, New Plymouth, Onehunga, Janu- ;■ ary 25.■ -~.:.•.' ■■ . ■-'■,■. ■ .-' . ■• ■-. . . Mararoa, Lyttelton, January 26. . ■ -' ..Wairau, Nelson, Motueka, January 26. " Penguin, Picton, January 26. •' : 8 , Blenheim,; Blenheim, January 26. ,■: Stormbird,-Wanganui, January 26. : a. , Koonya. West Coast, January 26. •'■.'. !.. . Mapourika,, Picton, Nelson,-and West Coast,' January .26. . . ■ :■ '■-.■..■ ; if Taluno; Lyttelton, Dune'din,- January 26. ''':-.'--■ ■■ Maori; ,, Lyttelton, January 27. - ■■" y: "-. v 0 . Waverley, Nolson and West Const, Jenuary 28. i.. . Manuka, Sydney, via. Auckland,.. January: 28.' v s ; Corinna, Timaru and Duncdin, January-: 28.' ti Tainui, London, January 28. .'. ... ~ ' j Maheno, Melbourne, , via southern ports , and' 1 Hobart. January 28. . ■-.'■• ■ ■ . .-'.'. U .Eotoiti, Picton, Nolson; New. Plymouth, Janu- [• Marama, Sydney direct, January 29. -... ' ~ • Victoria, Lyttelton, Duncdin, January 29. • '■; . INTERCOLONIAL SEHVICE. i :•; ' ■ '' '■:' ■' ■ : "• • : -.' : . . - r . . MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEES. . ' ; MAEAMA, b.s. left 'Melbourne January 20, for s Wellington, via Hobart and southern ports. Due [. Wellington January 29. Leaves, same day for Sydney direct. . Duo Sydney February 2. -. . :. . VICTORIA, '.s.s. left Sydney January 20,. for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Duo Wellington January 29. Leaves same day q for Lyttelton and Dunedin. . . I MAHENO, s.s., left Sydney January 23 for Wei- '■ lington direct. Duo Wellington' January 27. >• Leaves January 28 for" southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne February 6. : '.'• MOKOIA, b.s., leavcß Sydney January 27 for WellinEton, via Auckland, Gisbornei and Napier. Duo Wellington-' February' 5. Leaves Btimo day for Lyttelton a=d Duunedin. :'■ .- - ULIMAEOA, s.s., leaves Melbourne January 26 for Wellington, via Hobart and southern ports." . Due Wellington February 5. Leaves same day : for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney February 9. - MOEEAKI, s.s., leaves Melbourne February 2, a for Wellington, via Hobart and southern ports. , Due Wellington Fobruary. 12. Leavet same day 1 for. Sydnoy direct. Due Sydney February ;16..' . !, WIMMEEA, s.s., leaves Sydney February 3, for . Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington February 12. -Leaves \ same day for Lyttolton. and Dunodin. ' .'. ~ .1 MANUKAr s.s., leaves Sydney. February 10, for . Wellington'; via Auckland, Gisborne, arid Napier. 0 Duo wolUaaton Tobruary V). ■ BaU« >aa» day (01' ULyttolten andDunedta. ...-..., ~ ..
WAEEIMOO, s.s., leaves Sydney January 30, for Vollington direct. Due ■ Wellington February 3. jeaves Fobruary 4 for Melbourne, via southern )orts and Hobart. Due Melbourne February 13. ; OVERSEA. SHIPPING. : .'■..-.' STEAMEES TO AEEIVE. .: ■ , . : rom London. '■'■ • TOMOANA (due Wellington about Fobruary 2), ailed on November 3, via Australia, Auckland, ind Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) 'r MAMAEI (duo Wellington about' January 22), lailed on via Auckland. ■ (Shaw, iavill, agents.) '. : .; ' . •;. , ■:■"..... ■ NEREHANA (due Wellington' about February •), sailed 1 on December 2, via,: Australia, Auckand, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) : ~ '■ lONIO (due Wellington about' January 26), ailed.on December 10, Plymouth December 12, •ia Oapptown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) TUEAKINA (due Wellington about February 1), sailed on December 29. Plymouth Decemier 31, via Capetown and Hobart. . (New-Zea-and Shipping Company, agents.) ■■ ■:-..:■ TONGAEIEO (due Wellington about February 2), sailed on January. 7. via Capetown and Ibbart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.). ATHENIO (due Wellington about February 23), : ailed on January 7. Plymouth January 9, -via Japetown. and. Hobart. . (Shaw, Savill, .agents.). WAIHATE (due Wellington about.March ; .7), ailed on January 9, via , Auckland. ■ (New Zeaand Shipping Company, agents.) .-. '-.. : rom Liverpool. , . OTAKI (due., Wellington about January 26), ailed on November 28,. via Auckland. '(New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.) --• FIFBSHIEE (due Wellington about February 2), sailed on. December 11, via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line,- agents.) .-•.-. ■-- ■": DELPHIC (due Wellington about February 21), iailed on December 11, via Australia and Auckand. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) ■■■■"," '--■ DEAYTON GEANGE (due- Wellington about aarch 14), sailed on January -9, via Australia md Auckland. ' (F.H.S. Line, agents.), .'. : rdm.NeW Vbfk. : ' ~ . . '■■ -.- -ABEELaUE'-'(due , : Weliingtoii-''about, January 9),-sailed/ori November 11, via Sydney and Mellourno. ..(F.H.S. Line, agents.) ' BTAR OF AUSTEALIA (due Wellington about [ammry 25),, sailed on November 7, via Außtraia'and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) < Y. : CAPE BEETON (due Wellington about Februiry. 15), Bailed on December 3, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Jompany, agents.) '" ;■ '.."■■■ '. INDEADEVI (due Wellington about March 1), iailed on December 19, via Australia and Auckand. (Tyser Line, agents.) . Y . Y: MASHONA (due Wellington . about- March 15), :ailed on January 1, via Australia and Auckland. A.-; and A. Line, agents.) Y : , ■:■ ':."... ■ .: .SAILING' VESSELS EXPECTED. '•■'. LADY WOLSLEY, barque, left Liverpool Novemier 11; (Johnston and Co., agents.) . OHAELES P.' OEOKEE, left Puget Sound Octo)er. 24, via. Timaru.' ••'.'. -.;.. ;:.■' Y.'; , ' ■ ■.'■-;■ "' ■ •'.•■■ TELEGRAPH. .- .. ;;•;;.';;■■;;;.■ '' -....-.'■. '.:': '■;J ! . ; \ Vi •" Y '■■ LONDON.:.; ".",' ~,'/. ■$%%'■ ■ '"V- ,: Y' ; r- : -'■ -■ ■■■■-'■ ■" '■ ■"'■'■ "'. : January■: 22...- , Saile'd.-;Novb, for' Wellington. : ':'■ • . . ■•; .'.■ ■:•■':■■ Y : : ■'■•-' -SYDNEY. '-:■■.- -'-. : -'--'-" Y ■ Y ': :'../ ■•'■..'"— '-:■■ YJanuary.23. ■ Sailed.'-Maheno (3.40 p.m.), for WeUington,V :; ■-'•:■-.', NEWOASTLEr : y"~'•/: ' - - r ■': v I -.-.■■ -. .';. .. ' Y .■-■' ■ . ..January 24: ' Arrived.—Aparima,.from'Dunedin. . . . Y-γ -Y-.'.• ■■' '■■.:'. MELBOUENEY L ''■' Y:-c'' ( ',•-:.-•. ■•-..■■■•.• ' January 23..Arrived—Ulimaroa, from Hobart;' Dartford; ship, from. Kaipara. ... ' : ■ ;.....■..,' ; ■■-. . -.:•'-..:. : -BEISBANE." Y ; v'■■''--:;:: ..- ■:■:-.■...'-;■■■:■■ • I-γ■,■■-■■•.-"■•,:.-'-. ■■: January' 23.-''•- ■■'-' .-.'•'.- ' (Eec. January 25,,0.3 a.m.) ~ : Y , Arrived—Makura. from Vancouver. ■ -Y. V, The Makura'B passengeref or New Zealand are : as tollow: For Auckland—Messrs. Whitehouse : ;(2); Wohnson, Allen, Townsend, Naylor, Whowell, [lusohi. Moore (2), Croop, M'Gregor, Coles, Wapes, M'Oolli Bowman, Caughlan, Wilson, Hamilton, Lang, Frasor, Purvis, Earl i Stanhope, Dr. H'Gregor, Mesdamea Whitehouae, Whowell, Moore (2), Misses Mayer, Freysing, Moore (2);■■■ For Wellington— Messrß. Neill,: KUdbo, Button,' Goutley,Wilßon (2), Anderson, Boss. (2), Hicks, Patterson,. Hesdamee Neill, Sutton.. For Lyttelton—Messrs. Tankard,; Pester, Kelly) -Ross, M'Lennon,'■'•Mre,; rankard,;Nurses Ensor and' Roberts- For Dune;, din—Messrs. M'^ovem, ; Mackay,! Tomlinson, Mies Mackay.""■■! -~-: : '...'..v. ;.■ ■'• .-'',.'■.■■ •■",:-., ■■''■>,'•.•" -The cargo fa as follows:.' For Auckland.(4l tons) —71 cases' drugs, 39 cases rubber, 230- cases salmon, 20 cases gttß engines." For Wellington; (61 tone)—l6l oases rubbers, 13 cases' scales, 14 cases, drugs, it eases. cartridges," 700 cases salmon, 1" case, automobile, 19 cases sundries. For ..Lyttelton r<23 tone)— 110 cases salmon,' 144 r cases rubbers, 12 bales leather, 22 cases sundries. For Dunedin (28 tone)— 67 cases rubbers, 7 bales hops, 200 cases salmon;: 15 cases sundries. : For Bluff ■ (18 180 cases, salmon, ;1; case .automobiles. • •■:..; ■■'r- ■^■-■' : ':'-. : -. : :- ;:: Y -Y , --' ; -;'. ; ' ■'% ■;': J Saturday, January' is} v.-. ; .-^ ;■;,'■■ ~ ..-.',..• \4.UOKIiAND.-..-.:;';.-:v,-,.;. : :; ; :.Y ■:'''.! :"Arrived.—H.M.S Cambrian (10.45 ! a.m.),:■'from WiSllington; Squall,«frbin f Gisborne. -'.':'" ■"■■ .-,?,'?>. / Sailed.—Talune,: for .. southern'- ports. , /,. Passen-; jers—Saloon: For '■ Wellington—Messrs.' Hanson and' Cox; Rangatira,'.for Gisborne. ■ ; . '■ ..' .y' .■'.:.- '. ; '/ONEHUNGA. \ Y Y - ; v .'- : - Arrived—Corinna (7 a.m.), from Kew. Plymouth; Rarawa (8.40 a.m.), from New '. Plymouth. ;: ■'.:' :-'.!'''Y-' n/.; PLYMOUTH. Y , ;'-.:'■ yVy , . Sailed.—Eotoiti (9 p.m.), for Ohohnnga. .., - '.'■■', '"'■■'■ .''y, , "/ ■■■gisborne..."■■'!.-."'y ".;': ■■.'-:■-; "Sailed.—Star of Australia (10 p.m.), , for. Wellington.: \Y ; ; '' • .'."■ ':'-.'■': ...'■•■ ""-... Iγ-'-''.',;^;: :i v r ;.-;-Y;.i;r; . ,;. . NAPIER. : j>v: ■•;"■'■;;./' '?-'. ■' (12.40 ■' p.m.), for Waitera.'Y. , "To" - .—Karamea (11 p.m.),.for Picton.YY .' ':'■::.-'';:y ■ GRErMOUTH.i - Y.' ;' .' :.;,Y- ---; Sailed.—Rosamond (10.15 ■• p.m.V ; and Terawhiti (11.5 p.m.), for Wellington. . . - 1 -. ; :v... : ;:'•. ",■■:■' '■'."■■'. ■ ■■■ : LYTTELTON. ■'■"-. : Arrived—Manuka (7.10 a.m.), from 'Wellington; Storm (2.30 a.m.), from- Wanganui; Cornwall' (11.40 a.m.), from' Auckland. . • ■■.-•■'. ." .■--. . • Sailed—Vola'dor (3 a.m.), for' Clarence Eiver-' Morning Light (4.15 a.m.),.for Banks-' field (5.15 a.m.), for Newcastle. ,' : ..,-...■-' .•.■■;•■■.■'•; Y . Y- ;.. PORT. CHALMERS, i. Y '-:;'*Y Sailed.-Gladys, barque !4 p.m.), forMelbourrieil ■- : ;••■'. . -.;■ ■'■'■ : DUNEDIN. Yvy'.'y- ':,- V , ' _- "Arrived.—Moeraki, from Sydney; Mary leab" el, barquentmo, from' Napier; Isabella de Fraine from Whangape; and-Waratah,: from Kaipara ■■' .Sailed.-Koonya,:for West Coast ports; Gladys, barquo(4 p.m.), for Melbourne. , , , ..:: * : ■ ': ; ; ;V : V/ ■■■' v :'' BLUFF. Y-:.. ■;"' /Y^yV'-.': Sailed.—Hinemoa, for Wellington, via the West Coast. ■,■ '' i.' ' ■'.■■■ ■. -. .. ■ ■ '.■.-; : ;.;.f' -., SUNDAY,: JANUAEY 24., '.■■■?;;■ ,:y:Y,,., 1 MARIA VAN , ,DIEMEN.,:. -VyV -\, : : .TyßOr/Compaiiy"s 'steamer "Nerehana, from west passed-east-10.45 :a.m.'-'- ■-. v -' .' . ■' :':■.'■;■ .'...:.■.•. ' ■..'; -AUOKLAND. -,■/.' .;■ Y" , ; .- Y; -Arrivedr-Victoria.:(s.2o-: p.m.), from'-Sydney;" Wimmera ■ (6.45; a.m.), from south. - : ; .; ! ■•■ '■ ■ ;:.■'-. ' Y . '"■■'.'ONEHUNGA.' ■'■■..'-.■:'■ '.'; ■ ■ -p."' .'Arrived Eotoiti (9.35 a.m.), from New Plymouth. SaUed.-Earawa (4.5 p.m.), for New .Plymouth. Y .'•-".. HEADS.V "' ■-■'■ ''' ■"'"''■■■■ 'Sailed.—Earawii'(s.2s p.m.), for New ;: Plymouth. ; ■ ' GEEYMOUTH; : -^ : ' : : /. : Arrived.—Petone (5 p.mOj.'from Wellinffton. . .■ ',-:•■; ■'.''.■■ .WESTPOET. .';■.:' ,'■■..•■ . Sailed.—Komdta' (11.30' a:m.), for WeEineton;''': ' '.-' ■■ ■-■ '';,. ■".■'■. NELSON. '. Y, V . 'V' -■.--.-. /;' ■ Arrived—Arahura a.m.), and Wairau (9 6..m.), from Wellington. ,™ "f* ,1 .■,'?. , '■'■-.:" " " ' P 'LYTTELTON. ' ;: : ;' ;;y'.' ;;Vv AniTed--Mttrarba'(ll.lo a.m.), from -Wellington. Sailed—Clan Macaulay (4.5 p.m.), for Sydney.: .■• - ; . ■■/.' ■ '..;, :.timaru. :;.',,,Y,' ;i -,-. ,-■''■': Arrived.—Mamari (4 p.m.), from Wellington. ]}:/' ; ..'.;■ .-,-;■ '■ DUNEDIN. ;■;.:■ ;■.;'. ..■ '■;'■ " ; '■; i r-Arrive.d;-Pakena, / from Lyttelton; Manuka from' Sydney, ,via_ East Coast ports.- - : '.- ■■ for.Bluff, Hobart and Mel bourne." ' '..'. . .--. ',--.. . ... , ,: : Y - : ','■ , FOE KAEAMEA;-: '-.. '-. .'-.'■■. ; The Karamea Shipping Co. notify by advertisement elsewhere that the steamer Mangapapa will leave for tho West v .' Vy"y~^ ... ■VMAH'ENO, LEFT SYDNEY. ;■"'' '"'.' Advice-received by the Union Company reports that the turbine steamer Maheno left Sydney at 2 p.m. on Saturday for Wellington direct She has on board 76 saloon and-97 etcorage passengers for Dominion ports, and is due here on Wednesday, morning. ■ Y ■ -'- --....- . '. A TEMPESTUOUS VOYAGE. . : : A Press Association mossago from Dunedin reports that the schooner Isabella de Fraine, wharved there on Saturday, mot with exceptionally heavy weather whilst coming down the coast:from Whangape. When off the Kaikourns, on January 16, huge seas swept tho decks. The bulwarks on tho starboard bow wero Btovo in, and about 30,000 feet of red pine timber, stowed on deck, wore washed overboard, and hor rudder head also succumbed Bomo - minor damage ' ' . , '■; Y OPAWA EEFLOATED; , ':..'. --. Y A telegram states that the steamer Opawa, which got aground on the bar while entering Blenheim several days ogo.-haß been floated off. ; Tho bar at that river port at times is a poor one, and makes navigation anything but easy. In 1907 the Opawa had to bo laid up in Wellington from June 10 to Sleptembor 10, in coneequenco of the bad statei of' tho bar. Messrs. Levin and .Co., local agents for thd vessel, expect that when the Opawa returns to Wellington she will be laid up till the bar improvea. The steamer Blenheim, another of the regular tradoro to Mtirlborough, in making trips to Flo ton, whence her cargo goco by rail to Blonlidm,
.' . . THE OItAEI. ■'■'■■ . •■■'.- . To-day the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer'■ Orari is expected to leave Wellington for Lyttelton to complete Homeward loading. Sho leaves the southern port on January 28 for London. ■-...'.: „ , .-'..', , .. . STAB OF AUSTEALIA. ; .. .. .'." At 10 p.m. on Saturday the Tyser Line steamer Star of Australia loft Gisborne in continuation of her Voyage from New iXork to Wellington. Messrs. Bannatyne' and Co., local agents of the vessel, have a consignee's notice in our advertising columns. ...'.. • :- . , :.■. : ■ j LAUDEEDALE, FEOM NEWCASTLE. .■' • On Saturday morning the Maoriland Company's steamer Lauderdale, which , arrived from Newcastle on Friday, was granted pratique and berthed. She had an uneventful voyage across the Tasman Sea. On completing discharge of the Wellington portion of her cargo the Lauderdale proceeds to Napier and Lyttelton. . \ THE ISLAND STEAMERS. •'.■ It is , reported that, an alteration in'the service to the South Sea Islands from Auckland is announced.- On the return of the Navua from Fiji, on February 1, sho is to take the Atuas running to the Islands and Sydney. The latter vessel will be withdrawn for overhaul, while the Nayua's regular running will bo taken .up by the Maitai, ..which haa recently been renovated.- '■■-■.•.■..•: V. •... . ■;• .- WESTPOET HAEBOUE WOEKS.. -..'.:; ..'/ There was a very full discussion on the financial position at the last meeting of.the Weetport Harbour Board (says an exchange). ■ It was made clear that the failure to obtain a Government advance on account of the authorised loan, taken with the liability incurred in ordering a new dredge,' is the cause of the suspension of the harbour, works. Loan negotiations are now proceeding in London;'and should they be successful a cable will be received and a special meeting of tho . board-- will be ' convened.- ;. : In the meantime; the board's operations will be of a .- restricted ■ .character;y.-But, ; .-in: any-v case, the railway at,the floating basin-being. , completed tho large number of men recently, employed will not ibe again put - to , workl- '.'.•; "p ■ '--. OVEEDUEBAEQUENTINE.. . ' - Grave anxiety-is felt for' the safety of: the. British, barquetiiie Belle ■of the Exe.which it is feared has been lost in the West/Indian hurricane of September 10; while on a voyage from I'rinidad for Liverpool with .Bugar; .■ The Belle of the Exe began her voyage at Hull in February last, at which, port she signed .on • her, crew. She left the Humber on February 14; but was obliged to put into the Azores on April. 14 in a leaky condition- and with' bulwarks and stanchions broken. She remained there; making; repairs until May 28, when she again-put to sea; and arrived at Bermuda on July 3. . From the latter > port : : she went to Trinidad, where she loaded'a cargo of sugar, and began: to the Mersey-on August 28, but since that date nothing further ; has. been heard of her. . The voyage, usually occupies 7about~4o. days. She was under the command of Captain Tarker, and carried a crew'yof nine hands all told.- ■:.""•. r ■''',■-'.*• •.. ■- ■:- , vi:-;BEA.,pp''. ; koß.-.:.; : .-;' '■; : :, : ;':.'.::.■ •i'.'i rpmarkable'storyof an ice island in'.the. South Atlantic was told by Captain Torei'of the .Glasgow barque l Dee, on her arrival from .Talco/ huanp at Queenstown recently. 'Captain Torereports that when in the: South Atlantic .some' time after rounding. Cape Horn, in -lattltude V) degrees south, longitude- 50, degrees, west,, the. ship nailed into what, appeared to be'; a- sea; of ice. .One berg alone.-was at least 50 miles long, and was about-250ft. high. It took the ship 16 hours to pass it, and while going through this sea of ice a ; partially-dismasted barque' was sighted. '. The Dee bore down on' her and asked itehe wanted'assistance.' She. proved, to-, be the Norwegian barque Trafalgar, bound from Lobas de Afuero gith guano for Hamburg. Several of her epars were. gone and her bulwarks stove in,. as a result 'of impact with the ice. '.':; Her captain, repjied to the.Dee's inquiries that.ho-would-try to get to Buenos Ayres. .The Dee passed in all 150 bergs, some of whioh were from one'to five; miles long. The temperature of the -water was , 38.degrees Fah. and pi the air 42 degrees., The whole sea of ice was drifting east and formed a terrible menace to passing ships, particularly to outward-bound.: vessels. ; Captain Tore : thinks many vessels will have met an ugly fate-in the' ice, as it-was impossible, to detect itsijresence until ships were right into it. Moreover, the sence of such a mass of ice so far north in September was .most unusual. i-iThei Trafalgar arr rived at Buenos. Ayres on September.. 28.:' '._■;; ; /.'.:' MANAPOUEI I BACK: VFEOM TAHITL. •' - ; ''' •; ■.;,-=. >EASTEJra ; 3?ApiFK : BHrPHNG.V.;V. ' ./, After, her maiden run in'the Wellington-Tahiti-'Frisco subsidised-service,-the-Union-. Company's steamer'. Manappuri: arrived back. on 'Saturday; evening, a day earlier than time-table fixture.'. The report of tho voyage appears elsewhere. ..:■' While the Manapouri was at .Papeete, tho fullrigged ship Louisiana., was oil'the'hard "-for-re-pairs: Thel ship put .in., thereiifl .»ileakiiiiafcon; , dition''about six weeks ago, - 1 a'nd, ■ at the time of the mishap, was en,route,from Newcastle-to a •'W&iftwCdast ri a. cargo' of - coal. •■■..•./. .-/ ■■■'' ■ ■'.;■ '-.'<■ '::"■',■.':'.'' '■'•■■■ ■-.. , The. American -three-masted, schooner G. .W. Watson', ,, , laden with" 450,000' feet 'of timber."from 'Frisco,.jras to load.cppra for the return trip to ''Frisco. Another American schooner,-, the. Alice M'Donald, also from .''Friscp, had 700,000. feet of lumber- top discharge,; and,: when en route to Pateete, called at 'Marquesas ■' and feet of'lumber. .:v. ; --\: : .;:;..-,: •. ; .'■-.■:■'■■■: ■■.')■{. ', i The.Marjposa left Papeete at. noon'on January. 13 for.''Frisco direct. > ..■■-. ~', ■ --.-' :. ; . : -. ' The Norwegian schoonor • Alice,-Oapt.. Sehroeder, ;' Earotonga when the Manapouri;called. She had put in there for provisions.: JThe.'Alice was en route to Auckland from Maiden Island, with a cargo, of guano.'. ; She made. a ilong passago from: Nine to Miilden.lsland, the- voyage occupying 54 days. : Adverse weaiher was ac ; countable for: her remaining at Earotorga when the Mananpuri left, but she was to.aailior'Auckland at.the first: favourable'.opportunity. , ;..' v ..'•'• .■"'':. ; i' !'■';■ '-■• ■"'-.■;.-:. '';A'\;C- ; '< :A the iKaituna,-from 'West port, arrived in .'.tho harbour at. midnight-last 'night. , -.%':''..•..•"■■■ .'.■'.■•.■.■■.. y;. : ;.' ■ V-,, ,;-..; :,-::-. ■'.. 'Mr. J.. A. S. Brown, third engineer-': of: the Pukaki', arrived from the south-by, the- Monowai yesterday; He is to go up for his "chief'e" at . Wellington.' : ;-: : .',';;.--.\..»■'''.'.. :, Both the Nerehana and Tomoaria, of',the-Tyser Line of steamers, are due in Auckland to-day from London, via Australian ports. They are expocted to reach Wellington. early next month. ■ The barque Nal- which sailed from Antwerp on October 10 for Auckland, ib now,over 100 days' out,: and may; be expected to put'in an appearance at .any moment. 1 : She was last-re-ported oft the Isle of Whight on November 14..' , Westport advices state that the Union Company's . steamer :Kaituna-. left' there on. Saturday night; and the Komata yesterday morning, for Wellington. ;The Karori is expected to leave there to-day' for Wellington. >Late on Saturday the: Eosamond and. Terawhiti left Greymouth for Wellington. .-,': ■:,"..• - : : -. v ::;:.. ;'.-■' ' It'isunderstood.that Messrs.o. Judd and' Ob;, of Thames, have received instructions ■ from; the Government to proceed with the construction of ;the lighthouse for Cape Brett.: .This will'be the fourth lighthouse furnished by this well-known firm, the previous being- Cape, Cape. Colvillej.knd Hikurangi Point.: Tho:lighthouses are from 55ft.-to 65ft. jhigh, and are generally admitted by 'experts to be.exceptionally well'built..: '■:>]■ ,:, . , .. ■-."'.: '•■: •■- :' •-' "' Abont- five o'clock 'on,-Saturday afternoon::the TJnion Compaay's 'E.M.S. Manapouri, 2060 tons, Oapt. W. Stevens, -. arrived back from her trip to the Eastern' Pacific.. Mr.'M. P. Oafan t purser of' the .yessel, in his report, states:—Departure was taken from Wellington on the outward voyage at 12.15 p.m. on Sunday, January 3, and experienced' fine weather throughout, until arrival at, Earotonga' at 12.30. p.m. on the Bth. Cargo . was worked, and ;the vessel left' :for Papeete at 11 a.m. on the 9th. , 'Had.moderate to light Ely'wind with moderate sea and flue weather till arriving at. Papeete,' at 2.30 p.m. on January 11.' Transhipped mails, passengers, and cargo to O.S.S. Mariposa for San Francisco, getting a number also ; for New Zealand ■; and Australia: from her. Left .Papeete 3.20 p.m. on 13th, '•■ had moderate . winds, and sea and ■ fine weather till arrival at Earotonga, .3.40 p.m. ! on -15th. Loaded fruit cargo,: and departed for. Wellington 5 p.m. on 16th experienced. moderate to light, wind and sea until arrival.'' i'. -. '.- ■ , . The schooner .Eugenie,- bound- from the-Solo-mon Islands to Sydney, reached the latter port on January 9, and told asad.story, ex : change. : On January 6 the master, Captain Gordon, died of malarial fever, and the whole of'the work devolved;on:the mate, Mr. Anderson, who was suffering, severely :from..the,fever, and, had no sleep or food to'speak of : for four days. ;To make matters worsc'.the schooner-met-with bad weather, and had a number of sails blown away. Two days' later the steamer Duranbah. answered their signals, and the mate of the Duranbah. Mr Stewart, and -a seaman were put aboard the schooner to navigate her to pprt.. By this ■time Mr. Anderson was almost in a state of collapse, and despite, the efforts , made by .the mate of the Duranbah to revive him, he also died shortly afterwards. Mr. Stewart then took the vessel in to Cape Hawke. The-rest of the crew were natives of the Soloman Islands, and were all in good health.. : ; •■:.:,
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 414, 25 January 1909, Page 8
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3,938SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 414, 25 January 1909, Page 8
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