inquiryinto tho.Hutt;localoptibn jloll ffts ft* presumed; yesterday'af ternoon" befortf-Dr: p|-;f A,' and rftvft;*"' 1 'PA '■• |ftift: '■■■ : ;? e 'iyp n ers, : the No-License'party,, were reffo presented;by;Mr/ A,/R.: Atkinson "and; Mr. |c'terftH'.vHi:: ; Ostler,.-respondents; being represented poi'^-Mr.v;C v J^Skorrett,v K;o:,::Mr.i, A;: :W. fftftft 'Kair, and -MrftWftJ. -. Cracroft; Wilspir';'.ft oU'\{l&{ order t^'qxpedite.;rnatterß^ Mr'. ; Skerrett |i;*S : A^^ ;^a 3yould{nbt-o|)on: tho petiR3»y.>tiph6rsfJ'4;ffl; ;: yv;T r ?- :^hO-V: S}; -fty-;.'- '.■ : .'-ftv» ; |ftfty ft Evidence,^relevant'toithe allegations fSH^B:JoAbe;answored;.wasVcaned?,; i: :;/;V ;; jlylft'ftftftftftA^Tar^ (rftftft ;i'**&?# :.Ernest 'Rouseft employed.- by Maid-te'%'-.§W*i s stated that he left' sS;',:? eton e early dn"the "morning for i'Wellirigfoh pftft :*° ..v.tank for Messrs.;.Bontliqrne. and |ftft ? -Wilson.:- He: went v tp ■■ Stewart. and '■ Company's fftftft ?'■:• tan k-:.The tank-was; marked:' 'Boer; -'.-. aid feftft •t-.^Sd^onr!it- ; :tho''.plac'ard •complained.of.ft.-.I t Eos;;;!} was/taken to Petbhe, and-left in:Maidment's brake-that''afternoon,--and jj;y flVuvOTed^in.-'this- mprhirig'.y.-: Ho' had ; his halfholiday, that afternobiv. ■.;:' ':'■ ■•!'•:••.'•■/.■ p. ft«K ; W> CSkerrott.:: v Wasyit Igoingiifhrqu'gli ;-the. sp'.m.?: •.•■ yyr:-:.-fftftfty Witnessi; Nb'i'ftThat -'■'is'-a'''falsehood;"' l;:y: v "? *'~- pjswlh"-Mift-Atkinsbn;ft If.;:two 'witnesses ■■: saw itI^P .adnrinc : the.;.afternoon, 'someone 'else ' must ■-'-':' :rvy; ,; -y:'-y !■ -y----',: y !ftftftft ; Witness: yYes; ; ; ft; rftftft'-- & fty ft 'ft; -;;•• * ■;■ *:. ft:ftft|ft? a ro 'yovt-seen ;it; : since: that : day?—l de-i;;:^;-;liver<.d-it- :;• -ft-' ■•■'■"" ftftft'ft "#f -Skerrett ftTke ■■.Mer/empioyeb's'--had sftM' B * o -. ia W,"a«d;:theJiyardV.vrore: closed. 'No' Sftift'" lßl could .hawinterfered:-witlrHhY.tarik, as i -:i ; y;— ■■- :ft;;.ftwSßy:;Mr.;Atkinsori :;He 'was-Vthe-lastHo^leave 1 ft ftft- <* 9 ' place;:and;locked' 'up. the yard; • ' He did K;;?;; ; ;iiBot :i take the}keys >withfthiipft'-.ft-.7;;,-/' ' is.ftft-ftft/ : ft;; T he : : p| a< ! 'ardet!' 7 Motor-Car.:■:. :-'l|S.i: fftftftft'-Walfor George :Williams';'son' of tlie licenseejftftftoiytbeftPrpvincia] Hotel, Tipper. Hutt, stated ;J™* fj'i'y-^i-D'op'th/.jii-;-theirs affixK : ;i n y^Pl?P ard :-* 0 .tbe-caryaandiifeiwasOdo'ueCwith-pw;w;:.<«it: -hjs 'consent: :j' He-went to M\mgaroa-at jgss;.;;;ten '.p'clook,;;and;,returned 'to' Upper -Hutta: jr;j:j -.slittle affcer/elefeii/ disB:':B:'4i co X er i 3 3 ; :WiatAtheplacard 'irasVrbri"the' 'ear,-' easily,have::been ! put there-withbtit; i?]}-:-: his knowledge;-.; .When; ho discovered it. he it^^^^ J/S-r-iNlBy-'fc'' iAtkinsoii': Sonio one 'di-bw'his c at--?-'t!v;' : >3riticn| : to.'the:..cardi ; cnijthe^mbtor.r»•Before :not'Jh , ear'' i a'nyth'fng atibuf" the %:?:■?. iriatterj.: ■:.-..■.• •„; :ir : &/r : . fel;-';:'.feftys seen: ■'afcTreninain'.; in : -'-''the '■ ;;g::;Diprning.-.":'?■"•.".:''■':': ;';*; '^''i'-y'-wr"-':;'■•■ '■'■'.> sar':wai/nbt ;at; Tre'ntham ; :/,-W.-.the; morning.: ;ii: ; ' JV.C ■' ■■.'.'''.•■■,:::'-."■;«.•': .'■':■'■■■■'-.■■ ' ?s« ; S^MA:Atkinson: Did-'you loblc.'ail'bver"the-;'SS•.-jßy;.Mr.:Skerrcttf Theresas,na'piapard on o^m:,the beijnet:of;the cai\■.'■ Jf-this' : had'been'tlie' case, ;h&;, yrouli When\; tlic' ■■•' : -?s '■.' pl'ioard;:wasi:rbrivdTCd;it^wa'sV"cPverdd- with" S-)Vv;;.dust.v;H' : i ; ,-j: l';';';¥ :S ;^'' >';•,.■!)>':•.•. : blacksmith,J.of P^toiiej'saicT ; ywift'ttyfc :day.;l:e" saw;tlieibrake':opnMaidment's 7 yiird at : 1 i : ;.v& : -y.P.'M!f ; li SIV^• or 2.30 p.m; Vlt^vas■■'in-'.the;.'same-posi-'-' :J-:jrj.;::-Oitibn :at;4;P!clock-next-mornin"t.^—Vr—■' ■ • — - fiMytl&r., Ostler: Wliat/sbrtof ft I::did;notnotice:ft,K^fti.:j.i» ; ;:;^, JftiftftS'^^s^rklwardsft farmery--an?,- a ,member :Pfvth§ -Ootuity- Ooiuicil,ft. .Sft'ft^ al^' that wjtll -tEei . !'.■ .'i;-v'-^. r .aQO. |jt.thevlEst;ibrectibnjv.and:was: : hot'^bn- ; ' - \any; licensing; committcb: ,: He ti- ,: :---.vft;- wisHhe-chainnan at. Mr. GareviFitzgeraild??,. I Hutt addrpss. It was his-intentibn-H.-b' ' fo ; v. .•;■ ;attond:;a;.-.mee&ig.-;of.-:Mr:i Wilford's "commit-' tiftSft^ 6 '" 8 on';his.; way .to the/committee-rooiri., t : |i: : » n .;fionsequence ;pf -this : he: fooli Me "cliairftHe' and said that.he:wa« • I'M";;'dealing^with a,"subject: of .' I ::;:i'i: : .wrest:,to:all.;, i That'.was all:heVsaid^'?He J had" fttftft^ 0! V a : s «^ ce^fpl: csndidate.for:a:s'eaton the ■ RftsftVpupty ; :Gouncil.■.;-'-;Ott;the v:\VallaceriUo ; pftv^f^^o'or : three; days;, befbre'/tha-gbnoral K;^;? ! ;:elc?;t^ i's: ; ';-::v«'m;i,on.:his : election.:-'Heleft:'an order-with ; the r liqubr\-- ; " r <V j IKtSv^^;Skerrott:> What was the ; date ?s EUiftftftv w ffn«. s .s,!\Th&: Saturday: or'-the;Mbnday'■be« ; J tlie-election. :':';';;.\- : ;•.- ■■:--~-:.i~ir. : ■-. fefty ? a ' h ?S : f ?Jvrt>hp following; day ■ that ■ N'.s/.jr.-'li.-Know-'ofi'-''.- s ; c.::/;:'t::r;.' > !V r '■'•:■ '!':;■>->«' •.■■..• tora^-°?.- tli e,aicensiug : , elec--:' K :ftvv, ft; IfeAtkinsoh: : ybu v ho 'ms'truc'fipns as f <i ; ; >:':* to: delivery ,'on. election^;:day?—Np''" i "' i ' ; -'i' r ''. ftftSft. lianorVnbarfttoe f -booth : <bn'' : s ; S:.ftv.. el «o!:ion:dayP^:wouldinbt; v :-v : p'- M€\ ??fecan;,:sea ythat-;it might : i y:p-;::. ; ;::,elect!pn?,^Yes;;y'-ry i °::'::;>;:' f ;. '■:;:: Vyv^ v : .j It ifivoiild \ he : air improper:y ?ftft ; r i !::y : yy:yDooth? —I learned .that -later.V:-:V->t ;y • fe3ft7ft °i u : gave: .■•no'-.-.inst'ructiohs ■ Mere it J ;? ft:: ; ;>; F as bo: placed p; -No;.-;. I thought if would Cyyy:; house. ; ': ■•' ,: , (■:-■:>■:.<■ : chair:at,a liccnsine ' previous "election?'—lt ■■'■'ii > - !.-iy;yy;.qwto.ipossible,- but ■ I:am : ;nb|'sure:'ft ; ft:.; ■ ■*> ■ ■-' : ' ;" &' ■?&$& 'Mty&ttW-M :electisif .; R:y..:yr.« a yy;- i The vi returniiis;oflicer T ;said : V:-;,"What ' y ; yyy. H J y i' replied ■ ',: fft'ftftftSsr£Sker^ [>fi ''-ft: n^ s : :marked:'off.v; • Oi'the- original * M&'\™ u /tpero : ' ; was-> a .name- May;,MilligMy a nd'ft fty :.^-f nat .was■bow:the r ponfusibn v oirbsa.s,MayvMili' : f ; : ; y;;yy;ligan;:yoted at:Sayerstr?am.ft WitnessVVPtbii' trSV K; a V^etane, : ' ; ind wa3 .marked ■' : ] y;;yy;yyPetqne.yy. : y:yy::y-.y,. y: ■■..,,-.-:;.:y-yy.-'.y ■;>;-,.•■ ; 1 ?ft sMS^feftft^y.^ ; ft:ftft; Southee.J'aftcarrier. ofcubperftsiitt' ; ;.y; r ■;.staWtth'at;.en jthe, evening iprbnous:;to tlie"'' '■m '■■ half :a' gallon ibfi beer r--'-i;::■at'jthfcPrpvi.TLcial.-iHotcri-A He putvit :jii- the d •' :y.:: : r :y;yMr;;«Skerrett: tWhy ?- J ';ft-ft'«ft i K : ; y::^yWitiiess;:.We ; wbreigbing■-pj^wr^gi^if,, ! : :y : ;::y ; -: -r^-iy■-■':< ; -"-' :.°?~^^v 4 ;'y:y.v. (Laughter;)'-'. >y ■?>:;> f-'. -;;-"-. ; :';*?v- ;;j - ■' ..'.:;■;.;. fey v:y■ roters.; tp ,the;-poll y '':' and 'he;abceptediS?WKl| \ 1 i"■'.. ; .'"oing.i.this,.-:• some of ■ .those"- : heivkh'ew''saw> ' <; ; ■■■•:,.thovjar,: ■: •ft)- :;.■; giyen;;:them;jTjuf lieyei -.' % -y ;:.:y of:the-roinsi'y 'y.\,' ■';;*.-. ?«x?W' ! . -: : 'yyy;;'By Mr/.Atkinson.i -He bnlv'conveyedftiboiit ..ftftv,:M^n:l o te^ I -:s;:yonly .half.;fuH;when::h^t^ed^.^.^ T - ::-;y ;: : : :vy ; Mr.;-Atkihson:;^hpV'eniployed:; you ; that -- :.v; ; y-ydayrv;;i;y:y.:-yy;;y^.-; / ,/ r y,.y ~;y,-'y.. ;-.-• ;,y , :y-/V:T;.^Witness.(producing -\a scrap : bf paper): You ■; ' - : ywill. find;,it.:Pi!,ithis.;-'.;l.;yy : ;>-. '" ' -~ (reading)::"" Wbllington " :y.y;;- ing.'Cliib; -—-,'V,. (laughter j) y ; ft ;, y/ Witribss:-, Oh !-:■ • Hel-Q it, is s an- '■. -.': y:;.:; other ylyy;■'.,..;*:.■;-.■;.. •; :; Mr..,:'Atkinsoi); then -read: the .name as "V •-;•■ y Wilkin.' ■ yy:.^;-.fH, :.;r, ; y v ft>: -ft . '' -;;:/.y Atkinson,- v ffiat'-j : , ft; ':'was : : 'enip]6|wS%^.tK9.' : Tra'a6i%'WjieffiShe ;: ; . reached;- hoitie';; the, ;jar; i ,con|aiij.ediaJ)pUt jfjVo ;-.:■-;-; pups of' '■ : -?yftft;;*--yftvyf:-*yft> r ■ ftfty-y ' ;.ft ' ::7ey:_pnly. ohp.iCla'ss'>pf-,vpter,? V ;J:j;;y: : ' ' ':-y-.- ; : .;-Witni;gs :'5-'Aiy.bocly ; tvlio 1 ; dpmejft :.:.::.:;:. William. Henry VL;ev.b'ridgeftlabpuMr; j r -s|afed o'y; ythat^-hevreipeßbdrcd;seeingf'SQuthefcafeßfii- ,;■. .-/■"-gent's- : _mill.foh/;elw'tlbw'day/ ; -.:::.:cart',; but- hghaclynb. drink ; ;;Mr.vSkerre^tftttyh'a's;K6riS^edi ; ;■.:-. .-:. :;;':;.-','■■ ''. -:Witness ftjfti f : -v,■ J! y; l-.'.-^ft v y. ;-;:.. . YvTien.theyftwM^^^^ they ;sa\v '':;eomb;.•'■'■ go't:aVglass'.frbm^SeutJifeb; '"' '-.-"■ y s By;; Mr. Ostler: Four; r (persons had; some' ..;:.':'.-■■ /drink:- ■■ ;.. "•■ : :; - : Xy:- .'.:"-.', v,. -.......'.■'.., ,y-v.-; f . - :.:, ".;. :MrftOstler.: : IfyMr.' s"jrpre'that v " ...--:,.;more pto'ple'were'coh'cerned'wpuld you deny
;' Mr. Ferguson l swore-that drink was. offered. to_him before ho Voted, will'you deny this? \n-i Will: H'. ; n;,---.-; ( vi ; r., ■..:;■;. ;. y ;; ■.- ■jYoxuhad,-your; idea wheTe the!drink came •from?— Well, miist'liavo como from some .hotel,, „u„^v 7 , Was it' not : common knowledgo that Wil-Jmms'sentj.itp-trbdidjiot.hear-tliat. . -' Who was 1 ' told:' thVt ?—l> do' not know.. . - .What 1 was the impression in your mind? "Mr: Biddell.:..You cannot ask that. Witnessi'Ono can think a lot. ■■'.'■Mr.^Ostlori-It : is-asked every day in crossexamination. '": .'.,-.. ,:'(: ..Dr.: M'Arthur: It is.incorrect, then. : Did you see anyone drunk there?—No one the worse, for.drink. ; . •'■...."•'" • ..Stephen, Jplin M'Crilligan, driver, employed hy'.Sbuthee',''stated lie was with Southee on .'polling, day.., :V ■','■ '•: /■ . ■ '■/■.Mr.':Skerrett r Did he, gjve anyone a drink .boforo;,,Baigent's Mill? . .''>Witness I :'JWl'.;:'7'.■";''•'■. *'• ■. . l :: 6hly.saw.four persons have 1 som'o.lio.uortiiv.the'tiap. ; ■ '';•;•■' : : A-Constable; Dives Evidence. .
. ■'. Constable iNash,: of TJpper Hutt, deposed . 'that'-he,'was a "boarder'.'at ; the" Provincial ; Hotel.■.'■>. During ''polling 'day, he was in the vicinity of the booth; which ,was in full view ; df' , .th'e;'hi3t'er.'''Ho ; kne>v Mr; Williams had'no experience., pf ;arj' _.election rr and told him. to ' upon c and .;■■%■■. p.m;'.' From his . dwnyobservation'j; the,:bar was closed during ' tliat .'Witness had -lunch at 1 p.m., - when a large number of 'other: people wero having the!,rnMl.i;Mr;.Williaras had nothing' ;to'.do with th'a stabWs near- the ; hotel. ■".'.'■ ; By,.B|r, -Atldnson-jj.-He was about the hotel betVeen 4'An''d t no one was Getting liquor, as h©,JCQulcll have seen easily* 1 1 He'himself'cbttld .'lfot/gefta' drink during "the a boarder. He. ..didfno.t: know the liquor was in the stable, or lie would certainly, have gone round. (Laughiter;) : ; ! :'-.Witness';:6aw.-:tho motor frequently: through.the afternoon,' and.ho noticed a placard on it'/betweeii'l and 2- p.m., He knew it -was-contrary tp_.,.law,. and he mentioned it to ono of tbo was about 3 p.m. :■■■Mr. Atkinson: - Wljatfdid Williams say. •xhen you spoke* abpuT ?''. Witness :■.--.• He only: laughed, and said it •<?ould-~hardly ; -httv«-anything t'o";do with the .election. .<..S: l iu;;-^;-.I'.1'.. l .;; : '.'i r ,*;' l '-, '■ .- v ': -■'■ ■. [ : ; • ; ;, Michael,;;;Jos'eph": Hodgins, liotelkeeper at ;iow.fe';THutj;,''"'sta'ted that" 'he ■ was in' -. charge of the arrangements at Lower Hutt on-'poll-:y;'.'aSd^W'Faa*iffiythings-from"2s'to 30'-assisting-hiiriiV,;!]}!- their refreshment ■;hb,proyided:'an_]B-gall9Pj|f'a|k..-of beer, but it. :was.„npt .fu11.:;., ;,There.,yi2uld be about -.ten gallons in it.";'■ Thojpoerj-jWtis placed \\\. a room hired by witness.. -It was intended for their workers: and"'noTorioielse.; He was in ■charge, : and ■had:th'e key-'of the room; It was.undpiibtedlyfuse'd-ior-.the:license workers. It was not.true:that he appeared/sit the polling, ■booth" with,beefHp'The had Mrs. Wright,' tako.m.;., ;' . 0 ' ■-.' :, . . -'By- Mr* Ostler; ■ He ; was ! a' vice-president of tlie.iHuttaLicensedVictuallers' 'Association. ~15e,er,,.wa5.-.sent .in-,,twicp v to''-the' booth,, but ;'ivitne'ss;,wds itofr. fool:enough tb. go in with ■ any ■■bcer:'?;-'A\man ; /narned'. Sutton was working foi' ; -them; heard the evidence of' the\'witness,;Cldut; whifcb he believed was uhtruo. Sutton 'told him':this: ' Witness was t not \-in : the room., he ; '. had. the liquor 'nil ;'the rt time, ! ':but: , h'e: r never saw .Mr. Young tlfere.WWhen '^ftitwas;locked, witness'"had the key most of : the time, It was not given to*sUtton..:--,i :.;>, i ; ';,--> '..';:*M* ; ,J- ::■':,': ..-, Mr. !Qstlef: *If ,'bno' of Jour 'witnesses swore that ; Mr."" Young'' beckoned: people from the 'street, ,'will.jydu deny it? ' : i , .. Witness':>To. : :, ■: ,■ -.'- I .;■ '■:- j!. r Did-»anyono->go''-Jn-vthe*room beside your workers?T-Not,to my knowledge. '. -iiMrwSlcertelt.c_Mr._Young was entitled, to give:, workers: ail.drink? ,'. ~ -_-Witness^Yesi.:: ; ;;- i -^. : .;::.v: . .Ca^ey?—Yes. ,;■ , ,'sWere 'you- of®]} abs&s ?J-oiily: on one or .twOiOCCasibnS;. '•■.'.*.:■}.: -V ■.-.?...■ >-~ ;■',;.:■ . '.' -, ■ : John;Young,-iiotelkeeper: at- Lower Hutt,' : stated', that■;Jie ~ did not beckon to anyone ,m;-.the,,.str ; He:';denied a: statement that he. had taken half, a dozen people in the . Jt^.w^s^deliberate, 1 falsehood. " v ~ *: : -Mr. j'Yoi'.'did not;' invito any electors 'tlie're?'^'• ■'"■'.'!;.>."■. '1 ' ' ; ~: '-.-. . •.';WitnessV-No [one, I; do not drink myself. £ : M r i Atkinson: You will be on. our "side soon'.-?-Would you. challenge a rnah'who camo to the. door :,■.:.';. ,Yoir would have .got-a-policeman to turn them-put?—L could not- do it; myself.. - v ':%:£;„)■. ply lie'; Petonsißoptiis.'''... (■■ ':■ the Empire H0te1,... Pe'tb'ne'.^hF-'president of the' Hutt Liceiised-. i Vibtualftrs'"''Associatioh, deposed that he •,-w l as; : -asked rto ■ supply .lunches-:.for -' Mr; : ,Wilford's and''their: owji scrutineers. -He supplied eight' luiichesioto:' each of ■> the' two ■ PetoneV: booths. Tho v .lunches.::we're' brought ih'-rinf.a..cloth, .and four bottles : Of colonial- ' beer-TOsra-brpu'ght.-fo-oach-booth, whioh was two s .medium"glasses to "each"man. He brought largossi|,lyJof t&tint:the.e,vening,':.but. :no iW. ' fw.hisiy :i :j supplied ■ at . all. Hall he 'rem;arked'Vtb.;;those r scrutineers''he recognised' that':,the.:liq'u6r : was there,.for';them... Possibly; his' remarks:':.might--hav> :beeh' misconstruodi "-That- the-liquor he supplied. :; Dr.' M'Artbur: Were you paid. for this ? ' "TWifriessTlTvas paid"for .'the lunches." ;:-. , -was.brought, witness con-tinued-'for-Mr.-~Gowie,;:'' in an Dssher's whisky-bottle.---; .: i; ,Mr.- N l3kerr^tt.:j ; .;iWhat ; ....a';■"■ profanation 1 (Laughter.) : ; By Mr..Ostler.:;He had.'never received the bottles back from .the PetoneySchool. He didinjjjriend six there. He did not think ho said "that; one'Bbttle :at: the' Oddfellows':. Hall.-contained: .'more- than two-thirds'iwWsky.'fi-If ■he'''i;ard ! .'it, he to Mr; Cowie's bottle.-.:.;.:,,, ■'..'. H-..1 .;; The pehcarrpiH-Allegationl ' : : ;|';Mr. Ostler asked the witness'if it was not a;fact that liquor was sent to Pencarrow. ' ;..V;Mr.. Skerrett objected,' paragraph did. not. require 'ran-.answor,' .:. . :■'.■ this,- and , said that regarding the otiarge;!but it'was.aibt.WithdrawD. v '- Mr:-. ; Jamesrromarked cthatno evidence was of'Mr.,Atkin- .' an'dvthbyr.shpiuild not ask : the witnesses for the .'defence.' -'.'■■'./' •• .'.; .<• Mr. Riddell/thought. it was -a question for 'cross- t esaminatioh..:,,., f . ; :,; v . •ciDriv,M'Ar.tli!»'p". .1 do, 116^,,agree at ail. : Mr. Ostler -said;it;' 'would';.-■ 'he, ,;an.', unheard-of thin^.:not.''tpfallow..'him "lo examine. ; jiaheife''.ftf that; ; - '■, :*/I)r.'M < my opinion.. • A Mr.?Ostlor,:iHksv*lie Court decided?: . ," Dr..' , M'A'rthui-.t.Thb Coltrt is of opinion that it js.Hoti a.'proper.,;quesiior»: to ask.'; J '-, ,;■ :■-! . ''-■[■ J\ Archibalds William -Blairs-.splicitor, managing, clerk for 'Messrs.. Skerrett ,and. Wylip, stated that the License party desired to be lepresented'atrthe recoujrt,'but it could.only, be as a .paid party were .treated in this in' the' same way ..aa.the At.the re.count,...eight.,persons were .present. They were:—Messrs. .'Mbtb'esr Gowie. Coles, ; J.P., Damant, Brice, Rev."T. v A' Williams, Webb, 'and witness. r The':seat assigned to Mr.; Wil--liarasi'was th6"very i "bes : bi>.for seeing. , 1 be ,w,itriess;tsaw them " upside .dpwn&uirtil;he :.Bto,od-uc The-floor was-littered with, papers, and Webb swept the papers into two heaps. Whero they were working was all swept clean.:- He saw nothing to indicate whether Mr. Cowio.or Mr. Webb were partisans of.cither party.'.Witness was par'ticujarly.., st.r,usk ; - with,.Jilr, .Cowie's impa'r-tialit/:^.'He;'c'6uld':say'-.'bxactly ; the same of Mr.i Mothes. The latter-....seemed 'perfectly indifferent' what the'rVsiilt' was.. There woro too, J diagrams Mr. Williams's ■reegllectiptt;of.':this -was-not. correct..'.,On occasion aV"misfelie^was' , j)iade in'transference from ono;#iagrii.m;to i . yj a i !3pther.. Mr. Damant placed a. bj^pape'i^.oa'tho;wrong diagram, but;this the macliine tlfb•; co'iifltih'g was "made, and!- it - KwaesjjfouftU r'rthat; there : wero actually pS^pappj^iuißtead, of 2000.: ; Most ofthe bundles'werp. v oi,iho table, biit some were placed "on,.;a";iedge',:near ; the door.'. : -Mr.' Mot'nes ddbfyarid t.he windscattered thcpaperS/.-:.TKc bundles on the tables -.were untfisturbedj,vbtft.>thpse on the-ledge, ' folif or .fife bundlesr.wero, distributed on tiie floor. replaced 'by llr. 'Mothes and, his assistants," arid: the search for tho lost- two i'£ttmberß° S&i' cbiameaoed. - r 'lt 'was '•i'.'.' ». . . M ~s'f'-: - - - ■ ". ■. :.. ;" -,
founti that two numbers' were on one paper, thus making the total 1999. They then went through the papers, and four hours were spent m this way. . The result of that call over, was that numbers 1541 and 1705 had no represent them. A little later, No. 1700, a Continuance vote, was found under their feet. The disturbanoo ; caused by the wind made no difference, and they did not go on until all were satisfied. Mr. Williams was satisfied on the point. Witness hero gave a demonstration with the stamping-machine, and showed that by partial pressure,'.a number could be missed. t Coutiuuing, witness said that it was true that the returning officer left, the hall for lunch, but not while the count was on. He was. away while the number's 1 to 2000 wore being called over. Mr. Williams never left' the room,, ■; Mr. Skerrett; It; has' been suggested thai .liquor was brought .in. " .Witness: It is quite an unwarranted charge. Who had; any liquor?— The only one who had anything to. drink was Mr. ■Williams.' It was tea, I presume. (Laughter.)' . Mr.': Skerrett-.Let's hope so.- •' . ..Witness said he bought six pork'pies for those present, but otherwise .they had- no dinner. It was absurd to say that the returning: officer, could- not exercise proper, supervision over.his assistants.. There was no chance .of any tampering with the papers. Too many, were there, and they were too close together. Paper 1541 was.never lost. .In reply to the allegation that, one paper which recorded .'a valid vote for No-License was tamipered with .by 6ome'person at the recount drawing a pencil-line, through the •third line, and making it invalid, witness said he saw a paper.on which the two top lines were .imickly: crossed, and there was a .thm line through tho'last,one.;'Mr..Williams's'attention was drawn to,this. Mr.'Skerrett: The that if anyone tampered with it; it must have been by you?- ; Yesi *'"'■.' : .Mr. Atkinson, dissented from this, • Mr. Skerrett: I am, quite careful about this. Witness said at the'official count that he .thought a : mistako of the. 22' votes had been made. :-It was quite.possible that-the' mistake occurred in transfer from one : diagram to. the othe'r. : " : Pos'sibly Mr. Motheß or .Mr. Damant did it quite innocently.. As to the allegation: that the count'was conducted in so careless a manner that two ballot papers containing clear'votes .for Reduction and No-License, and having no mark other than.the writing in the corner by the deputy and-rejected as informal, they .must havo been overlooked;' They were passed by Mr William's. '~,■., The inquiry 'was adjourned' at this stage until 9.45 this' morning. : ■'
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Bibliographic details
Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 411, 21 January 1909, Page 4
Word Count
2,372THE HUTT HOTELS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 411, 21 January 1909, Page 4
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