PHASES OF THE MOON. j OCTOBER. . j Day. hr. m. I First quarter 3 5.44 p.m. Full moon 10 8.33 a.m. Last quarter 17 3.5 p.m. New moon 25 0.17 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 8.30 a.m.; 8.59 p.m. To-morrow, 9.20 a.m.; 9.-17 p.m. SUN. - Sun rises to-day, 5.26 a.m.; sets, 5.5G p.m. • ARRIVALS." j WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 30. BLENHEIM, s.s, (2.30 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. TAICAPUNA, s.s. (2.45 'a.m.), 2036 tons, .Evans, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. ' OPAWA, s.s.' (3.15 a.m.), 110 tons, Eckford, from. Blenheim. lONIC, s.s. (6.20 a.m.), 12,232 tons, Carter, from Bluff. MAORI, s.s. (6.50 a.m.),' 3399 tons, 'Hunter, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Fookes, Taylor, Dunnage,. Auld, Brinsley, Wardrop, Dunn,- Wilkin, Easterbrook, Mesdames'La, Roche and boyi Meiking and son, Brown, Loilty, Wliitworth, Brinsley, Williams, Crawford and 2 children, Martin, Hon. E. C. Stevens, M.L:C.;- Staif-Sergt. Martin, Messrs. C._ Holdsworth, M'Lennan, Jeffreys, Mogridge, Wilding,-Coates; La Roche,-M'Kellar, Berling, Aitken, Whitworth, W. F. Smith, Whitwortn, Chapman,-Jackson, Nicholls, M'Phersoh, E. J. Smith,' Murray, Dwyer, Mason,. Ridley, Turner, Deniliston, Shnrpin, -M'Donald, Harding, Kerrigan, Grigg, Beadel,. Godden, Borthwick, Beetham, Smith; 49 steerage. KAITUNA, s.s. (7.50 a.m.), 1997 tons, Stewart, from Southern' ports. ULIMAROA, s.s. (7.25 a.m., in stream), 5777 tons, Wylie, from Sydney. Passengers: SaloonMisses M'Cardle, Shaw, Marchaht, Bidwell, Rooney, Miller, Wolters, Keith, Jones, Montgomery, Robinson, Neill, Hall, Mesdames Miller, Trevelyan,- Biondi, Barnett,'. Hingston (2); Finch, Martindale, Williamson, M'Cardle, Murncey, Minnett, White, Bier-Venn, Seager, Levien, Bliss, Robinson, Connell, Higgs, Kernohan, Wolters, Rooney, Donald, Bidwell, Little, Barton, Smith, Salier, M'Gregor, Beard, Donkin, Irwin, Butler, Messrs.' Koning, Vinden, Finn, M'Kenzie, Beard, Salier, Hall, Harcourt, Foreman, Hall, O'Reilly, Tucker, Cohen, M'Rae, Ward, Bliss, Connell, ICahn, Teguer, Montgomery, Higgs, M'Dermott, Leech, Caselberg, Doukin, Baird, Kernohan, M'Farlane, Croll, Scales, M'olters, Stone, Douglas (2), Donald, Little, Bennett, Larson, Colt, Houlker, Smith, Finch, Minnett, Williamson, Martindale, Hingston, Nash,. Barnett, Bolmgren, Quinn, Barlow, Do Rago,- White, Mills, Miller, Baker, Crook (2), Brown, Robertson, Quinn, Watts,'- Trevelyan, Miller; 176 steerage. For Lyttelton—Misses Egan (4), O'Ponoghuo (2),.Fairbairn, Cowell, .Tessen, Smith, Dcveroux, Frew, Slesdame's Hopper, O'Donoghuo, Clegg, Stirling, Virtue, Foster and 2 children,' Stirling, Trevall and 2 children, Hunt and 6 children, Dale, Messrs. Nortliey, .O'Connor, Ashton, Hopper, Stephenson, Kayo, Chapman, Davis, Jessen, Stirling, Gerrard, Morris, Bevan, Moore, Ross, Smith, Bonnett,. Baker, Trevail, Hunt. Dale, Davidson, Jury, Canning, Winterburn, Grady, Howells, Levin, Grei, Morrison, Bremford. For Dunedin-rMiss Inkpen, Mesdames Inkpen, Jamieson, Mr. Bailey. MANAROA, s.s. (noon), 122 tons, Hart, from Motueka. v ; IvAPITI, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 241 tons, Shaw, from Lyttelton. ARAHURA. s.s. (10.15 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, from West Coast, Nelson, and Picton. PassoiKers: Saloon—Misses Bidmead, Biddington, ' Hatch, Staples, Thornpsgn, Russell, Harland, Morley, Allan (2), Bean, Stewart, Nurs.o Morgan, Mesdames M'WMrter, M'Veily, Cooper, M'Rae, Patterson, Irvine, Everett, 'Wallace, Jordan, Messrs, Dennehy, Lampe, M'Leod, Williamson. Andrews, Haines, Organ, Daniell, Mettrick, Armstrong, M?ck.ay, Bayfield. Cooper. Martin, liebb, Angus, Colegrove, Henr.v, Chisholm, Fergusson, Gardner, Irvine, Gordon. Wallace, Simmonds, Morley, Reed, Jordan, Jones, Thomson, Fell.
THURSDAY,■'OCTOBER 1; REGULUS, s.s. (1.25 a.m.), 535 tons, Sellars, from Westport. DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. . PTJKAKI, s.s. (2.20 a.m.), 1414 tons, Tate, for Greymouth. PATEENA, s.s. (1.10 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, for Picton and Nelson. ' DEFENDER, s.s. (2.10 p.m.), 190 tons, Jamieson, for Hokitika. BRIEZ IZEL, s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 5097 tons, Codet, for Lyttelton. KAITUNA, s.s. (4.30 p.m.), 197" tons, Stewart, for 'Westport. . TAKAPUNA, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 1036' tons, Crawford, for New Plymouth and Onelnmga. Passengers—Saloon: For Onohunga—Mrs. West. Messrs. Lamb, Burton, West. PUTIKI, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 409 tons, Dewhurstfor Wanganui. \ TURAKTNA, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 8210 tons, Bower, for Lyttelton. STORMBIRD, s.s. (6 p.m., 217) tons, M'lntvre, for Wanganui. ' ■ ' ' WAKATU, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura. ' ' MAORI, s.s. (8.10 p.m.),' 3399 tolis, Hunter, for Lyttelton. Passengers:.Saloon—Misses Ewan (2), Gerald,. Chamberlain, ibbott, Laffin, Dunn, Buckhurst, Pearce, ' Burgess, Mesdames Breeds, Rankin,' Scott, , Sinclair, , Leach and child, O'Connell, Jupp, Lawson, Crawford and child, Huka, Burgess, Captain Freeman, Judge Gilfedder, Messrs. Kaye, Jupp, Nelsoni Rankin, Tate, Taylor, M'Lennan, W.alkor, Stead, Kidsoil, Hutton, Smith, M'Kenzie, Eirker, Hume, Carney, Kinwig, Huka, Burgess, Smith, Rev. M'Kenzie. MANAROA, s.s. (8.15 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Pelorus Sounds. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. ' OPAWA, s.s. (2 a.m.), 11CP tons Eckford, for Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (2 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for. Blenheim. . EXPECTED ARRIVALS, . Aorere, Patea, October 1. ■ Kejjulus, Westport, October 1. Kaiapoi, Westport,. October 1. Ripple, lyttelton, October I.' • Charles Edward, Wanganui, October 1. Waihi, Blenheim, October 1. ~ Waverley,'Nelson, October 1. .• Torgauten, Onohunga, October. 1. Mararoa, Lytteltoii, October 1. ' Pateena, Nelson and Picton, October 1. ' Queen of the South, Foiton, October 1. . Corinna, Southern ports, October 1. Wim'mera, Southern ports, October 1. Wootton, Kaiapoi, October 1. Maori,' Lytteltou, October 2. Putiki, Wanganui, October 2. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 2. Opawa, Blenheim, October 2. Blenheim) Blenheim, October 2. Maheiio, Melbourne, via South, October 2, Moana, Sydney, via Auckland, Ootober 2. .. Rotoiti, Onehunga, New Plymouth, October 2, Kahu, Napier, via Coast, October 2... Mapourika, Wei.t Coast,'' Nelson, October 3. Manaroa, Havelock, October. 3, Wakatu, Kaikoura,. October 3. . Koonya, Southern ports,'October-4.' •Monowai, Southern ports, October 4. Talu'ne, Northern ports, Ootober G. 'Takapuna, New Plymouth, October 7.'. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Mana, Patea, October 1. ■ Ot.terburn, Lyttelton, October 1. Iluia, Wanganui, October 1. Aorere, Paten, Ootober 1. Ripple, Wanganui, October 1. Waverley, Nelson, October 1. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 1 Kapiti,. Patea, October .1 Queen of the South, Foxton, October 1. Charles EJward, Nelson, West Coast, Oeto. ber 1. Waihi, Blenheim, October 1. Wim'mera, Sydney, via Auckland, Octobor 1. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via South, Octobor 1, Regnlns, Westport, October 1, Pateona. Picton, Nelson, October 2. Maori, Lyttelton, October 2. Opawa, Blenheim, October 2. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 2. Putiki, Wanganui, October 2. Blenheim, Blenheim, October 2. Kaiapoi, Westport, October 2. ' Corinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, October 2, ' Maheno, Sydney, October 2. Moana, Lyttelton, Duncdin, October 2. Kahu, Napier, October 2. Aratiura, Picton, Nolson, and Wost Coasl, October 3. Manaroa. Motueka, October 3. Rotoiti, Nelson and New Plymouth, Ootober 4. . Wokatu, Kaikoura, Octobor 5,
TCoonya, Ficton, Nelson, and West Coast, October 5. ■ Talune; Lyttelton, Dunedin, October 6.. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, Octo'. ber 6. Takapuna, New Plymouth, October 7. . , BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON. " September SO, Arrived.—Tombana, from Bluff. , TOTVNSVILLE.' '■ '■ "-. September, 30. Arrived.—Whangarua, from New Zealand. . . ' 7 ■ CAPETOWN. September 28._ Sailed.—Paparoa. (noon), for Wellington via Hobart. SYDNEY. . . . September 30.. Sailed.—Victoria (2 p.m.). MELBOURNE. September 30. Sailed.—Maitai. HOBART. September 30. Arrived.—Athenic (this afternoon). Sails at' 5 a.m. to-morrow- for New Zealanjl . There are 12 passengers'-for Australia r.nd 682 for .New Zealand. COASTAL. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER' 30. CAPE MARIA VAN DIEMEN. 7, Aparima, from west, passed east, 9 a.m. • .AUCKLAND. Arrive'd.—Manapouri (1 p.m.), from Levuka. Arrived.—Squall, from Gisborne. Sailed. —Manapouri, for Fiji. ' ONEHONGA. Sailed. —Torgauten (5.30 a.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Rotoiti' (3.45 pan.), for New Plymouth. Passengors: Saloon—Misses Mills, Matthews, Ireland (2), Rochl'ord, Mesdames Banks. Gower, Wheeler and infant, Messrs. Piper, Stichbury, Bunby, Petherick, Wheeler, Cheesborough. Vaelc, Warren (2), H.vde, Dahl, Lamb, Langwell, M'Donald, Slatterv, Captain Thomas,' and Blaud Holt Company (19). MANUKAU HEADS. . Sailed.—Rotoiti (5.20 p.m.), for New Plymouth, NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rarawa (3.20 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed.—Rarawa (5.50 p.m.), for Onehunga. •' . PATE A. Sailed. (11.45 a.m.), for Wellington. , ■ BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Waihi (9.50 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Waihi (7 p.m.), for. Wellington. PICTON. . Arrived.—Pateena (5.15 p.m.), from Wellington. To sail.r-Pateena (midnight), for Nelson. NELSON. Arrived.—Kennedy (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington. . , Sailed.—Waverlcy (5.25 p.m.), for Wellington. FAREWELL SPIT. ;' . Ifaiapoi passed east for Wellington, 4.55 p.m. I ' GREYMOUTH. Arrived.—Pohe'rua (5.15 p.m.), from Welling, ton.'"-. •WESTPORT. Arrived.—Kaniona (5.55 p.m.), from Wellington: .' ■ Sailed.—Kaiapoi (12.15 a.m.) and Regulus (1.30 a.m;),' for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Mararoa and Monowai (9.20 a.m.), t'roni Wellington. : Sailed.-T'Corinna (-1-.25 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Monowai, for Dunedin.
Railed.—Mararoa (6.20 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers:. Saloon—Misses Matthews, Primap, Jacobsen, Parker, Fane, Caufield, Bourk'e, Lyall, Wethey, Kemp, and Johnston, two Sisters of Mercy, Mesdames Jacobsen, Helps,Webley, Fox aud child, Burrell, Russell, and Mans6n, Drs. "Phillips, George, Mason;'and Pomar'o,' Messrs. Paterson, A. ,L. D. Fraser, M.P.. Russell, Hujihes, Russell (2), Marrinar, Addison, Gilbert, Edmundson,'Andersen, C: W. Tanner, Carlton, Warwick, Wnltham, Mannering, Cunningham, Griffiths, Appleton, Sandman, PalUser, Beattie, Witho.v, Webley, Ball, Mackay (2), Stringl«man,- Pjrfee, and-Maiison. Sailed.—Wimmero (9 p.m.), for Sydney ria ports. Passengers': For- Wellington—Mesdames Kiime, Clarke, Easton, Shields, Messrs. P. Hume, Eiston, Shields, Geo. Laurenson, M.P. For Napier—Miss Templer. Mrs. Duncan and child, Messrs. Broadley, Rogers. For Gis- . borne—Miss Neilson, Mesdames L. A- Stringer and 2 children, Jennings,Messrs. F. Corbould, EVans. For Auckland—Mesdames Budd, Heywood and child, Barlow, Pearce, Messrs. R. F. Richardson, Hnywood, Budd. C.' H. Evans! Elliott,'pearce.. For Sydney—Mr. H. Macdonald. KAIAPOI. . (7- a.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN. > Arrived.—lnvertay, from . the North. Sailed.—Mnheno, for Sydney, via Cook Strait. Passengers: For Lytteltou—Misses Gibbs. K. Goyen, Mr. . Debeer. For Wellington—Misses Peart, Black, Sister, May, Mesdames Matthewson and child, M'Carthy, Peart, Pepper and child, Messrs. M'Carthy, Acland, Terns, Street, Master Ivollett. For Sydney—Miss M'Pherson, Mrs. M'Pherson, Messrs. Houghton, Duval, R. W. Richards, Hagerty, Robinson,. Maxten, and 10 steerage. , Sailed.'—Wanaka (7 a.m.), for Newcastle, via Auckland Islands. SHIP DARTFORD, LEFT NEWCASTLE. With a. cargo of coal for Wellington, the Union Company's ship Dartford-left Newcastle last Friday. . ULIMAROA, FROM SYDNEY. An early arrival in the stream yesterday was .the kuddart-Parker..liner Ulimaroa, from ■ Sydney direct. The voyage across the Tasman Sea was accompanied with perfect, weather, and the .-vessel's spacious', decks wero; converted into a ballroom on Monday-eveniug. -Jwo '-concerts were also held, and from them tho Now South Wales Shipwreck Relief Society will benefit,to the extent '■ Imports-for Wellington by the Ulimaroa include 'the following -itoms:—loo bags potatoes, 2280 cases fruit, 09 bales bottles, 675 packages tea, 266 bags tapioca, G99 bags rice, 500 cases onions, 75' bags maize, 97 bales bamboo, 116 ingots copper,. 91 crates tiles, 310 bags flour, 586 pieces tinfber, 105 bars and 29 rolls lead, 250 bags manure, 1119 bags salt, -.276 cases sardines, 84 cases currants,.6o cases beer. This afternoon the vessel takes departure for Hobart arid Melbourne, via Southern ports. PICTON' SAILINGS. UNION . .COMPANY'S OCTOBER TIME- ' TABLE. . The Union Company advise the following sailings from Picl'on for October:— PICTON FOR NELSON. Pateena.—Friday, October 2, 5.30 p.m. Arahura.—Saturday, October 3, 5.30 p.m. Pateena. —Monday, Octobcr 5, 5.30 p.m. Pateena.—Wcdiiosday, October 7, 8 p.m. Pateena.—Friday, October 9, 9.30 p.m. Ai'ahura.—Saturday, QctoTier 10, 10.30 p.m. Pateena.—Monday, October 12, 11 p.m. Pateena.—Wednesday, October It, 5.30 p.m. Pateena.—Friday, October 16, 5.30 p.m. Arahura.—Saturday, October 17, 6 p.m. Pateena.—Monday, October 10, 6 p.iu.' Pateena.—Wednesday, October 21, 6 p.m. . Pateena.— Friday,' October 23, 8 pan. jfraluii-a.—Saturday, Octobo.' 2-1, 9 p.m. Pateena.—Monday, October 2G, 9.30 p.m. Pateena.—Wednesday, October 28, 11 p.m. Pateena.—Friday, October 30, midnight. Arahura.—Saturday, October 31, 5.30 p.m. PICTON FOR WELLINGTON. Pateena.—Thursday, October 1, 5.110 p.m. Pateena.—Saturday, October 3, 5.,'10 p.m. Pateena.—Tuasday. October 0, 9.30 p.m. Aiyihura.—Wednesday, October 7, 1.3(1 p.m. l'ateena.—Thursday, October 8. i 1.30 p.m. Pateena.—Saturday, October 10, 5.30 p.m. Pateena—Tuesday, Octobcr 13, .1.30 p.m. Arahura.—Wednesday, October It, 5.30 p.m. Pateena.—Thursday, October 15, 5.30 p.iu, Pateena.—Saturday, October 17, 5.30 p.iu, Pateena.—Tuesday, October 20, 9.30 p.m. Arahura.—Wednesday, October 21, I.3ft p:m. Pateena.—Thursday. October 22, 3.30 p.m. •Pateena.—Saturday, Octobcr 2t, 5.30 p.m. Pateena.—Tuesday, Octobcr 27, 5.30 p.m. . Arahura.—Wednesday, October 2S, 5.30 p.m. Piteena.—Thursday, October 29, 5.30 p.m. ratcona,--Saturday, Ootobar 31, 5,30 p.m.
A THE NIC AT HOB ART. Cabled advice received by the local agents reports that, the Shaw-Savill liner Athenic, from London, via Capetown, arrived in Hobart at 1 p.m. yesterday. Accordingly she should arrive ill -Wellington on Sunday or Monday. SURGICAL OPERATIONS WHILE AT SEA. i The liner C'cdric was stopped for three hours in mid-ocean 011 a recent trip to allow a surgical operation to_ be performed. 'Mrs. Thomas Trebel, of New York, who was returning with her husband from a visit to friends in England, suddenly became ill. The ship's surgeon consulted Dr. W. S. llalstead, of John Hopkins University, and tho two agreed that an operation was necessary to save her life. The ship was accordingly stopped and the operation was performed. .Mrs. Trebel was taken to tho New York Hospital on her arrival there, and sho is now convalescent. The s_.s. Wimmera to-day will take car™ for East. Coast Bays, transhipping into Haupiri. To-day the Government steamer Tutanekai is expected to reach Wellington, having completed tier work up north. \ It is expected that tho Otterburn will get away for Lyttelton to-day, and the Kaiapoi for Westport to-morrow. Two oversea vessels, the Briez Izel and the Turakina, completed discharge of tho Wellington portion of their cargoes yesterday, and left for Lyttelton. It is expected that the repairs to the Mana will be completed on Saturday, and that tho vessel will bo in readiness to leave for Patea that day. On Sunday the Union Company's 6teamer Ifoonya is due from Southern ports, and the following day leaves for Picton,' Nelson, and West Coast. It is understood that Captain Naylor will assume command of the Pateena on Friday, while Captain Stewart is attending the GertiePenguin inquiry. Passengers who arrived from Blenheim bj the steamer Blenheim yesterday wero as follow: —Miss Holdaway, Mrs. Lucas, Messrs. Rogers, G. Taylor, D. Taylor, Gough, M'Lean. Yesterday tlie Union Company's steamer Pateena relieved the Penguin in the Nelson-Picton-Wellington service. The Penguin is-at 'present out of commission, and is anchored in the stream.A'Sydney exchange reports that Captain G. H. Wheeler, who lias succeeded Captain Stubbs as master of the Houlder liner Hornby Grange, which is coming to Sydney from Yladivostock to take the berth for Manila, is an old employee of the Houlder Line, and is well-known in Australia. He was at different periods an officer of the steamers Urmston Grange, Rippingham Grange, and other vessels of the company's fleet, but for some time past has been in the trade between London and the River Plate.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 316, 1 October 1908, Page 10
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2,245SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 316, 1 October 1908, Page 10
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