, PHASES OF THE MOON. MAY. . V . Day. Hr. m. New moon 1 3. 3 a.m. First quarter 8 10.53 p.m. Full moon 1G 4. 2 p.m. Last quarter ... 23 11.47 a.m. New Jiioon ... .J SO 2.44 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 4.40 a.m.; 5.3 p.m. ' - To-morrow, 5.13 a.m.; 5.58 p.m. ' SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.37 a.m.; sets, 4.59 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, APRIL 30. f , ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (G. 15 7i.m.), 1777 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Murray, Livingstone, Thomas, Fernandez, Buckley, Carston, Mesdames Horrell, Simpson, Winchero, Cassidy, Bull, Jnmieson, Struthers, Leathani, Penhay, Messrs. M'Kay, Horrell, Simpson, Allen, Taylor, Bruce, Milne, Beattey, Storey, Lambert, M'Phee, jßallantyne, Meares, Rowe, Brown, Bickerton, Cassidy, Bell, M'Que'en, Mitchell, Galbraith, Bull, Buckley, Muuro, Highway, White, • Griinnjett, Raull. Ballingcr; Clarkson, Leathain, Fergusson, Goodwin, Roulston,'Buttle, Dean, Douglas, Ferris, Scott, Maaka, Fohio, Graham, Morris; 33 steerage: ; ■VICTORIA, s.s. (G. 55 a.m.), 2959 tons, Entwistle, f- in Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Dow, Guff Oft, . Gardner, Mrs. Lilies and child, Messrs. Goss, Ellis, Card, Harvey, Bowie, Reese, Lewis, Atkinson, Borthwick, Taylor, Milne; 21 steerage. ROSAMOND, s.s. (9 a.m.), 721 ■ toiiSi Edwin, from Greymouth. . * / ' STORMBIRD, s.s. (9.10 a.m.), 127 tons, M'lntyre, from Wanganui. . ' FLORA, s.s. (9.40 p.m.), 1273 tons, Todd, from Tiinaru ■' - TASMAN, s.s. (9.50 a.m.), 179 tons, Cox, from Nelson, and Motueka: > ■ . BLENHEIM, s.s. (10.40 p.m.); 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. , PATEENA, s.s. (11.20 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson and Pictoii. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Von (2), Shuttleivorth, Jludgo, Stubbs, Boot, Gough, Wilkins! Williams, Mesdames Kingsburg, Gilibord, King, Manning, Green, Biggs, Skeet, Kerr, Allen, Vickery, Gower, Patchford, Faulding, PLimsoll, Skclton, Hunter, Frankljni, Sharp, Heal, Gill,.Heine, Cowles, Croll, Tietze, Levins, Ward, Richards, Northcroft, Bryce, Williams,l Messrs. Gibberd, King, Delanoy, Levy, Clough, Smith, Ryan, Green, Faulding, Linklateiy'; Will, Plimsoll, Hunter, Franklyn, Atterson,,Thomas Griffith, Jones, Dr.. Kenny, Lieutenant Kenny, Captain Kenny, Gower, Kent, George, Smale.'L'ock.head, Munro, Jeffries. Connor, Gilford,' M'Lean, Ronen, Costello (2), Gill,-Rev, Ward,' Patchett, Hall, Clifford, Hay, Boyce, Girdwood, Evans, Allport; 27 steerage. MAN A, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 134 tons, Corby, from Patea. •' "■'■■'■ " ,
. • DEPARTURES. Thursday! apeil 30. TALUNE, s.s. (9.50 a.m.), Jordan, for Westport. . ' ■ AYRSHIRE, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 7252 tons, Coull, for Monte Video, Madeira, and Londou. ' KIRIPAKA, s.s. (2.35 p.m.), 133 tons,/Dixon, for Patea. \ ' , > , TOEOA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 388. tons, Peterson, for Gisborne.. i. , '/lONIC,' s.s. (4.15 '12,232 ; 't0n5,.-Carter, for, Lyttcltoh. . . ; ' yICTQfRIA, s.s. f (5.15. p.m.);* -2969. tons,- 1 Entwistle, for Sydney, via Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. Passengers—Saloon: For NapierMisses 1 Bulford;-: Mesdames Biilford, Messrs. M'Lean, Alwara. For Gisborne—Messrs.". Sned-don,-R. Mitchell, N. Hyslop, "\Dick. For Auckland—Mesdames Lane, j. Edie, Messrs. Edie, .Gibbons, J. , Edie. '..For Sydney—Messrs. James, Davidson ;-15 steOrage. TASMAN, s.s. ,(G p.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for Nelson and Motueka. - MAHENO, s.s. (G. 25 p.m.), 5282 tons, Neville, 'for Melbourne,- via South and Hobart. Passengers—Saloon:' For Lyttelton—Misses Har.ton, Hempton, M'Callum," Farra (3), Mesdames Hempton, Smith and child, Josling, Eoss, "Dukes, Messrs. Jones,' Brown, Jepson, More, Berthwick, Jocohj T , Blair, Trapnell (2), Winter, Bozini, Rov. Fox, Black, Josling. For vDunediri—Misses '■ Kinwig, Cockburri : :' (2)j Oouchman, Mesdames Maxwell and 3 children, Saundors, D. Prico, , Messrs. Duke, Hansen, Webster, Thornewell, Price, Duke (2), Solomon, -Bouse,' Col. Hume; Chase-Morris.. "ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (8 p.m.), 1777 tons, Manning; '-for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Misses,'-Murison, Allen, Wooton, M'Donald, Mesdames Wliittaker and 2 children, Jonos, Messrs. Black, Hon. R. M'Nab, 1 Grace, Gran't, Midlano, Jones, Master Dignian, A'Court, Eyaiis, Dall, Grant, Thomas, Goss, Tanner," 'Grace,- Bourne, ■ Wisha'rt, Watson," Storey. . WAIHI; s.s.' (10 p.m.), 92 tons, Carey,. for Blonheim. \ V . ... OP A WA, s.s. (11 p.iu.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim/ - : „ ROSAMOND, s.s. (midnight), 121 tons, Edwin, .for Greymouth.;, , ; ! EXPECTED ARRIVALS^ ; Opawa,. Blenheim, 1 May 1. 1 \ ' Wakatu, ,Lyttelton via. Coast, May 1. Pareora; Greymouth, May 1. Kamona, Westport, May 1. ' Surrey, Waitara, May.l. • ;■ Rakaia, Napier, May 1. ■ Ulimaroa, Melbourne, nobart/ and South,. "May 1. ' "' ■ " I Mokoia, Sydney, Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier, May 1. . ■ % . Rotoiti, Onehunga and New Plymouth, May 1. Flora, Timarii, May l. ■: , A ■_ '. V Waverley, Wanganui, May 1. ■ . Huia, Wanganui, May.' l." ■; . Maori, Lyttelton, May 1.. '.. i... V. '. v . . Queen of-the South, Foxton,-May ,1. Mararoa,i Lyttelton, May .2; Mapourika, West Coast/and Nelson,-May, 2.:. Kiripaka, Patea, May' 2. Tainui, Waitara, May 2. Waihi, Blenheim, Mav 2. Kotuku, Greymouth, May 2.., .>• Tasman, Nelson 'awl; Jlotueka, May. 2. Charles Edward, 'Foxtonl May. .3. > Kittawa, Timaru, May 3. Kaiapoi, "Westport, May 3. Monowai, Dunedin and Lyttelton, May 3. Manaroa,: Havelock, May 3. • Te Anau, Southorn ports, May 5. Corinna, ' Onehunga. and New Plymouth, May 5. \ '■ . Waikaro, Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier, May 5. Warrimoo, Sydney, May, 6. Tongariro, Waitara, May G. ; Takapuna, Onehunga and New Plymouth, May G. :.
V PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Himitangi, Greymouth, May 1. , Kah'u, Bast Coast and Niipier, May 1. Aorere, Patea, May 1. i '' •Stormbird, Wangamri, May 1. .'Ulimaroa, Sydnoy, May 1. Mokoia, Lyttelton and Dunedin, May I. 1 , Flora, West port and Greymouth, May 1. Waverley, Nelson and West-Coast, May. 1. Huia, Wanganui, May l. : .Maori, Lyttelton, MayVl.' Pateena, Nelson via/Picton, May 1 Blenheim, Blenheim, May 1. ■ Mana, Patea, May 1. . • Arahura, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, May 2. < ... Opawa, Blenheim, May 2. Tasman, Nolson and Motueka, May 2. Wai'hi, Blenheim, May 2. Tainui,.Waitara, May 2. Wakatu, Lyttelton via Coast,, May 2. Queen of tho South, Poxton, May 2. I Mararoa, Lyttelton, May 2. ' Kiripaka, Patea, May 2. ' Rakaiu, Bluff, May 3. Kotoili, Nelson, New Plymouth, 1 and Onohunga, May 3. Surrey, Napier, May 4. . • •' Charles Edward, Nelson and West Coast, May 4. ■ . - ' ' Manama, Motueka, May 4. / Monowai, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, May 4. ' ' To Anau, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, May 5. . /Waikare. Lyttelton and Dunedin, May 5. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, May .5. Comma, Southern ports, May G. Tnkapuna, New Plymouth and Onehunßa, May G. AVarrimoo, Melbourne, via Hobart and South, May 7. Tongariro, London, May 7. (NT E El COLONIAL SERVICE. ;; STEAMERS TO ARRIVE MOKOIA, s.s., left Sydney, April 22, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier.. Duo Wellington May 1. Leaves samo day. for Lyttelton and Dunedin. . ■ ' ULIMAROA, 1 s.s., left Melbourne, April .22, for Welliugtou, yia Hobart and Southern
ports. Due Wellington' May 1. Leaves snmo day for Sydney diruct. Duo Sydney May 5. MOERAKI, s.s., loft Melbourne, April 29, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Duo Wellington, May 8. Leaves same day for Sydney .direct. Due Sydney, May, 12. WARRIMOO, s.s., leaves' Sydney, May 2, for Wellington direct. Due "Wellington, iMay 6. Leaves next day for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart'. Duo Melbourne, May 10. WIMMERA, s.s., left Sydney, April 29. via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington, May'B. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. .. (JLIMAROA, s.s., leaves Sydney, May 9, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington, May 13. Leaves next day for Melbourne via Southern ports and Hobart. Due Melbourne, May 23. MAITAI, s.s., leaves Melbourne, May 6, fcr Wellington via Hobart .and Southern ports. Due Wellington, May 15. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney, May 19. • n OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. MAORI (due Wellington about May 3), Balled on February 13. via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) NIWARU (due Wellington about . May 11), sailed.on .February 2D. via (Australian ports,' 1 Auckland, and Napier.- (Tyser Line, agents.) TUItAitINA (due Wellington about May-9), 1 sailed on 'March. 14. via Auckland. ''New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) PAPAIIOA (due Wellington about May 9), Bailed on March 19. Plymouth,-March 21, via Capetown and Hobart (New Zealand ''Shipping Co., agents.) - ... ATHENIC (due Wellington about "May IS), sailed on April 2, Plymouth April i, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill,' agents.): . PAPANUI (due Wellington about June 6), sailed April 18, via Capetown and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping C 0.,. agents.) MATATUA (due Wellington. about June' 9), sailed' April 10, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill Co., agents.) From Llveroool. INDRAGHIRI (due Wellington about Maj 3), sailed on February 28, via. Auckland. Cl'yser Line, agents.) '. . MORAYSHIRE (due Wellington- about. May 16), sailed on March 7, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) WHAICATANE (duo Wellington' about May 22), sailed on March 21, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) CORNWALL (duo Wellington about Juno 12), sailed on April 11, for Australian-and New Zealand ports. (F.H.S. Line.. agents.) ' From New -York. - \ AFRICAN MONARCH (dun Wellington about May 15), Bailed on February 29, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) ■ MIMIRO (due Wellington about May 11), sailed, on February 29,: via Australia and Auckland. BUCEROS (due Wellington about June 20), sailed on April 8, via Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) ■ ■' ' , ' ■ STAR OF NEW ZEALAND.(due Wellington about June 2G), sailed on April i 2, for Australian and New Zealand ports. (Tyser Lino, agonts.) . f: SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. ■ RENFIELD:> four-masted barquentine, left Liverpool. February 20, .for ■ Wellington. V DARTFORD, ship,- left Newcastle. April 4. for .Wellington. I CASABLANCA, barque, left' Newcaltle, April 28, for. Wellington. ■. : .-. LAURA, .barque, left -Port' Stephens, April 27, for Wellington. .
; BY TELEGRAPH: ' r : / ' OVERSEA. - j; , A KEPPBL- BAT. . i; f/. '• -• -April 30.froniVNewj,Zealand.. * Sailed.—Geni, barque, 'for Barbadoes. f COASTAL. ' i ' ' THURSDAY,-APRIL 30. AUCKLAND. Arrived.,—H.M.S. Pioneer, from Sydney.. ;■ Sailed.—Maori (X p.m.), for Wellington. : V ONEHUNGA. •Arrived.4E'arawa (8.30 a.m.), jfrom, New Plymouth. i-' - . •Sailed.—Earawa (3.15 p.m.), for New Plymonth: Passengers: Saloon—Misses"Keith, Andean, Nolan,"Burr, Reid, Cole, Eyre, Shand.Veale, Booth, ; Mesdames Hunt, East, Burr, White, Spencer, Craig, Messrs. Hunter, French, Burr, East, •'Jl'Gie. (2), Baker, O.Kay, Somerville, Wynne, Gay, Goodacre, Endean, White, Rev. Spencer. - • . . WAITARA. Sailed.—Surrey (3.15 p.m:), > for Wellington; , NEW PLYMOUTH. ■ Arrived.—Eotoiti (5.40 a.m.), from Onehunga. (Connected with espress.) '■■■■.• Arrived.-rTakapuna (8.15 a.m.), ..from Wellington. ■'« ' Sailed.—Eotoiti (5.10:p,m.),' for Wellington. ; Sailed —Corinna, (9 p.m.),-for Onehunga.;.--. ■ WANGANUI. ' (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington. . ; ■ FOXTON. Arrived.—Queen of the' South (10 aim.), from Wellington.' ' - ' Sailed.—Queen of the South (8 ' p.iiu),'for Weir lington. ; , ;• < EAST CAPE. Wanaka (4.30 p.m.), passed south. ■ ' ■ - v GISBOEXE. Arrived.—Amokura (noon), ; from Auckland. Sailedi—Amokura (7 p.m.), for Napier. NAPIER. ~ Sailed.—Mokoia (3 :p.mOi and Bakaia (3.15 ;p.m.), for Wellington! ' westport; : ' ' Arrived.—Mapourika (G a;m.), from Nelson. , Arrived.—Terawhiti ■ (6.30 p.m.), from , "Wellington. ■ i ■ i ■ Arrived.—Poherua (7.5 p.m.), from Wellington. - • . Sailed—Mapourika, (9 : a.m.), for Greymouth. j. Sailed.—liaituna (9'a.m.),'for Timaru. ■: l geeymouth. - : i Arrived.—Petone (7.30 a.m.) and Kotuku (7.45 a.m.), from Wellington. * Arrived.—Putiki (1.30 p.m.), from Wellington. > Sailed.—Pareora-(11.10 a.m.), for Wellington. I LYTTELTON. . • Arrived.—Kitfawa (4.30 a.m.), from Westport. Arrived.—Maori (6.5G a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Tongariro (7.30 a.m.), from Timaru.! Sailed.'—Ulimaroa (G. 15 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers for Wellington—Misses Bland, Hen-, derSon, M'Lean, Black,, Strange, Mesdames Brookes and child, Kerr and Bennett, M'Lean, Hearn, Thompson, Baillie, Tosix, Wilson, Taylor, Messrs. Hanbury, Ben-, nett, M'Farland,, J.-Fisher, Hobday, Clayton, Matheson, Foster, Mitchell, M'Donald, Bowman, •Baynor, Simpson, Eamsay,' Morgan, - Eeenfrew, Wilson, Morton, Dempster,. Phillips. l For Sydney—Misses Cowlishaw, Martin (2), Coe "(2),' Armstrong, Taylor, Loxton, Graves (2), Nurse Jones, Mesdames Fairlyirst, Eaudall, Martin, Peacock,'; Armstrong, Gabsley, Gibson and child, Berry,: Howarth and child, Parker' Fraser, Black, Rev. J. C. Martin, Lieutenant -Dalgety, Messrs. J. D. Fairhurst, Coe, H. Conn J. MTJae, Peacock, T. E. Taylor, G. Arm! strong, F. W. Tucker, E. R. Wills, Henry, Berry, H. Hiords, R. E. M'Dougall, A. F Brooke,. L. W. Gibson, H. '■ Barker, H." r' Parker, Macfarlaue, Atkinson, Sise, Hummine' Fraser, Black,; Masters Gibsons, Fraser Sailed.—Maori (8.15 p.m.), for Wellington. - Sailed.—Devon, for Dimedin. Sailed.—Gowanburn, for Auckland. SailedA-Wakatu and Cygnet, for ICaikoura. TIMARU. Sailed.—Flora. (10.40 p.m., 20th), for Wellington. ' PORT CHALMERS. . Arrived.—Komata (12.15 p.m.),' from Well in k.ton. x i: DUNEDIN.. Arrived.—Monowai, from Auckland. Arrived.—-ICaramea, from Oamaru. Arrived—Te Anau and Komata, from West Coast. EIMUTAKA AT MONTE VIDEO. Cable advice received by the local office of the Now Zealand Shipping Co. states that the steamer Rimutaka, which left'-Wellington for Loudon on April 9, arrived, at Monte Video on Wednesday. The vessel is due at Plymouth about May 23. A NEW BLACKBALL COLLIER. It is reported by "Fairplay" that the Now Zealand Shipping Company has contracted with Messrs. A. Rodger and Co., Port Glasgow for the construction of a collier of about 225 ft.' in length. This probably refers to a new collier ordered by the above company as local agents for the Blackball Coal Compauv. Tlio new vessel is expected to replace the Paieora. She is ,to be ready about September, and will have an approximate tonnage of 1500 tons.
CAKGO BY THE AYRSHIRE. _The steamer Ayrshire, loaded under the New Zealand Shipping Co., got away.for.'London yesterday afternoon. .The" vessel took the following cargo from Wellington:— 377G carcasses mutton and lamb, 77-t bales- hemp, 335 bales wool, 208 casks tallow, 30 cases kidney's,. 19 bales skins, 12 bales tow. L SHIP CASTLE ROCK MISSING. A cable message received by' the Sydney Marine Underwriters' Association states that the ship Castle Rock has been posted "missing" at Lloyd's. The Castle Rock was dispatched from Sydney by Messrs. AV. Scott Fell and Co., Ltd., on Septomber 25 last, with 3003 tons of South Clifton .'coal for Seattle, but since clearing the heads has not been sighted. She is a steel vessel, 1787 tons t. and 1912 tons gross register, and was built at Glasgow in 1892 by Messrs. C. Connell and Co., to the order of Messrs. J. Cornfoot and Co. ' SAILINGS—PICTON TO NELSON. •The approximate time-table of sailings of Union Company passenger steamers from; Picton for Nelson for the month is'as under:— ■ Pateena.—Friday, May 1, 10.30 p.m. -. • .Arahura.—Saturday, May 2, 10.30 p.m. Pateena.—Monday, May. 4, 5.30 p.m. , " Pateona.MVednesday, May 6, G p.m. Pateena.—Friday, May 8, 6.30'-p.m. . \ May 9, G. 30 p.m.' ' Pateena.—Monday, May 11, 7 p.m. , Pateena.—Wednesday, Slay 13, 7.30 p.m. Pateena.—Friday, May 15, 9.30, p.m. .Arahura.—Saturday, May IG, 10 p.m. - ; Pateena.—Monday, May 18, 11 p.m. .! Pateena.--Wednesday, May 20, 5.30 p.m. > Pateena.—Friday;.. May 22, 6 p.m.. ■ Arahura.V-Saturday, May 23, G p.m. . vPateena.—-Monday,'May 25, 7 p.m. . . ■ Pateena.—AYednesdav, May 27, 7 p.m. '' Pateena.- -Friday, May 29, 9.30 p.m. •' ; Arahura.—Saturday, May 30, 10 p.m. COURSE RECORD FINDER. Success has attended the mission of Captain Forbes to England to bring under the notice of the Admiralty his inventionr thb course and record finder,'-. which Mr. W. G. Sprigg, the secretary of the company which is finantlie invention, has been advised is beiiv ntted. to_ four of the new destroyers of the British Navy. Captain Forbes was for many years master of the Hobson's Bay steamer fidina, and his invention was perfected whilst ,he. was in charge of that vessel. The apparatus records on a chart , the course a vessel travels, so that any deviation mado owing, to currents can be seen at once and corrected. The Admiralty is a most conservative body, proverbially- Slow to adopt any liew invention, • and the fact that Captain Forbes' has managed in less ■ -5J 1 i vo y?® rs '° so impress the sea lords yrith the utility of his apparatus as to cause them to' submit it to severe trials, and then, to order its installation" on four "of the latest destroyers, speaks (says the Melbourne "Age") volumes for their lordships'" appreciation of t ' le 'invention. The ( vessels on' winch it is understood the apparatus is being ntted are four of. the five new 33-knot destroyers ordered last year,-and of-which the Tartar is 1 l punched. In addition to the destroyers, the Dover to Calais boats are now using the invention, and by last mail Mr. Sprigg received information that the Cunard. Company would fit it to their mammoth steamers Lusitania and Mauretania. In' the foggy waters; around the British, Isles and North America...the invention should prove, an invaluable .help to safe navigation. The com.pany is largely formed of people in Melbourne and Geelong. ' ■ '■■■•.
' ' ! ULUIAROA IN , ROUGH WEATHER. Several of those who made the passage across from Hobart by the Ulimaroa this trip aro likely to remember their experiences for some come (says the "Otago Daily Times"). Whilst en route to Bluff last Saturday tho steamer encountered a brisk S.W. breeze, accompanied with high, confused seas, ' which .struck the vessel abeam, causing her • to roll -badly, and out of the small number of. passengers who managed to remain on deck several came to griof.. Onei yoiing lady liailing':'from Bluii was tossed out of .'her deck chair into the lee_ souppers like a football, 5 but fortunately she .escaped with'a shaking.. One gentleman, on his way to Dunedin, was thrown violently against, the starboard railing, but escaped with nothing worse than a badly-skinned nose and a black eyo with which to greet his fnends(pn t arriral, -AjipthefygeiidemAn, vh'ailing from Madras, had a similar' experience,' but, being stunned by his violent ,contact with the railings, remembered nothing about the mishap until', after..receiving .first; aid, a-.sore head and badly bruised body attesting to the violence of his fall.'A little later-a' hoavy sea. broko'over the starboard quarter, knocking a stewardess off her feet into the lee scuppers, but beyond a few bruises and a severe fright'the; lady escaped injury. An iron ventilator was snapped off. level Avith the deck, and portion of thestar.board;railing was lifted bodily'out of; place; whilst: down-in the cabins tho trunks and other impedimenta took complete possession', of all tho available floor space; but as most. of the passengers ' w ( &re lying in their berths-. in astate of . semi-oblivion, their . meditations on man's insignificance were /practically undisturbed by these trifles. On the following day the weather, moderated, the remainder of the trip to Dunedin .beingvmado under much .more pleasant climatic conditions. '■
- . LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES. ' - ~ ' ADpiTION^L / RULES. i v , ' v The ;following /additional .rules '.as ' to' lifesaving appliances for ships are gazetted and will come into, force on 1 January 1, 1909: _ 1. AH lifobelts, with the exception meiitioned in .Paragraph 2, which are inspected' for the first timo after January 1, 1909, must comply at least with the following requirements in' the matter, of length, covers,- tapes, sewing,-'cork'' and marking :-Length: Tho belts are to be rat least 50in. long from outside of cork to outside' of cork. Covers:. The covers are tobe made of all-linen Tecklenburg, weighing: not: less than Goz. to tlie yard, with a width of 27in;" 'Tapes: The'tapes aro; to be of linen-thread web -ljin. wipe, and capable of bearing a. strain of 2001b. ■ The ends of the tapes where they are attached to the covers are to be doubled, and tho ends are to be displayed. The free length of each tying-tapo is to bo 38in. The shoulderconnection' is to' consist of a 100p,.0f a - free length of 3ik: on one side, and a strap 30in. long on thei other. Sewing: The tops of the covers are to ba sewn with material which is to be doubled, and of not less strength than No. 25a five-cord Whittemore cord! All other sewing is to be made with linen thread not less than No. 50. There shall be. not more than ten pockets, in a belt;; and if more than onco piece of cork is used in-any pocket the: following rules shall bo with, viz.(a.) If the cork is put in length ways,- not more than two pieccs may bo used in each pocket, , and each piece must be the full length of the pocket and not less than half the., width.' .(b.) If the cork is put. ; in breadthways, not more, than three pieces may be used in each pocket, and each pieco must be of tho full breadth of the pocket-and not less than one-fourth the length, (c.) If two or more pieces of : cork,aro pegged or glued together, each pieco used ■ ill making up the block is to count as a separate piece. , Marking.—Each belt is to be marked,"Warranted to pass Marine Department Survey." ' 2.*' Nothing in the foregding is .to prevent a higher -standard being followed in any of the particulars mentioned; and the specification "does not apply in the. case of .pelt's of special construction for 'which a certificate of approval (Surveys 115) has been granted by the Board of Trciclft .i Belts originally passed before January, 1, 1909 need not be rejected because they do not comply in all respects with the above specification, -provided that the bupyanpy is satisfactory and the belts are,strong and fit for the purpose for which they aire intended. 4 Auv belt which' lias not the. required buoyancy, or which, ill the Surveyor's. opinion, is not'fit for the purpose for which it is intended, should be ' 5 Belts not previously passed by a surveyor, but which were obtained or- ordered prior to the gazetting of these regulations, need not be rejected bccauso tlicy do not comply in all respects with the above regulations, provided tho buoyancy', is satisfactory and the belts are eh-nnf and fit for .tho,purpose for which tlioy 'ire intended, and provided, further, ■ they aro approved ar.t! stamaed bi- a surveyor of ships.
'The Kotuku- is*fotwch>d' to leave Greymouth this morning, loaded; for Wellington. , The little ketch- Argus,was to have left Have-, lock on Tuesday, laden with timber for Miraniiir. ' ■ ' The ketch Lizzie Taylor, laden with produce, arrived from Timaru at 11 o'clock on Thursday night. Tlio barque Cambusdoon,. 1522 tons, has been chartered to load a general cargo at New York for (Ho colonies. The Federal-Houlder-Shire -liner Surrey, due from' Waitara to-day, will not get away for Napier until 'midday--on'-Monday. ■ The annual meeting of the Merchant Service Guild, which was set down for yesterday, lias been postponed until Tuesday next. According to advices received .in Australia, the Tyscr liner Tomoana.left London on April 20 for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand .ports. V
Tlie Union Company's new steamer Waite* " mi a * a Is e *P® c ted to leave Home to-morrow* The vessel is coming to New -Zealand, via Fromantle. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rakaia, due from' Napier to-day, will not get away for the Bluff before Sunday, or perhaps Monday.) Captain Hunter left for Lyttelton last night, . to take /over the command of the Union Company's.steamer Rotomahana. - Captain Manning is to joiii the Mararoa. The future movements of the Union Company's steamer Rotomahana,-which-is to pro- v ceed to Mclbourno at an early date, have not . yet been definitely settled. . , The collier ICamona was to -leave AYestport • ' for AVellington at 9 o'clock last night. The Kaituna is to leave AYestport at 9 this morn- • ing for Tiniaru and Dunedin; : According to the '-'Otago Daily Times," Mr. . •Morley is to rejoin the AYairuna as chief officer, and Mr. E. Naylor will join tha Mararoa in a similar capacity. The Maheno, which left Lyttelton and Dun-' cdin yesterday, is to lay up for an overhaul'on arrival at Dunedin. The Tarawera is taking tho Maheno's run to Melbourne.' The training ship Amokura arrived at Giß- ' borne yesterday, and is to come on to Napier .and-Wellington.'. She_ will probably not arrive here until the ■ beginning, of next week. .■ • Advice'received by Captain Smith states that the naval drill ship H.M.S. Pioneer arrived at. Auckland from Sydney yesterday, and will s be ready to commence drill on Monday next. The Hinemoa'is expected to' leave Auckland on Saturday, when she will visit'.-the light- ' houses iii and around .tho Gulf,'and then proceed north, returning to Wellington via the ; West- Coast. ' . .. Mr. P. Molyneaiix, who came over from .' Newcastle as chief officer of the Mararoa, is to relieve Mr. Doorley as assistant wharfinger at Lyttelton. - Mr.' ; Doorley is proceeding to headquarters for orders.' ... V 1 , ■ The Union Company's steamer Kitta.wa is to load at Lyttelton' to-day and- Timaru to-morrow for Wellington. She is due hero on Sunday, and is to go on tor Pictoil, AVestport,' and ■ from this port. N / Captain Henning, one' of the bestv,knowtf . and most popular captains of the CanadianAustralian line, has probably jailed his last voyage 'on this route (says • the Auckland "Star"). He is proceeding by. the Aorangi to and from there will journey on to London. Shipowners are still turning their.• attention'to New Zealand for'coal, arid it is anticipated(says the " Commercial 'News") that with a iittlo assistance from the New-Zealand'Govern- ' ment iri keeping down charges,; such'as lightdues, etc., that the time is not -fat.- distant - when AVellington' 1 (as tho "most central port in the Dominion) will become a coaling port of - some importance. ; A lot of new coal mines are ' being opened out, ond one—the. Brunner—has just been registered'in London. The Seiiford - is being floated—the timbering has- arrived ■ N for the ( Paparoa mine, so thiags are . .likely■ to hum in a few months. Already some of < the coal companies are ueginning 'to wake up - to tho idea of an export trade. Messrs. Elder Dempster, of London, are writing the West- ; port Harbour Board for information as to the facilities for loading there with .'a view ; of coaling their,.-vessels, or some of them -~ there. One thing in favour of the New Zealand coal trade is'that vessels will get quicker dispatch froiii New Zealand coal ports than they will.from Newcastle—and strikes are not so fro , quent. • ' '•
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 186, 1 May 1908, Page 10
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4,077SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 186, 1 May 1908, Page 10
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