PHASES OF THE MOON. OCTOBER. Day. hr.'m. First quarter 3 5.44 p.m. Full moon 10 -8,33. a.m. Last quarter 17 3.5 p.m. New moon 25 6.17 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 9.20 a.m.; 9.47 p.m. To-morrow, 10.7 a.m.; 10.35 p.m. , SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.24 a.m.; sets, 5.57 p.m. ARRIVALS. ' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. REGULUS, 5.5. (1.25 a.m.), 585 tons, Sellars, from Westport. AORERB, s.s. (3.15 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. WAIHI, s.s. (3.40 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. KAIAPOI, s.s. (5.25 a.m.), 2003 tons, Stringer, from Westport. MARAROA, s.s. (G. 35 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Parker, Fane, Caulfield, Johnston, Lyall, Bourke, Finnan, Matthews, Kemp, Wethey* Jacobsen, Mesdames . Fox and child, Besley, Irvine, Webley, Haeps, Burrell, Walliß, Manson, O'Boyle, Russell, Jacobsen, Captain Gregory, Drs'. Mason, Pomare, Phillips, George, Messrs. Fraser, M.P., Tanner, Waltham, Warwick, Carlton, Wethey, Mannering, Cunningham, Griffiths, Appleton, Ball, Hill, Clayton, Russell, Webb, Marrmer, Patterson, Field, Kirk, Stringleman, Addison, Hughes, Russell, Edmondson, Meikle, Sanderlands, Manson, Mackay, M'Cahy, Farquhar, Alcorn, Pyrke,' Beattie, O'Leary, Anderson, Patterson, Webley, Russell; 26 steerage.' 1 WAVERLEY, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 157 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. RIPPLE, s.s. (7.5 a.m.), 370 tons, Allsop, from Lyttelton, via coast.' CORINNA, s.s. (8.30 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from' Southern ports. CHARLES EDWARD, s.s. (10.20 a.m.), 245 tons, Graham, trom Wanganui. ' WIMMERA, s.s. (10.30 a.m.), 3022 tons, Waller, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Miss Bnmbury, Mesdames Shields, Easton, Clark, Hume,' Messrs. Hume, Shields, Easton, Corbould, U. Laurenson, ■ M.P.; <10 Bteerage. ' WOOTTON, s.s. (12.40 p.m.), 151 tons, Scott, from lvaiapoi. QUEEiN OF THj3 SOUTH, s.s. 198 tons, Harvey, 'from Foxton. ' :TORGAO"i'EN, s.s. (8.55 p.m.), 267 tons, Huir, i'rom Onehun'gaV PATEENA, s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Mackay, Hayter, Hector, .Bull, Berry and Mesduines lucharuson,. Strong, Craig, ijhurlon, Murray and child,. Buck, Coatcs, Armstrong, Hewitt, Tressill. and '4 children, Tiller, may Hector, Messrs.. Eyille,. Jack;,Morrison (2), Richardson, istrong," He'dlarid, Brodie, Lochhead,. Hayter,' Kiym'our, Brunette, "Avery, Wilson,Craig, Salisbury, Thompson, Busii, Eager, Mitchell, Wagner, Smith, M'Ginty, Fincks, Bailey, Dickie, lbester, Stirrat, ticoular, M'Laughlan, Dengardle,- Hewitt, Barber, 'i'rissell, Uverett, Tiller, Browlee, Rose, Mowat, Hiiton, Self, Lane, Birch, Love, ;Rev.. Jones and 20 steerage.-
DEPARTURES. . THURSDAY, OCTOBER .li OPAWA s.s. (2 a.m.), 110 tons, Eckford, for Blenheim. i BLENHEIM s.s. (2 a.m.), 120 tone, Watson, for' Blenheim. CORINNA, s.s. (3.20 p.m.), 1271 toils, Cameron', for Nelson and Sew Plymouth; ■ ■ WAVERLEY. s.s. (4.20 : p.m.L 157 tons, Wildlimn, for 'Nelson. RIPPLE, s.s, (4.30 p.m.), 370 tons, Allsop, for Lyttelton. AOItERE, s.s. (5 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, for Patea. KAPITI, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 241 tons, Shaw, for Patea. ' ULIMAROA, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 5777 tons, Wyllie, for Melbourne, via Southern ports'and Hobart. ! CHARLES EDWARD, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 245 tons, Graham, for' Nelson; and West Coast. •• ■ WIMMERA, 5.5.'(7.55 p.m.),' 3022 tons, Waller, for Sydney, ' via Napier, ' Gisborne, and Auckland. MARAROA, s.s. (8.10 .p.m;), 2598 tons. Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers; Saloon— Misses Allen (2), Bean, Morley, Chombe, Rutherford,■ Mesdames Ewing, Allen, Lifford, Blake, Henry, Calla6ton, Maylier, M'l.ean and child, M'Whirter,-Greiff, and- child, 'Dr; ll'Evody, Messrs. Moriarty,, Ewing, Brown, Jeffreys, Lifford, Holdsworth, Whittle, Mackay, .Woods, Stevenson; Vincent. ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2. WOOTTOM, s.s. (12.50 . .m.),-151 tons, Scott, for Kaiapoi. EXPECTED ARRIVALS., Maori, Lyttelton, October 2. Putiki, Wanganui, October 2. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 2. Opawa, Blenheim,' October 2. . Bleuhoim, Blenheim, .October 2. Mahono, Melbourne, via South,; October 2. Moana, Sydney, .via Auckland, October 2,. ltotoiti, Onehunga, New Plymouth, October 2. Kahu, Napier, via Coast, October 2. ■ Poherua, Greymouth, October 2. P.ukaki, Greymouth,' October. 3. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 3. Pateena, Nelson and Picton, October 3. Wayerley,.Nelson;-October 3. • Waihi, Blenheim, October 3.' Kamona, Westport, • October 3. Mapourika, Weit Coast, Nelson, October 3. Manaroa, Havelock, October 3. Wakatu, Kaikoura, October 3. Koonya, Southern ports, October 4. , Monowai, Southern ports, October 4. Aorere, -Patea. October 4. Kennedy, Wanganui,. October 5. Talune, Northern ports, October 6. Takapuna, New Plymouth, October 7. Wimmera, Southern ports, October 8.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Mana, Patea, October 2. Otterburn, Lyttelton, October 2. Huia, Wanganui, October 2. Queen of tho South, Foxton, October 2. Itegulus, Westport, .October 2. . Pateena", Picton, Nelson, -October 2. . . Maori, Lyttelton, October 2. Opawa, Blenheim, October '2. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 2. Blenheim, Blenheim, October 2. Kaiapoi, .Westport, October 2. ' Corinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, October 2, , Maheno, Sydney, October. 2. , • Moana, Lyttelton, Ilunediu, Ootober 2. ' Ivahu, Napier, October 2. Wavorley, Nelson, October 3 . Putiki, Wanganui, October 3. Mararoa,-Lyttelton,. October 3. Waihi, Blenheim, October 3. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast October 3. Manaroa, Motueka, October 3. liotoiti, Nelson and New Plymouth, October 4. : Wakatu, Kaikoura,' October 5. . Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, October 5. Aorere, .Patea, October 5.. : Poherua, -Greymouth, Ootober 5. Ivoonya,. Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, October 5. ■ ' . . . - Talune,_ Lyttelton, Dunedin, October 6. Slapourika,'.Nelson, and West Coast, October B. Takapuna, New Plymouth, October 7, ; Corinna, Southern ports, October 7. Maitai, Sydney, vit Auckland, October 8. Moerafci, Melbourne, via South, October 8. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. - , .HOBART. . ' September 30. The Athenic arrived at 1 o'clock this afternoon, from London, via Capetown. She sails in the morning for Wellington. Sho brought 12 passengers for Australia, and has 682 for New Zealand. .• • • • COASTAL. . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. . KAJPAEA. Sailed.—Huia, for Lyttelton. AUCKLAND. Aji'-ived.—Talune, fr#m Wclington. Sailed—Dulwich (1.15 p.m.), for Newcastle. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—Earnwa (8.45 a.m.), from New Ply. mouth. ..... • Sniled.—Rarawa (3.30 p.m.), for New -Ply. mouth. Passengers:', Saloon—Misses Parsons, Walker, M'Lenn, Beehan, Sheehan, Russeli! Abbott, Gower, Mesdameß Allan, Wright, Winks, Wilson, Hojilcum, - Millard, Laurent,
Hill, Groom, Boult, Shirley, Felton, Thornton, Messrs. Murdoch, M', Edwards, Nankervas. Arrived. —Eosamond (3 p.m.), from Now .Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH. : Arrived.—Eotoiti (3 a.m.), from Onehunga. Arrived.—Takapuna (8,10 a.m.) from Wellington. | Sailed.—Rotoiti (noon), for Wellington. Sailed. —Takapuna (.0.50 p.m.), for Onehunga. WANGANUJ. Arrived.—Putiki (lliso a.m.), and Stormbird (noon), from Wellington. NAPIER. Sailed.—Moana (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers: For Wellington— Mrs. Nantes, Messrs. Nantes, Murdoch. BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Blenheim and Opawa (10.20 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail.—Opawa and Blenheim (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington FAREWELL SPIT. H.M.S. Encounter passed for Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Himitangi (1.40 a.m.), from Wellington. • Arrived.—Kaituna (1.40 p.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Mapourika (U p.m. Wednesday), from Nelson. Sailed.—Mapourika (1 a.m.), for Greymouth. GREYMOUTH. Arrived. —Mapourika (11 a.m.), from Westport. • Sailed.—Poherua (2.40; p.m.), for Wellington. To sail.—Mapourika, for Wellington, via ports. KAIKOURA. Arrived.—Wakatu (5.30 a.m.), from Welling, ton. -. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (7 a.m.), Briez Izel (8 a.m.), and Turakina (8.40 a.m.), from Wellington. , Sailed.—Petone, for Greymouth. Sailed.—Maori. (8.20 p.m.), fo.r Wellington, with 120 passengers. ' Sailed.—Cygnet, for Kaikoura. Sailed. —Maheno (4.50 p.m.), for Sydney, via Wellington. Passengers: For WellingtonMisses Donnelly (2), and Middleton, Mrs.' Hannah, Messrs. Doughty, Hannah, and Taylor. For Sydney—Mesdames Scott Symington and Morris and infant,■ Messrs. G. Palmer, Scott, Symmington,. M'Farlane (2),- Williams; A. : W. Bennett, Lacey, Guild, and; M'Beath. • i :DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Monowai,' from Auckland. Sailed.—Koonya, for West Coast, ■ . ;THE: NGUNGURU.' It is reported that the coastal' trader Ngunguru, which was reported • to. be ashore at Karamea, is being dismantled, as tliero.-is no chance of refloating the vessel.. ATHENIC DUE MONDAY. ; ' Advice received bv the local agents of the Shaw, Savill 'and: Albion : Company reports- that the Athenic left Hobart at 5.30 a.m. yesterday for .Wellington. ■ Accordingly she 6hould reach Wellington on Monday-morning. ; THE WHA.NGAROA.., , . ■ Some days ago' the scow- Whangaroa, was: refitted; at Wellington,-left here .for •Vranganui to load timber for Sydney. Tlio Waihi reports that the vessel . has been lying outside thorWairau.Bar, Blenheim, sinco Saturday,, arid was .there on .Wednesday night, notwithstanding the'fact that a. favourable breeze .was'.blowing. '. A CARGO OF RATTLESNAKES. A.steamer're'cently.'left Galveston,'U!S;A., for northern, ports , carrying a cargo of', four, tons of i live ; destined eventually: to form attractions at. various museums; menageries; .and circuses in the Northern States. . The rattlers, which'were all young, had been bred on the'snake farms for which Texas is. noted, a. boom being experienced .in the trade this year owing to the fact that the ; past winter, for some : rea6on : or"" other, proved peculiarly fatal to reptiles. •_ • ,; .
PASSENGERS FOR SYDNEY. Included afiiong the passengers, booked at Wellington for£S}:d/iiy by rthe-Mahenb ito-dhjl are 'the following:—Misses Davidson, Mason, Turnbull, Calder, Elliott, 1 Thistleton,. Hislop, Matthews (2), Mesdames Churton, Blackball, Palmer, Waters, : Lark and child, Af-quith, W. Strong, Nolan,, Richardson, A. Calder and 3 children, .Grocott ..and child, C. Bridges, Huntley-Eliot, Pomare, Harper, Browh', and infant, Husham and infant, Hislop, Matthews, Drs. Pomare, Palmer, Mason,'and Calull, Captains Hennah And Evans, Messrs., M'Farlane and son, H. Champion, ' Rissell, M'lntosh, Richardson, Fotheringliam, Rissell, Cameron, Southerland, H. .Curtis,' M'Keever, Blackhall, Watery F.-. Selway, Asquith, W. Quinn; Win. Turnbull, ,W. Strong, A., C. Steele,- Nolan, J. M. Ilott, Richardson, Huntley-Eliott, -Harper,' ! D. M.', Robertson, Brown, R. W. Smith, J., Walker, .R. .'Burns, Arthur Buckniaster," Ablett, Mummery, H. Huxham; Burke (2), W. F. Barrow, A.-M'Arthur, Beard, Whitworth, and Master ■ Hislop; PORT CHALMERS. ' According to the " Otago Daily Times,"- the successful, handling of the White'Star'liner Cevic at-Port Chalmers has definitely settled the.':'question-as".to whether..vessels.of,sooft.,in length - can . negotiate Otago.- Harbour' with safety. Any misgivings concerning-, the neV waterway to.'the Heads have been-dispelled repeatedly by.the.passage of deeply-laden:oversea vessels', both'inwards and outward's,, and. only .lastVweek' the Rakaia 1 negotiated it. from. 1 London direct on a draught of.'22ft. lin; As vessels _ like the lonic,"Athenic, Corinthic,- and Cevic.-are each 500 ft. in. length, it ,is fair to assume that these vessels—the. largest which now visit' our-'shores—can'be safely accommodated—at Port Chalmers, at any rate—on a draught of 22ft. 1 With a foot-less draught they could also berth'at Dunedin,. just .as" easily, but the. absence, of a powerful tug would make the task of-swinging such vessels in the upper basin somewhat: risky : in a breeze owing to their -top ' hamper and the narrow, margin available . for swinging. - Under present conditions, and with the small tugs available, large vessels like the Delphic and Oswestry Grange are now berthed at - Dunedin •as a matter of course, but up to the present tho necessity for berthing the larger liners at Dunedin has never intruded itself very seriously; but the fact that thoy can. be safely; handled and accommodated at Port Chalmers' now with the means already at hand must bo very gratifying to the Harbour Board and all concerned in the progress of- Otago.
This evening the Pukaki leaves Grey mouth for Wellington, , After undergoing repair at Lyttelton for some weeks the;-collier Petone left there yesterday for Greyniouth, . During her visit to the Bluff the lonic loaded 1500 bales of wool, flax, skins, etc., and upwards of 25,000-sacks, of oats. ': Yesterday afternoon the Pohcrua left Greymouth for Wellington, and the Kamona leaves Westport to-dayi for Wellington. ' ' Yesterday the Uliinaroa,' of the Huddart Parker Company, left Wellington for Ilobart and Melbourne, via- Sputhern ports. The Wimmera also, left port,for Sydney-via Northern ports. Another , trip to Onehunga is to -be made by the Torgauten, which arrived last'night from that port wftlr a'cargo of timber. Her second visit will also, bo for-timber for discharge at Wellington. The Flora is'being replaced by the Kotuku in the coastal ruuning. The latter steamer arrives here from Southern ports on October 8, and sails, the following. day. for Picton and the West Coast. ; " . Capta-in E. P.'Evans, of tho Takapuna, intends leaving for Sydney to-day tho Malieno on a month's holiday leave. He returns to L.vttolton for the purpose of rejoining the Antarctic exploration ship Nimrod, which sets out . for southern regions about the beginning of December. . A Duncdin paper reports that the Hawea is to .load coal at /Westport this week, for naval purposes at Freniantfe. Thence sho proceeds to Bunbury to load timber for New Zealand. The Koromikohn's gone to Suva to load sugar in place of the disabled Whaiigape. It is stated that Mr. Goorre Arthur will be chief engineer; of • the new .Shaw, Savill,• and Albion Company's passenger' liner; Taiiiui, which is. timed to leave England for New Zealand oil: November. H. Mr. Arthur lias been superintending;the erection of the.engines and the construction ■ of. the steamer generally. ; Captain G. H. Wheeler, who. lias .succeeded Captain Stubbs as-master of the Houlder liner Hornby Grange, is an "old. employee of the Houlder Une, 110, was at' different periods an ollicorlof t.he.lstoaiiier.s Urmston Grange, Rippiugham Grange, and other vessels of the company's fleet, but-for. some time past lias been in-the trado betweon Loudon and tho Eiver Plato, ■ ,
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 317, 2 October 1908, Page 10
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2,015SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 317, 2 October 1908, Page 10
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