AUCKLAND RACINC CLUB'S WINTER MEETING. GREAT NORTHERN STEEPLECHASE WON BY LOCfl FYNE. i (by TELEGHArn—ritr.BS association.) Auokltndi Juno 3. Favoured by a fine afternoon and tho day being a public holiday, the Auckland Racing Club brought off tho second day's racing is tho presonco of a, largo crowd. The racing was brimful of interest, and no serious accident occurred to mar the pleasure. His Excollciicy the Governor atid suite were present. 'In the Great' Northern Steeplechase Inniskillen and Mahoe fell, the former, breaking his back, but neithor of the riders was hurt. Totalisator investments for the day-amounted to £11,001. Twenty-eight bookmakers were laying tho odds. The following are tho results:— ORAKEI HURDLES, of 110 savs. Ono mil# and three-quarters. ■ Mr. G. C. M'Don,ild's ch. g. Franklin, \ agod,- by Lcolaiitis—Coryphoe, 9st. 31b. ...(Coleman) 1 Mr.'D. Lou-rio's b. g;' Tui, aged, lOst. 101b. (.M'Connon) 2 Mr. J. Hannon's ch. m. Miss Crespin. aged, Ost. 51b.. .......(Young) 3 Also started: Pearl Necklet) 9st, 51b. (Hickton); Carlylo, Ost. (Towers);' San Paulo,-9st. (Soott). ! At the third hurdlo Franklin made a faulty jump, and nearly lost his rider ; Ho was, however, level with Miss Ctespin in tho lead at tho stand, and assumed command at obstacle. Tui ran Up sccond at the cutting, Wit Franklin was lievor afterfrards troubled, winning at tho finish by three lengths, a length between second and third. Time, 3min. SO 2-Sseo.. ■ RANFURLY WELTER HANDICAP, of 100 ! ; sovs. Ono milo. •Mf.-.D. M'Kinnon's b. g. Cyirtri, 4yrs., by ' Cyrenian—Agarte, . 9st. ....'..(Webster) 1 Mr. J. M'Nicol's oh. g. Mark Time, syrs., 9st. olb.. i...........(Ryan) 2 Mr. W. C.-Ring's b. g. HaO'remai, Gyrs,. \ ; lOst. 'lib. (Whittaker) 3
... Also started: Ahci," 10st. 31b. ; (Davis); Royal Sbult, 9st. 111b. (Jones) ;. Epsom Lass, 9st. 101b.. ..(Hickton), Inaha, . 9st. 81b. (Spratt) ; Trephine, 9st. 61b. (Brady); Explosive, 9st. 31b. (Cress)j Waiotahi, 9s't. lib. (Young); Catastropho/9st. (M'Millan) ; Escamillo, 9st. (Towers); Kotiti, 9st. (Julian), Luros, 9st. .(Chaafe), Waiotahi was first' away,- followed by In(tha and Cymric. Tho lattor, however, was In front at the. end of a furlong, whilst Mark Time had gono up into seeond place. This pair stowed the way over the remainder of the journey; aiidCj'mri, stalling off a challenge from Mark Time, won by three lengths. Haerem*i i r»s two lengths further back. Time, Irain. .47sen.-. , " GREAT NORTHERN STEEPLECHASE, of : . 850 ' sots/; second 150 sots.; third 75 . sovs from, stake. About three miles and a half. Mr. C.'Tirade's b. g. Loch Fyno, aged, by : Loch Ness—Pikau,-lOst. 21b/(Julian) 1 Mr. W. Morgan's br.' g. Sol, aged, by . Soult—Lorelei, 12st. 51b. (W. Wilson) 2 Mr.-R.'M'Miken's b'.-fi.'Le Beau, aged, - by 9st, 131b. .' . (Towers) 3 Also started: Kaitero, 13st. lib, (Johnson): N T ad&dor, lOst. 111b. (0 Cohnell); Inniskillen, lOst. 91b. (Young); Kapaltapa, lOst. 101b. (M'Contion); • Mahoe. 9st. 131b.: (Cochrane) Bullworth, 9st. 91b. (Burns).; Pierre, 9st. 81b, (Dceble). ■ • 1 Inniskillen jiifriped Oft first, and led over the first hurdle, two lengths out from'- Le Beau,. Bnllwdrtlr'and Nndador next. Loch Fyne /was .fourth at the,->post' ! ahdvrails, sev-. eral lengths .behind tho.~fiold,.and Sol w;as last, i Li therinin dosri : i;tho..lhilliii.\6i-'thpup'od - wall Inniskillon- and< Mahoe. came" to grief, and the former broke, his. tack. -This left Le Beau fifteen .lengths rto tho good of 'Loch Fyne. at the- old water, jump; '• . Tho latter dosed up a bit along tho back, and was within lengths of Lo'-Beau as' ,thoy. ascended, the hill the;, second time, Sol still bqing last. . Loch Fyno was in tne lead at the post and rails, and. showed the way down the hill, the second time, two lengths |in advance of Le Beau. The leader'was four lengths out at tho double. Hero Sol commenced to improvo his position, and was ■in third place, ten lengths behind. Loch Fyne: held his own. over the remainder of tho journey, and though. Sol made a game effort ho could not catch the winner, who passed the post .two lengths to tho good, Le Beau three lengths further away, ■ Pierre next, and Kapakapi last. Time, Bmin, 23soc. .; ... . . : 'V Tho following, table shows previous winnors of the race ■ st. lb. m. sec. 1885 W. Proffitt's Macaroni ...... 12 0 919 1886 Duder Bros.' Belle ........ 11 2 . 9 20. 1887 D. Malottey's Silvio ~11 2 9 8 1888 W. H. Keith's Allegro .9 0 844 1889 J.'Kean's Don 9,0.. 8 54 1890 W. : Barnard's Jenny 10 0 855 1891 J. Maitland's Parnell ...... 911 9165 1892 J. B. Williamson's Shillelagh 10 0 Bit 18S3 J. Wyley's Despised 9 7 ' 9 56J 1891 K. Bourke's Bombardier '~. 9 8 9 2 .1895 P. Butler's Liberator 11 12 857 189 G.J. Rae's Levanter ..: „.. .10 0 8 57. 1897 C. Archibald's Levantor ... 12 1 ,8 57 1898 F. Watson's Muscatel 9 3 . 822 1899 F. Watson's Dmmny 1111 834 11)00 F.'B. Ross's Veltigeur 11... 9 9 9 5 2-5 1901 Mrs. A. Ellingham's Jloifa. 10113 8 194-5 1002 J. H. Prosser's The Guard 12 2 834 IDO3 M'Mnnerain and Davies's - •
Haydn 11 G D 1 ',1904 W. Morgan's. Moccasin 10 0 8 35. 1905 S. Darragh's. Kaitere H 0 826 190 G.W. C. Morgan's Sol ......... 11 3 8 173-5 '1007 S. Darragh s Kaitoro 1..... 12 13 818 REMTJERA HURDLE RACE', of 200 sovs. Two miles. Mr, W, Douglas's b. m.'Lady Huno, aged, by Cuirassior—Huno, lOst. 91b. • r (Cress) . 1 Mr. J..H. Howo's blk. g. Crbusot, aged, ' lOst. 21b. (M'Conno-i) 2 Mr. D. WilsonV b. g. Showman, aged, 9st. 111b ............i.... (Pin®) 3. 'Also started: Cuiragno, list., lib. (Juli-in); Dolores,; 30st. 81b. (W. Wilson); Hnutapu, lOst. (Brady); Omati, 9st. 01b. (W. O'Conn6ll); Landlock, N 9st, 111). (Hiekton). Lady Huno went into the lead at the sevonth hurdle, and won at tho finish by two lengths. Creuisot three lengths in front of Showman. Lafldleck lost his rider at the third hurdle. Time, 3min. 55scc. PRINCE OF WALES'S HANDICAP, of 325 • ' . sovs. Seven furlongs. Mr. C. Weal's blk. g. Haldano, 3yrs., by ' Hotchkiss—Mantle, 9st. 71b. (Cross) 1 Mr. D. Stewart's b. g. Scotty. aged, lOst. 101b. ..... (Ryan) 2 ■ MessrS. R. and R. Duder's b. g. Tui ' Cakobau, Gyrs., lOst.; lib. (Ackroyd) 3 Also started: Miss Winnie, lOst. llli), (Brady) j'Dolegato; lOst. I.olb. (Porter); Celtic, lOst. 61b. (Young); Lconator, lOst. 51b. (Whittaker); Loch Buhio, lOst. Gib. (Towers); Foremost, lOst. 21b. (Brown); Certainty, 9st. 121b. (Julian); Thmainupo, 9st. 71b. (Buchanan) ;' Maharaiiui, ■ 9st. 31b. (Cochrane); Belario, 9st. 21b. (Oliver); Vasa, 9st (Cairns); Recreation, 9st. (Sceats). Foromost and ' Tamninupo'- \Vero fii-st to break the line, and as tho fiold raced across tho top tho lattor was showing the v/ay to Miss Winnie. Haldano lioro shot up, and to and Tauiaimipo were tho first to turn for homo. Stalling off a dotorminqd cbullengo from Scotty, Haldano won by a length and a half, two lengths between second and third. Timo, lmili. 33sec. TALLY-HO STEEPLECHASE, of 160 sovs. ■ About tliroo niilos. Mr. H. Munn's b. in. Cinque, ngod, by ■ Saracen —Daudine, lOst. 71b. (Barron) 1 Miss T. Daly's b. m. Lady Lanta, aged, Oat. Sib. (W. Raynor) 2 Mr. J. B. Williamson's b. g. Matak'okiri, aged, Dst. 71b, (Towers) 3 The only starters. Matakokiri carao down at the firßt fence. Tho last timo down the hill Lady Lanta was in command, but Cinque had too much pac« on tho flat, and catching her opponent won comfortably by four lengths. Time, 6min, 48sec.
JUMPERS' FLAT RACE, of 150 sovs'. Ono milo and a half. Mr. N. Bank's ch. m. Uranium, aged, by Loolantis—Brownie, lOst. 131b. (Brady) 1 Mr. M. Mnnton's b. g. Shrapnel, aged, list. 31b (Young) 2 Mr. G. C. M'Donald's ch.g. Franklin. aged, 9st. lib (Coleman) 3 The only starters. TJranium drew away at the seven furlong post, and was not afterwards headed. Shrapnel just heat Franklin for second placo. Time, 2min. 47 l-sseo. WEIGHTS FOR THIRD DAY. The following aro tho weights for the third day's races of the Auckland Racing Club's meeting:— CAMPBELL HURDLES —Paritutu, list. 101b.; Shrapnel, list. 71b.; Lady Hune, list. 51b.; Cuiragno, lOst. 121b,;, "Waipu, lOst. 121b.; Swagsnian, lOst. 111b.; Sol, lOst. 61b.; Dolores, lOst. 41b.; Lo Beau, lOst. 31b.; Banana, 9st. 121b.; Showman, 9st. 121b. ; Hscntapu, Oat. 111b.; Cavaliero, Ost. 101b.; Omati, 9st. 41b.; Noteorini, Ost. 41b.; Montigo, 9st. 21b.; Tni, 9st.; Landlock, 9st.; Lady Kegel, Sot.; Pukenui, 9st.; English, 9st. WINTER STEEPLES—Kaitcro, 12st. 121b.; Sol, 12st. Olb,; Loch'Fyne, list, lib.; Silica, lOst. 91b.; Nadador, lOst, Sib.; Irish, lOst. 81b.; Lady Hunc, lOst. olb.; Ranana, lOst. 51b.; Swagsman, lOst. 31b.; Dolores, lOst. 21b.; Creusot, lOst. 21b.; Rangitoto, 9st. 121b.; Cavaliero, 9st. 121b.; Cinque, 9st. 121b.; Kapakapa, l Ost. 10lb.; Bullworth, 9st. 71b.-; Piorro, Ost. 71b,; Matakokiri, Ost.' 71b. ':
: TAMAKI STEEPLECHASE.—Lady Huns, list. 31b.; Hautapu, lOst. 01b.; Te Kainui; lOst. 21b.; Lady Lflnta, 9st. 111b.; Wnihekail, 9st. 71b.; Tanglefoot, Ost. 71b.; Matakokiri, Dst. 71b.; Royal Shot,' 9st. 71b. YORK WTELTER.—Uranium, list. 21b.; Veronica, list. lib.; Scotty, lOst. 131b,; Ranpara, lOst. 91b. ; Delogate, lOst. Gib.; Celtic, lOst. 21b,; Leonator, lOst. lib.; Hald«7io, lOst. lib.; Devonport, lOst. lib.; Tui Cakobau,. lOst. ; • Foremost, 9st. 131b.; Te Aroha, 9st.' Olb.; Certainty, 9st. 81b.; Ikon, 9st. 51b.; Moscow, 9st. 41b.; Tamainiipo, Ost. 31b.; Cymri, 9st. 31b.; Marangai, Ost. 31b.; Fashionable, 9st. 21b.; MahenOj Ost. lib.; Maharanui, 9st;; Belftrio, 9st.;' Niootino, Ost.; Tartan. Ost.: Sir Rupert,' Ost.; Franklin, Ost;; Soult,Maid, Ost.; Recrbation, 9st. ;; FAREWELL HANDICAP.—Miss Winnie, lOst. 81b.'; Haldano,' lOst. 31b.; Lobh Buhio, lOst. 21b.; Devonport, i lOst. 21b.; Foremost, lOst.; Wauchope, lOst.; Lucio, Ost. 61b.; Tamamupo, Ost. 51b.; Black and Gold, 9st. 41b.; Dua'rt, 9st. 41b.; , Mighty Atom,, 9st. 31b.; Loonganii, Ost. 21b. ; x Lady Francis, Ost. 21b.; Boh Blair, 9st. lib.; Im-, mnmtiSj 9st. lib.; Vasa, Ost.; Inaha, Ost.; Ffederick, 9st.;.' Gnidwife,' 9st.; Waihou, Ost.; Fidelis, 9st.; Ehprarer, Ost.; Bagatelle, 9at.; Sari' Paulo, 9st. FlTZßOY,—Watichopo, lOst.' 131b.; Doggor Bank, lOst. 21b.; Imprimus, 9st. 121b. j Cymri, Ost. 121b,; Ah«i, Ost, '111b,; Octoroon, fist. 111b.; Mark Time, Ost. 101b.; 'Royal Sotilt,. Ost. 81b.; Nicotine, Ost, 81b.; lnaha, Ost. 61b.; Epsom Lass, Oat. 61b.: VaSa,.,9sfc. 61b.;, Hiknai, 9st. 61b.; Pearl Nccklet, 9st. 31b;; Trephine, 9st. 21b.; Rosavere, Ost. 21b.; Frontino, Ost.: 21b. r Azoff, Osti 21h.; Lord Crispin, 1 9st. lib.; Waiotshi, ?st.; Welti on, Ost.; iPnhipuhi, 9st.; Alfalfa, Ost.; Sir Rupert, Dst.; Noy,, Ost.; Fremantlfl, Ost.; Misil Pauline, 9st.; Eseamillo, 9st.; • Waihoilioi; Ost. ; FideliS; Ost.; Explosive, 9st.; Paulporia; Ost.; Dainty,: Ost.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 21, 4 June 1908, Page 9
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