.. — » AMERICAN MAN-O'-WARSMAN KILLED. Auckland. August li. While tlio engine-room staff of tjio 'United States battleship' Missouri was attending to the pnginps, a"steel' shaft; fell' on a 'machinist iiamod Paul Gentile, cajising injuries which resulted' fatally a few hours later. A littlo boy named Edward Eado, 3} years of ago, "rpsiding at Seatout), wns admitted to tlio lipspital yesterday 'sufforing from a broken leg. It is stated that tho child fell whilst gofting on to a chair.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 274, 12 August 1908, Page 7
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82ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 274, 12 August 1908, Page 7
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