PHASES OF THE MOON. SEPTEMBER. , 'Day. hr. ra. JMrst quarter i 8.21 a.m. f nil moon 10 11.53 p.m. Last quarter 17 10.3 p.m. ■New moon 2G 2.29 a.m. HIGn WATER. To-day, 10.45 a.m.; 11.15 p.m. io-morrow, 11.32 a.m.; midnight. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.50 a.m.; sets, 5.42 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. MAITAI, s.s. (1.25 a.m., in stream), 3395 tons, Hutchings, from Sydney. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Weber, Cowdery, Smitli, Boyd, Watty, Finkelstein, Mesdames M'Lean and child, Milne, Willis and child, Thomas, Boyd, Williams, Veale, Springall and 2 children, Alley, Messrs, Gilruth, Henderson, Laishley, Sladden, Thomas, Kennedy, Boyd, O'Farrell, Hursthouse, Yeale, Rose, Fenton, Wills, Jackson, Macgregor, Holme, Dr. Nowman, Dr. M'Reddie; G3" steerage. MANAROA, s.s. (-155 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Motueka. WAIHI, s.s. (5.10 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. OPAWA, s.s. (5.40 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. MARAROA, s.s. (6.45 a.m.), 2593 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Misses Hutchinson, M'Grath, Adams, Tovrnsend, Martin, Elmslio, Mackay, Langdale, Bradley, Harrington, Cook, M'Grath, Nurse Early, Mesdames Lamborn and child, Scott, M'Kenzie, Drummond (2), Turnbull and 3 children, Oliver, Bowie and child, Best, Gardiner, Brien, Fleming, Sisson and child, Langdale, Captain Daivson, Messrs. Watson, Henderson (2), Cook, Milne, Douglas, Watts, Turnbull, Hon. J. Barr, Uniuhavt, Arniitage, Earnshaw, Kerr, Martin. M'Clatchie, Bridger, Evans, Sargood, Rudd, Colledge, Caverhill, Powell, Willcox. Fisher. Good, Sim, Richardson, Jenkins, Manttan; 20 steerage. WHAKARUA, s.s. (5.15 a.m.), GHO toes, Felgate, from London, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. • VICTORIA, s.s. (8.50 a.m.), 2969 tons, Entwistle, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Mesdames M'George, Seddon, Bean, and Poulter; 12 steerage. G'OItINNA, s.s. (10 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. ICAITANGATA, s.s. (2.50 p.m.), 19S1 tons, Crawford, from Westport. MANA, s.s. (3.40 p.m.), 131 tons, Corby, from Patca. ARAHUEA, s.s. (8.55 p.m.), 1098 tons, Lambert, from West Coast and Kelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Trumble, , M'Kenzie, Eley, Brown, ICittlety, Garner, Tarrant, Kyle (2), Kershaiv, Pascal, Robinson, Barker, Robertson, ilesdames Lloycl (2), Allen and child, Brown, Nohr, Sontgen, Mercer, Hanson and infant, Johnston, Kyle, Leighton.aiul family, Donald, Gainsford, Barker, M'Lean and 2 children, Foil, Parsonage, Uridgc, Halbrook and child, Gummett and child, Price, Messrs. Davidson, Joachim, Turnbull, Travel's, Chamberlain, Birss, Nohr, Jssell, Hewson, Panckhnrst. Foster and 2 children, Thompson, Leighton, Johnston and boy, M'Ksv, Brown, Petrie, Kyle, Koarc, Wcdderspoon, Hay, M'Gennan, Bennington, Gully, Owens, O'Brien, Donald, Shields, Parsonage, Uridgc, Styles, Grimmett, Mackay, Gaiuiing, Cargan, John, Cooper, Salisbury, Davis, Hall, Coote, Smith) Childs, Lock, Kidel, Edwards, Fell, Dodson, Perrin, Gent, j Allan, Heather. KAHU, 5.5.(9.5 p.m.), 198 tons, Thompson, from Napier. HAUROTO, s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 19S8 tons, Jordan, from Suva, via Auckland. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (midnight), 13S tons, H'arvoy, from Foxton. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. PATEENA, s.s. (1 a.m.), 1212 tons, Renaut, from Lyltelton. ; PENGUIN, s.s. (3 a.m.),' 82-1 tons, Stewart, 'rom Nelson and Pict'on. DEPARTURES. . THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. BLENHEIM, s.s. (4 a.m.), 120 toes, Watson, ot Blenheim. ... INDRALEMA, s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 66G9 tons, Jraven, for Lyttelton. MANAROA, s.s. (4.15 p.m.), 120 tons, Hart, 'or Harclock. OPAWA, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, or Blenheim. , VICTORIA, s.s., 2969 tons, Entwirie, or Sydney, via ■ Napier, Gisborne, and Vuckland. Passengers—Saloon: For, Napier— Messrs. F. Bourke, M'Carthy, Courtney. For 3isborne—Miss Morse, Mesdames Carroll, ilorse, Mr. Palmer. For Auckland—Misses Atkinson, M'Lonnan, Mesdames M', Harkless, Messrs. M'Lennan (3),. Hart, Grant, C. Fonas, G. Davidson, T. Monyan, Harkness. For iydney—Rev. Father O'Brien, Mr. Watson; 22 iteerage for all ports. MARAROA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manliug, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— ilisses Rhodes and maid, M'lionald, Loughlan, Hammond, Morris, Rennio, Fitt, Dolson, Utlcen; Duggan, Evans, Mitchell, Mesdames i-hodcs, Kane, Webb, Rennie, M'Lean, Messrs. thodes (2), Sargent, Gray, Hare, Robin, M'Lenlan, Buxton, Jellie, Austin, Gribben, Klee, !chlaedt, Granger, Cohen, MTteddio, Fielder, ,>andy, Goodger, Morgan, Person, Morloy, Roylolds, Hon. G. M'Lean, Hon. Anstey, M.L.C.'s. MAITAI, s.s. (8.25 p.m.). 3393 tons, Hutehngs, for Melbourne, via Southern ports and lobart. Passengers—Saloon: For Lyttelton— ilisses Morries, Blamires, Mesdames - Roscow, ifay, Wise, Rev.' Blamires, Messrs. Stafford, 'aylor, May, Qnin, Harris, Austin, Beelc. For )unedin—Miss 'M'Fnrlano, Mrs. Green and 3 hildren, Messrs. Robin, Green. For Mellourne—Misses Swift, Simm, Cambreys (2), lesdames Swift, Cainbrcys, Mr. Swift. For lobart—Mi'. Adams. CHARLES EDWARD, s.s. (10.50 p.m.), 245 ons, Graham, for Nelson and West Coast.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Defender, Karamca, September IS. Kaliu, Napier, September 18. Jiuia, AVangauui, September 18. , Aorere, Patea, September IS. 1 Putiki, AVanganui, September 18. Wakatu, Kaikoura, September 18. Penguin, Picton, Nelson, September 18. Pukaki, Greyuioutb, September 18. l'atccmi, Lyttelton, September 18. Maori, Lyttelton, September IS. Alexander, New Plymouth, September 18. Blenheim, Blenheim, September 18. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via South, September IS. Mokoia, Sydney, via Auckland, September 18. Kotoiti, Ouehunga, New Plymouth, September 18. Caiiopus, Westport, September 18. Kuru, Napier, September 18. Kennedy, Nelson, September 18. AVaverley, Nelson, September 18. Kaniona, Westport, Septembor 19, Mararoa, Lyttelton, September 10. AVaihi, Blenheim, Septembor 19. Opawa, Blenheim, September 19. Stormbird, AVanganui, September 19. Manaroa, Havelock, September 19. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, September 19. Tainui, Waitava, September 19. Monowai, Southern ports, September 20. Kotuku, Southern ports, September 20. Norfolk, Lyttelton, September 20. Waikare, Northern ports, September 23. Takapuna, New Plymouth, September 23. Warnmoo, Sydney, September 23. Haupiri, East Coast Bays, September 23. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Oswestry Grange, Lyttelton, September 18. Kahu, Napier, September 18. Mana, Paten, September 18. Queen of the South, Poxton, September 18. Huia, AVanganui, September IS. Kennedy, Nelson and AYest Coast, September IS. AA'akatu, Kaikoura, September 18. Aorere, Patea, September 18. Stormbird, AVanganui, September IS. Putiki, AVanganui, Septembor IS. Maori, Lyttelton, September 18. Blenheim, Blenheim, September IS. Penguin, Picton, Nelson, September 18. Cot'inna, Nelson, New Plymouth, September 18. Ulimaroa, Sydney direct, September 18. Mokoia, Southern ports, September 18. I'ongariro, Napier, September 18. Kuril, Napier, September 18. Hauroto, Port Chalmers, September 18. Opawa, Blenheim, September 19. AVaihi, Blenheim, Septomber 19. Mararoa, Lyttelton,_ September 19. Arahura, I'ielon, Nelson and West Coast, September' 19. Waverley, Nelson, September 11). Jiotoiti, Nolsun, Now Plymouth, and Ouehunga, Septomber 20. Whakarna, Townsville, September 20. 1 Tainui, Waitara, Septembor 21. Manarca, Motueka, September 21. . Kamona, Napier, September 21. Mouowai, Noitkora poets, September 21,
Kotuloi, West Coast, September 21. Waikare, Southern ports, Sei'.ember 23. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, September 22. Rippiiigham Grange, Auckland, September 22. Takapuna, New l'lymoutli, September 2a. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. ULIMAROA, S.S., left Melbourno Sep.tember 0 for Wellington, via Ilubnrt anil Southern ports. Due Wellington •September 18. Leaves same (lay for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney, September 22. MOEKAKI, s.s., left ![olbourno September 10, for Wellington, via Southern ports and Hobart. Duo Wellington September 25. Leavos same day for Sydney direct. Du« Sydney September 29. WIMMERA, s.s., left Sydney September 10, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Duo Wellington September 25, loaves same day for Lyttellon and Dunediii. 5 MOKOIA, s.s., left Sydney September 9, for : Wellington, via Auckland, Gisboiue, and Na- , pier. Duo Wellington September IS. Leaves 1 Wellington same day for Lyttclton and Duno- , di:i. , MAHENO, s.s., leaves Melbourne September , 23, for. Wellington, via Southern ports and , Ilobart. Duo Wellington October 2. Leaves - same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney Oe* , lober fi. MOANA, s.s., leaves Sydney September 23, , for Wellington, via Auckland,. Gisborne, and Napier. Duo Wellington October 2. Leaves , same day for Southern ports. WAIIIJIMOO, s.s., leaves Sydnoy September 19, for Wellington direct., Due Wellington ' September 23. Leaves September 24 for Southern ports. MAITAI, s.s.. leaves Melbourne September .30, for Wellington via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington October 9. Leaves sama day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney October 13. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. NOKFOLIC ISLAND. September ■ 17. Arrived.—Malaita, from Islands. Sailed.—Malaita, for Sydney. coastal: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. ■ AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Waikare, from South. Arrived.—Wanaka, from South. Sailed;—llaupiri (8.30 a.m.),' for East Coast ports and bays and Wellington. ONEHUNGA.' Arrived.—Rarawa (9.20 a.m.), from New Plymouth. Sailed.—Rarawa (3.50. p.m.), for New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon—Miss Connolly,' Mesdames Juriss (2), Young, Scoullar, Smith, Wilkinson and 2 children, Gannon, Messrs. Drayton, Hirst, Williams, Blakey, Masters Palmer, and Morrison. ' NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived—Rotoiti (3.20 p.m.), from Onehunga. Arrived.—Takapuna (9.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Rotoiti (4 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Takapuna (!) p.m.), for Onehunga. WANGANUf . Sailed.—nuia. (1.10 p.m.), Putiki (1.25 p.m.), and Stormbird (1.30 p.m.), for Wellington. . . PATEA. _ ' Arrived.—Aorcro (1 p.m,.), from Wellington. NAPIER. Sailed.—Mokoia (-1.35 p.m.), for Wellington.' Passengers: Saloon—Messrs. Bamshaw, Waterhouse, Ivirker, Hicks. . BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Blenheim <11.50 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail.—Blenheim (10 p.m.), for Wellington. ' !' PICTON. ' Arrived.—Penguin (7.20 p.m.), from Nelson. Sailed.—Penguin (1 a.m.), for Nelson. NELSON. Arrived.—Penguin (8.40 a.m.), from Picton. Arrived.—Waverley (10.25 a.m.), from Wellington. • Sailed.—Penguin (12.25 p.m.), for Picton. To sail.—Kennedy and Waverley (8.15 p.m.), for Wellington. C.UEYMOUTH. Arrived.—Mapourika (G a.m.), from Westport. Arrived.—Rosamond' (12.15 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—luttawa (2 a.m.), for Lyttelton and Timarti. Sailed.—Pu'.caki (2.10 a.m.), for Wellington. To. sail.—Mapourika (2 a.m., Friday), for Westport. WESTPORT. Arrived.--ICamona (11 p.m., yesterdav), from Wellington. Sailed.—Canopus (2.40 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed—Mapourika (1 a.m.), for Greymouth.\ LYTTELTON. Arrived.—lonic (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Patcena (10.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Pateona (12.49 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Rio, barquentino (10.20 a.m.), for Napjcr. Sailed.—Ripple, for Oamaru. Sailed.—Cygnet and Waliat'n, for Kailconra. ; Sailed.—Maori (5.20 p.m.), for Wellington, with 120 passengers. Sailed.—'Ulimaroa (7.5 p.m.), for Sydney-via Wellington. Passengers: For WellingtonMisses E. Brown, Arthur, Pearson, Burrows, Webster, Mesdames Shields and child, Thompson, Condor, Colonel Hume, Messrs. F. Dyer, Colebrook, Wintririghani, Connor, Barnett, Webster. Whitford, Archer. For SydneyMisses Bound, Barton. Kingston, Mesdames 8011, Seymour, Kingston, Calthorpe, Muir, Messrs. Seymour, Bc-U, Arnott, Rhodes, L. Jonas', Gass, Muir, Kingston, Poole. PORT CHALMERS. Arrived.—Ariel, barquo (11.30 a.m.), from Surprise Island. ' Arrived.—Cevic (8.30 a.m.), from Lyttclton. Arrived.—Aparima, from North. Arrived.—Monowai, from Auckland. Arrived.—Storm, from Wangauul. Sailed.—Hinomoa (2.50 p.m.), for Capo Saunders and Southern lighthouses. , Sailed.—Storm, for Northern ports. BLUFF. Sailed.—Norfolk (G. 30 a.m.), for Lyttelton. ' BARQUE LADY WOLSLEY, FOR WEL- • LINGTOiV It is reported that the barque Lady Wolslev, 1200 tons, has been chartered to go on the loading berth at Liverpool, for Wellington and Dunedin. TITANIA FOR THE TIMBER TRADE. According to tho ''Sydney Commercial News" the tour-nmsted barquehtine Titania, which was f ?£? n A P ui '? has «' by Captain Rees Reynold for £3200, for the New Zealand-Australian timber trade, is now bound to Tal Tal from Bristol. After discharge of cargo she will proceed to Newcastle. The Titania is a vessel of 1031 tons register, and well known in Australian waters. UNION COMPANY'S. STEAMERS. The Union Company's steamer Haupiri left Auckland vestorday morning for Wellington, via Bast Coast Boys, Gisborne, and Napier. She is expected to reach Wellington about next Wednesday. On Wednesday, at midnight, the Kamona arrived m Westport from Wellington, and was fixed to sail tins morning on tho return journey foi elJington with a part cargo for discharge at .Napier. The Hauroto, from Suva and Auckland, on 1 completing discharge at Wellington to-day, leaves tor 3 ort Chalmers, where she goes oil f the lay-up berth. ] THE LOUISA CRAIG—RECORD SAILING. 1 According to the "New Zealand Herald " the c barquo Louisa Craig, Captain Itobort Kennedy arrived in Auckland from Newcastle on Tuesday morning alter a record round trip. The l report oil the voyage runs as follows:—Sailim: from Kaipara on July 31 the tug was cant oft' tho same afternoon, and moderate east winds 1 were met with for the first two dnvs, thcnco r galesi from the east and south-east until enter- . ing Melbourne Heads on August 7, the anchor- t age at \\ l liamstown being reached on the 9th Discharged cargo and took in cargo, and sailed for Newcastle on the 2Stli. Met with west and i south-west winds and north-west and woi.t gales on /the passage, Newcastle being reached on September 3. Loaded coal and sailed for f Auckland at J a.m. on the (Ith. Experienced moderate to iresh north-west and west winds c until passing Cape Maria Van Diomen at 9.30 a.m. on the 12th, thence light east, north-east a and south-east; winds until the Mth; thence a moderate to north-east winds to arrival. Tho 0 vessels round voyage from Kaipara to Melbourne, Newcastle, and Auckland, including tune of loading and discharging, has oulv occupied 47 days. J
SHIP DARTFORD. Advice has been received by the Union Company reporting that Die Union Company's ship I Dartford is expected to leave Newcastle on -Monday, coal laden for Wellington. '•'HE MAITAI. Imports for Wellington by the Maitai, which arrived from Sydney yesterday morning, were i. ns follow:—2oS3 cases fruit, GS-i pieces timber, 1110 bags rice, 11 bales paper, 73 bags ricemeal, j. G8 hags v.-lieatmcal, 70 ba;s flour, 25 cases oil, |. 351) sacks manure, 40 bags maize, Sll packages tea, 45 rams. THE RIPPINGHAM GRANGE. i- The F.H.S. liner Rippingbain Grange, which arrived from Liverpool direct on Wednesday r night, was granted pratique yesterday morning, i, and berthed at the Taranaki Street wharf. Tlw ~ distance steamed by the vessel equals 13,219 i. miles, which has been covered at an average r hourly speed of close on 11, knots. Altogether, the voyage occupied 521 days, which is two days s under scheduled time. Generally speaking, fine i- weather has favoured the trip out; the worst experience was a heavy north-easterly gale over r a fortnight ago. It lasted for 3G hours, and ;1 in its height it carried away the butcher's s quarters on deck. !• Captain Lay is in command of the liner, and lias the following officers associated with him:— , Chief, Mr. Fowler; second, Mr. Seabourne'; j third, Mr. Bullock ; fourth, Mr. Webb. Mr. A. 0 Morgan is the chief steward; tho engineering department is in charge of Mr. Denbigh; Mr. r Wilson is second; Mr. Randall third; Mr. Good--1 win fourth; and Mr. Stevens is chief refrigerat- - inn engineer. The passengers who arrived by tho vessel r all speak highly of the treatment received on , the voyage. The vessel leaves Wellington on , Tuesday for Auckland, after which she pro- _ ceeds to Lyttelton and Duncdin for discharging purposes. COAL CONSUMPTION. The coal consumption of the new Cunard steamers has elicited much curiosity since they commenced to cross the Atlantic, and the question furnished material for a paper recently read before the British Institution of Naval Architccts. Therein it was stated that on one of her westward voyages a few weeks ago the Lusitania covered more than 2000 miles at 'an average speed of 2-1.65 knots. At that time she developed 65,000 horse power (measured at her shafts), and burned 1090 tons of coal daily. In comparing the Cunarder's consumption with that of any other "flier" it should be.borne in mind that the output of a steam turbine is l ascertained at tho shaft, whilst 1 the power of a reciprocating, engine is determined at the cylinder. lii tho latter instance a. card on which is automatically registered tho p-essure behind the piston the basis for the calculation. Now, between tho cylinder and the shaft there is always a loss, ranging, say . expert engineers, from 1 to 10 per cent. Sir William H. White, a distinguished . British naval architect, estimates, therefore, that if tho Lusitania had been equipped with recipro- ' eating engines 70,000 "indicated" horse power < would liavo been required to match the work of her turbines. With only 05,000 at the cylinder she would have been perceptibly slower. • Moreover, every modern steamship has many ; uses for power besides that demanded for the task of propelling her. It was estimated that for her lights, elevators, and other minor service the Lusitania employed 14.6 per -cent, of the fuel she consumed. FOG SIGNAL, GODLEY HEAD.. i Notice is given in this week's " Gazette " that on and after Monday, October 5, 190S, tho following fog-signals will be sounded from a position on a ledge of rocks about GOft. above sealevel, half a cable south of Godley Head Light- : house. Tho signals consist of explosions of cottonpowder charges ' at intervals of five minutes, and will be made.when'the land is likely to bo obscured at a distance of about three miles from seaward by oither fog, mist, falling snow, or continuous rain. It is anticipated that these sound-signals will be heard at. any distance under ten miles, varying according to the state of the atmosphere and the force, aud direction of tho wind. Special warnings to mariners concerning fogsignals published by tho Board of Trade are as follow;— "Sound is conveyed in a very capricious way through the atmosphere. Apart from wind, large areas of silence have, been found in different directions and- different'distances-from the signals, in some instances even when in closs proximity to .the sound-signal. "Tho mariner should not assume—(l) That he is out of ordinary hearing-distance because he fails to hear tho sound; (2) that because ho ■hears a fog-signal faintly he ; is .ata great distance from it; (3) that he is near it becauso. he hears the sound plainly; (4) that the dis-. tanco from and tho intensity of the sound on any one occasion is a guide to him for any future occasion; (5) that the fog-signal has ceased sounding because he does not hear it even when in close proximity." To-morrow the F.H.S. liner Oswestry Grange is fised to leave for Lyttelton, in continuation \ of her discharging operations. It is expected that the Invertay, at present discharging case oil from Now York, will leave about Monday or Tuesday for Lyttelton. Mr. Clifford Roberts rejoins tho Maori as acting second officer, Mr. G. Cuthber, late second officer of that vessel having resigned from tho Union Company's service. * Ycsterdaj r the Government steamer Hinemoa. favoured with fine weather, was able to land stores, ctc., at Cajie Saunders, and afterwards left on her tour of the Southern lighthouses. Yesterday morning tho Tyser steamer Whakarua arrived from London, via ports. . She is expected to leave port on Sunday morning for Townsville, Queensland, whero she commences loading for tho return voyage to England. According to tho "Lyttelton Times" the seamen v.-ho left the Antarctic exploration shin Nimrod after her return from the Far South appear to bo coming back now that the time of her second departure is api-roaclving. Four of them have already rejoined the vessel.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 305, 18 September 1908, Page 10
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2,969SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 305, 18 September 1908, Page 10
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