The Government has. agreed, (states the lorowhenua "Chronicle") to build teachers' ■esidences at Waikahae, Reikorangi, Tokonaru, and Muhunoa. ' /■•.;. :'■,'■ . '■:■';'■', The Christmas gifts donated to ington Hospital this eoason amounted in raluo to £108 16s. 6d.; other donations to;alled£lo;63. 3d. Last year the gifts to;alled, roughly, £IU.. •:. ~- , . . People ,are beginning to ; doubt whether ihere will bo. a prosecution in. regard to the loventeen missing North Dunedm election rapere. It is presumed (says iour Dunedii iorrospondont) that the evidence is not - eugh. is to justify further proceedings. , :.'-',. , '■: 'Thbtiiret of the regular service p of insulated, irucks promised by the Railway Department 'or the fish traffic between:Napier,-Welling-, ion, and intermediate stations was run on rhursday; It is computed that.the fishing industry in , Hawkc's , Bay-last 'year, repre-. sented a,value.of £30,000.- ;:.!.,,'. > The Woodville "Examiner." says'that'.it is specially authorised to give emphatic , contradiotion to. a rumour, published .-by the Waipawa "Mail,! , that Mr.: Dillon, M.P., is likely po retire fronr the House and.go to the Council in order to givo Mr. M'Nab !anjthov chance for,the House. ■ . ■ . ; : A Bitting of .tho' Assessment Court will be liold- on, Saturday, January, 23, at 9.30 a.m.", Eor. the purposo, of hearing 'and: determining objections to the name of any person being included in the -' epcbial . roll for the poll to be taken regarding ■ tho proposed loan for the VVadestown and Northland water supply. ' : " ■ Two youthful yachtsmen : of.'. Ponsonby, Auckland, W. Wedderspoon and Alfred Bullen, hds of 17 years,'loft Auckland Harbour in Saturday afternoon, intending to return . Soino alarm, was caused when fchoy had not reappeared- on-Monday,-.but they returned safely yesterday. - ;. : ;•■■•'■ ■ In the interview; with Mr. Clement Wragge published .in' The DoinNipN yesterday,. itEb soientist was -made .to refer t0... hydrogen flames leaping from the. sun's, edge to. ulc-ir tudes- varying -betw.eeni 60.000".. feet and 324,000 feot. The, word "feet"; ought, to have been ."miles." '"■■■-,•'■- ' ■'' ■ •'•■ ■•■'■■'.'. '"■■■'.:■: ■'.-'■, :■ La'st night at -o'cldok the Fire Brigade.received a call to. suppress.a fire which nad started among.a number of .coke bagsi in a' shed .at the roar of Cable's'Foundry,-in Waterloo Quay."-: It is. thought that : a-: spark had blown , on to tho bags. : The .damage-done was-slight, the! .fire l)6ing •' ; o,uiokly. 'suppressed./ ; ■■'■.■.'•,■:..;-... •';.■:'. :■'■::'■ .- ' •'■-.'■ •'.; An untimely end ; befell - tho camp of two young men on the banks of the , Waipqua River, near. Akura, .on Sunday .(states; , ,.a country paper).' A bull 'discovered: tlioir -1011; dez'vdus, romantically situated irl :a- shady spot hear the willows. . 'i'he'> animal at once ■ set to work, and soon reduced the tent; and its surroundings to a scene >f.desolation, while tho 'campers' made themselves'scarce;'.•.■-.' >-;' ■ Mr.' D. D.-. Hyde/ 'Goverhiivent Poultry pert, told '.a Dominion,' reporter yesterdaj that there would bo" comparatively littlo export :of .poultry this year;/H6 attributed thia to the increased' demand : ',for.local consumption; : following upon .'a marked in quality. , Tho increased price, of wheat, he ppnsidered,- had ■ .something t-6 ■ ,do witlv < it,' : .ke ppultry-keopers'ihad thoreby':been, stimulated to/adopt more. , Bcientifio" :, methods, , : such a! sending : .the birds': : ;to '[ the before. thej reaoh the ng'e : v of six m0nth5......... ..., ; .:/.'.-.{: . The latest /'ltinerary l of: TrareL.in - New issued by. the Departmentj.'is -the most completely -.informatiTt publication 'of |tho kind that .has yet"-beeii issued;:. Besides/giving -particulars, of tht means ; of transit -to? and from-: all 'tourist, health, 'and-scenic, resorts,, the little'booklet is : illumined' with'some. carefully, chosen-' pic tures illustrating'.the character-of our seen, oryi north and south, the Government spai and\bath houses,: views of- tho' cities, etc There.are.also particulars'.pf.ilie Mairi.Tr.uni .train!arrangements in reap'ect to the Rotorui connection.; and. tho .fullest information,'re gardirig;'distances,; : altitudes,-i hotels,- guides : eto. : : ; .-".-■'..'.:■'■ ■' :, ■•'■'.' '■]■-; :'\'*'! : l'_: -, ; "/'-. : '■:•'■■:■;, : K
'There' is no 'sentiment'atout the.:OrcKard tnd Gardbn:;Pests Act, Canfl ifcdqes"not;ever leoognise the.emblem of Erin-as;-.other* tnsn i-.poMible- means of. plantidisease^communiiation ■'wneriV':brought:.frbm .oversea:-. Cadet riiar ■ (writes bur -Auckland 'correspondent) liscbyered "this faction' board the AVimmera m Sunday.' On his yisit.to.lreland he hao >een : '.presonted with a.flne'po't. of :,shamrock o tafco' back 'to'New;'Zealand as:a' rememiranoeof the Green Isle and of ■Mβ: mother's jirthplaob, 'but when : he arrived', in Auckland nth his .muoh-prizedi.shamrock'he; wasvinbrmed, in the polite;language of officialdom, ihat, there was:a'penalty/0f,£20 for taking ilants. ashore .without'permission of the inipeotpit appointed under' the Act.;■ However ;ho-plant was. taken'good-care' of' fpr;.tht roung rifleman; and duly: came 1 through ; th« wdeal'iOjE'its ; inepe'otion...-;-'}: : :.;-..;"■■■■ ; '■ ■ '■_■.■■:.-r-.'r : A "proposed solution of : tbe liquo'r- question lame: before, the'..Kutt County . Council;, yeeiorday, wheu a letter sWas': received .'from''-the EorowhenuaV'County Council,'; asking /.the opinion of;tho council as to theV advisability M/an amendment in "the existing. ;AJcoholi< Liquors Sale -Contrbi, Act, : whereby the rei iuction clause shall be repealed, and> jn anj slectorate.'where. Nb-Licbnse -is carried). th< lontrol" and s»le of Isuoh'"liquors may (or petition signed by the samp majority, thai iarried No-License, and endorsed by a major. ity. of the. adjacent councils) .■become vested sither in the whple of the; local bpdicswithii such : electorate, or a.bbard'; elected' by 'the people; v.with financial' : powers,, the. ~nej proceeds; ■■after 'providing ;f or' : the' ■ 'relief ■"■.of: poverty,;'to, be/•usedVjn providing mental.and physical recreation for the people The Hutt Council was asked if it would our' a conferencaon the! matter; to be held at Palmerston North. ■'.' It was: decided to 'tak< no taction in the matter. .;:.. ■■>."■ • v • .; .'At .'the;' meeting' of the Hospital .Trustee! yesterday ■Mγ. J; ,W.."-M'Ewan ; :referredj.to th« plan&'for the new hospital building,.and.suggested; that there might be no 'delay concerning further discussion of the same. Thejact ihg-chairman (Mr. R.'.; Q. : ; Kirk) stated ■thaj nothing furtner would probably be done.unti the return of the chairman : of the :boarc (Hon. O.M. Luke), oil Thursday nest, whef the matter woiild probably'be:.dealt >ith' ; .bj the -House Committee. -No reply. had been ro ceired'from the Prime •Minister.' cpncerninj th«. request of the: recent conference, of representatives 'of trustees:'and-the 'Districi Hospital Board that ho -receive a doputatioi which proposed' to'place' boforb him certaii matters affeWing the financial aspect of th< new hospital building.soheinb,'and he- (Mr Kirk) thought that the-Hon. G. Fbwlds, ai Minister in charge of hospitals and charitable aid, might bo asked' to" receive the deputa tion instead. Mr. J. W/ M'Ewan,moved fa that effect,, and-the''mo tion was duly! sec onded and carried. '.:'.- '..■■ ',■;■-.-"', /-;..•.'-.■.;■.'■■.■■■■, "The Hon; A. W.\Hogg; Minister in.ch'argi of the: Roads Department, had consented at the , request of Mr. .J...E- Luke, M.P., t< receive a deputation from ■ Johnsonville aii< Ohariu yesterday afternoon, but owing to tin primitive postal' facilities of Ohariu, the' onlj persons' who received 'the intimation. in tim< to. attend.wore Messrs. J. W. Braithwaite; o, Johnsonville, and J. Hislop, clerk :to tin Makara'. County Council. ; Another date will therefore, be , ' fixed. The. request.to be.madi hue to do with the r Wakefield E-oad,, on. tin Hawtrey Estate, whioh:.has,, been' acquired subdivided, and roaded by:the' Rovernment This road is in .a cutting, as are. also certan Johnsonville roads, whioh lead into it, bu as tho'cutting in-Wakeficld Road ...is-not'thi full : width, there is an obstruction. at eacl junction which effectually..blocks •■traffic, be tweeri Wakofiold Road and tho adjacent; par of Johnsonviilb. Tho'roquest' to- bo. made't< tll« Minister is that'this obstructing, mesa o eiii'th shall bo.cut through in , , the placei opposite two of tho Johnsonvillo roads. Ii sliould bo added that tho'Hawtrey roads hav< been taken over at tho Government's roquest by the Makara County. Council. ; : ■For imtrootions on the latest-and. most be ooming style of Hairdressini. for Hair, Treat mfent, Faco Massage and Shampooing, vlsil ■Vtrs Rolleston, 'Willis Street (over Carroll's) Personal Attention, adrico free, pi. , 1699. C7BI • There are more, waysi.th&n-.one'of-blendinj ■ tea but there's only one honest and right way -iind'-that is to-blend for quality. Many tee: afe'-blendod for- teas cf certaii prices are lumped together, in order to niaki certain: of profit. Crescent Blefid Tea is blcndec fat quality, irrespective of the prices of tin tiittS required to make tho blend. It is a. scion itifio combination.of tho. Btrong robust teas - .0l Dfti'jcoiiiis ntid tho fiuo doUoatci teas'of Ceylon •"w shillings per lb. fipm all -stores, -.-Auvt, , ■
At the next meeting of the Onslow Borough. Council; Councillor-Fitssgerald will move:— "That the council tako 'steps to place before the'.■ratepayers of' the East Ward a P^Ff 1 to borrow a Bum of not more than: £1000 for the purpose of erecting a Town Hall for the Eastward." . >...■// '. ; ~■• :' ; Jhe 'hospital authorities advised last 'night that' the. man Jas. O'Connor, who was admitted to tho institution.on Monday, Buffer-.! irig" from a paralytic stroke, was still in an unconscious condition. .W. A., Milne, : who shot ..himself in tho..head .;■ on Sunday, was progressing Batiefactorily... ~: .'.)' : The ever-narrowing .number ■ of. :Dunedm hotels :'.■ seem to find difficulty m providing travellers/accommodation, on special■:-. occaßione. ■ Our Dunedin corrbsondent states that an influx of tourists, rather larger.than; usual, arrived by the Maheno yesterday, and the leading hotels weife unable to find sufficient accommodation for all of them. ■ ' By tne-Mamari, due, at Auckland tomorrow, 377 third-class passengers will arrive in the Dominion, of whom 261 have been assisted' to. come\ou.t':by.the State." ; - The assisted -passengors include 36.farmers,.14 farm labourers/ and 38 domestic .servants. Their'capital ranges from.£26.to £400. Mr., A. 1 A. S. Danby, Immigration Oflicer,' leaves for Auckland to-day to.meet.the strangers., correspondent of '*■. Christchurch newspaper :asfcs why the ambulance collections there "are■ carried on sunder tho red_hot cross bun badge instead of the. Red woes of the- Geneva Convention?,. • The Geneva, Convontion.'badge ~-of the Army- Hospital-Corps'is-oval in shape, and is. made up or a. smali plain red cross, .without, either ek r , panded -.ends' , -!or 'filigree,:on : a': pale!,yellow, ground. The cross on. an ambulance van. whioh represents the military flag.of irmWar trust,.•'is simply two ; plain.rod;.;bars.on a whifco ground.-' ';_./../ .'• ,;.'/.'. .;■-•;•.' '..Used ae a cornerrpost/-Tin .fact■ leaning against,' Messrs. Bethune! and ..Hunter's ! es--tablishinent: in,Old.Customhouse Quay,..is -a" ship's' .cannon'j''undoubtedly .a .relic, of'the old times"in .Port Nicholson;; _~Few notice the rusted piece of steel,, and it was used as a. starting gun. for Maori canoe races in ; this harbour:;in the 1 olden, .times;. There is ho historic claims attributed tb_ tho old-'cirinon, excepting; that, it was .formerly, a ship's' siluting was stationed on Messrs. -B«thune and Hunter's Wharf,.which. - was' situated: whero;our. present; Town. Hall: is.' now .erected.' .-.■.;■',.-;,; >,' ' v :-\: : V :\<.r : :''. The. latest addition L :to .jtioxNewVZealand press, comes in tho;.form ; of ; a : fortnightly!iournal,."The Citizen," > which" is \tb; be published on Friday nest. : ; : ;"The' it is. stated, will be ?.ni independent, review of current affairs, and will go plain speak- ; ing oh topics of Now Zealand interest.;. -A varied and attractive '.first -number,. is .in ■course of- preparation'V. and- amojig' the contents promised is an-article—which: is stated; .to , he rather. senßationaV-dealin'gswith the. in'ternal economy, of a. well-known New Zealand institution. The paper, which iwill. be edited byi;-Mr.v-A.'-. N. --Field;-lately." of the v sub-, ieditorisl staff.of Thp'DominioNj will be Bold at;threepence;;-/ : . ■: ■ i ;^.■■-:•;■.;;-■_;■ '-r;;-':: ■■'; -;■;•_;;;
•Colonel Hume,' Inspector^'of ; Prisons,' ar ■ived at Giabornolast Saturday, for the pur poi?' of inspecting the. site ;,of, the' new gao ip be erected on VWaVc-hi-harore Block. Th< nspeetor, informed a: "Herald" represent'ativ) ihat vplans for, the■; new:;buildirig,.;being■; de signed by, the^Publio. J Works'Department, ,a'r< now well in■'hand, <and)thatV'tenders: , -,wil j'rpbably. -be ,called ■ forV-the-.erection 1 ; df :th< nstitutibnvin the.course-of a few,weeks*. A rote/ofi£l6oo'Vas'passed. If.st session for th< purchase of labd and the 7 erection of- the dot ;aol, which' ie badly' needed; olc demises,:' which have iprigUseryed. this,tpurr:bse, are;.: altogether./inadeciuato/for-preseni Jay requirements:: r/v": v^-'■.• - ,'■[■ /..')■":■■■ ■ ■^brV''':l^d^ay'.has'' , 't^me/'a ; :/clianvpion' i ;.bi : ■H);■'a.'■.nβws: i>aper representative, '"■ is not \half. .'the place 3anterbiiry-".is/ forri' holidays.There: i ß ; n < »rnparison V: lJt:tweon ,: .the:Hw.o." places at all; Ph'ey :w6uld>give a:'great; , deal , .to. hare u ilaco ; lilw ; Hanmto : , in^he , ' south.- -rFrankly, t. : da-net'.'-think. th*p : ebpleVpf'iCJhristchurct calue it"at-its proper: phce', ; ;'btit there"is nc Joubt.-.that ;in 'a few-years'; it .will.be, a great resort':fpr;this part, of the-country.rand foi other '"parts "as-; well:"- ■'• He>" result.Pfthis-receiit visit .toiHahmer ho: would bring -Boiferal su'ggestibna-jfor;.improvements befdrpj.ihe Minister in -charge',: of;. tourist. re-sprts.'and.he.had/no■doubt-:tha't(they would b'e.'./attendod .toji'and 'tHat'-Hanmcr:. would benefit. ,\, ; ".»,' '■' ~v7;'-"-/''!>v "■',:; '■-■■:,'', ■■'■■.■■■ ..' '.'The.- eiseraent in: the ; financial.Jgtrjngencj bas'been due to the-'improveMent'v.'in.'tlw price of --w001, , . , : 'remarkedf Duthit to "a ; "?overty. ; Bay. Herald , '.reporter,' during his - [ : recent:'visit'''to. : 'Besides' this he added; tlie present had been a very excel lent seasonj bbth'iin' .the'.North'- and Sputl Islandsparid/the.' , : pmninipa > so<prodiic& ii quantity:this year will; exceed: that..of an; prpviousJyear.! ; 'With the.return..of prices t< thepreyions level,': he pect anything- but a return of .the good.time; of the past. ; \Vheat : orops : m the : south, butte: in Tarahaki,-.together.,with-.wool and;othe: crops, were first-class this.year: :. Financially hbwever i^too / mu9h.FnJpney| he declared) ha< of 'recent' years 'been , raised in tjie Bpminibn >Vith "the presentconditiohi of "affairs .fth' Government! should;:h4ve been; getting it money af'SJ'. per:cent.'in::l>ondon, instead 'o raising loans at 4:' per cent.fwithin ,the countr; itself. .Thisi'Mn Duth»; contended,( was i distinct;.grievance,' iand had-^weakened 1 : tb Ppminion's ,mohey.vsupplT.:V' ■^■:[t- : ~:\ , h.i-. , :;'■'', at sea v are' 'sometimes far-roach ing in J their;'effect^v ; .The l Jr6cent , ChannePac cident:bff DpveV,'in:whioh''tho ;outward;b6un( Tpngariro -suffered -iSbjsdyerely-that >ho hai to put'back'to London,'.will have tho.effec of the' , ' work' itt'connection with tb construction •of : thW ! f h«w> : dam;. at ; Solomon' Knob"(on th».Waiaui-o-mata..stream) ; b; some three months. 0n..: tho.Newv'Zealani Shipping Company's-liner" were' some' 60.t0n; of light rails which had been urgently cablec for:'bf.the- ' contractors, --Messrs.;"'-Martin Hurreli, " and Sneddon, 'with: , which ■ two: milei of : light Railway, were.,tp;be laid down withii the reservoir; reserve for- ttye/,.'carnage, of thi material' ! in -.' connection ; with; tho ,big' work The : City ■Counoil; in ; its 'specifications,' lau down : that nb horse ■vehicular--traffic was-1< bo allowed on the roads within the'reservoi: res'eryey ivhich meant ,that; a tramway .woulc have to'be constructed, between the big. iror eate j that 'admits -; to the reservoir ground: ■and the "works'at Solomon's Knob.; >lhe-roll-ing stock- will consist of iron -:trucks to £1 drawn; was. the case-.at,tnf Karori;waterworks a year.ago..' . <'. ■ •>..\Vhilst : : refraining from: directly attributing th* meteorolpgical: antics ■.Wellington : has. exlate'to the .presence', of- ; Mr, Olemeiit-Wragge 1 in- the'; city,- one ,is non. plussod to accounffor,the unseasonable .variableness of those -elements which-should- declare that summer is/ here, whonat. distinotlj Iβ -■ not.' Right through the-:-Christmas anc "New Year holidays there has been an entire absence' of : fixity- of purpose in- what -we art pleased to:canjtho:weatkr,; v The.long..warit §ays: should .be /have. ; hero; anJ there ■been splashed with' drizzling -.ram,; at .times accompanied 'either by, rude northerlios, _oi much too cold southerhes, and ) nights, whioh at this timo of the year should induce the poet to-'rush for his fountain pen, have 'been 'chill and : drear ; in the. main. Las summer the city perspired.m th£ throes ol very like a drought-in .miniature, and the -good .folk- wore threatened withal. ■ sorts of'pains and penalties if caught m the act of- furnishing'the 11: the backyar.dwith:a;clandestine drink i.Tlu hills vtcre^blaekqned.-with/.nglj erass-fire". smudges,, and tho dust ..in the street blew around and around untrammellec by; the ;soddening' influence of the .watercart. : '■ Tanks ran dry,. and the. lull-top dwellers shrieked loud'ahdhigh as they .tapped £ hollow accompaniment on .the corrugatec (and-even political) citizens wero. served Witt blue paper for abusing/tho:gard(jn hoso, anc ' the' flowors wiltod in an 'anaemia '' boyonc their buro. The city built it a big auxiliarj rosorvoirto make future summers uiorecpmfortablo, and-tho winter filled it/with' ■' its tears. , -Now the, summer is well advanced, and tho.old reservoir, which sank so despondently' under the'.blazing suns of yesteryear, 1 is: brimming over dolightfully, while the , now one, at. Karori marks time .with / t ."■tfhero do I coma in", expression. . Instead of discarding the vest for tho sako of lopst cofefort, as in. January, last, the warni topcoat is needed 0' nights, and- the counter"pane that ; was then kicked-off in the.invita;tio)i 'to'sleepj- has the company-of an all-wool AVrag— uo i ru B- The season, has jumped out of its groove,' and-, wants "pushing back. ■-.::
"But I can't <J<> pick and shovel work." : This is the answer .which is often'»given to \ .' .'the. Benevolent Trustees when they inquire whether'an applicant for aid has sought work ..;.-.-■ at tho Government Labour Bureau; The ;ap-, ; :. plicant invariably.:avows" his willingness to; . work, but; he wants workin. his particular. -• trade, or else- ari: easy job. .Failing- that he '•■■; ■:ie not'too proud to tako charitable aid.-. : '. 'The 'slackness; in' the : carp'entering trade. ; ; was brought^under notice during the hearing.,ofthe judgment summons cases at.tho S.M.-.j ;. Court yesterday: Oho carpenter'said'thathe ];; : --: had only ..been employed for two .'weeks 'during < ■■: the past - ; two : months, ■ and' iriother.: trades- { ■'~. man said that' he ; haa. givonVnp. carpentering hg aiid:taken':to.poultry farming. .There might: ■:.■ be prospects in,the lattorioccup&tion,.,but at'- : - . ;presnnt debtor, was only.'justi able: : to>kcepv-p' nis;.wife; and,;family>;of : jfpiiri-"-. ; ;>v.\>.'-i!;:'■.■■."■'■ .;;:' ; ; The trustees of^the Bonevblent Institution:--: ; met yesterday' for :the first time after; the '.-., 'holidays.: There .were present:—Rev.•W-α. ; ; : '.Evans (in-the ehair),'■Messrs:- J .:Smith,'; W,v ;■: ,F. Wakeham, and R."\V. Short. Themaeter ~-, of the' Ohirp- Home reported tho number-of;"-inmates at tho-Home'to -be'-"'107 (77, males >" and 30 females).' During'the vacation' there'-:;*; hadibeen a, large-amount: of .relief -adihinis-.;,,{: tei-ed.::.;lt was..resolved -that any, t^o■ memi':."' bersof.:tho boatd be' , empowerca.:\|oi'.'-'signjS:-": cheques;:" '■■ :f ■'''■ "*'■'■■• 'V-'itf■''" : "-: ''•"■ ' ; _i'v:'..'
. .In.about'three' , weeks ;or a month;" given ■ '•'•:.•.;•'. lino weatherj vfclie"extension \forks".at,Te . Aro'' : >V Baths;, should, be completed, judging "by the , .;,. ' .progress; which'is being made' at-•■"'present! : '! : ■■■ '.':,' 'With theexception": of a 'at the-' .; ••■•■■ • northern end, the whole-of the concrete lower ;.;.-'■'> wall; has been;. Bet; and'.a part; of the.,tbp": - ;: .-■;:■ wall, j.at. the■,:'s6utneni-.Vend,-..has,•.alsoi been .;..■;',, boxed'and', set/: ;'Wien!the'. upper!, cqnoretei ...';,;. workhasbeen therewill only/ ; • the / partition' piles : 'and.. . sprees dividing'- the' ■': . sexes 'to.'.be;placed , .:in': pbsitiony:with. , a,; few/v : .;■'■••' finishing;;toucl»s,to' < ihe;general;Work; /■: '■ ■In?c6nneotion' !; ■;V;,';^ raatehy; Wbe irowed on "Easter: Monday"at" ■' ■'■'■■'X Akaroa; the Wanganui./.'Herald'-'.saysitis : yery']\v>;. X probable" thai' will 'be made 'for; 'fiX: W; Webb'te act a'B pacemaker; and also;trainer ,V//i";: for "WhelShiVXThe' ;latter~is':' very.; anxious? to';:' y \ secure •■'Webb's'; services,';.atid; there .is "every ■'■'■))':':'■ prospect rpf ■■ the of \ the world, X^ .assisting ; ith.e'- Akaroa ; Bpuller; .y.-Ihe; latter's-; '~•."■ friends .are determined ; to spare no expeiiee l ; ':' } , . :tb'give their-manevery .opportunity, of boing ;:.,;.■ fit' to do'i himself. justice ..on ; the o 'day,V and it , ',•,;■■. is: safe; to; say.-.that--Wqbb ,is -jusththef man;.: '■.';-; - to; bring 'out the'bost that; is .in. Whelohji who;.;,^:. .should/ benefit- : Very->.^^considerably.:: haying .the' Wanganui , assistance, ih'hispite-'. ;':.■''', paration. ,?;,;.. : .-X' :: yxi'XX-:.i\ '■-'-. V.;So far f as■.■;,berthing'. : facilities :go',";'thebig .■ ."' newi- wharfr-the /.' Kind's ,;■; practically, -V--. finished, for, nearly every berth )vaS' occupied ■:. v •when a repiesentative :,of ;.Tm: Dohimon:.; r :/ visited the/.works "yesterday:';■ :A11; that'- : rer-v .r: inainsibbe , done is the completion .of a- siriall' ■■- ■' ■portion!,of..the'de'cking-'at ■thb:;southern ■end:."';;;. ; of the.wharfjfldorin'g.and liningof the second'-; ~-M shedvilaymg-of : rails,. and : tho off.'o) K^:"i: ; the; hundred: and-one kittle" things; tot ;mu^'X/-.': ;be l rattenaed;:W : ore'.the I 'fiuge>,structureH!;'v'c/i finkllytakcn over by the Harbour Board; Th« , ■ .first-shed has;been.painted\the official colour;: ■■■}'■:■ ) andhas.already/been'taken overj-.asit.is'novij.-.-i,'' full of;.-wool bales, and .other, export imerehan. •::i. , .dise.-.;N0.V2. shed imposing,.affair^with-;..];:■ a, ; tewer,.,and: stands/eut/.pronun«ntlyj.m.'th*vTAv iarbour.v ; ;;: :;;q,. ■■.■ \ ' v xx. X'^tP^-xX^h '/;> The rapid development,of •■ in; the ''xc '4 Ne^flwn^BndvElbirne^disthcts^has.led^te^an,^ extension.of >ih'e; present'-.fir'e'/prevention'-isys..;'^;-: ■teni irf;i;hese:,flobalities.-.'iThe*Kilbirnie ;, flre: y r-£}. ■station , is-t.eihgirembvedi'from^^■its;present site '£] a' more-jly-.v commir,dmg and central situation .bn.Puncaa":'.';.:/' Terrace'j, and .will in future,; be "in,, charge/ Of " \, : V •^rtfanentVbri^a^es^anJriwhflevWepKmoJ:.;'.;'.; communication..with'/the' Neytowtt;'Station, ■',.?> ;•,■ ■and I ,'■/;'.; also viii yiewi'V; In- : itself;J; the Mm-!^.;.-'.'"; provemsnts to ',!the • present: system .include; the/ - '■; i removal•''•pf.'.'Jhe- reel^'Station^from'/Donaldvi';^. ilQjean'; l Street= ; tp .^o'visite-'/'adliaceht^tie".^^''-:'."^. .trainway "'wafting^hta.''j.in';!!Mans6eldvStreet,'' ■.'.; and the installation. of: Btreet* fire_ : alarms will ■■, '■} be/further.extended;-^:Provision:. jg ■ also made'; •■.•".' for^making^a igood-: track ithrough; the:Kil- : ;■>. birniertiinner"((at ; present : it. resembles;a rail- ■;;..' .w.ay.ilii!e).;.to'■"■ allow! qf/rth-e^passagei';;throdghj. ls .'!: this denirableishor^utjofithe^ntralimptor^'^'yi iinE : ■•s%:#: >is ; iV» w ,h'ad^slowedi-down'/.'ahd''a:\Ipa'ssenger1pa'ssenger ■'offi'.;!; In :"rißspbnse' to v <:thej:oall,Vhei;;. : turnod -V gloomily.: '.and .faced, the .-inspector,.; .-'at 1 .-, the . :■■• ■ 'same-:iime-proffering'•;the"^^threepenny; whieWße;had■hot/yet'.replaceditt.his"pocket.; ■ -.'■ "Sorry,"!/'said-the--officialV'in.'.'tlieylrig" : .coatf,-! ; "I've nothing less than half-a'-crowiii. but giyt •' .■;! me^^.your-'name'and'address,-and-you/can .pa} ' it/lnfei ; thev,officei',V'y!The;':lightrSuited'inaii v ;i:; ;
threw" ;biitra;sarcastip; note :>"You won't .'mind/ •'■;,;■ sending '.mfethia^si^otmtj-jmU^ybuP'^^^'Welli;/;-/; 'if youAdon't:p»yit/'j'snappedithej i. ; " .'/yoii ' ■ feet: .ai.bill.'V:-aid|th'e/:biircame ':; : vty^o: i'laterrra;: debit 7 for ■'; ■ ■ periceyi; the-extra: copper being.;set down /-as ' // ."cost:tofw collection.''/ Ihp:/foregOing : :looks •: c somewhat like-, a':.tale f romc D'e , .'-Rpugemont, -1 k nit■•.'the^text,-<rf; ; the convincing.-; :• Itruns:—!!De&r-Sir,—l'have^.beeninformed.!..'.; tnat,:<iri'^Jariuary ; ;9i you; travelled/ over prie: ! ,■•:* ■■s&tiofl ! \-anii--;\rera---unable^^ without change;/.-Kindly/;/; 'forward 2d. in v stamps-rid./fare; arid Id.: cost - ; *-.;: . ;; sbni ; MI.E,E;,: engineer; andjmanager.".; :, ;;/ ■: ~Extbnsive. ; a!terationsiare':'about'.-; to v;:be : :■ ■niade'tb:Te Arq;House,-.pTiba ■;>: ■that: : .building \..-wi11,.: under-;,\ : go': ■? a- i • 'trahsf orm'ationi : , v? Th«i.;:.: property: <:: -has a'frontage of about 40fti:toiDixonStreet,-., : i which lias; hitherto 'been/used, as.' aiv.Kack: area v. ;•.:■ for tlie ; -storage^fHempty'-csses,:ete. :;Tliis,':;, 'sectibrrof ground is to be covered by a. f four- ; .; :stbri^.-bnok' : -'bdllding,\.which;:>e'\to.ibe\nt>t;.i;;ised for'the purpose of workrooms;^-Thiis. will■;,-;, "leave-the whole,df:tho firsf ; floor.of; the.mam- ..■, building free to be fitted ■ up;,as a large _and .:;. 'up-to-date showroom.. It is also intended to; ■utilise-the whole of the^ixqn'.Street frbnt-:.:^ aee as show-windows/ and to-hare a.grand ...: entrance on.the.corner- pf• Dison and iCuba \■', i Streets. 'vS6 v as tp give some measure of^pror: |. f tectib'i-to' the.'doors-'and ■.'.to: improve^the,..;: appoi ,:, ance of j'an :: awkward .angle, thevcorncrj, ' be centred :in what (is known as; , ah '"!Wland:'window,''. ; 6pniewhat , ;of:,a;.«ovelty '■:,•".■: 'in- Wiillin'gton., This js':.really an,oval show-, v> case of gfiss, so situated as .tp'provide pasr.;, ,• saEes ; ;bn eich': side .leading.: to;.the,.entraiiee'., propoif. ■■-■■ Mr;?'Garter,/of ,London;:>ia; .dud .in; V ., -.Wefliiigton shortly, in ;cpnnectioii. with-.the'.aU, . ? y teratiiins ind extensions of the.firm s.prom-;... : isesy,tliejilans ibr/which::hay«;been,;prepar«a■;-. .: ; by: JtN -.WmVvrurabnll.,, ;.. v;/;,-v -.; :p.£. '':■ ioM ii%ieptiqnrwitk : a telegram from;Ghriit-:-.'; 'church'referringftp a/wdm>n wjkft had'giye^■;:-;: birth'to- : an infant 1 on the/steamer^Mararoa;.:: 5 the oiiher;day,- the ; following .facts-are , givw-'\-byCtlib.Nelson "Erpmng■ Mail Vz ■ —."'Mr.VBlomfield, secretary. :. of; ,th* ■: -Hospital ■;■ and •". ChaTitablo Aid Board, /states that tho woman. / : had : ,hever^been.:in t rbc6ipt of;relief from the;.:; : board; 'The"' caso".;Wero;;that .V----some time /ago vthpvbfficef;.in/charge : of. w;.£, Salvation/ Army/iutDrested : ;himself.on: helialf;., iof the woman, who 'was';taken\to theofflciala :■ of tho.board, , andiexpressed'a ;I nish:-.to' go to -^ the" Maternity,-/ Home-: at -Wellington/. This - / could not begone as the'woman hart i a'baby: . fourteen months 1 old,: and .there wasj, no pro- ■;.;■-. vision niado for looking.after, the..child^ dur-.-;.; ing 'the' •confinement. 'TOe •; Salvation /Army ■■■ -officer; ;thq board could; pay-.the,wpr , - ; ;; to/Lyttcltp'uA-as-ishevhaa.a-.:p.. sister,:in ; Christohurch who;would lookv after/,:/ her : baby/ ; yhile ./she .was .m/.the, maternity-;-.-home thwe;' .A steerage:ticket .from,-Nelson-:,. to Lyttelton was ■ issued 'to lieron >DMMiber : r: ■.- 21,- and she' cbiild hayo/had:Ut:;,beforo:;that, > ; date if-. sho had/wanted it, ; ,but she saicl Hint.; rshe wanted to/ get to Christahurch ; beforf • . Christmas.' -No renson. lias.:bMn^y?n^s,t<U;,. whv--this jounioy-was.broken.-.nt \\ ol.ling^n; , . :
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 404, 13 January 1909, Page 6
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3,546LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 404, 13 January 1909, Page 6
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