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_ The second annual aquatic carnival, in aid of tlid Park beautifying funds, was hold successfully in Park Lake' yesterday. The weather was ideal and tho Attendance very large: though not so great-as at tho initial gathering last year. The lake and surroundings assumed a very picturesque appearance, the water being dotted with all kinds of craft and the banks being tricked out with countless flags' suspended between poles. Swimmers ' were present from all parts, of the district, and Wellington -sent up a large contingent, members of which succeeded in annexing- nearly all tho prin-cipal.-events. The swimming was of a high order, and the diving .first-class. • That of the' Wellington men-was a'treat to .witness. R. Healy, of the Thorridon Club, carried off .the 220 yards Wairarapa championship, 440 yards open .handicap,: and 75 yards scratch race; The time, in the championship was 2inin. 44 3-ssec., ; and in the 440 yards, 6min. 19 4-ssec.. C. 'Moore,, of Wellington, won the running' and standing dives from the 15 feet platform, with R. Ronayne second.'. Moore also won the trick dive. The long dive was won by A.'W. Smith, of Wellington. The 100 yards open handicap fell to J. M'Lean, of Gisborne,. formerly of Masterto'n,. in lmin.: 145e0,. and the. same swimmer was first in the 220 yards Wairarapa Club Handicap. IT., Bridge annexed the 66 yards olub handicap. The 100 yards schoolboys'. ohampionship 'was won by J. D'evine in lmin 34sec.'In the evening a fireworks ■ demonstration ': was given in ; the park.' The display was preceded by a torchfight procession through the town...',

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Bibliographic details

Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 413, 23 January 1909, Page 13

Word Count

MASTERTON NOTES. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 413, 23 January 1909, Page 13

MASTERTON NOTES. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 413, 23 January 1909, Page 13


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