PHASES OF TITE MOON. JUNE. Day. ftr. m. First quarter 7 4.2G p.m. Full moon. 1.1 1.25 a.m. Last quarter '21 4.56 p.m. New moon 29 4. 1 a.m. HIGH WATER, To-day, 5.34 a.m.; 5.57 p.m. To-morrow, 6.27 a.m.; G. 50 p.m. ■ SUN. Sun rises to-c|ay, 7.11 a.m.; sets, 4.27 p.m. ARRIVALS. MONDAY, JUNE 15. KOROMIKO, s.s. (7.55 a.m.), 1541 lons, Clift, from Westport. MAPOURIKA, r.s. (11.30 a.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy, from Groymouth, Westport, and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Poarce, Asehman, Atkinson, Mcsdames Pearee, Davies end 3 children, O'Brien, Mosley, nr.d child, Farrelly, Captain Bruce, Messrs. Watkins, Warnes", Smith, Pearco (3), Lambert, Uddstrom, Davidson, Hoskins, Mitchell, Doyle, Vaux, Davis, Walter, Bothamley, O'Brien, Mosley, Bnckr.eli, Roadley, Evenson, Laird, Wilkins, and Risli worth; 15 steerage. KASJONA, s.s. (12.5 p.m.), 1425 tons, Lindsay, from Westport. WAKATU, s.s. (7.10 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from ICaikoura. TUESDAY, JUNE 16. . OPAWA, s.s. (12.45 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (1.20 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson. Put back on account of bad weather. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, JUNE 15. PENGUIN, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 824 tons, Slewart,' for Picton and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Grace, Flewollyn, Jeffries, Mesdames Sturman, Croll, Joffries, Redwood, Messrs. Ash, Willis, Kinniburgh, Gudgeon, Isaacs, Ramsay, Redwood, Shoar, Teffor. PAPANUI, s.s. (2.10 p.m.), 0552 tons, Wes ; ton; for Lyttelton. ARGUS, ketoli (2.f0 p.m.), for Havelock. DEFENDER, s.s. (4.30 p.m.), 100 tons, Jamieson, for Karamea. TARAWEItA, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 2003 tons, Lacey, for Napier, Gisborne, and Aucklnnd. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Wilson, Laidlaw, ltudling, Mesdamee Laidlaw and Rndling, Messrs. Wilson, Laidlaw, Richards, Georgetti, Hansard, Grey, and Spiers. MAEAROA, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 259S tons, Man-' mng, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses . Seddon, M'Lean, Grant, Hoddinott, D Arcy, Mcsdames Seddon, Matthews, M'Bride, M'Lean, Wilson, Waters, D'Arcy, Witherß, Captain M'Donald, Messrs. Withers, Smart, Bonnmgton, Barrett, Henry, Maekin, Millliassen, Matthews, Latter, Gasquoine, M'Britle, Harding, Carson, Austin, Belwortliy, Patrick, Allender, Thomas, Bagley, Stewart, D'Arcy. f PUIQKI, s.s. (10:20 p.m.),. 1444 tons, Harris, for Greymouth. BLENHEIM, s.s. (11 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. . Rum, Napier, June 16. Corinna, New Plymouth, June 16. Stormbird, Wangamii. June IG. Queen of the South, Foxton, Juno IG.. .Opawa, Blenheim, June 10. Waikare, Auckland, Gisborno, Nnnior June 16. Karamea, Lyttelton, June 16. Penguin, Nelson and Pioton, June 16. Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, June 16. Patcona, Lvttolton, June 16. Poherua, Southern ports, June 16. Komata, Westport, Juno IG., " Petone, Lyttelton, Juno 16. Wayerley, Nelson, Juno 16. Waihora, Newcastle, Juno 16. Karamea, Lyttelton, Juno IG. '' • Arahura, West Coast, Nolson, and Picton, Juno 17. Maori, Lyttelton, June 17. * Torgaulon, Groymouth, June 17. Takapuna, Ouolmuga, New Plymouth Juno 17. Ulimaroa, Sydney, Juno 17. Ennerdalo, Lyttelton, Juno 17. Putiki, Wanganui, June 17. Jane Douglas, Hokitika, Juno 17. Aorore, Patea, Juno 17. Mana, Patea, Juno 17. Aloxandor, Westport, Juno 17. Mararoa, Lyttolton, Juno 18. Moana, Duntdin and Lyttolton, June 18." Malieuo, .Melbourne,- • via South, Juno 19. Victoria, Sydney, via Auckland, June 19. Eotoiti, Onehunga and Now Plymouth, June ID. Tarawora, Auckland, Gisborne, and Napierj Juno 23.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kamona, Westport, Juno IG. Koromiko, AA'cstport, Juno 16. Kahu, Napier, via CoAst, June IG. Manaroa, Motncka, • Juno 16. Wailii, Blenheim, Juno 16. Hui.i, Wanganni, Juno 16. AVaikare, Lytlelton, Dunedin, Juno IG. Coriiina, Southern ports, Juno 16. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, June IG. Queon of tho South, Poxton, June IG. Opawa, Blenheim, Juno IG. Tasmau, Nelson and Motueka, June 16. Stormbird, Wauganui, Juno IG. Waverley, Nmson and West Coast, Juno 1C Petone, Greymouth, Juno IG. Putiki, AYaiiganui, June 17. Takapuna, Now Plymouth and Onohunga, June 17. Maori, Lyttelton, Juno 17. Patecna, Pioton and Nelson, June 17. Karamea, Gisborne, Juno 17. Morayshire, AVnitnra, June 17. Aorere, Patea, Juno 17. Mana, Patca,. Juno 17. AYakatu, Kaikoura, Juno 1". Blenheim, Blenheim, Juno 17. Polierua, Nelson and "West Coast, June 17. Athenie, London, June IS. Mararoa, Lyttclton, June 18. Kunerdalo, Bluff, Juno IS. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via South, June 18. Moana, Sydney, via Auckland, June 18. Maheno, Sydney direct, Juno 19. Victoria, Lyttclton and Dunedin, June 19. Buceros, Lyttclton and Dunedin. June 19. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, ana West Coast, Juno 20. I ' Eotoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Oneliunga, June 21. Tarawera, Lyttelton and Dunedin, Juno 23. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. STEAMERS TO AERIVE. MAHENO, s.s., loft Melbourne, Juno 10, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern (jorts. Duo Wellington June 19. Leaves for Sydney direct same day. Dub Sydney June 23. VICTOBIA, s.s., left Sydney, Juno 10, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gicborne; and Napier. Due Wellington June 19. Leaves lor Lyttelton and Dunedin same day. ULIMAROA, s.s., left Sydney, June 13, for AVollingtou direct. Duo Wellington, Juno 17. Leaves following day for Molbonrne, via Southern ports and Hobart.' Due Melbourne, June 27. MAITAI, s.s., leaves Molbonrno, Juno 17, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington June 26. Leaves samo day for Sydney direct. Due Syilnoy June 30. WAEBIMOO, s.s., leaves Mclbourno, June 24, for Wellington via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington, July 3. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydnoy, July 7. MOANA., s.s., leaves Dunedin, Juno IG, for Sydney, via Lyttclton, Wellington, and Northern ports. Arrives and leaves, Wellington Juno IS. Duo Sydney Juno 2G. MOERAKI, s.s., leaves Sydney, June 20, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington .Tune 21. Loaves June 25 for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourne July 4. OVGnSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From Lono'on. CORINTHIC (duo Wellington June 16), sailed, Plymouth on May ", via Capetown and llobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) TOMOANA (duo Wellington about Juno 2S). sailed April 20, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. KAIKOURA (duo Wellington about July 10), left London May 6, via Auckland. (N.Z. Ship-, ping Co., agents.) STAR OP AUSTRALIA (due Wellington about July 15), left London May 8, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. RUAPEHU (duo Wellington about July- 2), sailed on May 11, Plymouth, May 16, via Capotown and Hobart. From lllvercool. CORNWALL (due Wellington nkout J«n« 24), sailed, oil April 11,. for .Australian and New Zealand ports, (F.H.g. Lino, newts.'
FIFESHIRE (duo Wellington about uly 14), sailed on jMny 2, via Australia and Aackland. (F.-H-S. Line, agents.) ; DELPHIC (duo Wellington about July 21), nailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Shav-Savill, agents.) NORFOLK (duo Wellington about August 12), sailed on May 30 via Australia aid Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line Agents). From Now York. , i IiOCERQS (duo Wellington about June 20), Failed on April 8, via Auckland. (A and A. Line, agents.) STAR OF NEW ZEALAND (duo Wellington about Juno 2G), Railed on April 12, for Australian and Now Zealand ports. (Tyjer Line, agents.) STEPHANOTIS (duo Wellington alout Julj 19), Railed on April 29, via Austtalia and Auckland. (A. and A Lino, agents; INDRADEVI (due Wellington about July 23), failed on May 23, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, agents.) RAILING VESSELS TO AERICS. RENFIELD. fonr-masted barqiieniino, loft Liverpool. Fobrnary 20. for Wellington. MAE JOKY GLEN, barquo, loft Liverpool, May 12, for Wellington. CANTERBURY, barquo, loft Buulury, May' 27, for Wellington. . BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. S SYDNEY. . I Juno 15. Arrived.—Manurewa, from Kaipara. SUVA. Sailed.—Marama. COASTAL. MONDAY, JUNE 15. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Wimmera (5.45 p.m.), for Sydney. ONEHUNGA. Sailed.—Takapuna (2.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rarawa (6 a.m.), from Oneliiinga. Sailed. —Rarawa (8.50 p.m.), for Onehunga. Sailed.—Corinna (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington. WAITARA. Arrived.—"-Tamiii (8 a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. NAPIER. Sailed. —Ruru (12.30 p.m.), for Wellington. . Sailed.—Waikare (3.30 p.m.), for Sjutli. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington—Mesdameis Nowsom, Brailsford, Messrs. Lysnir, Thornton, Bonrke. 1 FOXTON. Arrived.—Qnoen of the South (9 a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. PATEA. Arrived.—Mana (10 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. ' Arrived. Penguin. (5 p.m.), from Wellington, lo sail.—Penguin (10 p.m.), for Wilson. 1 NELSON. , ' Jrrived.-Rotoiti (7.40 a.m.), from fellingSailed.—Tasman (7.15 a.m.), for, Wellington. WESTPORT. NeJson Ved '~ ArallUla <S P ' m ' from Sailed.-Arahura (8 a.m.), .for Groymouth. 1° sail.—ivoonya (9 p.m.), for Duiedin. toiton Sa ° mata 19 U-m ' ior L-vt- \ . LYTTELTON. Sailed.-Pateena (6.10 p.m.), for Wellington. — passengers. Sailed.—Amelia Sims (2.35 p.m.), for Kaipara. " Sims (2.35 p.m.), for HeroTIMARU. To sail.—Poherua, for Lyttelton. BLUFF. ' Arrived—Ennerdale, from Nelson flrvßSft» st,rife,?, 11 -' Arrived.—Vr arrimoo, from Dunedin. from Waitara. hai ed.-Wanaka, for Auckland. Sailed.—ammoo 01.30 p.m.), for Hobart. JARRAH FOR NEW ZEALAND Blull. Alter discharging her inwaru cargo at Dominion ports, the steamer Buc=ros ?s to proceed to West Australia to load arrah f ' New Zealand ports. •. A. AND A LINE. _This afternoon, the A. aDd A. Line steamer Buceros, from New York, is expected to rosume her voyago to Wellington from Auckland The vessel lias been" delayed in- Auckland, o\vlng to repairs to machinery being required. It is expeotod sho will arrive in time to comjnenco discharge cn Friday morning. ; THE WIMMERA FOR SYDNEY. A Press Association messago from Auckland states that the Wimmera, which sailed for Sydney last night, took a miscellaneous cargo from Auckland. Among the large lines are two boxes of bullion, valued at <£G(iOO, shipped by the National Bank to the Commercial Bank, Sydney; and 550 boxes of butter for South Africa, 350 ( boxes being for Capetown, and the balance for Durban. WEST COAST WEATHER."
Yesterday tho Union' Company received advice that the Greymouth Bar was ,bad, and that at 11 a.m. the Arahura and :Haupiri were outside and unable to enter. It was expected, however, that both vessels would cross the bar inwards oil last night's tide. The Koonya was fixed to sail last night for Dunedin, and the Komata. leaves Westport to-day for Lyttelton. THE PERRY. SERVICE. It is expected tlia 1 " the turbine steamer Maori will resume running in the ferry service to-day, leaving Lyttelton this evoning for Wellington. The Mararoa, instead of returning to Wellington this evening, remaius till to-mor-row, so as to fall into her old running. On arrival from Lyttclton this morning, the Pateena withdraws, and re-enters tho Wolling-ton-Picton-Nelson service, relieving the' Penguin. _ ' TOMOANA IN ROUGH WEATHER. The • Tyser Line steamer Tomoana, which left London on April 20 for New Zealand, via Australia, is expected to arrivo at Wellington about June 2S. The "Sydney Commercial News" says that Captain Linklater, who is still in command of the Tomoana, reports very bad weather prevailed during the first portion of the. voyage, particularly in the longitude of the Capo of Good Hope. Tho wind occasionally developed • hurricane vigour, and tho seas rose to a great height, but although tho ship was flung about a good deal, neither sho nor her crew suffered any illeffects. Later on the storm changed round to the eastward, culminating in a series of blinding blizzards off Cape Leeuwin, which completely obscured' surroundings. Tho temperature was also very cold, and the-situation generally proved trying in tho extreme. NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY; APPROXIMATE TIME-TABLE. Paparoa—Now at AVaitara; leaves Lyttclton for London about June 20. Papanui—Now at Lyttelton; leaves there for London about July 4. AYatamui—Now at Napier; leaves Auckland for London about July -1. AVhakatane—•Now at Port Chalmers. Opawa—Now at Bluff. Kaikoura—-Left London May 6; duo Auckland about Juno 25. Kuapehu—Left London May 1G; due Wellington about July 1. AVaimate—Left London June 3; due Dunedin about July 25. Eimutaka—Left Loudon June 13; duo AVellington about July 29. Kaipara—To leavo London about July 4; due Auckland about August 23. Tongariro—To leavo London about July 11; due AVellington about. August 2G. Turakina—To leave London about August 8; duo AVellington about September 23.'
UNION COMPANY'S CARGO PLEET. The approximate movements of tho Union Company's cargo steamers for this week are as follow:— Apariiua—Duo Calcutta June 24. AVaitomata—Diio Promantle June 18, thence Bunbury, New Zealand, via Bluff. _ AVaihora—Left Newcastle June 11 for AA'ollington and Lyttelton. AVairuna—Loading at Nowcastlo for Fiji. AVhangape--To leave Dunedin June 15 for Newcastle. Koromiko—Loads AVestport for AA'ellington, Tiinaru, and Dunodiu. . ■ AVanaka—Leaves Tiinaru about June 1G for Nortfc- '
Ralcanoa—Loading Newcastle for Bluff, Dunedin, and Oamaru. Knitangal.'i—Port Chalmers. Knitimn—Discharging timber at. Lyttelton. Waipori—Discharging coal Napier. Komata—Loads Westport June 20 for Auckland. ®Kaiapoi—Loading for Melbourne. Hawea—Left Greymouth June 13 for Lyttelton. Taieri—En route to Huori and Melbourne. Pukaki—Greymouth-Lyttclton. Kamona—Westport-Wellington. Kini—Leaves Greymouth June 16 for Lyttelton. Kotuku—Loads Westport and GreymoutU June IB for Lyttelton and Tiniaru. luttawa—Greymouth-Wellington. Rosamond—Leaves Greymouth June 15 for New Plymouth and Onehunga. Ottorburn—J3a route to Newcastle; returns New Zealand. ■, The auxiliary scow Echo arrived from Karamea on Sunday, with a full cargo of timber for dischargo at Wellington. Yesterday the Defender returned to Karamea to load a further cargo of timber for Wellinton. Captain Bruce, formerly master of soveral of the Anchor Line steamers, arrived from Nelson by the Mapourika yesterday. He is to take the Moturoa across to Nelson as soon as the weather is favourable. Captain Dixon, late of the steamer Mana, is to proceed to England by the Athenic, which leaves Wellington on Thursday, for the purpose of bringing out the Arapawa, the now vessel being bnilt for the Patea trade. Captain Corby has rejoined the Mana.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 225, 16 June 1908, Page 10
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2,104SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 225, 16 June 1908, Page 10
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