IMPORTANT MOTIONS. CONDITIONS OF FRANCHISE- .;' Thp' tenth biennial conference of delegates, from the various municipalities commenced its sittings at the City Council Chambers in the Town Hall yesterday morning. ThoMayor of Wellington (the Hpn. T. W. Hislop) occupied the c)|air.. Mr. T. F, Martin, secre--tary'j legal adviser,' and treasurer • pf the conference, was. present. ;/,<' Tito Chairman welcomed the delegates. In thb past their deliberations had not received much attention, but lio.hoped that -' this would npt be the caso in regard tg-tho present conference, It was decided that town boards should-bo feligjbj© for affiliation with tho association. BILLS. Mr. T. F. Martin reported that with a •flf the more (mpartaiit Df tho rpsoltitjoiis passed by tha conferences of 1904 pnd 190(3, lie had prepared, and submitted foi/cpjisiderptipiy by the present conference, p number of Bills in which Jje.Jiad efldppypured to express, tho substance- of thdso resolution's in legal fgjWf and 1)0 thought that it .would strengthen' the hapds of the deputation from t)ia _ present confprpnco if they were" ablo to place into thq hands~pMbe 'Minister the" roeommendar , tions of tjjp cpiiforonpn in &■ fpriferesdy for submission to Parliament. If the conference . Co directed, therpsglufcigps' passed this };ear cgujd ho qeTcJod tQ. tho Bills, Tha Bills prepared were tho following:—Municipal Corporations Amendment, Municipal/Corpora--tiohs Amendment Regulatighs,/Rating Act Arnendiiient, Tramways Act Hospitals pnd Charitably,lllst}tuiipi)3 Act Amendment, Local Elections Act Anipndnie/jt, Local Bedies Loans' Apt Aniendpient, Mining Act Amendment, ' Pnbljo HpaHb Cemeteries Act Ainpnd.meiit,, APction'?ers Act 'Amendment, , Slaughtering.' and"?lnspection' 'Act. Amendment, Public Works Act / Am end-' ment. r. No 'dpubt the provisions' pf §oirio!of the smaller of the abpyp Bilk'could te readily incorporated iji other Bills introduced or! to. be introduced in the .'Legislature. > Jiy ' far. the greater nnmher of t|ip amendments'of the law proposed to b§ made by iilß pbcjy.o Bills folaied to mere jtiattars of administration and- procedure, as" to which'"defects in the existing Jaw had been discovered by some Coußpjl qr Council?, anil found to impede thejr pperAtipns and lessen tlipir use-' fulness. As tho. vieivs on these subjects held by the Councils who brought down the remits had been . adopted by the cpnferenco, and in a good Bcvoraj successive conferences, it. was thought that .thero should bp lIP difficulty in the way of Ppriiajnont passing the ißills or the greater number of. their.. provisions into law. during jtjie prpsent session/-': -'A,' suggestions might indeed be made that the Bills be roferred_to;tjie"_gtßilltgs ionJCpjgipjtte,q. ; • or' "to; a" Solect- Committee, ~ah'd this would no dpubt'expeclitp 'tlip p^gpßge''pf"tHpißills.'" Of the-Bills rejating- to Local Governinent already iijtrpdticwl,. attention might bo drawn to the Corpprations' Contracts Bill and tho 'Auctioneers' Amendment Bill. By thp forppr' Bill {fflilPlr ivas jbtroduced by the Government). it.wps; pjopospd to alter the mandatory 'provisions''of Section IBS'; of the Municipal Corporations Act,- 1900, under ■which the "Corporation could r n'ot ha legally bound in contract unless tlio directions con; that .KOGtioU: as. to..thp. making or execution of. the contract .were strictly observed.' The cffect of the Bill,, if passed intp Jaw£-'w6«ld- be '.-to- .'ftjlowr-Municipal Corporation, to bp ■ legally bound in' contract by rosolutlonay Jotters, or' by the acts and' conduct of the Cpunqil or- its officers';'-On' the 'one ihaiid, cases- pf' great';hardsliip'-and l ' injustice that spmbtinies, iifose 'under'.. the- . present law "would bo avoided ;on tho other' . hand, the Council would ,loso the 1 .. securityafforded to : it by : tlip present law. Tlio Bill "was pne'of cwisiderable importance,;and deserved careful 'consideration by. the delegate?.' JJy. tljo, Atiptipneerp'- Amendment Bill it was' proposed to givo tlje'licenso fees to the local '.authority. ' issuing . the licenseinstead ( of to 'the local - authority of- tlio district within which tho auctioneer had his usual placp'.of business , " 1 ..'. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The Conference'' then 'proceeded to"deal' with the. remits. , //;■... Mr; P.urser/(Lower Hutt)' moV'ed ; ;r "That this Confereiico' consider the advisability' of local bodies establishing a joint pepident; inSirancc/fund."-. /, /v.: ; v •, . : Tho' mqtion'-was carried. - DISTRICTvELECTORS' LISTS.' • ' Christcjiurch"' inpved; "Thnt./jlf cpniplHng the/District. Electors'- tyst. ■ pf..: .• a bpfPHgii divided ..wards,- instead ,pf providing separate list's fpr : eaoh: ward,. tho!.nßmes , 'pf electors Mil all the wards shall-be a combined list; such list to con-tain-separate: columns showing /in which .ward 'each pector is entitled to vote;" The. motion was-, carried:..- f/: Tho following lyas'also'carried i/l'That if 'during the'timp: a .district eleptprs' roll is in fcrco;,thb coun'oil thinks fit .to -reprint the same it may. do so and .incorporate in any 6uclj roll all giipiilementary,. rolls.''! ■' '.... MUNICIPAL I^RANCHjiS.E.■ 'Wellington niovcd:'"That all tlio clause C seotion--18 Municipal Corporations. Act 1900, after the word 'qualification' be struck out, and in lion thereof tho followingwords be inserted'meaning.thereby.that.hp has for_ at"lqa'st twelve inpiiths "tlien- lait past resided in tlio • the ward or undivided, berpugh tp which thp list relates."' Mr. Hindmarsli said that, under" tho • present .system, \ovasion was resorted to and the motion gave adult franchise on dec-' , tions, but not loans.- 1 ' " t Mr. Luke spoke : in ' : favour of the -motion;' Ho said that no. doubt-residents of twelyp months' standing should-have, tho right to vote.;. Vpico: And swamp-the ratepayers 1,,. Mr. W. D. (Gisbprne) suggested, that the remit be; thrown right.out, or "that provision', be riiado.. to-curtail-or restrict tho splitting.,of tenants in the way the law had been evaded. Mr. IT. Davfs (Ashburton) agreed 'with the ' motion. • • - -v. '■ .v. i; .. A delegate was in favpur , pf stppping jobbery in/elections. '•' "■ • .' Another, delegate; thought'-it" scandalous that a man could voto after being .in a plac<S for three months as a tenant. . An amendment to strike .out the word ' threo months and insert; twelve, months was moved. ...... v After further discussion Mrl Hindmarsh" (Wellington) expressed reigret that some members had sliown a reactionary spirit in this matter., . The' present system .was not based on any principle whatever, . /. professor of the University might be iholigiblo to vote, and a rosident of -'Haining Street enjoy tho prmlego. Tho motion would not makft much difference to Wellington. Practically. overv one here got.on .tho-.roll Mr. C. Alison (Mayor of Christchurch) was against both motion and amendment. Parliament would not agree to the amendment, and tho . mption was objectionable, in that it would giva power ovor tlio ratcß to people who had no real' 1 stake in..a-borough, nnd induce a spirit of recklessness in municipal elections such as did not exist even in general elections. ■' ;l ' ' ' 'The amendment was negatived. Oamaru' moved an amendment that , tho clause be altered to prevent.the splitting up of tenements in connection-with, elections. . This was_ also,negatived. - , Tho original motion was negatived by 24 votes to 26. - ... , USE OF ROLLS. ' Christchurch 'moved—" (1) Thaij tho district elcetors' rolls of boroughs should ■ bo the electoral rolls used at all elections and polls by local authorities within borough's, (2) That, all such'elections and polls should be under ~tho provisions : of the Local Elections Act.- (3) Provision should also' bo made to adapt the district electors', rolls- for use at Drainage Board, Tramway. Board, River Board,/or other, jocal-ckctions. (4)
For tho purposo of any poll under tho Local j ladies'..; Loans Apt,;.ftiid of any other statu to relating to',thoPraising of loans affecting ; tho;;ratep,ayer's, ;tho' Council shall bo onipowdrpii to' oliminato frnnv the rolls the 'names pf tho electors who do .not possess tho ratepayers' qufilificatipn referred to in tho statute authorising the raigijig of tjio Jonn." . The 'motion' tfW carried without discussion.' . . ; / PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. , Tlio following motions were passed withpuV discussion i— ' • ' • _ - "The machinery for preparing tho rolls ahall fpr ps possible the saitip as inuler the : Electoral Act, 1905, and that penalties for statements in application fpr enroliperit 1 shall be the samo as 'in the Parjiamontary elections,'.'-—(Wellington.) •- ! 'Th'P' Council shall have power to appoint a Registrar pf Electors who shall have similar powers tp tboso vested in lte'gistrars un-.cleptho-'Electpral Act,"—(Wellington.) '."Applicants for enrolpiont shall prove their qualifications to tljo Registrar, but' they shall ljavoWi right; of ;appeal to'tho Council or a Magistrate."—(Wellington.) ' ."Provisions similar to'provisions as to the scrutiny of rolls contained in tho Electoral Act shall apply to ton.) ;■ "There shall bo one system of recording yotes fpiv all. electipnaj^'^C\ye]lj .')... ' ■ '.prior; pffy cial tjio' request' pf ijny of tho opsdidites';' opeji,<ihd,reegi|nt pll packr ages of ;yflti)ig.. up ,by Deputy .powers vested ifi hill} b^ct}id;E!e^pralfApt,'^(We!!iugton.) :; On - a it wasagreed "That' .Corpora-' tions Aofid6PQ^hp : arnendod iit tI)P direction "of - more hours -at 'vyjiicli loan polls';; b'e:;,clgse'd'^ ;, Some'• placo folldw-ij>g-P?»P^%|*' Municipal .fixing •■•7' B'clock _fpr the clpsq^pl^ppllg,';b'§n]ar, Christcni}rcli;) v '%ity ■. 'The law as it stands'" was said to be ambiguous, pnp Act fisingViO p'.cjpcjc as tho'cloiing jipur, pnd pnpthpr;*Act seven. It.was.stated that alarge nunibor of workmen: found, it, most-.'doHVlnient' tp 'vote after 6 o'clock. jp /,/•/:.'. / > -The motion-;was..thrp.K;n-out -. . The following motion, from BirkeDkead, was alsp -vigorously rejected '. .. .■■ ■' ;■" Thati'to avoid plumping at all local elear tipns : the full number of councillors to bo elected ■ should receive vptes ptherwiso tho Noting pa^eK'to 1 be'liiyalid'."' i '""THE'MAYORALTY. ;A Roslyn pfop'psijiqn that titp Maypr should be elected thp;'Cgjineil iiis'topd of by thp electprs as at~prrfgjit' Jppged fpr want pf .a seconder. " ./ , 'It was agrped, on Wellington's suggestion, thatjtlio term pf p/Tige pffMaypr bp .two ypars, and4hat 'the...election, bo hp|d on the spine d#t6 ',iS. th'Ot#ti<#»"MjP9n|i9illprs, • 1 ' lit 'was^pr'ppgsed''"'^"!;''the Munipippl -Corpijrationj Act, 1900, .Section 48, . be aiijpnded tp i)'ermit ,:f of 'the ! 'es-Msygr whoso "term 'of office: preceded'-that; of >the Mayor having a seat in thp Council with, the full rights, privileges, pjjd responsibilitjos pf councillors',.'.' /Thp .njover urgpil that .when a:Mayor' vacated tlio chair he irotjuently withdrew enitjreljr" froni' jnuhipipiil life, anil tho benefit of his oxperienco was lpst to thp Council. He admitted that tho'proposal might be thought a_s a .Mayor thus elected to tho Council would -'represent ho onp but himself. '/Mr. J. P. Luko (Wellington) said hp would .not like to bo a member of the Council if ''such a carried, , • ■ / ' iOther delegates',we jo inclined to .pity tho Mayor, vanquished in'an election, who should havo to;3it;undpr;his victorious opponent;, . The'nVot'ioH was'hegitivod, ■ Onehungp had brcftight forward a similar pror_oJ:Lring Mayor; be allowed, .a seat as. councillpr untii\supersedcd by.the iiext retiring Mayor."_. It ivas npt'considered, "necessary to put this''mbtipn, in view of'-tho 'fate,whi®h befel tho other,. : .. ■ . i(The fpllqwi'n'g motion;'.was carried;—" That tho following bo> inserted' in lieu of Clause 40 of the Municipal Corporations .Aet, |900 •— l< Tho Council may,; if'.it thinks' fit,r pppoji));., ,oilp. of .its m'enibers to bp ; DeputyiMpyor, who', % tho'enc'o ,of, the' May'or, or 'in tlio. ovent .of tho Mayor 'becoriiingvnicapablo' of acting, shairiiave all tho authority of the' Mayor,' excepting to act as.a Justice of.the Peace/until tlio Mayor resumes his duties.' I ''/ ... j : Tho mover pointed out that often when a - Mayor..took, ill;suddpnly, ;it . was necessary to,, tlio, whglo;;C6,unpil together pt; an incpnvenioht time lieforp a svibstituto could bo appointed. - ' ' ; Tho Hon. J..'Bafr (Stunner Bprough Coun-Chairman-of- tlio j Works Committeo and chairman of t)io Fihanco Committeo may bo paid such annual allowance by way of honorarium as the Council may fix for their services." , Mr. Crawford thought that the motion struck pt- ?thqv principle of .'municipal gqvernitlfchtr' The' calls' made upon a'Mayor for hospitality'and charity did not affect the chairmen of committees.. •/iP^jjwti.on-TO 1 '?. negßtired. .; . A I ; CpUNOiLS.' /'-,./ V /PotPrip'.mpyP'V:—"That in order't'o sccure gf ■the.'business, of municipal ,Cor? ppratipiis. tlio. Municipal ■Corporations: Act - he, amended in thp" direction •pf ■ making tho period of offico, for councillors three years, with a,ii;anivual retir'Qineijt of P)ie-third :of tho httmbOT of' councill'orß, 1 ' , ' ' • Tlib' ; motion was' carried. It was agreed i—p'That Section 57 of tho 'Municipal Corporations Act, 1900,' bo amended so that aftornoxt general election of Councillors (April, 1909) one-third of tho -C'ounciLloi's-r(itir<v-by.-rotation yearly-; that tlio term of ollice be three years, providing that for tho two years succeeding tho 'election of 1909 one-third^-of-thb Councillors receiving tho lattSt/iiiuiihor' bf, vfltos at that election retire each year, and where no poll has been required ;oiie-third retire by ballot, rotirjng Cpuncillor6 to bo eligiblo for 'roelection." —(Mosgiel,.. Lyttolton, Oamaru.) Tho following was negatived:—"That in •any futuro amending Acts provision bo mado for Council' and Mayoral elections to take 'for. tlio' installation of .April, ,so that tho Council "niight" fully control tlio expenditure during-;tl(eii'-:.term's .of offico." —(Nelson.) ■ A motion was adopted,;—" That Secticn 20 of tho r'.'Municipal Cprpprations Amondmont 4902,' whichi doc(s.-;'n.ot appear to proyido tiirectly for tlio division of a ward, .should bo pmended ,fio*"a's not, to require, >in such' a cose,, that ...tbo-iyhplc go out offico, but only tho Councillors,-of tho ward afTcc-ted,"-(Onslow.) "■ 1 A prpposition by Lower Hutt, that only ratepayers be eligiblo for .Municipal, Councils,, was.; lpst;;: . '. ;" ' ' Tho 'following motion lapsed'.'That members of Borougli Councils bo paid fpr attendancp on the Council business an ameunt 'equalJto..thpt.._which_w:ouUl havo, accrued .tp. tho Councillor in-.the ordinary courso'iof. occupation-. during -.such hours."—(Wnihi, ChristchuMli.)'.:•. -• •: ■*"- . ] RATEC. . - . ;Resolutions affecting' );ates wero passed as follow:—"That representations bo tho Government with a viow. to obtaining sitch an alteration-inythp -prPsent method - adopted by the General's Department of altering i'tbo! valuation roll subsoquent to its issuo Corporations as will obviate tllb''inconvenience caused by the necessity , for/liialtiiig' repeated consequent alterations in", th'o rato-book during its currency."—(Lowir,-Hutt:) ■ ;"That Section 101 of tho 'Municipal Corporations. Act, .1900','; bo amended by providing thai/water/rates may bo mado. p'ajr-' able-'yearly or half-yearly as the Council may. from tiino' to time determine,"—(Christchurch.) , . "That- all'rates: for,.tho then currontycar, wheth'er dehlanded.or'not, and all arrears of rptea ■ and other charges . duo in respect of any property, must bo ; paid b9foro any transfer of..,sucli';.'pi:operty"can bo noted in tho rato book."—(Timaru.) , j "" ' finance. jNapier moved :—"'Tliat a clauso be inserted in' tho Municipal Corporations Act making it!plain''wh6tlier'6r'ntit r Councils should loan sinking fund moneys on freehold properties within their City or Borough boundaries." Mr.. 'r.;F-.- Martin; Secretary- and legal adviser : to tho Conference, thought that there was no restriction.- > •
Tho President had not known that there was any difference of opinion on tho subject. The proposal was rejected as unnecessary. ALTERATIONS IN BOROUCHS. St. Kilda moved: —"That seeing householders have no stake or monetary interest ill a borough, it is not expedient that they should hpve a voto upon a proposal fpr tho pmalgamatipn of two boroughs, thereforo the 4ct should be amended allowing only ratepayers to vote on such a proposal." Tho motion was negatived.' ' , Hastings moved:—"That Sub-section 4 of Seotion 176 of tho 'Municipal .Corporations Act, 1900,'. be amended to road as follows: — 'After receiving tho original petition and theobjections so lodged, if, any, tho Governor-in-Council shall, if required by any of the parties, appoint a commission to deal with such original petition and with such: objections, and shall delegate to such commission tho power to nia);p or reject thp prayed for by tho original petition pn-any other alteration involving the severance from ono district, and inclusion in tlio otlidr, of part or parts only, of' tlio area mentioned intho original petition.' " This Was also negatived, ROADS, ETG. / Dunedin moved:—"That adjacent municipalities bo compelled to bear half tile cost pf lighting a boundary road, in similar terms to thoso relating to construction and maintenance of such roads." , ■ ' i. - / . The Mayor of Miramar opposed v tho motion. Small boroughs bad to look ;o'n lighting as something of p luxpry, email borough - might be placed in ah//awkward position if called on suddenly to' pay half tho cost of. lighting a long street..- , f,. ; A City delegate stated thpt many' people bought land just across a ]>puiidary,> so that thpy might enjoy tho city lighting without contributing to the rates. . ?' The motion was carried, with the addition of thie wqrds "of any adjoining lpcal body, after/''muhicinalities." t . Gore' moved" That Section '220 of the' Municipal Corporations Act be amended to give bprgugh councils power to collect half post of futuro permanent footpath, work from adjpinjpg pivners.jrrespectiy'p pf past work having beeji.; ilonq without " charge";; such oharg'e, howeve'rj, not be recoverable.,if owners havo preyjpusly , p,ajd ; of post pf past w'or-kg of 'p'piiuilar npture."' " . Thp motion Was - carried. ~ ■ : Akaroa moved'' That it: Jsliall; be Jegpl' for p borough council .to let for a termfof years . unused;.,.streets within 'the which are not required for, public .traffic lpr the time being," ' ;. I."- ' Thp motion,with a proviso that the street? be let from year to. yePr, was carried. '/, /, Tirnani moved:—"That fill subdivision plans of Ipnd niust 1 bo submitted to the; council for approval, Plid a prpper copy, certU. fied tp b.v! p ljcojised survpyor, shall be lodged with the council."—Carried. - * Woplston moved;—". That statutory pro-'! yision :bo made for model by-laws' t}eti)ing' ■with heavy traffic over;streets and roads; and for the ■ issue of licenses by ono local authority, and tho distribution of, fees to local bodies in proportion to,, the damage done to such streets or roads, over which such traffic passes." " '. The)motion was lost. '• . . Christchurch moved:—"That tho largest city or ..borough amongst adjoining boroughs shall ba-tho-lioensing and;controlling-author-ity for tho collcction of fees under; heayy. traflic/by-laws,' ana'-that tho "fees" collected'' he apportioned among the contiguous local authorities upon a population basis." With the addition, of , p . clauso. that the; ,fees be fixed by cohfpreiipo of Ippal authorities affeotp'd, failing which tho matter bp decided by p magistrate, motion was parried. Lower Hutt moved; —"That, in tho opinion of this Confereiico, tho .Government should bo placed; in tho same position, as private pwners pf land.ill lespect to the matter of clearing gorse, otp;, ifrom'the street fronting any land in thehv occupation in boroughs." —Carried. • .■ ~:■. ■ ' . ■ The following remit-from Ak.iroa was adopted:—"That when, strpy cattlo in boroughs "hpyo been takon in charge by a ranger, the-pound; driving and trespass fees shall be deemed due:.pnd payable,'! : . ; ; WATERWORKS. Oamaru moved:—''That'ailocal authority which-'has cpnstructod waterworks, should be given /.power, by statute, to protect tho water-racp in timo of flood or in any other omorgency by turning surplus water by means pf a by-wash .into; a natural creek bed, even' though .in so'doing damage is those .''ocoiipying lands through which the natural oreek t run's."—Carried. ' ■ ' y.LICHTING. • ." ■ Woodville mpyed:— Municipal Corporations ' Act, 1000, he Pirioiidod so as to allow .'municipal corporptigns, owning and working gas works, to sell coal to tho burg-esses-ami others." . . - Miv :Hindmai'6h'moved' as an'amendment that' the. words ," owning and working gasWorks," hp omitted. . .'■ The amendment Was carried. Mr. "C. E. Ma'ckay (Wanganui) moved as a further amendment that tho wprds "and Other necessaries of life" be inserted, after 'coal. " • i\;Christchurch. delegate spoko against So'cialism of this kind. . ; , . , ■;" Tho'secoud amendment'was lost by-5 to 37, ( Thp"'motion was-carried by th'o casting'votp pf thp Chpirmpn. Tlio following remit from Wellington was, adopted:—"That all dwelling liousos built contrary to the provisions of tho Municipal j Corporations Act, relating to- open space,. and not only lodging ;hpuses so built' slioiild be liable to alteration" if. tho samo can be altered ,so as tq cenform with tho law "or. I if not to domolition\PS insanitary'.buildings,'-' ■ Thp 'following'.romit: from:'Christehurch ' was carried the ' apportionment., pf tho cost'of maintenance .of hospitals for con-, sumptives in proportion to. population instead of in proportion/to .ratcablo valuo, is wrong." ;. RECREATION GROUNDS. Akaroa- moved:—"That borough councils bo ompowercd to lease any .buildings built by them .on recreation grounds."—Cairiod. Dunedin moved:—"That all rcccpation reserves,:. where 'largo assemblages of people ,aro likely to take place, should bo licensed by the local authorities, to enable the control of methods of . ingress and egress, and to rogula ; te prices of admission at such gatherings." The words to regulato prices of admission .were struck out, and the motion was carried. HOLIDAYS. Dunedin moved:—"That May 24 bo honoured throughout tho Dominion as Empire Day, declared to bo a public holiday, and that" Juno 3 bo not kept as a holiday." Familiar arguments tworo, adduced in favour of and against tho proposal; the question of weather ' coming prominently into tho "discussion. . . •--V. • Finally tho motion-was carried by a .very largo majority/,' " '.V <' ' PUBLIC MARKETS. Mr. C, Alison,: Sfayor of 1 Christchurch, moved:—"Thpt,; special legislation : "'proi motod providing, that all auction sales of fish, fruit, and vegetables shall, bp hold, in public markets erected by, municipalities, .andthat jill. fresh lish shall pass through such markets for inspection. Tho mption was reforred. to . the Conference from the Executive Committeo. , An Auckland dclogato opposed 'tlio mption as being unfair to private dealers. Tho Hon. J. Barr (Sumner) said that thero wero. certain "rings" in connoction with tho distribution of fruit arid fish, -tlio result of which was that however plentiful tho commodity might be tho public had to pay through thp lioso. With municipal markets, tho dealers would havo tp sell to ovoryono who. was prepared to buy. Tho motion was lost. • 1 . BY-LA V/S. A motion was -curried "That borougli councils bo given express Logislativo autherity for making by-laws to provido that' no promises shall bo used as tea, dining, or supper rooms, unless licensed thereto by the council."—(Oamaru, Christchurch.) A proposal from' Akaroa that tho words "boarding-houso" 'bo. added to' tho foregoing remit was referred to tho Bills Sub-commit-tee. HAWKERS AND PEDLARS, It was decided:—"That tho Association take ; action to havo legally defined what is
a hawker or pedlar, ami powers given to borough councils to fix the amount of license for such, and that a scheme bo devised to prevent •auctioneers travelling from place to placo to dispose qf goods in competition against resident shopkeepers."—(AVaihi, Qucenstown.j A resolution was also passed:—"That tho .Municipal Corporations Act bo amended in tho direction of giving power to municipals ties to iriakp- by-laws regulating or prohibit-! ing hawking or peddling in and upon any or all of tho' streets of tho borough,"— (Auckland,) ELECTRICAL WIREMEN. It was agreed "That in the opinion of this Conference a universal standard for tho oxamiT nation of clcetrical wiremen should he adopted throughout tho Dominion to facilitate tho issue of licenses to competent workmen by tho several local bodies, and that tho Execta tivo Committee ta)co the necessary action to give effect to this resolution,"—(Auckland.) FIVE MILES RADIUS. Devonport moved"That Section 13 Subsection 2a, Municipal Corporations Amend"lent Act, JflOG, hp amended to permit of a borough separated by a navigablo river, or harbour, being excluded "from tho. five miles radius with respect to vehicles and drivers' licenses, so that such body shall have tho solo right to issuo licenses to vehicles to ply within its boundaries." The motion was adopted. MODEL BY-LAWS. A'motion from MosgieJ and Oamaru,; that, tlje Governriient be urged ,to frame model' by-laws for tho use of municipalities., was thrown out. ' ' , LICENSING OF LAND AGENTS. Fpilding moved;—" That .councils bo empowered 'to. license and collect fees from land agents carrying on business lyjthin boroughs." A dclcgato stated *that almost all the land "agents in the Dominion were in favour of the proposal. ■, : Mr. C. Alison i.(Mayor/of-Christchurch) did not beljove that that was -tho case, lie did iiiofc pfie why land agents should bo mulcted more than other agents. • - Another delegate complained of- a tendency | fc subject everything to municipal or (State control. 1 . . . ' • -'.I'ho motion was negatived. It ivas (igreed that charges'on land for wgrk done py corporation should bo registered (for- tho protection of'purchasers), Under The JJeeds Registratign and Land Transfer Acts.—(WeJJiilgtoi),) arbitration ACT. , • A-1 motion, sent forward by Miramar and Oamaru, that local bodies bo exempt from tho. pf the' Industrial Conciliation and 'Arbitration Act, 1005, was thrown put. \ELECTRIC LINES ACT. A Napier remit was carried,, after aniend- " llicn't,: in this form: —" That, if. necessary, Jegiskition bp prometpd by,the Municipal Association tp prevent tho sale of' • electric lighting power by private' persons to private individuals boyond tho limits of tho premises on. \vhic,li t)\o power is generated without hayiiig obtaiiied tlici ,authority by tho. Electric Linos Act, 1884. jnd that,'if frosh legislation b'o . not ■ requisite for this purpose, tho Association take' steps to prevent any such infringement of the said Act." • . It was explained that the motion was intended to'apply only to bprpughs. LAND VALUATION ACT. I(j was decided; —"That tho Government Valuation of Land Act Amendment Act, 1900, ho amended so as to providq that in eases of sub-division of land after March 31, but prior to compilation of Rate Bppk, tho Valuation Department, shall, op. the application of a' local authority, supply sub-divisional valuation of such land."—(Woolston.) GOVERNMENT BILL. It was moved:—"That this Cpnforonco' strongly opposps ,tho Hospital and Charitable Institutions' Hill, which has bcbii circulated by tho; Government, on.the ground that in reducing tlip • subsidy by.lono half tho Government will bo unduly taxing the ratepayers of tho Doininion." l -|(Christchurgh, Oamaru.) The Mayor of .Christchurch said lie did not think that the" Government was in earnesti about the Bill. It was as much the business ■ of tho Government to provide charitable aid' as to provido, old ago pensions! Tho motion'wns carried. ■ \> ,* ■ BATES. . A motion" That- tho' present system of: allocating tho "levy, for, Charitable Aid pur-: poses in tho -■ "Wellington and . AVairarapa; Charitable Aid District is unsatisfactory.'': —(Lower Hutt)'lapsed for want of a mover.! Somp 15 remits, on a ,variety of .subjects, i wore referred to the Bills Sub-Committee.' ! 'i'ho Conference adjourned till 10 a.m. today, , ■
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 267, 4 August 1908, Page 4
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4,128MUNICIPAL CONGRESS Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 267, 4 August 1908, Page 4
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