Extraordinary Reductions! £25,000 worth to choose from!! RICH NEW DRAPERY. THESE PRICES ARE COPIED FROM WARNOCK AND ', ADKIN'S WINDOWS. ' WHITE EMBROIDERED BOXED ROBES, 18/6 for 14/6, 27/6 for 17/6, 30/- for 21/-, 39/6 for 25/6, 44/- for 29/6, 52/- for 35/6. -TWEED COSTUMES, 84/- for 25/-, 42/- for , 19/6, 55/-for 15/6, 52/-for 12/6. COTTON COSTUMES, Sailor Designs, 20/- for 14/6, . Blouso and Pkirt, 21/- for 9/11. GIRLS' CHECK GINGHAM DRESSES, Embroidered • Insoition, 5/6 each. WHITE EMBROIDERED COATS, 1/11 to 3/6. Worth 5/6 to 10 6. DUST COATS, 40/-for 19/6. BORDERED FLORAL ROBES, Boxed, 19/6 for 7/6. ; BLACK MUSLIN, with White Spot, 45/- for 32/6 tho Robe. NICE MUSLIN, half-price, * 1/- for 6d. and 1/9 for 10id. FEATHER STOLES—a Warehouse Stock. Coquo and Ostrich, _ 29/6 for 22/6, 33/- for 25/6, 27/6 for 19/6, 22/6 for 16/6, 16/6 for 10/6. . ; DRESS MATERIALS.—Over 1000 yards at 1/- a yard. Worth 2/6 to 3/6. Lustres, ' • Tweeds, Sicilians, Costume Cloths, etc. • v > MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT.—ToweIs, Curtains, Sheetings, Table Cloths, Ser> * viettos—All at Clearing prices • At Warnock & Adkin's. THE MARVE3. OF THE AGE! THE WATTRASS CHURN* ' BUTTER produced under Five Minutes In any climate; no need to temper churn. Ns more weary churning days. Easy, Sim pie, Reliable, Clean and Cheap. Churning made a pleasure instead of a dredge. Any capacity, from lib. to 1 ton. Inspection umted, THE NATTRASS CHURN-CO.. TELEPHONE-2095. 39 WEBB STEEET. C9S3 - THIS IS GIFT TIMEI fiOTJU) YOU FIND A MORE USEFUL OR MORE PLEASING GIFT THAN A HANDSOMB ' ■ PERIDOTZ AND PEARL PENDANT, from 30/" Or a CHARMINGLY CHASED BASKET BANGLE, from gn/ B WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION OF GIFTS IN WELLINGTON! NOT ONLY THE kdST, BUT FAR AWAY THE BEST i .In QUALITY! ASSORTMENT! "REASONABLENESS! GIFTS OF ALL KINDS, AND AT ALL PRICES.' G. T. WHITE,' " WATCHMAKER' AND J3WELLER, LAMBTON QUAY, AND AT CHIUSTO'HUKCH, CBS9 "JUST WHAT' *0U WANT JUST NOW." ', SOMETHING Pretty and Inexpensive sn JEWELLERY, WATCHES, TOILET AND BRUSHWARE. SILVER PLATE, Etc, Etc., suitable for your Christmas Present. ir.d we can supply it. ; L. W. LUDWIO-, ' 214 LAMBTON QUAY.
; ' BUSINESS NOTICES. / ' '■: AUTUMN IN THE ISLE OF ARRAN.m \ ■ By. John, Macwhirter, R.A. . : ; -.-.. "■ ONE of the/loveliest spots in Scotland on the Duke, of .Hamilton's great estate, and a favourite' report of -tourists. :' The glorious autumnal > tint*-, cannot', be rendered „in black and white, -;:bat all .that, there is. of light, shade, and distance in the picture, is, faithfully reproduced, iiud it makes a inost. effective, corny panion. picttire, to ' the artist's. famous ,"Tha Birch, '"- -. -■'' ■We are showing-both these Pictures, beauti. fully framed;\ -.v. ..';;;' ~ 7 : - E.. AND"fc TINGET AND C0.7MD.7 f; " . >■ - -MANNERS STREET.-:- • -'■ •■">■ ////'"';."':'"/y.;//'/:,/:'.: '-/ V ; ';v pookiNG,£iGMd: 77■ ./ -;. ■''• :.f./. M./ Layer jFigs, Cd...,;:; M:. /' f .'•;* •■ -.:' .■■ •;" New Spanish/Muscatels, Is. 2d. r . "..".'.'■:■; New Jordan|;Almohds,' 2s.' Id.. ;. ; '' New Seeded- ißasins, 6d. . : ■■ '.. " . ,-; New Mildura. Lifias, Id. ;' ;: i ; PEAK. FREAN'S PLUM/PUDDINGS; - I-- '•'"■ " : ' ; 4 - :; ,Üb/,--ls::-2i;/."■:■ :. : I--- -■-■ : 21b., 2s.\ '" '■■- Mi' .' ; aib..'-Ss.'.': ■■;"-■.'. .'/..' V - ;•.'.. . ■■'.'-. |i.- , 4ib.,. '■!&■■ ;:-■■. ■•■■:- .;■/?- ■ ./■ /: Christmas HiimsC'ilorepork'.'J.iOd, per lb.
://.' .; ; -/"TEMPERS. -"' -'."'- ,'. '/,'. \\ ''.-' ''/. "'' ■'(- "■'■ '■'■' ':-\. TENDERS' to Close at: Noon, V2lst , JANUARY, are' incite for' Hie Repair of Fences on thePorirua College Reserve'.. Specifications are to be seen at/the Diocesan Office, 20 Mulgrave Street, Wellington.: ...The lowest or any tender-not necessarily accepted/, ■ S9U ;;■ "''■' - ; ■"•■.'■kELBTJBNB...-.':7;.->..- ; M''77 TENDERS for. ROAD CONSTRUCTION \and DRAINAGE will be received at .our office, 18 Brandon Street;.until noon on MONDAY, the 25th inst.. - - ' ■■'■ —„ < .-.* > . SEATON ANp.SLADDEN, , :,., 9991 ; . Civil Engineers.'. Tee: necchatei. asphaltb/ Co., "■• ■LIMITED,'-.'..: I '',;.' '• i\ :■'. Sole Owners "VAL DE, TEA VERS ' Asphalte : .' ' ■■''. Mines. : //• - '. For Flat Roofs, '• Basements, , Dampconrses. The only Ileal Atphnlte Firm in Australasia. v .; .Telephone 2191. ; : ClOl7 7 10 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDEB& ■'■. USE «nlj MGENASCO EooFlN6'".'..nil' DAMPCOUKSfcii mads , from jenuiM hike Trinidad Asphalt' Sample* and partieniir» (rota ' '.- SAtttfUOD, SON. ■'liiv EWEN, LTD., .Om : . ■;. . ■'■•■ '■•■*. Solo-Aeonb.«
Wi CAMPBELL, GROCER. MANNERS STREET, CUBA STREET, RIDDIFORD STREET.- • - , J.. D. CRUICKSHANK ANli CO., LTD, - v GENERAL MERCHANTS, ■•''■.'... ':*:'■■ ]'/ MASTERTON. .;■ ,v- '■ -:-/;;/,ScfENTIEIC FARMING./ -■ -.;.-■- GHEMICAIj '■ ANALYST-Our MB. A/ R WOOD is a Chemical Analyst and Practical • : Farmer. He will'be pleased)to wait upon' or - - communicate with farmers regarding treatment' '■'. of their soils. , - • ■■•'.• ■•'■'■" •■■ ■;'.■ : SPECIAL HIGH-CL43S MANURES-All Re- ' ' gistered: Analysis with t-the Department of Agriculture. The.- results from Crops treated "''■•' ■with oiae mixture wtfV^peakJor. themselves.', >•' MANURES FOR AUTUMN TOP-DRESSING OF PASTURES;.aIso Grain Manures, to suit all soils. A trial solicited :.\7b,are confident of giving- highly satisfactory results.: . ■ ■ :.>;?■ ■■'.■" - '-.; : ■ ;■■.•■■■. ■- 01077. ; ■ :■.". / : ./■'.•"AND'' .„ "\ V V//: ,':W; "•■".'THE'.-BEST' ARE CHEAPEST,/ ' ••' • :/-•:-;■/ '•;; 'And. "■',-'. ■::;.....■'.■ -■';/•'■ ■ FREDK. W.SCOTT'S ARE THE BEST. •:; / 'AN APPLICATION ''' //./■:/' .■..v From the.' ;■.."■-■ " '/ •'CANNOCK AND/LEACROFTO ''■ /■•'■/. .■"; /: : COLLIERY-CO;, LTD.,- ;///>,/// "Referring to ; your request'.that we- / wilt write.youqur'i experience .of your.. C.'iropes., I think it'.would, he/unreasonable foru'sto decline to do so, seeing , : -,.v . . you have.supplied.the'best ropes ever.' '■'", ' .'used at this Colliery. '■•'■■'•:■■ ■■'/:.' .'T7e have, had no. others, for five years,,.' /.v. ■ and.every rope",has more than,fulfilled: .'• : what was promised. '.The economy to. '/:,... - ■■'■ this Company'during the period named '. f ':/ would if calculated make: a large sum." } Prices and Particulars on Application to ■/ '■■'"■'".' ; A, A t. eORTi/LTD. V ■■: v /■ Sole, Agents,'.".■,'-...'■.:. '■■■"'.■ COUHTENAY PLACE, WELLINGTON- ■ . . ~..,://y::> . : /.;:':.."//;'/:':-■, .0881..,//'. ' ' ;.F mi "'"-'' IJJ -' l "'"'^'-^' J "'".,./ '. '- ■ - .a- PERFECT--; \ .fpflli ••;■' .': --r SKIN-TONE; : // ; l^X>" ; '' ;; '"/ . "solidified' /•'i^a:'■'■•■',. form of ICILMANATURAL "■"./''• WATER,-the". "greatest' dis-' " : ll!™Svom . T . ■ coveryevermadefortbeskin, /- : , V' V , is the most marvellousskin-cleanse'rand .„■■:: . i tonic known. Absolutel.Y\vithout ; soap,. ■ greater any agent'but. this wonderful natural water/it penetrates, to the'inmost" ■'■'-'■ ,' ■ , skin and imparts that perfect tone without which Health and Beauty can not exist. ..■■'\- i can produce, effects on the skin absolutely ■'. unknown:-''. The wondrous transparent/ . healthful bloomi the glowing Hie that fears . / , ■ _i no cold, the icy, almost/painful, coolness : that can be obtained by'its repeated use, ' ', * and.above all the lasting freedom from ■"■ i skin irritations,areall owing to Nature's ; IcUma. ';.,''---:' '".;•■';'■'"'- Obtainablei from "'■'"' '-':■ : : - ;-.■■" : ; W.-H. B. : Perrott, Newtown.,' " ■ i ■'. Len> M'Kenzio, , ''MannerS' St ;: I'"' ;-.. ;■ Barraud & Son, Molesworth/Sfc v '. : /' ; !■•'.! Eluor Creanvis. 6d. perjjot. 'i- ;' : :•:,
H MOULT, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, . . ELECTRIC. LIFT SPECIALIST..., - Sole New Zealand. Agent—Archibald, Smith, and Stevens, London and Manchester. / ' LIFTS /FOR ALE PURPOSES/ .' : A ROUTH'S BUILDINGS (Top Floor),' ' •FEATHERSTON STREET.- WELLINGTON/ NEW EXPANDED METAL FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, EXPANDER STEEL LATHING For Fireproof Walls and Ceilings. '- KAHN TRUSSED.STEEL BAJJS ~/■' For Reinforced Concrete Construction. RTJBEROLD' DAMPCOURSE RUBEROID ROOFING. ■' ■ RUBEROIU FLOOIiCLOTH ' GIANT BUILDING-PAPERS RATNER SAFES and STRONGROOM DOORS ROCKE'S ART METAL CEILINGS - OREGON TIMBER and LATHS., ; THE STEWART TIMBER, GLASS. AND ';' HARDWARE COMPANY,.LTD., / - Courtenay Place, Wellington. . ■'■■•' v ■;■", ■ ■/-■'.; :.csu M"" A IN.LA N D AN D B A.R R, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Office—T. and G. Buildings, Waring Taylor St.. . WELLINGTON. '■'.•"• Telephone 1884. . .'•.,' Sole Agents for New Zealand for the Limmer. Mineral Mastic Asphaltes, one of the oldest British and Continental Rook Asphalte Companies. . ".. , . . /-.■ . Established 1870. Only the highest grade Trinidad Bitumen used with the Asphalte. For Flat-Roofs, Damp Courses, Floors,'etc.,. etc. .'. Sole Agents .North Island, and Marlborough, Nelson, and Westland—Alf„ Calmon's Asbestos Roofing Slates.. In colours—red, dark ' I rey, light grey, 16in.. x lfin. a'nd,l2in.'i;i2ih.■'■''... ' Remember, we have, no other firm: or person representing us,, escepting in Auckland. • ;Write direct. - Calmon's 'Asbestos. ,Wallin° Sheets, Bft. x 4ft. and 4ft; by 4ft., 3-16in.,an3 Jin. thick. Cheaper; than plaster and - more effective. '■■ We have an experienced'staff,.of Asphalters and Slaters,, and' all our work is' guaranteed. Testimonials and quotations on .application'.,/.-. .'.":■.;'■.',-; ;.CBl4 Evidence of Positive Supremacy. - nnHERE are f6rt"-six' manufacturers of A sewing machines in America. How many can you name? • .How!many did you ever hear of? ■*** — jli P ne namß . comes .to the >, njind of every woman ;mmoiSji\|Hs.'Ua diately —the, Singer — and there's a very good reason. /:. ■ The Singer makes.and sells . many'machines in-a year ' a3 a " *' 10 "'her forty-five manufacturers-combinedi . Singer Sewing Machine * 8 .the best' 6ewing maohine in every country on W(l:i&i*l\r\H& *^ e Slohe. There is a Singer Store in every city in the •"• world. ... Why? - Because when you buy a : Singer yon do .not buy simply so much wood and ■steel—you buy the latest result of the longest and best ex- : 'perionce.. , : .V'''-', '■".■ ,''' 1 .'.", Sold only by, /'.'" '■'.' "'•"■/'' SINGER SEWING MACHINECOMIS ; Address us.at-r. .:•/,./.'/"./ 8 .WILLIS-STREET,:;\TyBMJNGTON t
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 408, 18 January 1909, Page 3
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1,274Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 408, 18 January 1909, Page 3
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