PHASES OF THE MOON. JUNE. Day. Hr. m. First quarter 7 4.25 p.m. Pull moon 15 1.25 a.m. Last quarter ... ... 21 4.56 p.m. . i New moon 29 4. l a.m, HIGH WATER. To-day, 6.27 a.m.; 6.50 p.m. To-morrow, 7.21 a.m.; 7.13 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 7.15 a.m.; sets, 4.28 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, JUNE 16. PATEENA, s.s. (6.35 a.m.), 1212 tons, Wat-' son, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Hoberts, Davis, Newton, Rutherford, Gwynne, Maizelan, Bowlin, Bilkey, Breakell, Heslin, Simpson, Mesdames Tolfer, Davis, Glover, Powell, Rutherford, Blight, Kiby, Anyon, M'Combo, Sharman, Montgomery, Kirlc, Coles, M'Phail and child, Rowe, Lieut.-Col. Loveday, ■Rev. Matthais, Dr. Eowe, Messrs. Russell, Berwin, Selth, Anderson, Moss, M'Mahon, Palmer, Patterson, Spears, M'Leary, Adams, Miller, Telfor, Gadd, Breakall, Vassell, Harding, Nichols, Lyes, Poole, Perry, Hopkins, Chadwick, Wilkinson, Cockayne, Bewes, Rutherford, Hyslop, Higgins, Barden,, Whitta, Kerr, lligby, Brown, Stoddart, Sharplin, Hamlin, Stewart, Wood, Chamberlain, Sharman, Ryder, Sutherland, Vaughan, Owen, Laws, Martin, Montgomery, M'lndoe, Norman, Hayward, Mullard, Foley, Callaway, Buck, Grimmer, Price, Fcatlierson, M'Phail, Stansell, Wickes, Trudgeon, Powell, Holmes, Piper, Pragnell, Kingsbury, Harris, W. Harris, F. Harris, Knight, Wilson, Roberts; 56 steerage. WAIKAEE, s.s. (11 a.m.), 3071 tons, Bernech, from Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers: Saloon— Misses M'Laurin, Cunningham, Whitson, Looks, Mesdames Brailsford, Holford, Newsam and infant, Miller, Brittain,. Owen, Savage, Lanalant, Messrs. M'Lean, Des Barres, Lowis, Thornton, Lyman, Bourke, Hait, Brittain, Greonhalgh, Jourdain, Spragg, Savage, Sanalant, Knox; 11 steerago. TASMAN, s.s. (IES.IO p.m.), 170 tons, Cox, from Nelson, and Motueka. STORMBIRD, s.s., 217 tons, M'lntyro, from Wariganui. i ' MANAROA, s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, put "back on account of bad weather. CORINTHIC, s.s. (2,40 p.m.), 12,231 tons, David, from London, Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. CORINNA,-s.s. (3.20 p.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Onehunga and Now Plymouth. WAIHORA;. s.s. (4.15 p.m.), 4633 tons, Rutter, from Newcastle. ( RURU, d.s. (4.20 p.m.), 65 tons, Nelson, from Napier via Coast. QUEEN Oi? THE SOUTIJ, s.s. (11.10 p.m.), 198 tons, Bagdon, from Foxton. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17. PENGUIN, s.s. (12.25 a.m.),' 824 tons, Stewart, from Picton.—7B passengers. ■ DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, JUNE If ' MANAROA, s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Motueka.' MAPOURIKA, s.s. (6.40 p.m.), 1203 tons, Kenned}-, for Nelson and West Coast. Passongers: Saloon— Ryan, Allan, Mesdames Rnt'ton, Darby, .Payne, Messrs. A. and T. Burt, Buckneli, Wilcox, M'Phee, Moss, Burlinson, Payne, Swiney, Alden, Lowis, Richworth, Hannan, Kearsc. ' WAIKAEE, s.s. (8.30 p.m.), 307 i tons, Bornech, for Lyttelton and Dunodin. Passengers: jSaloon—Misses O'Dell.-.Carr, Chapman, French, 'Stirtling; Gleoson, Harvey,'.Harlow; Marton, Freeman, Cox, Casselli, Spencer, Frame, Stewart, Humphries, Mesdames French; Bush, Plimmer, Chalmers, Julian, Freeman, Heilman, Cox, Allan, Talbogs, Messrs. Cox, Colman, Callow, Robinson, Nruso, Collins, Hageoen, Collie, Plimmer, '■ Chalmers, Julian, Victor, O'Dell, Clinton, Donniston, Bentloy, Latlian, Luke, Wallpole, Rede, Harris, Hunt, Andrews, Gilebrist, Hislop,. Poole, Haswell, Kenna, Lovy, Burgess, Farlane, Gary, King, Jenkins, Allan, Talbogs, Sto.iyart, Julius, ICnight. C EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Ivomata, Westport, June 17. Waihi, Blenheim, June 17. Opawa, Blenheim, June 17. ' , . Poherua, Southern ports, June 17. Arahura, 'West, Coast, Nelson, and .Picton, ■June 17. .' 1 ' ! • ■' .. Maori, Lyttelton, Juno 17. iTakapuna, Onehunga and New Plymouth, Juno 17. ■Ulimaroa, Sydney, Juno 17. Putiki, Wanganui, Juno ,17. Jano Douglas,, Hokitika, June 17. Aorero, Patea, June 17. Mana, Patea, Juno 17. Alexander, Westport, June 17. Torgauton, Greymouth, Juno 18. Kittawii, Greymouth, June IS. -Hinemoa, Westport and Kahurangl Polnl; I Juno 18. . ... : ■ -Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, June 18. Kennedy, Foxton, Juno 18., . ; . ■ . . Mararoa, Lyttolton, June 18. - . Moana, Dunedin and Lyttelton, June 18.' : Jlaheno, Melbourne, via South, June 19. Victoria, Sydney, via Auckland, June 19. Rotoiti, Onehunga and Now Plymouth, Juno 19. . Enuerdale, Lyttelton, June 19. , Waikare, Dunedin and Lyttelton, Juno 21. Mapourika, West Coast and Nelson, June 21. Wakanui, Napier, June 21. ' ' , ' . Tarawora, Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier, June 23. Corinna, Southern ports, Jano 24.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. . Kainona,, Westport, June 17. , 1 Koromiko, Westport, June 17. . Itahu, Napier via Coast, Jnno 17. Manaroa, Motueka, June 17. Huia, Wanganui, June 17. Con'nna, Southern ports, June 17. Queen of the South, Foslon, June 17. ■ . Stormbird, Wanganui, June 17. Wavcrley, Nelson and West Coast, June 17. Ruru, Gisborne, Ju'no 17. Takapuna, Neiv Plymouth and Onehunga, June 17. Maori, Lyttelton, Juno 17. Pateona, Pictonand Nelson, June 17. Karamea, Gisborne, June 17. Morayshire, Waitara, June. 17. Mana, Patea, Juno 17." Wakatn, Kaikoura, Juno 17. Blenheim, Blenheim, June 17. Poherua, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, June 17. ' Athenic, London, June 18. • Mararoa, Lyttelton, June 18. tllimaroa, Melbourne, via South, June 18. Moana, Sydney, via Auckland, Juno 18.Aorere, Patea, June 18. f i Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, Juno 18. Putiki, Wanganui, June 18. Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, June 18. Opawa, Blenheim, .Tune 18. Waihi, Blenheim, June 18. Maheno, Sydney, June W.Victoria, Lyttelton and Dunedin, June ID. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, June '20. Botoiti, Nelson,. New Plymouth, and Onehunga. June 21. Waikare, Nap\sr, Gisborne, and Auckland, Juno 22. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, June 23. Tarawera, Lyttelton and Dunedin, June 23., Buceros, Lyttelton and Dunedin, June 24. , INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. • MAHENO, s.s., loft Melbourne, .Tune 10, for Wellington, . via Ho'uart and Southern ports. Due Wellington Juno 19. Leavcj for Sydney direct same day. Duo Sydney June 23. VICTOIvIA, s.s., left Sydney, June 10, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington Juno 10. Leaves for Lyttelton and Dunedin samo day. ULIMAROA, s.s., loft Sydney, Juno 13, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington, Juno 17. Leaves following day for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourno, Juno 27. - ' ' ' , MAITAJ, s.s., leaves Molbourno. Juno 17, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Duo Wellington Juno 26. Leavos same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney Juno 80. WAPtEIMOO, s.s., leaves. Melbourne, June 2-t, for Wellington via Hobart and Southern ports. Duo Wellington, July 3. Leaves sama day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney, July 7. MOANA, s.s., leaves Dunedin, June IG, for Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, and Northern ports. .Arrives and leaves Wellington June IS. Due Sydney June 26. MOEItAKI. s.s., leaves Sydney, June 20, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington June 24. !-Leaves June 25 for Melbourne,;via Southern, [ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourno;Juljr i, ■
OVEnSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARUIVB. From .London. t'TOMOANA (duo Wellington about Juno 2S), sailed April 20, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. ICAIK6URA (due Wellington about July 10). left London May 6, via Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.) STAR OP AUSTRALIA (due Wellington about July 15), left London May 8, via Anntralian ports, Auckland, and Napier. RUAPEIIU (duo Wellington about July 2), sailed on May 14, Plymouth, May 16, via Capotown uud Hobart. Prom Llvercool. , CORNWALL (duo Wellington about .Tnna 24), sailed on April 11, for Australian and Now Zealand ports. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) FIFES HIRE (due Wellington about July 14), •ailed on May 2, via Australia and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) DELPHIC (duo Wellington about July 21). sailed oh May 20, via Auckland. (Sliaw-Savill, agents.) "NORFOLK (duo Wellington about August 12), sailed on Slay 30 via Australia and Auckland. •' (F.-H.-S. Line Agents). ■ From New York. BUCEROS (due Wellington about Juno 19), nailed on April 8, via Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) STAR OF NEW ZEALAND (due Wellington about June 26), sailed on April 12. for Australian and New Zealand ports. (Tjeor Linn, agents.) STEPHANOTIS (due Wellington about July' 19), sailed on. April 29, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A Line, agents.) INDRADEVI (duo Wellington about July 28). sailed on May 23, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. UENFIEI.D. four-mastod barquentino, led Liverpool. February 20. -for Wellington. MARJORY GLEN, barque, left Liverpool, May 12, for Wellington. CANTERBURY, barque, left Bunbury,' Ma) 27, for Wellington. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY. June 16. Arrived.—Moeraki (2 p.m.), ; from Wellington. . ' COASTAL. TUESDAY, JUNE 16. CAPE MARIA. Wimmera, from Auckland, passed en route to Sydney at 4.30 a.m. KAEPARA. Arrived.—St. Kilda, barquentine, from Lannceston; AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Victoria, for Southern ports. Passengers for Wellington: Saloon—Mrs. Moncrioff, Messrs. Mnncrieff, Hayes, Florenco, Thompson, Sparkes, Quee. , Sailed.—Aldoharan, barque, for Sydney. Sailed.—Star of New Zealand, for South. Sailed.—Buceros (3.15 ( p.m.), for Wellington. : ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—Rarawa (8.30 a.m.), from Now Plymouth. Sailed.—Rarawa, for New Plymouth. Passengers:'Saloon—Misses Yickers, Dawson, Connell-, Salmon, Mesdames Meadows, Sanders, Morrison, Nicholas, Williams, Gothorp and child, Mossrs. Meadows, Blakey, Merson, Beehan, Sanders, Chrystall, Riddell,, Eodgers, - Thomson, Ross, Dive, Ninliolls. Morrison, Williams, Shirley, Marler,' Finn, East, Hadley, and Col. Saunders. NEW PLYMOUTH. , Arrived.—Takapuna (3 30 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed.—Rarawa (8.45 p.m.), for Onehuriga. ' PATEA. Arrived.—Aorere (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Mana (10.45 a.m.), for Wellington. f'oxton.
Arrived. —Qneen of. tho South (9.30 a.m.). from -Wellington- ' "Td -sail.—Himitangi;(9 : ' plm:), for Wellington. 'NAPIER, .v.: '-Jy -V\. Arrived.—Tarawera (10.30 a.m.), from Welling ' PICTON. >. Sailed.-7-Penguin: (7.10 p.m.), for Wellington.GREYMOUTH. . .Arrived.—Arahura (9.30 a.m.), fromWestport.. Arrived.—Kittawa (10.30' a.m.), from'Welling-' ton. Sailed.—Torgauten (9.25 a.m.), for Wellington. ,: c ' WESTPORT. ■ Arrived.—Hinemoa | (8.10 a.m.), from the [Sounds. •' LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Mararoa (10.35 a.m.), -from Welling! ton. - _ 1 Arrived.—Papanui (9.50 a.m.), from Wellington. : - ■ • 1 •. ' ' . Arrived.—Hawea (8 a.m.), from Greymouth. Sailed.—Poherua (3.35 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed—Petone,. for Wellington. 'Sailed.—Maori (8.20 p.m.), for Wellington, with abotit IGO passenger?. Sailed.—Karamoa, for Wellington. . j. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Maheno, from Melbourne. Sailed.—Moana, for Sydney, via Northern -ports. Passenger for Wellington—Mrs. Kirby. Sailed.—Bipplo, for Northern ports. WHAKARUA ARRIVES HOME. Messrs. Bannatyne and Co. advise that the Tyser Linor Whakarua, which left the Bluff on April 26, arrived at London on Juno 6, after a creditable run of 40 days. STEAMER GERTIE AGROUND. - According to advico received from the Manawatu Heads yesterday, the steamer Gertie was ashoro in the river insido the bar. It was expected that the vessel would bo refloated on last night's tide. TEE NEW BLACKBALL COLLIER. It is reported that the new 1500 ton collier, which is being built at Home for the Blackball Coal Company, will in all probability bo called tho Ngahere. The new steamer is expected to be ready for sea in August. - TOKOMARTJ LEAVES LONDON. Cable advice received from London states that tho Shaw Savill steamer. Tokomaru left last week' for Auckland, Wellington, and the Bluff. The vessel is expected to leach Wellington about the end of July. ATHENIC FOR LONDON. The Shaw Savill steamer Athonic is to leavo' .the wharf for London at noon to-morrow. The ' vessel, which is taking about 160 passengers from New Zealand poits, will call at Monte Video and Toneriffe, en route to Plymouth. RIMUTAKA SAILS FROM PLYMOUTH. Advice received from London states that the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer R-imutaka' sailed from Plymouth or. Saturday last, for Wellington, via Capetown and Hobart. Tho vessel should make Capetown about July i, Hobart about July 24, and Wellington on' or about July 29. THE MORAYSHIRE. The Morayshire, of the Federal Houlder Shire Line, which is to sail for Waitara to-day, is to go on to Picton, Timaru, and Lyttelton, sailing finally from Lyttolton for West Coast ports of the United Kingdom, via Mouto video on June 27. CARGO BY THE PIFESHIR-E. Tho, Fcdoral Houlder Shire steamer Fifeshire, now on her way from West of England ports, is bringing 5807 tons of "cargo : for Now Zealand ports, the' Wellington . consignment totalling 18-10 tons. THE ORELLANA. The wool ship Orellana, which is being loaded by Mr. G. H. Scales, is expected to be ready to sail for London abcut June- 30. Tho - vessel is oxpccted to take 4000 bales .of wool and' about 150 casks of tallow and pelts from 'New Zealand. WAIHORA FROM NEWCASTLE. The Union Cempany' steamer Waihora arrived in tho Stream at 4.15 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and' was borlliod at the Railway Wharf just before 6 o'clock.' The vessel left Newcastle at 6 o'clock last Thursday morning, and had an uneventful run across. Her cargo consists of coal consigned to Wellington • and Lyttelton.-
PASSENGERS PROM ENGLAND.' The Federal Houlder Shire steamer Fifeshiro, due from West of England ports, da Aucsland about July 15, is bringing the following passengers for this port:—lirst saloon: Miss Elsie J?it'e, Mr. J. M'Whirter. Third-class: Misses Cunningham (3), M. Johnston, A. Russell; Mesdames Lindsay una two children, Howard, and Cunningham, and T. A. Walker, I. Antonoff, E. Harvey, .li. Cargill, J. Lindsay, A. Howarth, P. N. Dronfield, G. H. Biggs, S. Ward, J. M. Gilchrist, T. Mason, D. Crouch, H. Cunningham, H. Barker, F. W. ■ Hougton, W. E. M'Alpine, and Master Cunningham. . CHINA AND JAPAN. Nows to liamL from Sydney last week says the Japanese mail steamer Kumano Maru, now on her way down the cor,*t to. Melbourne, has no Chinese cargo on board for any port. This extraordinary condition of affairs is . due, tlio officers of tlio vessel say, to the boycott of the Japanese by the Chinese, which has extended throughout .Southern China. The German. . j steamers are benefiting', by the boycott, and the Japanese are losing over .£1,000,000 per annum. According to Hong-Kcng advices, dated April 27, the boycott has become so effective in the southern part of China that the Toyo Kisen Kaislia (Oriental Steamship. Company), has temporarily suspended its South African service, as the steamers of the line are unablo to obtain passengers and freight. THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SQUARE-RIGGED ' SHIPS. The largest square-rigged sailing ships of the different nations now. afloat ate as follow:— Preussen (German), .508 tons, 410 ft. length, 53.6 ft. beam, E£ft. depth. Brilliant (English),. 3765 tons, 362 ft. length, 49ft. beam, 30ft. depth. ; Shenandoah (America),.''B4o7 tons, 299.7 ft. length, 49.1 ft. beam, 2S.Bft. depth. '.Nord (French), 3113 tons, 382.3 ft. length, 46.5 ft. beam, 29ft. depth.'' Italia (Italy), 3109 tons, 325.2 ft- length, 47.9 ft. beam, 26.8 ft. depth. Viking (Denmark), 2952 tonß, 293.8 ft. length, 45.9 ft. beam, 26.5 ft. depth. Prince ■ Robert (Norway), . 2846 tons, 308 ft, . length, 45ft. beam, 26.8 ft. depth. Ret. de Solor (Chile), 2631 tons, 313.7 ft. length, 42.3 ft. beam, . 27.2 ft. depth. A. Bekonakoa (Uruguay), 2516 tons, 300 ft, length, 43.2 ft. beani, 26.6 ft. depth. Geesteruide G. (Holland), 2505 tons, 308.9 ft, . length, 44.8 ft. beam, 26ft. depth. Fennia. (Russia), 2262 tons, 284.2 ft. length. 42.1 ft. beam, 26ft, depth. • The largest of. all, the Preussen, has arrived at New York ,to load 200,000 . cases of oil for Japan. The Preussen was built four years ago for F.' Laeisz, 'of Hamburg, Germany, and has made the following' long distance voyages:—l9o3—Lizard'to'-Iquique, west coast of South America, 56 days; 1804—Hamburg to'Tocopilla, west coast of South America, 62 days; 1904—Iquique to English Channel, 61 days; 1908—Isle of Wight to Taltal; 59 days; . 1907—Taltal. to Hamburg, G3 days; 1907—Tocopilla to Hamburg,, G7 days. CORINTHIC, FROM LONDON. The Shaw-Savill steamer Corinthic arrived in the Stream at 2.40 yesterday afternoon, and ■was berthed at No. 1 South Queen's Wharf .at 4.15. The v.essel, which brought 3 first ; .saloon, 60 second saloon, and 357 third-class j ! passengers, • left Plymouth on May 2. Sho 'made Teneriffe on May 7, and resumed R-r •voyage the same day. Capetown was reached on May 22, and a start was made tar 11 ok i t the following day. The vessel rrrived at Ho>bart on June. 11, and sailed for Wellington on June 12, arriving as above. The pa«ago : was an enjoyable one, the passenger's teing ,ablo to spend a few' hours on shore at each port called at. Sports, concerts, etc.. enlivened proceedings, at sea. Fino weather was experienced on the run to Teneriffe, thence moderate \*.E. trades to latitude 15deg. N., and then light variable winds and calms, with heavy rain, to the Equator, where moderate to fresh. S.E. trades were picked up. and lasted until reaching latitude 20deg. S. At the' outset of the passago from the Cape' to Hobart thick' misty weather was experienced. Following this, strong S.W. to N.W. winds and heavy seas, . and frequent hail and snow storms were encountered. Southerly and south-easterly winds.' and cloudy weather then set in, and lasted until arrival at Hobart. The last stage of - the passage, from Hobart to Wellington, was .. marked by strong, to fresh westerly and southwesterly winds and heavy seas., ' The vessel brought the following passengers - in addition to,'the ' list already published:— From London: Third-class—Mr. and Mrs Parkinson. Messrs. J. and J. F. Mouat. From Teneriffe—Mr.- S. Burnett.- From Capetown— - ' Second saloon: Mr. and Mrs. R: Millar, Mr. T. Burnham. Mr., Mrs., and Miss Russell, Mrs. A.'E: Berry; third-class: Messrs. C. A. Lain?, W. Woods, B. B. Radcliffe,- C. Heeger, S. W. Doidge, A. B. Fraser. A. J. Cox, A. .T. M. Kelly, A. W. Sinclair, B. A. De Vrics, G-. H. Palmer, Mr. and' Mrs. J.' W. Moodie, Mr. and Misses (2)' Heppleston, Mrs. and Masters (2) Barnsley, Mr., Mrs., and Misses (2) Johnson. From Hobart—First saloon: Mr. P. J. and Miss V. Sladden; second saloon: Mr. A.Harris. _ ", ■ . , . Captain H. F. David has the following officers with him:—Chief, Mr. J. Thompson; first, Mr. E. Jones; second, Mr. W.- S. .Hodgson;' third, Mr. J. Foyster; fourth, Mr. S.' Hall." Mr. J. M'Gowan- is chief engineer, 'Mr. T. L. Evans purser, • and Mr. >E. N. Fere sur- -. geon. ' . ■ • V' ". .
Tho steamer Putiki was barbound at Wanganui yesterday, but is expected to arrive hers to-day. Tha Poherua has b'eon delayed in the Sonth. and is not expected to reach Wellington until to-day.. Mr.i Hautrivo, lata of the Hawea, has joined the Kaituna as second officer, in place of Mr. Barr. ' The collier Komata left Westport at ll o'clock yesterday morning, with a cargo for Lyttelton and Wellington. The steamer Buceros, due from New York via' Auckland about Friday next, has 1600 tons of cargo to land at Wellington. Mr. J. P. Stephens, a well-known engineer in' the Union Company's service, died at Part Chalmers last week from consumption. Tho Federal-Houlder-Shire steamer Cornwall, from West of England ports via Australia, is expected to 'reach Auckland from Sydney today. ■ . •. • The Corinna was lato arriving from New. Plymouth yesterday, and her departure for tha South lias been postponed until to-day in consequence. It is reported by an exchange that, the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Whakatnno will bo laid up at Port Chalmers for a time. According to advice received in Auckland, tho Australian mail liner Yeddo left San Francisco for Auckland on June. 9,. and is due about July 7. Tho Marine Department advise that tho Hinemoa was at Westport yesterday,..and was expected to leave,this morning for Wellington via Kahurangi Lighthouse. ■ Tho Union Company advise that the Kittawa is to leave Greymouth for Wellington at midday to-day. Tho Haupiri was to- sail at 10 o'clock last night, for Napier.. Mr. E. A. Malcolm, formerly of the Union' Company, is at present acting-master of tha steamer Wonga Fell, running between Newcastle, Sydney, and Melbourno. The Ennerdale is at present loading 2000 bales of wool at Bluff, Tiraaru, and Lyttelton for transhipment to tho barque Orellana. The steamer is due hero on Friday next. The gale yesterday compelled the small coasters to remain at the wharf. The Manaroa made an attempt to get out, but had to put back on account of tho heavy sea at the Heads. Mr. Mulgrtn, late chief'engineer of tho Pare-' ora, which was recently sold, has returned from Sydney, whero he left tho vessel: He will remain'in the employ of tho Blackball Coal Company. The Wakanni, of tho New Zealand Shipping Company's fleet, is duo from Napier on Sunday, ana will sail about June 27 for Waitara an(l Auckland, leaving tho northernmost .port finally on July 12. Tho Arahura arrived at Groymoutlr' at 0.30 o'clock yesterday morning, and was to leave Westport at 1 p.m., returning to Grejmouth from Westport at 9 p.m., with excursionists to tho British v. West Coast football match. Tho Union. Company's ship Dartford commenced discharging hor'cargo of coal on Saturday (says the Ciiristchurch "Press"). It is stated that tho vessel will afterwards b« decked' for a thorough overhaul, and rumour has it that she will afterwards fo to Kaipara to load timber for Australia. Tho Matatua, when she h** dissharred the residue of her carjo at Titnani, will load in Now Zealand. It is proposed to dispatch her for London early in.July.. Tho Kumara is also fixed to load in the Dominion, sailing for England at tho end of'Jnly. Another Shaw-Savill steamer,- the Waiwera, which is now under charter, will be available to load for New Zealand in September or November.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 226, 17 June 1908, Page 10
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3,333SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 226, 17 June 1908, Page 10
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