It- PHASES OF TIIE MOON. I MAY. '• Day. Hr. m. New moon 1 3. 3 a.m. [» / First quarter 8 10153 p.m. V Full moon ' 16 4. 2 p.m. Last quarter 2.1 11.47 a.m. Now moon 30 2.44 p.m. HIGH WATER. n To-day, 7.26 a.m.; 7.39 p.m. e To-morrow, 8.15 a.m.; 8.2G p.m. 5 ' . . SUN. r Sun rises to-day, 6.40 a.m.; sots, 4.55 p.m. r ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, MAX 2. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (6.10 a.m.), 1777 tons, Hunter, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Gardiner, Bailor, Marendon, Beattie, v Foley, Tindall, Marchaiit, Moir, Kelly, Allan, r Stratton, Tubman, Bishop (2), Strafton, Wilson, y Freeman, Bedwill, Miller, Boyd, Callander, t Cox, Ring, Walker, Dalziell, Meil, Mesdames s Fcnton, Fletcher, Burmishcr, M'Donald, Wil--0 sou, Skinner, Deuniston, Carey, Heaton, Fart quharson, Lane, Desley, Horan, Daly, ! M'Arthur, Hutton, Revs. Vosper, Thompson, n Bartlett, Dr. Gribbin, Messrs. , Waiscott, Gibt son, Dennies, Neavo, Evans, Pryor, Cederman, s Burdekin; Hart, Brocklebank, Eoran, Morris, Warren, Langdon,- Kelly, Wiggins, Miller, Bishop, Grant, Waddell, Thompson, Wilson, e Gordon, Collins, Young, Wright (2), Skoving--1 ton, Skinner, Silver,- Garrard, Edwards, Low- - rie, Capstick, Ward, Preston, Joyce, Free,'Wil- - liamson, Lane, Gellatley,- Desley, Hustwjck, l Davies, Colville, M'Leod, Anderson, Penninge ton, Macaulay, Daly, M'Master, M'Arthur, [• Goodwin; 62 steerage. s ; TASMAN, s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 179 tons, Cox, from t Nelson and Motueka. 8 AYMERIC, s.s. (1.20 p.m.), 4863. tons, Shot- " ton, from Valparaiso. MAORI, s.s. (2.45 p.m.), 5317 tons, Nicoll, ' from Loiidon via Auckland. ICIRIPAKA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 133 tons, Dixon, from Patea. ; ROTOITI, s.s. (4.40 p.m.), 1159 tons, Robert--3 son, from Picton. i ■ NORA NIVEN, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 56 tons, Eddy, > from Cook Strait. I PATEENA, s.s., 1212 tons, Stewart, from ■ Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Miller, Johnstone (2), O'Brien, Meyer, Leiden, Grove, Lake, Milne, Dixon, ITowdcn, M'Leod, Gullev, Connolly, Fowler, Spit-tall, Sowman, I Maddock, Ross, Mesdames Frasor, Franklyn, Palmer, Meyer, Leiden, Grovo, Har- ! ley, Chapman, Anderson and infant, Caverhill, Simmons, Dalrymple, M'Lean, Innes, Timms, Slow, Connolly, Sowman, Mills, Captain Grunei litis, Messrs. Eglington, Webb, Palmor, „ O'Brien, Rickord, Beero, Ridgoway, Robertson, i Besaunais, Galien, Waymouth, Parker, Shelton, Harley, Grove, Chapman, Robertson, Williams, " Lock, Clumles, Rogers, Howden, Caverhill, Lothbridge, Watson, Morrison, Webb, Bircli, Dove, Gavin, Ewing, Chatfield, Jessop, Mathcson, Captain M'Leod, Ashley, Connoly, Miller; 20 steerage. TAINUI, s.s. (11.50 p.m.), 128 tons, Jensen;, ' from Waitara. ■' - SUNDAY, MAY 3. ' MAPOURIICA, s.s. (12.25 a.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy, from West Coast and 'Nelson. Passingers: Saloon—Misses Zeigler, Thurston, Goode, Earl, M'Gurley, Morris, Browning, Christie, Tomliiisou, Cook, Hornsby, Burn, Parsonage, Worley, Mesdames Dillon and 3 children, Gardiner, Maloney and family, Lennie, Webb, Polglase, Shore, Earl, Messrs.' Anton, Kelly, Dillon, Howie, Gardiner, Maloney, Mackay, Malfroy, Whithani, Warren, Noble, Evenden, Grace, O'Brien, Connoll, O'Donovan, Joseplison, M'Donell, Martiu, Wilson, .Tolnis- ■ ton, Irvine, Bunn, Gray, Polyglase, Pettit, i Croskory, Tydd, Ballantyne, Hogg, Edmonds, 1 Davidson, Daley, Conder; 18 steerage. f BLENHEIM, s.s. (12.40 a.m.), 120 tons, Watj son, from Blenheim. MANAROA, s.s. (1.50 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, . from Havelock. -' > KOTUKU, s.s. (3.15 a.m.), 1054 tons, Craw- ■ ford, from Greymouth. • AORERE, s.s. (3.20 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from • Patea.. MAORI, s.s. (10 a.m.),: 3399 tons, Newton, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses ! Shirtclifl'e,' Martin, Kiinbla, Jamicson, Salter , (2), Lucas, Beverley, Blake, Gunison, Souter, ' Leaven, Ilayes, Wroathall, Allison, Horton, ' Boyd, Norton (2), Joyce; Page, Mesdames Hag- ■ 'gitt, Webb, Massey, Cnoeseman, Williams (2), i Riddell, Hadfiold, Pine, Clouston, Scott, Hor- • ris, Ellis and child, Beclt, Haweridge, Longi ton, Drake, Mcech, Souter, Leschner, Wf-lker, ■ Wreathall, Mayne, White, Wilson, Ntlson, Hon. M'Nab, Captain Sundstrum, Messrs. Haggitt, Ballard, Paton, Macgibbon, Buss, Hamilton, Allan, M'Nab, Hutchms, Black, J. Henrys, ' Williams (2), Riddell, Clark, Weston, Bingham, ' Taylor, Haslam, Thomas, Wright,' Barry, ■ Benns, Grant, Hobbs, FieldwicK, Winton, Crowtlier, Clouston, Scott, Walker, M'Kay, i Wray, Harris, Ellis, Oakley, Howeridge, Watts, Grace, V. Beek, Watt, Adams,, Watson, ! Yates, Hudson, Robinson, Cobb, Gra.v, Dingle, ' Drake, Hobb, M'Millan, Meech, Whitworth, Stoneham, Souter, Haley, Sutherland, Lischner, ' Storrirjcer, Shirtcliffe, Ogden, Jones, Stoba, 1 Marsden. Moore, Hendry, Linley, Whito, ' M'Cornish, Williamson; GC steerage. STOFvMBIRD; s.s. ,(10.40 a.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyre, from Wanganui. INDRAGHIRI, s.s.; (11 a.m.),. 4927 tons, Wilkes, from Liverpool via Auckland. ORETI, s.s. (11.25 aim.), 215 tons, Robertson, from Picton via The Grove. MANA, s.s. (1.20 p.m.), 134 tons, Corby, from Patea. , MONOWAI, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 3433 tons, Lacey, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses lngie (2), Salmon,. Barton, Sutherland, Hensley, Flavell, Maxwell, Cox, Cotton, Nixon, Taylor, Mesdames Leitli, Gisboome, Bailey, Lees, Barnes, Greeiihild, Todd, Dr. AVhitmore, Messrs. Stan'es, Gisboomoj Bailey, Salmon, leaser, Todd, Cameron, Farroll, M'Leod, Tucker, Coulds, Ward, Chevassus, Finch, Hamilton, Yates, Taplcy, M'Kerrow, Steans, Campbell, George, Hosking, Inglis,. Douglas, Christie, Ronalcfson, Morrison, Simpsin, Robillard, Jolly, Brasso, Edwards, jWillis, Pollock, Dewae, Lees, Kline, Reeves,- ■ Wells, Austin, Grealish, Richards, Keane, Jennings, Williams, Morley; 48 steerage. OPAWA, s.s. (1.40 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenhim. WHANGAPE, s.s. (3.30 p.m.), 2931 tons, Holford, from Napier. DEPARTURES. 1 ' SATURDAY, MAY 2. OPAWA, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. : ARAHURA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Pieton, Nolson, Wostport, and Greymouth. Passengers—Salpon: For Picton—Misses Hall, Bogle, Renfrew (2), Leake, Martella, Jlesdames Teschemakor,. Taylor, Renfrew, Nosworth, Messrs. Teschemakor, Goulter, Pollock, Simmonds. For Nelson—Misses Richmond (2), Mrs. Lines, Messrs. Garrard, Sadd, Smith. For West-port—Miss Headland, Mesdames Schmidt and 2 children, Liglitfoot, Jordan, Baillie, Flowerday, Captain Smith, Captain Gray, Messrs. Murphy, Jasper, Freo, Jordan, Dixon, Lloyd, Clifford. For Greymouth—Misses Elie, .Dolan, Mrs. Elie, Messrs. Nelson, Warnes, Endean; Haycock, Hossey; Cameron, Taylor. TASMAN, s.s. (3.5 p.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for Nelson and Motueka. ECHO, scow (10.40 p.m.), 89 tons, Seeley, for Karamea. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (11\5 p.m.), 1777 tons, Hunter, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Green, , Giles, Lecren, Mesdames Schmidt, Seddon, King and child, M'Lean, Leonard, Thomson, Searle, ' Sir J. Ward, Sir G. Clilford, -Messrs. Schmidt, King, Herman, M'Lean (2), Robertsoh, Cassigton, Leonard. Maude, Thomson, Hoadley, Hammond, Cooper, Gellowes, Meeker, Jeffrey, Smith, Craige, Poterkin, White, Donovan, Macdonald, Lodge, Swan, Curtis, Hisbury. PAREORA, s.s. (11.45 p.m.), 650 tons, Black, for Greymouth. SUNDAY, MAY 3. KIRIPAKA, s.s. (2 p.m.), 133 tons, Dixon, for Patea. TUTANEKAI, s.s. (2.45 p.m.), 811 tons, Post, for Greymouth. WAKATU, s.s. (G p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Lyttelton, via Coast. ROTOITI, s.s. (9 p.m.), 1159 tons, Robertson, for Nelson, Now Plymouth, and Onehunga. Passengers —Saloon: For Nelson — Misses Roberts, Lucas, Chatfield, Messrs. Scott, Hobday. For Onohunga—Miss Darby, Messrs. Ashwood, Rod, Salter. OPAWA, s.s. (midnight), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Petono, Greymouth, May 4. l'ohcrua, Westport, May 4. Emierdale, Edithburg, 'May 4. Waihi, Blenheim, May 4. ' Opawa, Blenheim, May 4. Kaiapoi, Greymouth, May 4. To Anau, Southern ports, May 5. Corinna, Onohunjja and Now Plymouth, 5. Jt
Waikare, Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier, Alay 5. - Rotomahana, Lyttelton, May 5. Flora, Greymouth, May 5. Torgauten, ICaipara, May 5. ' ' Kennedy, Foxton, May 5.' Queen of the, South, Foxton, May 5. Tasniau, Nelson and Motueka, May 5. Warrimoo, Sydney, May 6. Tongariro, Waitara, May 0. Takapuna, Onohunga and New Plymouth, May G. Kaliu, Napier, via East Coast, May G. Alexander, Nelson, May 6. Wakatu, Lyttelton, via Coast, May 6. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, and Picton, May 6. . . Mokoia, Dunedin and Lyttelton, May 7. Mooraki, Melbourne, Hobart, and South. May 8. • ... Rotoiti, Onehunga and New Plymouth, May 8. Wimmera, Sydney, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier, May 8. ) PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Charles Edward, Nelson and West Coast, s, May 4. T'utanekai, Auckland, May 4. Whangape, Ojimaru, May 4. i, Kamona, Napier, May 4. i, Huia, Wanganui, May 4. : ", . Opawa, Blenheim, May 4. is Kiripaka, Patea, May. 4. I- Surrey, Napier, May 4. /. Manaroa, Motueka, May 4. ', Monowai, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, i, May ( 4. . i- Aorere,, Patea, May 4. i, Storinbird, Wanganui, May 4. ;, Maori, Lyttelton, May 4. ", Pateena, Lj'ttelton, May 4. i, Blenheim, Blenheim, May 4.. f - Mana, Patea, May 4. Tainui, Waitara, May 4. - I- Rakaia, Bluff, May 4. :> To Anau, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, [■ May 5. ', Waikare, Lyttelton and Dunedin, May 5. • Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, May 5. a Rotomahana, Lyttelton, May 5. Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, May 5. Waihi, Blenheim, May 5. Queen of the South, Foxton, May 5. Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, May 5. Corinna, Southern ports, May 6. Takapuna, New Plymouth and Onehunga. '> May G. .. Kahu, Napier, via East Coast, May 6. - Warrimoo, Melbourne, via Hobart and South, May 7. ■, Tongariro, London, May 7. ' 'Mokoia, Sydney, via Napier, Gisborne, and i, Auckland, May 7. s Wakatu, Jjyttelton, via Coast, May 7. ' Moeraki, Sydney. May 8. ] Wimmera, Lyttelton and Dunedin, May 8. Arahura, Picton, Nelsou, and West Coast, if May 9. . ,! Rotoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, and One-' liunga, May 10. INTEncDLONIAL SERVICE. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. i, -MOERAKI, s.s., left Melbourne, April ; 29, ~ for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern* ports, i, Due Wellington, Hay 8. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney; May 12. - ; WARRIMOO, s.s., left Sydnev, May 2, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington, Mav 6. } Leaves next day for Melbourne, via Southern ports and -Hobart. Duo Melbourne, May 16. WIMMERA,' s.s., left Sydney,- April 29 ; via Auckland, Gisborne, - and Napior. Duo" Wellington, May 8. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. ' . , ULIMAROA, s.s., leaves Sydney, .May 9, for ■, Wellington direct. Duo Wellington, May 13. , Leaves next day for Melbourne via Southern 3 ports and Hobart. Due Melbourne, May 23. MAITAI, s.s., leaves Melbourne, May 6, for ■ Wellington via Hobart and Southern ports. » Due Wellington, May 15. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney, May 19. • MOKOIA, leaves Dunedin, May 5, for Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Gis- ' borne, and Auckland. Due Wellington May • 7. Leaves same day, Due Sydney May 15. , MOANAj leaves Sydney, Mny 6,' for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington May 15. Leaves same day for • Lyttelton and Dunedin. OVERSEA SHIPPING. 1 .• ' . STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. NIWARU , (due Wellington about May 11), sailed on February 29, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) TURAKINA (due Wellington about 'May 9), sailed, on March 14, via Auckland. New: Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) I'APAItOA (due Wellington about May S), sailed on March 19, Plymouth, March 21, Wa' Capetown and Hobart. 1 iNcw Zealand Shipping Co.. aireni6.) ATHENIC (due Wollington about May 18), sailed on April 2, Plymouth April 4, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) PAPANUI (due Wellington about June, 6), sailed April 18, via - Capetown and Ilobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MATATUA (dUe Wellington about June 9), sailed April. 10, via Auckland. .(Shaw, SavillCo., agents.) TOMOANA (due Wellington about June 2Sj, sailed April 20, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. From Livernool. MORAYSHIRE (due Wellington about May 16), sailed on March 7, via Melbourne, Sydney, and ( Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) WHAKATANE (due Wellington about May 22), sailed on March 21, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.)-.-i CORNWALL (due Wellington about June 12), sailed on April 11, for Australian and New , Zealand ports. (F.H:S.' Line, agents.) From New York., AFRICAN- MONARCH (duo • Wellington about May 15), sailed ,on February- 29, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) ■ . ' ' MIMIRO (due Wellington about May 11),'sailed on February -, 29, via Australia and Auckland. BUCEROS (due Wellington about June 20), sailed on April 8, via Auckland. (A. and A; Line, agents.) STAR OF NEW ZEALAND (due Wellington about June 26), sailed on April J2, for Australian and New Zealand ports. (Tyser Line, agents.) SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. RENFIELD. four-masted barquentine, left Liverpool,- February 20, for Wellington. DARTFORD, ship, left Newcastle, April 4, for Wellington. CASABLANCA, barque, left Newcastle, April 28, for Wellington. LAURA, barque, left Port Stephens, April 27, for Wellington. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON. May 1, Arrived.—Merchant, from Lyttelton. Arrived.—Westfalen, from Auckland. NEWCASTLE. May 3. Sailed.—Waipori, for the Bluff. Sailed.—Holon Denny, for New Zealand. SYDNEY. . i May 2. Sailed.—Warrimoo (2.40 p.m.), for . MELBOURNE. . May 2.Arrived.—Maitai, from Bluff and Hobart. CLARENCE RIVER. ' May 1. Sailed.—Rio, barquentine, for Wellington. COASTAL. SATURDAY, MAY 2. , HOKIANGA. ' ' , Arrived.—Mary Isabel, barquentine, from Gisborne. • 1 KAIPAR-A. Arrived.—Rona, barque, from Wellington'.,-' j Sailed.—Empreza, barque, for Gisborne. ' ( Sailed.—Eliza Firth, schooner, for Lyttolton. AUCKLAND. , ~ J Arrived.—Waihora (8 a.m.), from Calcutta ( and Singapore. Arrived.—Victoria, from South. j Arrived—Winnnera (2 p.m.), from Sydnoy. ' Arrived.—Gowanburn (8.15 a.m.), froiu Lyt- j. telton. Arrived.—Turakina (6 a.m.), fromt London, ] via Capetown. I'assengors for Wellington: c Misses Sutherland (3), Mesdames Westbrooke, Gontloman and infant, Rocke, Johnston, Nol- I son, Sutherland, Messrs. Wostbrooko, Rocke, Day, Guy (2), Gabriel, Johnstone, George, n Morrison, Nelson, Sutherland, and Rev. George. Sailed.—Waikare, for Southern ports. Pas- I seugers for Wollington: Misses Kinder, Brown ! (3), Buttle, Ernest, Alexander, Mesdames Buttle, Alexander, Maskinv, Ilaiey, Ernest, Irvine, ( Miller,- Hailey, Brittan, Mueller, Messrs> Bod- ? Jey, Brittan, Brown, Hopkins, Irvine, Ernest "and boy, Maskew, Hailey, Brice, Gordon, aiid c JDajjtaiu Keane- - .1 a
ONEHUNGA. . Arrived.—Rarawa (5.15 a.m.), from Now Plymouth. ' Arrived.—'Takapuna (7.50 a.m.), from New Plymouth. Sailed. —Rarawa (-4 p.m.), for New Plymouth. (Suez mail.) Sailed.—Corinna (7.15 p.m.), for New Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Tnkapuna (4 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed.—Takapuna (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. PICTON. Arrived.—Arahura (5 p.m.), from "Vellington. Sailed—Arahura (11.30 p.m.), for Nelson. NELSON. ' Arrived.—Waverley (9.25 a.m.), from Wellington. , Arrived. —Arahura (7.30 a.m.), from Picton., Arrived.—Tasman (5.45 a.m.), from Welling- • ton. GEEYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rosamond (10.15 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Defender (9 p.m., May 1), from Wellington. Sailed.—Petone. (10.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Kaiapoi (11.30 p.m.), for Wellington. . WESTPOIIT. Arrived.—Himitangi (3.30 p.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Flora (9 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (7 a.m.), from Wellington. : Arrivod.—Mokoia (7.15 r..m.), from Wellington. i • ! Arrived.—Eotomahana (11.50 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Tongariro (12.15 p.m.), for Waitara. TIMARU. Arrived.—Ripple (4 p.m.),'from Chatham Islands. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Mokoia, from Lyttelton. Sailed.—Tarawera, for Melbourne. BLUFF.. ; Arrived.—Wanaka, from Auckland. SALE OF A BRIGANTINE. • Tlie brigantine Eliza Allan, 105 tons, has been purchased by the Colonial Sugar Co. from Mr. B. M. Corrigan, of Sydney.' The vessel loads coal at Newcastle for Auckland, and on arrival at the Northern port will probably be converted into a lighter. WARRIMOO LEAVES SYDNEY. ' Cable advice received by the local office? of 1 tho Union Company States that the steamer Warrimoo left Sydney for Wellington direct at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon.. The vessel is:brineing 44 saloon and 80 steerage passengers for Wellington, and is due here on Wedncsdaj morning. ■ THE NORA NIVEN. The trawler Nora Niven returned Saturday evening from ,an expedition in Cook Straits. The vessel experienced very fine weather during her trawl, but only succeeded in catching 250 cases of fish, most of which were sclinapper. An effort is to be made to get the vessel up on the slip this trip, failing which she will leave on a short cruise and then return to Wellington., - . INDRAGHIRI FROM LIVERPOOL. The Tyser liner Indraghiri arrived from Livei'pool, via Auckland, yesterday morning after a fine weather passage. Captain W. H. Wilkes is in command, and has with him the following officers:—Chief, Mr. W. Stafford; 2nd, Mr. A. J. Dawson; 3rd, Mr. R. Gilberts; ith, Mr. L. Achoson. Mr. J. M'NaiUght is chief engineer; Mr. W. Tessier, 2nd; Mr. 3aglesomo, 3rd;, and Mr. J. M'Kiimou, 4th. The vessel will commence discharging this morning. A ROUGH PASSAGE. The steamer Brisbane had. a rough: passage from Newcastle to Lyttelton. The vessel left Newcastle on- April - 22, and ran into, a very heavy south-west gale, about 500 miles from Cape Farewell. This gale, the one which gave the Ulimaroa such an uncomfortable: time on her passage from Melbourne to the Bluff, blew irith terrific force and raised very heavy seas, and the Brisbane was compelled to heave-to for thirty hours, during which oil was used freely to prevent the waves from breaking. The effect was satisfactory,, but a good deal of water came on board. No damage, however, was done. PATEA SHIPPING COMPANY.' NEW STEAMER ARAPAWA. The Patea Shipping Company advise that Captain Dixon, of the Kiripaka, is to leave Wellington for London by the' Athenic on June 18 to bring the new steamer which the 'Company is having built for the Pa tea. trade out to New Zealand. The new vessel is to bo named the Arapawa, after a small island in the Straits, tho 'meaning of the word freely translated being the path or the trail of the smoke. The new vessel will be 120 ft. low;, 22ft. beam; and 9ft. Gin. depth of hold, which means a vessel Ift. longer and with lft. more beam .than the Company's ICapiti. The vessel is to be delivered at Glasgow in September, and ; will probably ■ make Westport her first port of call in New Zealand. On the run out she will call at Teneriffe, South Africa, and Albany, or Melbourne for coal. CARGO. BY. THE AYRSHIRE. . In addition to. the Wellington cargo published on Friday, l the steamer Ayrshire took the following' fronv other ports:—Auckland— 389 carcases mutton, 6314' carcases lamb, 64 quarters beef, 890 bales wool, 54 casks tallow, 752 bales hemp, 262 dumps "tow, 277 crates frozen sundries, 851 packages gum, 42 casks pelts,-20 bales leather and basils, 8 bales hair, 1975 sacks copra, 3530 ingots spelter. Waitara— 2245 carcases mutton, 3024 carcases lamb, 2332 quarters beef, 308 , crates pieces mutton, 322 packages frozen sundries, 500 boxes boned beef, 4 cases meat extract, 172 bales wool, 133 casks tallow and pelts, 9 casks, casings, 6 bales leather, 34 casks oleo. Napier—367o carcases mutton, 1776 carcases lamb,'4B6 quarters beef, 320 crates pieces mutton, 200 crates beef, 234 crates frozen sundries, "651 bales wool and skins, 120 casks tallow and pelts, 11. casks casings, 27 casks prem. jus. Dunedin—4l34 carcases mut■ton/ 6088 carcases lamb, 29 boxes' kidneys, 2 case's preserved meats, 11G1 bales wo6l and skins, 259 bales hemp, 104 casks tallow. Bluff— 4952 carcases mutton, 19,395' carcases lamb, 1120 bales wool, 85 casks tallow, 34 casks casings, 1167 bales hemp and tow, 65 cases preserved meats. ' FEDERAL-HOULDER-SHIRE LINES. Tho movements of the steamers of the ■ Fed-eral-Houldcr-Shire Lines for the week ended . May 1 arc;— ... Cornwall.—West Coast of United Kingdom to New Zealand, via Australia; left Liverpool on April 11. . i Durham.—Australia to London, via Hobart; left Hobart on April 3. . Devon.—West Coast of United Kingdom to Now Zealand, via Australia; left Lyttelton on. r April 30. . Dorset.—'West Coast of United Kingdom to Australia; left Liverpool on April 25. Essex.—West Coast of United Kingdom to Australia; left Capetown on April 20. 4 'Kent.—Australia to London, via South Africa; arrived Durban on April 23. Norfolk.—Sydney, to Hobart and ports; arrived London 011 April ,9. 1 Sussex.—United Kingdom to Australia; at ' Sydney. . . i Somerset.—Australia to Dunkirk, London and Liverpool, via Suez; arrived Hobart on April , 16. . 5 Suffolk.—West Coast of United Kingdom to Australia; arrived Sydney on April 23. . Surrey.—New Zealand to West .Coast of , United Kingdom; leaves Wellington on May 4. 1 Ayrshire.—New Zealand to London; left Wellington on April 30. Banffshire.—London to Brisbane; left Lon- c don on' -March 7. i Buteshire—Australia to Dunkirk, London, i and West Coast; at London on March 6. Fifeshire.—Now Zealand to West Coast of , United Kingdom ports, via Cape Horn;.arrived Avonmouth 011 Jlarch 21. Morayshire.—West Coast of United Kingdom ports to Australia and New Zealand; left Capetown on April 1. n Nairnshire—Australia to London, via South ? Africa; left Townsville on April 24. > Perthshire.—London to Brisbane'; left London on March 31. , A Waipara.—Australia to London, via South a Africa; arrived London 011 April 22. Carpentaria.—Australia to London, via South 1 Africa; left Capetown. 011 March 31. I Drayton Grange.—Australia to London and 0 Liverpool, via Monte Video; left Monte Video on April 1. I Evorton Grange.—Australia to London, via c Africa; at Livorpool on January 6. 1 t Hornby Grange—Australia to Vladivostok; at Vladivostock. p Kippinghain Grange.—Australia to Dunkirk, P London, and Liverpool; left Adelaide 011 " April 1. ' Oswestry Grange.—New Zealand to West n Coast of United Kingdom; left Lyttelton on a March 28. 0 Thorpe Grange.—New Zealand to West Coast of United Kingdom ports, via Monte Vides; arrived Avonmouth on April 21.
PASSENGERS BY THE SURREY. The Federal-Houlder-Shire liner Surrey, which is to sail for West of England, via Napier, • to-day, is taking tho following passengers First-class—Misses M'Arthur, Davis, Mesdames Davis, Robinson, i Messrs. N.' Russell, Abbott, Davis, R. Gill,) -L. Scott, W. J. Kent, Master- Robinson. Third-class—Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, -Mr. Aslnvortli, Mrs. Adams, Mr. J. Pawson, Mr. J. Thomasen, Mr. H. Johnson, Mrs. M'Millan and infant, Misa M'Millan, Mr. F. Heppleston, Mr. I?-. Heppleston, ill - . W. Counter, Mr. T. Stainsby, Mr. Mills, Mr. J. Cook, Mrs. T. H. Hancock, Mr. Harvey, Mrs. Harvey, Misses Harvey (3), Mrs. Gordon, Mr. lligby, Mrs. Rigby, Miss Rigby, Mr. Matheson,'Mr. Pickup, Mrs. Pickup and. infant. THE AFRICAN MONARCH. . Tho following, is tho Now Zealand cargo by the s.s. African Monarch, which left' New York for. Australia and New Zealand on February 28:—20,000 cases kerosene, 14 cases soap, 33 bushels beans, 25 packages nails, 3236 barrels wax, 32,312 barrels grease, 97 packages furniture, 471 cases canned fish, 817 packages hardware, 26 'packages groceries, 124 packages condiments, 182 packages drugs, 57 cases paint, 21 Sackages typewriter material,, 55 packages omestics; 230 hogsheads tobacco, 1285 barrels manufactured tobacco, 903 bundles lumber,' S7olft. lumber, 18 cases confectionery, 10. packages electrical material, 11 packages piano material, 95 packages windmill machinery, 175 packages carriage woodwork, 551. packages structural material, .1656 packages manufactured wood, 271 packages manufactured iron, 2-14 packages printing paper, 20- packages machinery, 15 packages printing machinery, 31 packages agricultural machinery, 11 packages sash machinery,'lsl cases lamp goods, 402 drums calcium carbide, 63 bundles oars, 17 cases drills, 83 .cases stationery, 16 cases blacking, 13 cases polish, 60 cases saws, 1627 cases varnish, 30,496 gallons lubricating oil, 104 cases cartridges and ammunition, 35 cases clocks, 83 crates wheels, 30 cases wood pulp, 77 cases rollers, 29 cases sweepers, 15, cases scales, 93 packages sundries. The Poherua is expected to leave Westport. for Wellington to-night, with a cargo of coal. The Kiripaka', on arrival at Patea from Wellington this trip, is to be laid up for the present. The Flora is to load at the Grey for Wellington to-day. She is to return to Westport from . this port. ' , ' Captain Hunter is now in charge of tho Rotomahana, Captain Manning standing- by the Mararoa at Lyttelton. The Government steamer TutaneKai left forGreymouth yesterday afternoon, taking . the Premier to the West Coast port. Mr. W. Cunningham, who has been on a holiday trip to Australia rejoined the Monowai as purser at Lyttelton-on Saturday.' Air. Morley has rejoined- the Wairuna as chief officer, and it is stated that Mr. Naylor wilrjoin tho Warrimoo as chief officer: . A ketch, supposed to be the Argus, laden with timber from the Sounds, arrived in the stream at 3 o'clock' yesterday morning., v The' Alexander is expected to. arrive from Nelson about Wednesday, when she will be placed on the Slip for cleaning and painting. The Hauroto is oxpected to liavo her overhaul completed by to-morrowj when she is to leave Port Chalmers for Auckland, to re-enter the Island trade. ' , The Shaw-Savill steamer Maori arrived from London via Aupkland on Saturday afternoon, and was taken to tho power anchorage to discharge explosives. - The Whangapo, bound from Napier to Oarnaru, put in to the stream yesterday afternoon for bunker coal. The vessel is to resume her voyage to-day. The stoamer Aymeric, which arrived in the stream 011 Saturday, dragged her anchor- during yesterday's blow, but was soon removed back to her former position. ; ' . Messrs. Bannatyne and Co. advise that the Tasman, sailing to-morrow, is carrying a cargo of explosives, and consequently will be unable to, take any passengers this trip. „ The Shaw-Savill Company advise, that it has beon decided to delete Niipier from the loading programme of the lonic, and substitute Gis-. borne; The vessel is to load at Gisborne on May. 8-and 9. . . The i cargo steamer Aymeric, in charge of Captain Shotton, arrived in the stream at 1.15 on Saturday afternoon. : The vessel is bound from Valparaiso to Newcastle, and has'called .for bunker'coal.- . • • - The Tarawera; which is relieving tlie Maheno for the run to Melbourne,' is under the'command of' Captain Hutchings, with Mr. J. G. Doorly as chief officer. The other officers transferred from the Mahcno. The wooden brigantine Carin, 269 tons register, well known in New Zealand, which has been laid up at .Hobart since. December 22, 1906, was practically destroyed by fire on tho morning of April 17. The wreck is stated to bo valueless. . 1 The Tysor -liner Whakarua, now on her way to London, loaded the following cargo in -New Zealand:—Bluff—Frozen meat, 993,3231b.. Gisborne—Frozen moat, 924,6981b. . Wanganui— Frozen' meat, 694,8901b. Wellington—Frozen meat, 373,STSlb. Napier—Frozen meat, 331,7881b. T0ta1—3,318;5771b., equal to 1481 tons. In addition, the vessel took general produce. '■ •During thb time the Shaw Savill steamer Maori was in dock at Auckland she had a new blade fitted to her propeller in place of the one that was stripped on the way out from England, and the damage which this latter did to the hull was also repaired. The tail-shaift was drawn-and examined, and the hull waa cleaned and painted. ■ MAIL NOTICES. : " ' ' Subject to necessary alteration! mails will close at the Chief Post Office as under-:— , THIS DAY. ' New Plymouth and Auc!dand K per Manawatn train, 6.30 a.m. . . .. Westport, per Oreti, 10- aim. Blenheim, per Opawa, 1.20 p.m. Westport, per Talune, 4 p.m. Nelson, Westport, Greymouth, and. Hokitika, per Charles Edward, 4.20 p.m. y Blenheim, per Blenheim, 7.45 p.m. Picton, Blonheim, French Pass, and Nelson also Havelock and Bays,-to connect with s.a Elsie at Picton, per Pateena, 11.50 a.m." Napier,' Gisborne, and Auckland, per Mono wai,- 3.20 p.m. [ Motueka, via Waikawa and Admiralty Bays 1 per Manaroa, 3.20. p.m. . Greymouth; per Petone, 5 p.m. ' Southern Offices of New Zealand, per Maori, 6 p.m. • TUESDAY, MAY 5. ' Picton, Blenheim, Nelson,. Westport, .Greymouth,'and Hokitika, per Te Anau, 11 a.m. Picton, Blenheim, Nelson, -Westport,- Groymouth and Hokitika, per Mapourika,, 11.50 a.m. , Southern Offices of New Zealand, per Waikare, 4.20 plm. . ':. Southern Offices of New Zealand, per Rotomaliana, 6 p.m. Picton, Blenheim, and Nelson, per Pateena, 7.45 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MAY 6. . Picton and Blenheim, per Corinna, 9 a.m. New Plymouth and Auckland, per Takapuna, 4.20 p.m. THURSDAY", MAY 7. United Kingdom and Continent of Europe, via Monte Video, Rio de Janeiro, and Teneriffe (duo London, June 19), for. specially addressed correspondence only, per Tongariro, : , 11 a.m. Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, also Australian States (due Sydney, May , 15), per Mokoia, 4.20 p:m. Southern Oflices of New Zealand, also An'str*.— lian States (due Melbourne, May 16),' per Wap rimoo, 4.20 p.m. ' / FRIDAY, MAY 8. : ■ Ceylon, India, China, Straits Settlements, " South Africa, also Continent of Europo and United Kingdom, via. Brindisi (duo London June 14), per Moeraki, 2 p.lll. , Australian States "(duo Sydney May 12), per : Moeraki, 3 p.m. , Mails for the Commonwealth- of Australia, Ceylon, India, China, Japan, Straits Settlements, also South Africa, Continent of Europe, and United Kingdom, close at Auckland, per Victoria, to-day, at 4.15 p.m. ■ Mails for Australian States, etc., close at Auckland, per Victoria, this day, at 4.15 p.m., and at Bluff, per Tarawera,; at 3 p.lll. The next best dispatch ( foj Continent of Europe and United Kingdom, will be via Brindisi, closing at -Wellington, per Moeraki, 011 Friday, May B,' at 2 p.m. The'' next best dispatch for Canada and United States of America will be via Van- - couver, leaving Wellington bv Manawatu train, on Tuesday, May 12, at G. 30 a.m. All books and sample-packets and newspapers for places within the Dominion must uc posted half-an-hour 'beforo the ordinary letter-mail closes. - Unless otherwise specified, registered letters and parcels-post packages must be handed in and money-orders obtained one hour before ths ordinary mail closes. J A. HUTTON, Chief Postmaster. . May 4.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 188, 4 May 1908, Page 10
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4,551SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 188, 4 May 1908, Page 10
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