(By Appoint- HJs Excellency mont to PlunkeL) BOUQUETS for Weddings and Presentations, Dainty Posies aud Baskets for Birthdays, Bon Voyage, etc., Wreaths and Funeral Emblems sent to any part of Dominion. Miss Murray', Vice-Rejjal Florist, 36 Willis Street, Wellington. C 771 BUST'S Improved Handy Knapsack Spray Pump IS JUST THE BEST SPRAY PUMP OBTAINABLE. II you need a Spray Pump you'll find it payu to buy THE BEST, especially when it doesn't cost more than inferior kinds. BURT'S HANDY KNAPSACK , Js made entirely of brass and copper, with metal ball valve's, and-being simply constructed it admits of ready examination. The discharge is made so that the director can be used from either the right or loft side. ' If you are at all interested, write us. 'We'll gladly give fullest particulars. A. & 1. BURT. Ltd., V COT'RTENAY PLACE, , WELLINGTON. c CBBI P. uHI iiifv^i^ ssffifSEYMß Vft Prematurely grey hair ii j A earned bv over-work, worry, « a.ii. sudden snock, etc. | "Milos Restorer" will bring 5 gbaek the original colour to your hair after a few applica- . tioiu, stimulating the scalp, I 9 andcaujinff a fresh growth'of healthy hair. It I I Procure a bottle to-day. Sati&factioa puaran- t ' - ' j'tecd. or your money refunded. Price, 7/6 pcr f | bottle, post free. Private correspondence invited. ] j mSQ M. McELWASN, j TOILET SPECIALIST, 254 QUEEN ST,, AUCKLAND, j MILOS HAIU. RESTORER is | the best Restorer known to I ; modern science—it never fails to f , bring back the natural colour | and healthy growth to the hair, f B ALTER QBS AND | B FOB VENETIAN BLINDS. | FOB HOLLAND BLINDS, | : FOB SUN_ BLIWD3. | Only Addrera— S QUIN BTRKBT, WELLINGTON. 2118. C 772 j ® n( ' er is Excellonef Patronage of fhß Governor. CITY DYE ''>'ORIvS. ■ ■ TAYLOR AMD CO. Works.—Kent Terrace. 1 elenhono £606 Receiving Shop—No. 11 Bowen Street, and r-mov-ing shortly to Occidental Hotel Buddings, Lambton Quay, Telephoiio 1171. Having Businesses in all 'lie leading towns. Our Work needs no c.-mment. CG34.
SPRING SUITS BY POST. ■\7"OXJ will appreciate our Exquisito Selection of SPRING SUITINGS, ex lonic and Turakina. They comprise all the NEWEST, MOST BEAUTIFUL, and MOST FASHIONABLE FABRICS. The Colour Combinations are Particularly Modern and Attractive. They aro Ideal Suiting for Spring Wear. PRICES, 50s. to 80s. Patterns and Simple Measurement Form Posted Free on Application. DARCY FORD, TAILORS AND WHOLESALE SUPPLIERS, CALEDONIAN CHAMBERS (Upstairs), 32 WILLIS STREET. C 855
You must have For Greenstone a Novelties, Qo to r» ■ It'ira «™ R Qo to You want a Wellington's Leading Jeweller, GOOD fi. T. WHITE'S. lambton QUAV, time c A. LAUBEKS6M, Manager,
j WINNERS OF THE | : £100 I GREAT TOBACCO COMPETITIO.H. | Ist PRIZE £20—May Hanrahan, c/o. Bastings Hotel, Port Chalmers. | 2nd ~ £12 —Mr. Henry Lavender, c/o. Post Office, Petone. | 3rd „ £6—Mr. M. J. Lister, Wo. 68 Glen Avenue, Momington. j 4th „ £s—Mr. J. T. Morton, Oxford Street, Lyttelton. I sth „ £4—Mr. A. H. Hobbs, Eversleigh Street, Christchurch. j 6th „ £3—Mr. W. Heep, King Street, Rangiora. ! 5 PRIZES of £2 each to the following: i Mr. N. Barlow, 218 Bealy Avenue, Christchurch. i Mr. E. Gascoiene. Church Street, Palmerston e Mr.C. 11. McGill, 150 Taranaki Street, Wellington. North. | Mr. C. Childs, 249 High Street,. Christchurch. | Mr. 11. Bowie, 74 Macandrew Road, Dunedin. • \ . —' ~—————— I 40 PRIZES of £1 each to the following: p Mr. J. Eoss, 70 Ingestre Street, Wellington. Mr. M. T. Russell, 2 Port Street, Wellington, [i Mr. H. Marshall, 13 Cameron Street, Dunedin; Mr. F. Gorrie, Ilavelock, Marlborough. S Mr. J. Wallace, Tai Tapu, Canterbury. Mr. A. Douglas, 30Edgcwarc Road, Christchurch. 1 Mr. T. Tozer, Gernldine, Canterbury. Mr. C. Townsend, South Street, Blenheim. | Mr. M. Pryce, Tai Tapu, Canterbury. Master L. Iloine (address required). j 1' ' Mr. R. D. Norrie, 65 Bank Street, Tiinaru. Mr. J. Lahee, Tuarangi Home, Ashburton. | Mr. T. Strong, Doyleston, Canterbury. • Mr. F. E. Thomson, Singer Sewing Machine Mr. M. Mitchell, London Street, Lyttelton. Agency, Timaru. | Miss M. Grade, 39 St. Mary's Road, Auckland, Ella Ross, 17 Willis Street, Wellington. p ■ Mr. J. F, Williams, Duvauchelles Bay. , Mr. F. H. Elsom, Macrae's Flat, Dunedin. I Mr. D. M. Bonrke, 7 Hall Street, Dunedin. Mr. C. Wilson, Dee Street, Timaru. I Mr. B. Clark, 15 Turnbull Street, Thorndon. Miss M. Cohen, Broadway, Reefton. ' |) Mr. J. Deere, Mawhera Quay, Greymouth. Mr. L. Biggins, Victoria Street, Christchurch. | Mr. J. W. Thompson, Tay Street; Invercargill. Mr. J. Jones, junr., Teinpleton, Canterbury. I Mr. Macdonald, Box 100, P. 0., Timaru. Mr. J. Key, c/o. W. Strange and Co., Clirist- | , Mrs. M. L. White, East Street, Ashburton. church. 1; Mr. C. Brien, Oxford Street, Lyttelton. Mr. G. Derrett, Papanui, Christchurch. | Mr. J. H. Clark, 4a George Street, Dunedin. Mr. W. G. Hill, 294 Colombo Street, Christchurch. I Mr. C. R. Russell, 3 Park Terrace, Wellington. Mr. A. Butt, c/o. Post Office, Invercargill. j Mr. F. R. Elsom, Hagley Road, Lower Riccarton. v Mr. S. E. AYootton, 22 Princes Street, Dunedin. I Mr. W. Gamble, 34 Wright Street, Wellington. Mr. T. Boffa,-23A Ingestre Street, Wellington, | KEEP ON COLLECTING AND WATCH FOR FUTURE SCHEMES., i ■
tJwll jlkiMm JiL bC J , j^^^ G @ aE IP& Basra Tla® Fasoos fcs?;' ■ '' \* w JLIIJLeJ ASTHMA,.AND CONSUMPTION. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form oi BRONCHITIS, COUGH, CROUP, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, HOARSENESS, PAIN OR SORENESS IN THE CHEST experience delightful and rapid relief; and to those who are subject to COLDS ON THE CHEST it is invaluable, as.it effects a COMPLETE CURE. It is most comforting; in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic nor consumption to develop, Consumption is not known where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a COMPLETE CURE IS CERTAIN. BRONCHITIS AND PNEUMONIA. ' BRONCHITIS. He continued to improve each day from each i I hid a relapse, and suffered tortures fren niiDcn nv ~o s' ! °f Hrarne's Medicine alone, and within what Uio doctor told me was pleuc'-v a...1 CUKEL) BY A SUFFERER 73 YEARS OF AGE. ' lree 'lays he was free from the Cough, 1 bronchitis. The pain frdm the former in my HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Ineuminia, and the Pleurisy, and the Urim chest and shoulders was frightful, and for four THOROUGHLY CURED BY IWO BOTTLES was passing satisfactorily. He was out of bed long weeks 1 was confined to my bed under 'OF HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. jl 6 • olul of - a v,c , ek , completely rccovoreu, (he care.of a well-known Sydney doctor, and « ctcd atucd tdcatwpmt HMI pex'fect health. all the time his medicine gave-me but ternAFTER OTHER TREATMEN . IMMEDIATE RELIEF-EFFECT, r,rr=;h. f Tr I s' « porarv relief. The landlady; of the hotel (the FAILED. WONDERFUL Carr Street, South Geelong, Feb. 6, 1908. Cleveland), whero I resided, told me of a . ' ~ medicine—Hearne's Bronchitis Cure—from Vi> ' He, TTnfi. „ c-» t -ii -n. • n CONSUMPTION. turia, which had cured her of a bad attack «,« F :°, fr u!' I rv° vy , ,U « Wlth mflu - " _ of bronchitis and pains in the chest, and begged Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,-From a strict , , n,i _ lt "- I?,f" TO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED of mc r ,° try il - 1 dill so > aml > in thanks and senso of duty I feel that I should publish the 8 ' L'Z jdH to idiof ind afto — wV y ° U ' W } ?° X 1 that ', after th# following statement, so that others may kuo v takinffhe second bottle lam tCou-hf- A COMPLETE CURE. ? Kcnd I,ot£ e ' ~ u. -v . ™ugh had ceased; but what what to do when the ru " d - Its effect 011 me most -rander' Mr W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir-I am writing IntireTy ili° fit a "reelf 1906,°mVJitU "'girl, aged at that time £ by 'publi'shin*" S -"Vbou? Mlf* 1 " 1 1,0 my d " ticS f and Congestion of thei Lungs. She was attended THOMAS R, TREZISE, worse, and 1 became very weak and troubled ~ by a legally qualified doctor of lugh standing, Ecedy Creek, Victoria. with night sweats, pain in my chest, and great ASTHMA—A 17 YEARS' CASE. but his treatment was not successful in arrest. 1 . quantities of phlegm. On several occasions _ uhoei progress of the illness* On baturday. . DMC «. Mrt M !A AMn mcimirv there was blood in the expectorated aiatter. PRtVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED the 21st October, 1906, he said that her life was PNEUMOi^3A AtaD rLEURIoYi j j ia j been treated by a doctor, who pronounced in danger—that there v was very little nope tor CURED BY' CASe to be consumption, and various ot&er CURED BY THREE BOTTLES her. For eight days and .nights she had been HEARNE'S BRAWPHITIQ PIIRF treatments had been tried, but without benefit Mp l l ft fn li\ i prostrated by Cough, Pain, end Fever,- and HEARNE S BRONCHITIS CURE. It was at this stago that x heard of vom . f -S lr - on V 9, a ?,? ark ' -i hlrI ®' was lying like a statue, unconscious. At tbic «r: Tt: n nruco toc tuput um Bronchitis Cure, and sent to you for a course ( TO J „5i„,, n 13 ' . Alter •'Uff^viuj stage I was persuaded by a friend to obtain AFTER OTHER TREaTMTNT HA3 of the medicine. When it arrived, I was too h n pV mw 1 seventeen yeats, and having Hearne s Bronchitis Cure, wUh its auxihiry • FAILED. . ill to leava my bed, but I commenced taking ma . n ? medicine for the I'ever and Congestion of the j t once| aK( j gradually improved. iam Medirino (!r in™ >nd«ocd to trj Hearne i Lungs, as directed in the Catalogue of Medicines p nl( l c nce M'Kee, of Carr Street, Soutn fflad to say that the two lots of medicine you bottles o» T /,,iL f?! which accompanies each bottle of the Brorjhitis Gce l ongj in view of the importance of a person sent have effected a complete cure, for which S™ a h f J Cure. I gave the medicine as directed and mlki „« lt ite clcM treatme . t was accept my very best thank-Yours gratefully, "? there was an improvement from the . first successful in curing a serious and complicated J- BLAIK, Jj'Jv/ 1 ' ; t g tL ™ - : dose of Hearne s Bronchitis Cuie. The case when the medicine, directions, and treat- Westminster Bridge Road, S.E., London. naiie curo/mf iu d l nlnT^ improvement continued after each dose m ent,of a legally qualified doctor had failed, rccoLnr.mhna iV" pleasure in fcctlv °fi'ee from' the" Pneumonia, St Jly "SrT M'Kee then ,-ed 8 years BR9PSGHITIS AND PLEURISY. Speaking in iebruary, 1903, he states:-'! Cough. Pain, and Fever, and vas well, except h atSd by a ox,alificd doctor' — am keeinnc very well. i\ever have the slightest that she was still weak.. In a fortmgnt she who pronounced him to ft f™n A SEVERE CASE CURED BY TWO BOTTLES luturu ot the asthma." tinn , e S ver° W Anv P ~ Plcuj-isy, and a stoppage,of the OF HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE. "Hearne's Medicine curcd me of Asthma, health, stronger inaii Anj person passing of the Unne. Under the doctors treat- from which 1 hatl boon s*if «• for fworfv asking for information about this grand medi- mcnt the chjld . ra(lua i ly got Mrso and th , AFTER OTHER TREATMENT HAD five years durin- which th-o IIS cine can bo supp led by me, or by any of my doctor pronounced the case hopeless. He told FAILED. a)mos cwr? oatSnt n edic^ neighbours who have witnessed its wonderful mB that the child could not live. At this Mr. Hearne, Chemist, Goelong. Hear Sir,- -inolud^v^LtPm^a^in] ah^tioL4-tho Vccttinl rn°early av'-¥ouJs V ' " Snist TcolJri «• So »' e W?" Sydney, I suffered 'rom a cure. V™ ..n eany grave. . xours giateiu y, Chemist, of Goelong, a bottle of Hearne s a severe attack of influenza, and was confined was effected by IVarne's Mcdicine, and-1 now D. GARDINER. Bronchitis Cure, and gave it to the child, to my loom lor about a week, at the uid of feel stronger than I have felt for years-u „ .. „• , n , to the directions which accompany which time, feeling somewhat better, C eot ;m fact. I fool cn!p»»r|{.J " Pohca Station, Geelong East, > each botlle of it. Tho child improved after and tried t<s transact my business as usual. 1 *" C. WISEMW Ic-b, 5, 1908. the second doso of Hearno's Bronchitis Cure. But I pot up too soon, for tho very next Jay ' • Vi^-rU. BEWARE OF IMJTATSONS! The great success of HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has induccd a number of unprinoisjieel persons io make imitations, each calling his medicine " Bronchitis Gure," with the objoot of dcoeiuing the unsusp&sting, and 30 getting 3 sa!s fo;- an imitation' wliicin has none of the beneficial effects that' HEARNE'S Bronchitis Curo has. Consequently It has besome necessary to draw your attention to tliis ('act end to request you in your own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S, and see that you get it. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 2s. 6d.; Large Size, 4s. 6d. Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, YV. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally, NOTICE. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE No.IA dees NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium whatever. It is equally benofbla! for the youngest child and the most aged person. • / LOGAL OPPIOEI NO. 8, HUME'S BUILDINQB, 83 WILLIS STREET, WELLINGTON,
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 327, 14 October 1908, Page 10
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2,229Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 327, 14 October 1908, Page 10
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