INQUIRY-CONCLUDED. MR. MOTHES-IN THE WITNESS BOX. DECISION RESERVED. •:«; . The ,'lnquiry into the Hutt- local option . poll :was 'concluded yesterday.. The rcai>;is-: tratbs presiding' were Dr, A. M'Arthur, Mr. XT! G. BiddeH, and Mr.-W. P, James. ' The petitioners were-'represented by Mr., . 'A. R.- Atkinson':and. Mr. H. H. Ostler, and Mr. C. P. Skerrott, K.C., Mr. A. W. Blair, ■ and.Mr. W. Ji Cracroft Wilson appeared for tho respondents. . :' .' Giving further-evidence. Mr; Blair, solici.tor', stated that he'remembered apaper with' • . the ;.words.-.'M .- voto '' -struok; out m tho ;;. third line- . Tho paper was taken from ' a : . , eealedi'biindie, tlio sea : of'which was into sc. . If.thero had been any alteration it must have ■ , been done before, the bundle reached the Oddfellows? Hall. •• ;• . - By: Mr... •. itkinson : . Witness. was ■- in . the ball : all : day, ;exo6pt - for a quarter of an hour, at the outside. Ho. loiew: that; his principals ' had .no legal right to have , a :.; scrutineer present, am it :had to be arranged by a roundabout method; .■■■ • >; - : . You say that you and -Mr." Williams were ; practically scrutineers? t -Witness: Yes: Technically, we were eaeli - paid ten shillings for the job. (Laughter.) .- We' 'had- ■ the.! full power• to -challenge.;any■,thing. We oo\ild _urge objections only;: we had no deciding voice.- . ■■ > .. • . Was there muoh argument?— Mr.. Williams . , objected to.soircral decisions of the return-;:;'/'^/irfe-?offi6er.f^•:: -■ 1 - Was there one case in :particular?—Yes.: ;3lr. Williams. wanted to';say more than he ; ,was allowed. After Mr. Mothes had said: "That rpinion," Mr. Williams wanted to, go on arguing. . Witness fdded: that, there was a differ*. 1,':., ence regarding the al&eutees' votes, and-Mr. ; Williams wanted to; see them . opened, -v j Mr. .^Motbes^;said:.hei : .wouid do. that, and..that, Mr. j ,r,.y Williams could 'heck then: in the-counting. . Mr. Williams, wanted t.hb . count stopped white ho observed the opening of the absentee i:permits, . .When.vthe', returning, officer was luftjhi'■the',;eo'unt-; did not/proceed. It ,was not stopped during a momentary ab-1 •>. ' sencoj ■ Mr: 'Mothes. the door in the i . morning, .. but'-he :could not, say -if he left i y.\Vythe^uiidiig;?\'.'Wit-nos's> ; detaileii ,the stamp-1 ? ; ; fi, ini!.' and counting up to 2000. ■-/. ... iMr. - Atkinsoir Tiiat: was a mistake?-''-piWitnoss;replied/that-, if .he .was'-placed:in v. >.Vi that'- position ■: again ; : he, would : c'6unt: inh'un-'' • dreds. 110 saw no- strong drink at tho recount. i ' , '■ Mr.--Atkinson: Notwithstanding.Mr. Wil- • Jiams's statement ?:. -' ' • • :• :,: . I ,\VitnesS:: Y'es.: -Mr. Williams had strong i feelings on tho matter. _ Regarding' the mistake about the substitu- i tion ; of 22 votos, witness said that the pos-1 . ' ■ sibility-of. two careful-person's .passing-,them would- bo. very remote. .A man-might put | .:. them on. another bundle after they had been I . -checked. Although eight were present/ the nccuracy -might'depend on one man. v 1 An Alleged "Conversation." > I ; :. JamesHollwgworth Woolley,,:. clerk, who was at the A -to G Parliamentary: tho Oddfellows' Hall, -Petone, - remembered ■iMrs.- Burridgo coming: Ho did not -hear . iiMr/.-MotJiea tell her that\the licensing box. had no chance. , , Mr. Skerrett: If he. said :it you,would have • heard ? Witness: In all probability. ; ,Mr; \ Atkinson Mrs.:/Burridge' is a truthful woman ' :. ; ■ Mr.-; Atkinson: Is .it possible that it - was -1 »aid without your hearing it?- I . j WiWess; rlt -is "possible,.. but: improbable.. Tlio Lower Hutt incident. Evidence regarding liquor near the Lower -Hutt booth was' then taken. '■ ' . .. . Casoy; stated that'on'one occasion ;■, JMr.f Hodgins'-'ga've; '-room-! :: -that contained .the.' liquor, v'-as he wanted a j-oll.>,;.AVitness.".with-.-:driilfe'> r feHero>f6r;iha^6Dwitt«^^'-t;!j-S'' i..By MrisOstler: He-did.not got the roll, as ■ none was there. A small keg of boor and - . some glasses were in the-room." : . Mr. Ostler;. Do-you-not: think it- strange -.: when: you < provido refreshments for your : workers that there was nothing to eat?- v : : Witness: Food was also'provided.-- : • t : Do-you know, that one man'.got in and had some drink ?—No: I was only there j f v *.v-; -.- ../Evidence was then called upon an alleged ■ case of impersonation. > ■ • . . '..Mrl Skerrett said that. Gporgo . .House: . voted: at the Oddfellows' . Hall, Petone,: Ho was; a labourer. There was a namesake at . Lower Hutt, and he would, call evidence as to his voting. - 1 . Margaret Ceoilia M'Mahon; of: Lower Hutt, - said that George _ House- was - boarding with .... her... at: election-,tirae. He was working for •. .Mi;,, - Bridge, ,a dentist, ..before - boarding at | . lieij place. :On .polling- day ■he went away j to record his vote. . John Joseph .M'Mahon, son -of previous .; 'witness,.said that ho"s'aw'House at'.tho polling booth and took an interest' in the election. /He did not see him actually voting; A Licenses Examined. Charles nenry -:Wi!liams, licensee of the' ...Provincial HotelUpper'Hutt, said his bar w,is ' not-'open between: noon and '7 p.m. on ., "and-he- supplied no drinks.- • The i '. the' : hotel-had Jet ; tp Mr. . Edwards -for eighteen months. Mr. Edwards • carried on--'business ;.thero,'. and the stables had nothing to do'with his prelnises. ■.Mr:,Ostler:-Are-y l ou:quite sure it was not you not a man named.Wilkins whe emcarrior o Witness: Quito sure. •-> ; Are. vou .a ;meraber : of, the Licensed Vio- ■.?£; tuallcrs! Association ?—My son manages tho ;'idtel for iiie/^^and he: attends-the:meetings: • - Have you . heard nothing' about the plans , Vthe. Licensed y.^Victuallers'i--Association ?-~ : .Absolutely nothing. • - - ■ Do- ycu know' a man named .Morgani' a carrier at Akatarawa?—'Yes.'*' : • . Did you not .on .the day bofore the poll give to .Cbilds, a carrier, eighteen bottles of •' beer, and tell hira to'take it as a present to ?:'Mdrgah;?—Me:do that?- ! have, no know- '•, iiqt the slightest-; so l "was not likelv to do it VDid your son To i t —-1 never hoard any"thing.about. it,.-- -. .. .. ' . 5: Do you Know of any -liquor going to Wallaceville ?—No.
:'W { owns ;the:freei;oid -.ofc ypW' \:-:-: Staple3' : ;ahd:'Co.v^j i :-'>-',V;7>^:^:^:;-.'- , -;;.-!-', :X : ;:;?Alld.'.the v knowv.iheir *■' '.business..: I presume they .do; ; ■.■■■■'■' 1 •;'•■■'': ; ' • '.;;^£idwt: you,say. you let tSe tables 'to : ■ lyMwards?—YcsVV; •>;• ■ :. --:y ■-, :. ■■■;■.. ;.:.<y. ■ -'. vThen you are the lessee of if yourself. Who V'.i> is your ' lessdf ?r-Staple3 and .Op. ' ■ ■:::. ;■: ;.^ v \WasHhere' a'-'-mttoavagTeeinent about th(i ;.: ' letting (of .ihe stabloß?r-No>.it -'was : verbal ; .■.;'?and'fro'ni :iveek'to VweekA■'*• v '.'■. ■■'■■ ■■'■ : ■■ ' : • " r 'iv'MfvtMqthes;'' Clues'!; Evidence r ••.',' : '--.':\' '. :V.:' ? Eionard;'Mothes.'^^returning- officer for the V i;Hutt:EJeeto'ratei - :detailed!the , .steps taken in ;■''-.■.appointing--icrdtineors to-be present' at the .;■. .recount;s,^ri-.'Mansfield-.had; informed :him )■:: ; thatcthere i.was ino;;-ppwer.-;tp' appoint s'cruti- ■', V-Deers,; but ;iii : .'the:'interestt of all parties,- as ~;'. the .voting -was io Vclose,' he received- advice .;.that'''clerks- could.;be- appointed;i'. AVitness ■■• .1/aequainted.,therßev;'--.;J.,1);' ■■■Ru.s3eU,Vwho";'«-' ,:-.^i.pTessed'-pleasure.' at/ttHo" deoisioni ; and the ■'' Rbv.s.iT;..A;'mWilliams- was 'appointed. .-Mr.. 5^:;A;^ r ;;Blair.;atte!ided;te\the.:>Trade:'','Mr. J;.-; rßlair's;.evidencejas.--tp the':recount'iwas'very ';■' ;.f :■■■ .■■.'■.■:.:;;/,;./,-';' j '■■. ■/■■ ;...; ,;Mr;,;Skerr'ett : : , Just,let ■ me;ask one ques...■■ltiQn'.ii any interest in the election ? ' ,;;. ; ; ; :Notthe ■'■■'.- ' ■■;;' ; - -';■'-. " J ..-■; 's- '..•'-:' V .'( Mr.'Piper is a prominent irhember of the i •• ■•■' No-License should , think-so. ■;■ -;,ift- :.,:. >'As sikm as; the first result: was -announced, :':.-■: •-,Mrj:.Piper published a' statement ''cbmplinient-- ;,..- ing:yo;u -on.the.coriductofithe.poll ?—Yes.;. ■ rV-.;, stated' that-the: law,; :did : .nqt' pro-;.-.V'pido-for a-scrutiny roll,- but. one was ;, ".tnade.,.: i Ha, i ha4;knoT?n;Cpwie.fpr many years, ,; ; nnd : :for-thoi past four.or fire years ho .was a ~ '■ totfil aßstaincr.; AVebb could .not have acted t.Bs afpartisanV-asiho'.wag.not in:tho,''district. , >: ■' -■■ Out';'of 'the;24'clerks lie "emplbyed':on polling -:.:.: .day.v'lGVof/them; were- total.abstainers. :-'.VjI---'.•?• Mr'-i Skerntt: ,Is there-■ any truth in tho :-:'. : ■: charjj?,; thsl^•'-.■ jaji.' leaneti:' ti> - one' side or ~the '':v; ; ;otHor:i::;'/;: " : - : '-':--:- ; ;- > : ; ; - V; ■,'■:■■■:'■ ■■■. : : .:■ >■• ;.r ';KWitness:Nbt ; a"particl9; : .'".'.' v " ; .';-.^''V,'
... Continuing,: • witness said that the floor was tidied-for the purposes of the count. It was absurd, to; say that he was absent for an hour, and a half;.; he /was, away., about half an hour, or possibly three-quarters of an hour. ;../;;"..• "•, '-. : . '■;.! •.. ...■;' .■',..- : ' ■■;■."■'
Mr, Skerrett: Have yon any suspicion that papers were/tampered with By'anyone? ■•;•■'■: ■ Witness:.. None whatever.-.:...,,.'-../..;'
You are charged with allowing liquor to come in the booth on the day of the recount, —One of the grossest misstatements I ever heard
It is made on the authority of a minister of tho Gospel, Mr Williams —It is not true.
''..What'"'do;yon say about the misplacing of the 22 votes? ; —That'was; a most ..unfortunate occurrence, but I have no idea, who is' at fault.'.Possibly, it': Occurred ■in transferring, papers, .from the/diagram <:to i the i bundles. , .-:, ■■•■■■■ •'. ~■'..■:.-: :.V.'' '•' ■■;■';:'■'■ '..;", !
, ;ls. there, any .truth in 'the 'statenient' that you told Mrs. Burridge the licensing box had lib:.chance? —I am oath, -and I can Swear, thfet I have.not 'the least'recollection; bf..making:sndi.a foolish statoment. . '. .' :i .' Cross-examined by Mr. VAtkinsoii:■;Ho -did friction with" the.Np-License people, but they cbuld have eased his work' consider-.ably.:!:-v:-',': --' ;;,; -v.:- v " ; ..■■■'■■■'■■.
-vWheii.;>ere-ybu;iast-in'occupation..of a hotel : ' ;.' : "' '•' ■ HaVe you.', never/been interested .in.'; liotel property Since, then? —No.; !'; " ( : • ; ;' .: 'i // When 'was-your'appointment' as returning ojßcer madeP^—About.fifteen.jybars.ago. -::.., v ..;ArenotthemembersV6f the licensed'Vie-., tuallers , -.Association v.-intimftte, friends'.■/; of yours?: —-Yes.- : :: ,y:::- : v ■'. '■'■;';._;.,./ ';7 ; -/;. ;;• 'Are 'you not pretty often a/guest at hotels ? ■;; Mr. Skerrett: ■ As: a paying guest.■■ : .'CLaugh- ■ ter.)-./■.■ .v ■■.■.:■••;,■■ .■■■■ ;/" : .v:Nr-vi- -.':-,'," /-:'■/ . .:•'. /Witness:-Of course..::: '■":'.;;■::■: / -,V- : .;.-"■"■ -.y;-" : ; ;";.">..■: -•;..- •/,'Mr. : , r Atkinsqn: How many.'Justices of., the ceace/-'are;ttere ; -here ?.:T-Abbtit-:'sii. ■■■;'•.:.■;.'■:■'.•!'■ "^.Yetj.ybu/appqinted-Mr. Coles, :■ who.once tyas.a 'hqtelkeeper,;to act at the': recount.-;- 1 Mr.'-Inglis- was. engaged at/the', electoral r< , ;, eount,/but his business would not-permit him. to', act/for two,days.:/. : ;:.;', 0 - v>;,://;;; -'AVhen did' Webb come here ?•—About' a' week .before , -the election., .Ho applied-for a 'te'sti, wished a job in Marlborough. •;rsaid,if he was doing nothing he. .could.'.come here.',. ;■; '\-■■:,-_;. ..-.,;•;. .■:,.';: ;.. . / ■'. ■ Ate there not enough' clerks hero who-WOiild' have, done clerk , , will -not' do for a- deputy.;v ;>i.:;v. : ; ; .:: ;. ; .; .; ;...'V; ,/. - .■„■.£.; ~:, . ls;-Webb' a man of: district that -it isjnecessary' to"give himv-aa/ invitation'/to: come here?— J believe;- , in appointing /tried; and trusted -servants. i\ y; - : ■'. : ■';.Mr.AtkiusOn: ; Tpuknew.:'\Yobb was. separated froni : his. wifo far as I kiiow' he v is, friendly;with:heir:now..•'.■'. :';;■ '■■'-. '>"-rV ••>.':'.;.•'*'. ' > /Mr,' , Skerrett :fThis is-.most improper/ .I : 4ni ,, sfirprised'; i i^', seem to have ; los't your'.: complexion'of'right" and wrong.'//V'//: / :>;■ Y-\ : ':;'. !,f >"'■.-■>"■'. o ■:Mr. Atkinson :- l Y6u;: lopkV.aftef. will take .care of mine.' ■■'':?'■ v^-'.-: ' : ';X'''.- : z' ;j; 'Did'you- allow scrutineers at-the previous : election?— Yes,: but I found/out "later.'thatit > was _■ a .■.wiong. action. '■ It was not true, :that I .'acted: under pressure.: ; I did not: care' a straw for.the.publib:mcetingSir ) v;i-U .;-,-:.;■',/ _:. -Was••.the- liquor- in 'the' booth: with your aii'thprity ?.—I ; could :not. stop ■ a man, irpmhaving a glass''of, beer,": , .:'•': ■•'■■••.•. '■■Would you consider it wrong i;...:: ■ '■■■. ::, Did. you' hear Sir,-; Palmer make, a; remark wh'en'vhe ,«hterpd : : the.booth?— No. •;);:■■',;■,!'< : '■■ ;■:■
/"-Don'tlyoutnink.-it/Would,be,,better seeing the .subject; Of/the .poll/ that 'liquor.'■"should ljive;;been';:kept. a. man,wants; : tea- of -beer, 'that's his'business. /-':/. ';.'■■'_'.' .'';/>,.', ;■>•' .'Witness-'stated'.legarding'/.the provision 'of! .'compartmeMs -. that. the matter /was; left 'to ;tJie'.--dißeretibn : ; : of: ; -the':'4eputies/.'--'Mr. ; -.''QstWr ■came to ■him .for■ a-list."of double -voters, but' witness:said there frero.none.;'There was^.'-one" .case/which:, had.: not- been' cleared; .1ip.'.../Mr,.'Oatlor". wanted a list;;of,.tnoseVwip .were'isupposedito.'have voted:twice,'.but,wit- ; .'ness.bbjectodv/and replied'.thatif Mr.'Ostler had/;a':note; from - Mr, : Mansfield 1 authorising'. would:.giv,e.. tlie'/'list,.. but. inbt "Other- : Wise:/:i;:/j £$'$! i'; j ;3,•;^Vβ'i' \ij\: fe kSi'■ ■' \ i. ''.'.■ ■;'"'
0 ™!?!' Statement.''"<■/■■''■■!■■'v'"'- .. 'Me^ander.'-Covvie,': v ''f^dlvV-'^^Hall;'■V!^efonβ|■v^Btefed•■-'!■'that';'■:Mr;■' , squash' and lemonade:'in 1 - a' ; ■whisky.; bottle".- , -. Ther- wad Ino/'lio.ubr' at:'th'<£' ;'recbuntj:'.'and'".if.vMr;:;'.;'yfijliams'- : 'said : :soi' ,: 'lia twi.tness),: i could.;.bnly^iit'"is'down, , .tj9- ; 'a.yeri';-' '.very big mistake:bir'to'' a-'distortod!:imagina-.. '.tipn';' ■ As io ; . the:.22.papers;/.they' had■■Joe'Qn" tibu' tvventy-fives oanie to' ■22 ) '.;th.ree.',\vere/taken;.'-from' &• 'Cohtinuanco' ibundle-,and::probably:all;/replaoedron a Continuance ;: ; - ; .' ?:/ : ■/' • - : v >:/:/, '■■': '■"<-■)■: The CaS3 for the/ Respondents. > ■
i '•!, Mfi vjSkeiiett.;.-': intimated that'- , lie •■• would. close his,ca3O : subjeot:'to/the:right/to, raise, .the■-.'question /of• tno eleven ."illiterate ,, .votes disa)lo>v(>d,.;as',thev. were.'initiaßcd' instead. ; of:-. being :•. .sighed .;, a : '; deputy; .It :was' c k'liecessaryj before , : the ■'result, could be. altered /that/five votes; would - have', to .be i disa]l6wed... : They had; not raised the'number. r bbyond/; three;; 'Regarding, 7979. (Sanson) 'there was a'priraa facie case for opening the scrutiny; to ;so& if, lUvote- corresponded. Tliero was/809/ ho. 'conceded, , would be''struok off, the-list. to' the.third;'it inust be.'retainedj he submitted/ He/reforred;v/t0;.3904>.' (Henry • ■Nichblsbn):. say ■whether he lived ■%; v .'sis 'days;'in .•'_the; district,, and the.-peti- : ■tiqners.had to, show that'-'ho had .not resided :in'.thefelectorato; for..ihat.tim9.:';lt Avaa. a gratuitous'' that '.tlie'. .'three rotes were ;jn favour of No-Lioehse; indeed it.was extremelyp-.unlikely::.v; It : -.was:' blear tKat' IJouse's vote .could,nbt>be -disallowed, r and '.he , :subraitted v that; ; a .man's_ vote should not-be looked;"at:,unleß3;'th6rovwas. a .traiisgression , of ■tb.eJaw.:;,lf;two.;votes, Gameron's,- and ■.Sanson's, .were' struck off, >■; the, petitibnors ; Would'.require , 1.2-sth" votes'; were struolj;.offi :4-sths :'of ; a. vote would be-re-quired ; :'a»dvif : fouj :yotes -■waro i.Btruok.'off' l-sths; of : a':.v6te:: would . be.' wanted. .There' ;were'. eleven; ."illiterate'.' votes, which mittedV should! : be allowed., •Mγ. , '.Ostler and !i ,Mr,- : ' •-Blairs': merely agreed - i .to : disallow /;: themi'.;. andv 'did so .without ■ expressing, any opinion. ' It; had been'held;in,a. long series.■ ;of ■ cases Vthat .initials were sufficient'.'. W'hy'should thd'voter be ..disqualified;'; booause ■ the /deputy/- only / affisMvhjf'jmtialsi''',wJiich' i conv'eye'd''tho : 'ea'ine information v as : the nanje would ?■ Hβ asked :the Court, to bonsider .the if necessary ; .his;point: was;that = it would-■ 'not * be necessary. .. Jlie-:figures'Wre 7;/■ .votes-/for .Continuance; and 4. for". Jfo-lii.cens6.!,t;Tl)is would niean that .there.vrould' be S 2-5 votes off: 'lfo-Licensei, ajid,;ii\ '. .ord.?r' to' get ; rid 'of that they would, requiretp poll ,9'more votes.' On'the.subiMt of absent'. 1 votes, Mr/Skerretf ; said'.tha't:.hisi.'conclusion'wa3' that'they were .■not'admissible.■■ Absentvvotes were' provided for.■m.\SecbiQna';l33.-,'tq' ]35;0f the Legislature. .Actj and : it,.was;dir€cted : esclusively to;electofal polls in .which, there . are , Candidat?s/ If th ; oii. the' Legislature I Act, ;it/would be ■diffioult "on account q{ , the confusion ofv-language'/ with V the .'electors' -nghts.. ;.It; was :u.nnecpssary -for. dis;cuss the questions,; concerning /the'reoount.. Ho: pointed 'out /that'; a .vote for -Reduction would-benefit'cause-it, /iri- ■ creased;the validvtotal-.without.increasing the -No-License; vote's. ./:If .arivthing,.could/: convince a.reasonable.mind that Mr. Mothes.had done--his duty- properly'. it' ••. wo'iild; be,.;.thfi frivolous character' of; the 'allegations, niade agaihst. hirii:' '.They; were dependent /upon suspiciqn.'and- partisan 'feeling, and not one ;of them':had. been'substantiated.; ; .Fortunately they were rarely made in' Courts of Law. ■-.It could not be suggested even: by the most suspicious mind.that Mr. Mothes desired to. influenoe Mrs., Bu'rridge. ; as she had :voted dpd -\vas rnorely.putting her, paper in.the box. Dealing with'the witnesscß, Mr. Skerrett said 'that/tho _words of -the. , petitioners , ;; witnesses were" so inflamed in this contest that,.their, ordinary" statei of moral and mental responsibility was impaired. / / ■,•'■■■, '; ■■■/'•Mr. Atkinson:"•■ I am "sorry' to interrupt you,; but. paragraph 17 has no reference to votes.- ///.■.' / ~-■ . Mr. .Skerrett conceded that this wae so. '
, ; :.Dealihg with Travers's. evidence, 'MK y Skerrett characterised :it as- a 'wantonly ■malicious attack: upon;Mr/- Motbes with the sole;;. object Ypf ., getting■ a'■-finding, calculated to injure, him; -":lt;waa"incpnceiyable' that Mr. Mothes would makq such ; a SeiisoJess and 1 idiotic statement aa alleged.-'lt was too childish an(T,;,to' bo believed for ,a moment, was the result.of a distorted and in'flamed mind by partisan' feeling. 'The returning officer was not obliged to hand over a second ballot paper for one spoilt, but the 'matter was left; entirely,,to, his discretion. The law made no .statement on the , subject.
Dγ M'Arthur: I think the returning officer ought to do it, bii. he ought to bo careful about it.
To show the hardihood, continued Mr. Skerrett, with whioh charge? .wore made, the witness Morgan gave evidence as to the letters "L'' : and "Lv" being erased; and it was suggested, that it was altered;. The 'arguseyed,Mr.;"Williams..did notice it. Morgan was as he was cocksure. The Question of the demonstrations was next referred to. To allege that'the conveyance of the tank was. a demonstration was absurd.: " ■/ ■'' '■'•■" ... ' ■ Mr. Ostler: What ! about'i Maaterton? .: Mr. Skerrett: Yes ?. '■■'■: .■■'■■■ -Y : ■;, '■'■'■' Mr. Ostler:' You : made such •:• a fuss '-■ ■-'■ -'' '■."'■ ' ■''.'.;:'. '■. ■ '•■ .■'>/ Mr.. Skerrett:! accept every-'.word'of it, but I did not mako the evidence. The Masterton one was nruch more like a public demonstration .than this.'...'■ .' ; ',,; ........... • Mr. Ostler: It only lasted five minutes.' :_ Mr. Skerrett: That was unfortunate.' (Laughter.) . I am.glad that we agree that this.Was as silly as''the : Masterton one. (Laughter.)' . ' • , ' ■. •. , •..■■'•;■' .-■Mr. Ostler: No!';No!> .: '- -'' . , I ' ; '' .. Proceeding,, Mi.' Skerrett said, that in the placard, a man .was holding a pot of beer in his .band. This .was, certainly 'ambiguous, tie thought his learned friends.might use'it as an emblem .and- device, for. tlieir \noxt :meetmg. It was. nonsense'to suggest that f .was a, public demonstration. 'He ■.differed; from Mr. Ostler's contention' that the poll could bo voided by irregularities committed on either side. If this were so, all, they would have to do would: be to get'some persons to.prepare irregularities. , , •■.
! ; . Mi"- Atktnson In Reply. \ ~'^ n reply, Mr. Atkinson. commented upon tne altered- kindliness with which : Mr. Sker-. rett dealt with' the case; which was difierent from ;his previous- flippancj , . r Regarding the case.of Nicholson, his: friend treated that very fairly; but he dissented from Mr. Skerrett's contention that the onus of proof • of six days''residence rested upon petitioners. •The reverse.was the eaefi. he submitted.-, ■Hβ thought House's vote should be searched for. Mrs./ Milligto's: vote was admitted. As to the question of the "illiterate" votespthe deputies who ;■"initialled the : papers, were'/ not •deputy returning officers within the meaning Of .Section 131,0f the Licensing Act.-His,ob-jection was that it was: clearly, 'laid.)down that: the deputy must sign- his name/ ' . ..: ;: Dr; M'Arthur said: You wish to reduce the Court to this:; Supposing the ~ Court 'finds that.the--numbers do: not come up .to . the mimberyou.want/ybu think the. Court should ■put-'some weight , to the irregularities? •: .; ~'Mr;-Atkinson:.. Yes. ".'■..'.;■ ...',;. '■'. ■ ■ ,;■;Dr:-'M'Arthur.: If we make this scrutiny, and if. wodecide-with.Mr..Skerrett that illiterate -votes are tb ; be counted 'in, that : would/make a , difference , '.of nine; then we have to weigh whether the irregularities' were' worth: nine, votes?-.-;/ ■ : ' ■■;'>■'•-■■.'-.■.. ■./■'■■' '', .Mr. Atkinson: -Yes. . / .',,:'', '/ / / ■■'■■■ < I. On the subject of the absentees'..votes, Dr.: M'Arthur said (in connection ■' with' a remark ■by .Mr. /Atkinson): At. the count,. 1 thought I was -hoi.'going ( t0 take it upon myself to upset what .was the common , practice, and there was-no'doubt in my mind that the absentees should have it: -'■ .■: - ; ::"'..
: ;;';.Mr. : Atkinson/quoted the: Inveroargill deoisionj'showing that iii'that case the'absenvotes had/been allowed; and he'./emphasised the -necessity for .uniformity in. the interpretation' of the provision... He urged that as the law provided facilities for seamen to record their votes while' absent, it was plear. that it ;was' the intention to allow the :abs'enteos':;VoteS. : ./'.V// ■::"!:!■ \: ■ .'."
:■'Dealing, with t tho' clause .alleging that ■Mγ. ? Mo|hes said: that the'-licensing box had no bhance,; Mr.. Atkinson said- it was -absolutely plain from tho. nature of the language itself : that, : it could only bo;addressed to 'a voteW-.'. ■ .Speaking/again on the; question. of-spoilt .ballot "papers,;-Dr. '. M'Arthur remarked; that the :returmngofficer need not' se6:'whether a vote v/as aptiially informal before he gave a voter a fresh one, but: it ' might be , that , a' shlifp/poncil might'tear.:thO'paper, andithe, returning officer: should'either take .it' it was. or give-another. Still,' he did not think that,the.returning.officer was'bound to give' a freshVpaper every time- ; / ;; ; ■ "' ' ?'■■■'. " •;;.Mr.: Atkinson submitted.that;the position, /was not'that -be m\ist^/prove' that- the irregu"laritws',:iffected::tho':pollV/'but, only'\to '.prove the;, irregularities"; ; and then, the! onus rested oh; the rosponderits : tp, disprove tlieir. effect. They had not done this,; As to liquor at: the '.recount,.there was no suggestion on^the part of ;Mr. Williams: or anyone.else that anything in- .'the. nature •■ of consumption' of liquor.'i.tpok' 'place.;. -. The' mistakes■-. in the counting spoke for themselves,-and surely a. fourth standard/boy' with a: mate- for; assists aricp; cbuld /have "dphO: better.:.;.. Mr: .Blair's euldgy.fdid ,'oredit to/his gopdiiess of, 'heart.' , - It: was .an .entire, violation bf :the: rules of' .6videnoe, !: -hUt' it was perfectly'well .meant,, and.he /saw no reason'.to. stop him.:.: .■.' : •'/Dealing with tho placarded -motor car at .• Upper;Hutt,:Mr. Atkinson said it was.a,:pre•postorous thjng, that a car might he running ;round with ; t thing , like-, that 'on' it. and' that theclrivor's'.attention would.not be called to it ythe-fitst.'time if stopped at, the' booth. It.was.'preposterous' on :the. face;of it: Cpnstablo.'Nash, who 'called the, attention of .Mr. Williams or. his.; soli r to /the'matter,-was answered only by. aia\igh, which proved that he 'waa:in ; n0 r hurry .to take it off, and knew before ;Nasli .'spoke : jthat the placard \was on ;the ear. Hβ submitted that it Avas a r flagrant and deliberate breach.'./.-.■ ; .. j- \. < , ;
~'■. As'to.i.the alleged opening. of : ;the:bar of the Provincial Hotel between.noon and 7p,m. : on ■polling day,.' Kβ'. admittod that ovldenbe. had: : not been /adducedi. and, he; agreed that; .there, had" been no; breach , ..... /:/...' ~::',. ' •• ■'' :-;.Dr.'M'Arthur pointed.out that those'-.whp wished/to:enter the dining-room in;:by. .the same door as -.those who' wanted to/go,.tb::tho,bar.>: The dining-room ;was on the/left; and ,on Ijhe rights.v;..: /' •'■•: Concluding '.an -address,/ which lasted just a.little./Bhwt. o£ two :liours/. Mr".' Atkinson claimed-: with '..confidence. Court', and'that failing; the, ; scrutiny turning' ili favour :'pf, the'/petitioners, he. asked that the poll' be declared ;void on account of the irregularities./;- ■■■'-■• "y\ ■/■'■' '■:;/;.';., ,■• ■' i^i':, Xv; - Decision Reserved,..> ; ; --' : .'i! '■'::■<'■ ',"'■ ' : Dr.. M-Arthur stated: that the.'Bench would :lppk/',into/'the. /matter"thoroughly./ . They coiild'rest.assured■ of that,.^Mr. ; James'.and /himself/had • a ,lot,of. work - to\ do, but they would 'give judgment on Saturday week, January 30,7 at the Magietrate's Court, Wel.lingtpn,:a.t:lo a.m./ , .' .■-:'■. '..':./■ ■■] The/Court-then/ adjouj'ned/ / v A '/V
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 412, 22 January 1909, Page 7
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3,293THE HUTT HOTELS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 412, 22 January 1909, Page 7
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