RACING FIXTURES. . May 13 and % 14.—Ashburton County R.C. ■ Autumn. •' r. : ■ - .... .May 13 and 14.—Egmont R.C. Winter. . ""May 23 and 25.—Wanganui J.C. - Winter. • May .23 and ;25. —Takapuna . J.C. Winter Meeting. May. 23 and 25. —North Ot-ago J.C.. Winter. May 30, June 3 and 6.—A.R.C. Steeplechase f Meeting. ;.- June 3 and 4.—Otaki Maori R.C. Wintor. i June 3 and 4. —Duncdin- J.C. Winter.
1 Steeples.—Tho Groat Northern Steeplechase is run .on June 3, the second day of tho meeting.
. ' . [Br GIENCOE.'I On Wednesday,, racing takes-place at Ashburton and Ilawera. ; A large number of--horses..-arrived, frqm Picton on Saturday morning; and wore radedhome. Oblivion, Strathcona,-;PlatjT)us, Lil- v cretius," aAd Memo Rose were , sent to the - Wairarapa, ■ and -Whetumarama, - Investment, •: Fretwork,- and Watershed j went ivia .the Mau- ; awatu line. . ; ■ .. . W. Higgins has been engaged lo ride, Fretwork in jiimping events at, the W^anganui ■ winter meeting. . ■ - The chestnut, gelding Sir Artegal arrived - from', ! Lj-tteltoiV on j Saturday/ morning and . went* on to Masterton,-where ho will bo quartered during the; wintermonths. - -! The.Porirua candidates, Playmate - and , liiku,- aje not among, the acceptors -for,-; ,tho ' jumping events at Auckland. .-. • , \ Mr. J. H. Pollock returned from tho Waimato Plains trotting meeting on Friday. -The Hawko's Bav sportsman, Mr. T. E. ' Crosse, leaves for. a trip to ,tho.Old Country ' on -Friday week. ' - Says - a. . Melbourne paper :-r". Mr. ■ Ted • Kelly was .amone; those Betting at the Aus- ; tralian. Jockey - Club's ■ meetuig. . To. ibst ■ the. ■ four davs he would have to/pay tho full fee of £75." This -joertainly'--makes it appear .*;;; that; the' Commonwealth : bookmakers,- T do'; not ■ consider tho 'annual foo an exorbitant'one':-* ' Mr; 1 J: E. -Henrys arrived from; Hastings on Saturday nigHt.;;:.iHe" leaves ,for„ the Asli- ' r burton : meeting jby the Maori this .evening., For his win at the Hawko's Bay meeting ■ Waipu has -incurred a 51b. penalty m tho Great Northern Hurdles.- ■ Winning jockeys at the Hawko's Bay meet-- : - ing were L.'Wilson three, E.'Lowe and 11. : Prico two each, C. O'Neill,. W. Wood, J. ' Hall,' Jno. O'Connell, -F. Davis, T. Jones, ; — F.-D.- Jones, A. Rae, A. Oliver one each. Thoro aro some speedy hacks engaged in the Telegraph Handicap,. fivo furlongs, at Hawera on Wednesday. . Among them are Supplement, 9st. ;■ Inaha, -Bst.-121b.; Lothair, Bst. 31b. ; Turquet, Bst. ; and Gojden-Dream;; 7st. 111b. Lothair and'Turquet showed good . form at Dannenrke;.and Golden Dream.'is the St. : Clements . filly that created such.; a} ■ good impression at Manaia,last month. - To Kamui is entered for tho-liurdle .events '. at both ■ the Wanganui and Takapuna meet- . ings. He has beon nominated for stecplcchaso • events at Kllerslie. • - j- , ■ Winning jockeys at the Marlborough Rac- .- ing Club's meeting were T. Pntchard three, . • R. Hatch two, H. Cairns, W. Ryan, 11. Tel- . ford, H. Gilletfc, S. Reid, W. Price, T. Carroll, C. Cress,; and -J.- Tapp, one each.' r.*" Mr. I. ,G. Duncan returned from 'Hastings;on Saturday night. At-the dispersal sale of' the Longlands Stud, Mr. Duncan purchased the : brood mare-.Bluewater,. byij St.: . Loger-rSapphire. <• Bluowater is the-dam of the ■ defpnet Subterranean, and a half-sister to Blupfire, dam-'of Cuneiform. ■: . ' ; : '■ / Anemone claims two engagements ,at . Hawera; on "Wednesday.. Sho is ongaged >in :■ the;Hawera Cup'with 7st. 91b., aira.m tho - Waihi Welter with 9st; Should she not start in tho Cup tho field will be reduced'to six,' ■ all second-raters * J ' Aorangi has paid up'for the Great NorI them Hurdles, and.his istablomatesfVasa and 1 ■Moscow are;' the welters. I 110- . tice the' Grafton maro Alfalfa has also been entorod for. some; of. the flat .races.vat the. Auckland meeting; - She lis said to be, doing satisfactory, track ;work at' Hawera.;,' •)
TAHUNA PARK 1 TROTTING CLUB, v ... ■>. (BY 'telegeaph.— rnESS ASSOCIATION.)-V.- ' , 1 Dunotlln; May 9 ■ ,Tho second day of the winter(meeting-of-the Tahnna , Park Trottine;; Club was held to-day. The .weather was-fine until tho last race was reached when a downpour 3et in. . Tho track was very heavy.- Tho totalisator investments. for. the day were £4246, an mcreaso of £261 10s. on last year. Tho 'in-' crease for the two (lays was" £1202 10s.'-Tho ■ . following are:the results:—. a |
RANI-'URLY PONY HANDICAP One mile and a half.—Vixen, 24sec., 1; Punch, ~! , 155ec.,.2; Aquinas, lOsec., 3. • Albo started:- / - Major Tajior,> scr.; Nirarod, Msec.; Georgie G., 22 sec.; ■ Dayshift, 22sec.; Neglected,' 24sec. Won by six lengths. Time, .drain. 29sec. v- ~'f ADVANCE HANDICAP Two. miles.— ■ ' Bermalme, 18sec., 1; Miss 24sec.,_ -2; Separator^-.'Msec.,' 3. . Also started: Bell-' ■ wind, scr.Romney, scr.; Tory, ' 14sec.; . Master -Patchem, 14seo. ;.«• Happy. Moments, - 17sec.; , Merry Bov, 22sec.; I2CL', 24sec.; Clarewood, 24sec. Won by a length.:, Timo, -. Smin. 37 3-ssec. ■■■■-. v • OTAGO HANDICAP.- Two miles.—lma . . D., - 9seei, 1;' Esma, scr. ,' 2 • Timothy, 13sec., .3. Also started: ;Cas'ejy : 13sec. ; • Puzzle, . 13scc. Won easily by eight-lengths. ■ Timo, . smm. 28 1-osec. . ~ PENINSULA HANDICAP. Two miles - Separator,-: 1750 c., 1; Receiver, *lsec-V2 j' .Vera. Daplin,: Bsec., 3. i.Alsp started:' Hin- ■ -doo/icf. ; ■ Bellwind,' 3sec. ► ' "Major • Taylor, 3sec/; Teddy,' 3sec.; • Joe L., -Ssec:; Pitch Dark, 9sec.';. Harold's iChilde,', 9sec. |, ::Im'-, agination," 13sec. ; • General -Babington, ITsec: 1 ; • : .-.Wairakauj 2osec. Ardlocha'n,'):27sec;,j ; ''Nl'mrod, 27sec. VWon. easily; ',' Time, smin; ; S9SOC. ■■■■■:•;>. /V.'. : 'I : WINTER .OATS HANDICAP. One mile , and .a half.—Prince Randlo;-''Bsec:, 'l; Lady 1 ,' . '.Linton, 9sec., : -2;First Pit-,- ,Bsec.i-. ; 3. ; , Also ; started: Wilkie,- scr.; Bellboy li.,* 3sec. .Won by ovor three.lengths.; ;. Time; '4min, llscc'^! ; SECOND AMATEUR HANDICAP. Two miles— Airedale, 24sec., l;, Timothy,, scr., 2; Lady CricMton, 32sec., 3. Also started: Joe L., 15sec.,; Norma, 18sec.; Blomfontein, 2250 c.; Mine Yet, 24sec.; Wairakau,.' 30sec. ;■ . Cedarwood,' 32sec:; Miss Agnew, 32sec.; Mechanic, 35sec. Yi'on by two lengths. Timo, 6min. oOsec. ' •- FAREWELL -HANDICAP. ' One mile.- ■ Mantle; 13sec., 1; Young: Stanley, 4sec., 2; Tho'Pigeon, scr.-, 3. Also* started: Walnut, Isec.'; Viceroy, 2sec.; WaTrigo G., 6sec.; • ■ Motorist,-7sec.; Explanation, 7sec.; Casey, Bsec.; General Pet, Usee.; 801 l bird, llsec.; ■ Teddy,. 12sec,; • The Gallant, *145c0.; Vera !.- Daplin,* IJsec.; Swift, 14sec. ; Lady Vancleve, 14sec. Won by a length and a half. Timo, 2min. 45sec. , . .
(BY TEWMJBAPH—FRBM ASSOCIATION) : , '. . . ■ . Wanganui, May 9. Tho following woights have been declared Vy Mr. Goorgo Morso for tho. Wanganui Jockey Club's winter mofcing:—V WANGANUI STEEPLECHASE. About ihree rnilos—Naclaclor, 1i5t.,.31b.;• Eurus, LOst. 131b.; lady Huno,: lOst. ■ 81b.; Rangi>oto, lOst. Gib.; Kaipotipeti; Pawa, and-Ro-many King, lOst. 3lb. ;" Lull," lOst, 21b., Faro, lOsfc. lib.; Fretwork, 9st. 131b.: Playv mate, Ost. 91b.; Tilson and Canton, 9si> 81b;; Arahura, Mudgec, and Cloudy • Morn, 93t. 71b. MAY HURDLES. About ono mile'and Mireo-quartors.—-Black Rtfynard, list. 131b. ;. Gold Dust, list. 111b.; Lady Hune, lOst. 101b.; Capulet, lOst. 91b.; Asteroid, lOst. 81b.; : Showman, lOst. 41b. ;,Te Kainui and Immolation, lOst. -21b.; Aeolus and PaT^a,
lOst.; Repulse, 9st. ' 111b.; Prospector and Playmate, 9st. 81b.; Commander, 9st. 41b.; Bagatello, 9st. CENT About two miles and a -distance.—Plritrctu, list. 121b.; Gold Dust,.-,llst. j ;81b.;,.. Lady Huno, lOst. 91b.; Capulet, lOst'.' 71b.; Asteroid , and Mahoe, ■lOst. 61b.; Showman;'lpst. lib; Aeolus, Pawa, and Pretty Maid, 9sfc. 121b.; Waipu, 9st. 91b.; 71b.; Playmate, 9st. 61b.; The Stake, 9st. 51b.; Defeat, 9st. 21b. ; Compass, 9st. lib.; Bagatelle and Mount Cook, 9st. - . ■ • . ■ ~ BORQUGH;HANDICAP. Six furlongsDusky Morn, 9st. Gib.; .Motoa, , 9st. 31b.; King''BillJ'f"Bst. 'Sib. ; Ballarat, Bst. 61b.; Martello,' Bst.. 41b.; Irish Rifle, Bst. lib.; Tuataki and Martvrium, 7st. ,121b.; Moriarty," 7st. 111b.;. Toa Tuhi, 75t.1101b.;-White;.Lie, '7st'/ 81b.';' W'dbdhdy*, 7st. 71b.; Dear Dolly, 7st.. 51b.; Kiirawaka, 7st. oil).; Erl King, 7st.-' 41b,; Probability,'7st: 31b.; ICaroroa, 7st.'; Little' 1 Mary', 1 6st. 121b.; ..Gleam and Miss Vera 6st. 71b. -■ CONNOLLY;- HANDICAP. Ono mile and a "distance.—Marguerite, 9st.;. Maniapoto, Bst. 111b.; Bourrasque, Bst. 91b.; Waitapu, Bst. 91b.; Grand Slam,.. Bst. 71b.; Dusky Morn;. Bst. '51b;';f.Uhla.hdo, Bst. 41b.; King Billy;'8st: lfi>lf;nSigho£;?7st'. 121b.; Kniroma, 7st;.lolbi;.W)iit6 LroivVSt. 61b. ;'Loiret,i Swimming Belt, and Ballarat, 7st. 51b.; Woodbey, 7st. 31b.; Ikon, 75t..21b.; Dear Dolly and Kitchen C-.Maidy 7stJ;'-i j Carissima,. 6st. 131b.; Daisy PaidJ'RendrockV and Moriarty, 6st. 121b.; Climax, Mahoraniii, and Somali, Ost. 111b. ;.,ißeoreat.ipn, ,;63.t.: 101b.; Silver. Lsad nnd : Mahoo;'6st! -81bV; ,: Gleam, Comedian, The Leader, and Mallot, 6st. 71b.
'Tho "following ! nre''tlie handicaps for the Hawko's. Bay 1 3?rot.tLng'..Club's meeting■ LA.DIES' BRACELET HANDICAP. One mile.—Rockwood, scratch; To AwnhUri, 18sec.; Comfort, 20sqc. j Queen-Anne, 27sec.; To Mat'a 'Bessj- 27sec'"'; ■ Rubina,, 27sec.; Blowfly, 27sec.; Dame Trot, 27sec.; Glengarry, 27sec. . v •. j. HAWKE'S BAY: HANDICAP TROT. .Two miles.—King George, scratch: Austrey, Bscc.; 26sec.; Giggles, ,'32 sec*; . Late Sown, 42sec. . MOUNT HERBERT-. HANDI OA P TROT. One/ ''..seratcK ;•' Rockwood, sdratcli,;..i'Elah3;ij4seo: ;i, Beware, ,' Bsec.; To (A'wahuri, 14sec.; Unnamed, Usee.; Strabane, ■17sec.;; Manxman, .*l7seo.'/Huonette, 17sec.;, 21sec. : ■ :,\ WAIP.UICURAU HANDICAP TROT. ■ Ono and a-Jialf - miles.—King . George, ; scratch; Austrey, ■ 6sec.; Flora' -G., 9sec. ;- Rockwood, 9sec.;. Ngaraima, .vlßsec.',Giggles, 24sec.; Butterfly,-:- 24sec. Aljiyood,.' 35sec.; Queen Anne, Sosec. ■ •■'. ; - TAVISTOGK '- ; HjVJsDICAP TROT. One and 1 a quirte/ milesft-King George, scratch ; Flora G;.t Bsec. ;j'li6cKwood, "Bscc.; Ticket, 16sec.; ■ -~22seb.; Comfort,' 27sec.; .Unnamed; 27see.; Huonette, 27sec.; Strabaino'; - 27seci;' Elk'-Rawhini, 30sec. ';' ARLINGTON HANDICAP TROT. Ono mile.—Austrey; scratch Flora G.. 2sec.: Eland, Gsec.; Nfc'aniijna; 9se'c.; Bewaro, :1056b.; Giggles, To' Awahuri, 16sec.; Butterfly,'> lGsec.;' Hiionette,' 20Sec.; Berlin Jaclc, , 2qsec.; - Rubmay 25sec.; Morning, •25sec.; Queen Anne, 25sec. ; To Mata Bess, 25sec. v-'i
' 'THE.ONE .THOUSAND GUINEAS.' - ■BIvTELF.GIt'APH—FRESS ASSOCIATION-—COPYRIGHT- ■ . . •■. rf London, May 8. At tho, Non-market -Spring Meeting, the follomng-yas'thV'rejfilt of: / THE ONE THOUSAND GUINEAS, for three
j,,.-.-, ■■;.•;./'year^-. T oldirfi-lliesr --;Ono. : mile. Mr. Richard Croker's br.' f. Rhodora, by ■ •St. -.Frusquiil—Rhoda ; ;B., 9st.. . ...; 1 -.CaptSin f. Bracelet, by- ( 2 :!-Mr. 'Si b.. f. Ardeiitrive,- •. 'V By" WilliaVohe'Third^Viow,: 95t.,.3 itjßhodora is.a three-quarter sister in- bldod to last year's Derby winner, Orby. Sho was bred-in Ireland, and tliero is a deal of Ame- - Lgst:. eeasoli ■sHe'won"mM:timM...T'She".is eligagW iii the .Oaks, but not in the Derby, 1 . It is worthy of noto that tho threo placed -' fillies' aro all by i6ons,;qfi,Sto'Simon.i;<;f '■* .-■■ ;y' .■-
;;;:WsTERTON 'RACING CLUB.• ' STEWARDS' MEETING : Masterton, May 10 The stowards of. thejMastertoii Racing Club rcetjoii Saturday afternoon, Mr. C. ,F. Val■lanciS,^pfSMent,in the ; chair. ; . cyedi%;balapco.'was reported '.of • £221. Racing Conference. Wrote, asking--that .all notices of motion' for tlie conference 1)6; filed'by May 30, aiid'that the dates of meetings .bo. fixed as early as possible..... It. was decided to appoint Messrs. •0; ;&• ;C|M^ef/a'nd"W, ,; B'J Bidwilt delegates to the : -conf erenoW 'Tho : - delegates are the same as' laist'-'year. '■ _: . Tho;dates ; for tho spring meeting were fixed for October 29 and 30. The autumn dates were.held over. _A; suggestion from.Mr. W. H/sßuick-fo-inserfoa'-huntcrs' hurdle race on the second day's programme of the autumn meeting"was,referred t to,the programme committee: /' V." - ':.. :, t vlt , -'Wa's>defcSdsd:»'"to'" ask the, 'support of motion to .'.doifie before riders' fees bo returned to clubs towards prizes in events for gentlemen riders. ' . : v The matter of endeavouring to obtain a.'jsite'jfpr a.' : jtieV; course was again disjVI?. Rawson, licensed' surin.vattendance, And', produced a plan ofjKth.o.. pre'seil,t course, to show; that: it 'was t^tur]i'tho'Course round in order. to'.viialy'o'jthe straight on .the'south • side. It was'- decided that'*'mr.' Rawson' report on the Solway-grounds," and whether it was pos- , siblo;to r ,obtainva-jsujteble area there.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 194, 11 May 1908, Page 4
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1,776THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 194, 11 May 1908, Page 4
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