OPENING DAY. , I THE LIST OF AWARDS. The twenty-sixth annual show of the Wellington Poultry, Pigeon, and Canary! Society was opened in the old Drill Hall, off Lambton Quay;; yesterday afternoon. There are 912 entries, and the show may bo counted among the successes of the ■ Socioty. The show, which", affords plenty of interesting material for all lovers of the feathored tribes, will be open daily till Saturday night. The awards are as follow:— .. .. - NORTH ISLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS. Silver Wyandottes.—John Currie. Show Homers.—Fouvel and Sons. Yorkshire Canaries.—R. Bailey. ' SPECIAL PRIZES. Poultry. ■ Judges—Mr. H. A. Shepherd, Wellington, for Old English Game; Mr. F. Dacre, Christchurch, for Orpingtons, Modern Game, Leghorns, Minorcas, Dorkinra, Plymouth Rocks; Bantams, 1 novice and, selling classes; Mr. J. Casey,..Wellington, for'other classes. .Wyandottes.—lremonger / trophy. for most points .in Wyandottes: T. R. Boyes. • : Best Old' English Cams.—W.: Coleman. . Best Black Langshans.—A. E. Hounsell. Best Leghorn Male in Show.—Austin France. 1 Best .'Male Fowl, owned by School Child. Haynes. 1 ■ ■ Best-Buff Orpington Male.—H. E. Leighton. ■ ■ - - Best Andalusian.—C.H.,Bould. . Best Black Orpington Male.—W.- A. Sowman.: • .). ■■ ■ •• Best Golden Wyandotte.—T. R. Boyes. Best Game Bantam.—R. Smith. Best Rosecomb Bantam.—Li Grenside. • Best Coldon Hamburgh.—W. G. Fern: Best Leghorn Female.—Mrs. E.. H. Holland. . Best Black Orpington Female.—A. H. Guthrie. 1 1 ' Best Old English Game Cockerel.—S. Y. Wearing.. .... Best Old.English Game Pullet.—'W. Coleman; '. i •' Bast Minorca.4-A. E. Hounsell. .Best .Buff' Orpington Female.—S. L. Rus r sell.- '-.V' ''
. tisst Silver Wyandotte Cockerel.—C. J. Frost. . : Best Silver Wyandotte Cock.—John Currio. Best Drake.—Mrs. L. Norman.. Best Duck,—Mrs..'- L. Norman. Bost Bantam.'-r-L.. Grenside. '' > Best Brahma.—A. Simpson. ■ Best Wyandotte (other than silver).—T. R. Boyes. . ■ Bast Orpington.—A'. H. Guthrio. . Best Brown Leghorn Females.—Mrs. Hollands ; ■ \ - - Best.Celden-pencilled' Hamburgh Ccckorel. -W. G.' Kern. v ' ' Best: Colden-pcncilled Hamburgh Pullet.— W. G. Fdrn. ■ Pigeons. Best Young Oriental Frill.—Daniel Murphy. Best English or African Owl or Turbit.— W. -B. M'Kenzie. ; -r. Best Young Magpio Cc.sk.—F.' Hickmott. Best Fantail. —Gardiner and Son. Ssoantl lh Championship Homer Race.—C. Haynes. • • ' Best Young- Clean-leggod, Rcd'or Yellow Tumbler.—Fraser Bros. Best 1 Show Honiar, opposite sex to champion.—ll. W. Littlejohn. ■ Bost Short-faced Tumbler and Smith." .'. /•' .'/■ , Best Long-faced Tumbior.^-C.E. SKob?'. beard.. . ' ; . ESest Show Homer.—Fouvel and-Sons.' Best; Jacobin.—Frhscr : Bros. . Magpie Spoons. Black, adult.—H. V. Fitzherhert. Black, young.—F; Hickmott. Red ;or Yellow, adult.—E. J. Fallu. . Red or Yellow, young.—F. Hickmott. Other Colour, adult.—Mr/G. Grenside. ' ; Otner Colour, young.—Mr. G. Grensido. . CAGE BIRDS. Best Ticked or Variegated Norwich Canary. —J. i. Bnce. Best Yellow Ticked or Variegated Norwich Canary.—J.T. Brice. . , Best Bufl Clear Ticked or Variegated Colcur-fed Canary.—Ci; A. Arthur. ; .Best Morviiioh Canary.—J. T. Brice.' - Best Yorkshire Canary, next to champion. '—Hamilton and Kerr. CENERAL PRIZE LIST. The following is the general prize list:— , ■ i. ; . - ■ ' Came. r Black-rcd. —Male: H. G. Vickers. 1. Female: ,M. J. Ward, 1 and 2; M. G. Vic- ■ \ers,'3. ■ • . .; .: / , . Pile.—Male: ,M.. J. Ward, 1.- Female: M. .'yard,,!; H.G;,Vickers,,2. / ■ lian.-7-Male: .E.- A. Robinson, 1. Fail. A. Robinson. • ... . . ' ; - English Black-red.—Cock. W. Colei Hen:' W. Coleman, 1. Cockerel: '■ uan, l; Agmen Smith, 2 and 3. Pul- ' ■ Coleman, 1; Agmen Smith,.2. . ■inglish Duckwing.—Male:: AV. ColeIt -, j. and special. • Female: W. Coleman, 1. • Uld English Pile.—Male: W.'Coleman, 1; Female: \\'. Coleman, 1. . Old English Spangle.—Cock: S. Y. Wearing, 1; fl. G. Vickers, 2. : Hen: E. B. ;Martin, 1; S. f Y. Wearing, 2; H.G. Vickers, 3. Cockerel: S.- Y. Wearing, 1; E. B. Martin, 2. 'Pullet: S. Y. Wearing, 1; Agmen Smith, 2; E. B. Martin, 3. ' ' Plymouth Rocks. Barred.—Cock: W.-A.: Sowman, 1. Hen: W. A. Sowman, 1. Cockerel :W. A. Sowman, , 1. Pullet; W. A. Sowman, 1. Wyandottes. Golden.—Cock:: T.'R. Boyes, 1, 2,. and 3. Hen: ,T. R;'Boyes, 1 and 2. Cockerel : T. 11. Boyes, 1 and 2;T. H. Stewart, 3. Pullot: T. It. Boyes, 1 and 2; T. H. Stewart, 3. Silver.—Cock: John Cu'rrie, special and North Island championship, 1; Ernest Elliott, 2; J. 0. .Stickling, 3; C. J. Frost, v.h.c.. Hen;: F. L. M'Gregor, 1-and 2; John Carrie, 3 and c; J. H. Gilchrist! v.h.c.; R. Wariden, h.c. and c. ■ Cockerel: C. Ji Frost, 1, 2 and special: A. Hickling, 3. Pullet: R. 0. King, 1, h.c. and c.; It.' Wanden, 2 and c.; F. L. M'Gregor, 3, v.h.c. and h.c.; A. Hickling, c.; T. J. Leighton. c. White.—Cock: T. Doig, 1; W. A. Boyes, 2; W. J. Smith, 3. Hen: W. J. Smith,-1; G. E. Fearn/,2; T. R. Boyes, 3; H. R. Vile, v.h.c. Cockerel: G. E. Fearn, 1; W. A. Boyes, 2. Pullet: T. Doig, 1; W. A. Boyes, 2; R. Smith, 3. Partridge.—Cockerel: J. 0. Suckling, 1. Silver Pencilled.—Hen: C. J: Frost, 1. Buff—Female: E. S..Harris, 1. Orpingtons. . Black. —Cock: A. H. Guthrie, 1; W. A. Bowman, 2. Hen.f A. H. Guthrie, 1 and 2; W. A.' Sowman, 3. Cockerel: W. A. Sowman,.l, 2, and special; G. Butcher, 3. Pullet: A. H. Guthrie, 1 and special; G. Butcncr, 2; W. A. Sowman, 3. ■ iuir.—Cock: H. E. Leighton, 1, 2, and Bpoj.al; J. Ferguson, 3. Heii: S. L. Russell, 1 and special; H. E. Leighton, 2 and 3. Cockerel: Austin France, 1; S. L. Russell, 2'; J. Ferguson, 3. Pullet: Austin Franco, 1 and 2; J. Ferguson, 3; J. Gordon, h.c. Brahmas. Light.—Cock: A. Simpson, 1. Hen': A. Simpson, 1 and 2. Cockerel: A. Simpson, 1. Pullet: A. Simoson 1 and 2.
Langshans. Black.—Cock: C. H. Burnett, 1. Hen: A. E. Hounsell, 1; C. H. Burnett, 2. Cockerel: Mrs. E. H. Holland, 1 and 2; C. H. Burnett, 3;-A. E. Hounsell, h.c. Pullet: Mrs. E. H. Holland, 1 and 2; C. H. Burnett, 3; A. E. Hounsell, v.h.c. Minorcas. Black.—Cock: A. E. Hounsell, 1. Hen: P. Jenson, 1; E. S. Harris, 2. Cockerel: A. E. Hounsell, 1 and special; V. J. Hill, 2; Joe Eagles, 3. Pullet: V. J. Hill, 1 and 3; E. S; Harris, 2. Leghorns. White.—Cock : Austin Franco, 1; J. Ferguson, 2. Hen: Mrs. E. H. Holland, 1, 3, and h.c.; F. Plum, 2 and c. Cockerel: Austin France, 1 and special; Mrs. E. H. Holland, 2 and 3. Pullet: Mrs.. E. H. Holland, 1 and special; Austin Franco, 2. Brown.—Cock: J. S. Hunt, 1. Hon: J. S. Hunt, 1; J. J. Thomasen, 2 and 3. Cockerel': W. Cotton, 1 and 3; W. Berry, 2. Pullet :'W. Cotton, 1; J. J. Thomasen, 2; J. S. Hunt, 3. '' '■ ... Buff.—Male: 0. D. Inman, 1. Female: V. J. Hill, 1; J. Ferguson, 2; E. S.-Harris, 3. , ■ ■ ■ •' ' ■ , • Brown Rose-comb. —Hale: A. H. Mitchell, 1; H; G. Wilton, 2 and 3. Female: A. H. Mitchell, 1 and .3; H. G. Wilton, 2. Andalusian. Blue.—Cock: C. H. 'Bould, i;. R. Bailey, 2*; ,W. Barnes, 3. Hen: C. H. Bould, 1 and special; M. Simpson, 2 and 3. Cockerel: R. Bailoy, 1 and 2., Pullet: A. S. Franco, ■1 ;W.'Barnes, 2.' Hamburgs. ■ Gold-Pencilled.—Cock, hen, cockerel, and pullet: W. G. Fearn, 1 in each class (only oxhibitor). f , Silver-Spangled—Cock: S. Y. Wearntg, 1; F. H. Blair, 2; F. S. France, 3. Hen: R. W. Howison, 1 and 3; S. Y, Wearing, 2. Cockerel: W. G. Geary, 1; R. W. Howison, 2. ' Pullet: R. W. Howison; 1 and 2. ' Black.—Cock: S. Y.- Wearing, 1. Hen: S. Y. Wearing, 1. ~ Polish. Any variety.—Female: Allan Rosburgh, 1. - Bantams. Game, black-red. —Male: H. Heap, 1. . Female: H.; Heap, 1. , Game, uuckwing.—Malo: R. Smith, 1 and -golden.—Male: Snodgrass and Stringer, 1. Female: Snodgrass and Stringer, I. : • Sebright, silver.—Male :■ Snodgrass and Stringer, 1; H. E. Airth, 2. FemaleSnodgrass and' Stringer,' liH. E. Airth,-2. , . Blaokj rosecomb.' —Gocko. Haynes, 1; R. ; M. Guthrie, 2. Hen :■ C.' Haynes," 1; H. E. Airth,. 2; Snodgrass and Stringer,. 3. Cockerel : L. Grenside, 1" and-special;. H. E. Airth, 2 and 3;. R. M. Guthrio, h.c. Pullet: H. E. Airth, 1 and 2; R. M. Guthrie,
•'•Pekin.—Male: P. Lumsden, 1; W. H. Garnham,'2. Female: P.',Lumsden, 1: Other variety.—Female: Snodgrass and Stringer, 1. ' ' ' Breeding-Pen. Ccclc and two; liens. —T. Doig,'. 1; E. S. Harris, 2; F. Bradley, 3. ' . selling classes. Game.—H. G. Vickers, 1. Oi'pingtons.—C. H. Bquld, 1.Spanish'and'Minorcas. —Ji' Severn, 1. Leghorns . or andalusians.—Male: A. Gregory, 1 and 2; B. T. Elliott, 3. Femalo: F. Plum, "1. and 2. ' ' Wyandottes—Male: C. J. Frost, 1; J. D. Iremonger, 2;' F.' Bradley";! 3.' . • . NOVICE CLASSES. • Clean-logged fowls.—Mrs. J. Hedges, 1. , AVyandottes.—Females: F. '• Bradley, 1; ,C. J. FrOSt, 2. . . Polish or Houdan.—Male': H. Gi Vickers, 1. - • Bantams.—C. F. Haynes, 1; Ray Tonks, 2. CHILDREN'S CLASSES. ■ Clean-legged fowls.—C. F. Haynes, 1; Miss D. Hedges, 2. ' . ' Bantams.—Master H.'-Iremonger. DUCKS. ■ Judge: Mr. F. Dacro (Christchurch).' Other variety than Indian runners.—Mrs. L. Norman, l'and special for, drake,, and 1 and special for duck. .■•. . PIGEONS. < . .Judges: Mr. R. S. Clark. (Wellington) for homers, Mr. D: Scrimgeour'(Wellington) for long-faced tumblers,. Mr. A. li. Guthrio (Karori) for other classes. " Pouters. Cock: W. Ahlers,, 1; H. V. Fitzherbert, 2.' Hen: W. Ahlers, 1. Pigmy pouters.—Cool:: H. S; Nicholas, 1; W, l ii. 2; H. V. Fitzherbert, 3. Hen: H. V. Fitzherbert,' 1; Macquarie and Smith, .2. . Dragoons. Blue, silver, or chequer.—Cock: D. Craig, 1; H. Coleman, 2; H. G. Vickors, 3. Hen: D. Craig, 1; H.,Coleman, 2. Young .cock: F. HickmoMJ, 1; 1). Craig, 2. Young hen: F. Hickmott, 1; D. Craig, 2. Other colour—Cock: Gardiner and Son, 1. Show Homers. Blue or black chequer—Cock: E. L. Ryder,-! and v.h.c.; Macquarie arid Smith, 2; A. Bould, 3; H. V. Macquarie, v.h.c. Hen: E. L. Ryder; 1; H. W. Littlejhon, 2. Young cook: Fauvel' and Sons, 1 and special. and championship; H. Littlejohn, 2; E. L. Ryder, 3 and v.h.c. and Smith, h.c. Young.hen: Macquarie and Smith, 1; Fauvel. and Sons, 2; B. L. Ryder, 3. Other Colour. —Cock: E. L. Ryder, 1 and .3; Macquarie and Smith, 2. Hen: H. W. Littlejohn, 1 and special; E. L. Ryder, 2 and 3. Young Cock: H. W. Littlejohn, 1; Macquarie and Smith,.2. Young Hen: Macquarie and Smith, 1. Owls. . English.—Cock: T. Bullick, 1. Hen: T. Bullick, 1. Young Hen: T. Bullick, 1. African, Black or ' Black Pied.—Cock: Gardiner Bros., 1; Gardiner and Son?, '2; H. G. Vickers, 3. Hen: W.B. M'Kenzie, 1; Gardiner and Son : , 2; Gardiner Bros., 3.' African, Blue or' Chequer;— Cock: F. J. France, I;'G. Place, 2; Gardiner Bros.! 3. . African, Other Colour. —Hen: E. J. Fallu,' 1: Gardiner Bros., 2. Young Cock: Gardiner and Son, I: G. Place, 2; W. B. M'Kenzie, 3. Young Hen: W. B. M'Kenzie, 1; E. S. Fallu, 2; Gardiner Bros, ,3. > Turblts. - Cock.—G. T. Perkins, 1; A. J. Quiii, .2, Hen: Gardiner'Bros,, 1; G. Place, 2. ,Young Cock: W. B. M'Kenzie,.!. Turbiteons. Either Sox.—F. H. Stairmand, 1. Satinettes. Either Sex. —Gardiner and Son, 1; F. H. Stairmand, 2. • ,B!ondinettos. Cook: W. Ahlers, 1. Hen: Daniel Murphy, 1: W. Ahlers, 2. Young, either sex: Daniel Murphy, 1; W. Ahlers, 2. Tumblers, Short-faced. Almond.—Cock: Macquario and Smith, 1; W. Ahlers, 2. Hen: Macquario and Smith, 1; W. Ahlers, 2. Kite.—Cock: Macquarie and Smith, 1. Hen: W. Ahlers, 1; Macquarie and Smith, 2. Other Colour. —Cock: W. Ahlers, 1; Macquarie and Smith, 2. Hen: W. Ahlers, 1; Macquario and Smith, 2. Any Colour or Variety.—Young cock:
Macquario and Smith, 1. Young hen: Macquario and Smith, 1. Tumblers,. Long-faced. Bald, black. —G. T. Perkins, 1 and 2. Board.—F; J. Franco, 2. Young bearded: Fraser Bros., 1. Wholo Colour.—Cock: Fraser Bros., 1; F. Hickmott, 2. Whole Colour: Black.—Young bird: Fraser Bros., 1. , Whole. Colour, Red. —C. E. Shepherd, 1, special and 3; H. W. Littlejolni. 2; Fraser, Bros., h.c. Young bird: Fraser Bros., 1 and special ;.H. W. Littlcjohn, 2 and h.c. j C. E. Shepheard, 3. Whole Colour, Yellow.—Young .bird: F. Hickmott, 1. > .Mottle or Rosewing.—Young bird: Fraser Bros., 1. Mottlo or Rosewing, red or yellow. —C. E. Shepheard, 1; Fraser Bros., 2.'-Young bird: Fraser Bros., 1. Whole- Colour, Black.—Fraser Bros., 1; Gardiner Bros., 2; H, V. Fitzherbert, 3. Young bird: H. V. Fitzherbert, 1. Blue or Silver. —Fraser Bros., 1: H. V. Fitzherbert, 2. Young bird: H. V. Fitzherbert, 1. Other Colour. —Fraser Bros., 1; W. Ahlers, 2; H. V. Fitzherbert, 3 and h.c. Jacobins. Either Sex.—Frner Bros., 1; F. J. France, 2. Young bird: F. Hickmott, 1 and 2. Fap.tails, White.—Cock: Gardiner and Sons, 1; ,W. H. Jones, 2. Hem: Gardiner and Sons, 1; Fauvel and Sons, 2; A. M'Carlie, 3. \ r oung cock or hein: Gardiner and Son, 1. Other Colour. —Either sex: E.' J. Fallu, 1. Nuns. Either Sex.—F. H. Stuirmand, 1; Gardiner and Son, 2.' Young bird: Gardiner and Son, 1. i Magpies, Black.—Cock: H. V. Fitzherbert, 1; M. G. Grenside, 2; Macquarie and Smith, 3. Hen:.Macquarie and Smith, 1. Young cock: F. Hickmott, 1;. N. S. Grenside, 2 and very highly commeuded; 11. V. Fitzherbert, 3. Young hen:- F.- Hickmott, 1; M. G. Grenside, 2; H. V.- Fitzherbert, .3.; ..F. H. Stairmand, very highly commended. Red or yellow.—Cock: M. G. Grenside, 1 and 2; Macquarie and Smith, 3. ■ Hen: E. J. Fallie, 1; E. L. Ryder, 2; Macquario and Smith, 3. • " . Red. —Young cock: M. G. Grenside, 1 and 3; H.. G. Yickers, 2. Young hen: M. G. Grenside, 1. ... Yellow. —Young cock: H. G.. Yickers, 1, 2, and 3. Young hen: F. Hickmott, 1; M.. G. Grenside, 2 and 3. Other colour.—Hen: M. G. Grensido, 1 and 2; H. G. Viekors, 3. Young cock: M. G. Grenside, 1; H. V. Fitzherbert, 2. Young lien: M. G. : Grenside, 1; H. Y. Fitzherbert, 2J
Cerman Beards. Either sex—W. Ahlers, 1. Young bird: W. Ahlers, 1. Cumulots. ' Either sex.—W. Ahlers, 1; S. T. Boundy, 2. Young bird: W. Ahlers, 1. Tipplers. Either sex. —W. Ahlers, 1; H. G. Vickers, 2; A. J. Quin, 3. Young bird: H. G. Vickers, 1; W. Ahlers, ,2. Archangels. Either sex. —F. H. Stairmand, 1. , ' Other Varioty. Either sex. —A. Smith, 1. . Working Homers—Tested ' Birds. 1 Flown <100 miles.—Cock: A. Clark, 1; J. J. Abrahall, 2; J. H. Clark, 3; C. Haynes, highly commended. lien: J. J. Elliott, 1; C. Haynes, 2. Flown 300 miles. —Cock: J. 3. Elliott, 1; A. Bell, 2; J. J. Abrahall, 3. Hen: F. H. Williams, 1 and 2;. H. A. Bell, 3. ' Flown 150 miles.— : Cock: Nightingdale and ißush, 1; P. W. Lr.mb, 2. Hen: J. J. Elliott, 1; C. Haynes, 2; H. A. Bell, 3. Flown 100 miles -(young birds),—Cock: J. J. Elliott, 1; J. H. Clark, ,2; E. Griffiths, 3. Hen: F. H. Williams, .1; J. J. Elliott, 2; C. Haynes, 3 and 'Very highly commended. Working Homers—No Test. Cock: P. W. Lamb, 1; J. J. Elliott; 2; 1-1. A. Bell, 3; W. Ahlers, very highly commended; W. • L.'. 'Coleman, commcndod; Nightingale and Rush, commended. Hen: Chapman-Bros., 1; J. J. Elliott, 2; P. W. Lamb, 3; H. .A. Bell, very highly commendod. Young cock: H. A. 8011, I;.J. J. Elliott, 2.;' P. W. Lamb, 3; 3.\ H. Clarke, :very highly commended; S., T. Boundy, comimended. Young hen: J. J. Elliott-', 1; .Nightingale and. Rush, 2.; H, A. Hell, 3; W. Ahlers, very highly commended; Chapman:. Bros., highly commended; S, T. Boundy, commended. ... ' : . .. Birds flown in championship race. —Either sex: .A...Clark, 1; J. J. Elliott, 2;' Ji H. Clark, 3. ; " : " .Homors' Flying Contest. Championship race, Parenga ; to Wellington, -480 miles.—W. Bailey (1330 yds. per min.), l ;.'C. Haynes (1297 yds. per min.); 2; :A. Clark (1225 yds. per: min.), 3; J. H. .Clark (1224 yds. per min.), 4. ... /Young bird race, Huntervillo to Wellington, 110 miles'.—P.' W. Lamh (1264 yds. per min.),' l; F. Williams (1211 yds. iper min.), 2;. W. Ahlers (1206 yds. per min.), 3. Selling Classes; Any variety.—Pair: G. Vickers, 1% I Single:. 11. G. Vickers, 1". Pairs Class. Any variety.—W. B. M'Kenzie, 1. Ladies' Class. Any variety.—Mrs. Fallu (silver spoon), 1; Miss Ettie Gardner (silver spoon), 2;" Mrs. M. G. Grenside,' 3. ■ , , Novice Class. Clean-legged.—Guy T. Perkins,- 1. Children's Class. Clean-legged.—Harry Coleman, 1; Guy T. Perkins, 2 and 3. r " CANARIES. ' , Judge: Mr. L. Christeson (Wellington). • Special Class. Arthur; Cup.—Daniel Murphy, 1; A. F. Fitchett, 2. Norwich. Yellow, clear. —Either sex: A. F. Fitchett, 1; J. T. Brico, 2 and 3. i Buff,' clear.—Either sex:' J. T. Brice, 1; Mrs. J. A. Stringer, 2; Daniel Murphy, 3. Yellow, ticked.—Either sex: J. T. Brice, 1; C. A. Arthur, 2; Daniel Murphy, 3. Buff, ticked.—Either sex: J." T. Brice, 1, special; and 2 ; C. A. Arthur, 3. . Yellow, . variegated.—Either sex: . .C. A. Arthur, lj'J.'T. Brice, 2; Daniel Murphy, 3. Buff, variegated.—Either sex: J. T. Brico, 1 and 2; Daniel Murphy, 3. Yellow, clear, ticked, or variegated.—Hen: Daniel Murphy, 1; J. T. Brico 2; C. A. Arthur, 3. ' Buff, clear, ticked, or variegated.—Hen: Hamilton and Kerr, 1; J. T. Brice, 2 and 3. Colour Fed Norwich. Clear yellow.—Daniel Murphy, 1 and,2; C. A. Arthur, 3. Clear buff.—J. T. Brice, 1; C. A. Arthur, 2; Daniel Murphy, 3. Yellow ticked.—J. T. Brico, 1. and' spocial; A. F. Fitchett, 2; C. A. Arthur, 3. Buff ticked.—C. A. Arthur, 1 and special; Hamilton arid Kerr, 2; J. T. Brico, 3. Yellow variegated.—J. T. Brice, 1; Daniel Murphy, 2; C. A. Arthur, 3. Buff variegated.—Daniel Murphy, 1; Hamilton and Kerr, 2; J. T. Brice, 3. Other Varieties of Norwich. Clear yellow or buff.—Light crest: Hamilton and Kerr, 1. Dark crest: Mrs. F. Fanvel, ■ 1. Ticked or lightly variegated dark .crest; Hamilton and Kerr, 1.
Yellow or buff, heavily variegated or green' dark crest.—Hamilton and Kerr, 1; C. (}. Potbcrick, 2. Crested-bred. —Clear yellow or buff: Mrs. J. A. Stringer, 1. Yellow or bull, ticked or
ligfitly variegated: Hamilton and Kerr, 1; C. G. Petherick, 2. Yellow or buff, heavily variegated: Hamilton and Kerr, 1. Yorkshire. Clear or ticked yellow.—R. Bailey, 1 and special; C. A; Niall; 2 and 3. Cloar or ticked buff.—Hamilton and Kerr, 1 and special; Robt. Hastie, 2; John T. Andrews, 3. Variegated yellow—Hamilton and Kerr, 1. Variegated buff—Mrs. A. Stringer, 1; C. A. Niall, 2; 11. Bailey, 3. Cinnamon or. variegated cinnamon—John T. Andrews, 1; R. Bailev, 2; W. E. Hastio, 3. Green buff or yellow.—P. M'Pherson, 1. Cinnamon, buff.—C. G. Petherick. Other Cage Birds. Goldfinch, mule. —Light or variegated: B. Malvel, 1. Dark: Mrs. Martin,-1, 2, and 3. Linnet. —C. G. Petheric.c, 1; A. M'Carlie, 2. Goldfinch. —Mrs. Martin, 1 and 3; G. Wilkins, 2. ... Other variety foreign or native bird. —C. G. Petherick, 1. Selling Glasses. Canary.—C. A. Arthur, 1. Any variety, yellow and buff, matched for breeding.—Limit, £2: C. A. Arthur, 1. Limit; £1 10s.: C. A. Arthur, 1. Novice Glass. Canary, yellow—E. J. Clarki, 1 and 2; C. G. Petherick, 3. Canary, buff—C. G. Petherick, 1. Childron's Class. Canary, buff. —Agnes C. Hastie, 1.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 240, 3 July 1908, Page 3
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3,074WELLINGTON POULTRY SHOW. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 240, 3 July 1908, Page 3
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