The; Customs revenue collected yesterday amounted ;to £1476 lis. 2d. Mr. Walter Norgrove, a builder, aged 58, residing at Taitville, fell ofE a building yesterday morning and sustained a severe scalp wound. He was admitted to tho Hospital. The Pukehinau School Committee has sent a petition to the Wellington Education Board, through .Mr. Vilo, protesting against tho transfer of tho school, as proposed by tho Board. • ' Tho Judiciary Bill, which was introduced last, sossioii by l-lio Attorney-General,- and dropped, is'to bo placed boforo tho House' again this sossion. Tho moasuro is to be slightly niodiliod from lust year's Bill. Tho Wellington Cyclo Volunteer Corps paraded last night 18 strong, iii full dress uniform, under Lieut. Fountain. The N.C.O. exorcised tho men in arm drill. There aro still vacancies for a few recruits. Tho boroughs of Woodville, Arrowtown, Picton, and Mataura have taken advantage of the clause in last year's Faotories Act Amondmont Act, whereby the half-holiday in factories may bo held on tho sanio day as tho half-holiday for shops. At each of theso placcs a poll of tho electors has boon taken, and a notice appears in last night's Gazetto that tho now arrangoment will tako effect from May 11. Mrs. Ethol 1 IT. do Costa, LL.B. (nee Miss Etliol It. Benjamin, of Duncdin), after practising for Eomo years in (hat city, has cornmunccd practice as a barrister and solicitor in No. G .Nathan's Buildings, corner Grey and Fcatherston Streets, Wellington; Mrs. De Costa has tho distinction of being tho only lady practising at the Bar in tho Dominion. Intending clients oan depend on prompt and careful attention at Mrs. Do Costa's hands.
As Empire Day falls on a Sunday thiß year, the Government offices throughout the Dominion will be closed on the following Monday, May 25.
Mr. Justice Chapman will deliver reserved judgment in the cases of the Public Trustee v. Chief Judge Palmer, and Field v. the Puponga Coal Company, at 9.45 o'clock this morning.
The Minister for Finance gives notice in tho "Gazette" that oil Monday, May 18, ho will- be prepared to consider applications from local authorities for loans under tho Local Bodies Loans' Act.
The Mayor may be seen in hisYoom at the Town Hall at 9.30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, by persons having business with the Corporation. Mr. Hislop will make spccial appointments for other timcß b, letter. '
In answer to a judgment summons heard before Dr. M'Arthur, S.M., 'yesterday, a man statod that ho earned £2 10s. per week when lie got full timo, but of. late he had not been doing this. He had a family of eleven to keep. How does he do it? No order was made. .
The following list of tenders for the supply of 100 bicycles to tho, Post' and Telegraph Department is gazettedOyclo and Motor Supplies, Ltd., Wellington, £6175. (acoepted); F. Hawley, Wellington, £6 17s. 6d. ; : Healing and Co., Wellington, £6 19s. 6d.; Magnus, ; Sanderson and Co., Wellington,* £7 2s. 6d.; Hendry's Rudgo Depot, Wellington, £7 2s. 6d.;, J.. Boucher, Wellington, £7 ss.;' G. Gudgeon, Inglewood, £8;, G. Garrett,'' Feeding, £8 7s. 6d.; T. H. Pardington, Onehunga, £9 25.; H. Grinlinton, Auckland, £10 12s. 6d. -
As the result of his boat -capsizing, an Italian fisherman named Antonino de Gregario was drowned off Terawhiti on Wednesday. It appears that the boat struck a rock as deceased and\a companion were hauling in their nets, and both got but tho companion- managed to get: ashore. ' Mounted Constable Sims, of tho Mount Cook station, was to the scene yesterday, but up to an early hour this morning he had.not returned: It is.surmised that his ,-work in attempting 'to recover the body would be very difficult owing to the heavy sea;
At thomeeting of the Executive Commit-i tee of tho Brooklyn Municipal Electors' Asso/ ciation, there were' present:' Hon. W. W. M'Cardle (in 'the cliair), Messrs. Barras, Barr, J. C. Brown, ,Gellert, Hopkirk, and the secretary. It was reported that.thd drainage petition was 1 still 'being- largely signed, and copies had been placed at'several local stores. Some, .'members of tho committee, agreed to canvass from hpuse to house, for, signatures. 1 . A constitution for the .wpfking ,of the recently-formed Association was drawn up, to bo. submitted at a meeting of members to bo held on' Monday next. ;. . ■"
■The Attorney-General.has received notification from the Imperial' authorities that the Divorce and Matrimonial Causes fAct Amendment Act of last i session has .received tho Boyal Assent. The it will bo remembered, repeals the provision in'the ;1904 Act, by which dissolution of marriage can be obtained six months after the Court has made a decree for restitution.of conjugal rights if such decree has not been complied with. The Act. further makes !it ,a, ground for divorce if the respondent has .been convicted of tho murder of the respondent's or the petitioner's child,' or. h4s"beeh''in' a lunatic asylum ten' : "i«< < : K.r. w-:rro!,i.n'n";f".T».v '->• ' - ! • years. ' >. ■ . . ■' '/..a . y.iV.ilj .•iai'iolo'lauO *j|f : ! During the ;heariftg of a caso.m the Court of Appeal yesterday, reference was made by members of the Court to ■ the>< manner in which some country practitioners present their i cases; " Oftentimes," observed Mr. Justice Edwards, " country solicitors do not take any more trouble in .preparing Supreme Court and Appeal Cpurt cases than they'do in connection with Magistrate's Court cases." Mr. Justice Denniston: "Frequently they take much less pains." Mr. : Justice Edwards: " If they' are :asked to take a little'more trouble, they say they are not being encouraged. They appear to rely on the Judge, to know tho law."
' The proceedings of the Court' of Appeal yesterday were illumined by a welcome shaft of . humour. Discussing objections to the terras pfv a bond relating' to the sale of a medical" practicfe, Mr. Skerrett, V .K.C., had stated that he did not think he could coutond that the bond was'an "unreasonable restraint of. trade," because its duration was impliedly limited' to tho ■ yendor's , lifetime. "It is fortunate," . counsel added) 1 "that nc!':lter lawyers nor doctors can praptise'after death.' 1, >When. the hearty laughter- which was occasioned, had subsided, Mr. ' justice Domiiston- remarked Well, I have, in my pocket, or at;any.rate I can lay my hands upon, a prescription which the late Dr. Boaney,, of •. Melbourne, 'is', stated to have transmitted , after death. 'I. 'have never used it, because it turned out. that the diagnosis was all wrong." . . (Further laughter.)
■'The Conference of Hospital Boards, to- be held starting on June 9," will be a., somewhat ; imposing gathering. It is ospected that about 100 delegates will attend the meetings, which will probably extend over 'about; ten days. The conference will be held in the Sydney Street Schoolroom, and its object will be to .consider and suggest improvements to the Hospital and Charitable Institutions Amendment Bill, brought down in 1906, .with a view to legislation which jt is hoped to pass; next session. The Bill of 1906 proposed the enlargement' of a number of hospital ■, districts, sub-district committees under the Boards being appointed for tho larger' districts; 'reduction of subsidies; placing! of institutions now separate' under,'tho control of Boards ; and conferment on the Department of. increased influence in respect of the appointment of hospital officers. ' - I :
-There was n large attendance of members and visitors at the weekly session of the Si tar of Newtown liodge, No. 24, 1.0. G.T., held in the St.' Thomas's Schoolroom, Newtown, on Wednesday. Bro. Price, C.T., was in the chair. All the officers'of tbq last quarter' gave good reports sh&wing the progress of the lodge. Bro. (J. Thompson, Lodge Deputy, installed the following officers:—C.T., Bro. G. Prico; Secretary,. Bro. G. Thomson; Financial Secretary, Bro. P. J. Atkinson; Treasurer, Bro., J. H. Greig; Past Chief Templar, Bro. L. Goodger; Marshal, Bro. A. Oress-woll-f Deputy-Marshal, Sister Haynesj Sentinel, Sister A. Greig; Assistant Secretary Sister Reed. A vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officors for their services during the past quarter, and also; to Sister Walker,' of Christclrarch,' and Bro. Pepper, for acting as installing marshals. One now member was initiated to the lodge on clearance card. Several standing committees'were | appointed by Bro. Price.'
Eor Hair and Faco Treatments visit Mrs Rolleston, Hair Physician, Pace Specialist and Mnssouso, certificated, who has tho distinction of medical training, being qualified under Dr Kenlei'E. Roth, M.R.C.S., Eng. Courses of treatment, including necessary lotions, from 30s. Advice free. Personal attention only Evening . appointments arranged. First Floor" 3 Willis Street (over Carroll's). Telephone ,1509. ' ' • r»39
The Premier lias sent word that he will visit Feilding shortly, and at the request of the Mayor and others deliver a political address there. .. ■
The rallies Utirafflcd at the Dominion Cap. nival last u'oel; were completed lacfc evening, and tho goods unsold wore auctioned:The names of the winners in the raffles will be advertised, on Saturday morning nest. ;.
After May 11, the butchers' shops at Pa!merston North will closo at, 5.30 p.'m. on' Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdaysj arid Fridays, ' and at 9 p.m. oil Saturdays, and 1 p.m. on Wednesdays. A notice, to this effcct lias beon.gazetted by the Minister for''Labour,, in -; compliance with a requisition signed by' the ■ butchers themselves. .-
Tho Fire Brigade was called out iat 12.40 p.m. yesterday, there .being an-outbreak in a shop and dwelling in Wallace Street, owned by Mr. James Colterill and occupied by Mr. Watts. Tho Brigade subdued the flames by mealis of a hand grenade, and: very littlo damage resulted. The building, was insured for £220 in tho Standard ofiice,. and tho contents for £40 iri the' United.
At the annual meeting of tho Wellington Hockey Association last evening, secretary; Mr. W. E. Pearson, said that-he found , it necessary'to explain that although .the Y.M.C.A. Club had won the third' grade.competition, the name of the'club had not been put on the cup, as it .was discovered/that the cup really belonged to,another club; He was pleased' to say, however; that Dr. Izard had come forward and offered a new cup. (Cheers.) A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the donor, arid, it'was decided, that the name, of the Y.M.C.A';- Club should be the first to be-inscribed.'. ' . ?' '
In his report, for the month of Maroh to the Jam-M Brown Memorial- Trust on the Kalyra Sanatorium at Belqir-(says the " Ado-! laide Advertiser ") Dr. Reissmann: mentioned; that of lato a new test' had been' introduced for the detection of tuberculosis in- the human subject. It consisted, ho said, of the installation into the eye of. a drop of dilute stc-rile tuberculin. solution. ;, If ~tho person ■-. had tuberculosis of the lung or of any other organ , his, eye became slightly . inflamed for. a - ' r few hours; if he was not tubercular, no ro«. action followed., The test,was harmless. . Iti,. v promised to bo of the utmost, value for the, detection of . early , and doubtful cases of tuberculosis: The reaction had been on. a dozen patients at, Kalyra, and it had succeeded in all oases.- ■, i ...
I "The new destructor at Clyde Quay consumed its first dead horse 011 Wednesday . most successfully", would be a paragraph in the Engineer's report wero he called upon one..- Hitherti, Wellington-has had to get rid of its, dead animals by burying , .them "in.-.theN"sands" between Evans and Lyell Bays, r but this method of obliteration was not very. satisfactory,owing to - tho shifting of the sand under the .influence-.off-strong, winds. The advent of a new destructor, with ,'an up-to-date incinerating; oven,--has chabged all that. It was found on Wed- . nesday that the oven - d00r... was rather on. the small side for horses, and the oarcass had to be. laboriously manipulated in tho effort to . ! foroe. it into the crematorium, but the feat was ■ at' length accomplished, and when the .oven was inspected the next morning - every vestige of ,tho deceased animal had disap•psared entiroly
: The. following is an extract from , a letter received by Mr. R. C. W. Cuming, of Khan,dallah, from Mr. Thos. A. Edison, regarding the latter's scheme for, -rapid house build- ' <ing ( : —"This winter I shall construct iron [moulds and devise machinery whereby a" full-' •sized house can be cast' in -twelve hours-after - the moulds are in position. At the end of~ \ seven', l days tho irpn moulds are removed and ; the house will be-complete. .and after ;drying six days will probably be ready for L use.' To build this hpuse for -one thousand ! ■dollars it is essential that'it be erected on-' isandy soils. Theicost of the moulds will be |25 t 000 dollars, > arid . .the cost ;of . the. other 1 'machinery, about 1500 dollars. From- this outfit ail unlimited number of Rouses can be erected. . . . It is probable that companies will bo formed who will have several moulds, each of different design, : and will go «ctually-into.business.!' ; r:
• Is .it a sign.of the times?, Last'night's "Gazetto". contains"' an announcement Of the cancellation of ten industrial unions. I Th< ! list< includes . the >■ following Unions of employers:—Napior General Carriers, Timbpi and Coal Merchants. Dnnedin; .Furniture; makers, Hawko's' Bay Master Painters, Wairarapa and Manawatu Sawmillers.; Thd six workers' Unions' whoso registration is cancelled are as followLyttelton ; Sea-' . . - mon,i Welljngton: Aeratedrwater JVo'rkers and ; other Bottlers, Wanganui Meat-works, Manawatu Rope, audi Twino'Mills Employees (Fox-' ton), tho Dannevirke branch of. the Amalga- ■ 1 mated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Wellington Industrial Workers. Two other .•! Unions of workers, the South Canterbury •Tallow, and . Manure Hands . and General ; i Labourers' JJnion and the North Canter- . bury. Manure;' Tallow, Oleo, ' and' Freezing Works Labourers'' Union, have applied foi; i cancellation.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 192, 8 May 1908, Page 6
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2,237LOCAL AND GENERAL. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 192, 8 May 1908, Page 6
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